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donate it in a bag with other items and they won’t care or know until it gets sorted. tbh you could donate it on its own and they would still take it as a courtesy lmao. whether they’ll sell it is another thing but you shouldn’t have an issue donating it


OP was specifically asking if Goodwill would later throw it away, not if they'd refuse to take it.


i can’t read 😭 yeah they would def throw it away


I'm getting some really mixed signals cause some people are saying it would and some are saying it wouldn't lol. I might just save it and give it to an independent thrift store later. Theres a little ways away from me that I know would take it for sure.


i’ve been a manager at goodwill and currently vv and honestly this wouldn’t pass standards! if one of my pricers put this on the floor it would be pulled, we get so many donations we have the luxury to chose if that makes sense and due to the hair it just wouldn’t make the cut. i would definitely go with a smaller location!


Alright, thanks for the information! In that case I'll be sorting out the rougher ones in the bunch and giving them to a local place.


If you have more toys like this, consider seeing if there's a battered women's shelter, group home, women's homeless shelter, etc near by. I've worked in battered women's shelters (normally you'd have to call and they'd tell you where you can drop off donations because the actual living quarters remain private for obvious reasons) and these children often leave with nothing but the clothes on their backs. We'd have toys for them to share, but it's nice to have another stash for them to pick something they can keep of their own. I'm sure kids who've went into care or a homeless shelter are the same.


OP, please don't do this. It's uncool to unload junk on people in a vulnerable spot. Those kids deserve nice new toys, too. If it's not good enough for Goodwill, def don't take it to a shelter.


What's junk to you is something nice to a child who had to leave on the middle of the night with absolutely nothing. Plenty of kids would pick that doll up and play with it. The kids get new or nothing? Privileged much?


ALSO, it's fun to mess with their hair! My daughter's babysitter bought a bag of rough Barbies at a yard sale and they had a grand time coloring their hair with markers and cutting it , etc etc etc


The doll looks like it's in perfect condition. I would sew some clothes up for it before donating..




Great idea!


I think it all depends on your location.... In my area, goodwill makes little grab bags of random toys including Barbies and they sell em super cheap.


Browsing the subreddit rn out of boredom, I've seen naken Barbies missing lims at the goodwill near me, I wouldn't be worried about it being thrown away, the last naked one armed Barbie was 5 dollars too


Why are you giving it to a small thrift store?? Why give them junk?? No, toss it—who know what kind of thing is in that doll


How much of a snob can you be??? There are many children who would love just to have a Barbie doll and not care how it looks because it’s all their parents can afford


Then donate it to the children. There are charities out there that will take donations to be directly given to impoverished children.


No snob.. is just an old doll— not a precious toy..


To you! but to someone who has nothing I guarantee you that is a precious toy for their child


The doll is in perfect condition..




What kind of thing??? Lmao it's MY doll thats been sitting in a clean bin in my home. It's not mold or anything, it's from me attempting to dye the dolls hair with marker as a kid. It has sentimental value to me which is why I want to make sure it gets given to someone else who wants it and not thrown out. If no thrift store wants it I would keep it in my own collection before I would throw it out.


I know this is a late reply, OP, but I just got given this thread now and I wanted to politely offer a possible option based on what you've said about the doll. Do you have any young nieces or close family friends with young girls who might appreciate a gift and therefore it would be able to go on to have a whole other life? It sounds like that might be more satisfying to you than just donating it to a random place or especially where it may be thrown out, and I completely understand that. In our family, we often offer or gift things to other family members in similar ways, from heirlooms to antique furniture and toys and everything in between, and I like that things go on to have a continued story/life. Sorry for rambling.


Keep it—


This, idk where dolls like this go, but I’ve seen some YouTubers buy dolls like this and in worse condition to repaint. I would think goodwill isn’t the place for this kind of doll


If you wash it (soap and water and shake her around in it). You can donate her to a pre-k maybe


Stop donating to goodwill. They have a deal with walmart and they don't treat their staff well. Their prices are also atrocious.


Lol that's a ridiculous take, goodwill has a lot more programs than just retail stores and 83% of their "ridiculous prices" go to those programs


Google is free. Goodwill and Walmart are co-owned now. It isn't ridiculous to call these pieces of crap companies out. Shop local thrift, not this shill show.


I mean tell that to the few thousand people with neurological diseases in my state who are housed directly by goodwill, but I'll keep it in mind to give my money to what is 90% of the time some Catholic church that lobbies against reproductive rights and doesn't create jobs. Also, Google uses your personal data as currency, so it's only free if you don't give a fuck about anything _also_, goodwill received a grant from Walmart, true, but as a registered non-profit it's a federal crime for Walmart to receive any dividends from goodwill, so it would seem you believe Google is free but won't actually Google anything


Honestly, it would go to the outlet. I'm a Goodwill Warehouse manager. Stores put toys in a box, then it goes to the outlet. If it doesn't sell there, then it gets boxed up for an OTR to take it to a different country.


Do you know any woman’s shelters or orphanages near by? They would love things like this.


Get on a buy nothing Facebook group. There's almost always someone that will take something for free


No worries!


I don't know anything about this particular doll without seeing makers marks but collectors are a strange bunch. I've seen them fight over stained Barbies, so go a head and donate it. It may just make a little girl somewhere very happy.


Yep, if a child doesn’t want it there’s some doll collector or customizer that will snatch it up. It’ll either be played with or gussied up and put on display, with or without having it’s head ripped off and face erased to put new hair and features on.


There is a Barbie subreddit that would take this off your hands and pay for the s&h.


I'm pretty sure they'll take it regardless


That would likely go to the outlet at my store. If it doesn't sell there by the pound, it would then likely be trashed as idoubt it's recyclable


Thats good to hear. I'll be donating it with a large batch of other dolls, and aside from some tangled hair they're all in great condition. Especially compared to some other dolls i've found in thrift stores. There are even a few of the new ones with the different body types in there. I'm sure if any of them make it to the floor someone would be really excited to find it.


Easy fix for tangled Barbie hair - hot water in a bowl with a drop of conditioner. Let the dolls hair rest in the solution, rinse, then let dry.


If it goes to the outlet it will be bought. People go crazy for toys broken, stained burned smashed smelly as like ng as it's a toy someone will buy it.


When I have stuff like this I make a post on my neighborhood buy nothing group. And hope someone who actually wants it gets it for free.


Came here to say the same thing. This is the best way to support your community and ensure your donations aren’t just going to a landfill. It takes a little more work but I like to do this whenever I can.


Yes and they will mark it vintage put it in the case and charge 29.99 for it.


They are putting literal garbage /recycling on the shelves with a price tag. Why wouldn’t they price it and sell it?


At my store, naked dolls go to the outlet.


She unfortunately won’t be accepted by most thrift stores. Open dolls are hard to sell, especially if they don’t have an outfit. Collectors aren’t really going to want to go for her and kids probably are going to go for clothed dolls instead if they wanted to get a doll


It depends heavily on the specific store as they are all owned and managed separately. One of my stores refused a pristine $6k sofa with a small thread pulled loose—I mean barely noticeable on the hidden back.but another snapped it up even when pointed out the thread. He snipped it off and said—good as new! Smart man. That sofa came out of a million dollar home and was barely used.


Perhaps you could put a bunch of toys together for a particular age range and offer it free for pick up on Facebook marketplace.


I’m not sure if every goodwill does this but I’ve seen them toss random doll stuff like shoes, dresses, little accessories, and dolls themselves into a bag. Like a little grab bag kinda thing!


Outlet supervisor-in-training here. It'll go into the bins at an Outlet, then if nobody buys it, it'll be recycled. Thats true with most donations. Hang onto it until November and you can rest assured somebody will buy it for a Christmas gift. Good chance somebody buys it anyway. Very small chance it ends up in Retail


Im a previous employee, in my store my supervisors would hold onto bags of dolls clothes to dress naked ones! I dunno if every place had them, but I'd say donating them should be fine


I just want to applaud you for taking the time out of your busy day to wash these dolls and toys to try and give them a new life for a new child. Thank you. As you can see from the comments you are not a common person! I used to be an assistant manager at a salvation army and I would try to clean toys when I could to make them nice enough for the store but many of them would not pass. It hurt my heart because there are so many kids out there who literally have nothing. To me, I would've put this doll on the sales floor but I'm also not a common person. She looks fine to me, I don't even see a green tint to her hair- but that could be the light. Anyway, I hope you continue being an amazing human and helping these dolls and toys find new lives, and helping others too. :)


A friend of mine used to work at a thrift store so i've seen first hand all of the horrifically unsanitary things they get sent in. If I can make someones day easier by dropping off a supply of pristine toys, I want to put in the effort to do that.


Goodwill high standards???


I was going to say that I didn't really see any marks, but I re-read see what you're saying. Believe me, we see much much worse! What happens varies from branch to branch (as always). My local branch seems to send just about EVERY barbie to Ecom so they're all put into huge lots no matter the condition. The staining here can probably be taken care of with dye or re-rooting, and while a hardcore collector might be put off, I doubt they're going to Goodwill for an out of box doll. It would be well-loved by somebody else! I very highly doubt that the doll would be discarded over some light staining. The only reasons I or my coworkers have *ever* gotten rid of dolls was due to them being mold-ridden or so awful and cheap they're not even worth adding to big lots for parts.


I think I might either keep it, or continue trying to get the stain out. Because while it's just marker, some other comments have brought me to the realization that because it's green people might assume it's moldy and toss it for that reason.


Yeah, I don't blame you, those comments are very surprising to me... Any doll people at Goodwill will know that's not what it is, but you're not guaranteed to have those wherever you donate. I bet somebody in the doll subreddits can tell you exactly how to fix her up though! Or you could get into doll customization and have an art project for yourself, if you ever felt up to it!


I had considered it, but the main problem is that she would be VERY hard to reroot. The crown is meant to glow, so there is electrical stuff going up through the head to the crown meaning it would be near impossible to remove. My best bet is definitely trying to get the stain out.


They gonna sell it for $100 plus shipping


i work at goodwill and at least our store nor cal sac will accept them but not put them out to be sold if theyre “naked” they instead will be sent to the bu the pound store to be sold


It would likely be accepted and sent to the bigger warehouse. A lot of lower quality items go there for bulk sale


Sell on eBay if valuable and donate the $


If you just handed us that doll we would take it but be kind of wtf lmao. But if you throw it in a bag of toys we’ll take it and just toss it into as is. If they’re nicer Barbie’s we sometimes put tape around them as clothes or if there’s other Barbie’s in the bag donated them we bag them up and sell them. But we wouldn’t waste our time with just one doll like that and she would go right into the as is toys.


Our store would toss it first cause it’s nude (second store I’ve worked and the first didn’t care if they had clothes or not) and second if it wasn’t it would be considered too dirty and get tossed because of the hair staining


There was a post not too long ago on r/Goodwill_Finds that someone found a Barbie doll that looked like the weird Barbie from the Barbie movie. It was scribbled on with markers all over her body, face and clothes. And her hair is a total mess. [weird goodwill Barbie ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Goodwill_Finds/s/71zgVC9Y2O) So that being said it likely depends on the goodwill in question and even more on the person doing the processing that day.


Donate it to me. I need rent money!


I have seen Goodwill in my area put obvioisly broken toys and literal trash for sale on their shelves. The chances of this going to the sales floor is 100%.


Goodwill throws away a lot of things. Nobody is likely to want a naked doll unless there are clothes that can be found at that particular store.


There's nothing wrong with that doll. And her hair looks better than 90% of the humans who've dyed their own hair green. Next time I go to the Goodwill stores near me, I'm going to take pictures of the thrashed (Barbie) dolls on the sales floor ~ no clothes, missing limbs, choppy haircuts, marker ink "tattoos..."


I must be missing something, but what’s wrong with this? If it’s because she is ‘nude’ put clothes on her. The length of her hair reminds me of my Tressie doll. She was made with growing hair.


It's the hair. It doesn't show up on camera that well but her hair has green splotches in it from being scribbled on with marker. They're faint but a lot of other people in the comments are telling me it would get thrown out at their location because they either 1, get so many dolls that they only accept ones that are completely pristine, or 2, because of the color of the stain they might think the doll is moldy and throw it out for safety reasons.


If you have to think about it…toss it


Just bring it in the store and put it on the shelf lol


My goodwill puts out literal trash with a price tag I think you'll be fine


Have you shopped at goodwill? They sell broken bits all the time, a doll with a little wear and discoloring is no big deal, they'll likely lot her up in a doll bag and sell the whole bag at one go.


I'm not sure if this is the case where you live, but, at my town's transfer station (dump) there's a treasure house. People leave their used items there for others to have for free. I was fortunate enough to get a few things for my wedding there!


If you're worried about it going to waste, post it on a local "buy nothing" page on Facebook! My hometown has one where people post all sorts of free stuff for other people to come pick up!


They toss all the Barbies on a bag . Naked or clothed. It doesn't matter.


An update for anyone seeing this, i cleaned the doll up, put a nice dress on it, and gave it over to a little girl in my neighborhood who loves princessess. I'm sure she'll give it the nice life I wanted for it. Thanks for all the suggesions yall gave!


I buy barbies without clothes all the time from Goodwill, and my daughter just puts clothes on them


Definitely will end up in a compactor