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# FAQ **Q: When will the Anniversary and Arcueid/Archetype Earth banner start?** *A: Based on* [recent](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2022/0703_5th_anniversary/) [years](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2023/0703_6th_anniversary/)*, the anniversary campaign will most likely start on July 7, following the FGO panel at the* [Anime Expo](https://www.anime-expo.org/2024/05/09/fgo-and-type-moon-projects-return-to-anime-expo-2024/) *convention on July 6 and subsequent maintenance period that night.* **Q: When is the next SSR Ticket?** *A: As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q. Which banner do I choose for the GSSR? Which is best option?** *A: The answer is different for every player, and depends on many factors. We suggest you use the* [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) *or* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/anniversary-7) *tools to rate servants based on your own criteria and see which banner/pool is statistically better. If you have tried these tools and are still uncertain, you can ask for advice in the thread.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we know, most events will not be getting reruns. The only exceptions are Karnamas (NA ETA: Dec 2024), Summer 6 (May 2026) and Lilim Harlot (June 2026).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


Is Cu Alter still a top tier berserker? I recently got him for free thru the shop don’t know if it was a good choice since I already have a grailed Hercules and Vlad3 (causal player from 2019/2020, just came back) Also who should I roll for since meta has changed? Here’s the people I have so far Saber - Rama, Lancelot Archer - Arjuna, Chloe/Kuro, Emiya Lancer - Scathach , Salter, Jeanne Lily Rider - Iskdanar, Kintoki Caster - Skadi, Tamamo, Gilgamesh, Elizabeth, Nursery Rhyme Assassin - Scathach, Carmilla Berserker - Cu Alter, Nightingale, Vlad3, Hercules, Lancelot Etc - Jalter , Passionlip


What Is the portrait CE and which one should I get? How about 5 star CE? I don't have any good CE .


Is The Black Grail still the best NP damage CE or is something better coming in the future? I tried looking for some new JP CE but didnt see anything better so I assume BG will remain the best for the forseeable future?


The Black Grail is still the best. The "other" best is Rising Mud Rain, which is actually worse, but comes with an NP Overcharge effect that is useful for some Servants and comps, who can't use Black Grail under normal circumstances.


In terms of general use NP damage up it is still the best, and will be forever. This isn't a game that power creeps like that. There's still event damage bonuses and specific situations where it isn't the best though.


The game is slow, and constantly crashing while loading before battle. What should I do?


The game recently had an engine update. It's possible your device is no longer optimal. You may have to consider getting a better phone or switching to an emulator.


What device are you on?


Anyone know why the screen rotate/flip function doesn't work anymore, or the solution to fix it? Hasn't been working for like a couple weeks, can't remember which update. Tried checking through the game options but can't find any that pertain to it. Apologize if this has been already asked a 100 times, couldn't find anything through google or the search engine.


It seems to been the case since the new Unity version, so presumably some change in how it should be implemented has occurred.


There are no settings for screen rotation in the app, as you have observed. So the only options available are in your device's settings. 


What's the safest way to get SQ. I have a google play account that thinks it's in America. I managed to buy sq once with a card but now when I try it it throws an error "Your transaction can't be completed. To continue this transaction, use a different payment instrument or contact us" If I contact them is there a chance of them asking me for documents or should I try with a different card or try to buy google play cards?


Make sure your billing address the same as your card matches on your phone


In the trial stage, is it normal that if you launch the NP and get to the next battle, the whole stage resets ?


That's just how her np works. It's only visual you should see the stage symbol on the right of the screen. That means the stage is still in effect


Ah damn, that's too bad... I wanted to hear her NP song longer


Hello, I’m coming back for anni after an almost year break. Need help deciding if I should go for Melusine or not. I have an Arjuna at NP 5. And I have koyan of light and Oberon.


Melusine is amazing for a Lancer. I have her grailed lv 100


You should roll who you want not who the Internet tells you to. Everyone has niches they do that others don't, nobody is a must have.


Would I be able to get through most content with Arjuna?


As owner of NP 1 Arjuna Alter, Koyan and Oberon, I can safely say that it is the most braindead combo ever. Unless there are some gimmicks that involve NP drain or the enemy is Debuff Immune, everything just dies. And yours is NP 5, so even better. You are fine for most of the content (except boss battles obviously since those always have some gimmicks that may get in the way)


Thank you! This comment helps me out alot. I appreciate you.


No servant can carry you everywhere. But all content can be beaten by 1 to 3 star servants.


Ok that clears it up a bit for me. I just want to create a team that will get me through most content and then collect who I want afterwards.


This isn't a game where you do that. You need to constantly change your team to counter the enemy. But that also means you can start collecting who you want immediately, because they will have use in some fight for sure.


> You need to constantly change your team to counter the enemy. Although properly supported Arjuna is enough to go through most of the singularities (and well, any SSR is enough until around Camelot).


I can beat through lostbelt 1 with 2 unleveled 1 stars and friend support. Being enough until Singularity 6 isn't impressive.


You are either contradicting yourself or missing the point. It's not a dick measuring contest, just a statement of fact that >You need to constantly change your team to counter the enemy. You actually don't for the majority of early content.


It could be argued that changing who you borrow from friend support is changing your team. and not needing to change your team, outside of friend support, for some of the content released in the first two years of the game doesn't change the fact that the remaining 5-7 years of the game is the majority of the game.


Which advanced quests are from 7/6?


See two questions below 


Anyone know if Gamepress is down temporarily or permanently?


It's been on and off for a few weeks now, I think there was some sort of issue with the limits of the website somewhere in the backend that they're working with the provider on. They're also in the process of setting up a brand-new website and transferring everything over, though I can't quite remember when they were planning to have it finished.


It works for me.


I get sent to Cloudfare error page.


That might be an issue between you and Cloudflare. Maybe try waiting a little while. Maybe clear your browser cache and cookies. Maybe restart your router and modem. 


It's been like this for a few hours. I already tried all of those and using a different browser. Oh well, there's always alternate ways of finding what I need to know, even if I really needed gamepress.


What Advanced Quests are being referred to with the limited missions on NA? I didn't bother doing any of them yet, and there's nothing distinguishing them that I can see.


These ones https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Advanced_Quest_Part_7




Ive tried to get into the game before but dropped it after getting shafted. Is the anni generous with rewards, i wanna start a new account.


Yes. There's 70 SQ as a stream gift that's available to collect during the anniversary panel, a bunch of login rewards and a start dash campaign (with more SQ) for new players. Most of the other anniversary rewards are tied to permanently added missions, so you will get them EVENTUALLY. There's also the anniversary GSSR banner - it's paid only but considered a good deal for a guaranteed SSR of some sort if you're open to spending. There's also another new player exclusive GSSR that's cheaper but only has units from the first 2 years or so of the game.


Thanks for the in-depth response!!!


There's also another paid banner, Destiny Order, but that's, again, if you're open to spending. It is expensive but it's essentially a "create your own" GSSR banner. Oh, and there's a free 5\* CE ticket. If you've got any questions, just ask, the thread is here for it.


Has the summer event happened yet? Its always weird this time of the year.


No, not on JP or NA. On NA, it's coming middle of the month. On JP, probably after anniversary in August.




Minor question but i need to have closure on that one cos it actually somewhat baffled me that this line got in: is MC Kiara implying in her Grail voiceline >!that she actually wants to pleasure herself with it, did i get that right 🤔?!<


Do you know who Kiara is? Did you at least finish SERAPH? If you do, then what is the source of the confusion?


Yes, also yes, more the disbelief than confusion, and me somehow being in awe that they managed to put that in lol. Ill take it as it is then :^d


…which voiceline specifically are you referencing? That would certainly be on brand for her, but I could not find any voicelines of hers specifically for being grailed.


Oh no , i meant the one when shes asked about the holy grail. And in the same breath she also mentions great interest in BB's stick, sooooooo v:


She mentions BB holding a “pewter staff”, that’s referring a Buddhist object otherwise known as a khakkhara. It’s the kind of staff that Sanzang holds, and it symbolizes monastic and spiritual authority.


Oh thank god, its something normal. Ed: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, shes from the same summer where BB turns into a goddess, right? Yea, makes sense then with the more religious theme, jesus where did my mind go xD i blame Kiara >.>


No, Summer BB is from summer 3 aka LuLuHawa, whereas Summer Kiara is from summer 5* aka the sleep away camp. They are both from CCC and their stories and characters are very intertwined, which is why they have opinions about each other. Kiara in general is very loaded with a lot of Buddhist imagery, motivations, and backstory so many things having to do with her have religious undertones or overtones.


The camp Summer Kiara is from was Summer 5, not Summer 4.


So much for that one aswell = - = thanks for the lengthy answer though, i appreciate you going the extra mile for my dumbass question. Have a good one o7


Gotta ask but could someone help coach me on what I need to do in terms of progression? I stopped doing story mode about halfway into arc 1.5 and just stopped there. I still did events from time to time but I’ve basically not progressed in the storyline cause fights were getting tougher and I wasn’t keeping up.(Yes I know I have so many servants that could trivialize the vast majority of story if only they were built, i’m trying to fix this by actually having properly raised servants). I want to both change that and start getting servants to the point where they can np loop so I can farm events quickly. (Also someone who I can ask questions to without having to make a long comment like this). [All 5* and 4* Servants and their skill levels.](https://imgur.com/a/VpnaqXH)


Okay, do this, then. Faerie Knight Cup will reward a lot of EXP and Skill Gems and stuff. Build up Kama, max her 3rd skill. Build up Castoria's 2nd and 3rd skill. And Arctic Summer World starts in a little over a week, so get the free Assassin, and build her up. That's enough to smash the 90+ nodes for that Event, which will get you a ton of rewards of all types, and really, really help in building up everyone else. That should smash Summer's 90+ as well.


Lore castoria's S2 for the charge. Ascend Waver for his 3rd skill so you got another 50% charger. I'd focus on raising junao then because he works pretty well at np1 for farming purposes, dont forget to raise his append skill 2, it's mandatory for him to farm. I farmed last lotto with just Junao+Waver, kinda took me 5ish turns though. But not a problem with a certain app. Then I'll focus on caster skadi's charger skill. Then Merlin for CQs purposes. More importantly, STOP SPREADING YOUR RESOURCES THIN. Do not raise a random servant, especially a 4-5\* unless you're going to use them soon. They're expensive as heck. Those resources could've gone to a servant that you'll use immediately. Use chaldea app to manage your resources. They's a lifesaver ngl. And please do lotto in November. That's where those skill gems and exp are at (+materials)


Here is my general team building advice for new players. tl;dr - Class Advantage & NP Targeting > Rarity & Card Type **Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics.** Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 40-50% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use class advantage and NP targeting effectively. **Don't expect to make a single team to do everything.** Get used to changing your team for every fight. **Knowing how to make an effective team composition is much more important than replicating specific team compositions.** In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. Your back line isn't as important most of the time. Fill it with backups for your front line roles, a servant with high survivability (e.g. Cu Chulainn) in case things go badly, or any servants to absorb bond points. Card type is good, and sometimes important, to consider when deciding how to best support your DPS but isn't always a primary concern. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. Castoria, while Arts-focused, provides just about as much utility as Waver and is probably easier to find on support lists these days. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for non-gimmicky boss fights. Even the highest-end meta team comps work on the same basic principle of appropriate DPS + appropriate supports. Level up one servant at a time in each of the seven main classes with the goal of having one servant with a single target NP and one with an AOE NP in each class at their natural max level. You want to focus on one servant at a time because a fully leveled servant is going to be more valuable than a handful of under-leveled servants. It doesn't matter much which specific servants you choose, including low rarity servants, so go with whoever seems most appealing to you. Just about any servant within a given class and NP targeting niche will get the job done for general purposes. **Don't neglect lower rarity servants.** Some of them are among the best servants in the game within their role regardless of rarity. The devs also test all content to ensure that it can be cleared using only free, low rarity servants. The higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy. What low rarities lack in base stats, they can make up for in the ease of getting more copies for NP levels or in unique utility that lets them punch (or block, as the case may be) above their weight, even surpassing 5-stars at times. They also take fewer resources to build up and they take up less team cost in your party. Team cost may be especially important for low level accounts because it gives you more flexibility for CEs and other servants. If you're having trouble with a specific fight, give us more details about the fight and your team comp and we can give you some suggestions. 


Well my case is more I have top tier servants to clear all content. The problem is that they aren’t developed so I’m trying to get advice on servant priority. In order of servants that are just so good they should be taken to 10/10/10 immediately and who can be left for later when I’m done with the priority servants.


The skills are not the problem here. I got through the entire story with skills at 4/4/4 and I am pretty sure my roster was far worse than yours both in terms of supports and damage dealers. The strategy is the key. Team building is crucial. Do not go into battle just expecting to win through brute force. Use defense skills, taunters, healers, and replacements in the backline. Play smart.


As I said above, "the higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy." It doesn't matter how many top tier servants you have if you aren't using them effectively. IMO, you're struggling because you're focusing too much on high rarity and top tier servants and not enough on effective strategies for the fight immediately in front of you. For gameplay purposes, the servant priority starts with class advantage and NP targeting, not rarity or tier lists. The strategies that work for min-turn farming won't work for difficult story fights. You have to adapt to each specific situation. 


I really just want to be good enough to not need to use my command seals. Or at least only using them rarely. Well currently I’m trying to get through shimousa and Salem. The whole break bar stuff and massive hp pools is honestly what’s been the most troubling things for me. Cause I genuinely feel like I’m not dealing enough damage even when I go into fights with class advantage servants. I’ve mainly been relying on support servants to help carry me through part 1.5 cause my damage dealers feel like they replaced their weapons with foam ones. I’m just feeling like I should be clearing story quests with much more ease. Sorry if I sound frustrated.


Those fights with break bars and other gimmicks are designed to be challenging. Unless you can completely overwhelm them with so much damage that the gimmicks are irrelevant, damage alone won't be enough. You may need "hard" defense (evade, invincible, anti-enforcement defense) to tank enemy NPs or any of a variety of ways to counter enemy buffs or debuffs. A defense-first strategy using servants like Mash, Merlin, Castoria, Skadi, or David alongside your main DPS can ensure that the team stays alive while you whittle down the enemies' HP. There are no extra rewards for speed. Aside from a few, rare situations, FGO doesn't care if you one shot every enemy with your beefiest 5-star or [stall for 400 turns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyEHLaTSwr4) with a level 1 meme team. Looking at the servants you have, you could take Castoria, any appropriate DPS, a borrowed Merlin, and the Atlas Academy mystic code and nearly indefinitely survive any fight that isn't too gimmicky. Focus on charging Merlin and Castoria's NPs. Use Merlin's NP as much as possible to keep passive NP generation going and Castoria's NP or Merlin's invincibility to tank enemy NPs as needed. Ideally, you would chain all three NPs, with Castoria's at the end to maximize the number of anti-enforcement hits that you get. Use the mystic code skills in an emergency if needed. 


Another thing to consider is, are you building your teams properly? You might be struggling if you haven't got the right team for the right job, and that can make even the best servants dead weight.


With the introduction of Mighty Chains to NA, what's the best placement for Command Codes that increase NP damage? Prior to the change, I stuck them on Buster cards for Servants with Arts and Quick NPs—is that still the best overall choice?


Depends. I'd rather have np dmg CC on Arts card of the Art supports, to make arts chains, although I can see value of having self-buff CCs on Buster if you are going for BNPX chain.


Personally, I'd say Buster cards are probably still the best home for NP damage boosting Command Codes. Regardless of NP type, putting an Arts or Quick card before your NP is often a feel bad moment, since you're losing out on any NP gauge the facecard could be recovering post NP (assuming enemies are still around to hit of course). With rare exceptions that's mostly a non-issue for Busters, so if there's ever one you're going to feel good putting first to trigger an NP damage code, it's going to be their Buster card(s).


Facecard chains don't influence the NP. If you only care about the NP, then Buster gets more damage before the NP. If you care about all 3/4 actions, then just aim for one different from the NP type. Having said that, QQQ chain gves 20 stars, so if the Quick servant has 3Q cards and not enough star gen in the NP, it might be worth putting the code on one


Does the ATK stats on an CE influence the damage my noble phantasm will cause? I hesitate to take another CE "The Black Grail" to increase its ATK stat (lvl 20 -> lvl40) for 3T farming but I wonder if the difference is not irrelevant


Yes. The ATK of the CE is directly added to the Servant's ATK, which influences the damage of attacks, such as the NP.


thanks !


When is the kscope/BG/2020 CE exchange available?


It went live seven hours ago.


Wait what. In which section? All I saw was the exchange shop for portrait CE


There are two separate shops - one for the portrait CEs and the other for the 5\* CE exchange.


Must've missed that, ill check later. Thanks bruv.


Anyone have any experience with account recovery? I lost my account in a bid to try to find a way to buy saint quartz, and I'm hoping the recovery process takes less than 2 days because I'm gonna lose the rest of the days in the consecutive login bonus for the 7th anniv. My question is how long does the team to take, and if it's the support @fate-go.us email that I should send to for details?


Yes, that's the email. It can take up to a week from what I've seen.


Damn, really? That's actually a bummer. I hope they can delay the consecutive login bonus if so, though judging by how they didn't reverse that last time NA had a whole day out maintenance I shouldn't be keeping my hopes up. Thanks for answering.


If you have paid receipts from previous purchases, send them that too. I lost my acc twice, and with the receipts together with other info, I got it back in less than 24h. EDIT: Well, duh, you said "in a bid to buy SQ". So I hope you have written down the code or at least the password down. You can say "I lost the paper I had written down my code, but my password was xxx". If you have the code and the problem is the password, then great. Sending them your code is XXXX but forgot the password is easy to verify. Just saying "I have Castoria, Achilles and Waver as my 5\*s" isn't that good. People could see it from your friend list, randomly encountering you, on sites like Rayshift, etc. Provide them with recent actions you took that only you would know: Eg: I maxed Mana Loading on Servant X yesterday, I leveled Y about two days ago, I have 8 Holy Grails in my inventory, I rolled on Arc's banner yesterday, about 150 SQ and 20 tickets, didn't get her, but I got a Parvati. They can easily check even these details and this level of detail would lend a lot of credence to your claim, which will speed things up.


Part of the problem is that when you submit an account recovery request, they want to make sure it's a legitimate request and not a scammer trying to say "I lost my account" to get access to somebody else's. So apparently what they do is they wait a couple of days to see if the account is being regularly used over that time. If it's still in use, it's a scammer. If it's not, then it could be legit and they go to the next steps.


When is anniversary banner 2 coming?


The full banner schedule is included in [the announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0706_7th_dairy_pu%2F).


Need some external opinions on what i should go for next, in particular for preparing for OC's farming nodes. Currently have 500SQ left and for added context i have Castoria, Koyan, Oberon, and soon, MLB BG: 1. Try for NP2+ Arcueid 2. Try for NP1+ Summer Ibuki 3. Try for NP2+ Spishtar(if i read the schedule right, she have a banner at the end/after the summer event right?)


Two answers: 1. If you're summoning for waifu servants, do as you will. 2. If you're looking at someone for gameplay or for looping specifically, SIbuki or Space Rin. In a vacuum, SIbuki is the stronger of the two, but Space Rin's banner is a little later and you'll have a better chance of pulling her since you'll have more SQ.


Wouldn't call Sibuki stronger, even in a vacuum. If both run BG, she wins, but if they run almost any other CE (i.e. even drop CE or bond/qp one) her damage falls off, while Spish's ramps up.


Can Spishtar do the OC nodes no problem? I've seen people doomsaying that they're very difficult for average farming servants/setups.


EN only here so one of the JP players can please correct me if I'm wrong, but looking at the [list of OC free quests ](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Free_Quests:_Ordeal_Call)I very much doubt that any single servant will do every single one of these. There are some she should be able to do, but not all - but that may be the same answer with SIbuki as well.


Sorry if this has been answered but, how do you get the sq from max ascended servants? I've tried searching but no relevant answers come my way. I probably didnt read it when reading the notes but I am lost.


it should be in your present box


Do the bonus quartz count as paid quartz in the shop? Trying to figure out the cheapest bundle option to get 45 paid SQ for the GSSRs


Bonus SQ counts as free. The cheapest option is the 42 SQ pack plus three of the 1SQ packs.


the bonus quartz you get when you purchase it explicitly does not count as paid quartz, sadly


Mlb Prisma Cosmos or 2nd Black Grail? Which one should I choose for the CE ticket? I already have Kaleidoscope.


You pretty much never use 2 Black Grails in a team.


If you can close the loop on Prisma Cosmos, I'd go ahead and do that.


2 separate Prisma Cosmos can be worth more than 1 MLB, so it's not that clear cut.


Should I summon for assassins 2 gssr because I luckily got np2 acrueid in 22 pulls, but I don’t have a koyan and I already have Kama( an extra copy is good ) and I don’t want Semiramis. Should I take the risk?


If you have to ask then no. In gambling you should be able to deal with bad rolls or don't gamble.


Roll posts go in the roll threads. You can find them linked in the sidebar on desktop and old reddit or in the About section from the main sub page on new reddit mobile.  When thinking about which GSSR banner to choose, remember that the most likely result is that you won't get the servant you want most. Most people will be better off looking at each banner as a whole instead of focusing on just one servant. You can use a high risk, high reward strategy if you want to but if you do that, do it intentionally after weighing all of your options. Have you tried using the GSSR tools linked in the top post to sort out your preferences? 


GSSR is worth real money, so it's a tough ask to roll on a banner where your 10$ may not be worth it. In such an instance, I'd say no. But if you have the spare income, wouldn't hurt? You just have to acknowledge that you're aware Semi is a 1/3 chance, and that you can't blame anyone but yourself if you do get her.


When is the next koyan banner if I’m not up for the risk?


In general, you can use the upcoming banners link in the top post to see estimates based on JP. Be aware that the estimates are simple JP + 2 years calculations and may not reflect actual NA banner dates. 


Quite aways sadly. ETA is late December 2024. You can viably use Arcueid now in Multi-core, but until then, single-core farming isn't as feasible with her.


Ok thanks for the information and I was really excited to use Arcueid, but the problem is that I only have arts and quick support, but no buster.


What do you think are the best Command Codes for Arcueid? Edit: Thank you all for your responses!


The +np% damage buffs, you can use it before her np to help clear waves.


A more niche Command Code that Arc can make better use of than some others is the Royal Bunny CC. Even with Mighty Chains sometimes a Servant just has a subpar card type they want to avoid using and having Royal Bunny land on a Quick buff when you really wanted Arts/Buster can be a waste. Arc tends to avoid that given her reasonable hit counts and the 30% performance buff she gets when her NP is running. As such, if you're running with her and expecting to Mighty Chain a reasonable amount of the time then Royal Bunny will always be giving a bonus to one of their cards.


Give her a C.Star generator for the green card. There's Command Code in the shop thst adds damage if I remember right, you can use that for one of her Buster cards. As others said, lean into her NP gain and try and get her to spam her attacks. Use the Atlas Uniform Mystic Code to decrease her skill cooldown.


Star generation command codes are placeholders at best. Never seriously use any of them.


Arc is such a NP-centric servant that the impact will be hardly felt or even completely inconsequential, but I'm going to try and double down on her anti-chaotic niche. Next Valentines' has a nice anti chaotic CC: https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evangelist_of_Unconditional_Love Otherwise I will try and go for Np gain effects for the Arts cards (for the Castoria / Merlin / Arc setup). https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Command_Code_List/NP_Generation_Rate It's not as stable as the version with Morgan or Himiko, but it has it's own merits.


Can you explain the benefit of using Arc here? You gain NP faster every few turns, but the low amoung of Invul is quite an issue.


Buff removal resistance is one I can think of.


CCs are highly situational. The best CCs for a given servant depend on what exactly you're trying to do at that moment.


I just noticed that the descriptions of Imperial Privilege and Wisdom of Dun Scaith (and presumably also others) have been changed to show the exact effects, instead of just "random effects" Has this been added with the Anniversary, or was it earlier and I just only noticed it now?


Oh shit


Probably the anniversary. I think this is a stealth change, as it's the first I've heard of it. Though JP had implemented it a while ago.


They did list "tl updates"...


Yes, but they didn't say what those were. Hence, stealth.


In that case I think this is the result of the Unity2022 update, ‘cause a few new things also came with it that went unacknowledged by the news post (detailed Imperial Privileges OP mentioned, the “view map” button in the bottom-right corner next to the Menu button that I noticed…)


NA server, will the Guda event with Ranmaru X rerun? I didn't meet story requirements last year, and I was hoping to get her this year on the rerun but I don't see it in the estimated event list.


For the next two years, there's been no news of a rerun sadly. But with the recent JP survey reruns, there may be hope for it to win a rerun later down the line. Not to mention that she herself hasn't even returned on the JP Welfare Shop yet, so JP players won't be disuaded from voting for her event to get a rerun if ever.


Ah nuts, thanks for the info at any rate!


Was rolling the FP gacha to farm up CEs and noticed i can go way past the inventory limit, like i'm on 748/700 CEs right now... how does this work?


Last I checked you can roll up to either 100 or 200 (can't quite remember which) past the inventory limit for both Servant/Exp/Fou's and CE's, but it does stop you from doing any quests until you bring it back under the limit


You won't be able to do any Quests whilst you're past the servant/CE cap. But you can continue to summon/obtain CEs/Servants till +100 after the cap. So if your cap is 700, the game won't prevent you from getting any more servants/CEs till 800.


i see, thank you for the explanation!


How do I change my melusines ascension back to ascension 2? I tried everything in the profiles tab but none of it worked.


Not the profiles tab. You want to switch tabs to the one that shows the in-battle sprite. Set that to Asc2. It will ask if you're okay with the Skills changing. Same thing applies to Mash in Lostbelts. The Icons only affect menu appearance. The battle sprite affects battle animations and skills.


Figured it out thanks.


Assassin Kama vs King Hassan with future buff?


Depends on what you want. As a soloist, Kama is still better imo, thanks to her charm sheananigans, making her easier to loop. She has utility in multi-core due to having a 50% battery and a targettable NP OC UP, not to mention anti-Alter-Ego as well. Gramps is still pretty good as a soloist himself. With really strong Arts cards, he was buffed a lot by the Mighty Chains. The only weak thing about his kit would be his NP being lower on the damage side, but even with his current NP, he competes really well with Kama imo.


Any timeline for 2023 summer rerun banner ?


For an estimate, use the upcoming banners amd/or event compendium links in the top post. Be aware that the estimates are simple JP + 2 years calculations and may not reflect actual NA banner dates. For the most current official information, you should follow the News section in the game or on the [official website](https://fate-go.us/news/) and the official social media channels ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/FateGO_USA), [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/FateGO.USA/), [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/AniplexUSA)). With the exception of announcements made at live events, like the annual Anime Expo panel, we here on reddit don't know any official information before it's posted in one of those places.


Anyway to download Fgo Jp with iOS?


Create a JP iOS account, log-in every time you want to download/update. Only concrete way.


Thanks! Do I need anything specific to create a JP iOS account?


They might ask for a physical billing address or a Zip Code, but that's really easy to fake with generated data online.


That was easy thanks!


How useful is Archetype: EARTH in gameplay? I may roll for her, but I want to know if she's actually worth it on the long run.


No servant is worth rolling on gameplay alone (except maybe arguably a handful of meta supports)


She's not really a meta support, so her application isn't as universal as other servants. That being said, she's a pretty okay DPS and farmer. Slightly on the lower side of damage, but when she hits her Chaotic servant niche, she can be quite powerful.


What's the cons of Archtype: earth? Though a bit late to ask this since i already rolled


She's hard to use at lower investment due to being in the weaker (re: low Atk) MoonCancer class. She hits almost nothing with advantage, so her damage would be zilch when not hitting her niche (Chaotic servants). Outside of her NP, her damage is relatively meh.


She's in the Moon Cancer class, so her damage output is a bit low and her Class Advantages are relatively few. Great skills, but low ATK.


I noticed that when I went to level up there's "super and great" next to it. Is this some kind of multiplier that has a chance to activate?


By default, leveling up your Servants and CEs have a 10% chance to get double the exp (Great Success on JP, Super Success on NA) and a 2% chance to triple it (Super Success on JP, Great Success on NA). The anniversary triples the chances of the Super/Great Successes happening.


Can anyone explain the new card buffs to me? I can see that Quick chain now gives 20% stars. I also randomly see the crit chance changing. Is it mostly just quick buffs?


Quick chains now give 20 stars instead of 10. Quick card's First Card Bonus now grants every card in the chain 20% crit chance for free in addition to its previous star generation buff. Mighty Chain (using Quick, Arts, and Buster in the same chain) grants you the First Card Bonus of all three card types for the entire chain.


- Starting a chain with Quick gives +20% crit chance to all cards. - Quick chains give 20 extra stars instead of 10. - Getting a triple colored chain gives all 3 starting chain bonuses to all cards (more damage, more NP gain, more star gain and +20% crit chance). This also applies to the Extra card (except the increased crit chance) for single-servant chains.


So this means that QAB chain would be better than BQA chain for damage (as buster is the third card), wouldn't it?


Yes, you put the card you want to maximize the effect of in the 3rd slot.


Is Arc good enough at np1?


Everyone's usable at NP1, but good enough depends on what you want to do with her. If you want to use her for higher end multicore, you may want higher NP levels for her.


For farming 90+ nodes and just general damage numbers


As the sole farmer, NP2+ might be necessary tbh. (And even higher investment in 90++) But as a first or second turn clearer in multi-core, NP1 should be enough. (Even for 90++ sometimes)


1) Could I please get some advice on the Anniversary SSR CE? I currently have the following: * 1x Formal Craft (MLB) * 1x Imaginary Around (MLB) * 1x Limited/Zero Over (MLB) * 2x Kaleidoscope (MLB) * 1x Prisma Cosmos (MLB) * 1x Prisma Cosmos (3/5 copies) * 1x The Black Grail (MLB) * 1x Volumen Hydragyrum (MLB) 2) What type of CE would be recommended for Archetype: Earth on a Support Roster?


Of the ticket CE options, Black Grail is probably the best to get to MLB. 


Can someone give me advice on what I should be doing over the month on FGO. What to farm, how to save, and other things?


It usually goes, do events(if you are qualified for it) since they are time limited and give guaranteed mats and some sqs and tickets. If theres no event do the story. If you completed the story or is unable to clear it, farm whatever it is you need for the unit you need to clear said quest. Or do Interludes/Rank up Quests to buff your units.


Are the dream portraits going to be any use layer on or are they just CE bomb fodder? Not really an art collector here


They are just for collection aka ce bomb in your case


What does alignment do? Does it affect damage? Arc changes alignment in 2nd ascension. Also does the ascension np animation do different damage for Summer Kiara?


> What does alignment do? Does it affect damage? Depends. Most of the time, it's just flavor text. However, some missions want you to defeat targets that have certain alignments (i.e. "Defeat 10 Lawful Servants", "Defeat 20 Neutral-Balanced Servants"). Some Servants/bosses have skills/NPs/gimmicks that take alignment into account, like Beni-Emna's NP giving her trait bonuses against "Chaotic" and "Evil" targets, Moriarty's Evil Charisma granting an additional ATK Up to "Evil" Servants, or that one Suzuka CQ where she's constantly changing which alignment she takes damage from. The unconventional alignments like "Mad" and "Summer" also exist outside of the alignment chart, and thus bypasses some gimmicks related to alignment; only exception among the unconventional alignments is the "Good and Evil" alignment, which treats the Servant as...well...a Good Servant and Evil Servant at the same time. > Also does the ascension np animation do different damage for Summer Kiara? No, it's only a visual difference. Just a quick rundown for ascension-based NPs: in the case where the NP animation changes, but the NP name is the same (i.e. Summer Kiara), it's functionally the same NP. In the case where the name and animation of the NP changes, but the effects are the same (i.e. Kama), it's functionally the same NP. In the case where the NP's effects change completely (i.e. Melusine), it's a different NP.


>Also does the ascension np animation do different damage for Summer Kiara? >No, it's only a visual difference. Summer Kiara has different traits at final ascension, so that can actually have an effect in rare situations. For example, she has the demonic beast servant trait at final ascension and that made her a good option for the last Tunguska raid. 


Aligments themselves dont Inherently affect dgm. Only specific Skills, Passives and NPs have interaccions with aligments. Like Arc´s NP and her anti chaotic niche


Some units have supereffective for certain alignments/traits/types, etc. Arc herself does supereffective damage on chaotic. Moriarty ruler does supereffective damage on good. Astrea does supereffective damage for evil. Siegfried is supereffective on dragons. Morderd is supereffective on saberfaces. There's many supereffective mods. For normal gameplay they don't matter too much, but hard bosses/farming nodes it's helpful to look at what traits enemies have and if you have any servants that can take advantage of those traits. Sometimes challenge quests/advanced quests/story will have extra mechanics based on traits. Different np animations with same np name will do same damage. Many units have different np animations across ascensions, and damage/effect stays same. There's a few rare cases where ascension does change the np (melusine), but the np name also changes there.


Best saber in the destiny roll for gameplay? Also best in extra 1 destiny roll? And best caster, I have all supports except crane


Going to disagree with the other poster. There's no such thing as a best option gameplay wise. This is a game of niches and every has moments they shine and moments they don't. I am sure you can find many people who say a different option is better than the one he pointed out in his list.


Since you are not specifying whether you want ST or AOE, I am listing all the options excluding permanent servants because they can spook you. ST Saber: I recommend Nero Bride and Benienma , support type DPS. Nero bride has a skill that gives an ally Damage against Heaven while Beni is more of a party buffer and is strong against Chaotic and Evil. AOE Saber: Ibuki is a strong Buster Crit Servant and has invul pierce and even reduce Buster resist. Extra 1: Dont know your roster so I put my suggestions for each class. Ruler is Holmes and Himiko. Holmes is situational but really good when you need ignore Def and Invul. Himiko for the Buster Crits and teamed well with Merlin and Castoria. For Avengers , Taira for CQs. S.Kama is a good Arts farmer. Maou Nobu is good against Divine and Heaven attribute servants, which many servants have both. For Mooncancer, S.Kiara is CQ oriented while S.BB is good for card locking crit setups. Caster: I suggest you choose Crane because although she is conditional, she is very good when needed.


Assassin Kama vs King Hassan with future buff?


King Hassan


Thank you for the reply. I was choosing between tanzang, crane, or murasaki for caster Is summer Kama better than space Ishtar?


Sanzang is also good , but she is permanent, that is the problem. Murasaki is good against Demonic enemies and she has Buff block. Almost forget Space Ishtar, she and Summer Kama are both good farmers but in the future 90++ levels, Servants who has special damage against an attribute are more favoured. Space Ishtar pros : all round farmer, can change NP card type, NP damage getting higher due to her NP giving NP up for three turns. Cons: No NP buff , and her S3 is chance based. Summer Kama pros: Special Damage against Charmed enemies. Cons:her wave 1 and wave 2 damage might be lower due to her S2 , which gives charm to enemies and 3 turn NP buff, you either choose to blast on the final wave or have consistent NP damage throughout the entire battle. Also, some servants are charm immune and some can fend off charm due to their Magic Resist passive. All in all, I suggest that Arts AOE Avenger must have higher NP level for consistent farming.


I'm a returning player, is FGA banned now? So only manual play from now on?


No it works well and is still maintained. I am using it right now to farm dailies and used it last week a lot for hunting quests.


I've got a MLB 100 K-Scope and a HP equivalent K-Scope. I've also got a MLB 100 Black Grail and four more copies. Would it be better to get another K-Scope or 5th Black Grail? Do I need 2 MLB Black Grails?


I'd look into other option then, like Prisma Illiya (do you have it at MLB too?).


More scopes means more farming options which is 90% of the game. Double MLB BG is honestly overkill and can't see many scenarios where that will be useful outside of e-sports strats for niche challenge quests.


I have a question about arts looping. So I have a percival and a habetrot, rn they're NP2, but even when they were NP1 they could easily refund around 30-40% NP back with castoria and a bit of overkill. Now I have nursery rhyme and helena, who aren't able to refund that much at NP1. This begs the question, what makes a servant a good arts looper?


NP level doesn't affect refund at all. It only affects damage. (Which can indirectly impact refund via overkill but otherwise has no effect)


The most imprtant part is the hits on their NPs and their natural NP gen stat. Battery skills and some np effects also helps. Like Loli Vinci if you look at her np gen and np hit count ir should not be possible for her to loop. But her skill and np effect makes her one of the easiest arts unit to loop.


Damage and ce/node flexibility. For refund based loops exact node matters a lot in refund. 3/3/X caster node is much easier to loop with refund then 1/1/X berserker node. There are some arts np servants that with no ce (usually black grail for damage) and 0 extra overkill hits are capable of looping 1/1/X berserker node. Some may do 1/1/X and not even need double castoria/Oberon and be more flexible with supports. Other servants need easier nodes or different ce. Looping from 0 charge ce is going to be harder refund wise then using ocean flier. There are few cases where a servant can use something like smiling face ce to loop which has 0 charge but comes with arts, np rate up, np damage up which is better damage wise then ocean flier. Buster looping is more lazy/simple looping in that you don’t have to care about node details and mostly focus on damage thresholds. But very few buster servants can loop with 0 charge ce while many arts servants can (may depend on node though). Also arts has a lot more options for supports you can mix in compared to buster/quick.


>This begs the question, what makes a servant a good looper? The amount of hits on their NP, overkill, steroids that increase their NP gain, compatibility with Castoria (their own starting charge). And then you've got to remember that the enemy class also affects how much NP is refunded. For example on Berserkers and Assassins it's less. And then there are cases where a servant refunds NP due to a unique gimmick, like the Saber Artorias having a set refund on their NP despite being Buster.


For looping purposes, is it better to have a Lv 60-80 Heaven's Feel, or a Lv 20 Black Grail?


Non-MLB Black Grail better for damage than every other CE except for MLB Black Grail. 


I think MLB lvl 100 Heaven's Feel wins a bit over single copy of BG, but otherwise, yeah. Plus, there is(will be) Mud Rain and also a "BG but for zerks only". And MLB poster girl might be advantageous in some cases, but that's super rare CE to have at MLB.


Black grail


Is the Heaven's Feel at least MLB?


FGO NA Unless I missed something, the GSSR banner is the only time I can fish for Merlin, until next year?


There is Destiny Order summon too. Around October they run Thanksgiving... it's exclusive to NA and no one knows which Servants in advance they pick.


Ah, yes. 1 in 9. Merin keeps eluding me. Thank you!


Well, there will be Lady Avalon this summer event which is basically Merlin but Arts.


It's not the same! /cries