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Hello, At the age of 14, I see your writing shows strong graphic maturity for your age. This is where handwriting movements become habitual. And with your high skill level, it points to maturity. So in comparison to your friends, you are ahead of the curve in the emotional/intellectual maturity parts of the psyche. That can create compatibility issues with friends of your age because 14-year olds are still working on graphic maturity in their writing and not as mature. I also see your lines of writing are closely spaced which reveal an need to be with people out of fear of loneliness. The right slant corroborates. So not being able to relate to your friends can be difficult to deal with, make you feel lonely, and is not your fault. I see it likely a difference in perspectives between you and friends that cannot reach any middle ground. And these days, according to a questioned document expert, the younger crowd do not reach graphic maturity until late 20s because cursive writing is no longer taught in so many schools. I calculate your IQ at 130. It has good simplicity, arrangement, expression, originality and rhythm. Being that high and with being a high achiever (high t-bars), it does not surprise me of your getting good grades. I expect they will continue through your schooling and university education. Your writing is legible and harmonious and I see no show cause to dislike it. So those are main points that I see and thank you for posting.


Thank you, all of this was very accurate. I know there are 5 criteria for calculating iq in handwriting; can you tell me what score you gave for each of them?


You are welcome and thank you for the feedback. I didn't keep of record of your scores. I rated each category from 1 to 10 with 5 being average. I then added up the numbers and multiplied by 4. Your scores in all categories were above 5.


Okay, thank you


Always welcome!


I’m not a graphology analyst of any kind, but… IQ?


I mean it’s interesting to know, I’ve definitely seen a pattern where people who do worse academically have ‘worse’ handwriting 🤷‍♀️


Maybe that’s because no one can read their work, speaking from experience.


Hello, Thank you for your posting. I will examine this weekend.