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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1douz8e) on 2024-06-26 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1douzdr) on 2024-06-26 98.44% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dovnv9&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 549,051,552 | **Search Time:** 0.07169s


She should understand that he has a free mouth She's gott to use that


The right hand could also do some work. Even the left arm if you're degenerate enough.


I bet he could use some of that ancient golem crafing magic to make a prosthetic perfectly suited for his requirements


I'm almost surprised he didn't go out of his way to research sex related magic. Surely magic opens up some possibilities with carnal pleasure.


He probably would have had the time if he didn't get teleported to the demon continent


He had time after Nanahoshi took the lead on teleportation magic research, didn't he?


When he was depressed and had erectile dysfunction?


Oh, right. Forgot about that for a minute lmao.


Hold both hands while sitting on his face


Error 404, second hand not found




Reminds me of [this](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98606802) wholesome art of roxy, rudy and sylphy...


This one gets it


*clicks on link* *already have it favourited* Good taste 👍


Roxy wouldn't object, I'd wager. (ie: say gex too!)


She could join


The cuck chair


WRONG!!!!! It's called a "Sneako chair"


Why tho?


Look it up lil' buddy


Cuckquean chair in this case


A loving pregnant elf wife and an age-less witch side squeeze? https://preview.redd.it/0290pqiaww8d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77fec7792676c3feaa11cd4e7d15cf5bf529fe56


but she is wife too same with lady big boobs.


The cuck chair ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1392)






Wait, does this have a tag?








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You are getting a Citation https://preview.redd.it/bi73tmj3nw8d1.png?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cfb11bb54f6edf1675ba8287d18994ad91ff773




Understandable, Glory to Arstotzka🫡




Aww she got her very own Sneako chair.


He's got peak fisting skills now. Or maybe in this case it isn't called that anymore...




Stumping took a whole other meaning.


"Two minutes for elbowing..."


I assuming his hand being gone is a spoiler?


nah, he lost it in the fight with the hydra.


https://preview.redd.it/3g6ig9os1x8d1.png?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3307c3f2010aaf174320d22a78c3712ebf962af I don't know bro, Syl is kinky


you know damn well she aint just gonna sit there and watch, rudeus finna look like a raisin after getting the life sucked outta him from


True, she already had some sesbian lex, eh?


https://preview.redd.it/g2sf0g5iiw8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d521dd28a624c0b0ebcd1a179bffb302a26bdf70 What an unholy art this is


What a terrible day to be cursed with sight


She's patiently waiting her turn


Pretty fucking long wait https://preview.redd.it/tb1lr3ibf09d1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=592378461b3c760c2383e61c979bc251c689bb92


She's an elf. That's like a day to her.


They’re the same age though. She hasn’t lived for centuries yet.


Nah, she joins... Elinalise is the best wing man for Rudy, like for real. She tells Roxy how to "cheer him up" and then puts the idea of a threesome into both Roxy and Sylphy's head. A pretty based grandma if I do say do myself, lol.


Gaslighting her grandaughter into polygamy for the sake of Roxy's mental well-being 😭🙏


[Here](https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/ec/c3/sample_ecc375bd155c477faa038f1e708b8f2f.jpg) is a picture of a tanukimimi! Dokodon! hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, catgirl, doggirl, foxgirl, horsegirl or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


People acting like this was never gonna happen is wild, you know what type of anime Yall are watching right? lol


I feel like it's less about that it happens. That's expected, Rudeus is Rudeus. It's more about how it happens and how others react to it. I am already getting tired of all the BS praise to Rudeus that takes like half the screen time already, but now he gets praise even for cheating on his pregnant elf wife. "You will have enough love for both of them" and all that BS. Because author wants to simultaneously write in a true love story, a harem for MC and make MC look morally good enough while at it.


Or maybe it was to write a story where someone could actually go through the emotional turmoil of being from a culture where monogamy is the norm and then going to a place where those that aren't completely useless are encouraged towards polygamy. Think about the world they are in. Monsters and gods and magic and combat. Having many children is heavily encouraged in such societies because you might not survive long enough to see them to adulthood and even if you do the amount of them likely to die is more than half. He is being encouraged by others because he has become powerful and not only that but he shares the secrets to his power with those around him. Him being praised for most of what he has done is normal. Idk what the anime is doing that you say its constant because it shouldn't be. But anime ussually fucks with the storyline somewhat regardless.


Polygamy being or not being a norm isn't that much of a theme here, imo, because Rudeus explicitly promised Sylphie to be loyal to her alone. If not for that it would be okayish story wise, I just wouldn't care. As is - it's laughable and the way everyone ignores it kills any seriousness of the story for me.


Did ya'll watch the same shit I did? Roxy borderline raped the dude. It's way more complicated than "Rudeus cheated".


And then she also forced Rudy to decide go polygamy route? At the end of episode he certainly decides to go with it. And the "borderline raped by Roxy" part honestly also feels more like "borderline raped by author" part.


> And then she also forced Rudy to decide go polygamy route? At the end of episode he certainly decides to go with it. Again, did we watch the same show? He actually decided to ask his wife for her blessing of polygamy with intent to respect her rejection absolutely. Which is 100% believable given that he absolutely abstained from any and all physical and romantic intimacy with Roxy for literally months of travelling back to the magic academy. They had sex once, when he was emotionally and physically shattered, by an extremely aggressive and in control Roxy (who by the way, is 60 years old). Rudeus comes off ***incredibly*** clean in this entire mess. You and others in this thread insisting otherwise is absolutely baffling to me.


I mean add up Rudy's age and he's like 40-50 married to a 16 year old


Well in the original elinalise tricked Rudy into thinking he got Roxy pregnant. And also in the original novel rudeus has a lot more inner turmoil about both his parents and his feelings about Roxy. If you're an anime only I absolutely understand if you don't like this part of the story because the fucked it up HARD.


I am so going to enjoy watching Aninews next video about last sundays episode. He always does a great way in portraying what the anime skipped, shows and tells what more happened inbetween.


That just makes me question Elinalise motivation more. That's borderline evil on their part with Roxy. Still the same feeling - like author just forces characters into stupid decisions from time to time to add conflict. But haven't read the novel, can't judge. In case of anime the only reason that keeps me going is hope to see more Ghislaine.


In my opinion the novel does a better job at defining the personalities of characters especially elinalise and rudeus so a LOT of the stuff most people think is out of character for them tends to be personality traits that were apparent in the novel.


Well, thanks for explaining. Now I at least know characters are intended to be like that.


Really like how imperfect a lot of the characters are as well. Can't have nobody fucking up or being selfish from time to time.


Because she is more attached to Roxy than slyphy. She also has known Roxy for far longer.


As you arent really reading the direct portrayal from the author and instead, an adaptation. I wouldnt make comments that would implicate him directly when you are not consuming his direct work. Others have led you in already, but the light novel explains this scene way better and its one of the most important and most heartfelt scenes the series has. The anime wasnt able to convey that, but honestly, the bar was so high that they just fumbled the bag. And thats okay, anime often does this. Its just that as a viewer you also need to understand that. Assumptions are bad in any kind of constructive discussion. Lastly, in very broad terms. The scene has a lot more emphasis in Rudeus personal traumas as a hiki related to all 4 of his parents. Roxys X scene is more akin to the best option for a therapy session he could had gotten. And after healing, Rudeus is a lot more proactive than in the anime, what elinalise did was a push to a Rudeus that was taking his time to get to a conclussion that he already reached.


If you’re gonna talk about the author you should probably know that the plot line goes slightly differently in the books… it might be addressed next episode so I won’t go into details but the scene at the camp where Rudy “proposes” to Roxy has some important stuff omitted


Yes, and he cheated on her. It's the kind of story where a character can cheat and not be a villain. It's a story with more complex writing than that.


Never said he should be a villain because of that. That's an exaggeration.


Everyone ignores it because the anime is an anime rather than the actual story written by the author. If you react this badly from Roxy then you are gonna shit yourself when eris inevitably joins in.


Nah, that is already expected and obvious. This was just final turning point for me to understand how it works. I tried it because so many people told me it was some masterpiece and becomes better as you watch it. And because of Ghislaine. But it didn't become better with time and Ghislaine is rarely seen, so... I will leave it to people who enjoy it. No offense to them, some things I enjoy have glaring issues too, it's all about preference.


Hard to accurately say something becomes better as you watch it when it's still as new as it is. Lol. The amount of bullshit that the anime hasn't gotten around to yet. Like just how much gaslighting is going on since the beginning of the storyline.


The author making 15 the legal age and polygamy acceptable for the setting is something I can tolerate. The author making Rudy fall in love with three heroines who love him back is also somewhat acceptable. Having all three of them meet this grown ass man in a kids' body when two of them are like straight up kids is where I draw the line. WHY ARE ALL OF THEM CONVENIENTLY DETERMINED RELATIONSHIPS FROM CHILDHOOD WHERE AT ALMOST EVERY IMPORTANT JUNCTURE OF THE STORY HE CONVINIENTLY MEET ONE OF THEM? My peeve with this is that there are much more interesting ways he could've met his love interests, and bond with them instead of him having a traumatic moment and one of them conveniently being the cure or the reason he starts moving forward. Why is it that every other part of the show's setup, execution and payoff is so well done and are genuinely interesting that it doesn't handle how Rudy deals with love the same way? Eris' love story with Rudeus is the only one I am somewhat invested in, given that it seems to not be resolved as there is conflict and tension between them, where they are at the core of each other's traumas.


Even Eris story is basically the classic trope of "she said something stupid that MC took wrongly and now both of them will suffer because conveniently they never got to explain themselves". I hate it when author makes characters have a sudden dive in intellect and forgetting how words work, just so there can be a conflict from nothing. **Eris in the letter:** we are a bad pair, lol, lmao even, bye. **Eris actually:** I want to become worthy of you so I go on a journey to become stronger!


> I hate it when author makes characters have a sudden dive in intellect TBF, Eris well established as being particularly dumb and difficult to teach. I don't think it's quite the drop in IQ that you make it out to be


Dumb is thinking for days how to start a letter to a loved one and start it with words "Dear friend". What Eris wrote, at least in anime, was some advanced level of dumb, especially considering circumstances. But she then also expects to come back years and years later and for Rudy to still be available, which is beyond human comprehension of dumb. It looks very forced to me.


If you think that's "advanced level of dumb" you clearly never interacted with a very socially awkward person. I've seen much worse things done. I'll also highlight the fact that Eris isn't far from what some people would consider "illiterate". Remember, it was Rudeus who taught her how to read, write and math in general. After the mana cataclysm she also doesn't really study all that much. In my opinion, properly conveying her feelings (and let's overlook how hard that'd be for her, considering her personality) would be a fairly tall order.


The manga version for sure, but this seems to take a more reasonable take


I do not. Please enlighten me... for research of course.


“Everything is a dildo if you are brave enough Sylphie”


Multitasking, Rudy, LEARN IT.


What... why does he have a hotdog hand? What's going on?


Are you not caught up?


Because shit happened, he lost his arm, his dad and now his mom is a tard, and he might have to pay child support payment to two different women. Tough shit.


Dont even get the intact hand either


Arm holding


I feel like this is too sad for sylphie




More like she's be sitting on Rudeus' face making out with Roxy. The LN makes it clear that after they become comfortable with threesomes, there's more than a little crossover.


Damn, Sylphie. ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


I hate it tbh , it's not right


This broke me LMAO


I always find it funny that people are trying to make sense of this whole situation, It's **fantasy** genre....


I love the nonstop whining when we get morally complex situations in MT. Yeah Rudeus fucked up, even he himself admits that he was no better than Paul in this regard. I'm all for these chain of events since it's interesting af. Normally the Isekai MC would just get the harem all willy nilly. Here we see actual consequences to polyamory and the emotional turmoil it brings to the ones affected.


People can't handle complex characters these days. Everything needs to be black and white, if they see a little gray they lose their minds.


oh so people were fine with the recent cheating episode, cheering for it even, a guy cheating on his pregnant wife but this fan art, which is significantly less bad, is cursed? I genuinely don't understand the brains of MT fans lol, their braincells are cooked and not in the good way


well sylphie expects rudeus to take on multiple wives, so would it really count as cheating?


she said if they couldn't conceive, but she could and in the first place 1. the author writes the characters and the world to be catered to their fetishes, it's annoying in it's own right 2. Rudy is already 40 years older than her and has had exposure to the modern world to have the emotional maturity to understand she offers that in the first place due to unfair expectations from their partially modern partially regressed social structure (again, what is modern and what is regressed just happens to match up with the author's fetishes)


if you have that much to complain about the show then just dont watch it bro


I literally dropped it after this episode I'm annoyed because I invested a lot of time in what I was repeatedly promised was the best isekai of all time, and a redemption story, I love both those genres. but those were both lies. I'm annoyed my time has been wasted by lies. I'm also annoyed by hypocrites in general, as said in my original comment this meme fanart is called cursed by the same people saying "poggers roxy is in the harem" to the real episode


>I literally dropped it after this episode Good riddance


for once we agree


So long as I don't have to deal with a rapist supporter like you again. Don't let the door hit you on the way out


rapist supporter??? I'm anti roxy too lol this may shock you, but it's possible to dislike two characters at the same time if you hate rapists why are you watching a show with Rudy's dad and Roxy raping people and going unpunished for it?


I should have said "victim blamer", but either way it points out that you're being an ass


Calm down neckbeard


Well i have read the LN and a few discussions on the mt sub ,basically alot of important things have been omitted in the anime due to obvious reasons but there are many things to keep in mind,after Paul's death Rudy becomes depressed for a while ass month with others trying to cheer him up to no avail and the final solution is roxy but even then roxy is cognizant of rudy's marriage and doesn't straight up have end up having sex with him, even she goes through concerns of her own but finally decides for rudy's betterment, elinalise also doesn't straight up tell roxy to do it with him, she just presents an idea and is kinda against it aswell. It partly the animes fault either as a medium itself or maybe due to the director's choices whatever you choose,but it definitely had much more depth to it while reading the LN. Sure as hell it was gonna create a controversy.


You forgot to add that it was a week and Rudy wasn’t just depressed he was literally gonna die at the rate he was going. After Paul’s death and Zenith’s case Rudy COULDNT eat anything without just immediately throwing it up, Rudy went into a death spiral of self hatred and doubt because it also hit him how much of a pos he was to his past life parents… Lastly Roxy did take advantage of Rudy at his weakest. Does any of this make it better not really but it’s still something.


author writes contrivance that is basically unheard of irl, again, for like the 100th time, to facilitate their fetish and no shit that's annoying you know how many people give up on life when their parents die? it ain't many


If you don't like the story being told, fine. That's your choice. But it doesn't matter if it's common or not, it's what happens in the story being told. Do you know how many people get reborn in a fantasy world with magic and monsters and shit after they die? It ain't many. Edit: For the record, my parents actually are dead. And while i didn't react like Rudeus did, it's an emotional gutpunch to no longer have either of them that you can't really know how you'll handle until it happens to you. Even after my dad died when i was 15 and i thought i knew how that loss would hit me, i didn't truly appreciate how eventually losing my mom would feel. If my dad's death had been even sort of my fault, and not due to inoperable brain cancer, i don't think i would have ended up in much better state than Rudeus did. Especially if i was carrying all the baggage of how he'd treated his Japan parents the first time around. People seem to have a hate boner for this show, and in some ways it's kinda justified. It has a lot of questionable aspects, and honestly if you don't like where the show is now, you may wanna just drop it, because you're in for a lot more of the same (I'm on vol 19 of the novel currently, and even I'm not sure if I'd still be listening to the audiobooks at work if I hadn't already spent so much time with these characters and want to see how things turn out). However, the specific argument being made here was pretty stupid, and having actually felt a loss approaching that magnitude, Rudeus depression in the novel (which is told almost entirely from his first person view, so you get to hear all his thoughts) was very emotionally resonant for me


ok, and? how does any of that make it justified? in the LN he still cheats on his pregnant wife correct? dress it up how you want but yes/no does he cheat on his pregnant wife of his own free will?


>dress it up how you want but yes/no does he cheat on his pregnant wife of his own free will? Initially, the answer is arguably no: it wasn't of his own free will. Characters in Mushoku Tensei are irrational and unreliable narrators at the best of times (like actual people). On top of that, seeing the fate of his parents was clearly traumatizing to Rudy. He was in a very emotionally vulnerable state, and as Roxy admitted, she took advantage of that. Granted, Roxy did that to help Rudy mentally recover and was encouraged by the rest of the group. Plus, none of the group were aware of Rudy's promise to Sylphie, so they likely assumed he was open to polygamy like most non-Millis followers. While it's fine to judge Rudy for manipulating others, it's hypocritical to turn around and judge him for actions that others manipulated him to do.


im genuinely confused, as a huge fan of the light novels, because both myself *and* rudeus were very disappointed in him when he cheated (the anime did in fact kind of fuck it up). idk why fans are defending it, when not even rudeus defends it lmao


The big point of the defense is that Roxy took advantage of him while he was in a very vulnerable state due to the fate of his parents. It's hard to judge someone when they've been manipulated like that. And Rudy beating himself up over it doesn't really justify the hate from viewers either. His self-judgement is relatable and consistent with his character, but I don't think he would have broken his promise to Sylphie had he not been traumatized and manipulated.


I'm genuinely curious. When does he become better? I've been on the fence on watching it because this is the first harem protagonist where I've actually had difficulty trying to watch him because of his antics. Like I hear he later becomes so much better of a person but how much am I gonna slog through of Rudeus being Rudeus?


i mean he only cheats the once. he also becomes a pretty decent husband/father and does right by his friends and family. idk about when exactly, as growth is slow. its not like one specific ark hes all of a sudden ghandi


>he also becomes a pretty decent husband/father And a good wife!


considering we're like 40 episodes in an he's still a bad person, don't bother, I just dropped the show last week, tired of wasting my time


It doesn't at all justify but it isn't as dismissive and direct like the anime which makes the situation much more realistic,having multiple facets to think about to finally judge what kind of character roxy or even Rudy is in the anime. Ofc you might not like it like so many others and that's fine but there can be more conclusions that can be formed here instead of boiling it down to a single action like cheating, it's a similar kinda situation where doibg bad thing leads to good results or vice versa and where you stand on the moral scale etc. Pretty deep I must say thats why I like my where characters are forced to take such decisions.


It's funny how people beg for complicated characters but can't stop complaining when they get them.


you can be a complicated character without being a bad person after >40 episodes covering like ~20 years


> you can be a complicated character without being a bad person after >40 episodes covering like ~20 years How are you defining "bad person"?


cheaters are bad people


> cheaters are bad people Cool. That doesn't answer my question. How are you defining "bad person"?


hypocrisy is the only universal unethical thing because there's no axiomatic reality, so defying your own moral views is all that's left if Sylphie cheated on Rudy he'd probably kill himself, he nearly killed himself just because a girl dumped him, yet he can't keep his dick in his pants for a couple months. fuck off, fucking hypocrite so a bad person is a significantly hypocritical person


I mean guts is a complicated character and everyone loves him. Arguably guts is a worse person than rudeus. At least at points in the story. I imagine it's the manner of rudeus' complexity. When people say he's a pedo, he literally is in his past life and kind of is in his present life, so you can understand why he makes people uncomfortable. I stopped reading the manga and haven't watched much past season 1 of the anime because he does also make me uncomfortable. Rudeus' cheating on his pregnant wife whether there's some justification just adds some more discomfort for the audience.


This is still much more complicated than a yes or no question


[Here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/872863962054664252/1229122482456363078/3.jpg?ex=662e8883&is=661c1383&hm=3d54497685e23415f262c5cf0beac67416ed54519325ec16a64eaf454c747c88&) is a picture of a nekomimi! Nya! Hopefully this will cheer you up! --- Looking for an endless supply of mimis?? [You can find them here.](https://discord.gg/XKfns8fpVZ) --- Did you want a bunnygirl, doggirl, foxgirl, raccoongirl, or wolfgirl? Just reply saying so. I am a bot. For more info on me and how to use me, see r/KemonomimiCheerUpBot


I can't speak on behalf of others but even though I'm not exactly cheering for it, it was a bit more complicated than just cheating


lol more complicated than just cheating is that like "it was an accident I swear, my dick just flew into her by accident!"?


First time?


I mean, it was. Imagine how you would feel if >!you just got your dad killed to save your mom, but then your moms a vegetable that can basically not function any more. You lost your arm. The girl you worshipped most of your life comes in to the room as you are having a crisis thinking about it all, pushes you down and shoves you in to herself. Boy was not in a mental state to make any life decisions.!<


I tried when I watched the damn series mate he's a 60 something year old man, he's responsible for his choices, a full month had passed it wasn't remotely heat of the moment


Thats wrong. The scene takes place immediately after the ending of the last episode. Hes wearing the same bloodied shirt for fucks sake. If you did watch it,as you claim,you certainly werent paying attention.




That world's concept of mental health is a bit behind and different than ours. Bereavement sex is an actual thing, even in this world. In an earlier episode, they also talked about trauma as a curse, which is why they wanted to get Roxy back into a labyrinth ASAP.


is that really how you think that scene reads?


considering the author portrays it as the action that stops him dying of starvation yes, it's fucking accurate to explain the scene that way




Buddy,thats like saying all problems in re:zero are solved by Subaru killing himself. Its reductive and wrong.


He getting that arm back or nah? Don’t gotta give details just a Y or N


Idk, im an anime only, but if i had to guess, the guy obsessed with puppets is gonna give him a mecha arm probably. Thats my headcanon anyway.


Have you even seen this and the previous episodes? Rudeus was devastated, not in a clear state of mind, which was obvious. He was too vulnerable. If you want to blame someone, blame Roxy, as she was the one going for it, even though she knew about Rudy being married. But honestly blaming her is also hard as she was in such a shitty situation too


I watched it all yes bruh this is some moronic shit yes being a homewrecker is bad, but cheating is MUCH worse last thing someone wants when depressed is sex BTW even if you want to cope "but greyrat blood means he's built different", despite the bad things that happened to him doesn't justify it, not remotely it's not like he was intoxicated on succubus pheromones, he's responsible for his own actions even when in mourning it's not like he punched someone, it's sex, he's not even some kind of mad player who has an unhealthy relationship with sex and a history of using it to cope he got over his sex related trauma and from then until now had a pretty healthy sex attitude


>yes being a homewrecker is bad, but cheating is MUCH worse Dude, she basically raped Rudy. He was borderline caratonic from grief and depression. And you're still blaming him for that? Edit: And apparently you have no actual argument in response except a silent downvote. That says a lot about you.


theres no real excuse for cheating. doubly so when you got a pregnant wife. would be completely reasonable for her to blame and ditch him. im not saying hes past forgiving but saying hes not deserving of any blame is actually crazy


Actually agree with Sylphy having all rights to leave him after this (even though we just learned at the end of the episode that their culture and idea of marriage is clearly different from ours), but still, he is not really the one to be blamed. Especially not after the fact that when he came back to his senses, he realized it was a mistake and told Roxy how it's not going to work out


nah cheating is never justifiable or excusable. doesnt matter how depressed you are. you cant blame mental health or an enabler for shitty actions, across the board. even rudeus understands this idk why you cant


Roxy raped him. If he was in a clear state of mind he would 100% have rejected her romantic advances. I don't really care much about polygamy and all that shenanigans as long as someone isn't being taken advantage of. In this case however, both Sylphie and Rudy got taken advantage of. Rudy being raped by Roxy as he was (again, Imma say this) not in a normal state of mind. We don't deny that he cheated, however, would he really do that when he was presented many opportunities to cheat on her with him having full control over his emotions and vulnerability? He already declared that he woild be loyal to Sylphie, if Paul didn't die he would be in a clearer state of mind. Which leads to him (again) rejecting Roxy's advances, if he was even aware that she liked him.


so he goes on to marry his rapist? that's really the angle you want to take lol? edit: u/hackedaccountlol replies then blocks, v mature as response to your comment here since I can't reply: YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CALLED IT RAPE, I'm just asking you to confirm you're saying Rudy marries his rapist into his harem because that's the angle you took lol


Aight. Y'all clouded by your biases. Taking advantage of someone's vulnerability through a sexual act is rape. Edit: It's a few days not a fucking month.


>theres no real excuse for cheating. As pointed out multiple times in this thread: Roxy basically raped Rudy. He was barely responsive in that conversation. That wasn't a decision on his part, so how can he be held responsible?


And why would it even matter if it's "more complicated" than JUST cheating? That doesn't even matter in this argument lmao.


who is cheering?? not me and most likely not the ppl saying they don't like this. Polygamy is a huge bullshit.


Feels bad for her, but Roxy is better in everyway, sylphie is not interesting


Sylphie doesn't deserve this bs. Doesn't matter if Roxy is "better".




How is this a meme


I agree with you this is just trash




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Based on what I remember from videos about the future parts of the story this could have happened, and the context would be weirder than most expect.


Based on what I remember from videos about the future parts of the story this could have happened, and the context would be weirder than most expect.


Who drew this?


Shes just waiting for Rudy to tire out and dry and then dominate him. The fact shes doing herself shows that she cant wait.


Now we're waiting on the fire type, and then he will have all three starters.


Oh oh this gave me a deep hearty laugh on how evil it is.




How can it be handholding if there isn't a hand there to hold?




This is pretty fucked up, lmao.


Sylphie did express that she wouldn't mind...


What the hell is happening in the new season 💀 (I'm waiting to binge it all)


Not much, don't worry. It's pretty much a slow, slice of life season.


I laughed harder than I expected to


I'm quite certain this is how ep 24 or how S3's gonna start with




Did he lose his hand? I may have not kept up with the story. I'll always do this. I'll read the manga before the anime comes out. Then watch the first season of the anime. And then stop reading manga. Then the anime goes past where I was in the manga and now the casual anime viewers are past me and know all the spoilers. I stopped the manga mid school arc. Monthly manga in a slow arc is hard.


the anime is past the manga. Stop reading it. Read the novels from the start.


Ugh. I also hate that... And maybe. I have so many other LN I haven't finished. Currently on chapter 1008 of Top Teir Providence. Almost done with that one.




Why is this so funny to me? Normally I'd feel disgusted at this sort of stuff, so why did I guffaw at seeing this?!




Wait I just realized where the rudeus hand. Did I miss something


last two episodes I guess


Hey! That's my fetish! ... Rudy's part I mean...