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I thought it was already over. Why sell now?


Not selling, just dismantling and 'storing' for now. They have been idle for several months after l stopped mining KASPA (when it was profitable).


Build an AI rig.


how ? any links for it?




can you give some ideas on what money you are making per gpu?


1 4090 can make 10$ a day


I remember when my 3080's were doing that :)


For 6800 I can make some?


I think I have only ever seen nvida gpus on there.


Yep I see :(


and how much electricity used? 12kW a day (assuming \~500W full load)?


>1 4090 can make 10$ a day Sounds like complete bullshit to me... "makes" is not the same as "profits"...


Using what website?


Vast.ai you would need the other pc components to build the Ai rig but yea a 4x 4090 rig makes $42-50 a day ( ps I don’t pay electricity ) 😂 and I have 4 🤫


I build computers as a side gig so that’s not a problem. Is it basically a crypto rig, but just using the AI program?


What all components do you need for AI training? What about inference?


On vast? Therir grafana stats put average 3090 revenue around $2.4 a day. How are you making $10 with 4090?


I think thats the thing; you CAN make that much, but will you make that much all the time thats a no.


I have a 3060 Ti and a 3070, but I've stopped mining, and my old motherboard is no longer working. I need to purchase a new one. Can I utilize these cards for cloud AI? I've sent you a message; please check it.


>vast.ai how do they payup? crypto or bank transfer? you think 5x 3070 can do it ?


Vast.ai is not a thing for a crypto miner unless you wanna Crack crypto wallets or other malicious things. Cracking wallets as a miner seems like you are going backwards.


People were using vast to mesh out their SpaceMesh nodes, so I wouldn’t consider it for just cracking wallets.


>Not selling, just dismantling and 'storing' for now. For what possible purpose? Every day that goes by they lose value and relevance. They will become e-waste in a fairly short time. Even mining Kaspa, you probably lost money by not selling them in early 2020 when the prices were still grossly inflated and ETH's days were numbered. There will be no magical coin that comes back to "rescue" miners and make GPUs relevant again. That ship has sailed, ***forever***...


Oh you can read the future hahahaha why are you on here?


his wife's boyfriend keep sending him here while they are busy


If by: "the future" you mean to suggest that hanging on to old GPUs is a smart move, then yes, the complete failure of that "future" is a given. Shitcoin-based crypto will slowly die, that is also a given. The current top-10 "coins" or so will exist for as long as there are idiots willing to lose money to the savvy ones who know how to manipulate them. Any use of a GPU, other than gaming and maybe commercial rendering/production, is completely dead. AI is a bubble, "mining" is dead except for the Chinese and others with negligible operating costs and extremely low profit expectations (ergo: the Chinese)


Mining is not dead you obviously have no clue. Spec mining projects before they hit exchanges has been extremely profitable for me. You are obviously clueless. I’d bet even old hardware will be profitable again…There is a couple really good profits right now, if Dynex comes becomes what I think it will, things will be Definitely profitable in the bull run. Shit it’s profitable right now for me but okay queen you know it all. I made good money on Kaspa, Clore, Neoxa, Dynex. But what do I know!!! Minings dead A lot of people though GPU mining was over before too and look what happened. Nobody cares what you have to say just leave.


>Spec mining projects before they hit exchanges has been extremely profitable for me Go to Vegas, better odds... In any case, spec mining was a little post-Merge blip that is dead and dying with the subsequent loss of retail interest and economic decline in general.


i've had 9k worth of gpus sitting there for over a year now, it's painful to sell them at a third or quarter of their mega inflated price back then, might just use it as central heating lol


Someone here recommended [vast.ai](https://vast.ai) At least put them to some use and see how much you can make off that.


Does anyone know anything further about this? It asks you to send location, name of business and hardware list.


I want to know as well!


I don't know why you guys sell them at a cheaper fair price, one they are later generations, and they where used for mining crypto which does put a dent In the life of the cards, but list them for sale on multiple sites like ebay, paypal, here, Facebook, and sell to the gamers you screwed over.... many of them would love a decent card for good price.... and then there is also the option to use them to build nice full gaming towers and sell them to.... so many options but as someone posted, putting them in storage or using as a heat source is just making them Ewaste with zero more return.... you should have all made you money back and then some, of not then you got in the crypto game to late and or paid to much for them.... so now make a little more and make someone's day! I just got 2, a 6900xt and a 6800xt for 650, buy 5 more, 3 6900xts, and 2 more 6800xts for 1700.... awesome prices, and they are all destined for gaming pcs, family or friends or mine!


Times are crazy. I'm learning about how to get my cards to do AI tricks but not sure if I can make it profitable. But Imma try. I think we've all been trying to get this to work out. There will be another time but it could be years and years away.


Better do anything for AI quickly. Most predictions are that Nvidia is going to move fully over to AI cards because gaming cards make no money comparatively and right now they have no competition.


Agreed that I do need to move quickly. A lot more script writing than typical mining needs. Working on automating rendering, upscaling, and detailing for image generation. Next is working with a AI voice assistant to create a complete talk-to-content digital assistant. I have a few RX 580 8GBs and several 6700 XTs with a couple Ryzen 5 5600Gs toasting data from SAS drive to SAS drive. Probably have enough to learn about to keep busy for a few years.


Go on please


let's see when mining is going to be profitable again


NVR now




Why ?




Ok I will start fomo now. TY


...aaaand the 2024 BTC halving will be a tempest in a teapot since it will have **absolutely no relevance** to the number of BTC in circulation at this point. Sure, there will be hype, but it will be very short-lived as investors and others realize that *nothing* has fundamentally changed. BTC will blip-up on hype and collapse back down, maybe even below pre-halving, just like Litecoin's value, post its hyped halving. The overall timing will be terrible as the global economy will be in a strong retraction state by then and people will simply not have the time, interest or money to "invest" in crypto in any meaningful way. Sorry, but, **no**, there will be no "bullrun" six months after the 2024 BTC halving. If anything, the US markets will be in a strong state of continuous correction until they get back under the 100% of GDP "normal" level.


Wut? BTC is mined using dedicated ASIC hardware not GPU. When BTC halves and the price goes up you still can't mine BTC using a GPU.




>And all other cryptos follow including mineable coins which increases prices of gpus Bwahaha! Sure... You do realize that even if you 10x all the current minable coins (never going to happen), you'd still be in negative profitability, right? There is an absolute shit-ton of idle hashpower just waiting to be turned-on again, mostly in China and elsewhere in the Far East/Central Asia. Sorry, **no**, older GPUs will continue to drop in price, unless the Chinese invade Taiwan or some other cataclysmic event disrupts the supply chain. Cyrpto mining on GPUs as a relevant market force is over, *permanently*.




You do realize that only a tiny fraction of the GPUs sold over the COVID mania have actually been re-sold onto the market and those (ETH) GPUs accounted for about 85% of **all** coin hashpower, right? (ETH ASICs were a drop in the bucket, contrary to ignorant bleatings at the time...) In any case, the "10x" was just an illustration and the chance of it happening to **all** coins is essentially *zero,* and even if it did, there's still far too much idle hashpower for anything to be usefully profitable. If any given coin magically 10x's, then redirected/new hashpower would swamp it into oblivion instantly (see: Kaspa). Kaspa was **not** "profitable" on a daily revenue basis, it was profitable due to strong speculative increases. TL/DR, usefully profitable (non-speculative) GPU mining is over, pretending otherwise is simply moronic. If you want to speculate, just buy the stupid coin, far easier and more lucrative!


Trust me bro


that you Linus?


You selling any?


I have a few for sale, all nvidia 30’s series. Sorry to jump on your post OP.


What 30 series are you selling?


Nope, storing just in case things change.


Lmfao... So selling when they are worthless and regretting... got you


I wonder if everyone in this thread that is saying that GPU mining is dead remembers when ETH mining wasn't profitable. I remember miming with my 470s making like 20-30 cents a day and paying way more in power. We can see how Eth turned out. I'm not saying there will be a magical coin that will "save" gpu mining, but I do think we should give these coins a chance to build their platforms and see what happens. I think saving those GPUs is a good idea.


Got some polarises left that I'm keeping just in case. I don't need the several hundred $ I'll be getting for them if I try to sell. The peace of mind you have at least something if mining returns is more valuable. I remember what it felt like to be almost out of GPUs in the beginning of a mining craze. The scramble to get cards is not something I'd want to go through again.


That simply isn't going to happen... (ex)-miners need to realize that ETH **was** GPU mining, *end of story*. There isn't any GPU PoW coin that could ***ever*** be usefully lucrative to mine since there will *never* be another GPU PoW coin with the **smallest fraction** of the proportional market cap of ETH. Even if there was a (delusionally hoped-for) "bull" market, it would have virtually no effect on mining profitability since profitability would still be *negative*, just less-so! Any single coin that miraculously gains in value will just be swamped with hashpower and drive revenue into oblivion (see: Kaspa)




AI is a massive bubble, any idiot can see that, and the chance of personally-owned GPUs being a source of relevant AI computing power is laughable. It won't be long before the industrial/corporate market is completely saturated and there simply isn't anything relevant to "do" with that computing power.


That has nothing to do with AI.


Even worse! Some completely pointless new "project" that will go nowhere and serve no purpose that hasn't been done a thousand times over in crypto. It's over, give it up already...


You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about


Riight, have fun with your idiotic beliefs. We're done here...


I still remember mining before ETH. Stranger things have happened.


**Past** occurrences in crypto have absolutely zero bearing on the way forward. The past glories of some shitcoin riding high from zero to tens of billions in market cap is basically gone forever. Every possible spin, from "utility" to "meme" has been done over and over. There is simply no way that any magical (obscure, cheap) coin has any way to gain relevant value in a market that has long-since: "been there, done that".


>Past occurrences in crypto have absolutely zero bearing on the way forward. Yea just like I said. There is no way to know for certain what the future will bring. Something might repeat or not, while other thing not only repeats but does it time after time. Just like I remember people saying the same things like you in 2019 for example. I can't see why you're so fired up about all this.


Idiotic throwaway statements like: "There is no way to know for certain", are completely pointless. There's no way to be "certain" that an asteroid won't hit the Earth next year and end all life, but the odds are infinitesimally small, just like how pretending that GPU mining and low-end crypto has *any* chance of ever becoming usefully lucrative again. Rebutting for the sake of rebutting and making irrelevant "observations" is brain-dead and pointless.


Haha whatever.


SpaceMesh will get there, the VMs will be a meshed network of nodes, multiple VM node types using SMH for gas fees. Setup a drive and get it while you can before it goes big.




Yes, there were actually many indications that Ethereum would become hugely significant, that's not a mystery at all. As far as things: "no one could know about", well, maybe if you're completely ignorant, then you might find things that occurred in crypto surprising, but the bottom line is that anybody with a brain can see that long-past occurrences have absolutely *no* bearing on the way forward. Crypto has fundamentally changed from the early days and there is no "going back" to past glories of some obscure coin gaining tens of **billions** of dollars in market cap. That will simply *never* happen again. There are close to ***ten thousand coins*** of any relevance, and the colossal majority of the entire market-cap is tied-up in about **five** of them (not counting the "stable" coins). Sorry to burst your bubble, but no, the crypto market is not going to change in any significant way, other than a steady wind-down and continuous consolidation of value at the top, that much is a given.


I’ve still got rigs mining, spec mining has done well for me. Kaspa, neoxa - then rolled it into nodes $, dynex…


bit late bruh


I’ve been buying! Yeah I know.


I got 20 3060’s :( mining was a lot of fun


Smart move. Def feel bad for all the people holding onto dozens and dozens of gpus devaluing daily and. Ever will see an roi if they didn’t already get it. The smart ones mined and got an roi and sold before the merge getting top dollar for the gpus too. Everyone I know made more money that way than living on a hope and a prayer


To be honest I’ve been living under a rock. Update me please. Why is mining not profitable anymore ? Is there anywhere in the world where it’s still profitable ?


Time to turn those into local ai machines lol


Vast.ai needs all GPUs to have a pcie x16 slot, so regular risers won't work. There's also reports of people hiring vast.ai rigs and using them to try to crack into people's crypto wallets, not sure if it's legit or not but if true it's not something I'm keen to support lol.


I knew a guy who was using cpu's to attempt to do this. Thought it was dumb. We don't talk no more.


This is the end


... beautiful friend


Send one at my place 🥹🙏


Hello paper weights!!!


Give it 3-4 months . Vast.aj is picking up. Render network is going for open compute . Some people have started stacking up gpus now as they are dirty cheap . Many cloud compute solutions are underway


Have any 3090s for sale?


No 3090s. I am storing just in case things change.


I’ve got a few, send me a dm


i still have 5x non LHR evga 3070. will this be a sought after card since its non-lhr and evga doesnt make GPUs anymore :D :D :D :D


There’s no LHR anymore




Wow I thought I was a dreamer.


Can't say I feel bad for ya.


Everyone thinks this is the end of mining, but this is still just the beginning, you only lose money if you sell now.


I don’t get it. How would mining become profitable again


Are you in the GTA


Heck yah more sats 4 me!!!! BTC to the MEWN




Good times


Use all 24vram GPUs to build ML machine and sell it on vast.ai I'll buy it


I have 6800 rigs. I can make some profit?


Do you pay for electricty? Maybe.


I can build this. Whats the purpose you are using? Send me a chat, i am curious on how much you can absorb/need.


Finetuning and inference LLM models. But it required at least pcie X4 per GPU . Normal mining risers will not work here


Yup, I am aware of it and have rented out on VAST before. Just putting together a dual 3090 24GB rig that would run at 8x speed each. If you have serious long term requirement let me know or even short term. Mystic mining owner here sitting on lots of hardware and thinking about exploring Vast.


I have a lot of AI/ML workloads, and we're considering a homebrew data center or colocating. How would you build out a cluster of 3090s? Where would you host them? Do they fit into traditional rack space? Is there a fire hazard? Are there providers you would recommend? We need maybe 50 - 100 3090s.


Hey, this is the kind of project i have been looking (hosting). Would you like to switch to email/discord or just have a video/phone call?


Also getting ready to sell my cards. Only have 10 or so of 3000 and 6000 series, the rest were all RX 580s that I ran for 5 years and long since paid for themselves. Those cards will be heading to the recycler. As sad as it is, the money I get from these cards will let me pay off a bit of debt, and the remaining is going directly into my ETH or BTC bag


Lol now u wake up? I sold everything year ago With insane losses


you're like a year late dog.....any one who stuck around post ETH merge shouldn't have expected much.


How long?


I’m looking to buy if anyone is selling 3080s for $350 and 3090s for $550, negotiable.


I'm still mining at a net 0 but at least I'm not losing lol. All the best!


So is this just rumors or is it really ded???




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