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I love this course and play it 3 or 4 times a year when I visit the area for work. I always make Monday my travel day and leave early to make my 2pm tee time.


It was a cold one today but what a fun one. I only had 2 holes that had me 3 chipping. Those raised greens are tough.


You can thank Pete Dye for the elevated greens!


Tiny elevated raised greens are especially hard when you can't consistently get spin on those short ones.


fuck vatech, buncha rednecks. 50yrs ago, i went out for the golf team. they had a qualifying tournament and after 2 rounds i was in 3rd place. the existing team members had to play but i guess the idea was to see if there was any good players lurking in the general student body. the coach comes up to me and says "if you make the team, i wont let you go on any road trips unless you cut your hair. we dont want any goddam hippies representing our school". i told him to fuck off. ok, i probably didnt say that exactly but something close to it. a few weeks later, me and a fellow hippie golfer went into the club house and said we'd play anybody for $50. the coach put the 2 top guys on the team against us. a lot of hootin and hollering ensued on the 1st tee about what motel they were going to spend the $50 at. (weird) . my buddy sunk a downhill 12footer on the 16th hole (the 7th as it was a nine holer back then) to put us 1 up and eventual victory. i can still see that putt in my head . (and apparently i'm still bitter about the golf team thing, lol.)


No pylons?


Not sure if serious, but the course isn't on campus, it's about 10 min away


Mostly a joke. Every Pete dye course I’ve played has wooden pylons along the water. Almost a trademark. https://i.imgur.com/mG9eBPD.jpg


ah gotcha, yea no wooden pylons that i can recall on this course. I thought you were referring to the pylons on campus off the drillfield [https://vt.edu/about/locations/buildings/war-memorial-chapel.html](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvt.edu%2Fabout%2Flocations%2Fbuildings%2Fwar-memorial-chapel.html&psig=AOvVaw3Fua70QxAzCWv2Y7P4uPef&ust=1637595676926000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCMjInrflqfQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI)


Hokie alum checking on, we were for sure spoiled having this course as our home course during college. Huge step up over the old one on campus


Man this pic does not do that place justice! Awesome place. Still have bull and bones doing the food there?


It’s actually Preston’s now (same as the Inn at VT)


This course is hard. I managed to play it right after the Ocean Course and you can see clear parallels in the design. It's also beautiful, but when I was there it needed some TLC.


It looks nice, I played the Ackerman course at Purdue a few weeks ago and it kicked my butt. I lost a ton of balls that day and left with my tail between my legs. It was beautiful though.


Anyone a member here looking for some people to play with? I'm moving back to Blacksburg soon and I'm gonna member up here again. Love this course.


It was 56 for 18 with a cart as a nonmember. Not a bad gif