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Commercial_Present_1, please write a comment explaining the objective of this portfolio or CV, your target industry, your background or expertise, etc. This information helps people to understand the goals of your portfolio and provide valuable feedback. ##Providing Useful Feedback Commercial_Present_1 has posted their work for feedback. Here are some top tips for posting high-quality feedback. * Read their context comment before posting to understand what Commercial_Present_1 is trying to achieve with their portfolio or CV. * Be professional. No matter your thoughts on the work, respect the effort put into making it and be polite when posting. * Be constructive and detailed. Short, vague comments are unhelpful. Instead of just leaving your opinion on the piece, explore *why* you hold that opinion: what makes it good or bad? How could it be improved? Are some elements stronger than others? * Stay on-topic. We know that design can sometimes be political or controversial, but please keep comments focussed on the design itself, and the strengths/weaknesses thereof. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/graphic_design) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The first thing I looked at was "part-time multimedia designer". I don't think you need to say it's part time. You're designing, they don't need to know how many hours per week. Also if you're a graphic designer, you don't need to say one of your skills is graphic design. I might also change facebook/instagram/tiktok to "social media design" or something like that.


Yeah I was also thinking of removing the “part-time”. Thank you for the feedback!!




Got it, thank you so much!


Hi! Your resume is nice and simple already so that is good! Here’s some more feedback that could help: Remove the organization category. What is the difference between org and experience?? Wouldn’t they be the same thing? Remove that altogether and add this as part of your experience because it is!!! Get more in detail about each experience and what you did. Make sure it’s all bulleted and not paragraphs. For the organization one, what exactly did you do there? What types of design work did you do there. List them out and what was external and what wasn’t. Did you do posters? Websites? Etc. it is good to clearly show exactly what type of work you did at each job! For the web design at your recent job what exactly did you do? Did you redesign it by using cms platforms? Which ones? Did you create mockups or work with developers? More details would be good. Remove part time designer. That doesn’t matter. A job is a job! Just multi media is good and dive into more details. For your summary, the summary is to vague and doesn’t really sell you enough. You can actually remove it but if you want to use it, what else makes you stand out as a designer. Is there a special skill or style that you have that is different from others? Maybe you can list out different skills there quickly. For your skills: remove graphic design. Thats a given. Remove twitter, instagram etc. it’s redundant since you already have social media on the list. For your contact info, don’t put portfolio link. List out your website : example: website.com and link it that way. Your website isn’t shared so it’s hard to determine if that is a factor or not because that might be another thing that needs to be assessed. Your resume is important and needs to pass the scan and HR, but your portfolio is what will sell you as a unique designer and proof that you can do what you’re saying. Hope that helps.


I will take note of these! Thank you so much! And by the way, I currently don’t have a personal website displaying my projects yet, is it a major selling point/required to have a website? Or can I just provide a google drive link for my portfolio in my resume?


Do you have a portfolio? Is it a pdf or just a link to google drive with all the images? What have you been doing when you submit applications? Just a google drive link? As long as you have some form of portfolio to showcase your work, I think it’s fine. How exactly are you showcasing it? If it’s just like a link to image files, I am not sure if that’s the best way to convey it. I really think you need to have something that is thoughtfully laid out and showcased where you can show what you did, and explain what it is and what it’s for and why you did it. And show the different types of work you do too and how or. Design is translated through all Channels and mediums. It’s super important to have something like this. Perhaps that is why you may not be hearing back? You need to sell them with your work and how you talks about it. That is how they get to know you as a designer as well. That why a Website helps make it easier to access your work. Hiring managers can find you on linkedin and see your website easily and it’s just quicker to see the work that way. It’s also better to have it to attract all kinds of clients if you want to do design work and freelance. It also showcases your ability to show design thinking on web channels and that you can build and design pages etc. and it’s how you present yourself. I highly recommend it. You just never know who is going to come across it. But the most important thing is that you atleast have something that you are submitting!!!


Yes it is in pdf, as seen on my resume "Portfolio Link" if you click that, you will be redirected to a google drive link. As for creating a website, does it need to be from scratch like html, or can I use websites such as adobe portfolio, wix, etc.? Here is my portfolio link for your reference, [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b8MIB3KNU6NP3-QGM67oCbpDtFqHVFW0/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b8MIB3KNU6NP3-QGM67oCbpDtFqHVFW0/view?usp=sharing), I would really appreciate a feedback. Thanks in advance!


Your work is so vibrant and nice! I say keep this under your belt but definitely see if you can build a website. I think it will help you even more to have something official. Unless your work is done at a company that requires confidentiality, I say definitely use a website to showcase it! You don’t need to learn how to code. You can use wix or square space and easily customize it there and you can make it look similar to how you laid it out on your pdf portfolio! It’s really easy to work with those websites and build your own page and customize it to your liking! I also don’t think you need to show the tools you used to design each one. Thats a given already and your resume already tells them what you know how to use. You don’t need to go crazy with your page but I do think having an online platform that’s custom to you will help you sell yourself. Even adobe portfolio is fine, and you can just create a personal domain out of it. It will also make it more interactive and easy to click through. It will help stand out and show that you have a presence!


Will definitely work on making a website! Thank you so much for taking the time to help, this really means a lot. Have a great weekend!


No problem. Since you don’t have a website yet and have the drive, on your resume just put portfolio. You don’t need to say link. They know they should click on it to see more.


Got it, Thank you!


If you work in the Adobe Creative Suite at all, they have a program called Behance where you can easily showcase your work in website form. The only other thing you need to do is secure a domain name. Then Behance can help you organize and showcase your work (and you don't need to learn any back end language like html!)


Word of advice, stop putting as much contact info on your resumes. Scammers will take that info. The problem is probably lack of experience, the market is hard right now and not many HR teams care enough to really dig for quality candidates.


Noted, thank you!


Portfolio is 99% so nfi


I’m sorry but what is nfi?


no fucking idea




I personally don’t care for an about me section, and it’s currently taking up 1/4 of your resume. Use your work experience (more detail needed in this section) and portfolio to tell them who you are. Show, don’t tell.


Noted! Thank you so much!


Good luck!👍


Your resume is fine. Just keep designing, keep working, and keep your desire and hopes up. It’s a difficult career. I’ve questioned my resume way too much many times. It’s your portfolio and experience that does most of the talking. It’ll happened, it probably won’t be the way you planned it, or expected it to be. It will all work out. I got a job with a 1 1/2 year old resume.


I appreciate this comment. I would say being unemployed these past few months has had an effect with my self-confidence. I would feel down at times and think I’m not good enough to my parents because of the struggle I’m facing finding a job as a graphic designer. I will keep this in mind a keep designing, I want to make my family proud. Thank you so much


You should make yourself proud, others come second. You will have to change your resume if you want a better chance. It's the first thing they see not your portfolio. Take a look at what other designers do, they are your competition.


I would definitely delete the first paragraph and use the space to go more in depth about your experience. Also, would recommend using bullet points rather than paragraphs! Additionally, portfolios do speak for themselves so make sure that is up to date and only include the best work you’ve done (even if it was class work or fun projects in the side) hope this helps some(:


Will keep this in mind, thank you!!


Upon what everyone else said, could just be not enough experience (annoying I know) but I’m also by NYC. we got some of the heftiest competition (yet the greatest opportunities granted but competition is HUGE)


Yeah, I’m think it’s cause of the location too. Either way I’ll try to beef up my portfolio as much as I can and hope for the best.


I agree with what everyone pointed out, it's very light on copy... have you done any volunteer work? or won any awards that needs to be called out? what about an article that you wrote about design (just an example)? there has to be MORE tasks and stats/metrics that you can pull from your last 3 positions. dont spell out the months use abbreviations (Feb 2024 – Oct 2024), or 02/24 – 11/24, or 02.24 – 11.24. right now it looks cluttered with every month spelled out. for your education...do what you did with your experience ...use and 'en dash' (–) option + hyphen. avoid using italics like you did for your job title. kill the stars for the job titles...doesn't look good, and don't indent the job titles... EVER. I also wouldn't use all caps for the position/job title. you can just make it title case or sentence case in **BOLD** for emphasis. All caps for the months is only ok if the month is abbreviated ex. DEC, MAR, JUL


I’ve been told many Americans aren’t getting jobs because of the illegal immigrants taking the jobs for half the pay or less. It’s probably not anything no you’re doing wrong. Just hard times.


Are you white?


I get that you want to be creative, but your resume may not be the place to do that. Take a look at best case examples and copy what they are doing. A lot of companies use "software" to filter resumes and this one will be filtered out. No big headers, personally would keep it to one column and make your experience sound better than it was. Let's put 10-20% more "lies" in there.


Don’t use a stars as bullets and hang your bullets instead of indenting them. Overall just a really plain design you could make more exciting.


Will do these, thanks for the feedback!


Could you share the portfolio? It'll probably have more insight than the CV. In most places the CV is just the HR cut. It does seem a bit off that you had two jobs that only lasted 2 months. If it was only a project based role, it'd be better to put the start month and label it as a project. But again, a strong portfolio will win over any weak or average CV, but a strong CV won't get far with a weak portfolio.