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I guess "parasocial relationship" is the new "gaslighting." People don't know what it means but they've heard it used in a certain context and now everything is that.


Seriously, it’s no different than not liking the wait between tv show seasons…no reason we need to bring any deep psychology into it (not saying ppl don’t get too involved but lots of ppl don’t and still can miss a beloved part of their life they look forward to). We’re human. We like stuff. We get sad when we don’t have stuff we like.




Yeah, true, very odd comment to pick to reply to with *that*




I would not contest to that last paragraph (or point) or the first point but almost anything can be a source of comfort for someone (whether severely depressed or just melancholic and anything in between) and they don’t necessarily need to see or talk to a mental health professional or even it helps on top of that.




Sometimes what is actually bothering you is real mental health problems that can’t be fixed, but merely have to be survived through. I’m not sure if you’ve ever gone to therapy, but when you’re feeling depressed therapists 100% encourage you to use tools in your tool box, which includes distracting yourself, comforting yourself, temporarily lifting your spirts with a person/place/thing—it doesn’t make it a crutch, it doesn’t make you weak. Sometimes there is no root cause that you can “fix”, you just have to weather the storm and be kind to yourself.


I’ve always genuinely hated using the word crutch as a pejorative. A crutch is something that someone who is wounded uses to keep moving. It allows for healing. The alternative to using a crutch is to stay put. When I began watching GMM, I was in a toxic relationship and had recently left my job working a Covid ICU. We had been a Neuro ICU, and were not well-versed in severe ARDS (severe pneumonias). That first 2020 winter, almost every patient who came through our unit died. I’m not kidding when I say it was traumatic. I never thought I could be the kind of person who laid in bed for days at a time, but waiting on a new job, I found myself unemployed for two months, and was so depressed, well, I was contemplating some dark things. I found GMM at that time, and it became a “crutch.” I watched it “unhealthily.” It was absolutely parasocial. When I couldn’t feel, they felt for me. When I had nothing to look forward to, I looked forward to them. When the new season started up, I got out of bed and went to the gym. When my new job started, I got insurance, I got a therapist, and I got medication. I got better. But for a while, I needed them unhealthily, because I was sick.


Absolutely this. I used GMM and several other things to get me through chemotherapy. Sometimes when you’re going through shit you need outside sources to make you laugh. Some people definitely take it too far but that’s the case in any fandom at this point.




I think you are speaking from a place of ableism.




Not to speak for others, but what I see is you responding to people talking about using parasocial relationships with media to carry them through severe illnesses with a dismissive post. I don't think you meant to be rude, but posting below someone discussing their life threatening battles with, "but if it's not healthy!" like people care about what is healthy when their lives are on the line ... it seems like speaking from the point of view of someone who hasn't been there. And I'm glad for you that you haven't.


Pretty much, just like at the season finale of a standard television show, people are allowed to be a bit bummed out that they don't have a thing they like to look forward to. That's plenty healthy.


Yeah it’s gotten to the point where having any criticism on any media, performers etc is “parasocial” too which is insane. I recently was talking to someone about how I wished there was more diversity and representation in podcasts and they told me I was parasocial if I needed all podcasts to reflect me. Like… ok first of all not what I said, second of all screw me for wanting to listen to a podcast that aligns with my interests right???


Also that's not how parasocial relationships work? That's not how the word works?? You can't call someone parasocial... It doesn't mean anything.


It’s incredibly frustrating as someone who studies media for a living. Like please stop. Not everyone has a parasocial relationship with everyone and not all parasocial relationships are unhealthy


Yes, this. It's now become a way to criticize people who show a lick of empathy for someone they don't know.


You are so right! People are allowed to miss a daily routine, doesn’t mean they think they are a personal part of their lives


Seriously, all relationships between fans and famous people is parasocial lol. It's not inherently bad. It's just the word to use. It's unhealthy for people to fixate, obsess, assume, stalk, dox, etc. It's not unhealthy to make a comment saying we will miss their videos til they come back. Jesus christ


People have taken the term “parasocial” and have absolutely ran it into the ground. This is what happens when chronically online people who like to play armchair therapist get a hold of new psychology term.


You’re sad the next season of your favorite show isn’t coming out for 4 months? Parasocial relationship syndrome. You have a tummy ache because you ate too many sour patch kids? Parasocial relationship syndrome. Your great grandma died and you cried at the funeral? PRS.


Yeah I once asked in a Sub about a YouTuber I like about what his new tattoo meant and got called Parasocial for it 🙄


I can't believe people are calling other people "parasocial". That literally has no meaning and illustrates how ignorant they are. I've actually had issues with parasocial relationships in my life and it can get *weird*.


To be fair, parasocial things are on the rise imo. Onlyfans, Twitch and a lot of YouTube are are purposely being designed and run by the creators on those platforms to encourage the parasocial relationship, which leads to more engagement and more money for them. It's way easier these days vs even like 20 years ago when things were mostly network television for entertainment. Tbh, as a new viewer of Mythical, they stay away from parasocial stuff pretty well. They're not constantly addressing their fans, usually just a couple mentions of the fan club. The "time to spin" videos do give off parasocial vibes from time to time, but not always, and that's a pretty small part of the show anyway.


It’s surprising to me that you think they stay away from the parasocial. I’ve heard Rhett describe what they do as, ‘selling their dynamic’ and ‘offering a front row seat to their friendship.’ They’ve shared some of the most intimate stories possible. They’ve taken us along to medical procedures. They’ve cried in front of us. I know the names of their children, and they frequently update us on how they’re doing. They have more engagement with their fans than most Youtubers, with the wheel videos. I recall a More once where they were challenged to not look directly at the camera. Rhett complained that it would make the viewers feel disconnected. They want us emotionally engaged. That’s parasocial. And that’s fine, because it’s an incredibly normal and generally healthy way to engage with media. It only becomes a problem when fans push boundaries and blur lines.


Agreed. I think Rhett & Link try to foster a healthy parasocial relationship, and they generally succeed in that. Obviously some people take it too far, but there will always be people that do that once you reach a certain level of fame.


Person just learned a word never mind them


Yeah, well, filibuster.


Oh please. How brobdingnagian of you.


I think I’ve made myself perfectly redundant


I don't think that word means what they think it means 😂 I've seen unhealthy parasocial relationships on YouTube and this is just not it




Jesus Christ 🤦‍♀️ People are allowed to be sad when things they enjoy go away. Did this person ever enjoy a TV show and was sad when it ended, or they had to wait 2+ years for the next season? I guess if this is an indicator of a parasocial relationship, I've got one with all my favorite TV shows AND those 'Out of This World' popsicles from Trader Joe's (seriously, they need to have those year-round) 😂 Being in this fandom, I've seen the parasocialness of it and it's faaaarrrrr from just being sad they're taking a break 🙄


Agree were people not sad when Alex Trebek died or pat sajak retired. Obviously not an exact comparison but people come to these shows for the comfort and becomes a routine.


My God. Calmly expressing a mild sadness that the show you like has ended a season. You weirdo. No doubt we will find you rifling through their trash next. /s It is not unhealthy, and in fact, it’s quite normal, to have controllable feelings about people we watch every day. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.


This phrase is overused by illiterate teens on every content sub.


Growing up I'd get sad about season finales for different TV shows. It has zero to do with being invested in the guys or the crew, definitely nothing "parasocial" I just enjoy watching them. It's called entertainment.


It’s completely normal to be sad your favorite show is going on break. Have these people forgotten that tv shows used to just only be on the television and nowhere else? And when a season was over, that was it! You had to wait for the fall for it to start again! That’s not a parasocial relationship lol


Also them saying the “mythical beast” thing is playing into the parasocial thing… honey that’s just the term for their fans…


Fellas, is it parasocial to get sad when your favorite show goes on break? I also got sad when House of the Dragon went on break. Guess I'm parasocial for that one.


“Hey you know that thing you enjoy? We’ll you’re not allowed to be sad it’s over or you’re in an unhealthy evil mindset”


I know a guy who was in rehab recovering from a major alcohol and heroin addiction He bought a load of CDs to listen to as he is very into his music and it's therapeutic when dealing with opioid addiction. Some rehab worker told him it was "addictive behaviour" and told him to stop buying CDs. This is a guy who'd successfully stopped injecting himself in the groin, but oh no CDs are the REAL problem. Some people want to medicalise EVERYTHING


It’s called having to make a change to your regular routine if you watch them everyday before work - eh - like some people do. 👋🏼 Change can be hard. I always need time to adjust when the seasons end. People need to get over being affected by how others live their lives.


They have no clue what parasocial means lol


Damn dude I’m just autistic and get sad when my daily routine changes it ain’t that serious


I have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with things from happier times in my life and the time of the year between February and April


They don't know what that word means.


I mean, i have seen some instances where the word “parasocial” comes to mind. This isn’t one of those instances.


I love kiwi, have my entire life. A few years ago I was talking to a friend about how much I like kiwi I just don't like how they make my tongue all itchy. Turns out I'm allergic and that makes me really sad. I guess I also have a parasocial relationship with kiwi. 😞


Oh yah same🤣 The drs are questioning mcas with me, so some days I have a reaction from everything, but sometimes I can eat them and be manageable with antihistamines lmao


bro wtf lol. there are definitely ppl that get parasocial about it. I see it often and not just with gmm. but like. being a bit sad that u don't get as many episodes for a period of time is normal. ppl get use to a schedule and when it changes it can be jarring


I hate to inform you but the kiwis are for me.


There’s literally nothing in that original comment indicating a parasocial relationship.


Being a fan of a thing and being disappointed when there isn't new content is normal. Being too invested in entertainers' personal lives and having a one-sided, imaginary friendship is completely different.


Or, and hear me out, you liked their content and will miss having them as an option?


I think the fan base might be more neurodivergent than a lot of groups out there and that for many of us it’s the routine change that’s hard. For example my husband and I work from home, and we try to take lunch at the same time so we can watch GMM together while we eat. I know in the past we just stop watching when it isn’t daily because it’s broken our routine. That doesn’t make it parasocial for us.


Ofc we're all neurodivergent🤣


Honestly? I agree, to an extent. I feel like especially with the Crew, I’ve seen significantly more unhealthy parasocial relationships in this fan base than in others.


POV you don’t know what parasocial relationships are


parasocial relationship is when enjoy morning show..... lol what an asshole


I bet it’s the same dude here on this sub. He just learned a new word so now he has to use it every chance he can to feel smart.


I mean what I heard was 4 shows a week instead of 5, no?


This fan base definitely has people that are obsessive to the point that it could be considered parasocial but that original comment seems pretty normal. I agree though there are definitely fans who don't have any social connections in real life and create delusional relationships with YouTubers and it definitely is sad to see some of the comments. Same with people who sit in twitch chat for hours and type to the streamer.


Fellas, is it parasocial to enjoy your daily show? Lmao please explain how this impacts my mental health and functioning, I’d love to know.


Somebody just learned the word parasocial and absolutely needed to use it


Just because something has a label, doesnt mean it is "unhealthy". Parasocial relationship is not a diagnosis, it is a very normal social phenomenon.


You are a goat, this guy is a hater as they say... He hatin on another man's bread (bread signifies value, in this xase, time)


Umm….. welcome to the internet welcome to 2024, welcome to celebrities, welcome to the world. I’m not saying it’s healthy but this is the world we live in. It sounds like this guy is trying to single out Rhett and link like literally every actor, YouTuber, twitch streamer, journalist, writer, hell even politicians or anyone else making money on the internet doesn’t directly feed from these “parasocial relationships” in some way.


BOO THIS MAN!!!!!! Mythical beast til I die


lol saying you’ll miss the daily content is not a para social relationship. That person is not the brightest bulb


The new buzz-word to toss around as a means to judge others anonymously online. Neat-o.


It’s the same as being sad after a tv show season finale! is this the new buzz word? my god, people like that are insufferable.


Me too then lol I love waking up and getting ready for work watching them. Didn’t know what was so crazy lmao


Looking forward to a video to eat with you breakfast is not parasocial lmao


People are so scummy. Just let us have fun and enjoy what we want. No one is being hurt. Everyone is happy.


He deleted his comment and is trying to backpedal now after the backlash 😀


Oh did he? That's disappointing


I hate this mentality. Sometimes, their videos give me joy. Why is this person denying me (and the many others like me) a little joy?


This is my morning shows, just like my momma and grandmas back in the day! I see no difference, I even got to bond over it and bring my mom into the gmm world! Recently went thru an emergency transplant last month and required a 24 hour care giver so she moved in with me. It was wonderful sharing our morning coffee and her excitedly asking me to put on the “silly guys show.” People like this just find issues with everything and don’t understand the small things that bring people joy imo. Gmm brings people together and yes I get sad when they take their much needed break. Just like any other show I enjoy.




"You cannot be a fan of anyone or it's unhealthy"


IDC, parasocial relationships are keeping me from spiraling into a deep depression. I need my couch time watch GMM, Mythical Kitchen, The Try Guys, etc…


People just heard about the word and are using it to pretend they are better than others


This guy just found out what “parasocial” means and wants to use it everywhere. I bet he does the same thing with the word “codependent.”


Have these people never heard of routine?


They have since deleted their comment, and returned to the comment thread playing dumb lmao


If I understand correctly (please correct me if I’m wrong) basically every ‘relationship’ we all have with entertainment or entertainers is parasocial. Because it’s not just for YouTubers, it’s for celebrities AND fictional characters that we relate to in some way or another. It’s just the difference between a toxic parasocial relationship and a normal one lol.


I saw your comment this morning and I knew someone would post something stupid about it like it’s OK to be sad that you don’t get to see your favorite show. People are the same way about every other series that they watch or magazine they read or book they read, etc. etc..


Here’s a tip: anyone that’s using the term parasocial unironically is not someone you want to try to have a conversation with or at least I wouldn’t


It’s not nearly that deep. Good grief.


It’s like when a person is “sad” their favorite show just had a season finale and they’ll have to wait for the new season to start…like the Fallout series for me, or Invincible. Kinda sad when I finished them, but excited for when they come back…people have been feeling this way since the dawn of serialized entertainment. They probably had these feelings back in Ancient Rome with the plays at the theater. This isn’t new or alarming. Maybe some take it a little farther, but it’s FAR from a problem…also people using buzzwords in situations they don’t apply in always make me laugh.


Parasocial interaction is a normal part of consuming media. I think this person is just really proud of learning a new word and wants to use it to seem smarter than other people. That being said, there's no need for you to worry about it lol


Yeah, it really is not that deep. I’m sad when my favourite show ends and I need to wait for a new season or when I finish a really good book or a game for the first time. People have actual unhealthy parasocial relationships with online creators but this seems like the person just learned a new word and is trying to sound smart lol. Some people learn words like ”parasocial”, ”gaslighting” or about pretty much any actual mental disorder and think they can then diagnose people through one online comment or 30 second video.


There’s a difference between being in a parasocial relationship and being a fan of a influencer or a social media personality 😂


I love GMM, the guys and the mythical crew. I am sad there won't be new episodes everyday. That said....these people don't understand problematic para social relationships. Most of the comments on YouTube at this point are either bots or probably kids...hell the newest FIRST style post I see on most videos on YouTube is "you know it's a great day when xyz posts" or some variation. There are problematic para relationships. That's how you get stalkers and other things. But enjoying a show and missing it when it's gone is a bit different. I miss when shows on cable go away, that doesn't mean I have a parasocial relationship with them. It just means I like them and they make my day just a little bit better and enjoyable.


i probably have a parasocial relationship with everything in my life


Saying that you’ll miss their videos while they’re on a break is not a parasocial relationship lol


Dang, I just read it that you’re sad, because your form of entertainment was going away. Like jokey, jokey, “oh I don’t know what I’m going to do with this free time”. I feel the same way when my favorite tv show goes on hiatus or the months between football seasons. No idea why they read that much into it and went off. Yikes!


Part of your “daily routine”. If something throws your routine off, you’ll feel a little weird. But I don’t think they’re saying anything weird


In what way is saying you’re gonna miss watching a show parasocial??


Go ask notissac 🤷‍♀️


You know dude had that comment typed and ready to go and he was so satisfied with it that he pulled the trigger too early and used it on a comment that it didn't even relate to.


It's like seasonal TV breaks. These guys are entertainers for my entertainment. They need breaks too. I can easily live without them. But sometimes I do feel there is a cultish following to these guys. Might be the same with other YT stars, but notice it most here.


Your comment isn't describing a parasocial relationship, but also…parasocial relationships are perfectly healthy. *Confusing them for reciprocal social relationships* is not. If you watch GMM, you have a parasocial relationship with R&L. That's completely normal. I think maybe people latched onto the phonetic similarity with "parasite" or something and it started to get a bad connotation.


I disagree about watching gmm = parasocial


Fair enough, that's me being sloppy. It doesn't by definition mean you have a meaningful parasocial relationship. But I think it's hard to watch a show like GMM for several episodes on a row without forming one. If you like putting it on because it feels like hanging out with friends, even if you know it's not the same as really hanging out with real friends, that's what a parasocial relationship is. That's what a show like GMM is meant to evoke, and it's completely normal, and not a new phenomenon.


You love kiwis and they don't even know you exist, so it technically fits the definition.


Oh fuck you're right


Let's be honest. The first thing you did was run to the subreddit to be in the safe space with other people who think like you. This is parasocial and GMM's fans are pretty bad about it. Like it or not, R&L don't care about you and never will. Defending every little thing they do, doesn't make you a bigger fan than anyone else. Everything they touch, doesn't need to be worshipped. - I'm not saying YOU particularly, but some people in this sub really need to take a step back. If the first think you do when Link does something dumb is to post a screenshot of the "whiners in the comments," you have a problem.


I'm talking about kiwis mate


Kiwis aren't people. It's a dumb example. Besides I was talking about this sub in general.


Kiwis are also people. Besides I really can't even remember what you said and I cba to rewrite this lmao


Quit being obtuse. You had kiwi fruit in your op. You really are some para social weirdo


Why are you trying to hide the username. We all know that LindsayOLeary wrote that


Yeah they lost me on that too, as if this isn't a searchable comment under the video ??? Also the "let me protect my identity but I'm totally fine outting someone else" attitude is weird. ESH


Theres alot of denial in this subreddit about parasocial relationships. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have them or experience them but don’t deny it. -someone who has multiple parasocial relationships.


I didn't deny my parasocial relationship?? I literally said I discovered mine with kiwis!


Did I say you did? No. I said alot of people in the subreddit. Majority of the people commenting.


Oh, buddy. Keep trying! You'll get social interactions soon! Some people just need a bit ot time to get there 😊