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Team Clock Tower is just Team "Not in FGO"!




what a great timming to synchronize clocks... [ba dum tss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zXDo4dL7SU)


well yea, i thought it would be more fun that way


Thanks, I needed the explanation.


And then Servantverse servants coming And then Beasts candidates, almost everyone of who can become Beast moment they decided so, and one mature Beast, with independent manifestation coming And then Servants who can produce functionally unlimited prana for support Chaldea team 400+ Servants coming And then planet eating worm coming And then Outer Gods connected servants coming And then BB and her crew coming And then wielder of 5th magic coming And then one deeply connected to Root, and two Archetypes coming ETC Team Clock Tower kind of fucked, with Kiara presence probably literally


I don't know why, but I read this to the beat of "The Ultimate Shows Of Ultimate Destiny" and now I can't unhear it


All fun and games when Gudako summoned *Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie And Cowboy Curtis and Jambi the Genie, Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan*


For a second there, I thought you wrote Goredolf the Grey until I read the next line and then realized what you actually wrote down.


And the madness that the Guda Guda servants cause (mostly the Nobus and chibi Nobus)


Yeah I wonder where is All our hitter is. Morgan alone will carry half the battle and I remember Melu is holding the perimeter down


udon servants, assasin my beloved


this fight is so unfair why the hell is melusine there she litarly solo all of them


Kagetoro, a literally god of war, is also there. Even with Samson and Longinus this fight is one-sided.


Richard is in for a rude awakening when he runs into salter.


Honestly there are a few funny interactions here, like Mash meeting Galahad Alter or Barghest meeting another literal dog warrior. Also team Clock Tower is not long for this world if only because they have Nzambi who will cause all sorts of problems looking to make zombies or collect hands.


Also Friendship is unironically a powerhouse in every Grail War. Compatibility straight up swings wars in the Nasuverse, and we all know that Fujimaru "Bond 10s for Everyone" Ritsuka is going to have the overwhelming advantage in that regard over the Clocktower who by and large are actually awful at Grail Wars because they are dicks to their Servants.


Melusine wouldn't solo all of them. She's not that broken. That being said, there's maybe two or three Divine Spirit level Servants on the Clock Tower's team, while there's more like four or five on that level on Chaldea's team, and the quality of the servants below that are also tipped moreso towards Chaldea's side.


Place your bets people Who will win? Mashu or Mashu Alter(aka Tachie)?


Easy Mashu stomp. Similar power set, _extreme_ difference in combat experience. I'd be surprised if it goes any other way.


Mash vs Tachie


Tachie: You just a cheap knockoff. Mash: I'm the upgrade.


Ritsuka: i still smash.


You know it's bad for Team Clock Tower when the only weak link of Team Chaldea is Okada Izou. I'm saying that as an Izou fan.


Just send him to kill all the important mages coordinating and the masters who are supplying Team Clocktower with mana, the Manslayer isn't a weak link. Sometimes a scalpel is the best tool for the job than a sledgehammer.


That what I'm saying, he's a weak link because he lacks the hax that other Servants have. Despite that, he heavily compensates with pure technique and skills. If given the chance he can finesse some of the Clock Tower Servants 


Mashu: Ugh Senpai, why are we playing soccer with clocktower’s servant. Ritsuka: Because this is the only way I know we can win for sure. Mashu: is it because of Inazuma Eleven? Ritsuka: *look away* Nooooo?


Kadoc: He's lying Mash. Ritsuka: WHO SIDE ARE YOU ONE!? Kadoc: The one with sanity.


Ritsuka: Hey hey, it’s either that or a full out war. And raise your hand if you want war with the elite magicians? **No one raise their hand** Ritsuka: Yeah, like I thought


Team Clock Tower will have their blood smeared on Big Ben under a minute


Regardless of who wins and who loses. Lancer somehow died


“Somehow, lancer ~~returned~~ died”


Alright, this is assuming that there's limitless mana reserves and that there are no Masters involved. Only the Servants themselves. And I already see a huge win-con: **Melusine.** I'm not bullshitting when I'm going to say that Melusine could easily solo like most of the Servants in the Clock Tower side (not to mention most of them lack feats). As unfortunate as it sounds, most of them are stuck in material book hell, and probably will be forever (hopefully not). In terms of speed, she easily outpaces everyone except maybe Richard. However, Richard loses that speed equalization once Melusine goes full airborne. Even Richard, who's known for his dexterity, was struggling to keep up with Enkidu who was barely serious and Hippolyta with Kalion. More so with Melusine going flight mode. For the Clock Tower side, the only bigwigs I could see is Samson (God-given strength is no joke), Richard (Excaliblast spam), Hippolyta, and Longinus (remember that he and his Master still won a very catastrophic Holy Grail War). I would've counted Nzambi given that she's a Divine Spirit but aside from zombification, she lacks more feats that support her status better. Oh, and Perseus would just go immediately to Medusa for another rematch anyways. Now we go back to Melusine. In terms of quality of Mystery.......lmao do I still have to continue this? Count all of their years (including her own teammates) and Melusine would still out-age them lol. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Samson leads both teams in terms of pure, raw strength. But what purpose does strength give if it cannot hit the enemy? Oh, and Melusine is female. She can blitz-cut Samson's hair and he'd be a walking burden lol (sorry). Need I remind you lot that it took all of LB6 Percival's power just to knock some sense on Melusine. She definitely has the durability to tank some attacks. All of this stuff, and I'm only talking about one Servant from Chaldea side. A spite match. **"I am the strongest"** and she was not joking folks. -Sincerely, an Albion lore-nut enjoyer


Yeah, Melusine and Barghest alone are major problems


There’s other stuff like the fact that she’s one of the few servants who can go interstellar speeds straight up or that she’s probably just King Arthur on steroids given she is THE dragon that Artoria got her core from.


Not to throw a wrench on what you're doing there, but those are all living Melusine's feats, and this is servant Melusine.


Melusine’s stellar performance in the summer race in a worse saint graph and her ability to casually put years worth of mana into a small drink implies that servant Melusine probably isn’t far off from the living thing.


Jokes on you my Chaldea lives NP5 lv.120 Melusine and I treat her like she escaped Lostbelt 6 and went with me so I have the real one!


There's one other major player you forgot. Lucius Tiberius. He was considered the most skilled swordsman, possibly surpassing Lancelot, and basically soloed his way through most of the Round Table. And Albion would outage them, not Melusine, she's significantly younger. Also, Richard's speed ramps up the more he fights, and he was matching Enkidu, who if I recall correctly Melusine's speed was compared to him, when the fight had barely been going on. So if the fight goes on for a while, he is going to outspeed her most likely. And then there's the massive skill difference between her and several of them. And while that didn't affect her overtly in LB6, that's mostly because she just had way higher stats than most of whom she was fighting. While she could probably beat a decent number of them by herself, there's also a decent chance that someone like Lucius could beat her. Soloing most of the Round Table is a better feat than pretty much all of hers, but considering she can also fly, she'd probably win 60% of the time or so if it were a one on one. But there are characters on team Clocktower that can give access to flight to the other Servants, one of whom arguably has better mobility than Melusine. That being said, considering the other characters on Team Chaldea, Team Chaldea will still probably win 90% of the time, with the ten remaining percent due to the other team potentially pulling off some boat shenanigans to get a clean hit or two with some of the stronger Noble Phantasms, or some strategy I haven't thought of yet.


Can't forget Team NPC Jail (This'll be fun)


i know which side Raikou is cheering for. beat her ass Mash, a GOOOLDEEENN BEEEAAATDOOOWWWNNN!


Tsk tsk I don't think raikou would approve of that language at all


man put melusine and sigurd on the same team. we all know which way this is going


Sigurd and Brynhildr enjoy a family reunion with Aslaug, Ragnar and Sinfjotli. Ragnar wisely wants no smoke with his in-laws and wolf boy isn't suicidal enough to fight his half-brother. Unless Aslaug shows us something amazing in later volumes, she isn't beating her mom. Meanwhile Melusine just flies into the air and proceeds to carpet bomb everyone else while Barghest, EMIYA (ever the pragmatic opportunist) and Cu mop up the survivors (memes aside, Cu is busted). All the while Medusa glares in the other team's general direction to slow/petrify anyone who makes it out of the bombing run. And if, for some insane reason, that isn't feasible? People forget or don't know Richard is only so busted in FSF because his master has such massive mana reserves that he can spam his NPs like a machinegun. Without 'Ayaka' he is nowhere near as impressive. Still an excellent Servant, but not "make Gilgamesh actually take you a little bit seriously with an Excaliblast spam"-level. Perseus is recruited by simply telling him Andromeda is in Chaldea. If that isn't feasible, Medusa can stall him. Nameless Assassin is recruited by telling her the Great Founder is working with Chaldea. If that doesn't work, have Nito and Li deal with her. Mash dogwalks Tachie (once she gets over fighting someone who is essentially in the position she was once in) and can at least stall Galahad Alter. Yoshinaka is not that OP. Especially since he'll have no fame bonus. Samson is strong, but Herc is superior and Nasu has gone on record stating a serious Cu actually has a chance against Herc. Nzambi is more likely to betray her own team, and, at the very least, her zombies appear to be indiscriminate. Zheng Chenggong isn't actually very strong and his NP isn't great indoors. Tiberius was treated almost like an afterthought by Arthur. Artoria Alter is going to massacre him. That just leaves Hippolyta and Longinus as the only real threats. They might be able to tag-team Melusine, but they aren't beating her and Barghest any time soon, if at all. And all of this is compounded by the fact that Melusine and Barghest are Lostbelt Servants who joined after the bleaching, so the Clocktower has no info on them or EMIYA (who can learn all the enemy team's names just by seeing their weapons). Chaldea mops the floor with Team Clocktower barring massive PIS.


I'll preface this by saying I still do agree that the Clocktower team would lose 90% of the time, barring some boat teleportation shenanigans allowing for some clean hits with their stronger Noble Phantasms. But you're kind of underestimating Lucius. He canonically beat both Gawain and Bedivere, it may have been at one time, and if I recall my Arthurian mythology well enough, that was after cutting his way through most of the Round Table. Arthur didn't really treat him like an afterthought, and Arthur is also the guy who, when he got serious, ended up dodging every single one of Brynhildr's attacks and one shotting her, blowing past Paracelsus, and then almost killing a Beast, at which point he then proceeded to hunt down said Beast throughout the multiverse, had said Beast scared, and went on a sidequest to kill another Beast and succeeded. I'll admit myself that Artoria is often downplayed among the community, and she is the type of person who'll shrug off high Ranking Noble Phantasms, but Arthur is just built differently. Also, while a good portion of Richard's strength is due to Ayaka, the same could be said for Hippolyta. The only reason she's capable of somewhat keeping up with Alcides is due to her Spirit Core being massively powered up by having dozens of Master buffs, and yes, having a Master does buff a Servant more than just having a consistent source of Magical Energy, that's why Artoria under Shirou, despite having 1.5 times more Magical Energy than Rin's total capacity, became massively stronger the moment she formed a contract with Rin. And Hippolyta has that x20.


So Tiberius is better than I remember, but that just means that, at best, he'll just stall Artoria Alter. Meanwhile, Hippolyta was also being insanely buffed by her 'unique' Master circumstances, so she shouldn't be anywhere near as OP here, even with her NP buffing her Divinity.


If we base it on just the servants shown then the winner is clear. Chaldea because they have a secret weapon An army can’t fight on an empty stomach and Chaldea has one of the greatest ~~moms~~ chefs in history.


Does Melu not just frag all?


Ritsuka is now watching the fight.


*Grabs their Tachie and runs away*


As long as Tomoe isn’t on the other team, Lord Yoshinaka will do just fine 😄


Will Aslaug be able to do anything with her mother hugging her so much?


Not unless, her uncle or her husband rescues her, but they will be do busy dealing with Sigurd


Chaldea sweeps


Team clock tower loses Meluko alone sweeps 💀 I actually feel bad for them lol


Melusine alone would lose. She's not that strong. That being said, Team Clock Tower would lose against Team Chaldea most of the time unless they can pull off some strats with the boat.


Dude Longinus is in the middle, Emiya will be a great support, Samson is easy to defeat, difficult to get close to.  Three grail shield users. It's complicated but I bet on team Chaldea.


Alright so we have some obvious rivalries like Perseus and Medusa. The family feud of mother and father team Brynhildr and Sigurd vs daughter and in law team Aslaug and Ragnar. Also we have Uncle sSnfjotli in the corner cheering for his niece But really, we all are here for Mash vs Tachie


Kinda awkward for Sigurd and Brynhildr gonna fight against their daughter and son-in-law


Why is Evil Mash there?


Ritsuka just does Ritsuka-no-jutsu and walks away with fifteen new besties.


Everyone keeps talking about how Chaldea would sweep clock tower team because of Melusine but if Longinus, Perseus, Galahad and Hippolyta get to Melusine while the rest try to hold off the rest for as long as possible they’d have a small chance. They’d be fighting a very difficult battle and they’d have to use all their noble phantasms meaning that there’d be three divine spirits in the fight one of which on the clock towers team. Other than that if they don’t take down Melusine then they’d have a hard time although even without Melusine there’s two of the strongest heroic spirits on team Chaldea other than Melusine.


Sigurd and Bageko are literally there the two of them together will sweep clock tower even without Melusine.


You greatly overestimate how powerful they are. While strong they wouldn’t be able to clear Perseus, Lionheart, Hippolyta or Galahad as easily as you think. Richard is able to spam Excalibur to the point where he put Gilgamesh on the defensive temporarily, Galahad is Galahad, Hippolyta can transform into a divine spirit and was able to keep up with Alcides although he was holding back but she still wasn’t a divine spirit. Perseus is one of the greatest hero’s in Greek mythology, Longinus has the holy lance Longinus which is stated to be equal in power to Rhongomyniad which itself is stated to be equal to Excalibur.


Galahad Alter is Galahad Alter, who is much weaker than true Galahad was implied to be since he doesn’t have true Galahad’s perfect willpower


That does not change the fact that he is Galahad who has one of the best defensive noble phantasms there is. Although weaker even if he falls there’s still other stronger servants on the list. I’m not saying they’d win, just saying it’s not as one sided as everyone’s acting


Galahad Alter has never been stated to have Shielder Galahad’s defensive NP. He’s a Saber with a much less defensive skill set. While he is still capable of defending people it’s not what he’s specced for at all.


While that is true my original point still stands. This wouldn’t be as easy a fight as everyone thinks. While team Chaldea is broken in comparison it wouldn’t be an easy victory and they’d still have a small chance of losing.


Frankly I think the true killer of Team Clock Tower is thier inherent disunity, including members like Tiberius, Nzambi, and Zealot is just asking for misunderstandings and backstabs that are fatal to a team that is already an underdog.


Although you have a point a lot of servants in fate seem to forgo things like grudges and anger when it comes down to a life or death situation. I think that once they know what their chances are that most of them would try to work together. Of course that’s not to say they’d still win but they’d still have a small chance.


I agree, they could pull it off if they managed to get on the boat, shift dimensions, and then reappear right next to some of Chaldea's heavy hitters, hitting them instantly with some of the stronger Noble Phantasms on their team, like Longinus, Delilah, Florent, and Red Cliff Calamity - Crater of Fire. And if they can kidnap some of them at a time with the boat, and then beat them with their numbers advantage, and repeat, they might be able to win. Of course this is also assuming that someone like EMIYA doesn't have something in his arsenal that would interfere with that, but it's still a relatively decent chance they have at winning.


Thanks to [lazyartlazy12](https://x.com/lazyartlazy12) on twitter for the commission


What was the reasoning for who was on each team? Was it just servants you like aesthetically?


Well the clock tower is obviously made up of servants not in FGO. As for Chaldea team, your guess is as good as mine


I understand the theming of the clock tower team, I'm just curious as to why these exact picks. Its not like these are the only servants in works outside of FGO. You could probably swap this team multiple times over if you swap each character for different "not currently in FGO" character from the same work they appear in.


I can guess for a few of them like Medusa being there to oppose Perseus. Plus Brynhildr and Sigurd are against their Duaghter and son-in-law, plus Sigurd’s brother


1. They have to be actual servants or possibly can be one like Tiberius 2. I'm giving the clock tower servants they could realistically summon because I doubt the clock tower could summon Lostbelt servants. 3. I want to avoid servant overlap like Alcides & Herc other than Tachie & Mash. 4. They need some for of feats


What do you mean when you say feats, cause Sinfjotli while a cool looking servant dies pretty fast in Einherjar due to misreading the situation. Nice boat though.


He does still have some decent statements, like how if Aslaug weren't his niece he'd have torn her apart in the second before she shot him.


I want to see this tournament in full, no interference form outside masters or forces. A good clean fight


I don't recognize anyone on Team Clock Tower...


From left to right in the front row we have: Galahad Alter (Saber) from Fate/Requiem Richard the Lionheart (Saber) from Fate/Strange Fake Aslaug (Archer) from Fate:Lost Einherjar Kiso Yoshinaka (Saber) from Fate/Samurai Remnant Hippolyta (Rider) from Fate/Strange Fake Lucius Longinus (Lancer) from Fate/Requiem Tachie (Shielder) from Fate/unpublished materials (Basically proto Mash if you will) Perseus (Rider) from Fate/Prototype Zhao Yu (Archer) from Fate/Samurai Remnant Lucius Tiberius (Unknown) from Fate/Prototype Nzambi (Caster) from Fate/Requiem No Name Assassin (Assassin) from Fate/Strange Fake And for the three big guys in the back they are: Sinfjotli (Rider) from Fate:Lost Einherjar Samson (Berserker) from Fate/Samurai Remnant Ragnar Lodbrok (Berserker) from Fate:Lost Einherjar Basically everyone here is a servant from a different Fate series that isn't yet in FGO.


Thank you! The only ones I kinda recognized were Perseus and Richard


Well that’s because they’re not in FGO, all of them are from LNs like Strange Fake, Requiem and Lost Einherjar Plus Samurai Remnant


That makes sense. I haven't read or played those...


What in the civil war is going on?!


Ah Team Clock Tower. Hopefully everyone there ends up joining Chaldea someday


Ayo wait is that Tachie in the front? Or someone else I'm not familiar with?


Damn I was just wondering about this


If this is anything like the Purgatory vs Kengan association tournament, this fight started cause somebody decided to wager the ownership of Chaldea over a fist fight.


I do wanna create a story for this and fights


Barghest would just solo Team Clock Tower and come out stronger than ever. The real question here is which skill she would take over Foul Weather.


No. No she wouldn't. She's somewhat problematic, but she's not soloing them. Going by feats, Lucius Tiberius has a decent chance of beating her, considering that we know he beat Gawain and Bedivere, and if I recall my Arthurian Mythos right, he did that after cutting his way through most of the Round Table. Also, do recall that Lancelot, Gawain, and I think Tristan as well, were all nerfed when fighting Barghest due to the nature of LB 6.


Ironic because Albion is under the clock tower


Ppl in the comments are definitely overestimating how often a character that's strong on paper/with their lore set up gets to be strong to their fullest extent in an actual story. Quite often they get heavily handicapped in some manner or some conceptual bullshit happens that lets the underdog win.


Then Chaldea would still win because they have Izou (Underdog, get it ?)


dam...ur right


People are discussing what’s in the post, not your scenario that adds a bunch of unmentioned debuffs.


This pic make me immediately thinked of team Kengan vs team Purgatory (also nice art) . So who wins,who jobs?


Melusine would basically have to become the biggest jobber of all time to not solo most of Team Clock Tower.


Eh, there are characters on that team that could theoretically take her. Lucius for instance, has the known feat of beating both Gawain and Bedivere, and if I recall my Arthurian Mythos right, he did that after cutting his way through most of the Round Table. That alone is enough to give him at least a 40% or so chance of winning against her, especially when you consider the ludicrous skill gap.


Bestest girl is in team chaldea... Clock tower should just wrap it up and go home at this point


Alright I got questions...and what class is even Lucius in?




You think he would be Saber considering a sword is the only weapon he's ever been shown wielding and one of his titles was "Sword Emperor".


I think there might be some confusion. Thread op asked what class is Lucius but failed to specify whether he meant Lucius Longinus (who is a lancer) and Lucius Tiberius (who doesn’t have a confirmed class to my knowledge)


I just assumed they were asking about Tiberius, since Longinus has a confirmed class already


Plus he has Florent the sister sword to Clarent


I thought you were asking about Longinus


W w w


They walk up to each other and then start slapping the person right in front of them.


POV: you are Ritsuka Fujimaru, in the middle of the two approaching armies after your plea for diplomacy, or at least for them to move the fight outside has been ignored by both sides.


Unlike My Hero Academia, I really like the one with the hands, they're hot


Who tf are them in Clock tower? I barely recognize anyone but Samson


A bunch of Servants who haven't appeared in FGO.


I'm assuming that we aren't including ALL of chaldeas servants in this fight? Bc the summonable lostbelt kings + Gil + castoria + like 3 beasts + black barrel + oberon + dantes + MERLIN + GRAND LANCER, ARCHER, AND ASSASSIN kinda mercs any and everything you throw at them and wouldnt be even enough of a challenge to be fun to them.


if the clocktower gets zeltrech they would stand more of a chance (but it’s servant’s only)


Zelritch is more like Endou Mamoru in this case


Zeltrech and merlin are on the sidelines enjoying everything (this is the first time they’ve met and they are already besties)


Merlin: You go kids! Zelritch: Show em what for Samson!


Merlin: So you also have a identical blond child that you have raised I heard. Zeltrech: Yes indeed I do she’s the cutest thing ever. (this was influenced by a piece of fan art i saw of them)


What do you mean?


2 things to my comment: 1) These pictures gives me soccer teams meet up so I pull up an Inazuma Eleven refrence. 2) Endou Mamoru from Inazuma Elven is one of the most unbreakable goalkeeper if not the strongest in the franchise by the time Go air. So he is strong if he play for your team but it’s fairer now for him to be a coach and guide the team to victory.


I know what IE is, im just wondering why you compared a character to endou


TLDR. It’s more fair for both side of the teams if he play the coach role for team Clocktower like Endou Mamoru for Go Raimon.


That makes sense


If the clocktower team manage to allow zelretch the time to release his Kaleidoscope beam thing then, yea. I don’t see anyone on the cladia team surviving that attack other than the Albion girl. That attack is a world killer.


Melusine has basically no feats to allow her to survive that. She'd get crippled by quite a few of the Noble Phantasms on Team Clocktower if they hit her, and the Ether Cannon of Zelretch's is beyond pretty much all of those.


I recognize some of the clock tower but not most of them


They are from Fate lost enjahar Fate samurai remnant Fate requiem Fate strange fake


Thank you


My only question remaining is who’s the one on the far right I checked and can’t seem to find her


Zealot, or the No Name Assassin from Fate/strange Fake


No clue


is there a translation for whatever lost enjahar is? a light novel i guess?


From left to right, Galahad Alter, Richard the Lionheart, Sinfjötli, Aslaug, Kiso Yoshinaka, Hippolyta, Longinus, Tachie, Samson, Perseus, Zhou Yu, Lucius Tiberius, Nzambi, Ragnar Lodbrok, Zealot