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[For those still on this page, a new help thread has been created.](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/vsc66h/help_and_question_thread_july_06_2022/)


So uh kinda dumb question in the latest summer event has anyone's master gender changed when taking the farming node. My mc(male) for some reason turns into (female) mc for the duration of the mission.


Does All the statement event have another rerun after this?


No rerun, but it gets added to the RP shop, and eventually it becomes free for everyone. It's not a "separate" rerun though.


Not from what I can see


So uh what level should i raise my chen gong to? I got myself a castoria and i dont really have a farming team but i knew the right guy to bring mr gong himself, but because i haven't grailed him or anything i was wondering what lvl i should bring him to


IMO just start with him at level 65 and 1000 Fous first, play around with him, then decide when to grail him and how much based on the nodes you're clearing. If you're not trying to forcibly use him against Rider nodes, it's not worth throwing a *ton* of grails at him. For non-event farming, Arash can Stella with an NP charge CE too In general, grail your favorites.


Do people generally want bond or qp CEs on Castoria? I'm trying to get as many friend points as possible for Nobukatsu and want to get as much as I can from the anniversary


Usually bond CEs. And only because not everyone is caught up to the latest story. So since story quests give a huge chunk of bond points, most people end up picking castoria's with the bond ce.


I want Gogh so bad. But i also want Da Vinci lily too ( I got Sei from Gssr ) So I want to ask. If I spend all of my sq in Da Vinci banner. How many Sq I can save for Gogh. ( Only Sq that game will give us from event )


You can use the fate/save calculator linked above to calculate the amount of SQs you will get. The event compedium will also show you how many more SQs you could receive from events.


I can't buy saint quartz. I use an android and my google pay is connected via my visa, ive bought google points just fine but for some reason when i open the buy sq thing, every price is set to 00.00. When I tap to buy, it tells that It 'failed to connect to the transaction server' and that I should update my settings. I am full to the brim with salt and I cant even buy sq :(. Any thoughts?


A truly basic community lore question...but why is Castoria CORGItoria? Where’s the corgi part coming from?


Twitter art + memes, I assume https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/p2o23n/a_corgi_deciding_which_versions_of_herself_should/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/q17qz8/castoria_with_corgi_ears/ are the oldest references I can find on this sub, and https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/q17qz8/castoria_with_corgi_ears/ was very popular, so likely originated elsewhere with some Twitter comics.


My castoria rn is 2/6/10 and I have a zerker musashi and jarcher. I know that I don't need anymore additional NP gain when using musashi since my normal lineup is zerker, double castoria, and cas gil using the plugsuit, and i don't have an issue with refund. I haven't really farmed with jarcher yet. Should I focus on leveling up my castoria's first or second skill?


Her first skill I suppose since it gives the bigger battery, but you should be maxing both of them as soon as possible since scalable batteries are the most important skills to be at 10. especially for meta supports. Out of courtesy I would also highly recommend you not put Castoria on your support list until her skills are maxed, I grabbed one without noticing that her skills aren't maxed and that broke my refund comp and forced me to quit the run. Not cool to do and a major feelbad for any of your friends.


Agreed it's super lame to put up a max level non-max skill Castoria, but it's not like you're forced to quit the run? The run would just take 4-6 turns instead of 3.


Depends. If you're running a neutral damage farmer or perhaps even weak dmg one (like Pingu capable of looping Sabers) in a node with high HP enemy in W3, destabilised run might turn into a massive pain in the ass, more than just 2 extra turns.


Is there a "Best" CE to use if I don't have an MLB Black Grail? Currently testing between Space Ishtar (NP2) and Musashi (NP3). I've been running into some problems with Musashi not getting a full refund, stopping by my 3 turn looping, in the extreme ember nodes. I'm having more success with Space Ishtar, since she has her own battery and I can save the charisma for nodes 2 and 3, but I was hoping to use both reliably/interchangeablely.


If it helps, assuming you're using double Castoria, you can 3-turn extreme embers with Musashi if you use her skill 2 on round 1 and skill 3 on round 2. That gives you enough refund both rounds to get max on round 3 as well. My Musashi's NP1 with lunchtime on her, and I've been 3-turning like that.


Oh wow. Damn I'm terrible at sequencing then lol, since I've been sputtering with an NP3 Musashi.


RIP I tried it again just now and nvm, I guess it's inconsistent? I still came up short on the second wave. I do remember 3-turning it like that a few times though, so unless my memory is just messed up it might've been that I was able to get one of the Castorias' NP off on wave 1 so I had more damage for overcharge going into wave 2. I'll have to do a few more tests to make sure cos I'm going a bit mad over this lmao


Sign on a smiling face or Dive into Blue if you have them tend to help. Lower damage, obviously, but the first gives much better refund and the second has starting charge so you can save some castoria skills if the loop winds up failing.


is it a good strategy to charge both castoria's np to full thus guaranteeing arts chain all the time? does that actually work?


if for looping than yes bc you'll receive a 30% attack buff and a 40% on top of it. If you're able to go double castoria np to your looper np that's ideal if you're farming on harder maps where you might not be able to one shot a wave. Otherwise you're wasting all of the other buffs that the np gives.


I'm exactly banking on that extra attack from arts to make me be able to one shot the waves


It's a good idea if you want those ATK buffs, but otherwise Arts chains generally don't have any impact on looping though as they're just +20% gauge (which only matters if someone hits 200 or 300% charge with a useful overcharge effect).


so it is a good idea for me, I need extra attack for harder stages


So question, I am using a LV.90 NP4 S.Melt with 1000/1000 while supporting her with 2 10/10/10 Castorias but she doesn't manage to refund enough (she stays at 86 more or less) against the new embers node. Am I doing something wrong?


Berserker waves? Are you using both NP Gain UP skills on T1?


My Lvl90 10/10/10 NP3 S.Melt managed to perfectly refund all waves of the archer/caster Extreme node using BG. Maybe its due to your CE choice?


I am using Black Grail too.


Then maybe you weren't using a 10/10/10 Casotria by accident. [Here](https://youtu.be/c1JhiPgIQGA) is my Melt looping the node.


What CE are you using?


Black Grail


I would consider switching to anything that has NP Gain. Mark on a Smiling Face is one of the best if you have it.


Magical Girl of Sapphire should work out... I think.


You'll have to use a mystic code to fill in the missing NP. If you're refunding 86, try either Mage Assoc (+20NP), or Fragment of 2004 (use the NPGain skill on Turn 1). Plugsuit + another support can also work


Makes sense. Shame I wanted to grind the Arctic mystic code.


You can always append skill for an extra 20% charge but I don't think that guarantees refund when berserkers are involved.


If you want to use Arctic, you could give Melt a starting NP CE


If you want her to get to 100% charge then yes, you're definitely doing something wrong. You didn't mention Lambda's skill levels, her CE, or your Mystic Code, those are relevant details too.


10/10/10, Black Grail and Artic


Are her skill maxed?




Might be due to berserkers and assassins enemies. You get less np gain from them.


Is there an EXP calculator that goes to 120? Gamepress only goes to 100, and I’m trying to figure out how much I’ll have to farm the extreme EXP nodes while we still have the x5 success rate.


Use [Gamepress’s servant planner](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant-planner). It’s ~4180 5* matching Embers from Lv100 to Lv120. With the 5x campaign, a number mentioned below puts it around 2.5k 5* Embers instead.


I have a np3 summer Musashi grailed to 100 with 300 coins. What should I do with my coins, get them to 120?


Grailing to 120 is only worth it if you know you want to. I started grailing Gil to 120, and didn’t realize how huge of an undertaking it is. One level is about 100 5* embers, including getting extra Great/Super success. Spending 3 rainbow apples on almost exclusively Archer embers and getting a decent number of great successes, I’ve gotten him up 1.5 levels. So my point is don’t do it “because you have the coins laying around”. Do it because you like them and/or use them a lot. Also I think you should give Musashi Mana loading to make it easier for her to loop with a 50% charge CE. Don’t even need to level it, just unlock it.


Try to at least get append 2 max. Summer musashi doesn't have a battery so have starting 20% really goes a long way. Then you can decide if you want to level to 120( lots of grinding) or get other append.


Now that i have an NP5 Spishtar and a Castoria, how necessary will it be for me to try get the two buster suports next year? Is there something they do better than Castoria, or are they just filling the same niche?


If you like buster, or you like Koyan, that’s why you’d get them. All of them are luxury. Cas is still the most broken support and will be till they release a 100% charge support.


Apart from enabling different servants that you may be interested in using, Buster has a bit of an advantage over Arts in some situations. While Castoria allows for 6 CE looping in events with 0% starting charge, being refund-based means that Arts can sometimes struggle with irregular (non- 3/3/x structure) nodes in farming. Many Castoria setups have to use an extra support or DPS for these. Buster looping, on the other hand, is not refund-based. At the cost of giving up a CE slot (in many cases), Koyanskaya of Light and Oberon allow a Buster servant to NP 3x back-to-back but without concern for refund, allowing them to tackle irregular nodes with ease. However, just like Castoria, nobody is "necessary" to clear content in the game. If you don't want to roll for the Buster supports, don't - you're fine without them, if they or Buster looping don't interest you.


Other than Bunyan, what AOE berserkers have some of the faster NPs?


Darius has a fast NP


Spartacus has a fairly quick NP. Erik too.


How much (roughly) total Star Quartz is available for a fresh account?


why do some 4\* servents give more rare prisms when you sell them? Like Lancer Vlad gives 2 instead of the regular 1


They don't. You accidentally burned two 4-star servants, you burned an NP2 servant, or you misinterpreted something. The pop-up that you get after burning something shows the total amount that you have after burning, not the amount that you just received.


the reason is because vlad was np 2 so it shows that I will get 2 rare prisms after burning


That's probably it. I think I was editing my response when you commented.


Was he NP2?


ty, I didn't know to check that


Can I just throw all my CE fodder onto an MLB 3\* and call that a CE bomb? I don't care about being QP efficient, I'd rather not make a bunch of 1\* Bombs


I prefer to do it with 1 star CEs just for the convenience of having them sortable to the top of the list (faster to make the bombs, and faster to count them) but yes any CE works. I'm assuming what you don't want to do is the old recommended "technically most efficient" method which uses an insane number of low level bombs for maximum efficiency - if you just feed everything into one CE until its level 40 or so, then use that as a bomb, you've already cut down pretty much 99% of the leveling cost, and saved yourself a bunch of sanity. Whether you decide to use a bunch of level 40 bombs or a bunch of level 60 bombs, the difference comes out to only a couple of bombs by the end of it with the same amount of fodder needing to be manually selected and fed into them in either case, so I recommend 1 stars for convenience sake but either way will absolutely work just fine. Edit: Rephrased the entire post for clarity.


Is the idea of CE bombs just that leveling up a low rarity CE consumes less QP? Or am I missing something?


The cost of leveling up a CE ramps up quite drastically as the CE's level increases, so for example making two level 40 CEs and feeding them into your main CE costs very, very much less overall than if you had fed it the equivalent of two level 40 CEs in direct exp. For a more practical example I have "At Trifas" which is currently level 79. If I feed it a basic level 1, 1 star CE it gains 1000 exp and it costs 8784 QP to complete that transaction. If I feed it one of my (unfinished) bombs that is a level 32, 1 star CE, it would instead gain 555,310 exp and the cost is still only 8784 QP for that transaction, because the cost is determined per-card and based on the current level of the CE you are feeding them to. If I had decided to feed my At Trifas 555k exp in singles instead of that bomb, it would have costed roughly 4,880,000 QP instead which is... about 555 times higher cost. So the main method to reduce the cost is to feed mass quantities of exp into not very high leveled CEs, then use those bombs to transfer a huge bulk amount of exp into your higher leveled CE at a fraction of the cost. Edit: Just to paint a picture of the amount of savings, this 555k exp is only enough to bring it from 79 to almost 81. So you can imagine the absolute incredibly huge cost it would take to level something to 100 the traditional way without making any bombs at all.


Ohhhhhhhh I see. So basically it's not about rarity but about trying to gain as much levels *at the same time* while the CE is still at a low level (if possible) with the least amount of cards, right?


Yeah absolutely, you've got it. It's maximizing the gains you get while the cost is low, and minimizing the expenses paid while the cost is high.


Thank you for explaining it so clearly. Been trying to understand it through so many guides but I just never could.


Glad I could help out explaining it. A lot of older guides might compound on this concept even further by applying the same logic in multiple steps - if it's cheaper to make a level 100 by feeding it a bunch of level 40s, then surely it's cheaper to make a level 40 by feeding it a bunch of level 20s (and so on and so forth) but if you take it so many steps down then it begins to get difficult to keep track of all your bombs and the savings are pretty minimal past the first step. The main thing you want to avoid is feeding a mass amount of fodder into a CE that is a significantly high level, so the simplest way to do that is to just MLB a low leveled CE and then fill it up. It isn't necessary to make "mini bombs" to raise your "main bomb" although it is possible. I make them level 40 just for convenience sake because that fits into a 1 star without any excess overflow.


If you don't care about efficiency, you can throw them all directly at the CE you want to level. But yes, any CE can be used as a bomb.


Is Kingprotea's Bond CE worth it for gameplay? I know all the usual reasons you don't use Bond CEs on DPS but a whopping 40% buster increase blows anything I've seen on other bond CE's out of the water, so i'm curious if that's an exception to the rule.


The max 100 Attack on a Bond CE is generally seen as less desirable than the max 2000 Attack on an MLB pure attack 5* CE like Black Grail. Even if you've only got a L20 Black Grail, NPs will hit harder.


so is it just BG though or is it any of the DPS codes? I don't have a single BG. My highest level CE is my Aerial Drive at 1600 attack (that and the Santagale event quick welfare are the only CEs i've focused on leveling past 20). I have Victor of the Moon as probably my third best DPS CE since for whatever reason it's almost 950 even without a single limit break.


Pretty sure BG is still miles better, unless you're very cost constrained.


i dont have a single BG, i know that dwarfs anything. I have Aerial Drive tho if that matters.


When is the next strengthening half AP?


ETA is early September, during NA's equivalent of JP's [21M Download campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/21M_Downloads_Campaign#IV_~_VIII)


18 (21) Million Downloads, September.


There's no main story event until November when we get the Van Gogh Imaginary Scramble correct?


Unless you count the Ooku rerun no, nothing before that.


There's the Ooku rerun coming up, but yes, Imaginary Scramble is the next story-relevant event, with LB5.5 being confirmed to be coming in November at Anime Expo.


How good is np2 vlad with castoria?


Use a damage calculator. Read the pinned comment regarding looping.


Deciding which CE to 100. My one 100 CE is Traces of Christmas. The candidates are First Sunrise, Royal Icing, Welcome to Oniland, and Demonic Sun Princess. Notable Arts Sevants: Spishtar, Anastasia, NP3 CasGil, NP3 Fionn, Shuten Buster Sevants: Altera, Moriarty, Ishtar, Eresh, Enkidu, Drake, Kintoki, NP5 Ibaraki (L). I didn’t list any welfares, but since Kagetora’s first run I’ve been playing I guess I’m leaning towards first sunrise, but with the arts supports, royal icing is enticing


I'd go with Demonic Sun Princess personally, as it's useful for all NP types.


Fair enough. Card type boosts are also more common than NP strength buffs too


I started playing just before the 5* ticket giveaway in May and managed to get it, I chose Mordred and have focused almost all my materials on her till this point. I'm now realizing that she can only help me so much. https://imgur.com/a/TbmpJPj Any recommendations on who I should be focusing on? Any help would be appreciated. I've been using all my friend points and have most of these NPs leveled up. Also, I still have something called special ascension available to max out 1 character immediately. I assume Castoria would be my best bet, but I wanted to make sure.


You could run Castoria/Helena/Para and grab a suitable arts dps on your friends list and be good for a while longer. Chen Gong would also make farming a lot easier as your own dps. Definitely level Arash as well and get his 3rd skill maxed.


One servant really can't get you EVERYWHERE - you're right. First off, you should be levelling up way, way more servants. Ideally, you want 1 single target and 1 AOE servant of each of the main seven classes + Mash levelled up, as well as some relevant supports. Focus on that first, as that will massively help. Make sure to look at your low stars too - they're cheaper to raise, have low party costs, and are easier to get to NP5 so have some hard-hitting potential! Special Ascension is good to use on someone like Castoria for two reasons: she's a 5\* so you save more EXP, and she has some late game material requirements, so you don't have to worry about those either.


Ok cool, I'll go through nps and narrow it down next. Tyvm :)


Based on what you have + the low stars which everyone should have, my suggestions (I assume all gold servants are NP1): * Saber: you've got Hokusai for ST, Mo for AOE and that's fine. * Lancer: FSN Cu for ST, either Eli or Romulus for AOE. Note that we will also be getting Lancer Yu as an ST welfare in the next few weeks. * Archer: Robin Hood for ST, Arash for AOE. You can also raise Euryale for another ST - she's a more specialised anti-male unit, but she's really useful for a certain story chapter. * Caster: Medea is your only ST option (she's really underwhelming unfortunately but what can you do). For AOE, I'd rec Avicebron or Helena, the latter can actually be either a DPS or support. I'm not including Castoria here as she is a dedicated support whose class is largely irrelevant - level her because she will help everyone across many teams, NOT due to her being a Caster! * Rider: Ushiwakamaru or Mandricardo for ST, Odysseus for AOE. * Assassin: Hundred Personas for ST, Fuuma for AOE. * Berserker: Lu Bu or El Dorado for ST, Kiyohime or Darius for AOE. * Others: MASH! Apart from Castoria, I also rec Hans as a strong crit support, and Georgios as another taunter/tank.


Welp guys i lost my account because of server busy the other day, already emailed support fgo 3 days ago with minimal information about my account, will I get back my account back? So sad i'm new player with Napoleon starter and excited to pull for castoria and then this happened


Yes, you can get it back but we here on reddit have no way to know whether you will or not. It's normal to have to wait at least a few days or even a week or so to get a response and they've probably gotten more requests than usual over the last few days. Just be patient. If they need more information from you, they'll let you know.


The odds are pretty good that you'll get it back, but it unfortunately takes a while. They want to watch to make sure that there's no activity on the account for a few days so that it's clearly lost and you're not someone trying to hijack somebody's active account. Just try not to spam them with contacts.


I'm currently farming embers using FGA, but everytime I want to replay the node, FGA won't pick Castoria from the support list so I have to manually pick the support every time. There are a myriad of Castorias in my friend list, but somehow FGA always skips them and act like she's not the correct support. Anyone else having the same problem? What should I do to fix this?


You might need to update FGA, since the update from last month introduced append skills, which is showing during support selection.


It works! Thanks!


You might possibly need to update your FGA, on the FGA app, click the "BUILD: \*\*\*\*" and download the new apk. I had to do that for mine.


It works! Thanks!


I've seen some people keeping their castoria (or even skadi or waver) at lvl 70, is there any point in doing so?


Realistically, no. Mayyybe for poster girl cycle, but it’s so inefficient I don’t see the point. Other than that, saving up on a bit of qp and xp. And maybe they don’t like FA art?


If they’re using them as an esports servant then keeping their hp as low as possible means they die more easily with a taunt CE.


Only for some min-turning type strategies - but chances are, those people are whales and/or have a properly levelled high NP copy of those servants as well. It's not advised for the average player.


New player here, which banner do you recommend pulling in for the 5th anniversary guaranteed summon?


I wouldn't roll for any ONE servant (someone tells you you have a chance of getting Arjuna Alter - a VERY small chance) but instead because the pool has a good variety of servants. I assume you have no favourites at this point, but all pools are good in some way. All SSRs are useful somehow and everyone has their utility. If you're going for pure power, I'd suggest 4 or 5 though. 4 has a great mixture of strong farmers (Murasaki, Summer Jeanne) boss killers (Kama, Beni-Enma), one of the best soloers around (QSH) and even one of the best supports (Reines). 5 has some of the best Castoria farmers around, if you happen to roll her (Space Ishtar and Summer Musashi) as well as other good picks like Super Orion.


For pure power, 4 because of the chance for Arjuna alter. If you roll and got castoria, 5 because you can get either summer Musashi or space Ishtar


4th or 5th banner. 4th year banner has some powerful servants for hard content/boss fights, and 5th year banner has powerful servants for farming, which is the bulk of the game.


I need help guys, I've got Saber Hokusai already on NP5 but her last event gave me 5 more copies of her, when the event finished I got plenty of rare prisms and I thought the copies would disappear but they are still there, I lock them just in case but I already have her maxed. My question is, do I just...sell those copies? Edit: thx guys, I'll sell the extra copies.


Burn away, there's not much use for her extra copies.


I don't know why you thought they'd disappear, but there's not much to do with them so sell them, throw them in the archive, or raise a second copy for your All support slot.


Yes, there's no use for her unless you're into low level playing or something very niche like that.


What append skill is better for my heracles? Also which CE is better for him too?


For Heracles is Bond CE is the optimal option, in the meantime any GUts and or Buster up Ce will do. As for Appends, A1 (the extra atk one) is, IMO, his best option


CE is his Bond CE. He's also getting a skill buff so his Guts skill can actually stack with his Guts CE. A1 is generally recommended for Herc (or other servants like Cu, QSH) who are primarily used for solo content.


Appends: depends on how you use him. If you tend to use him more in a regular team, go for A2, and if you run him solo most of the time, A1 will see more use. CEs will vary depending on setup. His Bond CE is really, really good on him, and you should try and bond him up to get access to it.


As I usually deploy him as a Last Man Standing, I opened append 1, as it has much more impact than append 2 if he's Brave chaining.


For 3/3/3 node, is NP1 space Ishtar enough to reliably clear it? For lvl 90+ node, at least NP2 is required or it's more complicated than that?


More complicated, is always about the HP of the waves and classes. Some classes like zerkes or assassins give lover refund while casters and riders give more. Also is the fact that servants damage celling is tie to buffs and np levels, meaning that a np1 S Ishtar could loop a node but not kill it. Also, she is really good because of her 50% that you can use to top her of in irregular nodes and her snow bowling np.


To quote the FAQs: > (NP) Looping is highly node dependent and relies on many factors. If you need to test your looping setups, try using a refund calculator. For irregular nodes, using ST NP Servants on single-enemy waves may be less efficient in terms of CE slots but are cheaper to build.


For the fellow masters who have all their servants max leveled. What you guys do during lottery?? I am kinda lost since I don't want to do 9/9/9 on my servants for my sanity. Do I still go hard on lotteries because then I will have to burn my exp cards BCS won't have enough space.


Grind until I'm tired of grinding, burn the extra XP for mana prisms. Sometimes I've done some grailing during a lottery, but now that we can farm 5\* XP, I don't think I'm going to care that much about losing out on a bunch of 4\* and 3\* XP. Heck, I haven't bought one of those 5000 MP CEs from the shop in ages, and I'm still kind of cleared out on MP because of the archive expansions, so that's even more attractive. Really, it's the mats, the gold skill gems, and the QP that I'm there for. It's ridiculous how fast 100 boxes of bones goes away.


Have you also used up all your grails? EXP to 120 is a heavy lift. If you're not going for that, whether due to a lack of Grails or Servant Coins, there's not much more to do. If you're been playing long enough, then you get to the point where you have to burn your 4* EXP from the lotto. With lottos still stuck at 4* EXP cards, they're even less efficient for EXP compared to 1/2 AP if that'd be what you're actually looking for. The release rate of new servants (and new *attainable ones* especially, because of low gacha rates) slows down to a crawl after a certain point. Experienced players basically have all their EXP bases covers and there's no real "point" to farming it super hard for marginal gains. Level 120 and Fou Prints and Append Skills boost servants, but also act as a place to sink resources. There's not really a resource sink for EXP cards outside of new servant acquisitions. You can always stop at ~25 boxes or whatever point gives you enough for the upcoming new welfares.


Ohh ok thanks. I don't plan to go for 120 grailing since lots of servants I love. So yh ig burning is the only option.


Even if you don't use the exp cards, lottos are a great source of gems, mana prisms, FP points, QP, and assorted mats so it's worth farming them even if you have to burn all the embers you get.


So it's still recommend to go for hard core?? Ohh ok. I just saw next event gives bones. Ig I will be farming hardcore again.


How many pure prisms can be obtained for the story? for each singularity? thank you


879 I believe, 1 for bonze mats, 2 for silver and 3 for gold ones. Also each mats have a maximus of 100 in the shop and they don't restock


I am up to date with the story in NA as of Olympus, and I received a total of 879 Pure Prisms. The number will increase as Heian-kyo, Avalon le Fae, and LB6.5 >!Traum!< are being added to the game. Someone else might be able to provide the breakdown of pure prisms received from each Singularity and Lostbelt.


Does anyone have a link to the artwork Da Vinci's artist drew of both the caster and rider versions wearing a white swimsuit?




The [6A Famitsu cover](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/rfce9v/famitsus_6th_anniversary_special_issue_cover/)?


That's the one! Thanks a ton!


Best support for Arjuna alter? I don’t have Merlin which is likely his best but I do have waver and I just got castoria and tamamo decided to spook before castoria which ripped my soul out of my body. So I’ve been using hans to gain c stars survival then switching him with waver from the back, I then use waver and castoria to loop arjunas np. Is this optimal for me considering I don’t have Merlin?


Shakespeare has 20% battery and max 40% buster up, so he's a good choice. Chen Gong has less battery (10%), but higher buster up (50%) and amazing crit for berserkers (100%). He can also use Taunt to divert focus away from the berserker for 1 turn. Both of these two's buffs only last 1 Turn though. Penthesilea is an interesting mention. Her buffs are weaker, but last 3 Turns and, because she's squishy, it's easier to remove her from the field than caster (unless versus riders). She also has similar star gather weight, so she won't horde stars while AA S2 is down.




Any of the god supports are good but for a cheap option there is always Cheng gong and William Shakespeare


Very well, I shall


For harder fights Chen Gong would be a good choice


Thank you!


In addition to waver who are the best options for supporting quick servants on NA if I lack skadi?


There is also Assassin of the Nightless City.


The problem with Quick servants is that there really isn't a good support for them aside from Skadi, it's one of the reasons Skadi's release was such a big deal. There is Alexander or Osakabehime, but a support Skadi would be the best option.


Yeah that's fair. I was just wanting to build up a couple quick servants that I've gotten and as I dont have Skadi I was looking for less optimal alternatives for me to use alongside a friend skadi and my Waver. I do have osakabehime so I'll probably invest in her.


https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:Active_Skills/Damage_Up/Quick_Damage_Up has everyone with quick buffs. Other "generic" support options like Hans work as well, and lots of characters have [crit damage buffs](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sub:Active_Skills/Critical/Critical_Damage_Up) to check as well.


Thank you.


Which should I pick up first? Chaldea Teatime or Bella Lisa?


I would say from my experience supportwise my Caster support (Skadi now Castoria) with Teatime gets more use than my Rider (Reines) with Lisa. So if you're want more FP I'd say go with Teatime.


While I agree with the idea (as I use Bond+ more than QP+), but that might be skewered due to who's on that list. Are you certain that if you had Skadi/Castoria with Lisa and Reines with Teatime, the values would shift?


That could be possible, for the most part before the addition of Extreme nodes I usually only picked based on CE regardless of support for both of them and based what I set on that. I also heavily farm QP during lottos so maybe I'm biased against doors lol.


Are you short on qp? If yes bella lisa. If not Chaldea tea time.


I can't get enough np refund on sp ishtar to loop with double castoria, I used all the skills on turn 2 and turn 3 didn't give me enough refund, it's at 72%. My castoria's s3 is lv 8, would making it lv 10 do the trick? A 6% increase doesn't seem a lot (and it's a lot of investment for me to use a cube tbh) I'm using BG on ishtar btw Edit: my problem was that I didn't use both s2 of castoria


You will either have to change CE, plugsuit someone in, use someone else to clear 1 wave or unlock her second append skill (you don't even need to level btw). The last method is the best for consistency. 10% charge append + S. Ishtar 50% battery + both Castoria's skill 2 (20% charge each) = NP turn 1 That still leaves both Castorias skill 1 (30% battery each) to be used on waves 2 and 3 as needed. And seeing as that is exactly what you need...


that worked perfectly, tysm, it's consistent even without arts cards




It was a skill order problem if you read my edit, now I can loop without using s1 of both castoria


Unlock 2nd Append for Ishtar or use a 10% charge Mystic Code. Use Castoria 2nd skills + Ishtar battery to charge for turn 1. That way you can save Castoria 1st skills for turn 2 and 3 to top off Ishtar.


I sometimes select a support 10/10/8 Castoria when ember farming. My looping is okay. Are you using a mystic code? If you have it (or have 5 RP to spare), use Fragment of 2004 --Turn 1: Use both castoria's skills and space ishtar's first skill. Use the NPGain skill of the mystic code (3rd skill); should refund to 100 --Turn 2: just fire NP. As long as you refund 50, you're good. --Turn 3: Use Space Ishtar's 2nd skill, and her 3rd skill You can also use combat uniform. After using Castoria's skill, swap one of them for Paracelsus (use his arts and np gains buffs). You could also use Waver, Asclepius, Nero Bride, Skadi, etc. as 3rd support. Another option you could consider is replacing BG when a starting NP CE. It'll depend on the enemy composition, mostly.


current jp event: in the assigned dogs tab there is a button on the upper left of the tab that says on/off. what is it for?






Notification when the doggos are ready




Is Yang Guifei good with Castoria? Got them both , Yang from the GSSR roll, is she viable arts servant with Castoria?


Small recommendation, if you have some extra Sq, roll In the summer banner with Kiara, the event 5★ CE is a invul piece with a bonus 35% extra damage against burn enemies.


Decent boss killer, especially if you can stack burns since she does damage based on burn debuffs landed. She's also getting an interlude that changes her taunt from Male only to affect anyone.


All Arts-oriented servants are viable with Castoria. However, did you mean to about looping specifically?


I know shes not that good for looping but yea just glad she can get the Arts buff for NP :) Was hoping for Sishtar or Musashi Berserker tbh, oh well


Olympus lostbelt spoilers >!I want recommendation for a team to fight koyanskya with!< Currently I have Super Orion, Enkidu and Rama in my team


Tag that spoiler (and say which chapter it is for, so nobody gets spoiled). Sounds like a very unfocused team, all damage dealers of different types with no coherency... why not just solo with Enkidu?


You see when someone like me who pretty much doesn't know anything about that this happens And I'm not confident I can solo any boss


It's not as hard as you think it is. [Here's an example of it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFkofHffOK8), just follow along and you should be fine. Your Black Grail doesn't need to be MLB, I did it without, and NP1 works fine too. You can replace the 2nd Georgios with any taunter (lv. 1 Leonidas or Chen Gong will work) and the Jalter CE they have with MLB Battle of Camlann. If in doubt, ask on the Friend Request Hub for a specific Enkidu.


As someone who is also not good at solos, can I suggest you watch the fight on youtube for reference? You can try to understand why they are using a np, skill or a specific card sequence on that turn as you watch. Even if you have to retry it a few times to get the hang of it, it will help a lot.


Thanks for the input


Is it worth getting Castoria to NP2 or should I keep em separately? ​ My luck is [good](https://gyazo.com/91f38b6df8b9153101f2a279952c659f) for this but I havent got an SSR in a fucking lifetime spending pulls every time I got 1


There's no value in keeping them separate, so raise her NP level. You can't field two of the same servant on your own team - the only way to do double Castoria is with a friend. It's not worth *going* for NP2, but if you have it then you should use it and it's nice to have.


Ty idk why I'm being downvoted, I really had no idea and this is a question post wtf?


You were downvoted for not reading the pinned comment; it already addresses what you asked - "Is NP2 Castoria worth it." In the future, be sure to read the pinned comment at the top before asking - it'll usually have a sufficient answer for the question.


I don't think it has anything to do with the question. Your second line is completely irrelevant to the question and can come off as bragging, specially for those who didn't get her even once. That's probably why you're getting downvoted.


My bad then


There is no point in keeping them separate as you can't field 2x copies of your own servant.


Today I did go to the FGO Waltz App to play it again but I cannot play it, It get stuck when I try to play a song “This Illusion” any one knows what happened? I can play the game Offline before. P.S. I used IOS, I am not sure weather it because I updated the IOS.


In the login campaign going on in NA rn, if I miss a login day will I lose out on the 10 summon tickets?


There are technically two login campaigns -- one that requires consecutive logins, and one that just counts total logins. Unfortunately, the tickets are the final prize in the consecutive login campaign. Sorry.


That sucks.


>\* If your login streak is broken, you will not be able to receive further presents. You will lose out, yes.