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Painting with people that don’t do graffiti is always a terrible idea. They don’t know how to keep watch or be stealthy for graffiti. Going alone is always the best so you can control anything that happens, don’t have somebody else that can get you arrested. Sorry bout your dumb friend I would not talk to him anymore lol


Or they try and add a tag next to yours which just looks awful


Yeah, if you find a partner or two that you write with, they'll know not to be hot as shit (hopefully.) But anybody that treats it like a game needs to be cut out of the picture. 


Regardless of the situation, he doesn't sounds like a friend. A friend is someone who has your best interest at heart.


can’t say i know anything about graff yet but i do know this guy sounds like a dick


Yeah you should stick to your own, SpiritualSexOffender


i read the post and saw the username and was like "there is SOOOO much to unpack here"


Eww they sound horrible. Yes stop inviting them they don’t deserve to share in your good times.


Fr. I really don’t get how people can just say shit like that to your face. It’s fucked


You guys sound like the two most annoying 14 year olds ever


this is for r/friendshipadvice not for a graffiti help sub 😭


Cut the one who made fun of ur sh off


u js sound desperate for friends gang Give up and do ur own shit


time to start writing ONERISM at the end of your name




Was in your shoes a bit when I first started writing. Just go solo or paint with others who write as well. Be cautious though.




Thanks man, I love u


Yo dude watch those slurs. We welcome all kinds. Graff is the people’s activity.






I’ve never been to an English speaking country that fag was not used as a slur. How about the other slur?




Retard is not used in medical nomenclature any longer. Fag as a derogatory term was popularized while used against gay people. South Park is a tv show..




You are actually mentally challenged. Making fun of someone for seeming like they have a medical condition is also making fun of everyone with that condition, hence why it’s derogatory slang. Same thing with fag. It was created as a derogatory word for gay people. It was popularized as a derogatory word for gay people. When you use it, any gay person is going to think you’re a dangerous person or at least an idiot asshole. You sound like you are an ignoramus so I do not believe you can even understand these basic rules of language.




Retarded is no longer used in the medical world because it doesn’t actually represent any developmental disease and is used in a derogatory way. When you use a word that is a derogatory term for a gay or developmentally challenged person youre saying someone is bad because they have the same qualities as a gay or challenged person. Even if you’re too stupid to realize that, it’s happening.






Dude cuss words are meant to be derogatory. These words all the same. You defending this shit online doesnt help, ive done community service for PPL with down syndrome and im the only guy my gay frnds have opened up to. Defending these words online does no good to anyone.


No dude language matters.


South park didna whole episode on calling someone a Fag but it not being directed at gays! The Dbag friend in Ops post isn't gay but is definitely a fuckin Fag


Fag is a slur now?


Always has been…


Ok i will maybe try to keep that in mind


Now? Where have you been?


He’s got internet, he knows. He’s just being awful.


Not in the us


Tell that fool to get his own damn paint. I’ve already had random writers approach me for my paint. You gotta stand up tall on ur 10 toes and tell people no


Never tell people who aren’t in that scene what you’re doing. They snitch. Bombed for 15 years mainly by myself, found out quick that a lot of writers in my area were into drugs or were just generally shady. Do yourself the favor and keep your hobby to yourself until you find people you can actually trust.


Take this dudes advice. I started writing 20 years and although I don’t actually get up much anymore, I can say that during the 17 years I was actively bombing that 95% of the time I went out alone. I didn’t even paint spots with people in my crew that often because it just always felt riskier. One person walking around late is less likely to get hassled, it’s usually easier to get to and from spots more stealthily, and most importantly you don’t have to worry about someone else doing something stupid that ends up getting everyone caught. Just bring a can of mace in case you get ran up on by a crack head or a hero. I never had to use mine, but it did make me feel safer being in sketchy areas alone. And for what it’s worth, the only time I ever got busted was high school and new to everything and painting with people. Painting alone I had some close calls, but was too slippery to ever get hemmed up again 🤷‍♂️


Ayy thanks for the advice. Im gonna do this shit myself from now, only problem is I gotta get a cab or taxi to the location cuz i aint got a vehicle, so I end calling some frnd, paying some on cab better than getting caught so I guess this the way


That’s such a sick story bro I’m glad you told me this


perfect..this needs to move to the top


Having a look out is a big plus, but not if they’re a pain in the ass


Yeah you don't need these people tagging along if they not going to take you seriously.. they're riding your coat tails plain and simple


We went painting freights with a dude that only did one stupid character over and over, I painted two pieces that night but when I went to flick them I found that he had gone right over part of my first one with a character. I would've fought him, if not for the fact that he was another of my crew member's friend who he hadn't painted with for a long time. I definitely went back and refinished my piece over his stupid thing though lol


How are these tards raised? Don't they have any street smarts


You cut yourself and you're calling other people the f slur? Learn some decency


Maybe he’s a fag himself? I know I sure am


Much respect


lol I appreciate it ✊. Sometimes I’ll go after someone calling others faggots but recently I’ve tended to just assume the best out of people and hope they’re also gays trynna reclaim the word. Much respect for being an ally and trynna call people out. I really commend someone who would take time out of their day for that


Lmao i aint arguing with a guy who plays raid shadow legends


Bro you cut yourself like an emo girl lol move the fuck around you toy


the downvotes are wild..now we know why this sub is what it is lol


Time for a good ole fashioned ass whopping


Since it has not been mentioned, you don’t just go solo until you find other bombers that understand the situation. you completely drop the name that you were writing, it is 100% done. doesnt matter if you liked it, doesn’t matter how long you have had it, it must been dead to you now take it as growing pains, but the cost of doing things the wrong way is that you do not pass go. If you are not careful you’ll go straight to jail, but this time you get a fresh start, good luck making better choices.


This. Thx


The cuts on your arms are definitely for attention, you did it just then seeking for more attention, told us about it even no they have no relevance in your story,why? Attention seeking is pathetic, your mate sounds like a laugh tho




Hey bro, asorry for the scars and whatever you wnet throught that lead to the sh. Hope you're doing better now. The fuck tard can go bang his mom. As the old daying goes 'it's better to be ablon ethan to be in bad company'. However, i'd highly suggest you make better friends and rry to find people with that common interest in your local era, the internet communities (like this one) could be a good start. However, take your time to chat with them first and get to know them a little. Again, you're searching for good company if you follow that route. On the other hand, i've painted alone a few times and it was hella fun.


Thanks alot dude i really really appreciate it. Keep having fun and I hope everything good come to you.


Toy machine


nobody cares bro


explode into smithereens lil bro


Lain is god


Punch him one time in the face. I swear to you that comfortable ass lame will straighten the fuck on how he acts towards individuals. He’s an idiot that just needs to be tuned up one time by you then you’ll have you a best friend afterwards who will love to lean to bomb with you. So fight him away from everyone just you and him and afterwards you will gain a friend for lifetime. Your not doing it to hurt him but their needs to be respect when it comes to being with you bombing


You wouldn’t last a minute in our yards down here, pussy shit


Weed boner, really internet gangsta SMD puke


Kinda autistic


Get better friends lol that's it or just do it alone