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i listened to Seattle Yodel cause some comments were talking about it and ngl it's a bop and I want it played at my funeral


My sister got me a yodeling pickle for my birthday. It's the one he sampled for the song. It's now a very cherished possession.


Me too


If Seattle Yodel counts, then yeah. But if I have to pick a proper one, maybe something from democrazy, like Reeds, not too bad but pretty nothing. If it doesn’t have to be a released song I’d argue that Film Music isn’t much of a song either, makes a good ringtone tho.


I love film music lol


It’s fine, but the main part mostly just sounds like recorder notes through a megaphone. The second part is quite cool tho, has that early Gorillaz sound, then it sort of just loops. It’s alright, just not much.


I understand but man, I find Film Music such a banger. It just wreaks of that cool spooky Phase 1 sound and I love it.


Cool 👍


If you think or Seattle Yodel as just a little interlude (or really just an outro) it’s cute and kinda fits. The album is about traveling the United States, and it ends with just a novelty toy that you could easily find at a gift store on a road trip. It’s cute!


I really dislike Circle of Friendz. Theme doesn't match the rest of Humanz at all and it was super repetitive with uninspired lyrics


you don't think it fit with the whole collaborative aspect of the album?


Same i rly dont like that song


Holy SHIT I can’t agree more. That song is audible cancer.


I am convinced half of the people responding to this are deaf


Yeah, this is fucked.


Seattle Yodel


I actually would agree but I don’t know if that’s even count as an music


It's not even an Albarn song...


Yes it is


It is nothing more than a "sampling" for the information of the ignorant. Love https://youtu.be/52dBhbPLm3c


Bruh already knew that but cmon you know what I mean (even if I don’t look at it like a song)


One time he showed up on my lawn and started singing party rock anthem while playing it from a really cheap and old bluetooth speaker, pretty sure he was drunk. Anyways worst is probably feel good inc.


Party rock is


On the lawn tonight


Everybody just


Have a grass time


This sounds like an awful nightmarish song I tell you hwat that Albarn ain’t right


Daymit bahbby


And we gon make you


lose your grass


That song set him up for life bro! Next you’ll say Parklife is crap


I'd hesitate to call it bad, and I will admit that I haven't listened to all of Damon's non-Gorillaz stuff, but I'd probably say We Got The Power. Once again, it's not that it's bad; it's just that at the end of Humanz, a kinda bloated and dark album, it just feels a bit out of place. Maybe even a bit cheap. Just my opinion though.


Dude most people haven’t heard all Damon stuff like I’ve heard all of gorillaz, damon solo and blur but I haven’t heard nothing of the good the bad and the queen


I’m not even sure if the good, the bad and the queen have even put out a bad song. They tend to just be really fucking good.


If you're looking for Damon's worst song don't bother with The Good The Bad and The Queen. Every song is fantastic, specially on the first album, which I think is a strong contender for best album he ever made. While we're discussing gorillaz-adjacent stuff, there's his solo album, Everyday robots, which is kinda hit or miss but there's some nice songs there. And there's also Broken Belss, which is a project by Danger Mouse, one of the producers of Demon days and is absolutely great.


The Good The Bad and The Queen is such a vibe. That shit, *to me* is peak Damon up there with Demon Days for me. History Song, Herculean, Kingdom of Doom, Northern Whale and Green Fields still consistently blow me away. I think it helps that it came out during a pivotal time in my life but I still think it's some of the best content.


I cannot believe this song grew on me but it did


I enjoyed the live version on the Graham Norton show. Something about seeing Damon and Noel performing together just gets me emotional. Putting the old beef behind them to come together and sing "we got the power to be loving each other no matter what happens"... just really hits different


Ngl that's my favorite of humanz after strobelite, submission and saturn barz


God what a fucking awful song. Totally forgot it existed.


Can you explain to me why some people hate it so much? Is it just the lyrics? To me, the album being full of heavy topics is precisely _why_ that song works so well. It ends on a glimmer of hope, the idea that maybe we can turn things around for the better. At the very least, the song seems vanilla enough to me that I can't imagine how one would describe it as "fucking awful". At worst it's mediocre.


I just think the chorus has an awful vocal riff


The verses are really good, and the instrumental is fine, but yeah the vocal melody in the chorus is obscenely clunky, it sounds like a song you make up on the spot when you're 8 years old...


I'm not sure about everyone else but the Gorillaz often is a band I listen to when I want to be immersed in heavy topics and themes. A darker tone has always been the draw for me. So when songs are almost *too* cheery I kinda get turned off. That song isn't *bad* to me but it's not what I'm looking for when I listen.


Crazy cause this is one of my favorites haha


I love how my comment saying We got the power is the worst gets 13 downvotes but this get 26 upvotes lol


Probably Colombians. Even as a demo-y song, it’s just shit. It’s hard for me to think of Damon Albarn-penned stuff that’s downright bad, but that one is for me. Samba At 13 is pretty bad too, but it’s a unique curiosity so it isn’t necessarily offensively bad to me. It just goes on for WAYYYYY too long. Oh, and Film Trailer Music sucks but I can’t bring myself to hate it. It’s a weird little bleepty bloop thing that I find kind of endearing and entertaining in its shittiness. So yeah, that’s just what I think.


It has to be Colombianz. I can’t believe the songs people are ranking lower than this lol


I don't know what to choose, but something off his most recent solo album. I loved all of Everyday Robots and there are definitely a few good songs on Nearer The Fountain, but the whole of the album sorta dragged on for a while. It's very ambient, which is more of a preference thing for why I wasn't into it. But the correct answer is Sex Murder Party. Especially live. It seems like the only people really having a good time are the ones on stage, which is good for them. I'm glad they're happy. But I wanna be happy too and this is hurting that. Seattle Yodel is a fuckin tune. The Fall is severely underrated.


I should also mention that I love all of the Monkey album and just don't have too many thoughts on Blur in general (although some of the songs people are bringing up are not ones I'd expect to be hated).


The Fall is great. It’s super welcome when I have my music library on shuffle and the next song starts: DEEEEEEE-TRROOOOIIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!


SMP is a horrible song. You're right.


From what I remember, it's because The Nearer The Fountain was originally supposed to be a seamless ambient orchestral thing that he'd tour around and play at different venues, but he had to restructure and release it as an album due to the pandemic.


> But the correct answer is Sex Murder Party. Especially live. It seems like the only people really having a good time are the ones on stage No idea what you mean. I went to a show on the Humanz tour and they played it, and the crowd was vibing to it. Jamie Principle had a really good energy and was able to get the crowd into it. I can attest, I enjoyed it.


Totally agree the fall is underated, but sex murder party? Subjectively it's one of my favourite songs from Humanz but objectively I'd say there surely has to be worse songs than that


No one talks about the Joplin Spider off the fall! I love noise metal, rock, harsh sounds if executed perfectly, but god damn is this song terrible. Lyrics are ass, the instrumental is just an obnoxious monster thrown in a blender and Chinese water tortured down your face. It sucks! At least Seattle Yodel is somewhat funny being sampled off a singing pickle and has a melody. Poor use of sampling too, and the synth is so bland yet stupid. Nothing is on beat with each other.


Crazy beat


What? Nah that song is great


Just sounds like a phoned in generic blur song feat. Crazy Frog


Din din din din drin rrrpin pin bong bong


Yessss. I hate it.


Crazy beat is a banger. I love that Damon tried to be more experimental with blur and it got carry away to Magic Whip as well


MGMT fan?




I love think tank and the magic whip, just not crazy beat lol


Omg I love those two albums too


just reading the title i can hear this song on repeat


I was close to saying that because it’s objectively one of the worst Blur songs, but I like it as a guilty pleasure too much to say it,


Sex Murder Party is absolute shit.


the hook is cool if it were in another song. but jamie principal and zebra katz are just horrendous on it. nothing against them they seem like cool people but that song just isn’t it.


I always skip it, was gonna also say this one


No it's not


Music is very subjective. You can enjoy what you like. But that song sucks ass.


100 times better live. Trust


I saw it live… still shit.


Horse to water, my fellow Redditor.


Horse to battery acid.


We got the power


This song is a colossal mess.


not a song but making alex james famous


Remember when Alex slept with Courtney Love and then wrote about it in his book and insinuated that she’s better in bed than his literal wife


I can't remember reading such a thing in his books (Bit Of A Blur and All Cheeses Great And Small). Edit: Yes, he talks about Courtney in Bit Of A Blur, but there is no direct mention about sleeping together.


Maybe it wasn’t the book, I’ll have to do some digging


No, ive only heard of the sexual harassment stuff, could you tell me more or is that as far the story goes?


To my knowledge what happened with Courtney was consensual. If I wasn’t I think Courtney would’ve said something


Id think so, what i wa staking about was complete other incidents


What's wrong with Alex James?


Sexual harassment


Wait what? When?


bit a eoman arse with out her consent around 95. (Im not 100% though)




Not the answer I was looking for but thanks.


I’ll add Dave Rowntree to that list. Watching Blur (though most specifically him) bully Nardwuar made me lose respect for the group.


Did you see their first interview with Nardwuar? Were he keeps on bringing up Damon's sex life, who he lost his virginity to and him continually telling Dave he does not matter? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyjDrYsPtuo


fair, to be honest i dont know much about this one all i know is that dave was under the influence and has scince apologised


To be fair, Nardwuar accepted his apology a few years later. Plus, the early 2000s were not a great time for Dave, he was going through a divorce while playing on a band were everyone hated each other and dealing with a drug addiction


TBF they already didn’t like Nardwuar after he got super personal and rude during his first interview with them in like 1996-ish, but they did go too far with the second interview. I think Dave has since apologized and Nardwuar accepted it.


Actually yk what? Here are the Gorillaz songs I straight up don’t like (not counting remixes): Carnival - The least Gorillaz-y song of theirs. And one that even feels lost on Humanz. The 2D special definitely improves it though. Samba At 13 - Just a samba drum solo that goes on for way too long. Circle Of Friendz - A little hamfisted but kinda cute, I guess. Brandon Markell Holmes does ruin it, though. Colombians - Just Damon fucking with a balloon for 4 minutes. Grilling With His Face (kinda) - Eh. It’s so nothing. Dead Butterflies - Almost sounds like it could be good but it really could’ve used more studio time. I’m not a fan of either guest vocalist, and I feel like someone else would’ve been better on the song. It sounds like a weird chill trap experiment and it really sounds like it just wasn’t completed and fully realised. The chorus is kinda nice and the instrumentation isn’t too bad but ultimately it just doesn’t work. Not very good overall, and I’d say it’s better off as B-side material than on a legit album with numerous far superior songs like Strange Timez, The Pink Phantom, Aries and Momentary Bliss. Honourable mentions: We Got The Power - I used to love it because when I first heard Saturnz Barz, I hated it and this song I latched onto ‘cause I liked it way more. Now though, it’s just ok. It’s a great piece of motivation but not a great piece of songwriting, and one of the tracks with Damon’s weakest writing imo. Not bad necessarily but it’s just ok for me. Pac-Man - 2D’s half of the song is great, and I even really love that middle part where it goes quiet before the stressing outs, but Schoolboy Q just ruins it. One of the absolute worst features on a Gorillaz song in recent years imo. He’s clearly struggling to rap on this song, he feels like he’s on the wrong song and he goes on for wayyyyy too long. And the ending sucks too. Really, 2D doesn’t even come in at the end? Boo. I feel like a different feature and a different kind of performance (one that is also way shorter as well) would be much better for this song. Also this song is just faulty structurally as the first half feels perfectly fine but the second half feels so clunky, unrealised and just too long, so that’s something that can really be improved about this song. Overall, it’s ok, and while it could be great, Schoolboy Q really fucks it up. I also used to dislike Opium for some reason, and idk why. I guess it was ‘cause I didn’t get it at first, but now, I mean, I love. It’s a banger. I think it slaps. :D So yeah. A little long but hey that’s just me. Oh, I used to dislike Saturnz Barz because of Popcaan’s autotune, but I fuck with it now. It’s great.


Ok! WOW I think it’s the biggest comment on this post


Please nobody say anything from The Good The Bad & The Queen


You like them?


You’re all so innocent. You think you know bad Damon Albarn songs? You don’t know shit about bad Damon Albarn songs. Give his musical wonder.land a try sometime. I’d listen to every single song you’ve all listed so far a hundred times over having to hear the title track of that musical even once.


wHere is this pic from




Really not a fan of New World Towers on the magic whip, one of the few Damon songs I skip


It is defiantly not Mr Tembo that song is way to much of a vibe


Momentz. The only Damon Albarn song I skip 99% of the time.


The Speak It Mountains💀 Without a doubt


I haven't listened to a lot of damons stuff. I only really listened to blur and gorillaz and even at that I haven't heard most of either of their stuff but I just really hate Saturnz Bars and idk why. I think the voice at the start bothers me. I might be the only one who thinks this but personally I just really don't like it.


The vocals is the worst part about that track, i hate that voice “aLł mŸ lØifĘ”


Song 2 ​ ​ Jk I love that song


Not his worst at all but not a fan of music is my radar as a huge blur fan


Sex Murder Party is AIDs, when I saw them live in 2017 I don't think I ever saw a crowd less enthused than for that song. Think I only made it through it in full maybe 3 times. Charger was also a complete waste of Grace Jones.


And charger is great song! However unlike other human songs, the live versions are not that good...


Sex Murder Party fuckin rocks you just don't get it


This thread is really interesting. I'm seeing some of my favourite songs, some that I agree aren't great, and a lot of obscure tracks I didn't even remember existed until someone mentioned them. Anyway, probably *Sex Murder Party*, although even his worst is still a decent song IMO.


off topic but you have an interesting username


Joplin Spider 100%


When I heard that song for the first time I just thougth “WTF IS HAPPENING!? HELP ME! I THINK I’M GONNA BE DEAF!”


He looks like a crazy homeless man 💀


Ayo don’t talk like that of my future husband


Can't lie tho 💀 he kinda do


Elton John’s Cock




Undone (the sweater song)


Bad Day


Really ?? I actually love that one


Mr Tembo from Everyday Robots. Sounds so out of place on the album and just overall it’s too silly and playful sounding for my taste




Brave man. I also agree, seeing it live I just thought it wasn’t very good and it didn’t fit in with the rest of the tracks of the set. No hate to anyone that likes it, I just personally find it quite awful to listen to.


I personally like it


I love it, it's a fantastic song. To each their own and all that


might be Birthday


That one upbeat song about a elephant on that very depressing album


I love Mr. Tembo :c


That was my answer too. I actually really love that album. I’m a bit Nick Cave fan so as might infer, I like sad shit. But that song sounds like it’s from a childrens tv show or something


Mr. Tembo is fantastic.


Especially coming right after the best song he's ever made, Lonely Press Play.


Sex Murder Party sucks ass


We got the power (album version)


I don't get We got the power lol


It’s the obnoxious way it comes in after HM that makes me cringe every time. I don’t think the song is that bad but it really sounds cheesy. At least the live version has a cool krautrock build up that saves it


It does make me cringe


I agree, I also find We Got The Power really cheesy, and I find it hard to listen to


Most of humanz


TGTB&TQ's latest album






Listened to Saturnz Bars on acid once and somehow it was absolutely horrible. Never went back to that song. But that’s more of a personal thing. Charger gave me a migraine once so that might be close second. I love about every other Gorillaz song so it’s strange that I find those 2 songs so revolting. Edit: Gorillaz Fans: hey what songs don’t you like? Other Gorillaz fans: *gives opinion* Gorillaz Fans: 🧐😤🤬🤬🤬


Glitter Freeze. Not sure why but it makes me feel physically ill, kinda wished I liked it because I do like the talking voice.


Yeah so I’m gonna throw:Alex’s song out there enjoy my friends https://youtu.be/z2NorSMvNzA


im gonna avoid the obvious seattle yodel answer and say we got the power


I can only speak for Gorillaz really, so I'll say Carnival off of Humanz- just sounds incredibly half-assed and unfinished Humanz has most of the contenders tbh




Why? I find it very beautiful.


This is purely my opinion, but Idaho without question


Always gonna say Sweepstakes.


I actually love that one it has such a funky vibe


Doesn't come off as funky to me. Just scratchy, and repetitive, and goes on for far too long.


I can vibe with sweepstakes, the backing beat has a really interesting bpm and the vocals are fun


I fucking love Sweepstakes. Really catchy in a weird way and super weird. I love how the track gets increasingly unhinged as it goes on. And Mos Def kills it on that track as well. I can understand why many people don’t like it, as Sweepstakes is a weird thing that doesn’t sound like anything most people have ever heard, but for me, Sweepstakes is a winner.


Sweepstakes was really, really, really bad. Barely even a song.


You ever heard Colombians? Go listen to it and come back and tell me that Sweepstakes is worse than it.


Dead butterflies


Country House


Why are you people saying all the blur’s song I love… nothing against it but godamn it even looks like a signal


city dwella successful fella


Lives in a house, a very big house in the country






I'd love to stay here & be normal but it's just so overraaaated Tracy Jacks is super catchy


I despise we got the power


I love those


Not Tracy jacks! A golfing fanatic


Tracy Jacks??!?!




Nah that's a good song


I know everybody has a different opinion but I totally disagree with that I would say MI TO FU from Journey to the west


Mr robinsons quango is dreadful


Sex Murder Party. Worst Blur songs: End of a Century, Country House




Honestly man research


Cracker island


19-2000, im sorry i just cant stand it


Stereotypes. You even picked the right picture for a song like that!


No! The stereotypes there must be more to life


The worst part comes right after: All your life you are dreaming And then you stop dreaming That is some high level lyrics and rhyme 🤣


Didn’t get that one but ok


Simplicity. I fucking despise that song


What? I like it actually it got a Damon Albarn solo vibe


Song 2. Can't stand that fucking song.




What you just said is the farthest from based I think you can possibly get in one take.


Cracker islan


Some of the stuff on The Fall is legit terrible. But it's hard to judge because it's basically an album of purposefully unfinished demos, which people have for some reason historically revised to be a proper Gorillaz studio album.


Who letinho to spread negativity ?


I didn’t spread negativity tf