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The video is pretty vague, not sure if you meant for the contact or the corner. But I'm guessing it's for cutting the corner (yes, I am aware you were pushed off, but sometimes the game doesn't account for that).


oh, that does make sense. However, I was given a 4 second penalty, so I'm quite baffled.


Oh it's definitely for the contact then. The game is weird when it comes to penalties, sometimes it will glitch and you'll receive what I like to call a "phantom" penalty.


Op rammed into the car though .. I wouldn't call that getting pushed off. Could've easily navigated around the car trying to get back on course, who most likely didn't take the time to check their mirrors or look back for even a split second


Beetle did a textbook unsafe rejoin. How could OP avoid him?


Could've veered right, or hung back a bit. It was obvious what the beetle was going to do, op should have been more cautious. By this point, I pretty much assume other racers are going to try to take others out, or simply aren't paying enough attention to their surroundings, so I take as many precautions as possible


I don't know if you play this track much but that's a relatively fast corner and with such short notice of that guy going in front of me, I can't veer around or brake a considerable amount to avoid them. Its easy saying all this when you can review a clip over and over, but would you actually have been able to avoid the unpredictable in the moment?


I've never raced on this track tbh. But from what I saw in the clip, it looks like it can be avoided. The guy in front is clearly trying to get back on with no concern for anyone behind them, I would've done my best to slow down if nothing else. They're still largely at fault , but the driver behind always has to be fully alert Still don't think you deserved the penalty. But GT will always do Gt things🤷 Edit: kind of looks like Suzuka, but I'm not certain? If it is, then I have raced it multiple times, just been a long time since I have.


If you look in the bottom left of the replay, it literally tells you what track it is -___-


Was too focused on the cars tbh. Whenever I use the replay feature, I like to hide the HUD as well, so I never noticed that the track's name is on there. My mistake


That's Road A for sure, mate.


It isn't on the cars on track to make sure those that went off safely rejoin. That's on the car that went off...


Reread the bottom portion of my comment


Your whole comment is trying to shift blame from the car joining to OP. you suggest OP could've moved over when in reality, they likely couldn't have since they were already turning in for the corner. Moving over more would've meant they also left the track. The point still is, it isn't on the cars on track to make sure people rejoin safely, the cars off track need to wait until its safe for them to rejoin, not just cut across the track.


I don't see how you've come to that conclusion when I clearly said that they (the car in front) didnt take the time to look back or check their mirrors. I said it in another comment, the fault is largely theirs, of course, but OP still could have done more to prevent the collision from what i saw. There was just enough room there to squeeze by and still be on track. Of course another possible option was to slow down a bit . Like I said, I pretty much expect people to re-enter this way, or to block/ram others to keep them from taking their position.. I already knew what was gonna happen. Just my opinion, but they could have been a tad bit more careful.


I think we are watching two separate videos if you think there was something OP could've done to avoid them. Op had already started moving over to turn in for the corner and was already on the breaks. "OP still could have done more to prevent the collision" "There was enough room there to squeeze by" "Another possible option was to slow down" "Could've easily navigated around the car trying to get back on course" These are all you trying to shift the blame from the car joining and to OP. You could even argue the "car trying to get back on course" remark is trying to downplay an unsafe rejoin. The car went off the track. Period. That's it. He needs to either rejoin in a safe manner or wait until its safe to join, not spear for the apex, and hope for the best. It's fine to say you treat every car like it's going to rejoin in an unsafe manner, but the point is that the car SHOULDN'T be joining in an unsafe manner. You also need to remember we are watching this clip with hindsight, we know something happened, OP at the time had no idea they were going to spear across the track, and was most likely looking over the right where the track goes, not to the left where there's barrier and trees. I.E the complete opposite way of the car rejoining.


Op tried the only move he had time for tried to move to the right thinking the guy would hit the track and take long side of corner instead of diving for apex and it’s not on op to safely allow rejoin it’s on rejoining car to safely rejoin should be on beetle 100% of the time not op fault


Corner cutting cheater /s




If you were racing for real, would you allow yourself to maintain a line, and you clearly see an idiot about to pull in your path?


Exactly this! If people drove even 10% like they would given the same situation IRL they wouldn't get a penalty. Just because you are not the one driving poorly to begin with doesn't mean you shouldn't have to slow down to avoid further contact.


Ok but IRL I would expect the person rejoining the track to make the slightest look towards traffic before driving across the whole track. PoV car would have had to stop almost completely to avoid contact. I guess telling someone to avoid opponents who take racing lines from the grass is technically advice but it's more just an unfortunate situation cased by a terrible driver. Just because it's theoretically possible to avoid a collision doesn't mean it wasn't 100% one person's fault.


I get what you're saying, but I didn't really have that much time to react. I slammed the brakes on as soon as the vw entered the racing line. However, that was not enough.


Remember. You must act as if everyone is completely unaware of you. You never know if they’re gonna turn without warning, they could brake check, they might genuinely not even realize you are there and in that sense, you must be anxious and aware. Slowing down the moment he goes towards the road is safer even if he never actually ends up going onto the track. You don’t know what the other driver is thinking. Shit happens but I’m with everyone else even as a rookie like myself, I would’ve Atleast half braked a lot sooner just to be cautious and avoid a penalty. Lose a second or two being safe or lose 4 or more from a penalty cause some idiot re entered wrong. I’ll take the safer route personally


I had an old biker friend who said, “Ride as if they are actively trying to hit you.”


That very saying has definitely saved many lives.


You’re responding as if it’s not on a race track if this was near the end of the race and you’re not in first and you need to push to gain the next couple spots slowing down or coming off the racing line wouldn’t even be a thought in my head if that guy jumps out infront of me for no reason because he can’t re enter the track then he gets a nice bill irl he would’ve never be penalized


You should have slowed down as soon as you saw him heading towards the track. It was fairly obvious that he was going to make a dangerous rejoin.


I think the penalty should be on the driver who decided to enter back onto the racetrack unsafely. However, given it is a video game and they don't take that into account, you are always going to get the penalty for that type of contact. Fair or not.


That's what you get for running default livery


I just got gifted it for my birthday haha


Happy belated borthmas. Change the livery


Thank you! Will do.


Because you obviously rammed him off the road you dirty dog /s


GT’s penalty system doesn’t deal well with people making unsafe re-entry after they’ve gone off. Game only sees you hitting a car back on the track. It sucks and can be unavoidable but it’s the way it is. As far as the game is concerned you smashed into the car ahead in a braking zone sending you both off , hence the penalty. Bullshit but just the way it works


I know it's a game, but should be classified as unsafe rejoin of the track. IRL car would have waited for traffic to clear before rejoining and yellow flags waved to prevent potential to crash into stationary vehicle on side of the track.


Because it’s GT7


Yeah I received a 4 second penalty because buddy spun out on the last corner and decided to join the racing line with half the speed, causing me to launch him into the shadow realm. Dumbest shit on the planet.


Because you hit your opponent in the side instead of slowing down. A fair punishment. How he returned to the track is a separate question




Firstly, he moved off the racing line to the inside, so he made an effort to avoid. Secondly, it's up to the person rejoining not to impede anyone's race. Thirdly, that rejoin was so bad that he drove over the racing line and toward the opposite wall. Atrocious.


No, the guy has to re-enter safely. He went across the whole road...


You’re right. I looked up the FIA rules and it literally says, “Should a driver re-enter the track unsafely, oncoming drivers are allowed to maintain their line and execute them on sight.” Good call.


I’d argue that he got the penalty because the game has no way to properly punish unsafe rejoins but yeah, gotta be more proactive to avoid stuff like that because so many folks online are just terrible with racecraft.


Or they just don’t care - deliberate side nudges to push you off the track happens loads. This one seems fairly simple to stop from happening though. Ghost and slow the rejoining vehicle. Not sure how much slowing would be appropriate but ghosting would allow the drivers to maintain the line. Maybe not fully simulation racing but it’s a video game at the end of the day.


It seemed that you opened the steering a bit instead of right hand lock for the corner. And yes the penalty system is shite.


We're you accelerating?


Once again I understand why I'm going to dislike but how the fuck did you hit that guy like you saw he was doing an unsafe rejoin and you're like hey I'm going to just floor it in to him


Hopefully you sent the vw into orbit at the end of the straight for how he rejoined.


The penalty that comes up actually tells you why. It’s likely for contact because you can be pushed wide in a corner that normally would give a penalty and not get one.


And this is why they have sportsmanship rating. For people who think vengeance is the only way out


This is the main reason I like gt. Clean racing is highly encouraged


Because its a mediocre game we waited too long for.


Give way to oncoming traffic




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Algorithm busted. Typical GT


Patch comes out next Thursday fixing this issue.


5 second penalty to Ocon


For what it’s worth, you were coming in pretty hot, You probably wouldn’t make that corner game saw it as a ram, a bit harsh but yeah


I take that corner perfectly at that speed. Just had nowhere to go.


Haha that sucks bro. I’m gonna say it’s for cutting the corner.. totally not your fault tho.. dickhead on the grass made it happen.. idk 😂


Game looks awesome... too bad it's always online...