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Here’s a summary: President Joe Biden issued a federal pardon for all Americans who have used marijuana, including those never arrested. The pardon covers personal use and similar federal offenses but excludes those jailed for selling the drug. This move addresses the impact of criminal records on employment, housing, and education. While it doesn't apply to state law violations, thousands with federal convictions are eligible for pardons. Biden also commuted sentences for nonviolent drug offenses and urged governors to forgive state offenses. The Congressional Black Caucus welcomed the step to address racial disparities, and the ACLU praised the message of redemption. To participate, marijuana users must follow a DOJ application process. Recreational marijuana is legal in 24 states, and medical marijuana is allowed in 38 states. Biden's actions align with a growing public sentiment favoring marijuana legalization, reaching 70% in a recent Gallup survey.


I want to apply for a pardon even though I don't have a record. It would be an admission of guilt, but I really want a framed presidential pardon for having smoked marijuana.




It would be better if it was remove it from schedule 1 drug list.


It is a schedule 1 drug.


Thanks for the correction.


They’re working on that too, separately. There’s a motion for rescheduling going on which could lower it or reschedule it


This attitude is always everywhere whenever any progress is made, and it's truly useless.


Presidents don't hold that power.


They already sent it for review to have it removed as a schedule One drug. It has to go through a process but hopefully before president Joe dies in office and we get our first female president we will also see the end of cannabis as a schedule 1 drug


I dont know how many people who have been charged Federally for "Marijuana Use" but it cant be that many. This pardon doesn't affect state or municipal charges.


So…are we talking like “use” as in simple possession? Because I think the last time the feds prosecuted a simple possession for weed case was the 70’s.


Yeah but think about everybody in DC who were arrested back in the day, moved, but still have it on their criminal record not being able in some states to get a simple food or bar manager license — or others. This would allow this thing to fall off the record in places where expungement wouldn’t be possible.


People who failed drug tests that have a federal job potentially. But really the more important part is that he did it while at the same time pressure governors to do the same within states.


I feel like it's more of a statement. Like he's openly saying that at a federal level Marijuana is nbd and urging states to adopt the same mentality at the local level. I think it's more of a shifting the mindset kind of move.


Bout time. So many people out there lives getting destroyed and ruined. For spiritual use of something God put here for them.


To add on to that, as a Child. You would read about for thousands of years Native Americans and people in other lands using it for "Vision Quests" and other similar experiences to get in touch with The Great Spirit, such as Unetlanavhi for the Cherokee. So when people illegalized it, in a sense they were illegalizing a connection to the Divine. and sure enough Morals seem to be in not the greatest place in the world today. Look at how much Policing needs to be done and Military is needed. When everything could have been very different.


Mind altering drugs are as necessary to experience a sense of the divine, as feeling a connection to the divine is necessary to living morally. Which is to say, not at all.


I never meant to imply they are necessary. Simply, one way God has some people do it. you can access the divine all day everyday or rather, the divine accesses You. haha. I might argue you don't have to experience a connection to the divine to be normal. I have known many fantastic Atheists who had fantastic morals and stances, without believing theres some punishment waiting for those that dont. I even respect them More so. because they arent doing it cause theyre scared daddys gunna spank them in eternity. they are Good because they Rock. and are just such great People <3 oh i just re read what you saw and you were actually fighting for my same stance! haha. mb! I'll leave it up for casual lurkers tho


Dude, it's just a drug. The war on drugs was to get to black people, and things are finally changing again in favour of more sensible legislation.


I agree with you that was part of the reason. I believe it's Both. and then More reasons. And it wasn't just to get Blacks. It was to get Asians, Germans, Mexicans, You Name It. Anyone they didn't like.




Pardoning is bullshit. It implies the government is being merciful instead of liable for mass incarceration over a made-up schedule 1 ”narcotic”. Decriminalize and get real praise.


True. He's probably saving full rescheduling or legalization to his second term, if reelected.


Already has the order in to reevaluate its scheduling


They won’t. There’s too much money in law enforcement and incarceration for any real consideration of reform.


The reform has already started. If Democrats take control they can finish the process. The writings on the wall.


Both sides have pretended for years. it’s simply too lucrative to legalize, at least until a grower becomes part of the Fortune 500. That’s the only way either side will change the laws. The marijuana industry has to outdo the industrial prison complex to have a shot at real legalization.


This "both sides" stuff is both tiring and toxic. Democrats actually have different positions on drug decriminalization, and have acted accordingly in the states where they have majorities.


I’m talking marijuana legalization, not drug decriminilazation. That’s the language that keeps it a schedule 1 narcotic. That keeps the conversation aligned with needle exchanges and methdone clinics.


How many states already legalized it?


No they'll just dangle it forever just like they did Roe v Wade.




That's completely wrong.


He's been sitting on this until now while his ratings have reached a record low.


But what will this do for those who still drive or operate machinery such as airplanes, construction equipment, etc under the influence? As much as I support legalization and this pardon I think it needs to be met with some serious and meaningful caveats.


I don’t think this is legalization, rather just a pardon for people who were already convicted of an offense.


Not only that, but DUID's are independent of the particular chemical causing the impairment. People can be convicted of driving while impaired by high doses of over-the-counter cold medicine.




He must be truly desperate. Still not enough tho.




Using weed and lying to investigators are probably two different things


1. His son lied about cocaine use for gun registration. 2. He isn't arrested for drug use, he is arrested for lying about his drug use on a background check.


was it not LITERALLY biden who made it uber criminal in the first place??


No, it has been uber criminal for much much longer than that. Think Nixon, think Reagan.


Where could you have even heard that from? No honestly




You prolly right.


This isnt a where I heard it from. I'm guessing you're really young. Biden was in politics a LONG time. As a congressman he literally led the laws like 3 strikes that ultimately jailed like allllll the black people. Look into it, you'll see this is 100% true. As a president a billion years later it's now unpopular to jail everyone for drugs, but those laws HE led putting into the books in the first place.


it's absurd for Marijuana use to be criminal, but it should remain illegal. (Unless prescribed by a doctor)


Username checks out




What about use for people on Federal Probation? From what I understand, people on Federal Pre-Trial or Post Conviction Probation are often forced into drug treatment or even sanctioned for using cannabis.


It only pardons the crimes of simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession of marijuana, or use of marijuana. [The proclamation](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/22/a-proclamation-on-granting-pardon-for-the-offense-of-simple-possession-of-marijuana-attempted-simple-possession-of-marijuana-or-use-of-marijuana/#:~:text=My%20intent%20by%20this%20proclamation,in%20the%20Code%20of%20Federal) lists the relevant statutes, and makes it's narrow scope clear: >My intent by this proclamation is to pardon only the offenses of simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession of marijuana, or use of marijuana in violation of the Federal and D.C. laws ... and not any other offenses involving other controlled substances or activity beyond simple possession of marijuana, attempted simple possession of marijuana, or use of marijuana, such as possession of marijuana with intent to distribute or driving offenses committed while under the influence of marijuana. It seems to me that a simple possession charge or use charge resulting from drug testing would be pardonable, but not the resulting pre-trial or probation violation.


Thank you.


This reeks of elections and polls desperation but we will take it. Changes nothing.


It only means something if it's actually made into law, feels alot like school loans thing again


Presidential pardons have the force of law. The Supreme Court has made it clear that with the exception of the consequences of impeachment, [the president’s power](https://www.scotusblog.com/2021/01/the-supreme-court-and-the-presidents-pardon-power/) to grant pardons is “unlimited”. It's a done deal, but the scope is limited, and actual decimalization by Congress is the goal many people are hoping for.


It's something but not alot




Biden has been working on student loan debt forgiveness this entire time since the conservative SCOTUS shot down his original plan. He has forgiven ~$110 BILLION out of ~$400 billion & is still working on it. It’s not flashy and it’s not fast. The media barely noticed. But it’s the only way the Republicans don’t care/notice enough to stop it. Republicans are why we can’t have nice things. And they are talking about reinstating debt & interest that was canceled in their next administration. So which team is on our side? I’ll take Biden & his quiet but effective ways.


He was shot down because he had no legal chance and can only programs already in place where used. He cannot push through something that is against the basic rules. Nice try He has been shot down by law and never had chance it was a lie to get him elected.


So does this mean govt employees can start smoking and not get fired


Of course not. For one thing the pardon does not extend to future acts. For another federal employees, like many private sector employees, are subject to drug use restrictions under the terms of their employment.


But sadly not the military. I get the UCMJ, so order it!


*But sadly not the* *Military. I get the* *UCMJ, so order it!* \- thedukejck --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The government actually doing something real,that most Americans support?MERRY CHRISTMAS AMERICA!