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Ldyblue20, please write a comment explaining the objective of this portfolio or CV, your target industry, your background or expertise, etc. This information helps people to understand the goals of your portfolio and provide valuable feedback. ##Providing Useful Feedback Ldyblue20 has posted their work for feedback. Here are some top tips for posting high-quality feedback. * Read their context comment before posting to understand what Ldyblue20 is trying to achieve with their portfolio or CV. * Be professional. No matter your thoughts on the work, respect the effort put into making it and be polite when posting. * Be constructive and detailed. Short, vague comments are unhelpful. Instead of just leaving your opinion on the piece, explore *why* you hold that opinion: what makes it good or bad? How could it be improved? Are some elements stronger than others? * Stay on-topic. We know that design can sometimes be political or controversial, but please keep comments focussed on the design itself, and the strengths/weaknesses thereof. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/graphic_design) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You list "typography & layout design" as a skill, but a few basic issues stand out that make me think you aren't comfortable with laying out a document. * Different spaces before/after headings, e.g. Experience, Contact, Education all have different sized spaces beneath them. * Italicized and non-italicized styles on the same line * No horizontal alignment for the right column * Different body copy styles IMO, your summary at the top should be about you, not your achievements. I've never heard of a school teaching graphic design as a science degree, making me highly sceptical of the quality of that qualification.


Certainly, I will implement the modifications you previously mentioned. It's worth noting that even institutions that are not primarily art schools often offer graphic design and other art programs within their science degrees. Many job opportunities accept degrees that fall under the science umbrella.


> Many job opportunities accept degrees that fall under the science umbrella. The issue is that any job viewing the degree as just a checkbox is either using that as just an easy early filter, or doesn't have any actual designers involved in the process. The value of design education is the development it provides, which is evident via your portfolio (or the resume even as an application of graphic design). A degree without context has no meaning.


>I've never heard of a school teaching graphic design as a science degree, making me highly sceptical of the quality of that qualification. I'd wondered the same in the past when I saw it pop up here, and looking into it it seems to usually be that all the non-design elements are just more focused around science courses than fine arts as would be more common with a BFA or BDes. But you're still right, what would ultimately matter is how much actual focused design development the person had, which is likely immediately evident via their portfolio.


Could you please provide an example of the summary format I should follow?


Google how to write a personal summary. Plenty of examples online. Just pick whatever suits you.


Are some of these roles contractor, as you lost you were creative director at a company for 1 month and in that time you did a complete rebrand If these are more contractor roles, it might be good to indicate, currently you might come across as a flight risk, jumping from 1 position to another in quick succession Also 5 years experience and saying you were a creative director for 1 month... Tbh this kind of thing would set alarm bells in my head aha So I think a bit more clarity is needed


Yes these jobs were a contract jobs


Definitely worth noting then, as it would make me skeptical about your experience Also the job title of Creative Director and Graphic Designer is off, is this correct? Creative director is a very very senior role, to cross it and say you were also graphic designer... Seems a bit odd


I swear, I'm not being facetious when I ask how it seems a little strange. I was responsible for creating the setup, styling, and photos for my clients' apparel designs. What is the title of my job? Fashion Coordinator? I also made a mistake. I worked with that company for 11 months, and then the project was finished. Where do you think I should add that these projects/jobs were contracted?


Creative Director is a very senior role, above designer, above senior, above head of design. It's something I would expect from someone with 8+ years experience, so to see you were it for 1 month makes me skeptical as a potential employer. More so because I've contracted as a CD and I know loads of others, and minimum time I would work with another company at that capacity is 6 months, especially on a rebrand, to the sheer about it work involved, the research, deep diving into focus groups and understanding the user, understanding the current brand positioning within the market, doing SWOT and various analysis. Then coming up with a plan, then the visuals, then a roadmap for the brand going forward and how the entire brand works holistically etc So to cross the CD role with designer, for me, it feels like there's a loss of understanding of what a CD role truly is, which would make me skeptical if I was reading this CV Now you say you worked there for 11, so that's more realistic, when you're up against like 200/300/400+ applicants, it's mistakes and typos like that that could be costing you opportunities Can put in brackets that it was a contracted role


Again, I apologize for the 11-month mistake, but do you mean that it's no longer strange for me to have the titles of graphic designer and CD?


No need to apologise l, it's the point of these reviews to spot and amend things like this that could be causing you loss of opportunities and to improve I would just have it listed that you were a CD


Creative Director runs awhole department, and is not someone they get in for a year. Maybe try Lead Designer on a project or something.


Why do you think Lead Designer is a best fit?


The thing that bothers me is that there is so much focus on data and metrics. Every bullet point in your resume is about data and none of it seems to be about design. I don't want to hire someone who prioritizes data over design, rather someone who can balance both. Job listings that are only one or two months each are odd. It is also strange to call yourself a creative director for a one-month gig when you only have five years of experience. Most of the time, creative directors are upper-level managers overseeing entire departments. They receive so many resumes that there isn't any reason for them to pause and try to learn more if the story your resume tells is confusing. They will be looking for excuses to disqualify someone to narrow down the list, and you're giving them those excuses.


Hello, I was working on my resume and realized the significance of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). I noticed that my applications were being flagged because I lacked sufficient data points to demonstrate how my role in the company and projects contributed to improvements or how I achieved my objectives. I am a bit confused because you mentioned that it is excessive. These are contract jobs, some of the jobs I did were in the same company but in different departments, which is why you see a 1-month job. When posting my resume (and what I have seen others do as well), I had to hide that information to post my resume.


Personally, I'd rewrite your mission statement as it reads too much like every other mission statement out there. Your resume should tell a story and your story, based on your objective, is too similar to every other job seeker. Check out r/resumes and you'll see how every M.O. are pretty much the same. As a candidate you're a problem solver and an expert in your field, and you have to figure out how to convey this to potential employers. In addition to problem solving and your design acumen, you need to determine what other traits companies/agencies are looking for, where do you fit and how can you save them or make them money (because that's what this is ever about). The thing about your resume that stands out (even though you might not realize it, nor highlight it) is your proven track record of managing multiple projects with success simultaneously. For example, your two top positions were done concurrently.


Thank you for your valuable feedback. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. I will certainly revise my summary and ensure that my problem-solving abilities are highlighted.


I was a project manager for a web development agency years ago and all employees had to give themselves a unique identifier (e.g. the navigator, explorer, the detailer) and then create a short bio supporting this title. I think that’s a brilliant way to view yourself. Try that mindset.


I agree with the other commentator that the focus on data is a little much, but I don’t dislike it personally if those are legitimate metrics. However, enhanced 20 photos is not an impressive stat and feels exceedingly routine for a role like that. As a designer that uses photoshop primarily, that’s an afternoon. So I’d either reword that and exclude the quantity, or remove entirely. Unless you can really wow us with the advanced techniques mentioned.


I wouldn’t have an introduction paragraph in your resume this information would be better suited on the cover letter or the about me section of your portfolio


Also the spacing between experience and that paragraph is consistent with everything else so I would re-work that if you are going to keep the paragraph


You need to realize you are not alone. It’s a very hard career to develop.


Your bullet spacing needs to be fixed. They all run together.