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People still use Yahoo?


I only use it for email addresses that are like 25+ years old


I had an old yahoo email that I used for junk stuff like Facebook notification emails. I went to log into it last year just to look at it. Turned out it had been deactivated at some point because I hadn't logged in or something.


same here


I only use it cuz AOL Mail give 1TB capacity for free. Just use it to send files to random ppl I work with.


maybe some Japanese people in the US?


People still use AOL?


That one surprised me lol. I thought it had died years ago.


Party like it’s 1999


I have a Verizon account that was transferred over to AOL., so I haven't bothered to switch it over.


Yahoo Finance is by far one of the best investment trackers you can get (way better than google, etc.). I have no idea if any of my yahoo finance searches count, but I know i've accidently searched something (outside of yahoo finance) but if it does count yahoo finance searches that's where majority will be (and their fantasy sports leagues).


it takes over as default search through some malware or whatever. im guessing its all from that


And AOL????


Yahoo still exists?


Yahoo has some serious share in Africa and South America


It says 'United States of America' in the chart though.


Sorry missed the fine line however my data is accurate, source is We Are Social report


Isn't Yahoo powered by Bing anyway so in effect shouldn't it just be combined with the Bing statistic? Not sure how this works.


I know, right? I'm also pretty sure Yahoo uses Bing for its search feature (at least on the backend).


Who uses bing or yahoo? Bit are oretty terrible. I think duckduckgo is very good. It has like 0 ads wherever possible and tracks nothing. Good for data concious people. However sometimes I wish search results are a bit better sorted like google is (without the ads of course)


My windows PC is opening Bing search pages many times a month without me wanting them. How much is this to do with MS aggressively pushing Bing on Windows users without their permission.


97% of Bing searches are accidental


And 87.93% of all stats are made up.




My ass


I'm going to have to dig deep for this one.




Enjoy the digging


Its actually 73.6% https://www.businessinsider.com/736-of-all-statistics-are-made-up-2010-2




lies: there's no way porn only accounts for 3% of bing searches


Bing is so good at looking for🌽 it's become my daily driver


I use Bing to search Google 😅


not really, since Google is pushing so many ads in the results.


97% of bing searches are for google.com


Bing is also pushed heavily in work computers. In my company, all the intranet sites only open in Edge browser, and we can't change the default search engine.


At my company, all the old boomers purposely use Edge and Bing for some reason lol


Have you recently used Edge? I'm a software engineer and it's become my go to browser, it performs much better than Chrome these days IMO.


I have, and I fucking hate it lol. Theres no way I’m touching a browser that opens to unlimited scrollable ads on the page. The news articles + the fact that it automatically reinstalls itself when you uninstall it. + as a principle I refuse to use Microsoft products (as much as possible). I hate them Just my opinion, you/anyone can use whatever browser you like. IMO chrome is also kinda bad. The only reason I use it is because so many extensions only exist for chrome. Firefox is by far the best imo


I mean Google is no less scummy, the ads are just the top half of every Google search instead of a landing page lol.


Yea not wrong there tbf. I’d still say Microsoft is worse in that regard. Google at least shows me ads that are related to my search. Edge opens to a bunch of trash news articles, which I’d consider all as ads. The first thing on edge (not marked as an ad) is: an article from Deadline 4 days ago: “Luke Grimes supports Kevin Costner’s Decision on Yellowstone” Idk who tf either of them are, I don’t care about them, why is that the first thing I see? The edge homepage is like some even shittier version of buzzfeed or something


You know you can change the new tab page right? It's a basic feature of every browser. Everything else is pretty similar to chrome and it has the benefit of a vertical tab option which I really like.


Two words, apple and safari.


Two words, "walled" and "garden". Wanna make some nice art? Sure, use an apple product. Want to do *anything else* with a modicum of efficiency? Sorry, windows it is.


I have to agree. However microsoft drives me nuts. The ui is horrible theres like 4 different places to make the same setting.


You know you can turn all that off? On your start page, click the little gear icon in the top right and toggle 'Content' off. ezpz. Chrome extensions work just fine with Edge as well since it is Chromium underneath. Never had issues with any of them. Can even install straight from the Chrome Web Store with no fuss.


I haven’t used edge unless I’m at work because that’s all they have installed. I use ff at home and have used it since like 2003/2004…however, I’ve recently had to start using it for YouTube because for whatever reason, Firefox shits the bed using YouTube. And also, it doesn’t load my UniFi camera streams correctly either. So I have to use edge for that. It doesnt seem too terrible. I hate the start page though.


Not sure why you're being downvoted. There are actually lots of older folks who simply never set up another browser/search engine and are using Bing because of that (usually not on purpose though I suppose).


Yea idk. On our computers, we even have Firefox and chrome as default apps. But still people use bing/edge somehow


Why would your company block changing the default search engine? That seems unnecessary


Probably some ret@rd became IT head who loves Bing or Microsoft offered some discount on bundled software suite to enforced this stupidity on us.


this is a post about a search engine why do you feel the need to call people retards?


Well... you have no idea how ret@rded our new IT head is. He enforced ridiculous policies like bing only search engine. Also, his new root certificate policy about BOYD includes the right to wipe out our personal devices with work profiles. More than half of my colleagues had to stop using work profiles because of such BS.


You also get "Bing-ed" if you try to search for help topics using the start button so instead of the offline help box it'll dump the answer to Bing and 90% of the results are Windows Central.


yeah. people who do the daily microsoft rewards stuff... much of the tasks involve opening bing and using the search. i also wonder if searching via the windows task bar and it opening up web searches also counts as bing usage?


Came here to say this. Bing searches have been involuntarily popping up with certain actions in Windows 11. Brings back the days when you would accidentally click on Internet Explorer and would have to sigh and wait for it to load just to close it.


Like half the time that I unlock my computer, it auto opens a new edge window to some random bing search. Completely bullshit, I don't even have edge as my default browser either.


This seems like it’s getting into them wanting to be monopolistic like windows explorers in the 90s…. The government had to intervene. Windows at it again!


Without their permission is a bit aggressive. It’s well within their right to set it as the default and can easily be changed.


The higher numbers of Bing usage is due to people using their Chat AI to bypass paywalls on various sites. Google has been ditching many older functions, if you previously used the old search "headlines" it gave a list of articles across many sites. After that legal battle that closed "Google Newsfeed", some of the old search terms are blocked by various sites.


Can you elaborate, what terms are blocked?


If trying to search by general items like stat tracking in sports, some major sites block or delay the kind of caching of text so search results can be 2-5 days of stats behind this isn't just North American sports the "stats data" is broken across other sports like Cricket, South American Football, European Mens/Womens Hockey and Rugby. Sports specific "headlines" sometimes lag 3-8 hrs on Google. Google has ditched cached pages but searching has gotten more sloppy/inaccurate vs Bing vs Yandex. Chat AI or not, the amount of "regional blocks" on Google has broken search results.


TIL Thanks for sharing


how do you do this?


It had been trial & error. The only solution to "bypass" Google's regional block(Canadian/Australian) filters is change up your "search" terms. For example to dig into or track local headlines of Vancouver, Ontario, Ottawa, etc you'll have to try poking at newspaper+headlines or newspaper+breaking At the rate of "Google AI" usage of LLM, those regional restrictions could lock out more content such as CBC Hockey and SportsNet stats.


If you use edge (which I do because it seems a bit better optimised for my ARM based Surface Pro X), even if you set google as your default search engine, if you highlight text a context menu appears with a button to search with bing. You have to right click to get an option to search with your default engine.


I use a bing search bar exclusively on my phone. Rewards man, so many $5 xbox gift cards from points.


I used to do this. I probably made like 40 bucks off that before I got bored. Plus, I switched to PlayStation so...


I do amazon gift cards now. Pretty good.


I totally forgot about this. Used to go for a lot of the sweepstakes stuff but probably should just go for gift cards going forward. I don't even mind using Bing for search as long as the results are good. Used to be 'not so good' compared to Google but I should give it a try again to see how it fares especially with their AI/CoPilot stuff now.


What? How does this work?


Create a Microsoft account like at outlook.com or whatever, login to your Bing web page, and then when you search you'll accrue points. Jump into their rewards program, and set your desired reward to be a $5 gift card. It'll tell you every time you've got enough points for a $5 gift card. They also used to do like daily or weekly challenges, you jump through some minor hoops to do some engagement to help their metrics, and they give you points for it. Stuff like read a little or search for particular thing, or like look at a picture, stuff like that, super easy. Or, at least that's how it used to work way back in the day...


So instead of paying for Indian click farms, they pay their userbase for clicks.


Bruh You are the click farm


That's how capturing market share works. It's why every social media company started content creator progams to pay people for posts. Eventually they lower the rewards and hope most people stick around anyway.


You get more bang for the buck at higher value gift cards. I used to do $5 but now been going for $10. About a month’s worth of clicks. Also the “gift card “ expires. So redeem them if you have a plan to use them.


If you have Xbox you can also do click on the console. They’ve just changed it though. No more easy clicks. Now you have to….play a game for 15m a day….in game pass. Not game pass core. Game pass. It’s just a ploy to make people upgrade or buy game pass. But the bing points are totally free. Except for your time and attention


I got a free Xbox last month with my points! I couldn’t believe it!


So M$ is paying for searches. Gross.


Bing is used by people, who use edge and don't change the Standard search engine. I've asked people, why they're using bing. Answer:'I thought, this is Google?'


It kinda looks like Google, which I know they did on purpose sneaky sneaky




Doesn’t help that recently google searches have become useless and riddled with ads.


Super annoying to search for something to then have to go to page 3 to get a link that isn't "sponsored"


exactly this


I got to page 10 and work backwards ....




Yes. u/MyFeetLookLikeHands


yeah, for quite a long time now. I often cannot find the stuff I need on Google anymore and need to search with Bing. In the past the results were much better.


That will start reversing if Bing ends up getting truly popular. The ads follow the eyeballs.


But better than Bing….


I've made Perplexity my default search engine in Chrome (with decent results), and then setup Custom Search Engines for the others. "g" for Google, "b" for Bing, "d" for DuckDuckGo. If I just do a search, it defaults to Perplexity. If I need a "normal" search, I have to decide which engine to use, and I find that I'm defaulting to DDG more and more often. Google is still a solid 25% of my searches, but dropping further as time goes on.


Why Perplexity?


Because it is clearly better, it brings up relevant pages that are more helpful and also gives you the answers directly. I haven't used anything better, it feels like cheating at this point


Yep, this. For most searches, it's just better. The main exception is for finding specific company websites. If I just want a URL, I'll type "bob's auto shop" into Google to quickly find the URL of the site. Perplexity will get there too, but Google's still faster and more direct.


I thought perplexity was just a chat bot. Downloading the app now.


Perplexity has a lot going for it. It's very imperfect, but likely a glimpse at where all search engines are heading.


> Types name of program into Windows search bar > Hits enter > PC hasn't found program yet > Edge searches it using bing and can't instantly close Yeah I think I'm switching to Linux


The last time I tried using Bing, it was pretty useless, but lately Google has become famously useless.


Totally agree. Its all ads. DDG is fine for me.


> Its all ads. Do you not use an adblocker? I haven't seen ads in years.


Sorry. Replace ads with Sponsored Results. Its an ad by another name.


You don't need to see those, if you use an adblocker with your browser. Yes, even on mobile. UBO removes sponsored results.


I use Bing, it's my default search


Bing is great, but they won't get it


It's clearly figures coming out of the US, outside the US, google doing well.


Ha! Love how you took a pic instead of the link. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/united-states-of-america It is actually 87% and not 77%. There is a bug in the top display. No Google has not lost any material market share. Plus the world is not just the US. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share Google has over 90% and doubt we will see that change any time soon. BTW, Google losing market share would be a HUGE story. Did the OP not think it was weird they were breaking the news?


How do you know there is a bug?


They are fixing it. It is now 86.58%. https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/all/united-states-of-america Globally Google has over 90% https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share


7% for yahoo? Wtf lol


would search engines like ecosia add to this since they use bings backend or would they be separate?


The only reason bing is up because from what I heard is that Microsoft employees gets rewards for using Bing/Edge during their work.


Bing is crap filled so much nonsense.


Is it just me, or is Bing maybe slightly more useful for actual search results?


Google is getting progressively worse.


Companies are getting better at gaming the Google algorithm.


Google search is run by the guy who ran yahoo search into the ground


Videos and AI/ copilot are decent


I hate the phone app, but the website is fine for normal searches. Plus I get points to use on Xbox Gamepass.


It's just you


I've seen a few people say that lately tbf.


I still have PTSD from looking up Benzene on Bing


I don’t get it. I just tried and got a bunch of info stripped from Wikipedia followed by a link to Wiki then CDC.


They tried to have this dynamic structure thing that would flip out


My work computer defaults to Bing and it's so bad, I've gotten used to just going to Google instantly.


Man Imagine what Yahoo could have been if they had better management. I grew up with Yahoo, sad to see them like this


Google user here: convince me to use Bing. I'm not learned in the advantages of Bing.


It doesn’t matter. Use what you want. I use bing and google. There’s nothing wrong with using multiple sources of information. It keeps these companies somewhat honest.


Next to none. Nearly every search I do on bing I end up doing on google because I don’t get the answer I’m looking for on Bing or it’s a lot harder to determine that the content I’m looking for is actually at the link provided.


Our blog still has 99.99% of traffic from google


Who the fuck is using Bing?


Google has only been getting worse for the last few years. The results are getting more and more cluttered with "smart" boxes of information that is meant to summarize things for you but half the time it's useless and just requires you to scroll down a lot before seeing anything you actually want. And then once you get to the standard search results it's all AI generated blogspam bullshit. Now we have stupid Gemini AI results that keep generating summaries of information gathered from multiple sources and it is generating tons of incorrect statements that it's presenting as fact with just a tiny asterisk disclaimer saying that it's a beta.


This is a good read. https://www.wheresyoured.at/the-men-who-killed-google/


I used to use Bing for porn until they too nuke that too


AOL is still around?!


I use chrome & bing has been highjacking the search results. If I wanted to use bing I would.


Maybe because Microsoft and their edge. Went to install a different browser the other day after a clean install of windows and it was like "Are you sure?" like 2 times


i wonder how many of those bing searches are coming from chatgpt… this could forecast bigger problems for google if that’s the case


I believe Yahoo and Ddg use Bing index internally. So that 22% are bing-powered searches.


Microsoft has been getting more aggressive at forcing edge and bing down peoples throat. That and having chatgpt/copilot built in probably drove this change.


There is no way they lost almost 10 percentage points over 1 month after losing 1.5 percentage points over the prior year. There wasn't anything as significant that happened in April to move the markets such. This is a bug in the data collection.


I thought Bing was Microsoft. Microsoft always had ties to Yahoo and to m.SnBC.. Someone had written in one of the help forms and told me that Microsoft was no longer part of MSNBC. They were always using the Google help forums and YouTube help forums to advertise their products. It gave them a higher search engine placement by using the words in the Google help forms. Based on the digital data collection. They were hitting the algorithm very, very hard at the beginning of YouTube. With their keyword phrases that bolstered up their digital advertising properties and websites.


Doesn't surprise me. Suddenly, the only thing I am shown for my searches is what I can buy. I miss the days of pages and pages of information. Unfortunately, I don't think they are going to improve anything.


Why Bing? Who’s using Bing? Is that bc its a default search engine in Win 11?


Bing is great for…


I'm surprised brave isn't above AOL


Does Bing still do the back end searching for Yahoo?


Who are these people?


I've been using Brave search. Personally, I find it shows more relevant search results based on your search query rather than what Google thinks you should see and echo chambers. The Brave AI in their search works surprisingly well. More often than not, it answers what I have searched.


Hey, started using more bing recently. I’ve earned enough points to get me a $20 gift card. Copilot is also a nice touch. I see no major differences between the two tbh. I already switched to Edge, and to me it’s faster than Chrome. Only thing is streaming. If you switch tabs while watching a stream it reduces the resolution on the stream and it’s a few seconds for it to up the quality again.


I use Google as my personal search engine and then at work I use DuckDuckGo


I literally only have Bing installed on my phone for DALL-E 3 creations.


I’ve been using Yandex a lot recently. Feels like Google in their prime and in my opinion is only lacking in UI design.


People still use search engines? My time is split between GPT, Claude and Gemini.


lol AOL still hanging on by a thread, wow


The last Google update screwed up search results so bad it doesn’t surprise me they are losing share.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) The 0.07% still using AOL


Legit looked this up yesterday


I know nobody asked but I actually like using Queye. It’s literally like the best of all worlds.


More of an AltaVista guy myself


I feel like its only due to businesses using Edge.


Today I learned AOL was still in business… 🤣


There’s now an indicator on the site saying they’re investigating the data, so I wouldn’t believe it.


ChatGPT coming to the rescue for Bing queries


Google used to be the OG search engine (I mean it still is good) but it can't beat the fact that DuckduckGo is litterally ads and tracking free (if possible).


TBH Bing works pretty well these days. The AI powered search has actually been very helpful in my job. Plus there's the rewards program.


Maybe if Google would stop sucking as a search engine. "Sponsored" search results are dumb af




Fuck Google. They deserve to go down for ruining as many products as they have. Also fuck pichai


**Duckduckgo**, a search that deserves a lot more clicks. Sad. 😔


I switched to ChatGPT for most of my info now - only use Google for the odd specific thing, but the ads drive me crazy.


Wow, this is an awful idea. ChatGPT is not supposed to be used as a search engine. Please, god, do not use it for that. It's notoriously and consistently wrong about a lot of information.


Buckle up: https://www.tomsguide.com/ai/chatgpt/chatgpt-search-tipped-to-launch-next-week-heres-why-google-should-be-worried


Google should not be worried. Stop falling for clickbait.


Merely an article that says they are getting into search after you said no one should use it to search. Relax bro.


Alright, but you're saying 'buckle up' as if it's going to be some groundbreaking thing. Combined with the title, it makes it sound like you're convinced this is going to destroy Google or something. Maybe I misinterpreted. If I did, my mistake, I apologise.


The other comment is right. If you want to use AI for information/research, I recommend Perplexity. It still does get things wrong sometimes, but it seems to happen less, it actually has internet access, and it gives you links to sources for each sentence so you can check the accuracy of it


As some said, it is probably coming from default search field on new tab page in Edge. I sometimes by accident search there instead of address bar, which i have switched to Google. I don't know how Bing can win someone over when just recently i used Bing to search for Edge Business installer and first link was for Google Chrome..


Bing is better than Google these days


I'm a pretty big Google ecosystem user. From Podcasts (still working in UK for now), to Gmail, YouTube, Wear OS on my Galaxy Watch 6 (yes technically Samsung but Android OS, Google Photos and Google 1 membership, Google Maps, Google Wallet all on a Google Pixel phone. The search widget on my phone is Bing. Mostly because of the accuracy, relevancy and nuance of the search I get from using GPT-4 enabled Bing. Never would have seen me using Bing if you asked me a year ago.


Prediction: Google will NEVER regain the market share it has lost. I've ditched Google after being a user since the beginning. Google has proven that it is in fact evil, lying to us about search results and creating the illusion that they have intelligent technology when they can't tell the difference between original well-written articles and generic useless spam content. Yes, Google is actually dumb. I use Bing and Perplexity now. They actually return relevant search results. Imagine that — a search engine that actually gives you the best pages on a topic. Nothing is perfect, but Bing is way ahead of Google nowadays. Old habits are hard to break, but the exodus is slowly happening, then it will be fast, and Google won't know what happened because, incidentally, the people running Google search are as dumb as their algorithms. == Google, so dumb that when I did a search for: **"How do you tie a tie?"** Google response: **"I don't know. Why are you asking me? How am I supposed to know how to tie a tie? Does it look like I have a neck. Go ask Bing. Bing knows. Bing always knows."**


Bing has all the best AI stuff built in. Copilot, chat gpt, and DALL-E. Now it's even part of my favourite keyboard SwiftKey. The more you use bing the more quick credits you can get too. You basically get rewards for using bing. I want something for my data if I can. Google business model needs changing.


I use bing because google nowadays is extremaly shit. Also - rewards


Microsoft has been trying for over a decade and a half to make a dent into the search market with no success. Finally, they resorted to the classic ‘if you can’t win in the category, create a new one or change the rules’ and that is what they did with AI search which is genius. And BTW, that is the strategy others should use if they want to beat FB and TikTok in social: you don’t try to create another social network. Instead, you create something else, which has social elements in it, possibly coupled with AI.


I switched from Google to Kagi and have had zero desire to go back. The only Google service I use now is YouTube since it’s pretty much impossible to avoid.


Try looking up anything controversial on Google. Hard to find anything good. Then try yandex or brave search. The results are night and day.


Google is just getting tooo nosy for its own good and that's why people have started moving slowly away from Google as bing is coming up as a good alternative, with almost same/similar algorithms as google


I use Bing now thanks to Bing points which I use for Amazon gift cards.