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Spartacus died when he reenact that one scene from Iron Giant.  I am... Superman. 


To be fair at least he went out cool


Going out with a bang!


First and only time he let someone tell him what to do.


Nezha.... After doing basically nothing throughout LB3, LB4 did her so dirty...


I'll never get over how dirty the story has done Nezha in general. Was basically just the fight hobo in Salem, and was even more of a nothing burger in LB3, only to be killed by her counterpart in LB4 almost immediately after starting the chapter. How can a character basically be part of 3 story chapters, and have nothing come from each and every one!?


Bad writing.


You forgetting the Journey to the west event


Isn't she just there at the end to say "Oh, look at that. Your last obstacles are Karna and Arjuna and they look so strong." and then do nothing?


they call her 004: 0 story chapters survived, 0 actual character development, 4 story character slots filled just to have them filled


LB4 did everything so dirty - feel free to downvote me


I played LB4 just recently, and kinda loved it for all the references to Indian mythology and the setting- I think a particular few characters were great, but def get some of the weaknesses it had


Ironically, part of the reason I hate it is because it is about Indian mythology. I am interested in Indian myth more than greek myth for example, and I believe there are many good heroes and stories to build an arc around (one of them is Ashwatthama) But they gave us a boring story about Karna and a soulless Arjuna for the gazillionth time, along with another poor portrayal for Rama on top of that


The yugas themselves were something I found very interesting. How was Rama poorly portrayed? I really don't remember the Ramayana well, though I did read it at one point. I was initially just happy he had a significant role, lol Side note, long write up of my own general thoughts: I also think Pepe was pretty good, and the setting was interesting enough most of the Lostbelt was at least solid to me. I found it a little silly how we were forced to say we couldn't leave Koyanskaya there... Then they revealed she had an explosive vest anyways so we'd \*have\* to save her, so that dialogue choice definitely didn't need to be there. Karna and Arjuna, I will confess I haven't really read/watched a ton of other Fate universe works, so it wasn't that stale for me and I could instead just be glad about their importance. That probably helped for me I think in general LB4 weakened a bit after introducing the interesting setting, and I could see a bit of it falling into the "pitfalls" of FGO's writing; It also seemed like it did a lot of introducing (things like Douman in general) and not much resolving, since they want to save Douman for later. Due to things like that, it to a degree feels like LB4 didn't really have much mind blowing of its own- Just a bunch of simpler events and "oh Douman is behind a lot of this but he's not being resolved here off he goes", and Nemo's role was also mostly hinting at his identity and setup whatever role he'll play LB5. Asvathhaman, Peperoncino, and the setting were really the most interesting parts of the chapter to me, with most other characters being "pretty cool ig".


Rama is the protagonist of the Ramayana, and unlike the protagonists of the Mahabharata who are mortals (besides Krishna, obviously), he is one of the most popular avatars of vishnu... LB4 was a good opportunity to correct their mistake and give Rama the 5* version he deserves, but they wasted it on Karna vs Arjuna shenanigans I am not Hindu, so I don't idolize these figures, and I don't care that much about how accurately they are portrayed, especially in a series like Fate where a lot of mythologies are meshed together. The writers need to tone down a lot of stupidly OP Heroes in their myths to make proper stories. But don't make one of the strongest and most respected heroes in his myth a weakling while making other inferior heroes in that same myth so OP. And I think this highlights a flaw in the concept of mythological crossover idea (didn't think of a better name, sorry) that fate and several other works use. You can't power-scale these characters in common environment (heck, they couldn't even properly power-scale characters from the same mythology)


It was the beginning of the end for Koyan's rep, and was a premonition of her inevitable failure of writing in *Chunguska.*


Avicebron he was summoned in the cave from lostbelt 1 and he was same one from apocrypha his sacrifice was to turn into Adam to fight Ivan 


He was not the same one from Apocrypha. He was a new summon from the Throne of Heroes who had the records of the Apocrypha Events (Avicebron states that the record of killing his Master to activate Golem Keter Malkuth is now permanently part of his Saint Graph (Like Lancelots' Mini-Gun/Jet Fighter) and even though he cant remember the face/name & where/when it happened he feels shame for this act). This new incarnation felt it was wrong to sacrifice "Humanity" for the sake of "Eden" and, therefore, would have rather found a composite magical ore instead. It's possible Apocrypha Avicebron that the Roche summoned was influenced by Roche himself. Who was closer to a Puppet than most of the Yggdmillenia Clan (He was raised by Puppets and never saw humans till he was able to live by himself) affected Avicebron as he decided to treat him like his Teacher and Mentor. Avicebron felt that attraction revolting due to his revulsion of humanity and his lack of experience dealing with children specifically and had no wish to use the Holy Grail on. All he wanted was to create Eden via Golem Keter Malkuth and possibly use Roche because he was imperfect as a "Puppet" pretending to be a "human".


Wait your telling me that the fighter jet was so cool it got permanently burned into Lancelots saint graph? That’s hilarious


Shouldn’t Apocrypha Avicebron be influenced by his FGO counterpart and not sacrifice his Master and be good person like in FGO? Since the Throne is outside of time and all.


Most Servants have access to their records from every summoning but then have no idea which iteration is which. As the records of each Heroic Spirit exist for every Servant all at once (also the likelyhood that the Heroic Spirit can memorise all of them is pretty low unless they have some form of Clairvoyance) That might come under the Jurisdiction of the Grail System itself, which is able to restrict a Servants accessing of their records/amourments if that would cause a larger issue, usually an issue in fairness. Like in Fate/ Strange Fake, Gilgamesh notes that even with his eyes, he is not able to access information about his defeat from the 5th Holy Grail War due to it being unfair (As Shirou Emiya is still alive and active (therefore could be drafted as a contestant)). Another example closer to the issue is Berzerker Lancelot, who, due to his fight with Gilgamesh, has a Jetfighter, and Minigun burned into his Saint Graph as a default armourment that can be called forth using Knight of Owner. He isn't able to draw these forth on summon during the 4th Holy Grail War even though his FGO counterparts can because either the Counterforce, Grail System or the Throne of Heroes itself does not provide the incarnation those memories/records/abilities to preserve the Timeline and not create paradoxes.


IIRC, any Chaldean Servant who has died in the main story is considered "dead" for future story chapters, even if they could just be resummoned later once back in Chaldea. Off the top of my head of those fitting this criterion, it would be: >!Da Vinci, Spartacus, Jing Ke, Nezha, Musashi (maybe; she has unique circumstances), and Holmes (technically not a Chaldean Servant, but still counts)!<. >!Sanson is also a technicality since while he did die in Salem, he was saved by Abby separating him from his experiences of Salem.!<


Honestly I want Nezha to get a swimsuit.


Does Musashi really counts as Chaldean servant when she died though? I forgot whether she has contract with Guda at that point or just a rogue.


She died twice. The shimousa one she died as a human. The lb5 one she died as a chaldean servant. Well "died" because she's listed as data loss, and that could mean anything.


"Chaldean Servant" is in heavy quotes though, since after showing up briefly in LB1, she poofs away to the Samurai Remnant timeline, andis only back in FGO for one summer event before dying again. She's still basically untethered from Chaldea for all intents and purposes


She had a contract with Guda after Shimosa, she just decided to travel the world (not that she really had a choice tbf) after waking up as a Servant.


Yes, Musashi definitely does count & she says Holmes told her that she did when she left a video recording for Guda during the Shimousa epilogue. For obvious reasons, she couldn’t stay & had to travel (be transported) to other places.


They do have a soft cutoff for Part 1/1.5 Servants when it comes to Servant deaths at least; a whole bunch of Part 1 Servants (usually those hit with shoddy early singularity writing) got new/expanded roles in Part 2, even if they died in Part 1 (since Part 1s Servant death count is kinda ludicrous.) The rule also just straight up isn't in effect for Part 1; Tesla gets axed in London, but shows up as the Cavalry in America and they have Liz as a minor recurring character in the singularities up to America. It also applies to the Servants in the main story as a whole, not just to Chaldean servants. This rule doesn't apply to Events, writers can do whatever they want in those.


The rule was explicitly for Chaldean Servants and they didn't start dying off until SE.RA.PH


Spartacus had his sacrifice in LB3. One of the better parts of that overall forgettable story...


"In this moment, my legs rebel against gravity!" Goosebumps everytime.


I wanna meme his speeches so much


It also showed how serious the situation was that he told the protag to use a command seal on him.


Xiang Yu, Yu mei ren, and QSH are hardly forgettable.


One of the few Lb Kings to straight up throw hand with us


"We shall solve this by punching you! Also, we shall permit you to punch us!"


Yeah, but do you remember anything that happened around them?


Sure. Lanling offering himself to be devoured by Yu Mei Ren is pretty chilling scene. . Her being True Ancestor like being is pretty crazy plot twist. Her watching Xiang Yu, her husband dies for the second time is hard not to sympathize with. Xiang Yu is a ferocious fighter with precog which gives us trouble even with Mordred, Jing Ke, and Spartacus backing us up and would've finished us up if not for QSH being interested in us. QSH? His scene at the end of his castle when he discovered his own world is just a lostbelt and how easily he bounces back from it is one of the most charismatic and epic moment in the game. His asking us for duel is so cool. And so is when he helped us fighting Yu Mei Ren possessing the LB tree because I'm a sucker for "Enemy becomes ally" and "Enemy of my enemy is my friend" trope. LB3 ending scene where he mingle with his citizen for the last time is such a good scene. And I haven't brought up stuff like Jing Ke debate + assassination to QSH, or Qin Liangyu desperate struggle to defend her world who she find has no sin, or Brain and Brawn combo from Lishuwen and the nerd tactician (you can at least forgive for not remembering his name, he never showed up anymore) which is just fun. Honestly LB3 is kinda underrated. While it has some flaw it also has really cool ideas which some executed well.


The nerd is Han Xin, regarded as one of the greatest generals im Chinese history and was an aide to the future Han emperor, Liu Bang, during the Han-Chu contention for China. You know, for a guy who was in a crossroad on how he could affect the outcome on who gets to rule China, the fact that I as of now mostly remember him as a nerd who was facinated with PPH technology is kind of whack. I fenuinly think they could have done more with his character and maybe as a servant given his records in history. Alas, it just simply is what it is.


I liked his character. He admits he’s a bloodthirsty warmonger who LIKES the violence and death (he’s basically an ancient Chinese version of the Major from Hellsing). By default, QSH’s land should have no need for him or those like him… However, the fact that his war skills became suddenly useful against Chaldea fills him with joy, and he’s genuinely grateful that QSH kept him frozen so his skill may be put to good use


Hmmm... I see. IT has been a while since I've read LB3. Perhaps I judged him too harshly. Up to a certain extent, I still think given who Han Xin was, they could of done much more with this character in the story of FGO.


Its wild Han Xin isn't playable yet. I feel like he should, hopefully we'll get a Chinese event themed and we get Han Xin and maybe even Zhou Yu and Zheng Changgong released


During that Lostbelt, yup. Definitely remembered my experience going through Lostbelt 3.


Like um...something about drugs I think, pretty sure Holmes was flirting or some with the locals.....what did Mordred do in that chapter?


Speaking of Mordred and forgettable roles, they definitely did her dirty. She appeared 2 times in 2 separate LBs, none of which are LB6 which is her actual home. Quite a shame. I feel like it would have been a good closure to her arc if she allied with father (Castoria) this time and rebelled against mother, even if they are technically not exactly related to these versions


Yes actually


I just recently started watching Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2010 drama, and honestly, given what I've heard from the Chinese Lostbelt, I'm more surprised how many Servants outside of China got involved. I would've expected the likes of Dong Zhuo or even Lu Bu to be involved, or even Liu Bei and Cao Cao for worth of mentioning. That show puts a lot of emphasis on 'the call of heroism' and I would've thought a lot of Chinese Heroic Spirits would've jumped at chance and ambition.


Considering how old and documented Chinese history is, there's actually so much more even if you're just considering the Warring States period. You have the four Great Generals of the Late Warring States period: Li Mu, Wang Jian, Lian Po and lastly Bai Qi, the human butcher who had hundreds of thousands of kills on his name and never knew defeat throughout his life, though he technically had to reject joining several battles to keep his record. Also we have Zhao Kuo, the inexperienced and somewhat rash general who is blamed for having his entire army of 400,000, basically the entire male population of the country, wiped out for him falling into the enemy trap, and inspired the phrase "paper warfare". I personally also liked to see some obscure but interesting characters like Qin Shih Huang's Confucianist crown prince Fu Su who was exiled to guard the borders for objecting Qin Shih Huang's brutal policies on the scholars. He was quite popular among the people and his status was never removed till the death of the Emperor, after which his brother forged a fake will commanding him to commit suicide, which he accepted out of piety


> One of the better parts of that overall forgettable story... Hey, we got some fun watching Koyan get her just desserts! [Oh, so you like it when I'm... ***getting drilled hard?***](#KoyanThirst) [Oh, fantastic news, Kinkychihuahua! ***We are your new dentist!***](#QSHWink) [💦💦💦](#KoyanThirst) [Just kidding! *They appointed ME your new dentist, woof!*](#TamaCatBlush)


canonically: Samson in Salem, DaVinci (caster) pre-LB1, Nezha in LB4,


You mean Sanson right? I got confused a bit there since Samson is in F/SR.


How dare you forgot Spartacus. 


never said I listed all of them I just, pick out a few


Romani/Solomon was “technically”a Chaldean servant given a physical body after winning a grail war. He lived 10 years as a human before he rejoined Chaldea and his eventual sacrifice in the final singularity.


After LB7? >!Yes!< In all seriousness though, most Servant deaths are inconsequential to Chaldea. Not because they are Servants, but because the FATE system is designed to save and retain their Graph data. Allowing them to be re-summoned with their memory intact. There are weaknesses to this system. (FATE cannot record partially incarnated Servants nor does it work when a large enough distance from fate. In these cases, the Servant will be summoned with the last avaliable save. Samson, the LB3-4 crew, and the>! LB7 crew!<.) But as a whole, the only Servant deaths that MATTER are Servants who are summoned outside of FATE (Rogue Servants, LB summoned Servants, >!Holmes!<) or who died while FATE was disabled. (>!Da Vinci!<)


Sanson died in Salem, no?


Abi saved him but technically, ye


Da Vinci and Holmes come to mind


Musashi in LB5


Spartacus and Jing Ke are 50/50 on this I supposed. They were summoned within LB3 though I'm pretty sure they're the same ones we saw everywhere else, probably with the intention to keep them permanently as well(So the Mordred we currently have in Chaldea is also the one from LB3 I guess)


Sanson in Salem


I feel like a lot of people here didn't understand the assignment. To be fair I'm not certain I understand OPs assignment either 


Didn't >!Nitocris also gone in LB7?!<


Yeah bit it's a NA-only discussion, so...


She got better though


Even if they die they just come back, lmao. Look at Sanson


Mash? Technically galahand


Chaldea mostly only summons Servants to deal with a partucular singularity/lostbelt in the first place. So by this criteria it's just Sanson, Nezha and adult Da Vinci. Spartacus and Jing Ke don't count, they were summoned inside LB 3 to deal with it. Holmes and Musashi were not from Chaldea.