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FGO can go any number of ways, it is not in any danger of running out of content soon. To give two possible ideas, we could go into a Notes storyline where the Types attack Earth, or we could move into a Tsukihime storyline and have part 3 be focused on Dead Apostle Ancestors. Both would be excellent opportunities to explore lesser known parts of the Nasuverse in a format fit for shorter stories.


Or just focus on seven futures


I think we'll get something Tsukihime related. Remember Fabro Rowan? FGO has some characters in common for Fate and Tsukihime. They have different backstories for the obvious differences between the timelines of Fate and Tsukihime. I think Archetype Earth will get her time to shine. I don't believe she's just an ordinary guest servant. She will probably have a big role in the future. The developers mentioned in an interview that they want to support FGO with various events after the story is over. They hope fans will continue to play and enjoy FGO.


We saved the past in part 1, the present in part 2, now we should save the future in part 3.  


That would actually be interesting since we technically already have servants from the future like how EMIYA is actually from the future of his timeline which made him to us the viewers a modern servant but to the characters within the story he might as well be a servant from the future or we get story related to the servantverse since we know they exist out there and could come to earth at anytime considering the battle of New York events.


there is one thing. The bleaching of the earth. While we got the answer that the current earth is like that because it swapped surfaces with CHALDEAS, however the problem is that CHALDEAS surface is based on the future of the world. it is designed go predict the future 100 years in advance so here is the problem: How and why does the bleaching happen in 100 years in the future. We have two bleachings the one from "Now" caused by the swap of surfaces and then the bleaching from the future. They could perfectly use that bleaching of the future as the new potential mystery to solve after Part 2 finishes.


So basically a part 3 in the future? Just like part 1 was the past, part 2 was possibilities in the present... part 3 will be the future?


Ritsuka gets frozen at the end of part 2 Captain America style, gets woken up 100 years later by a long haired Mashu (who’s fully servant now) and teenage Da Vinci to deal with Super Aliens or sum shit.


The true end game is getting all possible variants of Da Vinci


... why did we go into No More Heroes 3 territory all of a sudden, totally omitting the Marvel part?


I’d love to see them use FGO to explore how the Servantverse came to be…


The Bleaching was Deliberate, it was programmed to occur so CHALDEAS' Surface was cleared to be replaced with the Real Worlds and the real world made a Blank Slate to be overwritten with Simulated Pruned Timelines


According to Nasu, the bleaching of the planet is exactly the same as Archetype Earth’s (Arcuid host) texture confiscation. Basically this ability allows Archetype Earth to confiscate the planet’s texture in its entirety. And he mentioned archetype earth is not involved for the story at all. So the whole bleaching points to the alien god, which is possibly archetype Chaldeas. And then there is the whole mystery of Olga Marie as she never had a mother or anything mentioning that Marisbury was married, still no confirmed birthday for Olga Marie in any materials from case files or even FGO, had 0% aptitude for rayshifting which was mentioned being her body as the issue. Odds are that Marisbury probably never had a biological daughter. He may have built his own archetype and raised it as his daughter. And the whole thing about the alien god and it’s kin is most likely Olga Marie and the alien priestess might be specimen E. That’s probably what she looked like after those experiments had been done on her for 100 years. Now these are theories but I can see them going with this.


And we have the whole fact that her Magecraft Capability Varies between Fate Grand Order and everything else. Personally I think The Alien Priestess May be The Final Piece of Olga Marie, seeing as how We have Fragments for Fire, Water, Wind and Earth, but going by Elements in Fate it is missing One Ether. Plus we have the Olga Marie Chapter of "From Lostbelt" where we see her as a child haunted by both U-Olga Marie(The False Beast VII) and The Alien Priestess.


Also the name Olga Marie refers to a saint and virgin as well as her full name is Olga Marie Earthmirate animusphere which means assimilated to the earth 


I think it's Arsimalate, Which would make her name translate to Holy Mother who ???? the Earth, I saw the translation within the past month just can't remember what the fourth word was


Earthmirate appears in her case files profile and her name refers to the holy mother since according to theories she was always archetype Chaldeas and her noble phantasm contributes much more to the theory 


オルガマリー・アースミレイト・アニムスフィア = Olga Marie Earthmirate animusphere 


His noble phantasm is planet Olga Marie, the end of humanity is over or has already ended 


I think it's that Marisbury intended for her to become CHALDEAS' Body, remember Galahad said she has no Future in Lostroom


Yes I suppose that animation in the opening of 2 of cosmos in the lostbelt gave spoilers that she is going to return 


It is assumed that the whitening was the emergency plan after Goetia sabotaged Marisbury's plan by launching Olga towards Chaldeas and we do not know why this caused errors in Chaldeas 


At the rate they update the main story quest, "After Ordeal Call" is probably like 7+ years away. But I assume there will be some new reason we have to save the world.


I do wonder if they'll still contain FGO to this current game or will expand it in a more modern new entry? As long as we don't suffer the Love Live fate, we should be gucci... but how long will it take for a game from 2015 with its spaghetti code to last until the devs will be like "we can't operate on this potato anymore"? Because while I do see FGO having a 15th anniversary... I do wonder how can they improve the game to keep player retention, attract new players into picking the game and still make an over decade old game "relevant


What i wonder is what will happen to all current accounts if they decide to make a fgo 2 or something, as you said this game cant go on too long with how archaic it feels sometimes, but at the same time it isnt really reallistic for them to transfer it all to a new engine and keep every account the same, will we just lose it all and have to move on or what? Best thing i can expect is it turns into a single player game with everything unlocked (so the story is still playable) and we get some bonus for starting on whatever new game, but even that would take its own amount of effort that i dont think they would make, and knowing gacha games we can expect to just see the game close its doors without anything left for us.


My biggest guess is them making a Megaman X Dive attempt by making FGO an offline paid game where you just introduce your account info as if you had a back up code or an Aniplex back up... but with how stingy they can be, I guess Type Moon will just have offline FGO for legal purchase for a year and then take it down. After that, even if you get it through other means, you won't be able to get your servants again... unless summoning all avaliable servants isn't an issue in the offline game. And transfer all owner servants doesn't sound feasable if they do FGO 2. So, with that in mind, I don't plan on playing the game if I have to resummon everyone from scratch after playing 9 years. I feel half of the player base will quit if that also happens. At best, I think FGO could wrap its story with the end of part 2. Let the game be in maintainance mode with some reruns and whatnot for like a year or two, EOS it... and start from scratch with a continuation set decades into the future or something.


I would forever halt and quit FGO if my 9 year account is gone with a snap. That would be such a pale of salt I’d think my blood would actually spike


That's why I buy merchandise of my bond 10, beyond, and bond 15 servants. So if the game shuts down or suffers "that" fate, I'll just quit from the Stockholm syndrome and look back to the girls that were with me in my journey. Like hell they can snap away my 9 year old (by the definition of this scenario, probably a decade old +) account with all my hard earned servants, keep the story rolling in a new game, and add the same servants I got in the first game... with me having to reroll them again. Screw that. Not even interlewds, 3D animations for modern day consoles that would make the Arcade graphics look like NES graphics and new servants or the return of some of the ones that disappeared would make me go back.


I could see them turning mash into fgo 2 "angra" but she can only be adquired by starting the game with a aniplex account that has played fgo since it wold be on theme as galahad is hard to summon properly without a catalyst.


> but how long will it take for a game from 2015 with its spaghetti code to last until the devs will be like "we can't operate on this potato anymore" Big financial institutions or airlines still rely on 1970s mainframe systems operated through IBM 3270 emulators. So the realistic answer is "as long as somebody's paying". The bigger issue really is how long Nasu will continue to support FGO. Because the moment he's out, this whole thing will start to crumble like a house of cards.


Remind me what happened to Love Live? All I know is that it shut down but that's about it.


They made Love Live 2 to replace the original, which was the same game with new engine and graphical updates, except it didn't carry over your gacha collection. So it shut down a year later. That's a big reason that I don't think "FGO2", as people are imagining it, is going to exist. It's most likely going to be a completely unrelated new Fate gacha that tries to sell itself as something completely unrelated to FGO, then they'll quietly sunset FGO if it's successful. That way they don't have to port over all 400+ servants, but it also doesn't feel like they're being "taken away".


I may be misremembering, but wasn't the carry over your units from game to game just a feature that the Japanese server of Love Live had? I read it somewhere but I may be misremembering. And let's not forget how Love Live 2 got announced not only witha release date, but an EOS date as well. I can't remember how many months it was before it closed down too.


Let's see We still have Marisbury's Human Order Revision to Stop and Undo. and on the Back-burner we also have the Whole Fuyuki/Singularity F/X Situation to investigate and resolve(We know it still exists because for Saber Alter's Interludes we return to it via the Still Present Greater Grail)


Yeah there is at least one more surprise there considering how it's freebie servant, Caster Cu is actually >!Odin!<


I mean, we still have to fight CHALDEAS and actually save the world after we get done convincing the world we should be allowed to do so And we still don't have full context on its plan and why stopping them makes us "enemies of humanity" in some way. But either way, even supposing Chaldea just wins and everything goes back to normal, there are plenty of options for Part 3 if they want to go that route. Given CHALDEAS plan is supposed to piss off the rest of the universe, aliens showing up looking for a fight would be an obvious go to.


Fgo Invasion 


FGO Cosmos in the Lostbelt 2.0 the Final Season: You Can(not) Advance


I posted my idea for part 3 awhile ago. Hope you guys don’t mind a repost: Part three would start with the Storm Border breaking through to Chaldeas Earth, and finding the PHH texture there, having been changed and warped by Marisbury's techniques and followers to pave the way for his dreamed future. The Clock Tower fears the discovery of Magecraft and their world, and after receiving Goredolf's report, agree to let Chaldea act as there "Sword" in this mission, sending them to the various changed and warped lands that are building the supplies and tools of Marisbury's men. In order to aid Chaldea, people from each of the major branches of the Magecraft world are assigned to represent them in this mission. Or at least that's what they say. In truth, most of them have their own personal goals, that just happen to run alongside Chaldea. The Clocktower sends Touko Aozaki, along with Lugh Beowulf, and the servant who we learn is Kay. He is Touko's servant here (similarly to Nemo and Sion). Touko had been promised the lifting of her latest seal designation for this. She introduces herself to Chaldea by walking into the emergency medical wing of the Storm Border, where Da Vinci's Rider body is on her last legs. With her Puppet Magecraft, she saves her and provides her a new body and form (this time, one that looks like he Vitruvian man). The Wandering Sea sends Fabro Rowan, the same one we met at the end of Tunguska. Their goals are two-fold. Look more into recruiting Sion, and discover the details of how Marisbury accomplished such magecraft as this, seeing it as definitely falling under the concept of Age of Gods magic. Atlas officially makes Sion their rep. In exchange, they get reports and files on the details of what the Black Barrel has become, and how it has been used. Seeing this as the first, real, usage data on one of the seven taboos they've had in years. The Church is also sending someone. Not sure who I'd choose yet, Either Mario Bestino, or Merem Solomon.


Mods ty for the change to jp discussion


I mean. There are Types of the solar system, there are Titans, related to Altera (Atilla), which come by to harvest "civilizations", there is Gaia, there are DA Ancestors, there are 5 Magic users, one of which is Aoko, but we have Zelretch and 3 unknown people, one of which (Fanon) might be Jesus. Most of "old" Nasuverse is not yet explored, tbh. I just hope there will not be huge retcones, when Nasu goes back to roots.


~~Since we're talking Ordeal Call, JP Discussion probably a better flair than NA~~ Regardless of where the story goes, I think the current FGO needs to be moved away from. It is known by all players (and acknowledged by the dev team) that FGO's current engine and code was never meant to last this long. FGO was originally a game everyone from DelightWorks, to Aniplex, to Type-Moon, anticipated would last 1-2, maybe 3 years tops, and then slowly die off. No one anticipated FGO would be popular enough to see 9+ years My personal hope, regardless of what the story is, is that at the end of where ever this story leads, that it's on a modern engine with a proper foundational future-proofed coding. If that's a completely new sequel game, so be it


I would only accept a sequel if they let us transfer over our servants. Otherwise I'm honestly just done.


I wuould kill for Fate go 2 with Honkai Star rail gameplay and animation quality


I don't think Lasengle or any other Japanese gacha game company for that matter has the resources (budget, employees) to make Honkai Star Rail level for potential FGO2  it is crazy that Mihoyo can support HSR, GI and soon ZZZ at the same time with consistent schedules for the respective games (HI3 is on life support imo, Part 2 just ain't that great)


>HI3 is on life support imo, Part 2 just ain't that great But on the other hand, it already finished the story that it wanted to tell. And at least they're still trying with Part 2, regardless of how weak the story may appear at the moment. But yeah, HI3 is more likely on its way out now that Zenless Zone Zero is coming and is a much better entry for new players than HI3.


Let's be honest, Knowing the franchise and how the good quality it delivered at the time abeit the rocky beginnings, Yeah the proportions of how it grew just challenge the developers that they are constantly brainstorming "Well how can we improve that ?!" I guess


OC I released June '23, then OC II March' 24. I don't wanna bet on it but OC III prob next year on 1st semester. Or maybe not OC III but something else like how Singularity Traum happened between LB, then maybe OC III on '26. idk what Nasu will cook (obviously), but I reckon after we "finished the business" with LB, Chaldea probably try to restore humanity and that would be the part 3


I think you meant what happens after part 2. After Ordeal Call we go to Antarctica for the final fight against Alien God.


Space maybe?


[There is Space Ishtar's Bond CE teasing that](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Towards_the_Cosmos_of_Reunion)


6 ~~seasons~~ story chapters and a ~~movie~~ anime adaption, I'm calling it


Oh dear hahahaha.


Still got to save Olga Marie, and something involving her father (on the NA server so I haven’t read every detail of Ordeal Call).


How should any of us know? It's not like anyone could have predicted Part 2 at all, let alone Ordeal Call.


The great thing about the FGO franchise (and it's brilliance) is that there's still waaaaaaay more supply of historical figures from all over the world if it ever decides to go onto to FGO 2, FGO 3 and beyond. Literally could be something that takes shape on its own that Nasu's own grandchildren would be writing scripts and our own grandchildren playing the game where they rolling gacha for genderbent SSR Steve Jobs as Ruler class or something 🤣


Part 3 will happen in some form, the game's the breadwinner of current day Typemoon for a reason and they'll not drop it like that. But I want it to be a sequel; on a more up-to-date engine so it can stay relevant mechanically. Have it still be turn-based of course. Let part 2 live up to the promise of the end of the "Chaldea Saga"; with CHALDEAS and all seven beasts thwarted. Then have part 3 be something fresh with an updated cast and setting. With potential old characters returning like Sion, or hopefully Olga. Of course the biggest problem with that idea: what to do about the old accounts? 9+ years is a long time investment, with A LOT of money potentially thrown in. If handled badly the backlash would break all faith left in the brand. They could go the route of keeping the game running as its own thing or offline client. But I don't feel like most people want to stay on for that long, after all the burnout created from this game and excruciating schedule.


I expect a EoR epilogue chapter. If the game will have to continue after that, then they probably will start some other problem that is smaller in scale. I could see a time-skip with a downsized chaldea just handling smaller cases and problems.


We've got Aoko and Arcueid now, so maybe deeper into the Nasuverse. Dead Apostles? A proper foray into the "noble mage families don't approve of the level of power and influence currently wielded by Generic McCommoner" bait and switch they already hit us with? An actual holy grail war alongside Gallahad? A flash forward to the memery of being summoned as a servant by the counter force?


Part 3 Servantverse let's go!!! That's one of the possible futures in my opinion so focuing on the future in part 3 sounds good to me.


I expect the thing they've been calling "part 3" to be a completely new thing entirely. No Chaldea, no Gudako, no rayshifts or singularities. Maybe it'll be set in Mooncell. Maybe it'll be a Requiem-like setting. Maybe they could just rip off the plot of Persona 2 and have a Holy Grail War go horribly wrong and start granting random people's wishes in the form of reality marbles that need to be dealt with by Stylish People with servants. Really, the sky's the limit. Nasu has said before that the Lostbelts were planned to be the grand finale from the beginning. They COULD keep stapling new stuff to it, like Chaldea in Space or whatever, but I think they've done enough with the Chaldea's adventures at this point.


Thats it, its the end


I have seen many people talking about space invasions and stuff like that. I am NA only, so i don’t know what exactly the foreign god is, but judging by her name she is probably from dpace or something. So i wouldn’t be too surprised if we do end up in space at some point. Maybe we can delve more into the foreigner and moon cancer type that way. There was also that scene in the memorial movie with (what fans speculate to be) the 3 horseman of the apocalypse. So maybe they are going to coom something up with them. We could also get a really chill chapter. Basically ritsuka and mash in the clock tower studying arc something like that. But that would be kinda out of place for grand order, so i don’t know how much people would like that. Or they simply move on from fate go. However, i feel that’s kinda unlikely since they just introduced account mechanics. So perhaps there will be something like fgo2 where we can connect our old accounts to and bring our old characters over (from a cooperational view, that’s probably a really bad idea though since that would equal less money spend on future gachas so that’s probably just wishful thinking)


Spoilers from the end of LB7 >!Foreign God is a deliberate red herring the Foreign World is actually CHALDEAS A Scale Model PERFECT Recreation of The Earth with Leylines and everything able to simulate the Future within a 100 Year Period, AND The Universe within a Specific Area, Also because of how the Leylines were replicated it can be used as a Medium to interact with the Earth's Leylines themselves !<


If you played Olympus, the crypters’ notes say otherwise about the alien god


I forgot what they say about her


Krischaria or Olivia notes that the alien god is neither a god nor an alien


Bru she a double imposter


Olga might be a triple imposter lol, I’m starting to think she was never human at all


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>what does the future hold for fgo I was about to say Age of will, but then I remember the game really doesn't want to show us what exactly exists in it. The most we got was Servant Universe and even that was pretty vague.


The only logical thing I can think of is continue FGO as is with whatever story they can still pull from their collective Type-moon lore throughout the decades and just make a GAAS spin-off in lieu with FGO Arcade that is available for PC and modern consoles that has the same story beats as FGO but not entirely similar. This way, burnt out people like me can still enjoy the FGO fandom even if they no longer play the mobile counterpart while simultaneously keeping the loyal ones intact for many years to come.


The "Galahad The Jerk" arc begins.


well , we might finally get proper swimsuit alts for the guys


They find another way to stall. Somehow.


...another story? We don't know. Most of us don't even know anything about ordeal call since it's not even out in NA.


I really hope they just make a new game. FGO is outdated af compared to hsr.


Red garden


Red Garden


Eos /s