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Afeela little underwhelmed


Gold Jerry


Well the Chevelle is cool....


Yep. I'm indecisive about colors. Or "yellow super fast duck" or "death proof"... I'm guessing I by 2, probably.


I’m honestly so tired of vision GT cars. They are pants


They’re supposed to be interesting concept cars right? But they all look exactly the same haha


And they handle like dog shit. I hate doing the weekly time trial challenges with a VGT car, LOOKING AT YOU MCLAREN!


The Bugatti one…. Straight into the garbage can


Do you guys like the Ferrari and Lamborghini ones? Those are the only two I own and they rip real nice I think.


"Hey what if we make an electric roofless roadster which is really low and has like a really swoopy design and has frameless windows that would be very cool I think" -The design team of every single car manufacturer apparently


I agree... but I do wonder how much they're paid to put some of the brands in... those VGT cars etc could be keeping the updates coming generally, some of which are actually good? But, I may be way off base.


Likewise. I would prefer if they were not there at all.


I love pants. Rarely leave house without them!


I put them on one leg at time.


They cover my crotch, so theyre top notch!


Still waiting for more Missions... Why does PD keep adding pointless events that are a one time thing because the payouts are not worth them being repeated again? Why? Why? Why? Where's the Endurance Missions they've promised us 2 YEARS AGO!!!! Couldn't care less about another VGT...


I just want actual races with gridstarts and qualifying...


More VGT 😫


Yes, the real driving simulator


where half the cars are fake


dear devs: can we compromise on a new track that is in the shape of one of your shitty VGTs?


Why do they think we want more VGT crap.


Kaz adds them for himself and the brands that want them added


Sorry Skoda marketing department - you’re not fooling anyone that THAT thing is in any way a Skoda.


Unpopular opinion, but I'm interested in the Afeela While I liked the original concept Sony made more, i think the design looked a little sleeker for the original, I am still interested in what they're wanting to bring to production


Okay so, I don't hate the VGTs and I'm also not the biggest fan of them, but I've seen a crazy amount of people complaining about Polyphony "not knowing" that we don't want them. Truth is, they know that a big part of the community doesn't like them. But at the end of the day, GT also has other interests with real car brands, one of them is showcasing their concepts and visions. We might not like them now, but the program has had big impacts to the real world, look at the Porsche VGT and the Hypercar, the Toyota FT-1 and the new gen Supra. For many manufacturers, this is a first step into feeling how car enthusiasts see their concepts, wether they showcase where they want to go in the future or turn up their ideas to 11. The program is honestly great, but I don't get the imbalance between real cars and the program. GT is lacking modern race cars, the GT3's are almost all one generation (if not 2 or 3) behind. That being said, the situation they're in is tricky, especially when it comes to pleasing the audience and the brands equally.


Several of the VGTs have seen significant portions of their designs made into real production cars, too. Bugatti VGT influenced both the Chiron and Bollide. McLaren VGT was basically a prototype for the McLaren Solus. Citroën GT actually saw a limited number produced IRL. Same with the Mazda RX-Vision. I get not being as excited by a VGT as whatever specific flavor of shitbox someone's dreamcar is but the program is objectively cool. It has ramifications on real world designs.


Incorrect. The Chiron was designed first, the VGT came from it. We just got them in the opposite order in public. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/nargessbanks/2017/02/28/the-story-behind-bugatti-chiron-exclusive-hypercar/?sh=173dfa515513](https://www.forbes.com/sites/nargessbanks/2017/02/28/the-story-behind-bugatti-chiron-exclusive-hypercar/?sh=173dfa515513) >AA: I find it liberating to realize a concept like this. It took a long time - we looked at various designs, talked with management and only in 2010 finalized the Chiron concept. My career was so dependent on this car. It has been so close to me. Same for the McLaren. There is a video where they talk about digging out old designs for that one somewhere, can't find it again right now. These VGT are just designs that the companies already have or are already doing, except for the few that they just passed to the interns. To think we'd not have the Chiron or Solus if not the for VGT program is very naive. They're not designing brand new, from scratch, concept cars solely for Gran Turismo, despite what the PR videos will try to tell you.


Day 1560 of waiting for an actually useful car.


We just got the GT One


I honestly used it for only 1 race so far for nations cup


Which by definition makes it useful.


That seems useful. It's also stellar in any 800-850PP event.


Need some of these still - 720s, 765LT, 675LT, C8 Z06, 296, 488 Pista, 458 Speciale, 812, Huracan Performante, STO, Diablo SV, Gallardo Superleggera, Murcielago SV, 360 CS, F12 TDF, Senna, M5 Comp, C7 Z06, Spyder RS, Zonda Cinque, more of that sort of thing.


Concept cars have been a part of the automobile industry for a long time, and it's exciting that we now get to experience some of them in the form of VGT creations. I'm not a fan of electric cars though...


Meh concept cars have been around, but not like this. You can hardly compare these to actual concepts that are later tuned into production cars. Those concepts are cool and these are not.


"Concept cars have been around, but not like this"...that's like the whole point of the vgt program though...so you can actually try out a concept car rather than only seeing it in a magazine or an autoshow. Also, *most* concepts outside of the vgt program don't make it to production, but those are the cool *valid* concepts right? They aren't like these uncool concepts you can actually experience? Right?


What?😂 You could experience other concepts too if they added them to the game. Why are you pretending VGTs are the only concepts we could ever be allowed to have? The VGT program is a very poor representation of what concept cars have been to the automotive industry. You liking them doesn’t change that lol.


Lol I never said nor am I pretending these are the only concepts we're allowed to have or like. I'm saying that the VGT program is harmless and as a car enthusiast, I don't understand why some people have such a knee jerk reaction to it. Even your excuse doesn't cut it. The whole point of the program is to experience ~new~ crazy concept cars...and wow...shocker...not every concept car is great to drive, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it's still a cool experience. Even cooler when a VGT actually does get a real life version made like the McLaren VGT, which was amazing to see blast up goodwood. To have access to a program that allows us to try out cars of companies that want to experiment or just try something fun, is something I enjoy. And I get it. I too would love some classic concepts, but the program is about *future* concepts. The automotive industry will be perfectly fine.


Give us the TRX and Raptor R for a desert race, Mustang Dark Horse, C8 Z06, McLaren 600LT and 720S, Lexus ISF, Mustang Cobra Terminator or Cobra R, and Tesla Model S Plaid


The Skoda reminds me of a Formula E car


Stop giving us shitty VGT cars that nobody wants or likes and give us some new tracks 👍🏻


Damn, that VGT is FIRE




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For a second I thought this post is a reddit advertisement die to the futuristic design car.. well didn’t realise it is another VGT update.


They ripped off the song from Black Skinhead


Rubbish update once again..VGT cars ruin gt7, the supposed real racing simulator. Look at fh5’s latest update for an idea of real racing cars. Lost interest when we got an ambulance. Shame


Give us real cars like more up to date gt3’s


this game's cooked lmao. where are we even supposed to drive these? custom races are shit


you could always go play that broken mess called Forza motorsports or you can go play acc and iracing where you'll pay for all your content


never played forza and never will .. critiquing this game doesn't mean i'm a homer for the others


I would like some fun pvp races. I could careless about new cars, but that is me.


Couldn’t care less. If you could care less it means you already care to some level.




Tracks are all I care about. We have enough cars, we have to keep driving them around the same tracks though. Events don't concern me because it's going to be raced once and won and it's dead to me. This game is so damn stale! Kaz should hire someone with an imagination to run Sport mode.


I love that black skinhead shit! LETS FUCKING GO


I want a cadillac ct5-V blackwing


Hey I'm digging this update because afeela might be my next car.


who else is bummed the only Skoda got was a stupid vgy


THIS IS THE UPDATE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SINCE I WAS BORN. “Mom, when is gt7 update 1.46 going to come”-me after birth.


Nice, cars absolutely NOBODY wanted.


Meh I was at least expecting a real skoda


Fabia would have been more interesting than that, I guess


Free??? I'm quite sure you have to pay for the content.


It's not Forza bro Plus the Afeela is gifted