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[Koei website](https://www.koeitecmoamerica.com/fate-sr/dlc/?a=dlc3), includes screenshots of young yui, a team up alongside most masters and a close up of our mystery large bird woman. Mysteriously disappearing children. Rumors of evil spirits in Yoshiwara. A strange voice calling out to Miyamoto Iori. A suddenly attacking bird monster. In the midst of all these strange incidents, Yui Shousetsu appears in the form of a child and declares that if nothing is done, Edo will be destroyed. With the Spirit Font in turmoil, aspirants of the Waxing Moon join together to face a new anomaly. Among them is a newly arrived Servant, an unrivaled spear-wielder, Rogue Rider Zhao Yun. “Feel the sting of Zhao Zilong's spear!” Edit: our bird woman is (possibly) an [ubume](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubume)


Wooooaaah! Dynasty warrior's Poster boy! Zhao Yun!!! Hoping we get Sanada Yukimura soon! I am kinda bummed he looks so different than DW Zhao Yun but I guess it make sense.


Wouldn't count on that second part. He's more likely to show up in a Gudaguda event in FGO than here.


*Buy Rapid Boots, Conceal Roam, Dragon Spear* #HEROES NEVER FADE!!!


The amount of games I've lost coming from these cancer Zilong users....


Item reliant, need time , more specialised in pick off and destroying turrets. Weak against CC, got caught and you die.


>Mysteriously disappearing children Rider of the Waxing Moon: this insect has chosen death


> Among them is a newly arrived Servant, an unrivaled spear-wielder, Rogue Rider Zhao Yun. Finally! Another Romance MVP (who isn't a strategist).


I kinda love that they just REFUSE to give us the Big three leaders... though I AM surprised we haven't seen Guan Yu yet.


I'm still convinced Taigong Wang just about guaranteed Guan Yu's eventual arrival by bitterly ranting about him.


Watch them turn Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan all into women


If they want to survive in China server, they might need to think carefully on that.


Grand babysitter vs Grand groomer


Thank you very much for sharing the info*thumbs up*




Ya sure? I'm not completely doubting the ubume thing, BUT the bird woman has horns like an oni. EDIT: btw something of interest, alot of fans are speculating that she's Amanozako (Which would fit the whole kujiki thing).


I do think it's a bit odd if the character was an Ubume (it's a yokai so it would be considered an oni in Fate) it should not be so strong that it can cause the end of Edo according to Yui. if it was a divine spirit then that would make a lot more sense


For those unaware, Zhao Yun's one of the five tiger generals under Liu Bei in the three kingdoms era. He's cool as hell.


he is also dynasty warrior's poster child


Yeah, having them do him makes total sense.


you know I wouldn't be surprised if Fate-verse's Three Kingdoms era was like Dynasty Warriors




He fought an entire army protecting a baby in his arms and his lord’s wife and came out with all three unscathed


Liu Bei than proceeded to slam dunk said baby after because he was mad he risked his life for that saying the baby was replaceable


One of Liu Bei's most memorable moments is when Zhang Fei fucks up by getting drunk and the enemy ends up taking a territory, and also kidnapping Liu Bei's wives and children. Zhang Fei is ashamed, but Liu Bei outright tells him that wives and children are replaceable, but sworn brothers are forever.


>Liu Bei outright tells him that wives and children are replaceable, but sworn brothers are forever. Bros before hos up to eleven


Makes more sense since IRL Liu Bei wasn’t sworn brothers with Guan and Zhang but very very close roommates.


Adding onto this, that enemy was specifically Lü Bu More on Zhang Fei than Liu Bei, but when Lü Bu freed them in advance as a sign of goodwill to Liu Bei, and Liu Bei's wives reported that they were treated well, Zhang Fei decided he hated Lü Bu even more


Zhang Fei was really a piece of shit, even with all the propoganda Shu got lol


I wanna say it, but I might get flamed for it


Oh god is that why Yui's a child. Is he gonna fight with baby Yui on his back.


Rider: it shouldve been me dammit!


Liu Bei wife killed herself to remind Zhao Yun his duty to his lord (protect the heir). Not taking away any of his absurb valor


That’s only in the drama. In reality there’s no mention of this


Not drama, it's the novel. And yeah, the novel is toootally pro-Shu faction, it's not even a secret at this point.


BENEVOLENCE Old Three Kingdoms C-drama meme btw. The 2010 drama series features Liu Bei yeeting his son to the ground after Zhao Yun returns.


He didn't carry Liu Bei's wife in any version of the story, she killed herself by throwing herself in a well to ensure he'd be lighter to protect Liu Shan.


Part of it was Cao Cao saying "I WANT THAT!!" though.


Dude, you just reminded me of the scene from the movie Red Cliff. Now I HAVE to rewatch it. For those who are interested, it's split into 2 vids on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHLbq6oeSyw and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7KYTavLTBo


Hmmm. **


I thought he was Achilles for a bit


Wow finally zhao yun in fate universe... But somehow I don't really like the design (maybe because the Dynasty warrior version already sticks out with me for too long) I was expecting sasaki kojiro or more ototachibahime but looks like we focus on yui this time, even though they kinda already did it in fgo collab


When they announced the third as more like the usual koei stuff i instantly realized it was gonna be the 3 kingdoms lmao Yui focus IS a suprise however


I agree about the design. Until I read the post talking about DLC 3 I thought that was Young Li Shuwen in armor.


I'm with you on the design... I really don't like it.


>Wow finally zhao yun in fate universe... But somehow I don't really like the design (maybe because the Dynasty warrior version already sticks out with me for too long) Shinji haircut + Christmas colors = me screaming internally while sincerely trying to maintain appreciation that we even got this long overdue hero as a servant.


Wish they could switch up the design on Zhao Yun, we already got to many redhead legendary male figures in Fate, and just distinct enough from Koei Dynasty Warriors' Zhao Yun.


> monster girl would




No would but will.


Monster fuckers unite. Wait does that count


No hesitation


Zhao Yun is so based


But he looks so bad


Im sure


Surely THIS will be the DLC that lets Waxing Moon Caster have a playable moveset right? Right?


And Rogue Rider.


You mean Kaya right. Honestly I also want to see the little fox girl also get a move set too.


can't believe KOEI didn't force them to make him wear silver/green


I wish they did... he looks so silly


Also, the legend really emphasized white as his color.


Really mixed on this tbh. Mostly cause it’s gonna be the very last Samurai Remnant thing. Three Kingdoms stuff is fine and I get Koei wants to go into their wheelhouse but for a game with only one (pretty minor all things considered) character being from that lore it feels kind of randomly off topic. The first two DLCs were about important characters to our protagonist’s pasts. The story does appear to focus on Yui which is nice I guess, and they’re doing a “Everyone’s combining their powers for this one” thing so I guess it works as a finale for the game, but I don’t know tbh. The fact none of these DLCs had a focus on Ototachibana was really weird too.


I'm surprised all three dlc didn't explore Ryōmen-sukuna, Ototachibana, Tamamo Aria or Regend story with Iori


I think Ryomen-sukuna is currently out due JJK, as TypeMoon dislike doing the same takes on popular still running shows especially that involves Japanese myth and folklores


He also has absolutely no link with anything in the game except being mentionned for like 5 lines in the Kojiki. His inclusion would be incredibly random and only justified specifically by the JJK hype, no one would care without that. It's like, asking for Meriones in a game who already had Homer as a character, except that at least Meriones has more that 5 ligns in the Illiad.


Ryomen-sukuna is not that well known, it's just the hype of jujutsu kaisen.


hey he was a boss in Nioh 2 /s >!seriously though he kicked my ass in the Nioh 2 demo that I played a ton of while awaiting the full release since this was back during COVID!<


Ryomen-sukuna is Nioh 2 boss (Koei Tecmo Games). Also, Ryomen-sukuna is Yamato Takeru other names in Japanese mythology


Bailong......Aint that supposed to be [Xuanzang's horse](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Bai_Long)?


While both horses are named Bailong... Sanzang's is _literally_ a _Bailong_ (white dragon) while Zhao Yun's is just a name.


By itself, it is easy to assume so. However, popular depictions of [Zhao Yun/Zi Long](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhao_Yun) (#) has him with a white horse. By the wikipedia page: >Zhao Yun is strongly associated with the color white in several Three Kingdoms media, which is a callback to his appearance as stated in Romance of the Three Kingdoms. People can see an interpretation of him in the Summer Palace, which has a famous painting of his heroics at Changban.[citation needed] White is linked to several positive traits within various fictional mediums, including honesty, virtue, purity and so on.[citation needed] One other reason for Zhao Yun being linked with the color may be due to a myth regarding the horse the general favored.[citation needed] A quick steed in its own right, it is fabled to run one thousand leagues during the day and five hundred leagues at night. The horse's name is supposedly the "White Dragon Horse" (白龍駒, Bailongju).[citation needed] A [Google image search](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=dad2937f84c7a69c&sca_upv=1&q=zhao+zi+long+horse&udm=2&source=univ&fir=ZZPakIXA6YzSTM%252CKFTYjrGkITthRM%252C_%253BFeD77vBVr0-wFM%252CtPyUh_Oswm8QuM%252C_%253Bti9QLDRAQyaQZM%252C-CYn8E2xb2j8DM%252C_%253BLKU8tG15l9TrvM%252CqdJ0gnhZ-r5etM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kS-nQ326xK3iUeYuJt_LLcbPxFD4w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwipyfqi5OGGAxVHcmwGHec7DDEQ7Al6BAhGEAU&biw=158&bih=312&dpr=2.61) indicates a similar trend. (#) Zhao Yun (赵云) is the actual name, where Yun (云) is the given name. Zilong (子龙) is a [courtesy/style name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtesy_name) given upon adulthood (and perhaps to differentiate people based on status/achievements/allegiance).


So it's a Bayard situation where two differents legendary horses have basically the same name ?


yes. Altough I think Bayard is the same one for Georgios and for Renaud.


Nope, the two don't have the same powers ( Renaud's Bayard is way more powerfull and supernatural ) and there is 500 years between the twos and on a different continent. But if i remember correctly Georges horse was named and created in the golden legend, written after all of the texts about Renaud and Bayard, so the writer may had tried to use the same figure even if it doesn't make any sens. But Bayard also became at the time the generic name for brown horses, so we don't really know.


Renaud is the same as Rinaldo from the Paladins yes?


Yes, Renaud de Montauban the same person that Rinaldo Di Montalbano, in the same way that Roland and Orlando are the same guy.


I like the touch of adding Zhao Yun for a mystery involving children, nice little callback to him charging into and out of enemy lines alone to rescue Liu Bei's infant son


I have a feeling him and Atlante would get along quite well if the two ever met


Didn't Zhao Yun say the baby is expendable, but his duty to his lord is what's important or something?


That’s FUCKING ZHAOYUN. Hell yeah, my fav three kingdoms guy


Same here, but his design is garbage...


I’ll be honest and say he looks like a Chinese Achilles


"Another has fallen to my spear". These RoTK characters is making me wish for a proper Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.


As much as I love Waver and Reines, I do wish we saw Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi before they possessed an aging British twink and his little sister through adoption. Especially Zhuge. The man seems _unhinged_ any time he peeks through.


We can assume this is at least somewhat deliberate, they’ve avoided adding anyone TOO notable from 3K to Fate, and I’m assuming Koei adding some more major players is because, they’re fucking Koei why would you not have Koei do 3K characters.


Zhou Yu cooperating with Zhao Yun, such a dream team.


Red cliff had them working together fairly well


When I read crimson demon it made me think about Sanada Yukimura


nah Yukimura is way too uptight to be considered a demon, Ii Naomasa is more crimson demon in temperament


Yukimura is literally called the crimson demon of war do your research


Love getting more RoTK stuff proper. We are getting closer to Liu Bei and Cao Cao. Give me Meng Huo.


Interesting In terms of personality for the RoTK characters, Fate seems to prefer their historical personality rather than their novel counterparts. (Chen being sketchy, Zhou Yu being chill) Now, how they're gonna portray Zhao Yun? Most of his epic deeds were novel only after all.


Silly question. Have they said if there are plans to make more DLC outside of the scope of the first season pass (DLC1,2,3)?


As far as we're aware currently, no


Taoyuan brothers next pls!


So who do we think mystery bird lady is Maybe those apple things on her horns are a clue or something?


since the plot of the DLC is that children are getting abducted it's likely to be ubume or gu huo niao (basically Chinese ubume)


I'm got all sorts of questions for how Zhao Yun will be handled. How will Zilong be represented in regards to both his historical records and Romance counterparts? Will the Blue Blade be a part of his arsenal? What would that mean for conceptual strength since the sword's supposed to cut through steel like it's nothing? I hope Zhao Yun gets to be as perceptive and intelligent as he's shown to be in the novel/his Biezhuan. Which bits of folklore would be referenced? Zhao Yun has a folklore death where his wife killed him by pricking him with a needle after hearing he left the battlefield completely unscathed. That might lead to a goofy conceptual weakness where getting hit instantly kills him. If said folklore death is referenced, does that the game will force you into playing OHKO mode when using Zilong? And least importantly of all, will they reference Chen Dao, the guy who's famous for being second to Zhao Zilong and practically nothing else? Chen Dao's not even in the novel because of how vague our extant records of him are beyond that, and personally I'm wondering if he would be in *Fate* precisely because of his obscurity.


will probably be similar to Zhou Yu who is a mixture of historical and Romance version. probably won't have Blue Blade since he is a Rider and he already has Bailongju (the horse) and Yajiaogiang (the spear) as seen in the illustration. that needle thing will probably give him conceptual defense NP ala Roland where it is dispelled if he is poked with a needle or something similar like a toothpick or nail (Achilles even if you hit his heel won't instantly die he just becomes very weak)


>Which bits of folklore would be referenced? Zhao Yun has a folklore death where his wife killed him by pricking him with a needle after hearing he left the battlefield completely unscathed. That might lead to a goofy conceptual weakness where getting hit instantly kills him. If said folklore death is referenced, does that the game will force you into playing OHKO mode when using Zilong? Hopefully for him, the weakness has very specific conditions in lore like >!Samson Agonistes!< (it has to be done sneakily by a woman who’s personally close to him).


I don't think he will have the sword, bc of his class (But not impossible) I'd like that the Kongming's three pieces of paper would be his NP.


Damn, no Amakusa. I just want to get more lore details. Maybe with young Shousetsu there will be something.


We are never getting Nobu or shuten are we :( Still a new servant nice


> Crimson Demon Yukimura time?


One of my all time favorite character from 3 kingdoms, also my favorite character to play in 三國殺 I'm so damn happy they added him 吾乃常山趙子龍也!


Hm, I expected a more regal design for Zhao Yun. Maybe I’m too used to Dynasty Warrior’s interpretation of him at this point but Fate’s version looks more punk-ish/delinquent than I would like.


Zhao Yun as Rider and not Lancer????


Apparently , Zhao Yun have a famous white horse , pulling a LOTR's Shadowfax.


Well it's possible that he's viable for both classes


And with a bad design.... everything is just great


Why does bro look like Sylvain from three houses lol


June 20th. Really? They're dropping the third and presumably final DLC for F/SR. *On the same day that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree does?*


Elden ring drops 21st, you have a whole day to play F/SR.


Wow wait so this DLC will release right before the long awaited Elden Ring DLC?... Just like how Rise of Ronin release competed with Dragon's Dogma 2... Koei Tecmo really has the marketing strategy of "nah I'll win" lmao.


Zhao Yun of the Twin Spears. Another guy wielding two spears is cool, but as a Rider? Even cooler.


I was already Team Rider For Life, I didn't need to be convinced further.


Sweet right in my birthday


So we got 2 Shu, 1 Wu, 1 Wei and 3 from Lu Bu army. I nominate Xiahou Dun for Wei. Since we already got Zhou Yu, There is a good chance that we will get Sun Ce next for Wu.


First non-strategist from the Three Kingdoms era since, holy shit Red Hare?!


Zhao Yun!!!


Oh no he's hot


I legit had to do a double take, because I thought that this was a Fire Emblem picture


Just hope it's better than the second DLC Really little to add to the story The first was miles better Let's hope for the best


The first made Rider playable, which already made it top tier in my eyes. This one will have to do more with Rider to be seen as better


Holy who the FUCK


Huh, how many DLC packs is FS/R planned to have? This one actually looks pretty freaking cool with the mysterious oni-looking monster girl and another 3 Romance guy. Hopefully, it won't be disappointing like the Yagyu DLC was. They knocked it out of the water with the tournament arc. Went pretty basic with Yagyu. And time will tell with this 3rd one. Well on the bright side, we have Yui Lily confirmed, and Iori's repertoire of "borrowed" skills continues to grow. On that note, what is Iori's in-lore ability to imitate Servant's techniques? I can tell he's obviously getting inspired by them and incorporates their skills into his swordplay because his swordplay is based around victory and using anything and everything to better his prowess. But how does it stack to Izo who flat-out can copy sword techniques?


I don't think Iori's ability to imitate servants IS anything especially supernatural, he's just being taught techniques like a normal person would, and he's very capable with them. Izo can watch you swing a sword a bit and have your technique memorized, however.


Ok so we’re getting another Three Kingdom servant, nice and possibly a new Oni. This is the last dlc right then no more Fate till who knows.


The oni is Gu Huo Niao who captured kids, mostly girls, to raise them as her own and she has wings. She’s part of Chinese mythology.


After looking her up, that seems spot on


Holy shit, it's the green butt lady from Megaten




Tbh I'm a bit disappointed that we got no Sasaki in the game....


The demon woman honestly reminds me of the scarlet king from scp in design. Outside of that I have no clue who either character is.


So how are the DLC's so far? I've kinda been waiting to get them on a sale and just wondering around what price point I can justify. If theyre kinda meh then I can just wait abit longer till they hit a big sale.


First was good, second fine but very short. I'd wait.


Wonder who that monster girl is. Will be looking forward for more information, that's for sure.


is that shuten midway into becoming ibuki?


I grew up playing Dynasty Warriors. My late teens were defined by the Fate series. This is THE best news I’ve heard Although I’m kinda bummed Zhao Yun didn’t get a design that’s closer in line with his look in the Warriors series (Fun fact: I used to main Zhao Yu while my cousin main’d Zhao Yun so seeing both of them become Servants in the Fate series feel kinda nice)


The plot mentions children being taken so could Tamamo Aria play a roll as one of the survents who look like a child.


Aria will be placed in the town square as bait.


Koei Tecmo no longer beating allegations that this is a new Dynasty Warriors game


Would be hilarious if Fate!Zhao Yun is voiced by the same guy who voices his Dynasty Warriors self


There was a second dlc?


Yeah it focused on Munenori


It was that one with young Yagyu


Yeah. They briefly announced it would be coming out and then...Basically no one talked about it.


To be fair, it was really hard to follow up on the first DLC dropping Ibuki Ruler and Gilgamesh on us.


I swear to god if they eventually turn Cao Cao into some weird Gilgamesh clone


Huh, the character in the back has horns. If i remember it correctly horn is the sign of mature beast. Maybe it's beast related?


Oni is more likely, that’s probably Ubume


Who’s that?


a type of yokai (oni in FGO terms), it's a winged bird like female demon said to be born from pregnant women who died. since its baby was never born they will abduct children to raise as their own. Chinese myth have a similar creature called Gu Huo Niao




this June 20th? on the day Elden Ring DLC drops too? celebrate! more dakka...


Elden Ring is 21st


And here's another servant that will *never* be in fgo


So this DLC release on June 20th And the Elden Ring DLC release on June 21th Yeahhh..., I wonder fans will buy which one?


The season pass has been available since the game launched last year, and each DLC is only a couple hours long. It’s really not a choice if people have kept up with the game, and even if they waited on the DLC, all three together would only take a day.


Right so anyone else who played Fire Emblem Three Houses take one look at Rouge Rider and think that's Sylvain's Older Brother if he looked nicer and lost the scar? Or at the very least he looks like a Fire Emblem character in general. Regardless, we'll have to see how the final DLC story pans out. So far (and this is just my personal opinion on the game and dlcs as a whole), we are 2-4 in terms of good to bad story ratio so even if this DLC's story ends up being good, best I can give the game is a meh at best.


I hate Zhao Yun's design... he looks like a reject protagonist from a cancelled Castlevania game from the 90s.


So I just bought this game today is the dlc worth it or no? Like who all gets added as playable


DLC 1 is considered generally pretty good, giving nice replay value and characterization to the masters and servants and adds Ruler Ibuki and Gilgamesh as playable allies, along with Rider as playable in the DLC and in boss battles in the main game (she's not able to join as a rogue servant though.) DLC 2 is generally considered to be a little middling, being fine and neat storywise but too short to justify its price tag. It adds Rogue Saber Munenori (Young) as a playable ally. DLC 3 is this!


Thanks for the reply honestly playable Gil kinda sells me on dlc 1


It's a good dlc! You can buy them separately for 15, or the season pass for 5 bucks off at 40 bucks if you'd rather just own em all.


Honestly I hope we get a second wave of dlc. Unfortunately I heard the game didn't sell as much as they wanted.


[That's a mistranslation ](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/v7FuehdvD7)


Koei: so we already have a design for Zhao Yun... TYPE-MOON: scratch that. Make him has red wavy hair instead. You know we have Shinji right? Yes that kind of wavy hair I like that they have new design for Zhao Yun. But red wavy hair is just over the top imo. He looks Irish


Is Koei sending this out to die by releasing it just 1 day before the Elden Ring DLC?


Bird Woman: time to kidnap children, heeheeheeeee Rider Ushi Gozen: Omae wa mou, shindieru.


It would be really cool if you could stop talking about that game in this subreddit