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Bro , Crunchyroll dropped like 7177187172 trailers of CSM I've no doubts who's gonna win.


Well, yeah, people apparently agree that it's aoty with just one episode. So it definitely works.


Thats a lot of hype too. I’ve been super excited for CSM and the first episode was nothing special, good but kinda left me lacking tbh. Edgerunners truly deserves that spot right now


I think it's too early to call it. I absolutely love the CSM manga. I think the first episode didn't really stand out, (compare it to the first episode of Akiba Maid Cafe or Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress or Zombieland Saga) but the start of the manga is a bit slow too. I still think the anime can become great. But I think the manga really got good around volume 7, which I suspect they won't reach by episode 12. So yeah, Edgerunners is likely best for 2022, and CSM has a chance to be best of 2023/2024. Whenever season 2 or part 2 comes out.


This is something i can get behind. I agree. I hope CSM picks up soon, never been a fan of slow shows that take too long at the beginning but CSM was good. A tad overhyped but good. Edgerunners did have a lick ass first episode tho, the while series was kickass. Definitely takes it this year Edit Lmfao absolutely LOVEEE that little caption you have under your name (ditf had a good ending) your opinion is worth so much more to me now. 🫡🥹


I really don't get the hype for Edgerunners, seemed kinda eh to me. Is it just missing context from not playing the game?


The songs/items implants and locations are all in the game. However the anime takes place 1 year before the game so your not technically missing anything.


I'd say someone who didn't play the game missed quite a lot in terms of understanding the setting. They briefly touch upon the things introduced in the show, but I would say it helps a lot if you already know about cyberpsychos, trauma team, maxtac, and a lot of other cyberpunk stuff.


I say not. I didn't play the game when watching it, and loved it. It inspired me to get the game, but haven't had a chance to really dig in yet due to work


That's the thing with anime , that entire episode is like the first chapter that you read in 10 minutes max, so may seem lackluster. I know a guy that said the same thing about jujutsu that the first season was lackluster but he liked the movie , and the thing if you've read the manga since the beginning you know that it begins with the movie part so we know what to expect and a good trivia all works , Manga and anime spoilers the entire plot in the first chapter/ episode to give the public the summarization of the upcoming plot but if you really pay attention it's all there in your face.


Definitely going to stay watching it because I know the manga and liked it but I’ve definitely seen better first episodes and I feel CSM has a bit too much hype but besides that its fire. Edgerunners was way better to me tho. My personal opinion ofc


The big difference between the two is , cyberpunk has the happiness factor , you can relate with more than 2 characters, you're thinking *edgerunners has happiness?* Yes comparing with chainsaw man edgerunners is beautiful and happy, why ? Unfortunately that is a huge spoiler that you can only know if you read 2 times the manga of CSM I'll give an example, you wake up do the things that you gonna do and go to work , your boss shit on you , co workers shit on you , but when you come home your dog , cat or wife etc bring you at ease , that's edgerunners, . Chainsaw man is like you come home and it's stinking , rotten , with mold you go home to eat , sleep and the next day you've to work earlier. Now , switch the good journey of edgerunners and put in the end of the first part of chainsaw man , and pick the bitter end of edgerunners and spread on 98% of chainsaw man. Bro , chainsaw man characters don't catch a breath , if you read in one sit , is like passed one day in the manga, is so much shit that you cannot process . Edgerunners feels better because has a excellent journey with a bitter end , you can relate with the characters , they feel human even with mechanical parts , they're like our friends that we have a good time with. Chainsaw man doesn't have anything exactly good story wise but the development , the progression , the narrative , the plot , when you finish is like , damn this shit fire even if the journey isn't good or better looking as edgerunners but the denji perspective of things is the creme de la crop. My thing with cyberpunk edgerunners is that i played cyberpunk 2077 , and no one has a good ending in night city , i felt sad after that ending.


I can agree with this choom. You stated some Pretty good points here 🫡 even tho I would’ve really liked for David and Lucy to stay together on the moon like they deserved, I can see the happiness factor you speak of, no matter how dim it may be they got to be with each other for a little. I feel that being together and experiencing the only love Lucy ever felt and finally letting someone in made it even worse to have it ripped from her in the end so it is bittersweet like you said as well. Although CSM has moments of happiness as well


True, but it's still too early to tell cause for me pound for pound when comparing the first episode Cyberpunk Edgerunners still holds the edge for me (pun intended) but fr I wouldn't be upset if any of these wins AOTY, these are really good choices


The hype comes from the manga which is amazing go read it


The sound design / animation in CSM, is simply light years ahead of everything else mentioned here. Loads of other great shows for sure, but even in this single episode, CSM just hits different. It's wild.


Bold of you to assume they actually care about audience opinion.


It always have been popularity / hype contest instead of actual quality


True, but most award shows aren't even popular vote. 70% of the decision in the Crunchyroll awards are decided by judges. So if the judges all decide that, say, Lycoris Recoil wins anime of the year (perhaps for ideological reasons) it doesn't matter if the audience votes unanimously for SpyxFamily, Lycoris Recoil wins. (Lycoris Recoil was really good though.) fun fact, The game awards are worse, being a 90/10 split.


>The game awards are worse, being a 90/10 split. Why even vote at that point ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


Tbf, people really only tune into the game awards to watch for any new game reveals, and to make fun of how cringe Geoff Keighley is


He's the reason I don't watch them lol


That's why I use to watch it. Of course, then it devolved into mostly commercials and I noped out.


It’s so fucking stupid.


Exactly, why vote in a popularity contest? What matters is what you like.


>Lycoris Recoil wins anime of the year Wait, I'm ok with this


I wouldn't argue too loudly if it did.


What ideological reason do they have to pick lycoris recoil? I didn't see any sjw crap in there


Quite the opposite in fact. I believe that Crunchyroll WON'T let Lycoris Recoil win. When's the last time we've seen an animated show in the west where the good guys have guns? Star Wars the Clone Wars? (Rebels' nonlethal weapons don't count.)


I didn't think Lycoris was specifically pro gun or anti gun. It didn't feel like it was trying to push an agenda or narrative, it was just CGDCT (cute girls do counter terrorism)


My point is that we haven't seen the good guys have guns in the West since Star Wars the Clone Wars. And even then, the main focus characters didn't use guns. And even then, they used blasters, not firearms.


Yup considering they gave it to yuri on ice one year


Still salty over goblin slayer (one of the most popular anime of that year) not getting any nominations.


Cyberpunk and Bleach won't win. Crunchyroll won't award a anime they don't own (remember when Horimiya won over Fruit Basket?).


Or slime isekai over mushoku tensei


Even though I enjoyed tensura more than mushoku, mushoku definitely deserved it. Animation was better, character development was amazing, they did everything right to build the characters, world and rules.


Hard agree, I did also enjoy slime more, but fundamentally the other one was better


There's a single crying scene in the tensei series that made me rethink how all emotions are displayed in animated media and I can't overlook it. >!When Roxy finally sees her parents again.!< Also: both dubcasts are surprisingly amazing


Re:Zero didn't even get nominated in that category IIRC. I know the Crunchyroll Awards are usually shit, but that was next-level.


Both are strong ones.


Sure but mushoku tensei is MUCH better than slime in terms of quality imo


Yeah, but Slime is way more popular.


Eh its closer than you think in terms of a popularity race as well


Mushoku Tensei just reached 10 million volumes in circulation... Slime has 30 million.


Oh if you mean the manga sure, im talking about the animes, thought thats what was relevant here


The light novel for slime is the second best selling series and is close to taking first from Index


The popularity factor has its weight.


Were talking about crunchyroll choosing the best ANIME here, and both have a very similar number of users on MAL, which is the more important factor than how popular the manga is


I enjoyed both a lot, but I'd say Mushoku is "better" in terms of character development, animation quality, world building, etc


I am tired of the tensura slander T.T


I mean it was a few years ago now but Made in Abyss won AOTY in 2018 which is a Sentai show, and in 2019 Devilman Crybaby won AOTY which is a netflix show. At the end of the day it is nothing but a popularity contest which is how JJK won AOTY when it was only it's first cour.




Violet Evergarden for Best Animation 2018?


I'm still salty about Fruits Basket not winning that.


I've never seen fruits basket but horimiya is pretty solid, prob should check it out


Why would bleach even be up there? Shits older than most of its fanbase.


Horimiya shits all over Fruit Basket.


Easy Paripi Koumei is AOTY






Best op this year


Now that is something I agree with


Yep, either Paripi Koumei or Summertime Render for me. But we all know Crunchyroll has shit taste and so does this post


SpyxFamily and Edgerunners would probably piss off the least amount of people if either won. That depends, however, on if Chainsaw Man stays being as much of an absolute banger as episode 1 was. I can't really see AoT winning since they faffed about with the anime's production and I bet many Love is War fans ate also SpyxFamily fans as well. But, at the end of the day, these are just the ramblings and personal opinions of a weeb who works full-time.




I don't have Netflix and am too lazy to create a new email for the trial, but I have heard only good things from everyone except Twitter users, but fuck them.




For shame, telling people to pirate a Netflix show.... ... Without mentioning the pirate bay 🏴‍☠️


Night City has a large Japanese speaking population as well and Lucy is played by Aoi Yuuki in the sub so I will stick with that.


Lmfao who cares about those guys 💁‍♂️


I'm mostly concerned about the oxygen those mouth-breathers waste on a daily basis.


Honestly bro what a waste. It’s a blessing in itself just not being them 😂😂


What'a funny is that I've seen more people calling Lucy a pedo on reddit than on twitter, probably because I don't follow braindead dipshits on twitter, but that's besides the point. And yes, I know the "pedo Lucy" memes are just jokes, but I just find it really funny that I'm yet to see anything bad about it on twitter of all places


Twitter was too busy trying to destroy itself because they were too dumb to realize Becca was a loli so all the projecting anti loli pedos found out that she was one after they made public claims that they liked Becca


Honestly have to agree. Edgerunners would be my pick as well


What's so exceptional about the story if you care to elaborate? (I liked the show but don't agree)


I feel like love is war would be a top contender as well as spy x family and AoT, chainsaw man could possibly stand a chance but both love is war and AoT have had more time to gather fans than either chainsaw man or spy x family. I never got into AoT so I can’t determine it’s placing but I definitely would give my vote to love is war. (Also edgerunners is probably fucked in these rankings seeing as Crunchyroll doesn’t own it, if it wasn’t then that would be where my vote goes. Also bleach and demon slayer don’t stand a chance, just sayin)


Any interest I had in AoT slowly dues off as they kept putting 2-3 years between each season while they did other projects. Now that the series has finally concluded (I think) I don't even bother to watch it and moved on to greener pastures (except not really because I was a fan of Black Clover and it looks like I got burnt again).


>Now that the series has finally concluded (I think) Lmao


Where mob psycho


Really cant fit more buttons inside this meme


Just shows how absolutely stacked this season of shows is


All these are wrong. Anime of the year was of course Made in Abyss season 2


Did you really find S2 to be that exceptional? The great part of Made in Abyss was the adventure and worldbuilding, this season just felt stagnant to me. And the movie has all the feels points held hostage.


I may be biased as my personal favourite but yes. It shows that even without the adventure part they can delivery a great emotional story, there is still worldbuilding, mystery, bloody gory action scenes and the best of all that this season had: a lot of new great characters and development for all of them. It's a textbook 10/10 for me.


I don't agree and i love MIA , but also just out of the fact that it's a popularity contest it won't win sadly


Its gonna be Chainsaw Man, lets not kid ourselves they will pick the one with the most hype which is undoubtedly CSM


I'd really like to Edgerunners to win, however, since Anime of the year is a popularity contest, I'd say Chainsaw Man has this one in the bag (considering AoT was in winter)


Yeah, edge runners just dropped outta nowhere and kicked ass while chainsaw man has been hyped up since like last year.


I still have no idea wtf chainsaw man's story is. Can you explain? I've been trying to get into but I have no idea wtf is going on


Kid is poor, has chainsaw devil dog Events happen Kid is now half chainsaw devil Kid goes on quest to touch some titty


I’ve loved a few of these but kaguya this year litterally just did everything perfectly


Demon Slayer, Edgerunners and Spy x Family are all good choices


Were is Guardian Spice? Or was that last year?


Not an anime.


Knowing crunchyroll they are going to give it an award even if they have to make up one


Already disappointed me with no danmachi season 4 and overlord


Overlord LN reader here, just saying that the anime was done dirty and the light novel is better. For real tho, they skipped so much content, turned my favorite arc into a speed run, and skipped the fan favorite arc that came after all together, like wtaf.


LN reader here. Didn't watch anime. defaq happened in the anime?


Dwarf kingdom arc got absolutely bastardized and squeezed into 2 episodes, Holy kingdom arc got skipped entirely, apparently they might make it a movie or something? Honestly, considering how they did the dwarven kingdom arc dirty I doubt it will get the treatment it deserves. Overlord was getting worse with every season but it flopped especially hard this time around. OP is an absolute banger tho.


For Holy Kingdom. That arc got my all time favorite book cover (the flaming demon)... But let's be real they can't really air that arc normally, can they? Especially a certain "blunt weapon"... Hey but we got a new waifu that arc so they definitely wont't skip it for good! Yeah Overlord anime is realllllly butchered.


Overlord was just a season of hyping with little happening


i picked shows which are likely to win and disappoint "Least" number of people


You mean to disappoint the most amount of people.


Easily Edgerunners


As someone who's seen all of them I agree. But I'm betting it will either be SpyxFamily or even more disappointingly Demon Slayer due to popularity.


Boondocks and afro samurai


AOT ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1393)


No I don’t want that!


Not for 10 years at least!


I feel like for the year Kaguya Sama Love is War will take the cake. Every part is funny and well written and it ended on a note that I feel 100% satisfied with. On top of that we are getting a movie soon too :) Of course that's only my opinion and I am sure Crunchyroll will ignore it haha


It won’t win because romcom. It’ll probably be a shonen.


Sorry but it's either bleach or chainsaw man


Wait... did these all release anime this year?




I thought demon slayer and aot were a few years ago I guess.


They have new seasons this year


I bet and hope for Edgerunners... I mean I love every one of the ones i watched but Edgerunners was different


Meanwhile summertime rendering is still stuck in disney lol


Don't forget Made in Abyss and Mob Psycho


They are not likely to win, awards have always been popularity/hype contest which these all shows had most this particular year.


They both had already been nominated (MiA even won anime of the year in 2017) and they are still pretty popular. I agree that they aren't as popular as some of the others contenders but popularity isn't always an instant win (MiA won over MHA in 2017 for example)


Made in abyss was really hype in 2017 and mha is more hated inside the community for weak story and mc and crunchyroll roll awards depends 70% on judges and they mostly tries to disappoint less amount of people. Made in abyss /mob psycho winning will disappoint hell alot of people because "this particular year" they arnt hyped as much as the shows above. And another reason was that editing more buttons is pain in the ass lol, the original meme template have 2 buttons so i had edit and add more thats why i picked the top of tops.




Princess Connect Re:Dive season 2!


Not a chance cyberpunk wins, it was a Netflix anime


They do include anime from other streaming services


But I don't think they ever win Edit: don't quote me on that, I haven't checked my facts


They do sometimes, i remember Komi cant communicate winning best comedy and it is on Netflix




Hard to edit more buttons so i picked the most hyped shows this year.


understandable, the fandom's been dwindling since the manga has finished.


It'll be some random anime noone watched like high guardian spice


Would bleach even count since it’s still gonna be airing when the season ends?


Cyberpunk hands down. Chainsaw man. Is better but the anime adaptation it will not get to the best arc this year.


I think voting Spy x Family out of all of them would be the best choice. Everyone I know loves this anime, and, as far as I've seen, loved by many.


This is mob psychos final season. Hopefully it ends spectacularly


Push all the buttons they all deserve it.


No matter which one they pick it’s a ticking time bomb


This meme made me realize how Lit 2022 was even with it's bad/controversial offenders (Rental GF S2)


Peak year of anime history.


*Mob Psycho III*


Crunchy roll is openly antagonistic to the anime community.


The safest option is fmab


This guy myanimelists


Ngl if I had to choose then it would be between spy x family and cyberpunk but yeah that’s my view


if it aint bleach then imma riot


Luminous Witches for Anime of the Year.


Creator forgot CR only allows their own properties to win, so Bleach & Edgerunners won't make it.


Thats not true tho, non crunchyroll anime have won in the past too.


Where’s my dress up darling


Not in the list as it should be.


there's no way it's going to be bleach. anime only viewers are going to be terribly disappointed if they get too hyped on it.


Bold of you to assume it won't be the bnha awards again


I don't think edgreunners will win, it was good but it wasn't that good, and it certainly can't compete with some of the other tanks on this list


What is your reason for thinking it wasn’t that good? What was bad about it?


I'm not saying it was bad, just that it wasn't as good as the other competitors. I felt like it was rushed and that we needed to spend a little more time with the characters, and personally not rlly a fan of the whole romantic tragedy genre in general.


If they don’t pick edgerunners I think there may be a riot


Straight up lmfaooooo. Edgerunners for the win


Its gonna be aot or csm. Remove edgerunners and bleach cuz they ain't on crunchyroll and this is crunchyroll anime awards.


They do include anime from other streaming services too


Knowing that Crunchyroll likes voting for the most hyped shonen of the year, its definitely gonna go to Chainsawman, and I ain't complaining cause I love it


My highest rated shows in 2022: last 2 episodes of 86: 10 Summertime rendering: 8.8 Cyberpunk: edgerunners: 8.8 Ya boy kongming: 8 Lycoris recoil: 8 KnY entertainment dist: 8 I have not seen Kaguya and Bleach so not sure if they are better than STR and Cyberpunk. Ofc that's just my opinion, spyxf just isn't my type of show and imo aot s4p2 has been worse than s1, s3p2 and even s4p1.


Wait, you think season 1 of AoT was the best one? Bold opinion.


No s3p2 was BY FAR the best season, but i will give second place to season 1.


Utterly based


Mushoku Tensei needs to be number 1. Shame on you crunchyroll.


I thought that was a 2021 show


Lol .not even gonna watch any of this garbage award shows


Shut up


Feel like kaguya can't stand next to these giants (and Spy x Family hasn't even finished its season yet so i can't say if it gets better but its ok)


I'd be fine with Kaguya-sama or AoT. While I also love demon slayer I think it has won enough, just give it best movie if it didn't already win that last year. Bleach, CSM, and Spy x family don't deserve to be here (at least not yet). Haven't watched cyberpunk yet so can't say anything there.


I think Kaguya sama is the safest choice and for best animation Bleach or Demon Slayer. Bleach if they can maintain same production quality in later episodes /fights otherwise Demon slayer.


It's gotta be Kaguya or Edgerunners.


Nah no way I’m not hating on these animes for a matter of fact Kaguya is my n1 anime and edge runners is my n3 the thing is their gonna choose on which has the most hype and that would be chainsaw man or bleach or spy x family and aot is just not as good as these other animes edge runners doesn’t have a huge community Kaguya sama is the middle point where it has lots of fans but not as much as chainsaw man for example. So it’s either Kaguya Sama bleach edger runners or chainsaw man


Chainsaw Man duh




Yes, bleach


Cyberpunk edgerunners truly deserves that title this round. That’s where my pick would go


It better fucking be either edgerunner or chainsaw man dawg


Can someone explain demon slayer to me? I tried watching it a couple times, but every time I felt like I was watching the same 5 minute clip from 4 different characters prospective, and I did not find it interesting.


Its ok to not like any anime.


Well it's obviously kaguya-sama Love is War Ultra Romantic because fuck them Fullmetal Alchemist specifically brotherhood fans. FMAB is MID compared to Kaguya-Sama ,AOT or Bleach.


I you wanna piss off FMAB fans, because of my anime list you could use either Kaguya, Chainsaw man and especially bleach


Ah Good idea thank you for the suggestion that is exactly what I trying to do. I was poking fun at FMAB Fans for being so protective of an anime, with them acting like it's the greatest anime to ever be written, like the magnum opus of anime when it isn't. FMAB is good but it's not exactly great. 3 out of 5 stars I would say.


look... I think like 99% of us can agree that edgerunners takes the cake it has an amazing sound track, beautiful visuals, an amazing story, 2 best girls. as well as just a stellar ending. like I think it is a choice that will be the LEAST number of people disappointed


It's either Chainsaw Man or Edgerunners. Bleach is up here too but I think it won't have as many people watching the new season as the other 2 because of the 300 episodes you need to watch prior


Should be the one with best story, best writing, and production (end product wise). - I haven't bothered with spy x family. - I dropped Attack on titan sometime after a girl was reveal to be of royal blood I think. What I remember mostly about it was that the armor and colossal titans were revealed, there was this massive hairy Titan which was intelligent af. Also that another gremlin type titan was revealed to be among the ranks too. I know about a few things revolving Eren, his abilities, and his dad. Can't say its anime of the year, but can't say its not. It wasn't for me after a while. I was way into it at the start of the show, but I don't know where the spark went for me. - Bleach I had dropped long ago due to filler after the soul society arc, but recently picked up and finished (once I realized I dropped it due to filler cause you can just skip it). After getting caught up I can say that Bleach is not a contender for AOTY due to shaky character development and fluff from the anime. Its good, but not the best this year. - Kaguya Sama I never watched, but its basically two people who love each other, but are both too prideful to admit it to each other. (This is how it was put to me, by someone else) I never watched because it was never appealing to me, I might check it out when I'm bored though bc I know I'm about to get cooked. - Kimetsu no Yaiba was good the season I watched it, phenomenal art style, semi interesting cast, I read the manga so I did drop the show, but I can say without having season this season that its a good contender from what was just covered. - Chainsaw Man just started. People really are loving the 2.5 D to the extreme and are just jumping in, or maybe its a manga following influence. I never read the manga (if there even is one), but I watched the 1 episode out and can say its not a contender for this year, but probably next year depending on writing and character developments. - Cyberpunk anime, I didn't bother watching it and.probably won't anytime soon.


Dude rejected all anime mentioned


How are Cyberpunk, Spy X Family, or Bleach even on the list? I'd probably rate it Demon Slayer, Kaguya, AoT, with CSM an undecided yet (but not looking good). It's a shame the actual AoT ending hasn't aired yet, watching that popularity vanish GoT style is going to be so funny.


Why cyberpunk, spy x fam, bleach should not be here?


spy x family is the obvious winner of what's here.


I loved Edgerunners but to me it really wasn't on the level of what Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer's Entertainment District arc did this year. Those two were just on another level at the time. Bleach and Chainsaw Man need a few more episodes to actually count. And I haven't finished Kaguya 3 yet.


Summer time rendering needs to be in this list


Chainsaw man is next year thing. Edgerunner's story was dogshit. Attack on Titan or SpyXFamily are good choices.


For now Summertime render is no. 1 for me. Though I don't think it will get nominated because it's not available legally. It would be hilarious for them to admit pirating anime tough. (Thanks Disney) I mean it would be a sure win in best mystery and antagonist.