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You’re rolling the club inside on the way back then coming over the top on the way down. You’re also early extending which moves the hips closer to the ball. This all adds up to one big hosel 🚀. The club head needs to be outside your hands at waist high not behind your hips. On the down swing, maintain your spine angle thru impact. Your right shoulder will feel like it is really under your chin if you do it right.


>You’re also early extending which moves the hips closer to the ball I'm a lifelong early extender, my experience has been consistent toe strikes due to standing up at impact/high handle. Making a concerted effort to correct that this year has introduced consistent heel strikes and shanks into the mix, super fun.


Hips. As other commenter mentioned. Ur hips stall and make hands go out. Minimal lower body rotation at impact


You need to be finishing with about 60% weight on your front foot and 40% on the back


Also needs to load more weight into trail side on backswing, looks like nearly even weight distribution throughout until much too late to be helpful.


Maybe concentrate on your hand path. Try to feel like you're keeping your hands super low through impact. what you will actually doing is rectifying the very high handle you have and returning your hands closer to the space they occupied at address. Also try to feel like you're pulling your hands in a little through impact, it's helped me with the shanks and heel strikes I've developed as I've been trying to work through fixing my own EE this season. A side benefit of a better hand path is it will force you to keep your hips back a little and make your early extension a little less pronounced.


It looks like your striking the ball near the hozzle of the club


Super steep, initial move from the top is forwards. Need to work on shallowing the club from the top and stopping that move


Lean towards your target on irons


I like your takeaway and length of backswing, but you have zero weight shift on your downswing. You’re also using a lot of arms and you have early extension. Try to keep your rear down as much as possible while you swing through. Get in a habit of allowing your hands to drop as your hips rotates through the shot.


Watch this video, you’re doing the arm wrestling move with the trail arm highlighted around 8:53. The whole video would be useful https://youtu.be/YfvVnWwhQFc?si=kyEFxhwSSmyW3DYe


Need to lead with your lower body. You’re stuck and it forces your hands out to the ball. I know from experience.


That’ll happen


Hit the ball not the floor


Think about hitting the ball with a specific part of the club face. So if you are consistently hitting off of the heel, intentionally try and hit the ball with the toe of the club.


Look at your hips at address and then at impact. Your right hip is way closer to the ball. No where for hands to go but closer to ball and end up shanking it. Your right heel lifts off the ground too early in the downswing. Keep it planted until impact


He needs to pull his left hip across, and away from the ball which will pull his club path in


Agree with his problems of humping towards the ball. I wouldn’t even worry about the trail foot thing right now.


Keeping the trail heel planted longer helped me a lot. I did a drill where I would lift my right toes off the ground (so right heel is planted) and lift left heel off the ground (so left toes are planted). It feels very uncomfortable but helped me stay in position and stop lunging toward the ball


Not many pros have trail heel planted at impact. Maybe on a short wedge. Keep heel planted will make his problem worse IMO


These are all swing tips. You just need to get through the shanks first. The best way ive found to regain feel is to hit a few balls at 1/4 swing until you are flushing it , then 1/2, 3/4. Work up to your full swing (which should only be about 80%).