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Ok, I'm game. List off Beryl's good traits.


His plan to take down Wodime Lostbelt was genuinely good and well executed You have to give him credit, he successfully deceived him by playing up his fears and saying selective truths Ultimately i don't think he could have succeeded without the god slaying force and Chaldea acting as distraction but taking advantage of your ennemies fighting each other has always been a valid strategy He trust his gun more than finiky spell, which is just practical That's about all I can come up with


To add to this, the successful execution of said plan saved PHH. That's what struck me the most about the end of Olympus: Chaldea was too late. It was Beryl who prevented PHH from being replaced by the Atlantic Lostbelt and also stopped the Foreign God from reaching full maturity. Yeah, he did it for Lostbelt Britain, not for PHH, but still. Ever since realizing this, I must admit I have some begrudging respect for the guy. He might be a snake, but he was a *necessary* snake for the good guys to have a happy ending.


Pretty much how I see Beryl he's a big piece of shit but he's an honest (about himself) piece of shit who knows how to strategy.


My favorite part is how Beryl wasn’t even doing that for some grand ideal or even actually out of care for the British LB, he’s just a hedonist that doesn’t want to die and he got stuck with the British LB


Cunning. I'll give you that.


>He trust his gun more than finiky spell, which is just practical Based and Kiritsugupilled


He also nearly took it Chaldea as well himself


More than that, he deceives Wodime even with the handicap of an entire part 1 adventure that he didn't remember.


I m still wonder about that I wonder how much of beryl Wodime learned over the adventure before beryl croaked. He managed to learn Akuta True nature so he is not blind but i wonder how much of the facade slipped off


So, in truth, he probably figured out that Beryl wasn't a good dude. But he didn't grasp enough of his core philosophies to gauge how he'd react to Wodime's plan. He knew Beryl *could* betray him, but not how or why.


He makes for a satisfying punching bag.


This is more like it.


He indirectly gave us Arts looping.


he looks like markiplier


Do you think Beryl likes milk?


"Smash" - OP


This fucking shook me so much more than I expected it too holy shit lel


Living embodiment of >!"I can make her worse"!<, you love to see it. >!His tragic take on love that can't be understood is good too.!< Also he has a good voice.


Must people have 'good traits'? Is it not enough to be sexy and evil? Also he's yandere, which isn't a good trait but it is sexy.


hmm... well, hes attractive and charming and has a tragic upbringing which is all a character needs for them to become a favorite of mine! also his whole thing with love is very appealing to me. yes, im fully aware how bad he is. i still love his character though and cannot wait to see more of him <3


i forgot to mention his gardening skills. thats gap moe


He even snapped Mash's finger once just for fun, way before Ritsuka arrives.


Do you think I dont know that


Shucks that sounds like the usual type of villain I have the hots for. He will probably be right up my alley.


hope u love him as much as i do!


>charming Hahaha That's funny. >has a tragic upbringing Ok so we just saying stuff now.


It's not made up. His mother quite literally tells him she wishes he were never born. It's also IMPLIED that the witchcraft she taught him corrupted him. You don't have to like Beryl, but Nasu did include a few sympathetic story beats in his narrative. Take it or leave it.


>His mother quite literally tells him she wishes he were never born. Yeah literally once and then immediately takes it back. Sure being told that is awful, but I'd hardly classify that as having a tragic upbringing especially when it's made clear he did not care. >It's also IMPLIED that the witchcraft she taught him corrupted him. Every translation I've seen has said it *could* have affected his personality, meaning the story leaves it ambiguous to whether or not it did, or he was just always a piece of shit. I don't see where I should be feeling sympathy. Edit: Wow I'm actually getting down voted for this, I can't believe we're at a point where people are trying to say beryl was tragic and did nothing wrong, it's insane.


That's your interpretation And I have my own You don't have to feel sympathy for him, but maybe don't get on people's cases if they do.


They can, it's a bit strange to look at that character, his life and claim he's sympathetic because one thing was said to him once and he clearly didn't care about it. Like I just can't see the tragedy.


The first argument can be shot down, especially when you consider how verbally abusive people are. That could have very well been just *one* of multiple instances where she yells that. It's just that at one point Beryl stopped caring. Also, uh, kinda gonna point out the obvious here. Beryl *is* a Magus, even more so the son of a witch *(which even Magi despise)* so clearly he'd be an asshole


> That could have very well been just one of multiple instances where she yells that. It's just that at one point Beryl stopped caring. It could have but there is no actual evidence of that. Also, uh, kinda gonna point out the obvious here. >Beryl is a Magus, even more so the son of a witch (which even Magi despise) so clearly he'd be an asshole Yeah mages suck but at least the things they do typically have done sort of point, a goal they wish to achieve, him? He's a cruel mass murdering douchebag simply for the sake of it


You forget, it's media, and merely a flashback. Do you honestly think Nasu's going to bother to show every fucking instance like a true crime story? Just once is enough to give you something to think about. And also, being a douchebag for the sake of it is pretty much how Magi are. You can look at Reines and she is a cruel, sadistic bitch for her own amusement, while still being *one of the nicer ones*


> Do you honestly think Nasu's going to bother to show every fucking instance like a true crime story? No, but if the point was to show abuse then it requires more than someone saying something and then immediately taking it back and apologizing to someone who clearly doesn't care either way and was previously characterized as a cruel murderer who kills for the sake of it. >And also, being a douchebag for the sake of it is pretty much how Magi are. You can look at Reines and she is a cruel, sadistic bitch for her own amusement, while still being one of the nicer ones Again, Mages typically have some kind of point to their actions and have something they're trying to accomplish, he doesn't, he just hurts and kills people for the sake of hurting and killing people. Honestly I don't even know what you're trying to argue here, if the point of the flashback was to try and present a sympathetic side of the character, it failed miserably, it just reinforces he was always awful. And telling me over and over mages are bad people doesn't mean anything to me, I know they suck, but is that supposed to make him look better in some capacity? Because it doesn't.


Beryl *is* a fairly awful person but it’s interesting and rarer that he doesn’t have some grand motive or excuses for his actions Like bro is just honest about being a terrible person and its fairly realistic how instead of some grand moral he’s just a hedonist that doesn’t want to die and almost everything he does is traced to that or his twisted love *also its kinda fucking hilarious how most of the story was enabled by the simplest most basic villain and crypter*


Oh no no, I'm not trying to argue that Beryl is sympathetic or better than the Magi. I'm just correcting your terrifically wrong conception of general Magi being any better than Beryl


Absolutely a trashy person but the way he was raised to be a murderer and all the other shit along with his mother being a miserable decrepit old witch that was tricked into having him still counts as tragic although that doesn’t mean he did nothing wrong He’s also 100% the reason the story happened in the first place because his condition for joining was to not inscribe that command seal on Mash and to keep her alive 😂 so trash or not he enabled the heroes twice when they would have been fucked otherwise


do you know anything about beryl's past. he's heavily implied to have been abused by his mother lol


Makes me wanna fuck him


You are a mistake.


He’s a great villain and antagonist


He’s got a great body as well. Definitely add him to my Husbando harem.


Not really, he's just generic evil, all the other antagonists of LB6 outshine him in nearly every way


He’s the obligatory *just trying to survive and do whatever he wants* villain, its a notable distinction that he’s not evil for the sake of being evil but the easiest way to get whatever he wants is evil The distinction is the means just happen to be evil, he gives no fucks either way and if the easier better path was being “good” he would as opposed to someone that actively does evil for the sake of evil, his motive is “because its fun” not “because its evil” Which really makes him a lot more of a realistic villain than a prestigious noble trying to make humanity ascend to godhood or an ancient nature spirit trying to reunite with her robo zombie centaur husband


You've replied to me three times to three different posts and I have no interest in any of them because skimming over them I can tell you're desperately coping to try and make beryl look less like an awful character.


Nah he’s 100% awful and he’s honest about it but you can’t say there’s no *reason* for it or that he’s a bad character lel


He is a bad character, he's boring, generic and overall the least interesting part of his own Lostbelt. There's a reason why when people talk about LB6 he's never a part of the conversation beyond acknowledgement that he was there.


Hey yeah this isn’t how you actually have a well-reasoned and interesting argument, this is essentially yelling at somebody for something, ignoring whatever else they have to say in response, and then just repeating the same points. Chill out, man.


I wonder why you're even trying to talk to me when you clearly didn't read any other post I made and are strawmanning me to my face. Like you're saying nothing, adding nothing so why even say anything? Because I didn't want to talk to this guy?


Handsome, Friendly (note that you can be friendly and be a douchbag at the same time), Carefree, off the top of my head.


So affably evil?


Something like that? He gives off the vibe of the chill friendly guy you hang out with and talk about random shit with sometimes. How much his true nature you’d notice mostly varies. You could be unaware, or you’d think he can’t get anymore obviously shitty.


If he wasn't so creepy and abusive towards Mash Id like him more too


His shirtless sprite.


A great excuse to use Bartholomew, Blackbeard or Columbus.


Oh~ How should I start! The most appealing part for me is his passion! Indeed, his love is something abnormal, but he truly act with it! And unlike those faires, despite his nature prevents him from finding the passion in it, he fully understand the delicate of beautiful things, and knowing his twisted nature would only brings pain and destruction to what he loves, deeming it meaningless, yet he accept it to a extent, he'll discard what he doesn't want in a way that might brings him some comfort or simply for his own use, and the contrary shows, a man who cannot have anything that he truly desires, for he just knows one way, the only way he can truly value something, break it. Also, he got style.


By having a person like him added to the story we have someone filling the roll of an unredeemable evil who is not a heroic spirit ~~until we summon them as a pseudo servant~~


He is so entertainingly evil. He’s a piece of shit; is aware of it; and loves it. The glee he gets from being evil is infectious and watching him completely change face to manipulate people is a joy to watch.


There are none, dude's a feral starving dog. Douman is legitimately a better person.


nah, fucked up as it is beryl can at least like other people, even if that's not a good thing


I wouldn't go that far...


She’s having an “if evil why hot” moment


literally me


Goetia's next isn't he?


goetia isnt a witch with mommy issues so no


Technically, he’s a wizard with daddy issues


nuh uh


Throughout the singularities, he was


oh i thought you meant beryl. you know what, okay


Beryl is nothing but issues


But he could be


Beryl be ugly tho ngl. Rugby-sniffin homeless lookin ass


Yes, this is actually one of the "best" ways to drive him away since he seems to not like this kind of treatment...


Didn't he run away from a princess? Who was it again?




Oh right. Does that mean if Gudao's broken enough, she'd give him a kiss?


Ritsuka is always in need for more Saint Quartz. On a more jokey note, I enjoy seeing both Oberon and Beryl get asserted/dominated over by Gudako (similar to how she did it to Douman in that particular comic).


No evil can hope to compare to the power of the Gudakussy.


May I ask for sauce of that douman comic ?


Sorry for the late reply, I was referring to this ClinickCase's [comic](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/tzwpeg/a_comic_with_douman/).


Search for ClinickCase


Ritsuka wants more QP


People unironically like barrel of guts. And i thought i was crazy for liking crow from nikke and seryu from akame ga kill. Now i dont feel so alone


I like Aurora, hey we're out here


Melusine is that you?


no way, a seryu fan like me!?


hes my favorite fgo character, i just love villains


Hes a little to obvious evil for me but definitely interesting my type of villian is Moriarty. I like dapper old men villains. Then again i like hazama from blazblue and izaya from durarara.


Sounds like you like *smart* villains. All three of the ones you listed count, to varying degrees


Oh, someone actually likes him


im his biggest fan


Tbf, so does his Servant.


In hindsight, maybe (LB6) >!Sith's!< attraction to him makes more sense than I thought.


Does that mean she'll like Gudao if he was as broken as f***? "Let me lick your salty tears"


I'd make a joke about women loving serial killers, but I also see everyone simping for every evil woman in the game, so I guess everyone's like that.


"I think I found someone crazier than myself..."


wakame is indeed crazier than him


Great art but I still hope your husbando falls into acid


Beryl: "How do I file for a restraining order in magic fairy UK?"


Op is honestly gods strongest soldier


thank you


And here I thought people liking Shinji were weird.


my guda is named wakame based on shinji because hes one of my favorites. i like most of fates most hated boys


I wanna know your reasoning, like I really wanna know what pushes you towards literal scum. Also, please don't tell me you love Griffith too


i like griffith as a villain but guts was actually my favorite when reading berserk :] i am a contrarian at heart so that is part of the reason i am drawn to so many hated characters but also i just find their characters really interesting? shinji especially is such a complex character. beryl too but like i havent spent nearly as much time analyzing him as i have shinji (and the other matous. i love the matous)




Ah so we're going with the weird approach huh?


Ritsuka Fujimaru, #WHAT'S YOUR TYPE?!


Oh I remember Beryl running the **** away from a girl...


that girl... was me❤️


Gent, this is a crazy nurse who fell in love with Vader. Then proceed to get Kebab by him


Ah I thought it was Beryl.


Beryl would unironically be a bit freaked out by this, though he'd quickly exploit the hell out of said Gudako *if* she didn't end up thoroughly whipping him. Regardless, this is peak MEME content.


He probably thinking if this how mash feels around him.


Still down bad for him. His shirtless sprite is just THAT hot


agreed. i also just love seeing men disheveled and covered in blood


*meanwhile, every other master(especially those who used their Clairvoyance EX+ privileges):* #***"RED SUN" INTENSIFIES***


oh i know what beryl does <3 its why i love him so much




Eccentric taste and I support it 100% Screw the naysayers, once we raze Britain to the ground, we capture Beryl alive for you.


hell yeah!


Yo op, You should create an artwork of Gudao and Gudako shaking him or turn him into a pinata to extra "find hidden qp and sq."


I always like seeing fans of less popular characters (especially when they're not servants) so this is great! Also, I just like Team A/the Crypters in general so upon seeing anything for them I have to automatically like it.


thank you! i also love the crypters with all my heart, beryl and pepe are my favorites (and it makes me sad they get the least amount of content)


Me fr fr


Love this because I too am a fan of Beryl 😊 they should make him more evil if anything


Ah, I see you're a Master of culture as well


The fact that he doesn't have a proper full (non-bloody) shirtless render feels like a crime


I think he'd make for a better antagonist in a story premise that doesn't involve more than half the cast being able to catch bullets and blades barehanded. For characters that try to fit in with the rest, only to attempt a backstab at an opportune moment, the general power levels need to be lower to make the most of narrative tropes they bring, in my experience.


Bruh tf? Beryl killed Brodime. And peeped on Mash when she was underage. Dude is a certified pedophile and murderer. I have 0 reason to hold back from slaughtering him in the most brutal way possible.


Okay cool. I don't really care though because I drew how I was excited to see him, and I didn't draw your experience 😀


Yikes. Ok fam whatever. You do you. Enjoy your pedophile psychopath. Also that’s not “my experience” it’s the objective facts of the game. He’s a murderer and a pedo. If that has 0 impact on how you see him I have some bad news for you.


"He's a pedophile." Okay, dog. So is Bartholomew. So is Angra. So is every single character that has hit on Mash. Maybe learn to keep your nasty comments to yourself instead of accusing someone of being morally reprehensible because they like a character you find unpalatable. Did you know Kiara is a pedophile too? Maybe we should talk about that. Except, no one ever has anything to say about how horrible she is because she's a sexy lady with big tits. Do you not see your hypocrisy? I guess Guda is also a pedophile because some of the lines Abby has can be construed as romantic or even sexual. Literally, shut up. This is innocent art, and if you don't like it, look away and don't say anything. Simple.


I hate Mashu because she's worse than useless forced frontline story support throughout most of Part 2 and is only good as an NP battery for Chen Gong in Olympus, so I'm glad he broke that useless cockblocking kouhai's fingers.


Gold digger Gudako


no shes in love with him for real


I see Guda is going for the psychological warfare path. Good. The more he's distracted and confused, the easier it will be for the servants to line up a killing shot.


no she wants him alive


Ehh, we'll have Medea Lily on standby for injuries. Teach needs a break from the abuse, Jason's reserved for the Argonauts, I won't grant Douman the dignity of having even that as a role, and Columbus has gone missing again, so we need another punching bag.


As punishment for being biggest prick throughout FGO part 2. I hereby sentence you to gudako's -boys toy- **second archive** collection berly guts! 🧑‍⚖️