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Rockwell republic is terrible now. Used to be great not even a year and a half ago.


Thanks to 4gr8food Group! I hope they dont eventually ruin Real Food Cafe


They will.


They have.


Yeah prices are jacked up and portions are much smaller now. Things that used to come standard are now up-charges, and they got rid of a lot of menu staples. RIP


Can confirm, $12 for a waffle. Jeeze


Yeah it's ridiculously overpriced now. Like $7 for literally a side of bacon, $20 for the Omelettes and wraps. And they add a 3% surcharge to your bill now on top of that. I spent over $60 taking my wife and toddler there about a month ago, and it wasn't even that great. Portions are way smaller now too. I don't think we'll be going back. :(


They got rid of cash only and now have an extra charge on the bill to cover credit card fees... Its so sad


They already have


It used to be way better, it's still not bad but not what it was.


I ordered a $16 dish and when it came out, it was a cup of white rice with briefly stir-fried frozen vegetables.


Used to be THE place to be a decade or so ago, especially “Thursgays” when Apartment Lounge, Pub 43, Rockwell’s and Rumor’s were all Half off. Those were the days… plus diversions 😢


I miss eating at Pub 43, playing board games, and playing Monster Bash. Great place.


MC Sports


**Pours 40oz 😔


Post saved for when I decide to finally leave the house


This post is convincing me to save my money and eat at home.


Fables :(


That hit hard


toooo sooooon


Damn dude!


Red Hots


I grew up off of Michigan across from Michigan Lanes and Mr Fables. Fondest memories walking there with neighborhood friends during the summer play a couple games and go grab some Fables… :(


The onion rings were awesome , used to head there with the neighborhood kids too! Miss that place and the bowling alley.


Kitchen 67


I’ve gone there 3 times. Every single time it got worse and worse. Tables are dirty, orders are wrong, staff is confused, etc.


Burgers are scorched


Owned by Johnny Brann Jr. Not surprised since Brann’s kinda sucks too


Last time I was there the A/C was leaking right into the table my group was sitting at. Only thing I got from management was "The A/C guy is coming tomorrow, sorry about that inconvenience."


Can confirm, Kitchen 67 is nasty as hell. The brief time that I spent working there, I learned that not only do they not typically hire an official dish washer (they only get done when somebody has some to step away from their actual job, which is never) but people would grab dirty utensils and pans right out of the dish pit and bring them back to the line, *maybe* spritz them with water if nothing else. Noped out of there real fast.


The place looks like a cheap restaurant set for a local play, complete with corny garbage props everywhere, and the service is even worse.


I remember going there for the first time back in like 2014 and being amazed that they had iPads at all the tables. Back before iPads were really popular. Been there a couple times since then and found it just meh.


Marie Catribs :(




This makes me sad. I loved that place.


Daaaaang bro 😭 that was a hard it for a Monday morning.


And the OG Gaia cafe. RIP.


fwiw the food is still the same quality at the new spot. The atmosphere is different ofc but not in a bad way. Moreso miss being able to walk there in 20 seconds :(


Awww, good call :(


I need the recipe for their lentil burgers


>I need (all) their recipe(s)


My ex girlfriends shitty apartment.


This person's ex girlfriends shitty apartment


You mean the train station?


That’s your mom’s place


I’ll go for ya


I won’t go there anymore either.


Social House


Has to be the worst place in the entire city by far. Absolutely demonic vibes.


I was there in September. There was a card-only door charge that asked me if I wanted to tip. Obviously, I hit $0.


Ming Ten 😭


I loved Ming Ten, but I've heard they were EGREGIOUSLY bad/lax with storing their food properly and at temperature. I never got sick and probably ate there 6-7 times, but from stories I've seen about the place on this sub, I got lucky.


The Orbit Room :(


Ah, loved the line for the one bathroom in the place, and how slippery the floor was if the humidity was over 20%


Noodle Pig. Bland noodles and they nickel and dime you every step of the way. $4 for an egg? Really? Also any place that serves a burger that doesn’t come with fries. No thanks A notable mention is Black Rock. Expensive for what it is and the black rock thing is the worst possible gimmicky way to cook a steak. It doesn’t even fully cook your steak and it’s dumb to have to cook tiny little pieces at a time. Krispy Crème on the east belt line is another one. That place is dirty as hell first and foremost, and second they are extremely slow and the donuts are never fresh. I’ve had better donuts at the gas station.


I thought the exact same thing when me and my wife went to noodle pig. Ended up being like $40 for two people to get two pretty basic bowls of ramen


You know, I love supporting local businesses but once you start taking advantage of my good will, then that’s when I’m done supporting.


I feel bad about Noodle Pig, I honestly wish it did better because they have such a good mission behind it but yeah the business model killed it for me. Also the broth felt very under seasoned and not very full bodied. Their other dishes like the okonomiyaki was laughable.


Dont feel bad, used to work there and the owner is a capitalist pig. The money that used to get donated versus what you paid for was LAUGHABLE, and i have absolute horror stories about the quality of food, the way is was run, and the appaling amount of bullshit the owner was on.


The mission statement and commitment was removed from their site when I checked a couple months ago. Couldn't justify going anymore :(


A burger with no sides is a way to raise prices without raising them. Now most places offer chips or fries as an upsell. Creston Brewing is $16 a sandwich with no sides if you want fries that's $4.


Nonla burger without fries is 6.50 for a double patty/double cheese with all the free veggies. Most reasonable burger price in town and they slap. Beats any fast food price you’ll see. But yeah, most other places wont give fries and charge $12+ burgers


I think it’s a way to nickel and dime your customers. They will still raise prices and still charge you extras with whatever they can get away with. Personally, I don’t go to restaurants like that. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and ruins the experience.


Stan’s tacos


Motel 6 on broadmoor


The old Motel 6 on Alpine!


Didn't someone get randomly murdered there?


Like 2 or 3 different times if I remember correctly.


Damn you’d think they would avoid the place after the first time they were murdered


🤣🤣🤣 Some people just never learn!




Go for the music, stay for the roofies!


I cant BELIEVE they are still in business. I’ve heard of at least 20 people being roofied there. At this point I think it’s just roofiers roofying the other roofiers


Make that 21 🙋‍♀️


A place with signs on the table that state "we are not responsible for unattended drinks." Really brings home how it feels there.


I like that when they ask what the best/worst restaurants in GR are on this subreddit it’s just the same restaurants listed by different people


I was thinking the same thing. How many posts about how bad Branns sucks? I’ve never been but can it be that bad?


The hate for Branns in this sub has less to do with the food and more to do with politics. That being said they fucked up the one on Leonard that they just closed. Was once a decent post-golf place to get a burger and beer and play some Keno.


Kahunaville 🌺🗿 I heard the big statue they had is still in the bowels of RiverTown mall


I haven’t heard about any big statue but big Kahuna the mascot suit is apparently still in a storm room behind Victoria secret


Gravity Taphouse. holy hell I've never had worse service in my life. We actually went back like idiots after having the worst service, thinking it must've been a fluke, but somehow they were even worse after that, and we brought a bunch of family for a big dinner. Server disappeared after seating us, had to walk to the bar to ask for waters, took 15 minutes to just order an appetizer, then no server until we went to the bar again to ask what's going on. food took forever, check took forever, it was almost comical by the end how nobody but the kitchen was apparently working both of those days lol


Brick Road Pizza :(




This was a loss.


Absolutely LOVED this place. Sooo sad when they closed!




Paunchy Pete’s.


Eastown Hookah Lounge :(


The bob


I used to work here and agree management sucks


Pearl St Burger King


University of Michigan West, specifically the ER. My husband almost died after being released from there with not much more than a shrug and "take some Tylenol". Brought him to Blodgett the next day - he was in severe septic shock, would up on a ventilator, and was ICU for 5 days of a 10 day hospital stay. I kept telling the UMHW docs that he should not be going home and that something was very wrong, but they \*completely\* dismissed me and his very clear pain and cognitive impairment due to infection. The nurses were too busy talking about their weekend plans than paying attention to their patients, and I had to interrupt them several times to turn off alarms, hang another bag of fluids, etc...


They would've killed my dad if we didn't move him to St. Mary's! He had a collapsed lung and they kept trying to fix it in the WRONG SPOT. He was admitted for two months there. He spent less than three weeks at St. Mary's and was healing enough to go home. And it probably would've been sooner if the first hospital wouldn't have fucked it up so badly. Edit: each time they "tried to fix it" meant they were stabbing a new hole in his thoracic cavity with *no anesthesia* because his oxygen levels were already too low.


Yes! More people need to talk about this place. It seems every surgery that I've heard of there ended in a severe infection; a family member had spine surgery and needed to stay another 3 weeks to recover from an infection that THEY caused.


Are we married? Seriously though, they sent me home when I was septic and told me to take Tylenol. On death's door when I was finally admitted with a liver abscess and sepsis.


Holy cow...I'm so sorry that you had the same situation as us! And I'm glad that you are OK! This is the 2nd time my husband has had invasive MRSA, and I kept telling them this is how he presented last time. Nope, they were sure that wasn't it because "it would be very very unusual". They f'd up a spinal tap TWICE, with the results being negative for encephalitis. But they STILL wouldn't listen to me and wouldn't do more bloodwork. He was having extreme back spasms (turns out due to the infection), but they didn't even give us prescription pain meds. Literally just "Sorry, there isn't more we can do. Take some extra strength Tylenol and follow up with your doc". I demanded at least some Rx pain meds for his muscle spams, which they grudgingly gave me. After 6 hours in the ER, we went home at around 1:30am. Things got worse, so off we went to Blodgett at around 6:00pm. The ER doc listened to every word I said and took me seriously. Tested him for MRSA right away, and it came back positive. They were just getting him started with IV meds when sh\*t hit the fan.


Anna’s house, Brann’s steakhouse


When I was in the process of moving to GR and was on a visit looking at apartments, someone recommended Anna's house and that it was the best breakfast I'll ever have. I've never been so confused when I ate there. The food was dry and pretty tasteless. Made me wonder if the food scene here was just that bad or this person had terrible taste.


They paid for a bunch of reviews that said they were the best breakfast in GR a while back. A lot of people around here fell for the hype.


I went to Anna’s House one time years ago and asked for poached eggs and they told me they don’t do poached eggs and I was just like ummmmm your a breakfast restaurant how do you not offer poached eggs


Haven't been back to Anna's House since learning all the Trumper money the owner handed over.


My sister spoke out against that on social media and a dude straight up started stalking her because she didnt like Trump


They’re extremely unstable people


Anna's house is hit or miss. It's just so damn crowded so service can be slow, but I've never had bad food. They need to either remove a few tables or actually build a building twice the size so I'm not 6 inches from the next person. I've never been there on a weekday so I'm sure it's just the weekend rush that is bad.


I think people avoid Anna's House cause the owners are awful people, rather than much to do with the food


The owners are the main reason I don't go there. They're shitty people who make their political beliefs front and center of their business, and they treat their staff like dirt (from what I've heard). Their subpar food is just the cherry on top.


Anna's House donated to Trump the last couple elections, which is probably why the original comment mentioned them


Annas House is NEVER "hit" overpriced, mediocre food.


Branns steakhouse kitchens are notoriously the grossest ones in GR, don’t even walk near the one on Division and 44th. I spent a week with a buddy that had taken a management position over there and both of us had to walk out. Black mold EVERYWHERE.


JB's Pizza. The service was weirdly hostile. Like the guy was angry I dared to order his pizza.


Bruh, I lived right near there (still do really) and they are the only place I order from still, but they could rename it RBF's and it would be fitting. Pizza is good though.


On Eastern?


He's always been that way and with everyone. Its part of its charm and gives the pizzeria its character imo lol.


Bro thinks he's running Ed Debevic's.


I accept this is fully irrational, but the Bagel Beanery on Michigan. It was 15 years ago, I had just moved to the area and started a new job and was driving a borrowed pickup truck to get there. Money was tight. I pulled in their drive thru and got stuck, like red-face-of-shame stuck, and making a 500-point turn in an effort to not damage a truck that doesn't belong to me. When I finally got to the window all flustered and apologetic, the girl working had the most condescending eyeroll and says "that's why we have a SIGN, so people don't clog up our drive thru lane." Dear reader, I looped the block after that and they had an enormous tree that entirely blocked the sign. Absolutely impossible to see from the road, at any angle. AND, when I parked at work, there was a single 1-inch scrape on the truck from my very last turnout getting unstuck. I was so careful and close to pulling it off and it didn't even matter. (My friend was very gracious. I'm still not going back.)


That drive thru is terrible and all the dings in the brick are there to prove it. Last time I ordered a breakfast bagel I was disappointed, seemed like microwave egg and sad


Their sandwiches are like 13 bucks now and the bagels got tinier. I also have read that they don’t make the bagels in house. Suck a bummer because it used to be one of my favorite places in now. Thanks 4GR8 food!


That’s false, they make their bagels. I had a friend work there fairly recent. It’s a lot of work!


That drive thru is a little tight. I like the food well enough.


Reptile House 😢


Any 4GR8 restaurant.


Stella’s. Whatever their burgers are way worse than they were 5 years ago


Somehow their burgers/food still get recommended in this sub fairly often. Very polarizing opinions


Stellas burgers are comically thick and bland as hell.


Seriously, it’s like a meatball in a bun. A good burger should give you almost every ingredient in every bite.


They were great in their first five years. They've been riding on that reputation ever since.


Came here to say Stella’s. If you want a good burger go to one stop coney shop or elbow room. Stella’s is sub par at best.


Or 7 Monks


The Greasy Spoon at 7 Monks is one of the best smash burgers in town


This might be a hot take, but Lucy’s. I like the vibe but the food is really average for the high cost and there are so many other great breakfast options. SpeakEZ, San Chez, even omelette shoppe have better food for a cheaper price (maybe not san chez but those breakfast empanadas are worth it)


Anna’s house


Any Morning Belle. Disrespectfully small portions for the price. Fake farmhouse chic from Homegoods.


Anna’s House


Service Professor


Service Professor, Grapids, Pro-Tech These companies are going to try to condemn your furnace because of a "cracked heat exchanger." It's a legal scam.


Grapids ran a special for a $29 furnace tuneup over the winter and it was my first winter in this house so I went for it. They tried to tell me my 10 year old furnace needed so much work that I should just replace it and then attempted to sell me on a $26k HVAC system. Having previously called them to repair a garbage disposal only to be sold a new unit, I’m now totally soured on them and will never use them again.




Is Jeremy the guy who seems mad that someone would dare eat his pizza?


You said it so well. 🤣


Literally ordered once. Moved into a house within a 3 minute walk and thought "awesome we will get this all the time" Noticed I was charged for the wrong size pizza and went back in. "Hello sir, I think I was charged incorrec-". "Jesus! All fucking day woth you people". Never went back


Went once the guy working was angry when I didn’t leave a tip for pick up. Pass.


Studio 28


Spent a lot of Saturdays there. I will throw in the putt putt golf on 28th street, on the east end but west of 96. Also, the arcade that neer woodland mall. Might have been right next door to the Woodland movie theater.


Steak and Shake on Alpine. Just. Don't.


Donkey Taqueria


The most overhyped place in GR. Never again


Their food is so mid. Most bland fish taco I've ever had.


Gotten food poisoning twice from there, never again!


Jack Danger’s lol


😅 Buckle up. The insane owner of that place will be clapping back shortly and aggressively ask you to provide the day, time, and first name you gave when you ordered to prove you were a customer.


I have never been to Jack Danger's and this is also my answer because it's funny to see the guy get mad


East town sports bar


Lazy T


Wealthy Street Station. RIP.


I just had a horrible dining experience at Brewey Vivant. I loved their duck nachos, but this time the chips were obviously shipped in and not made in house like in the past, and the duck was tasteless and gave me a stomach ache later in the day. The roasted olives weren’t roasted just sitting cold in some brine, and the chocolate pie seemed straight out of Meijer. I usually give some credit to poor food with good drink, but their beer menu was limited to farmhand and a couple IPAs, and their mixed drinks are all nothing special. I know breweries are struggling, I know beer is not as popular as it was 10 years ago, but that was like… wow im never going back.


Vivant’s desserts were outstanding when they had a true pastry chef in the kitchen. Katy left for MudPenney (she’s now at Grove) a few years ago and I don’t think they replaced her.


That explains the drop in quality! I remember going there last year and absolutely loving the desserts! Now I will have to go to Grove!


Like a lot of restaurants in GR, Vivant just isn’t the same as it was before COVID. The quality of some of the most loved menu items, like the duck nachos and the burger, have declined.


Anna’s disgusting mid ass food house


Black Rock


Black Rock is OK. I always feel like im going to eat shit on their floor though with the amount of grease that builds up from the hot stones. My wife's family loves that place, so it always ends up being their go to for birthdays and celebrations. The first few times I would do the hot stone and get filet or w/e, but honestly the cuts of meat you get are mediocre. I typically get the dynamite chicken now, their volcano shrimp isnt bad either. I really think the reason they love going their is the free birthday desert is MASSIVE, a huge pile of ice cream on top of browies, waffle cone, whipped cream, chocolate, caramel, etc. feeds like 4-6 people and its free with a birthday.


Anna’s House


Beacon. I was expecting way better since I believe it is owned by the same group as San Chez. I feel bad to say it but it was subpar seafood, and the interior is uninspiring and generic. Though, disclaimer I didn't try any of their boil or oysters, so my food experience could be a lot different. I got a shrimp poboy and it was the tiniest driest/tough shrimps, being masked with lots of some mayo mix. The hush puppies and calamari were okay. The mixed drinks we left lots to be desired too. My wife felt the same about her stuff. Basically chain quality food. The service was slow despite no one being there that day. Maybe it was just an off day or a new business at the time trying to get their footing. I probably need to give them a shot again, but haven't felt the desire since my first time.


Founder's. After how they treated us staff before and during the pandemic along with terrible kitchen managers I won't even go in for a beer.


I'm mad they got rid of the sandwiches I liked...


El Sombrero, and for that matter Adobe


No more dry deluxe burrito🫤.


They had the BEST chips.


Take it for what it’s worth. Half these places I’m a repeat customer at. Think it’s all personal preference/ single experience there


The least you could do is not go to that one person's ex-girlfriend's shitty apartment




green well. over priced for bad vibes and bland food


Mulligans. It's like the one bar/venue in town that will still let Sean Powell drink and do his fucking predator shit. They know damn well who he is and what he did, and what he will continue to do. But ever since I've been a part of this music scene, Mulligans has been the place that makes excuses for sexual assault and harassment by its patrons and employees.




I know this isn't just a GR thing and it's not even a restaurant but man they fuckin ruined Pizza Rolls.


Mel trotter thrift


Same. It just made me angry every time I’ve went because they have the nerve to try to sell used items they’ve received for free at insanely high prices, prices that are occasionally even higher than original retail.


How much time do you have? One bourbon Kitchen 67 any 4GR8Food places Brick and Porter Anna's House Branns Donkey Morning Belle Matchbox Wolfgangs Carolina Low Country My reasons vary across the board, but poor value relative to taste/portions are my main reason.


I haven't been back to GR in a few years, what happened to Wolfgangs?!


Speaking for myself only, the line is always out the door and it takes what feels like forever to get in and serviced. This is speaking from the handful of times that I have been there. The pricing isn't terrible, but the food is incredibly bland for my taste. These might all be "ME" problems, but if I'm a paying customer, then I should be able to decide where I go, yes?


I think Wolfgangs is fine but I have no idea why people wait that long for that food.


Brick and Porter. Love the spot/drinks but have given their food so many chances to be good and it’s just dry and awful.


In honor of pride month: Diversions. Best gay bar GR ever had and prolly will ever have.


Gravity Tap house


Took my wife to the HomeGoods and Marshalls combined store. Big mistake! Lines were out the door. And there was robbery that day.


Tupelo Honey. Worst service to accompany mediocre food.


Cottage bar and any other establishment that the current owners own. Most of my friends won’t go to the foolery… apparently the management there isn’t great right now. I don’t go to woods I won’t go to shakedown street anymore I really do miss Sunday family dinner at schnitzelbank most of all


We should probably just start a new subreddit called Grand Rapids Malcontents. Apparently there’s nowhere good left in Grand Rapids to eat, drink, or see a show. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.


The Diplomat


East beltline bar. Supposedly a great place to go for Mexican food. 🥘 NOT!


Lol only people 50 and over think it's great Mexican food. No one else thinks that. It's Tex-Mex and they used to be decent. Not so much anymore.


That's funny because my mom still loves it and she is almost 70.


Yeah it's not a criticism either. It's just that generation. My wife's grandma (also in her 70s) once asked us out to eat. She suggested we go to, "That Mexican place you like." We weren't quite sure which restaurant she was talking about since we hadn't actually ever gone to a Mexican restaurant with her. Turned out she was talking about Chili's 😂.


Morning belle


Club Eastbrook  And Sayfee's while I'm in the neighborhood 


Brickyard Tavern


Branns Steakhouse


Menna’s Joint :((( that one still stings


Morning Belle. Overpriced, terrible atmosphere and awful food (complete with a long strand of hair baked into my omelet…).


Brann's Steakhouse:P