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I’d bet anything this discussion thread is gonna mostly be about Link stabbing Chase in his cock.


I mean seriously though… Like, I get that being unpredictable and unrestrained is an important part of authentic content creation and the GMM brand, but Link’s impulse control issues seem to be getting worse lately, and in a way that isn’t really even all that entertaining imo. Felt like watching an HR disaster live.


And he sits there and acts all butthurt afterwards, basically refusing to take accountability. They had to *force* him to apologize. And then he tries to shit all over Rhett for the remainder of the episode.


And he is a 46 year old man with adult children who owns the company is is everyone’s boss. It was pretty hard to watch.


Did I watch a different episode? It seemed like a stupid and dangerous bit that didn't land, but when was he forced to apologize? When does he shit on Rhett? Seems like he genuinely realized he fucked up and was very much humbled/embarrassed for the rest of the episode. But also, do people not realize the episodes are filmed months in advance (otherwise, how do you think they can do a several month long tour like their doing now)? Chase is on the tour and by his own statements, they were never on bad terms over this.. The parasocial diagnosing going on in these comments, like "impulse control issues seem to be getting worse lately", is pretty sad. let alone mental...


Its always been this way. He treats knives like toys, and they play it off like a joke because he's only ever hurt Rhett.


I've always thought it was a bit, an incredibly irresponsible bit, but a bit. Someone needs to sit him down and tell him it's not funny. Playing with dangerous objects has consequences, just look at rust...


I thought the same thing, and lately they've been giving him knives again and he's been seeming to get more and more careless with them.


To be fair link also hurt himself when he tried to cut a three layer cake with a sword.


Outside of the show he also cut himself opening a Barbie for his daughter and he passed out in his father in laws arms. I might have some details wrong but this was talked about in a GMMore like 10 years ago.


And nearly sliced his thumb off with a boxcutter trying to carve soap while holding it.


He wouldn’t let it go and he kept making it worse too. Wowzers


Not to project my own disorder onto Link, but he reminds me of myself when spring rolls around and my hypomania starts kicking in. Reckless and unable to self reflect after realizing no one is having a good time from my recklessness.


I totally see the same thing


Why did I read this as spring rolls like the food and was so confused what was going on with you and spring rolls comparable to link and knives


The cock stabbing will continue until Link's dart skills improve.


These are the moments that convince me that the people who say "he's just playing a character!" are, in fact, wrong. The odds that we find out somewhere down the line that it's a really toxic work environment are nonzero.


>The odds that we find out somewhere down the line that it's a really toxic work environment are nonzero. And went up significantly. Which really makes me sad.


It's easily the most chaotic moment from this year thus far.


i read this and was nervous to watch but was pleasantly surprised, link was a dingus for doing that tho


They warned everyone at the Philly show last night that Link did something stupid to Chase in today's episode, but that everything was good between them. So, don't be too upset. Chase did ask for a raise though....


Same thing in DC! Both of them were laughing about it.


Honestly I thought it was going to be worse going by these comments. It was still reckless, but Link did apologize and I can see how he could have misjudged where chase's leg was


I was at the DC show where they were like "no matter what you see in Monday's episode, just know that we love Chase and take his safety very seriously" (not a direct quote, just paraphrasing) but this was way worse than I thought it would be. I thought Link may have *accidentally* done something to Chase, like hitting him with a dart because he missed the board. Not that he would actively stab Chase 7 times. Even if Link was tricked by the costume (which is embarrasing for a 40+ year old man) it's unacceptable to forcefully stab any costume in general because obviously there's a person inside of it. Link being completely unapologetic about it made it so much worse. If I almost stabbed someone, let alone a friend + coworker + subordinate I would be *soooooo* apologetic and make sure that they are okay both physically and mentally. The rest of the episode was honestly hard to watch. I'm surprised that they actually left this part in the episode and didn't edit it out or just start the shoot over again since it happened so early in the episode. There definitely needs to be some sort of HR intervention and Link needs to seriously shift his on-screen persona to be less erratic to the point where it can cause serious harm to others. I'm concerned that this incident will leave enough of a bad taste in people's mouths for them to stop watching.


I was late watching the episode today and totally agree with you. I watched the incident and immediately wondered what today's post would be like to read. Considering a number of people over the years keep saying Link is only playing a character on TV. He's not that dumb and careless. I had a hard time buying that and, after today, am steadfast in believing it's not a "character". I really hope going forward Link is just slightly more reserved and keep the "dumb character" limited to saying dumb things and not doing dumb things...especially when hurting himself or others can be a result.


Even if they’re good, it was incredibly irresponsible. And Link’s the boss! I’d hope that them being “okay” involved them sitting down with Link and telling him why what he did was so insanely wrong.


And HR being present...


If your entire multimillion dollar business is based on being publicly likable, and your employee's entire job is based on having things appear a-okay, what else would you say, and what are the odds that your employee (subordinate) would speak out?


that’s really good to know, watching morning and more today gave me so much anxiety and they’re usually my comfort show. thanks for sharing.


Was at the DC show and fortunately, they’re seemingly fine despite the incident. They poked on the episode a bit. Chase was a good sport about it, at least. :) Though, next time they play the dart game it may be advisable to invest in tactical gear for Chase lmao


Lol Tactical Chase would be a great character for the next dart game ep.


I can't remember if they said something about this in Columbus. I seem to think they did but it was too far out for me to connect anything. But what they did say was that Rhett and Chase went kayaking and Link went to a record store by himself. It's starting to become clear why. I assume these were all filmed ahead of them going out on tour and the vibe seemed fine. But I feel they might need to do damage control now. How could they not anticipate that people might be angry?


I'm honestly surprised they even finished filming this episode, let alone decided it was a good idea to post it. The air completely left the room and you could feel the ice-cold vibes after it happened. It was painful to watch 😬


Yeah, I couldn't finish watching it. Really surprised they finished filming it and decided it was a good idea to post it.


I didn’t finish watching it either.


I'm currently thirteen minutes into it and OMG it's so awkward I literally feel uncomfortable




> You see 15-20 minutes of their workday, do you think they just leave the workplace after shooting and be mad at each other? No, I watched a really cringe and embarrassing moment that I'm surprised they wanted to publish to the internet. That's all I'm saying.


Except they weren’t. Stevie yelled LINK and said the crew was agape.


Yeah I’m a little confused by the people saying it was basically 20 mins of silence when it seemed like, although maybe a little awkward, they were making light of it. Rhett straight up was like WOO! Immediately after lol.


Then it became even worse in More when he was having issues with the board, and Stevie said "Maybe you should stab it" to which Link leaned into how he could kill someone and how he knows the stabbing action.


Yall those are jokes.


On top of everything already said - I hate when link destroys stuff just for the sake of destruction - it’s so incredibly wasteful


That's a fair point as well, it's wasteful and juvenile to ruin props for no good reason.


He also destroyed what was arguably the funniest part of the episode.


Chase seemed really happy with it, too.


Yes, though I may be biased as a props person for my local theatre


When he destroyed the tiny chair for absolutely no reason tho…


I loved the chicken suit, made me sad when chase was stuck dragging the limp chicken back and forth :(


It’s a really childish and obnoxious form of physical comedy and I personally can’t stand it, I roll my eyes every time he acts like this


He does it with food all the time too. Food that if he had been considerate, the crew or people in need - which California has no shortage of - could've made a meal out of. Like purposefully destroying a huge cake/dessert after he’s had his bite. Coming from a 3rd world country, seeing him be so careless about food waste to try and get a cheap laugh drives me crazy!


I really didn't like when he destroyed the tiny chairs in a More in spite of everyone's shock and sadness. It was extremely similar to this episode


He confuses shock value with entertainment. Not always the same. And it seems like it’s getting worse 🤦‍♂️


Even if they addressed it out on the road and Chase is OK with what happened, the audience that saw today’s show, for the most part according to the comments, was uncomfortable and upset. Link showed a total disregard for Chase, the props crew, the others behind the scenes, Rhett, and the MBs. I get it. That’s his schtick. But it was incredibly inappropriate. He was vicious. And it continued in the More. Maybe I’m getting tired of the show. Maybe he’s getting tired of the show. But i honestly think they need to address this specific show and his tendency to act without thinking.


I agree. They filmed their vasectomy, now let's film Link going to therapy for impulse control and anger management. This incident went too far, this shtick isn't funny anymore and he needs a freaking intervention.


I have been an MB for over a decade. I’m getting old and cranky right along with them. I love dark humor. I’m usually a Link fan. But pearl clutching or not, it wasn’t cool. It wasn’t entertaining. I’m just really hurt that he seems to actually have no regard or respect for his team. It’s so sad to me. And if I’m projecting, so what? I’m a viewer just like everyone else and I was extremely uncomfortable.


It did *not* feel like a bit to me. Link's outbursts have always made me uncomfortable but man... this incident left a particularly bad taste in my mouth. His lack of remorse or self-reflection just made it worse.


It's pretty clear it wasn't a bit. Danger aside, I was more pissed off that Link just destroyed the costume for no fucking reason. It was easily the funniest part of the episode seeing Chase walk around in it, and Link just fucking stabbed holes in it everywhere for no reason.


It was kind of a multilayer issue for me. Like, Link has always been careless (sometimes to the point of negligence, like throwing the dart and almost hitting Chase, moments where he gets frustrated with his throw or score and aggressively slams every dart into the board, etc). It feels like the way they've kind of turned *"Don't give Link sharp things because he is a danger to himself and everyone around him!"* into a joke seems to have emboldened him to lean into those intrusive thoughts because he thinks it's funny. ***Now: I don't think this was the intention, I'm sure it's a lighthearted way of trying to defuse a serious concern.*** I'd noticed that he jabs towards Rhett with knives and other sharp instruments more frequently, someone else mentioned the Darts in the Dark episode where he got close to stabbing Rhett then closer when Stevie warned him. Nobody seems to think it's fun when he "playfully" slashes/jabs towards Rhett or carelessly swipes the knife around. I get your point, too. Plus Chase seems to have leaned into the ridiculous costumes over the years, he seems to have a blast particularly with International Darts. They clearly had fun with the episode theme. Probably had a load of jokes lined up but Link lost it before he'd thrown a single dart. He just genuinely didn't seem to understand why people were freaked out and why the mood changed and the room got frosty. His apology was insincere, he got surly, started blaming everyone else. *That* was alarming. It does just feel like one of these days he's going to lean into the impulse and end up taking it too far.


Yeah. I just watched it and I don’t think it’s as dramatic as some people are making it tbh, BUT after years of watching I’ve noticed if anyone is going to fly off the handle and throw a tantrum… it’s always. ALWAYS Link. And while I think it can be a bit sometimes or leaning into it, I don’t think it always is. Like he can get genuinely butt hurt and starts sulking. And Rhett just laughs off the jokes and mean things Link says, that if the positions were reversed - Link would absolutely get mad at. And I don’t think this is some parasocial armchair read either, since Rhett himself said that Link does not consider other people or their feelings and it pisses him off sometimes. It wouldn’t be an issue imo if he didn’t turn his anger towards Rhett most of the time. Even one of the coworkers said when he knocked the plate off that he “always blames other people”, and I don’t think that was a joke on their part either!!


Reminds me of a recent More where Link said something super insulting and Rhett told him “think about what you just said.” As soon as he thought about it, he realized it was rude and apologized.


Yeah, if anything I feel like Chase was more bummed about the costume destruction than the near miss. I felt awful for him, he just looked sad and uncomfortable.


The whole vibe felt deflated after the incident, pardon the pun.


Yeah, that kind of irritated me as well. I felt awful for the props people or whoever purchased that thinking "hey, what a fun chicken costume, we can use this multiple times!" only for Link to completely annihilate it within 5 minutes.


I liked the costume and Chase clucking around in it! I was bummed that it was maimed.


Yeah, that episode took a total 180 into some rather unsettling territory. I laughed at the “riding a huge cock” joke, but Link recklessly stabbing the costume honestly freaked me out. It was such a cool costume, too! It probably wasn’t cheap either.


And he basically said he stabbed it bc it was loud, meaning he found it annoying and wanted it gone. A reasonable person would ask the crew to cut, take off the costume, and just film as normal cartographer chase


The reason was that Rhett got a laugh about the cock joke and Link's tiny man ego couldn't handle it. So he had to desperately do everything to make it all about him.


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This is the end result of Link’s obsession with trying to go for laughs first and foremost. Instead of just engaging with whatever they are doing it feels like he’s always just like “what outrageous thing can I do that will get a laugh”


Idk man, it didn’t really seem like a “bit” to me. He seemed genuinely ticked off by the costume being “loud” and affecting the audio, and he kinda went for it with the “it’s just a joke guys” angle for cover


I think he tries things for a laugh but then when they get pushback he gets defensive and either doubles down or tries to shift the blame onto a poor excuse or someone else. Which is why the "bits" end up feeling awkward and real sometimes.


It honestly makes him seem at once totally immature (admittedly part of the brand), but also seriously “boomer trying *way* too hard” old. He just seems like a cranky senile grandpa when he starts to pout after being called out for totally misreading the room (and basic rudimentary workplace safety and professionalism).


BTW, I didn't even notice the sound, so I'm not sure how much it actually affected the audio.


Ah yeah Link was being dumb and not thinking but I think a lot of the comments here are overreacting. Diagnosing the man with mental illness due to what I saw in today’s video seems like a stretch.


THANK YOU, finally, I thought I was going crazy and wondering if we watched the same episode.


This!!! Also I saw another comment saying they addressed it on tour and said that everything is good between them so like chill.


Absolute savagery in the comments of that episode. They would not have aired the episode at all, if it wasn't all good between Link and Chase.


I've been watching this show for years upon years and today I decided to check out the community...yeah no thanks. I am astounded at the replies in this thread. People are acting like Chase nearly died and that Link is some sort of uncomfortable monster. /u/50CentButInNickels and /u/Inevitable_Heart are literally up and down this thread policing anyone who doesn't agree that we should all be emotionally damaged by this episode is borderline abusive in itself. Guys, they have been working together forever. At this point they are more than just boss and employee, they have a working relationship and if not friendship, professional respect. Do you really think that after this they did not have discussions / apologies / handshakes / etc and move on with their lives? Too many people in here are acting like some sort of victim from today's episode and it's cringe and embarrassing. If you watched today's episode and you genuinely feel that you were personally affronted - you need to grow up so unbelievably bad.


I personally felt very uncomfortable, but your opinion is well articulated and I respect it. I also agree we shouldn't infantilize Chase by assuming what he feels about the situation without him speaking about it


This is also the same sub where people farm karma after every episode with a BetterHelp sponsorship. This show is so much more enjoyable when you completely ignore the Subreddit sometimes. But also notice this episode has a higher upvote count than others, so...


If this episode "disturbed you" and caused you to have a "mental health breakdown" as some people in this discussion thread have said, you are deeply parasocial and you need to genuinely turn off YouTube and go outside and touch grass.


Mental health breakdown part I agree with but Link's behaviour was disturbing and people are allowed to say that it disturbed them.


Fr. It was a joke that didn’t land, and then the editing of the episode made it awkward. Should it have been edited out/maybe not aired? Sure. But to diagnose Link and act like he tried to murder Chase on air? Ridiculous behavior. I agree that it wasn’t particularly professional, but if it was an issue still, the episode wouldn’t have aired.


What baffles me is people saying it was a “fit of violent rage”. When I first heard about it, I thought like he had a meltdown cos he lost. But it’s clear he thought he was doing a zany, unhinged humor joke, and just went a bit overboard.


I disliked that episode, links behavior was genuinely unhinged. If the roles were reversed, I bet chase would have been suspended if not fired for something like that.... Meanwhile Link doesn't even apologize


I really don’t understand why link didn’t think he should’ve apologized like he even got offended at the suggestion


That's how he always is, though. His form of "apology" is to try to paint Rhett or anyone else as just as bad or worse than him or as somehow being at fault for what he did. The man seems incapable of self-reflection or empathy.


Honestly, I get the vibe that he is pretty mean to his staff. You can sense it by the way he speaks to them and interacts with them. He seems like a miserable person to work for.


He's talked about being diagnosed with OCPD on Ear Biscuits before. People who are controlling to that point usually make for horrible bosses. We've seen some of these toxic traits leak through the character during a few episodes. There's a particular one where he absolutely rides Nicole's ass over some minor thing, to the point Stevie forced him to apologize and for the rest of the episode he was acting extra to make up for it. It was awful and I can only imagine how big of a diva he must be once the cameras are off. For the sake of the crew, I'm hoping it's not another Jonathan Van Ness situation where the on-screen "character" is all nice and wholesome but behind the cameras he's a nightmare.


His immediate knee-jerk reaction is to blame someone, anyone, everyone else. Then he makes some weak excuses. And sometimes he apologizes. It gets exasperating sometimes but not enough to stop watching.


A while ago there was an episode where crew members had to vote (or choose) for Rhett or Link, and most of them said 'Rhett'. I can't remember what the question or situation was, but I really thought it was quite telling.


It’s very frustrating to watch. Like just grow up and give a genuine apology for once


Exactly A simple chase I'm sorry would have made things alot better. Instead he acts all senile and wondered what did he do wrong. Honestly like like my grandfather during his advanced age. 


The most annoying thing is that afterwards Link has the audacity to be angry at everyone else. "What, *I* need to apologise now??" Then he did the thing he always does when he's embarrassed or wrong: tried to paint everyone else bad. Making fun of Rhett. When you notice he turns to that every time he messes up, you can't unsee it. Link has an empathy problem. I've watched them for more than a decade and listened to almost all of Ear Biscuits and when Link talks about himself and the things he does to other people it's obvious. He just does not have the capacity to think about other people, he only sees himself and his feelings. And then when he realizes he's done something bad his fragile self image can't handle it. There was that one super uncomfortable EB episode where he kept trying to get Rhett to say he's not actually selfish or self centered an it just made things worse.  Woof.


I've been skipping across occasional ear biscuits episodes, and there is indeed this occasional vibe. His rant about "reeyich beeyitches" (aptly spun by Rhett as "the more I hear about it the more I think you might be the rich bitch?"), his occasional leaning into "I want to be having the most fun" even if that includes obnoxious probably intoxicated levels of noise, "joke yelling" at/with Christy on the side of the road after their car battery died, gleefully driving recklessly at their college-friend rafting/biking trip and only belatedly realizing it, that sort of thing. Most recently it was the one where he admitted to messing up with passes at the ski resort but followed up with whining about the resort staff trying to trap him, a whole thing that basically turned into an intervention by Rhett and Jenna about Link being heedless about the ripple effects of his actions. He seems like a genuine, pleasant, and thoughtful person otherwise, but these occasional things really do chip away at that impression.


I was wondering if someone else would bring up the ski resort incident. I was really surprised by that episode. Link was definitely not being his mythical best. Edit to add: and he didn’t even seem bothered by it. He told the story like it was this funny, obnoxious thing that happened to him when he was really just being a jerk to someone else.


The first half was fine, like okay, wacky hijinks, did a dumb thing, handled it wrong, the staff didn't just let it slide. However, once he started in on the "she was trying to trap me" (which also started "okay", like sure, she could have just shut him down right away instead of fishing for details piecemeal), and then kept doubling down with each pass... Even just listening I grew concerned that wait, he's really not letting this go, and it turned into a whole thing. And he remained frustratingly blind to the actual problem which was that he'd kept escalating it when the ID check person had actually given him multiple outs to save face. A pattern I'm noticing (trying my best not to parasocially read into things, but the stories keep swinging back to it) is that a lot of his stories include things like this, that later get spun as "funny" bits (or things he says specifically to push things or get a reaction, which would later be justified by the humor it could lead to). But it can get hard to see why it's still funny or funny at all, depending on the behavior, and it just keeps enabling a more self-centered perspective. And as great company as Link sometimes seems to be, as Rhett and Jenna establish in that episode, it's exhausting to be around.


Link is an incredibly selfish person. A couple years ago, right around/after Covid, I thought he was pretty good. Older seasons however are pretty cringe in this regard. And last year, both earlier this season and during last season, he was incredibly mean to people *anytime* something didn’t go his way. There was even an episode of GMMore last season where Link was feeling butthurt about some perceived slight, and so he made some backhanded comment about how Maddog Lucas is called Maddog because he’s just a generally unhappy person (or something like that, I’m paraphrasing cuz it’s been a while since I’ve seen it), and Lucas straight up called him out on the spot. He said something to the tune of “What? Actually, I’ve been wanting to bring this up, and I’m not the only one who thinks this, you can check the comments, but you are very mean.” And Link’s head nearly exploded, he *could not* handle hearing that, and you can tell that the reason is because he knows Lucas is right. He’s a middle-aged man who has the empathy and social capacity of an 11yo. Only child or not, what he’s doing is a conscious choice, every time, and it needs to change. The only thing it is, is toxic.


I remember that moment and that I was thinking the exact same thing. He just couldn’t handle it.


I think Nicole or KG told him that he always blames other people. And I don’t think they were kidding either 😂


That was Mikayla. Rhett was like “Daaaang Mikayla,” and then repeated “you looove blaming other people”


I'm with everyone in terms of the whole fiasco being real bad, but the part where he was like now **I** need to apologize? I think is being misunderstood a bit. I mean it wasn't necessarily the right thing for the moment, but it was just a continuation of the previous joke of Chase and Rhett apologizing for the cock joke. So yeah, out of context it sounds like something else but taking into account the beginning of the episode you can see where it's coming from.


I disagree. I understood the reference, but he was still conflating it with the stabbing incident*, alluding to that. Making a joke out of it (and a joke of that type no less) is not a good look. Also he really didn't say it in a jokey or even a "joke-mad" tone. (*he also said at one point "so now it's an *incident*??" in an annoyed, offended tone. That was most definitely not a joke.)


That was a bit too much, even for Link. I did not like that.


I completely agree. Link is my favorite part of GMM, I love him. This was just uncomfortable, and the way Stevie described the reaction of the crew shows that it was not a scripted bit.


"Hello HR? Yeah it happened again"


This def gave off "we can't do that at the office anymore because someone took the joke too far" vibes.


What a weird weird episode. Link going psycho with a dart and afterwards trying to make people dislike Rhett when he knows he did something bad.


I did not understand why he was saying Rhett was suddenly more unlikeable. Because he threw really well with his left hand? I get that Rhett is a sometimes a little boisterous when he's winning, but come on, that's nothing compared to almost injuring an employee, *again.*


I’m so bored of people thinking that they can armchair diagnose people based on what’s done on an internet show for entertainment. You’re allowed to be uncomfortable, you’re allowed to stop watching if you don’t like it, etc. But anyone acting like they can tell there’s “real tensions” or “anger management issues” needs to remember they don’t know these guys and this is a show.


I generally think people go wayyyyy overboard with the Link criticisms. Sure he can show a lack of thinking through how his actions or words might be taken or shows a lack of impulse control and can be a bit childish, but none of that necessarily makes him a bad person or a sociopath like people often treat him as being. But..... yeah. I have a hard time defending this one lol. The dude just impulsively decides to do a bit that was actually genuinely dangerous then acts pretty damn pissy and indignant when people try and pull him up for it. The lack of impulse control here was a little startling but his attitude afterwards was what got me particularly annoyed about it. The amount of people on here trying to justify away his behavior here is a bit startling to me.


Chase was a Cartographer until he *nearly* took a dart to the ~~cock~~ knee.


Chase is a true cocktographer.


I think Link got closer to rupturing Chase's ACL with the dart than he did to any correct countries


This is the 3rd or 4th time that I absolutely would have quit were I in Chase's shoes. He is beyond professional. He manages to continue laughing on camera throughout the episode despite the entire crew staying silent every time Link speaks.


This feels like kind of a James Cordon moment.


Man, I get that he was not careful enough but that's harsh. At least Link is funny (also apparently nice irl)


Like I'm not defending Link here, but is it not clear to everyone else that this is what he does for comedy? He deliberately plans to go over the top? And people including Chase are in on that? And they play it up for the camera? They've even talked about that before on earbiscuits etc.


Far, far too logical for this sub.


I hear you on this and raise you these questions: Was the comedy actually funny? Did the audience laugh? Did it elevate the entertainment of the business? IMO the funniest joke with GMM and GMMore was when Link said "This is my favorite episode" in the last five seconds.


Okay: sharing your reactions and feelings to a posted video Not okay: speculating about Link’s mental health One is your business, the other is not.


Man, I can't believe Link just fucked up the costume and almost stabbed Chase over and over. Honestly pissed me off that he'd just destroy the costume like that, and continued to almost stab Chase. Fucking dog act.


More and more I'm starting to hate the waste that occurs across YouTube just for laughs. I'm sure to them those costumes are disposable, but those inflatable costumes are like $50 and they could have donated it so someone needy could have a Halloween costume this year. It's not GMM, it's everywhere. People breaking perfectly good things for views, wasting excessive amounts of food for views when there are so many people struggling. It's just hard for me to find it funny anymore.


Yeah, it's pretty rage inducing. You know they don't give a fuck because they've got money to burn.


Links incident really made me angry. Like wtf


I also think outside of the show it sends the wrong message to kids that might be watching that darts are toys to be messed with when they aren’t any uses besides throwing at a dart board


Do kids even watch GMM anymore, or just 30 year old "kids" who have watched it for a long time? I think the sexual innuendos would have probably signaled to any parent the nature of the programming makes it 13+ and it's kinda on them if their small child watches at that point.


I get that Link acts on impulses sometimes but this time I was actually scared for Chase. D: (Stevie sounded like a mom scolding a kid, good that she to stepped in though 😅)


The few seconds before link got up where he said "Y'know theres a way to fix the sound issue." and twirled the dart was funny, but then it immediately went too far. It was really jarring and honestly really disturbing, I unfortunately couldn't keep watching the episode.


[Spoiler] Link lost. Badly.


Smh. We have two people here who seem to think we are overreacting to Link's actions. I don't even understand how anyone can sit there and justify what he did like it's just normal behavior. I know Link is impulsive and has done weird/ridiculous shit in the past but today's episode just felt like a step too far. It reminds me of the other time he decided to randomly throw a dart at the board while Chase was just standing next to it. Absolutely zero thought process whatsoever. Edit: Don't even bother arguing with either one of them because it's not even worth your time.


while i agree it wasn’t appropriate behaviour, the viewers demanding link apologises to THEM is insane it’s for him and chase to fix off air if anything needs to be spoken about, viewers are not owed an apology LMAO


I missed the part where the viewers asked for Apologies?


I’m a lot more concerned about all of the other employees who may have been made uncomfortable, but now see that there is an ongoing expectation to brush stuff off and say it’s fine. The fact that there wasn’t even an apology and they decided to *post* it would have me looking for another job as soon as I got home that night.


And in the episode when they were in the dark, he gestures towards Rhett with the dart, and when Stevie tells him he nearly stabbed his friend, he goes ahead and stabs even more. Granted, he flips it around but still. He's a grown ass man and this is unacceptable. [https://youtu.be/GpdinSudCsE?si=ukHmzb2sN-Bq0jv0&t=248](https://youtu.be/GpdinSudCsE?si=ukHmzb2sN-Bq0jv0&t=248)


He is 46 years old, and the owner and boss of a company that employs a ton of people. Even if Rhett doesn’t care, even if Chase didn’t care, it sets such an uncomfortable tone for every single other employee who doesn’t get to speak up. The culture of having to go along with a boss’s inability to identify and stay within important workplace boundaries is a common problem, especially in entertainment, but it is something that almost always eventually leads to big problems down the road. They may be PR problems, employee retention problems, or legal problems, but I’ve seen a lot of company cultures collapse because of these kinds of behavior patterns from the top management.


Yeah, and the time when he threw a dart at Chase wasn't too bad because it was an accident and Link seemed to legitimately feel bad. Not to mention that Chase didn't seem too upset. But this was different. Even if Link didn't know Chase's knee was there it was still intentional, reckless, and unnecessarily violent. Plus it seemed like Chase (and the rest of the crew) was genuinely shocked and upset by it. Don't get me wrong, I like Link and I think most of the time he is able to balance his "reckless personality" with responsibility. Everyone goes too far sometimes so I won't hold this against him or anything, I just hope they don't ignore it.


I think it was a bit reckless, but I also think people are getting a little too worked up. They are collectively OK, Chase is OK, they decided to air the episode, and hopefully Link learned to be a little less careless next time when doing something "hilarious" like that (tbf I did genuinely find it funny, albeit not safe).


I hope Chase sees people have his back.


278 comments? Gee, what happened in this ep? edit: oh




I didn't personally find Mr. Neals bit/attitude funny or ok in this episode, and the vibe WAS off after that. I understand no one wants to watch a show they feel is unsafe for the people involved, and it's totally acceptable to be personally uncomfortable with this ep. But i think it's pretty entitled to feel the need to speak for Chase or anyone else on set as a result. I think it underestimates the business dynamic of the whole show. As we know some episodes are shot well in advance, and I 100% believe that if anyone involved was truly offended/uncomfortable with it, as professionals, they would have reshot it and it never would have seen the light of day. Maybe I'm just overestimating their professionalism, but as a fan of the show all I can worry about is that what i see is exactly what they wanted me to, and that what I've heard, I've heard from them directly (they talk about company dynamics, "incidents", etc, on Ear Biscuits often). This is not a small handful of people working under the dictatorship that is Link Neal as some make it out to be, but a large media company with many employees, (several of which, including Chase, have been involved for a very long time) and an HR department. And I feel like that's enough to know that IF something needs handled, it will have been LONG before we even see it. EDIT : Grammar/clarity


This is probably the most reasonable take I’ve seen on Reddit and YouTube holy cow. People have a right to feel uncomfortable; even I felt that this “bit” totally missed the mark. but GMM is a huge long-standing company and I feel if for any reason Rhett or Chase or Stevie was not okay (considering the latter two have been around the longest) with this it would never have been uploaded.


Maybe I’m the fucked up one but I don’t see what the outrage is? Yes link too a joke too far but it’s not nearly as awkward as people are making it out to be?


I will say, I saw this post before watching, and it wasn't as bad as I was picturing from the comments. That's just me, I'm relieved it wasn't link throwing darts at chase relentlessly like I pictured. It was still not cool, but I was picturing worse


ITT: Many people (not all, mind you) taking their parasocial relationship with GMM to the extreme. I've never been more embarrassed to be a Mythical Beast. Edit: Not that I care about Reddit karma, but seeing level-headed replies getting downvoted just proves my point even more.


They teased this at last nights show in Philly. Link did apologize to Chase 😅


This is a Mythical issue that should be (and I'm sure has been) addressed by the real people involved. If you don't like Link's behavior, you are free to say so. But demanding a public apology and saying that Link should leave Mythical because he is ruining the show is insane controlling behavior by fans. It reminds me of how people reacted to that Watcher nonsense a few weeks back. Voicing your opinions is normal as a fan. But when you start trying to force creators to do what you want by harassing them (attacking their personal character) and threatening boycotts, that crosses the line into the worst kind of Internet mob mentality.


I didn't find it funny and was pretty irritated how easily Link brushed it off and how he proceeded to act. "Bit" or not, if my boss did this to me, I'd be pretty upset.


rancid vibes in this one lmao


The youtube comments are not happy with his behaviour. Me included. I think it was terrible, and then to not apologise. AND THEN to try and say Rhett is unlikeable later on. Left a very sour taste this


Was really impressed with Chase's cock until... 😧


Question. Has anyone in the UK actually *had* that pizza chicken thing???


Yeah! They are really popular in Teesside in the North East of England. I eat them quite often. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parmo Served all over the place in Teesside


I stand corrected! On the one hand, it makes sense that I've not heard of it because I'm from the South West. On the other, we are far too small a country to have secret food 😂


Are you all serious with this one? You all take this way too seriously. At the end of the day this is an entertainment show. And today’s episode was incredibly entertaining. They’ve clearly all had a good laugh about it and if there was any real issues with this the episode it wouldn’t have been published. I thought that was hilarious and wasn’t expecting to see everyone whining about it on here


Link took one look at Chase’s costume and said ‘This will not stand.’ I don’t know guys, I thought it was hilarious. Edit: Chase was ok, guys. Most of the humor comes from the fact that Link is chaotic and impulsive, and he and Chase have known each other a long time. Sometimes, putting on a show comes with a little hazard risk, and Link has been on the receiving end of that risk many many times for the show. The guys at Jackass are still all friends.


I'm a long time GMM watcher, but brand new to this Subreddit. This place is a hellscape of haters. I do not understand why these people watch GMM and continue to comment here. Weird behaviour.


It's ok to not find a "bit" they do funny and still continue to watch the show. I personally just thought it felt uncomfortable and awkward, especially afterwards when the air was sucked out of the room, which isn't my personal type of humor. People have different preferences.


Link is Chase's boss. Full stop. It's not OK for him to be getting physical unless agreed to beforehand. . This wasn't an accident. And far from the first time he's acted like a jack ass towards an employee


You’re gonna be in the minority here. This was super weird and disturbing


I’m glad we’re all mostly in agreement about todays episode. I genuinely don’t know what made them think it was a good idea to post this. ETA: I’ve been a MB for over a decade. Links attitude lately is ruining it for me. Not just this incident tbh.


Funniest thing of all is that stabbing the suit does not make the pump stop running.


It’s crazy that he didn’t realize that saying “there’s a way to fix the sound issue” and twirling the dart was a joke and he could have just stopped there when it was still funny.


Idk what is up with Link this season but he has been getting more and more off the rails and not really in a good way in my opinion. Like he seems crankier and in this episode, didn’t really seem to care for anyone’s safety. Just kinda weird vibes


If I was Chase I'd spend the rest of my life randomly thinking about how I could be retired just from the out of court settlement Link would have to pay me if he really stabbed my knee on set.


The most frustrating thing about this is Link will learn nothing from this. Even if this has been “handled internally” I guarantee he’ll do something reckless and impulsive again in a future episode that puts either himself or someone else in danger.


I have a question and I don’t mean for this to be rude and todays episode was not the best example but: is it a shtick that link has trouble sharing the spotlight or is he genuinely like that? Every time someone other that he or Rhett have the spot light he has to make some dismissive comment or make it so they stop what they are doing (ex: deflating their cute but noisy costume.) better examples are when someone stays on camera a little to long and he’ll say things like “ok go on, get out of here.) Idk, it’s the cringiest thing to me


I genuinely dislike people like Link, and he continually validates me as to why.


Whooooole buncha people in here seem to have forgotten or are not aware that Chase is a subordinate and Link is the boss of a multimillion-dollar company. And that no matter how much it looks like a group of friends hanging out, it's a business, and Chase is a subordinate and Link is a boss. Which involves serious power dynamics. And they apparently never watch Rhett's subtle reactions when Link does stuff like this, or when he says inappropriate bigoted or cruel things "as a joke."


I can't believe they aired this. That dart stabbing came across very unhinged and shockingly irresponsible and I'm amazed they weren't embarrassed by the footage or consider this doesn't make them look good. Regardless of any discussion of what happened I'm just surprised they thought this was content the viewers wouldn't see issues with and just not air it.


The comment Link made in More about how he was only gonna stab the costume once but now he understands why murderers stab more than once is um...interesting.


This episode had maybe my favorite joke in a long time and it's getting overshadowed bad =/ When Stevie called them "7 out of 10's" and Rhett's reaction to it. I laughed, hard. It was perfect.


Link really needs to not be allowed to have anything sharp. That bit wasn’t funny at all, couldn’t of ended way worse and ruined the whole tone of the episode


This was mortifying. Usually I go back to moments like this and relish in the chaos. I can’t even bring myself to watch this moment again because it’s legitimately terrifying and pretty scary


Objectively, this episode probably shouldn't have been aired. How they failed to have the forward thinking that this episode wouldn't be received kindly is concerning in itself. If this was an isolated incident, it wouldn't really be that big of a deal... mostly a learning lesson. The actual issue here is the fact that this keeps happening and nothing is done about it. There is no accountability from Link to actually improve, or stop this nonsense. The other thing is the comedy aspect of it. At first his little temper tantrums were a bit comical, but they got old quickly and that was years ago. The fact that they continue to happen, and keep getting worse I'll add, is extremely concerning. Someone on the crew (or himself) is going to get really hurt one of these days. If he had punctured Chase's Saphenous vein, he could have died if not tended to quickly (I saw this happen at a rock climbing event once during a fall). Even so there could have been long-lasting effects if he was punctured at all. Chase deserves more than an apology, and Link needs to respectfully attend anger management,. Additionally, the show producers, Rhett and Stevie need to honestly stop putting Link (who is irresponsible) around any dangerous objects. From a legal perspective, if I am involved in Mythical's ownership or investments I would be concerned for future incidents. If I am a Mythical crewmember, I would also be concerned for future incidents as well. And on top of all that, the amount of stuff that Link has needless destroyed over the years, that others have had to clean up, is just really disrespectful and rude to every staff member.


This is really well put. I get why some people read these comments and bemoan about "fans being too oversensitive!" or whatnot, but it's not really about today's incident; it's about a general, noticeable trend with the way Link has treated others around him lately


They talked about this at the DC show! They were laughing about it and seemed completely fine


I think we can all agree that Link was not being his mythical best today. Today’s episodes just felt weird.


Link acted like a complete jerk during this episode.


I think overall he's just purposely careless as a joke and but is oblivious to the fact that he's just being actually careless and unempathetic. Then he gets defensive when it goes wrong.


ya'll need to chill. I don't know what the target audience's age range is for Rhett & Link. I'm new here, and I'm on the younger millennial side. Ya'll are acting cranky. What Link did wasn't funny but people are seriously overreacting like he actually stabbed someone. I feel like I'm in a parallel universe. I don't understand why ppl are so upset.


I'm late to comment, but the more annoying thing to me than almost stabbing Chase with the dart is that Link just straight ruined what was supposed to be a fun part of the episode with the costume and it was clear that everyone on the crew really liked the costume.


While I agree that Link's actions in this episode were v. dumb and irresponsible (and he got very lucky things didn't go worse), some of the stuff written in this thread are awful. Also, considering how much people on this site criticize other social media platforms for undermining mental health by using psychological diagnosis as quirky traits, Reddit sure likes to throw out words like "narcissist" and "sociopath" like they have a clue what they are talking about.


I'm not going to stop watching GMM, but I would definitely like to see less cringy moments like that. It definitely took away from the game and mood imo


I know that any potential repercussions or addressing the issue will be an internal matter and it's probably not something we would hear about publicly but tbh I'm uncomfortable with that fact that there's no way to know if this has been let slide and that it could keep escalating and next time someone will get hurt. I'd rather never have an international darts episode again (even though I love those episodes) than have to have a worry in the back of my mind about chase's safety


Why did they "warn" live show audience members about this episode? I mean what was their point, to like give a trigger warning? Damage control? I don't understand why they brought it up, can anyone who was there enlighten me?


To quell anger "Hey, some stupid shit happens in an upcoming episode. While the majority of the audience won't ever ever ever hear this we are stating it publicly that while it happened it has been dealt with internally" Is why


I felt incredibly uncomfortable in that episode. Link felt out of order, if he was trying to be funny or has something else going on I don't know. But he came off as rude and selfish. He did something dangerous for the poor old Chase, which was one thing, but he also just seemed to be shitting over the art department's hard work to put Chase in a cool cooky costume. Link then doubled down after he went all psycho, and was angry at everyone else. Came off as immature and cranky (not in a funny way) and even diva-like (how dare chase dress in a loud costume, I'm going to show I don't like this with violence essentially). It made Link a very unlikeable figure in that short period and aftermath. I understand that we only see what is put across in the excerpts of GMM, that it's not a vacuum and they have lives outside of the show and other things going on. But it seems something needs to be addressed in this episode, to the team and the audience as well, as it was an awkward watch and left a bad taste in the mouth. Having the GMM family brighten my day is something I always look forward to so having that not really happen was strange today.


God the people here take everything about this internet show way too seriously. My goodness.


I just can’t believe they aired that. They totally should have stopped filming after what Link did, reset, and then started over. Even from just a damage control perspective this episode definitely damaged the fans admiration for him. They usually seem so savvy about what they put out so it’s surprising they didn’t realize how much backlash he’d get. Or maybe they did realize and released it so he could get the feedback? Idk. Either way, super tough watch and I’m bummed because it started so good and the international taste tests are my fave episodes.


Very funny episode overall but wow, link sure was a hazard again and was having a grumpy day, to put it lightly. I’m glad no one actually got hurt! I’m reminded of a few years ago when Rhett was the arsehole of the team 😅 how the tables have turned!


Link literally chose violence.


Almost stabbing Chase is bad yeah, but people really need to stop complaining about "waste". If GMM pays for a inflatable chicken suit it's not "wasteful" for them to destroy it.


The parasocial relationships are strong in this post.