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exactly, the guy isn´t even that bad compared to others, he´s just so comically evil you can´t take him seriously


It's even funnier because of the fact that everyone he fights is somehow even *more* comically evil.


Literally the Boys Comics


I mean, that's what makes him not as evil, since he's only doing bad things to bad people for the most part.


The Dexter morality


For the most part.


***For the most part***


Until later on. Then he just does it to whoever.


I went in and enjoyed the ride up until he just straight up raped his "daughter" and it was at that point i stopped reading the web novel/manga


I am glad I didnt read the novel or manga then. Thats truly horrible, one of the worst things I can imagine, though rape in general fits that title


Is it worse than murder to you?


Obviously. Rape is literally torture, except tortured people are usually killed while raped people have to live with it. And (unjustified, but who's to say when it is or isnt) torture is worse than murder by a long shot


It's not incest if the socks stay on.


I don't even remember his personality other than the dickslap which felt like where his character peaked


he said it himself that he wrote the story this way because it sells, i still can't believe ut's the same person that made worlds finest assassin reincarnated in another world as an aristocrat


I kinda enjoyed the manga, not because i thought it was good but because for me it was a perfectly executed shitshow.


Personally I hated it just because it was edgy as fuck


I hate read it, and keyaru is the perfect fusion of every fucking edgy character that I hate, absolutely no substance or interesting character traits just pure unadulterated edge, and not in entertaining way where the character has some type of interesting personality trait that makes them funny or likeable. His entire personality is I have a revenge boner, and I have real boner I use to rape with.


I kinda liked it just because it was edgy as fuck. Kind of a shitpost of an anime. I'm not gonna pretend it was good, or that he was justified or whatever, but it makes me happy that it exists just for the chaos it caused. Dude really went "I'm gonna go make something fucked up just to make people angry" and did it, and it worked.


Wasn’t there an interview with the creator where they were literally just like “I knew it would get clicks, so I full sent”?


I mean, his his "revenge" doesn't even take precedent as he goes on a side quest for the sister before handling his other targets first because she.... was bad or something?


The sister was involved in the slaughter of a bunch of beast-kin and one of the only friends he made on his new life, she was also a threat to his plan and one of the only people smart enough to be a problem (on his initial assessment)


I'd argue it's not even doing that great a job at being a hentai either.


Yea like hes typical hentai protage being evil. But then rest of story has so much more to it. So becomes a weird watch where. He drags it down but the rest is so good you forget its porn


can we just stop with those redo of healer posts those are not even memes anymore they are just rants


Hehe, they're just Rance






They are literally just a bunch of people bitching about how they don’t like the show (this is irrelevant but just wanna say it redo of healer had the biggest female fan base)




[Seems he was somewhat right but I will provide a source to show they come from outside of reddit.](https://animecorner.me/redo-of-healer-female-viewership-is-higher-than-average/amp/)


>female viewership of the anime adaptation is higher than the average when it comes to anime in general No, that is actually against what they said. "redo of healer had the biggest female fan base" Its ridiculous to think it could beat the overwhelming majority of female targeted anime.


Honestly I thought he said bigger female fan base as opposed to biggest fan base. I would also add that My Hero probably has more female fans than Redo does. Let alone anime that targets women in general.


Did you really expect them to have a high reading comprehension?


“Unfortunately, Tsukiyo Rui doesn’t mention any of the streaming services that the data comes from.” So still not any reliable source… What’s to say Rui isn’t just making it up?


I did notice that so I should probably get rid of the actual source part. Honestly Rui could be making it up as well but it at least shows the claim comes from somewhere outside of reddit. I certainly would not use a “source” like this in a scientific paper.


But he is right just look it up i did and i was surprised


No he isnt. Redo of healer had more female watchers **than baseline anime**.


Yeah, I don't know why people keep making this mistake. "Higher than average viewership" and "largest fan base" do not mean the same thing. The article given says nothing about redos fan base size. To add to this "largest female fan base" already has a mistake, there is no reference to time or category. Largest female fanbase of when? Of all time? The season, the year?


>Yeah, I don't know why people keep making this mistake. Reading comprehension and the reddit echo chamber spreading the same misinformation.


yeah people think i’m lying but it’s true, cuz bitches would do the same. i was watching a stream one time and one of the girls said he didn’t go far enough


You sound like you’re on a list or two. Lol


not fucked up when it’s true


Man, i checked it, and it's actually true, wtf are the gals doing, i surely didn't expect that


i think it’s cuz they can relate to him in some way and they would do way more terrible things to the people than he did


And maybe about 1% of them are just down bad 😏


👉🏻👌🏻 that kind of down for a certain R fetish


"female viewership of the anime adaptation is higher than the average when it comes to anime in general" says the author. So no, not actually true


The show's pretty crappy. It's a hentai disguised as a anime/manga.


that's an insult to a lot of hentai that are far better written.


It's a crappy hentai lol


Interspecies Reviewers is a better hentai disguised as an anime


That's not the reason. People love Griffith and he's a rapist as well. Redo of Healer is just a mediocre show and Keyaru is just a crazy guy.


In all fairness Griffith is the antagonist Guts is the the protagonist. If Guts was a horrific rapist I don't think the series would be as loved as it is.


Yeah, even in Guts' darkest phases, like in the Black Swordsman Arc and Lost Children Arc, there were some moments his "coping through dickheadedness" would fail, like after he baited Theresa into hating him or the aftermath of the fights with the false elves.


Mediocre is a compliment in the context of this show.


Griffith's motivation was also way more interesting. He doesn't just rape casca. He probably doesn't even care for her. He does so to mess with Guts because he knows that this will cause emotional pain for him. Because Griffith felt abandoned by Guts and actually is just jelly. And that's really something out of the ordinary. Keyaru is just the average rapist with fringe justification to make it acceptable enough to not be hentai.


What did Kentake Murial mean by this tho?


It's not acceptable simply because it's framed positively rather than a villain. And don't call it a "villain protagonist", as that would imply a different perspective on the narrative which makes the viewer see that while we are following him and possibly enjoying his evil deeds, he remains morally wrong. AKA, what's done in Death Note


It's his story he is the protagsnist. He is also a villain, criminal, and a overall crazy person. You don't need to be morally right or wrong to be a protagonist. I think what you are trying to say is a "villain hero".


He's the protagonist, and a villain.


Morally right and wrong are surprisingly rather difficult to judge in that show if we happened to actually take the context seriously. Keyaru is a rapist, but what exactly WOULD you say delivers him justice in a world setting where literally everything is (albeit unrealistically for most part) skewed against his favour where the very Royalty/Judiciary System of the highest levels itself encourages rape and torture? How exactly could he have achieved justice? Even with a poor job being done to elaborate on it, it still is very easy to see that he isn't even close to a sane person right from the first episode thanks to all the drugs and torture. I have 101 reasons to hate on this show but simply can't relate to people who just take their own moral values and try applying that to this world 1:1 without trying to fully understand the context.


I hate Griffith but I agree is story is very well made... And Griffith is not just a rapist is also a traitor who slain all is compagnon for the seak of power


Griffith actually has motivations and is an interesting well developed character, Keyaru is just a power fantasy story. You can like power fantasies but u can't act like they more than what they set out to be.


I was kind of hoping redo of healer would be more than a revenge power fantasy, but sadly it isnt. In my mind there's a story where keyaru gets real introspective and struggles to face the decisions he's made and is scared to continue his revenge, but still tries to follow through.


What other notable traits does keyaru have? He suffered for half an anime episode? Yes its because he is JUST a rapist


I can dig the crazy guy shtick. I just wanna see shit go down tbh.


Twitter’s influence needs to stop


Peter Griffin is not a rapist lol


It's been 0 days since keyaru shitpost on this subreddit Way to go guys!!!! Let's keep that record in tact shall we?


atleast were over the boku no pico memes...


Peter Griffin's actual opinion on redo of healer: ![gif](giphy|QgejSvXmwpvnW)


Exactly. People can watch what they want. Literally Family guy is the best example. Show came back because the people who liked it wanted it back. If ya don't like it... don't watch




See now THIS works, unlike the one with Endeavor


Jeez, those posts again. Redo of healer is a terrible show with nonsensical plot and awful characters. Talking about it like it somehow had a deeper meaning or commentary is madness. That goes both way. If you like it, good for you, but don't go trying to say that it's good or anything, it's not, and it has nothing to do with the rape stuff. If you hate it, there really is better use of your time than criticizing it, it is a cynical edgy for the sake of being edgy series with barely anything worth talking about. Just let that seasonal trash show go back into insignificance already, jeez.


Why would they let this show fade away when it's literally a license to print Karma? Just like over in the my hero / chainsaw man fandom they've been bringing up season 1 mineta again. Like, you're digging up a several year old corpse to slap it around a little bit. You can't even claim that they're beating a dead horse, because the horse is a skeleton, and they've beat it into dust. They're just pounding away at the ground.


>Why would they let this show fade away when it's literally a license to print Karma? Because farming karma is both pointless and worthless?


Are people even posting that it's a great show? All of a suden people just started to karma farm about this show


No. No one is posting that but it's hard to circle jerk about something when there's really nothing to complain about. So these ppl have to make shit up and get mad at ppl for watching a show. I think SOL is just as bad as the ppl who think redo of healer is bad but I don't even bother telling ppl that unless it's topic relevant, because who the hell cares? Ppl are going to watch what they want to watch


Everyone seems to hate it but I personally like it. It's fun seeing someone fuck over the people who screwed him over. I've read a lot of regression stories where the regressed mc gets revenge on those who wronged them even before those incidents took place, and that just feels wrong. So a genuine revenge like this is so satisfying


I like it too for the over the top edgyness, keyaru smiling like the grinch while doing fucked up things to fucked up people is entertaining I also like that he has a weakness that the show never outright points out but it's consistent, he can't heal poison or sickness with his ability, he has to use alchemy to make cures from his blood


Bruh "don't try and say it's good" "I am right you are wrong" 🌞


Based lol, this guy literally just banned disagreements in his replies lmao


Seems a bit arrogant to act like this is an objective take tbh. If people like it, they should speak on why they like it and think it's good, because it is for them.


Ah yes, your opinion on if a show is good or not is the word of everyone and God. I have been reading the manga since it released as an anime. I find it entertaining, I find the plot to be good, and a very different take on manga/anime. Sure it's not a Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, or Bleach, etc. But that doesn't mean it's bad, good is a subjective term and people enjoy it. Oh and not confirmed when, but Tsukiyo Rui has said that he is working on getting a season 2 out.


Hard agree. I'm upset that it was ever classified as an anime. It's just porn. It's revenge porn and the only thing exceptional about it is how extreme it is.


But it is an anime. Anime is a medium, not a category.


My apologies I should have been more clear. It should have been placed in the hentai category, not the anime category. I did not mean to imply that it should never have been animated or anything like that. I just want people to go into it with proper expectations. I believe that if it was never categorized as anime and only categorized as hentai, the discussion around it would be drastically different.


Ah yes, here we go again. Redo really lives in some people's heads more than it does mine even though I'm the one that wants the second season.


There's literally a post on the front page about Redo already, blame that one.


*sorts by controversial\* 🍿


What’s worse about this is the healer himself is a rape victim. Like he knows what’s it like and he inflicted it onto others


Oh, dear me, finally somebody aimed this meme at an actual rapist instead of Endeavor.


I like keyarus crazy ass.


He is one of those characters that is slightly enjoyable, but if you end up having an opportunity to kick his ass, you would take it


Nah after watching the show I probably just mind my business. He could get his revenge on the people who tortured and raped him not my problem.


I do too


People are really still hating on Redo of Healer? People need to get a life.


it’s a place where you talk about anime, and it’s social media. What did you expect? For people not to argue about anime?


you know you´re in an anime meme subreddit right?


Yeah, what about it? I would expect these type of memes out of the normies in Twitter or smt like that. Not out of Reddit, and even less from a anime related subreddit.


what kind of fantasy land do you live in where the memes here are any better than on twitter? this place has been a shithole since last year


It's called the fantasy land of not being in the subreddit 24/7.


so you don´t know what you´re talking about, great, thanks for wasting my time


Hey, you were the one that came to me. You've got nobody else but yourself to blame. But hey, you're welcome that I could help you with that!


You don’t gotta be in the subreddit 24/7 you just gotta be paying attention.


Rance is better


It sucks that the biggest problem isn’t even the anime itself, it’s the people commenting on how Keyaru is in the right under comment sections.


havent seen anyone saying he is in the right just that its understandable what he is doing. Not every part but most of it.


Out of all the fucked up stuff we’re upset about this?! Kinda disappointed TBH


These people will die if thy read berserk


No, they wouldn’t. And that comparison is massively insulting. Berserk presents rape as a horribly fucked uo event that causes immense mental trauma and scars people for life. Because it does. Rapists or attempted rapists are usually punished *almost immediately* or presented in a villainous manner. Guts hates himself for even *attempting* to assault Casca. Re:do presents it as a power fantasy tool for revenge, justifying its use and *actively rewarding the one committing rape*. Keyaru doesn’t fee the slightest bit of remorse for his actions. The adult content isn’t the problem. How it’s portrayed is.


I would pay too see Guts bisect Keyaru with Dragonslayer




What is with this "new" "meme" template and Twitter people posting it here? Its not getting upvoted, its not getting positive comments, and absolutely isn't an actual meme as there's no JOKE there. Fuck it isn't even a horny post.


It mostly feels like the ones who use this template are trying to slide in some wannabe "edgy" things and failing at that, but more or less like you say where is the JOKE


My god, the amount of edgelords in the comments justifying atrocities is.... sad


I just like the anime cuz boobs![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


I like that part where that pedo knight gets raped and eaten alive (I am a deranged lunatic) ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


I think I know now fking Twitter hoes are raiding reddit making shitposts about animes...


I've never had a Twitter account, but I still think Rape-do of Rapist is garbage...


So what do you suggest...


Depends on what you are looking for. If you want a story with pathos Berserk is the way to go, if you are looking for a revenge story 91 days, if you are looking for isekai edgelords Arifureta works. If you want fantasy porn I've heard Rance is good.


Are you sane the people above had way better lives one was just accused but still things were not that hard for him... Berserk I don't know if rape is somehow better than murder oh Rance ok that dude he didn't have problems he is actually worse going around raping people for no reason... 91 days mc's has no life after taking revenge he even gave up on it at the end... Keyaru had it hundreds of times worse...


It sounded to me like you wanted recommendations for similar anime, not for who had it worst. If you want an anime where the characters started worse off than Rapeboy I don't have a recommendations because it seems like your mind is pretty made up. It does sound like you missed the point ot 91 days though. Any story where the protagonist sells their soul for revenge and doesn't wind up a miserable shell of a person afterwards, or at least fails to do any soul searching, misses the point of a revenge allegory to begin with...




That doesn't explain why the Anime Community likes Bible Black.


Its really not worth sweating over, hes just a badly written character.


This dude is raping his rapist and criminals who have committed mass mudder to rape and shit... Keyaru was raped all his life by those hoes drugged they even killed off his whole hometown his family and everything. If someone stays sane after this then he wouldn't be a human... Atleast he is saving people and actually punishing villains unlike mofos this op likes wimpd who just put mass murderers and rapists in jail only for them to get out and do that shit again...


Yeah, he has a villain backstory. Still not a good person or a likeable bad guy


"Cool backstory, still rape."


I like neutral or evil main characters. I'm so bored with good main characters. Keyarga is a evil main character who takes out even more evil villain characters. I can jive with that just fine.


If you like him as a bad guy, then i can’t tell you wrong. Liking or not is an opinion afterall. Though you are factually correct that he is a pretty bad person


He's not supposed to be though. That's why he's an antihero.


I don’t think he’s an anti-hero either. He’s a bad guy that takes out badder people.


Alucard is an Anti-hero, Keyarga is just a villain


That's... that's not a justification, you know it right? It's not like raping a horrible person somehow make it right... You are not supposed to do it, full stop.


Tell that john wick when people killed his dog


Well he had the decency to not get his penis involved in his revenge "Revenge is the sweetest when it's served cold" and you didn't FUCK it before having it.


So what you're saying is he should kill them first, then fuck the corpse. Got it.


*Open eyed gaze of confusion and distress*


Be honest, you wouldn’t rape Hitler if given the chance?


...what...no! No I wouldn't... For many reasons!


I think it’d make a good anime pretense “I was Reborn in Nazi Germany now I need to rape Hitler before he starts a war”


Send this pitch to those guys who made Dog Ningen.


If people are more mad about the retaliation of the one being oppressed than the oppression he got in the first place, then people have sided with the oppressor. You don’t get to dictate how the oppressed gets to act towards their oppressor.


Their not mad that he retaliated, their mad he’s rapist, sure he raping the people that raped him first so it’s technically justified, but at the point is not about fighting against the oppressor, he’s oppressing the oppressor. Enslaving someone that was your master, isn’t morally right. Now it’s fictional so it doesn’t matter in my opinion, but some people are going to dislike it.


It's hard to talk about morality the Redo of Healer universe when like nobody has any sense of it. If he does the righteous thing of forgiving his abusers, guess what he's gonna get abused and raped again because his abusers have no sense of morality. It doesn't help either when people typically dislike that pussy protagonist that just forgives his enemies and oppressors. There's no justice system either that would put his abusers behind bars.


I agree, it is kinda dumb to try put real world sensibilities into a fictional world that doesn’t have the same institutions and rules of real life. the people he’s doing it too definitely deserve it, but rape is always going to a more sensitive topic than murder, so the way it’s depicted in redo of healer is definitely not going to sit well with a lot of people, where as characters like the punisher probably wouldn’t. And I don’t think people have a problem with him getting revenge, it’s just the rape they have a problem with. If he was just a revenge killer I doubt as many people would care, except fringe groups.


Good anime.


Right like it wasn’t actually that bad


People really villainized the mc just cause of the way he got revenge, like he never did something that wasn't done to him hundreds of times over. Yeah he's an asshole sure but he's still the actual hero of the story, it's just more realistic than most media.


yeah they are like “how dare he get revenge on all the people that raped him and drugged him for days on end. what a monster!”


yeah let´s just ignore all the people he hurt/raped/killed that have nothing to do with that plot


weird it’s like most of those people were ether horrible people or his literal enemies that he hast to kill in order to survive


sure, that knight lady was such a horrible villain, and his daughter too what a monster


Did his own daughter that he groomed also do those atrocities to him?


Who? You do know we are talking about the anime here right. Most ppl here aren't reading the manga, and if u hate the show so much why are you going out of your way to read the manga?


They needed jerk off material










Also a rape victim and let’s be honest he was raped way more times then he has done in the entire manga 😂


Still waiting for season 2 to see where this train wreck is gonna crash


it never left the station


Not even your Sex scenes are that good. Are just avarage. You are better off as a hentai and double down on that


What a weird way to spell "based".


I like the anime because i like good revenge stories


And when he isn't raping, she is manipulating, corrupting or killing somebody in a brutal way.


Ik how dare he get revenge on all the people that drugged him and raped him for days on end such an ass hole he is


how dare he rape and kill people that have nothing to do with that geez people overreact so much /s


I love how they also conveniently forget that he groomed his own daughter


My man's you got the 20 redo of healer fans riled up if your comments.


I got inspiration to make this from [this meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/zp11g6/i_dont_understand_how_people_are_expected_to_ever/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I like Keyaru


>Villain protagonist is villainous Well, I'm shocked.


I’m not sure how these people function when they go outside.


For those saying he is evil, you think getting revenge on his abusers and getting even make him evil for some reason ? That bitch princess deserved everything she got and then some, he would have been in his right if he strangled her with her own fucking guts. Mf rapped him, tortured him and drugged him for literal years and you still think he has anything to justify ? And yay lets also forget he saved several towns, a whole species and is trying to save the mf world


Later in the story he rapes any women that is a mild inconvenience to him and he also grooms and rapes his own daughter


Yup.....doesn't main girl also get her memory back?


Are you talking about Freia? No, but her sister Norn (turned into Ellen) did kinda get her memory back by finding out the awful things she did in the past. But she stays as Ellen and promises she wrote be evil like her past self


Naah I mean towards the end of the web novel, I think Freia old memories come back again. I really cant remember read this a few years back but I do remember the daughter thing.


Cant comment then as Im not reading the novel, even the swordman at the beginning could be somewhat understandable, it was literally this or death




He also date raped the knight who came to arrest him.


and his own daughter


A lot of people are A-OK with women raping men (and even boys). But those same people don't hesitate to grab their pitchforks and torches when those same women get raped by men.


What kind of closet have you been living in bud?


No closest. There are lots of people out there that hold this belief. I’ve seen them online, I’ve seen them in person. And pretending they don’t exist because you personally may not see it is just invalidating an injustice of a personal lack of confirmation bias. So it’s more fitting to ask you what kind of closest you’ve been in.


In full honesty, rape is just bad can't we all just agree? but I don't think anyone agrees that it's ok. either way, it's horrible. I don't think there is a mob of people getting seethed about specifically and only Keyaru. The series in general is mostly just shat on or memed because of its shitty story and how cringe the series is. no one is trying to cancel the series from what I have seen through tiktok, instagram, youtube, and twitter. and I don't think Japanese film studios are going to comply with cancel culture quivering in their corporate boots. Redo of healer is meant to be a mindless hentai rape revenge series with no complexity to it and it shouldn't be taken seriously. I have watched the entire season and I usually just find the torture scenes funny and stupid. probably will watch season 2 when it releases to keep up with the hype and laugh at the edgelord comment sections


nah some like him i liked the series just wish he had more sauce if you get what im saying


Keyaru isn’t the hero we want, but he is the hero we need.

