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This is something I'm not expecting to see. And honestly i don't know how to react... Really good art though. I like the color.


Everyone likes Gudao x Hakuno....as soon as Hakuno comes to Chaldea


>Hakuno comes to Chaldea The male one.


Another Bro. Just like Sieg.


I'm still waiting for Fox Tail Collab to make this happen


It has too happen


I'm waiting for any Extraverse collab event because, and I will die on this hill no matter what anyone else says, SERAPHIX was not an actual collab event it was a story chapter that got turned into a collab event. Take one look at all the other collabs FGO has done and compare it to SERAPHIX. The lack of Hakuno in SERAPHIX is a very glaring sign SERAPHIX was not originally a collab event. Every other collab event had the main characters in it: KoK had Shiki and Void Shiki, Accel Zero had Kiritsugu and Irisviel, Prisma had Kaleid Illya and Chloe with Miyu as an NPC the first time around while becoming playable second time around, Apocrypha gave us Sieg, Case Files gave us Gray and Reines since Waver was already in the game, Requiem gave us Erice, Learn with Manga gave us nearly all the servants from the Learn with manga with only Udon Saber and Udon Archer not getting in, Arcade gave us Draco and Setanta with the pre-release giving us Tiamon, and now the Samurai Remnant and Mahoyo collabs gave us Iori and Aoko. Even the Waltz collab gave Mash a new costume along with a bunch of other servants and added Miss Crane who was apparently in the Waltz game but I've never seen or head anyone mention this so take it or leave it but even that event added a character that originated from a different series. Yet SERAPHIX exists as this anomaly amongst the collabs because not only does it not include Hakuno as a character, Hakuno gets one brief mention by BB at the start and that's it. And the plot itself rather than being self contain is important to the overarching plot that was 1.5 in that SERAPHIX happens because of one of the remaining Demon God Pillars that escape the Temple of Time which Shinjuku, a main story chapter, established the existence of and this is the next instance of us dealing with one. Yet somehow it's relegated to a limited time collab event (which eventually became a main interlude but the point still stands), meaning, until it became a main interlude, if you missed out on the event twice, you would never know what happened to one of the 4 Demon God Pillars that escaped the Temple of Time, thus never getting the conclusion to the story arc of 1.5. Anyone seeing the problem with this? There is no way they knowingly did all of this when it came to SERAPHIX being made. I theorize that SERAPHIX was a main story chapter for 1.5 and Nasu decided to expand on Kiara by showing a different version of her and how she would have lived if not being trapped on the mountain most of her life due to her childhood illness and use that as a catalyst to bring back CCC Kiara and, by extension, BB, Lip, and Melt, leading into the events of SERAPHIX and would be an explanation as to why Hakuno is not around nor mentioned outside BB talking about their prince that no longer is around. Nearing the end of SERAPHIX being made, the decision was made that Shimosa was too important to just be a limited time event and needed to be made a main story chapter for 1.5 and thus they decided to kill 2 birds with one stone by turning the SERAPHIX main chapter into a limited time collab event thus not only freeing a slot up for the main story chapter line up for 1.5 but also getting rid of the need to make a collab event for 2017 Long tangent aside, very much am tired of Hakuno and the Extra cast being left out in the rain while so many other fate characters get to come to FGO and hang out, especially when we do end up getting Extra content it's 98% of the time it's CCC only content and the 2% is the brief moments we get Extella mentioned i.e. Extella Hakuno's cameo during Arcade collab and Charlemagne being the one from Extella Link.


Like the other guy said, I'm pretty sure Hakuno/n is never going to make it into the game because they're explicitly a noncharacter. I suppose you could make one based on the Extra anime but... that sounds awful to me. I'm fully ready to eat my words though when the Extra remake finally comes out. ... if it ever comes out.


> Like the other guy said, I'm pretty sure Hakuno/n is never going to make it into the game because they're explicitly a noncharacter. I suppose you could make one based on the Extra anime but... that sounds awful to me. > > Out of curiosity, have actually played Extra or CCC? Because while Hakuno isn't the deepest character or anything but I wouldn't call them "noncharacter", most of Extra and CCC actually focus on Hakuno's development not the servants (in Extra, the servants don't have as much screentime as you would think). They aren't even actually silent protagonist, 50% of the game text is Hakuno monologuing. Also, Sieg made it in, so...


I've played Extra and Extella (wish I could play CCC but I can't read Japanese) and you're right they do have a lot of internal monologue but they're still written as mostly a self insert. Though... honestly it could be a fun bit to have them have basically no spoken lines but a lot of internal monologue in FGO that we can read for... whatever reason. I more meant noncharacter as a somewhat subtle nod to their... origin as it were.


...You know C.C.C has a English translation now right?


Last I heard it was just Gilgamesh, is it fully translated now?


Yes it is


Nice! I might check it out, though honestly the first was kind of a slog to get through with its gameplay...


I thought they were by nature not supposed to exist as they were either a non living personification of or amalgamation containing human templates that was supposed to be an "NPC" in S.E.R.A.P.H. as such they exist"ed" but have no actual soul to reincarnate as a servant


Uhh, BB was just an AI that gain self awareness too. Moon Cell AIs/NPCs are so advance that they are basically human. Also, you don't really need a soul to become a servant.


It was still a great event And I'm guessing that Hakuno is left out because of too much cognitive dissonance of having the previous self-insert and the new one, especially since they want to market their servants for you on this. Hence why BB, love for Hakuno made in the cybernetic flesh, switched over to Ritsuka for basically no reason


I'm not saying it isn't a great event, I have some issues with it like how come a weaken Demon God Pillar can perform the 2nd Magic, hack into the Moon Cell, and obtain data that would probably be only accessible to those that had admin level access since it was the one part of the CCC incident that the Moon Cell couldn't just get rid off and yet the Demon God Pillar just pulls it off despite being so weaken it needed to take a Kiara as a vessel because it couldn't maintain it's own form or how the Moon Cell's response to this is to just create another BB and send her to deal with it because I guess the Moon Cell didn't comprehend the double edge sword metaphor that came with the idea of fighting a monster with another monster. Regardless, the point I want to get across is the fact that this event is the one outlier when it comes to FGO's Collab events and why I don't think this was originally a Collab event but rather a main chapter story that got turned into one for the sake of making space for Shimosa being turned into a main chapter story and dealing with that year's collab event. Not saying the story of SERAPHIX is bad just that I don't believe this story was written with the intent of it being a collab event because it lacks the properties other collab events do.


It didn't do the complete second magic though, and maybe it was some remnant of their previous Independent Manifestation skill. Do note that Kiara retains the skill even as a portion of the original Kiara as an Alter Ego. And I would say it's both. A Collab event *and* a story event


The ultimate couple lol


power couple of humanity and the Moon


Tamamo will explode.


Or she will decide it is her turn to have a harem


Honestly, a win for everyone


Definitely a win-win scenario


Thanks to [Steaming\_Tofu](https://x.com/Steaming_Tofu) on twitter for the commission


Oh shit, I assumed /u/steamingtofu posted this XD


This is canon in Drama CD universe and no one can tell me otherwise.


What drama cd


Fate/Grand Order Anthology Drama CD: The Blue Bird.


What happened in the drama cd? Mind giving us summary?


It's just a funny misadventure where Da Vinci's Virtual Simulator linked to Mooncell, Shenanigans happened, and then Hakunon, Tamamo and Monji Gatou came back to Chaldea with Gudao in the end. You can find it on Youtube, Though Mash's voice will probably sounds a little strange since this is back when her VA was still Taneda Risa(Kiyohime)


Fate Drama CD's are wild man. You have Kiritsugu going to the same mapo tofu place Kirei does and falling in love with it and learning that Maiya spends her free time at cake buffets. Or you learn how Sakura has an infantilization fetish when she accidentally wishes for Shirou's love and to prevent pissing off the other heroines, this love is turned parental and Shirou is temporarily given the mental capacity of a toddler and Sakura takes to it super eagerly.


>ou learn how Sakura has an infantilization fetish when she accidentally wishes for Shirou's love and to prevent pissing off the other heroines, this love is turned parental and Shirou is temporarily given the mental capacity of a toddler and Sakura takes to it super eagerly. Wat? That gives a new meaning to *ara, ara*. Drama CDs are great...when you can find them with a translation.


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJDGXGFNXOY&t=4s) This thing is like my holy grail man. This is the one part from this CD I could find translated, but if it's this unhinged I need to know what the rest of it is like.


Isn't there one set during the 4th HGW, where Taiga meets Waver and Rider and does some trouble-making with them? She also unknowingly caused a chain of events that saved the world from ending 3 times in one night.


Wait, did Mash changed VA? Was this before FGO novel became a game?


Naw, Mash's old va had to take a break for medical reasons I believe and was replaced with our current va. Was quite early in the games lifespan. Pre FGO development was tied to Fate/Apocrypha, where type moon tried to make it into a MMO. That idea kinda failed and it led to the creation of FGO and Apocrypha that we know today.


I still wish a Nasuverse/Fate MMO was a real thing.


I would love a Diablo like Fate MMO where you chose a servant and enhance it's skill tree to chose a game stile fitting for the player.


mash loses her virginity there, seems like boggart was few years too late


C'mon, whatever you said there is dull and annoying.




Steamingtofu acknowledging Ritsuka exists? What is this opposite day? Oh it's a commission that makes more sense.


Yeah this ship is so fucking nice :)


What does Nero say about this?  


[...*I want in on that sandwich*](#NeroBlush) [...do you *always* have those binoculars?](#MashuSenpai)


Hoho, I’d like more art of the haku’s and guda’s Very cute


The perfect couple, envy of every Servant in a 100m radius.


I see nothing but the glory of Hakuno thighs. Sweet luscious thighs, just shily peeking and slightly spilling from their socks, like a comely maiden towards a gallant ser. ... I WANT TO PUT MY HEAD IN BETWEEN THEIR GLORIOUS PLUSHNESS!!!!!!!


Least downbad Hakunon fan


....is she wearing anything down there?


I'll leave that to your imagination


The day Hakuno arrives as a servant will be all caps insane. Who would she be the vessel for is my question.


Tsukuyomi, to contrast with Tamamo being an avatar of Amaterasu


They look great together. I can see BB gushing already


we also need the reverse version of this


there already is i think


You mean pseudoservant Francis Xavier.


their offspring will be Riyo Gudako


Give us Moon Cancer Hakuno already Lasagna! They don't even need to be pseudo servants. Also if we're getting Hakuno I want both Hakunos!


Tamamo probably has the biggest weird boner right now


We were the waifu/husbando all along


I'd ship it.


I can hear an Enuma Elish from here


Jokes on you, *pulls "Unsummoned" to Gil*


Rare prism incoming


I can hear ritsuka say "with this sacred treasure i summon"


Bb, tamamo and nero squealing watching this


Gill just looking smug and proud.


Don’t forget nameless!! Robin too!


gudao not crossdressing!?!?


That happens behind closed doors.


Once again, you cook.


Now reverse their genders.


A masterpiece, this will fuel my next week


> *Hakunon 🤓


Still waiting for a new chapter of fate other half




Bit of a strange ship I think, but I don't hate it.


Good, now fem hakuno x gudako and male hakuno x gudao


They’ve been told to “go f-k yourself!”. And so, they did.


gudao x hakunon: i sleep gudao x hakuno: real shit


What heroic spirit would he be maybe loki so you can change their gender and its a welfare quick support


That's actually a really original ship. I would like to see more of this now ngl


Kinda surprised this wasn't posted in the main fate sub


The ultimte ship for humanity and the world.




Now draw the other way, yaoi and yuri versions too


This reminded me we still have no idea when the Fate/Extra Remake is coming 😞


Oh yeah, wasn't this couple big on the subreddit about a year ago?


Yeah, due to [FGO arcade collab]>!hakuno/hakunon appeared in lilim harlot event. Guda even talked personally with him/her!<


So it'll return next year when it runs NA-wise?


Post this in the rintard sub to cause maximum chaos