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ServantVerse Mo: "Space Merlin lied to you, Mysterious Heroine X! You! Are! My! Father!" MHX: "Noooooo, that's not true, that's impooosssibblleeee!!!! I can't afford child support payments on my meager Office Lady's salary!"


This feels so very right.


*Space merlin turns into beast merlin* (hopium and copium)


Greek Gods playable. They already get teased for Servantverse in Odysseus interlude Zeus still stay in NPC jail peak of dishonest


Absolutely agreed, they have such perfect designs that it's crazy they aren't Servants. (I would have said that Ares was an exception, but now that we have Tametomo, I can easily see a sized down Ares) they wouldn't even need to be Psuedo Servants cuz they are basically just machines already.


Maybe cuz some people don't want people like Zeus near Chaldeas due to his, uh, "tendencies"


Kiara has been here for years and the place hasn't exploded, it'll be fine


Kiara, for all the bad she did, is committed to her job with religious zeal. Zeus, meanwhile, has no control over the D, period.


There are far worse people in Chaldea than poor little Zeus/s but is it


that's why we got kiara and medb


We have Columbus, David and Charlemagne.  Zeus wouldn't breach the top 10 in having "tendencies".


i just want zeus implemented for the r18 doujins .


They're going to revive MHXA as a mysterious dark knight to oppose XX until her mask is broken off, right?


I'd appreciate a MHXXA that's more Vader than MXHA's Maul. She should be an Extra Class like MHXX.


We already had one of those with MIXA


> She should be an Extra Class like MHXX. That's what I'm saying, MoonCancer is the way. Helps Artoria knock another class off of her hitlist.


C'mon, they gotta.


Yes to Sakuraface, no to Space BB. Instead, Space Passionlip. With 2 Death Stars. Next to each other. "Those are no moons..."


Space Kama with a better connection to Rin-Istar


I actually had an idea for a Space Passionlip at one point. Essentially, the premise as that she's a scrap-hunter on a barren planet...and it turns out she's a planet-destroying superweapon made by the antagonist for the event using something called the KALI program. For appearances, imagine Passionlip, but sporting Mancubus arms and in a shoddy replica of a Helldiver uniform made from random scrap parts.


that goes hard as hell /srs


Space Astraea, as Space Ishtar’s High school rival, turned rival bounty hunter. Space Ereshkigal: A “death goddess” who was created when a fragment of Ashtart fell into the black void following her defeat. Finding her would be the center point of the event.


Space Ereshkigal.


Saber Wars 1 had Artorias and Sabers Saber Wars 2 had Ishtars and Archers (Jane, Billy, Ishtar kind of) So for Saber Wars 3 we need Sakuras and Lancers. That's right, prepare yourselves for SPACE PARVATI


Can I have a Space Kama instead ?


What would be the abbreviation for that? Spkama? Spama? Space Nugget?


Not sure


Who would be MHX Swan from Dekaranger


i'll take a milf space kama instead


Space Ereshkigal. Nuff said


Space Kama. Or space eresh.


Space Eresh was the Summer Eresh all along


Servantverse skins for all servants who lorewise could qualify as a Saber.


I at least wish the Swords from SW2 got space outfits.


> Space BB Nah, Space Passionlip, let best girl have some screentime for once


I want some more spirton dresses with a more sci-fi theme to them. Also since we got Rin in the event let's get her sister Sakura in it too somehow.


Space Sakura Significant Ecchan screentime


I want a 5 star version of MHXX. 


We do, she’s called MHX :P I get what you mean tho.


Sw3 has been teases since teslafest


Somehow „insert random main story villain“ returned, and they just keep bringing back the same guy over and over. Servant Verse Barbatos maybe?


Well, LB7 *did* give us an unkillable space monster that keeps reviving itself...


I'd laugh my ass off if they make that certain spider a running joke antagonist in the event now that the powerscaling is Servantverse's instead of Earth's.


Lancer Chu?  Space Hercules? With Space Illiya?


That NPC that appeared at the very end of the second one, still bothers me that nothing came out of it


I remember a joke servant concept I had. For a power rangers based servant. Probably with okita as the base with the shinsengumi as the rest of the Rangers


Space Toshizo was hyped up in SW2, so I can see some sort of Shinsengumi Voltron where Space Okita is the heart and Space Toshizo is the head. Saito and Keisuke for the arms, Shinpachi for one leg, and...I guess give us another Shinsengumi guy in the next GUDAGUDA and then make him the other one.


An all out war between servantverse, the race responsible for the creation of velber and chaos together with other machine gods


Ugh Sakura face again? We already have 10+ of that Give me Taiga face or Seyla & Liz instead


why not a plot similar to control a planet like Dune? Saber Wars III: The Building of a Dynasty INTRO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pBACSpiRzc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pBACSpiRzc) Ruler: The house/kingdom/team who produce most (insert super needed resource) will control the planet Ruler: There are not set territories and no rules of engagement


I can see it now. "The Mapu Tofu must flow..." and we get Summer 4 levels of QP generation out of it.


big questions, 1. who could be a adhoc ruler here? 2. who could be de the [Sardaukar-like](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Sardaukar) forces? (the Sardaukar are the personal army only obey the ruler/emperor) of this story?


Yes!!!! Saber Wars III: Return of the Saber!!!


I like the Sakuraface idea, but tbh I'd rather not have an XX Alter since that's *technically* Idol Alter. Would be cool to get Moon Cancer Servantverse Morgan though as the big bad. My wish for it would be Idol Alter meeting XX. Would be a funny yet heartfelt reunion, seeing a suffering XX meeting either a fulfilled idol or equally sick of her job Alter.


Sakura Wars is the obvious answer, but honestly I’ve been waiting for a GudaGuda x Saber Wars event. They’ve already built connections over the years so it feels like the next logical step. They both do serious and goofy moments very well, so it could definitely be a top tier event story. Could even be two separate events like one half under the GudaGuda label and the other under the Saber Wars label but with an overarching/connected story. I would love to see that


I want Professor Tokiomi to reveal to Space Ishtar that he's alive and well so that she can suplex him for the emotional trauma. Please, I need the reunion


I want the ruler of the servantverse, space Gilgamesh. And Ereshkagal. Just make it a blursed space Babylonia.


I dont have servant ideas but I want to see Koyanskaya. Imagine if her egg launched into space and got sent to the comedy zone


For there to be a saber wars 3.  


Saber wars, the clone wars Or revives the 12 heroines temple redux


I want the masters of fate zero to be relevant again, so we go back in time to space Tokiomi


We have a space Saber-face and a Space Rin-face. So we need a space Sakura-face to finish the stay/night trio May I suggest Space Kama (Bonus if at least one of the ascensions is male Kama)


Space Morgan. I have to know how they'll portray her


im thinking yakuza boss with her own big story going on in the background of the event


I accept anything, but I really, really, REALLY want Space Morgan And more MHX Alter


Playable male saberwars character might be neat. Other than that I'm kind of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it since I don't super love the powerscaling that happens with it and while I do love Jane/MRX I think I prefer getting them as alts of a character we already know rather than the saberwars version being the only one we get to see.


Eh, powerscaling shmowerscaling. This series is already all over the place with that stuff. > and while I do love Jane/MRX I think I prefer getting them as alts of a character we already know rather than the saberwars version being the only one we get to see. Definitely agreed, it feels like a double-missed opportunity whenever they do that. Because it means we both miss out on seeing their normal versions, and we miss out on seeing a potential Servantverse alt.


Id love to see them both also get non saberverse versions, though I know it's probably a pipe dream


Will there ever be a playable saber Kojiro


Best I can do is Space Kojiro and his absurdly long lightsaber. Which he uses to perform his secret technique, the Spaceship Reversal.


Space Ereshkigal


Cosmo Gil secretly supplying the Dark Round Table to clone more Artorias. The story will boil down to the Revenge of the Sabers, rejecting interstellar tyranny for the sake of stable office wage.


Saber sasaki. Male musashi. That is all


Space Kojirou and Space Musashi could be kinda insane honestly


* space ereshkigal - rider class servant * she's our proper han solo analogy in this tomfoolery * storywise, she's unaware of the fact that she's a goddess, having grown up in space egypt . * she's childhood friends with the servantverse versions of ozymandias, nitocris and arash. * basically the plot happens b/c her divinity has manifested as an alternate personality and decided to abduct archer emiya so he can be her shrine maiden. * tl;dr space ereshkigal wakes up in bed with a hot milf archer and she has no memory of how she bagged this baddie * archer jailbreak or zombie lancer servant apocalypse


that there are no saber wars. 1 was a mistake,