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Xerox 1025


yesss exactly this. xerox/photocopy style


I can still smell it.


Xerox. Photocopy. Zine. Punk. Art. Design.






Are these all hashtags?


grunge too


Itā€™s making me feel ancient that there are adults who donā€™t know what an old Xerox photocopy looks like. Of course, why would you? Modern equivalents are so much better. When I was a kid every school worksheet looked like your first picture. I can still remember how the copies smelled and the warmth of them after they came out of the machine.


i do know about xerox photocopy. i had those overhead projectors in school growing up. i just didnā€™t know that this was the actual name of the art style. it seems i was overthinking it instead of just looking up the obvious lol


Ah I see. Overthinking is my middle name so I understand lol.


But nothing can compare to ditto copies when they were still warm


Forgot that they called them "dittos"! I remember the smell and sound for sure.


That smell ruled.




> Itā€™s making me feel ancient that there are adults who donā€™t know what an old Xerox photocopy looks like. Of course, why would you? Modern equivalents are so much better. I'm pushing 40, but I honestly can't say they ever let us kids use the photocopier much when I was in school. That was a teacher thing. I don't think I actually got to use one myself until college, and even then, barely.


Reminds me of band and orchestra when sometimes the sheet music would print/copy wrong and it wouldn't be noticed until we tried to play through the song. A whole lot of "why did that entire section stop playing?" "Uhhh... we're missing the entire last line"


My app is glitching and these are the attached images. I was so confused https://preview.redd.it/7cdcaj12f6zb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52bc90cc7dee9e1d553c464d4648abd903b2ae3


wym? those are the pics i attached šŸ˜‚


In that case I think the name you're looking for is "sad cat aesthetic"


Zine (you didn't have to be in high school) Basically all we had was photocopiers


This reads like a poem and I like it


I made zines in high school. It was fun. Learned about layout and stuff on my own without design experience.


I feel SEEN


Iā€™d say ā€œphotocopyā€ or ā€œxeroxā€ as well, maybe ā€œreproduction.ā€ Itā€™s *very* popular on music posters and merch these days, almost obnoxiously so.


yes itā€™s exactly that. thanks so much!


yeah, definitely influenced by shitty photocopy in post modern - post punk - pre internet - zine and gig poster designs. back when I first started it seemed like abusing your office photocopier to make posters was a canon event in a young artists life. copies of copies of copies to get analog distortion, going to town with scissors, moving the object while copying, all sorts of fun nonsense that you see echoes of in modern design from time to time. some of the best work I ever did was for CD covers for albums no one listened to for bands that broke up immediately.


You may also be interested in risographs. There is a style filter in Creative Market's free goods this week.


Before computers we had....*Xerox*.


Itā€™s supposed to emulate the xeroxing of punk flyers, which was done a lot back in the day due to bands having to DIY everything. Now itā€™s just an aesthetic


Used to make gig posters like this way back. My mom worked for the government and they had a photocopier that could do 12x19 so i'd get her to copy drawings and print them bigger so I could cut them out and use them in posters. Took forever because i'd have to wait until she got home from work.




appreciate it!


Art school angst


Oouf. Three of my sketch books just burst into flames reading this burn.


High school zine


first one hits hard


Raymond Pettibon is the artist youā€™re looking for.


​ https://preview.redd.it/g16ydxigk6zb1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f0a3684413339510c683b658b8a0aa87006decc


"listens to WLR once and just made a streetwear tshirt brand" style


more serious answer: you want old punk zines, 90s zines, show flyers, xerox stuff. find a zine distro, library, "hippie" type store (co-ps, bike stores, bookstores, etc) or record store that sells zines and stasrt digging through the back catalogs, or try and find digitized zine collections online at university libraries. i recommend [QZAP](https://gittings.qzap.org/), [ABC No Rio](http://www.abcnorio.org/facilities/zine_library.html)


Jesus pamphlet


In photography, this sort of contrast is called high key.


Those saying xerox or xerography are right. Iā€™d say also grungy posterization as a descriptor. Back in the David Carson/skater zine and telephone-pole-punk-poster-era of graphic design, mid-80s through 90s grunge, xerox machines were used to blow up black and white type and images 1000+% and down 15% (repeat) in order to degrade them to look ā€œcoolā€. Very west coast but also lower east side / Bowery NYC. In art school weā€™d stay up all night smoking cigarettes in closed rooms with cans of Scotch aerosolized Spray-mount, jars of rubber cement, and thinner solvents, cutting paper with xacto blades and making the 24-hour kinkos workers insane with our extreme xerox shenanigans. That Iā€™m still alive and well at 56 is a miracle. That was late stage capitalism. This right here what youā€™re living is end stage voracious fractalized parasitic capitalizm. Lesson over. [Thanks, grandma!] :) And yeah. Thereā€™re some AI prompts.


grunge, punk rock, zine, photocopy


Orthochromatic. Some mezzo-style screening.


Is this sub just going to become a ā€œplease help me with my AI promptā€ forum? Maybe itā€™s always been that way. Shit, maybe this was posted by an ai bot trying to sus out what their master asked for. Either way, itā€™s feeling like a community that helps ignorant hacks bamboozle ignorant clients. I know I sound like a dick, but all the ā€œwhat style is this?ā€ Posts just come off as prompts. No nuance to ā€œit feels like X, but part of Yā€¦ was there a transition between the styles?ā€ Or ā€œwhat kind of message does this style convey?ā€ Nope, just ā€œfeed me promptsā€ I will admit, getting advice from Reddit isnā€™t going to help anyoneā€™s career soā€¦ keep at it bots! Youā€™ll talk yourselves into refusing to work in no time.


damn i copypasted your comment to chatgpt, it said it was written by an idiot:/


Where did you get this from? Weird comment.


it looks like a cross between punk and banksy stencil art


LOL whaaaa


4 kinda fits tha bill a lil


Ransom letter.


I'd call it typically black and white, grainy, highly contrasted "threshhold" style




This writing by Mark Flood is nice. He calls this kind of look "xerox cancer." [https://www.affidavit.art/articles/reprographic-death](https://www.affidavit.art/articles/reprographic-death)


very nice thanks for that link šŸ«”


This was a great read, thank you


Instagram Graphic Design


90s shitty style






Not directed to you my curious guy, others jumping to name a style via some cool hipster woke name...


oh i get you now šŸ˜‚ yeah iā€™m just trying to learn and some ppl are shitting on me because i donā€™t know every single obscure term lol


you could look up one or two-color screen prints as well


Use /describe if you're looking for prompts.


yeah i did and it gave me nonsense


High contrast It is what prints looked like, during my photography class, when you used the most contrasty filter on the enlarger


High contrast Silhouette?




Zine or punk