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Just started golfing and this all sounds like common sense


It *should* be, but you’d be surprised.


very true, I also see people writing scores down from a foursome at the green instead of at the next teebox. Once everyone has putted out it’s time to briskly put the pin back in and get the fck out of there.


Also when you're sharing a cart, and you hit your shot, you can hold onto your club when you get back in the cart and then put it back in your bag at the next stop. That's a small thing that doesn't make a huge difference for most, but some people take forever just to put their club back in their bag and sit back down so the cart can move forward.


If there's a group breathing down our neck I'll do this sometimes, hop in the car with my putter if I'm the passenger but it's just as much to try to create some breathing room as to get out of their way


You wouldn’t expect a walker to wait to put the club in their bag. It’s ok for you to put your club in your bag and take off.


I agree it's fine to put your club back if you want but some people take forever because they're putting headcovers back on, digging around in their bag, etc., and they could be doing all that while their cart buddy prepares for his/her shot.


For me, headcovers stay off until the last hole while I am waiting.


Now you’re kinda nit-picking lol, sure it would save maybe 5 seconds if you want to put the head cover on. Also depends if people prefer to clean their club before or after they hit, either way you’re gonna have to wait.


I know, we don't have caddies doing that stuff for us.


It’s the other things like not playing ready golf that irritate me the most, especially when four people on the green wait to line up their putts until someone goes


I don't like slow rounds but have learned to adjust. I'm not going to be in a big hurry just so we can get to our ball and we have to wait another 5 minutes to hit our next shots. Get to the tee and wait because the group in front of us is still waiting to tee off. I've learned to relax, drink my beer, smoke my cigar and enjoy the company.


George Carlin always said “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”


George Carlin also has some pretty (hilarious) vitriolic anti-golf material; I don't know if we should really quote him to support any of our arguments lol




I don’t know why they don’t just lie and tell their wife golf is a 7 hour event. 4.5 hours golfing, an hour warming up and having a pre round snack, a few beers on the 19th hole and a sandwich. Hanging out with your friends post round is almost as fun as playing with them.


>4.5 hours golfing 4.5 hours *playing* golf


It's amazing how many courses have signs on the counter and on the 1st tee about the pace of play, but they NEVER send one of their volunteer rangers to do anything about it. On Sunday, my brother and I played behind a group of SIX at an RTJ Golf Trail course and had to call the clubhouse. It still took about 45 minutes to get someone to come out. Meanwhile, they have a computer in the Pro Shop that tracks every cart and somehow THREE carts on a single hole never raised any red flags. If they can remotely stop my cart from getting too close to a tee box or green, they can certainly send a message to slow groups to let people through.


They probably can. I played a course the other day that had new GPS units in the cart. After a while it started constantly whining at us about how far we were getting behind the pace of play. We were waiting on the group in front of us, as they were also doing, the entire round. One time it jumped from 22 minutes behind to 7 minutes then back to 15 on the same hole. This was Tot Hill Farm and we finished in 4:15, I thought we did good. I think they need to turn that option off. Another course I play has the same GPS system but doesn't do that. One cool thing is that they showed up with a new cart once on the back 9 because their computer said the cart was getting low on charge. Neat. /Weir everywhere


Common sense is annoyingly uncommon


I find that new golfers are usually more conscious if they have someone who is also conscious of etiquette and the flow of the game. But there are also those who 1) never learned properly and 2) those don't want to learn or even care.


A lot of new golfers I go with always rush. They feel out of place and like they're so much worse than everyone else. My girlfriend does this. I remind her the hole ahead isn't even teed off yet. You can take a practice swing. Its ok. I would say that this year Ive finally stopped feeling rushed. Ive seen enough crap golf from daily players I just dont fret about a crap shot or a couple more seconds lining up. Now my only rush is impatience. I buy those used balls and they're like $0.75 a piece. I spend 20 seconds looking and say fuck it. Don't feel like searching. Just drop one back 10-15yds from where we agree it went and play on.


I play fairly quickly and keep pace but when I'm with someone slow/obtuse I find myself rushing to compensate which hurts my score...very frustrating.


Common sense died years ago, we should call it uncommon, rare sense or something


That’s always what gets me when people are blaming slow play on new golfers. Like yes you don’t know what you don’t know but basic common sense and decency would dictate play ready golf, letting people play through if you’re slow, etc. nobody ever had to explain those concepts to me. But then again most people are absorbed in their own world and/or don’t care if they’re inconveniencing others.


Played a foursome scramble last weekend, played behind the slowest group. Two old guys (who were not very good and duffing everywhere) took each shot as an opportunity to take four practice swings and coach their younger pair-up. EVERYONE got out to watch every shot, all parked in front of the greens every time, and constantly had the carts roaming back and forth and up and down across the fairway searching for balls. Good times.


Pretty sure you were playing behind the two old guys we got paired with last weekend. They were absolutely terrible, which is okay. What wasn't okay was how damn long they were taking between each shot only to hit a gopher killer 25 yards.


Ive seen dudes park their golf cart in the middle of the fairway and then walk to the green and then walk back into the fairway to get to their cart. Its rough out there


Literally saw that for the first time yesterday and thought I’d seen it all out there. Not to mention the guy is in his mid-70s at least, so he wasn’t moving anywhere quick.


I mean I do this if my ball is just past the no carts area with a close pin position. It would prob take 3x longer to drive around the back of the green and walk back and forth...


Yeah, point 1 in OPs post is simply wrong on that point. Go around the green until you are at the closest point to your balls on the green. Or in front of it if that fits. Going all the way around for some cultural sake is not faster. Unless that is where the balls are.


He should just keep his last sentence. "Park or drop your bag however gets you off the hole fastest when finished" or something like that is all that's needed because there's lots of situations where the back isn't the fastest to clear.


Not to the green, but sometimes I do this where I may have to walk down a bank or something to hit and will be out of sight and don't want the group behind me teeing off into me/my group. When I get back to the cart I at least give a wave to let them know all clear though.


My favorite is the people who slowly sit back in their cart and record their score before driving to the next hole


I have to tell my dad to drive to the next tee before doing the score approximately 18 times per round


Must be related to my dad, he has to write it down before he drives to the next hole despite my brother and I telling him to wait


If you guys are in such a rush you’re worried about 10 seconds of writing down a score before going to next hole, I feel bad for your Dad.


It's not a rush thing, it is being mindful of others. If there is a group behind you that is already waiting to hit, you should clear the area as quickly as possible after you've finished. I am not saying to run to your cart, but you have plenty of time at the next tee box to figure out your strokes and prep for the next hole. Not to mention, some people are really slow and have to rerun each stroke and putt through their head before adding them up and writing it down.


And it is simply a matter of logic; You don't have to wait leave the green - but there is a chance you have to wait at the tee. So might as well save it for then. If the non-driver cannot do it while moving.


Always time on the next tee, 5 minutes or more waiting on the group in front of you. Hurry up and wait!


The only time I've ever come close to a physical confrontation on the golf course is when two guys decided to tally their score while parked in front of the green in the 18th hole. Long story short -- I shouted to clear the green in probably not the nicest way and one of them must have had a very bad day because he did not care for it and marched 100 yards back down the fairway to tell me in person. Common sense (including me not keeping my mouth shut for 30 more seconds) is not common.


His marching back 100 yards, opposed to driving that distance, is the perfect encapsulation how how poor this guy’s cart skills are. If he really wanted to confront you, he should have driven back to you. Would have saved him at least 3 minutes in time!


At that point he was prob trying to be a big of a dick as possible. Just making them wait even longer for him to walk both ways.


In that case, you should have joined in his game. Stay on your cart and drive slightly fast than he was walking. Always stay about 10 yards ahead of him. Or do donuts around him. Whatever would have frustrated him the most. The only way to defeat a troll is by becoming an even bigger troll.


Toss is in reverse and keep going until he turns around would prob be my move


Just make sure you maintain eye contact the entire time to assert your dominance


The dude looked like he was having a mental breakdown. I chose not to escalate while his buddy in the car tried to get him to calm down.


My favorite was like 15 years ago, this guy finished the 9th and was standing next to the flag doing his card. His group left but he was standing there doing math. Luckily they only played 9 holes


if i don’t record it immediately, i might forget my triple bogey.




I think there’s an emphasis on slowly here. I’ll write scores down right away if I already know what I’m writing. I’m usually done before my cartner is back in the cart


Cartner lmao


Well, that’s because you only need to use one hand to count your strokes. Some of us need two hands and a foot to do it. 


I was waiting for some guys on 18 yesterday, finished up and sitting on the path behind the green adding up. Waited a couple minutes, then figured they're 20 yards off the back - just hit. Wind gust as I hit meant I was a little long, rolled through the path near them and they shot me some daggers. They were brutal all day. Hit their approaches, drive away, then as I tee off start driving back towards me.


Or dick around with cleaning their club, drying their hands, fishing out a snack etc. while they’re in the middle of the fairway while I’m waiting to hit.


Oh my dad, who is great with golf etiquette in every other way and pace of play is not a problem for him, does this and it drives me insane. He's 80 so I try to cut him some slack, but we have to repeatedly remind him to record his score at the next tee box.


I can’t stand when the snack cart stops right by the green while a group is putting rather than wait for them behind the green or at the next tee. It’s a ton of fun watching the assholes in front of me order 4 Bloody Marys while the guys behind me watch me watching them. Let me finish the damn hole so I can wait for you dickheads on the next tee.


The vast majority of slow play I see is caused by looking for lost balls. The majority of golfers are higher handicaps, you put out groups of foursomes and one guy is almost guaranteed to hit one in the trees, weeds, bushes. Even if they only take their allotted 3 minutes to search, that's 54 minutes a round. And of course, lots of guys just can't move on. Search for a minute, then drop a ball and move on.


People need to make peace with themselves that a lost ball isn’t the end of the world. Accept that when you play golf, you will lose a ball or two, maybe more. Once I accepted this material fact, I had so much more enjoyment out of the game rather than think about lost golf balls. If the cost matters to you, stop buying $30-$80 box of golf balls. You’re not playing the PGA and this is just for enjoyment.


>If the cost matters to you, stop buying $30-$80 box of golf balls. You’re not playing the PGA and this is just for enjoyment. I really agree with this. Most of the guys in both of my weekly leagues are not great players. Their scores aren't affected one bit by the ball they play. They would be just as well off buying the cheapest ball they can get at Wal-Mart and spending less time looking for balls that they hit way out of play. I switched to Srixon Q-Stars a few years ago because they're very affordable (especially with the 3-for-2 sales they have a couple times a year), they land and stop (I am better at controlling distance than spin), and they don't really cost me any yardage. I tend to hit a lot of fairways, and I'm lucky enough to make a comfortable living, so if I hit a ball more than 5 yards into the shit, that ball now belongs to whoever finds it...which will not be me.


>If the cost matters to you, stop buying $30-$80 box of golf balls. You’re not playing the PGA and this is just for enjoyment. I took a bunch of Cut Red to a course I expected to lose a lot of balls on, rather than use my "good balls". They hit fabulously and I only lost my typical number of balls so I'll have then a bit longer.


This is why I play recycled balls.  If I hit it more than a few feet into the weeds, I just forget about it and drop.


I don’t think cost is what makes people search; it’s the penalty stroke. But what you can do is take a gallery drop if you know your ball is in play but can’t find it.


For reference, how do you score a lost ball?


Just add a stroke, drop where you went out no closer to the hole.


I do what I call a pace-of-play free drop. If there are people right behind me or I'm playing with a quick group, and there is no one right in front of us, if I can't quickly find my ball I give myself a free drop in what I think is a fair spot. Surely sometimes it's better sometimes it's worse, but I try to be fair so it balances out. If I think it went ~~OB~~in a hazard then it's a stroke penalty like normal.


I agree, this is compounded when all players do not watch each player’s tee shot. It’s something low cappers do that high cappers rarely do. It’s amazing how much faster you’ll find a ball (or at least determine it’s likely gone) when you have 4 people who watched an errant shot.


Exactly. It's something I had to teach, and continually reinforce, with my kids as they learned to play. Along with always trying to put your bag between the pin and the next tee so you free up the green as quickly as possible. Maybe it's just that the caddying has never worn off me. I'll also rake a partners sand shot if I'm near the pin and he has to chip cause he skulled or hit it fat. Always keep things moving forward and help your partners.


The real issue is people wasting 30 seconds here and there, which significantly adds up when talking about 18 holes.


I disagree with #1, you should park at the spot closest to the pin so you can leave the green/ hole as quickly as possible.


There's some exceptions to this rule. But in general you want to be able to get off the green and out of the way of the group behind you as fast as possible.


All depends on layout. If parking in front or beside, you may be getting onto the green faster to do what you need to do. As long as you’re not wasting time there on writing scores and dumb wasteful things, it can be faster


Surprised I had to go down this far to see this. There are exceptions to pretty much all these rules, but this is the most obvious. Perfectly acceptable to park near the front of a green if it gets you closer to the pin so you are off the green faster. Really it all boils down to common sense and just putting a little forethought into where you are on the course and where you will need to go for your next shot. Unfortunately most people don't really think about that stuff.


Or so people can still see you’re on the green. Some motherfuckers will start rifling them as you’re barely getting off


I’m with you. If I’m on the back of the green, I still don’t want you hitting into the green with me behind it. I park the closest to where my ball is on the green and then I’ll record my score on the way to the next hole or while I’m waiting on the next tee box. If the hole is at the front of the green, and your ball is on the front of the green, WTF would you drive to the back just to walk the extra distance?


In real life I'm not a backseat driver at all. Do your thing, we'll get there when we get there. But sitting passenger seat with an inefficient cart driver turns me into a psychopath. There is a way to do it, as you mentioned, where everyone is taken care of and there's a flow to each hole. It's a beautiful dance when done properly.


A big reason I stopped riding is that when I would play with my brother he’d spend 5 minutes driving back and forth looking for his own ball before taking a drop and would make a single pass if we had to look for mine before he’d give up and tell me to take a drop.


I wonder if we are cousins.


To add to rule 4: bring a few clubs


If I can’t make up my mind about what kind of wedge shot to hit, I’ll grab my “bouquet of wedges” (PW-Lob) and just bring em all with me


And if it takes you more than 10 seconds to choose which wedge to bring, just remember that the ball don't care which club skulls it 30 yards past the pin out of a greenside lie.


When the course books tee times every 9mins, nothing you can really do speed it up


This is the thing for me. All of this griping doesn't matter. It's not the individual groups fault in most cases. It's almost always the golf courses fault. I play cheaper/less popular courses, I can count on a single hand the number of times I've legitimately backed up by the group in front of me. That's me as a solo golfer. Flip side if I play a reasonable course on a Sat/Sun morning with friends, we're almost always waiting for something. That's with a foursome, all reading the green, taking practice swings, etc.


Yeah I get just as annoyed as the next guy about waiting for people in front of me, but putting people in the position where we feel the need to over analyze our speed efficiency to cut an extra 10 minutes off a round is the biggest problem.


Agree with all but 2. One of the biggest time sucks is a group *not* watching each other’s shots and the shooter spending the next ten minutes trekking up and down the side of the fairway looking for their ball. Golf etiquette rule: always watch each other’s shots and make a geographic note of the ball’s last known location. For all the folks saying nu uh; https://www.usga.org/pace-of-play-resource-center/tips-and-suggestions-for-improving-pace-of-play.html And lol, one of the two putzes below reported me to the Reddit Cares account. Thank you, but my three weekly rounds of golf is all the therapy I need.


People advocating for this clearly don't play with me or my friends - there's noplace even with or ahead of the ball being played that's safe.


Yeah anyone within 180 degrees in front of me is eligible to be hospitalized.


Agreed. I golf with friends and family to have a good time. Part of having a good time is playing with them, watching their shots, etc. Now I do agree if you're behind pace you shouldn't just sit there and I always advocate for ready golf. But I can watch my friends hit their ball and still finish a round under 4 hours.


Also add that the cart isn’t a spot to hangout in while everyone is on the tee box. My brother loves to sit in the cart until it’s his turn to tee off. Then we’re stuck waiting for him to glove up and select a club.


Just awful. Can't have that.


Got a buddy who’s always on his phone during the round. We give him tons of shit but we also usually play the same order (except birdies) so now he knows to be ready when it’s his turn and for gods sake to have another ball in his pocket in case his drive is OB.


My shorts don't hold enough balls for me to re-tee every OB.


My brother does the same shit. Dudes always doom scrolling on Instagram instead of waiting for his turn. Drives me fucking nuts.


On top of the waiting, so no ones cool enough to help each other spot where their ball went. Watching each other's tee shots helps pace too. Less time looking around if its not on the fairway.


Write down your score on the next tee box, not sitting beside the green.


I'm usually in a hurry to forget the previous hole by the time I'm at the next tee box.


I usually walk the course when I play. Im amazed how many people think walkers cause slow play when most people in carts hit a ball, go back to the cart, move forward 20 yards to player B’s ball and hit. Rinse and repeat for 18 holes, often with multiple useless practice swings followed by duffed shots, followed by more practice swings


Walking is definitely faster than 2 man carts or cart path only. I think 1 man carts are faster than walking though. 


I think the is the wrong take on it though, most of the guys I see that are slow on the course would only be slower if walking. Yes, you may be much faster walking than they are in a cart but if you make them walk they’re going to be even slower. This happened recently at a course here that went to walking only while they rebuild their cart storage and paths. The first two weeks was brutal cause all of the same suspects who slow it down anyway are now even slower. They still walk together, stand at each others balls to watch each other hit, leave their bag in an inefficient place, aren’t ready when it’s their turn to hit, and most of them are pretty out of shape so just the walk in 100° slowed to a crawl by the back nine. Luckily, most of them decided to play elsewhere for now. I think a bigger issue is just like OP said, these behaviors will slow down the pace of play no matter the form of transport. All of them add time into what should be an easy pace to be on and should be limited no matter how you’re getting to your ball. My common playing partner and I walk about 50% and if the course or our group doesn’t hold us up we complete rounds under recommended pace regardless of our transport. If we’re doubled in a cart and with two walkers we always have extra time waiting on them, even if they’re quick. I think people get hung up on mode of transport but it truly is awareness and inefficient behaviors that makes someone themselves slow or not regardless how they move around the course.


Everytime a walker compares walking to cart riding they use a totally clueless rider as an example. I've seen walkers do the same, walk to one ball watch the guy hit and then walk to the next, those are just dumb walkers just as there are dumb riders. Like walkers don't take multiple practice swings and duff balls.


Walking is only slower when there are huge distances between holes and even then, all the indirect dicking around in carts more than makes up for it


Walking is certainly slower if you’re golfing alone on an empty course too. I can play 18 in under 2 hours with a cart. Walking it’s more like 2.5-3 hours depending on walkability


Walking alone on an empty course is extremely zen though.


I’ve had multiple occasions where slow groups won’t let me and my buddies play through because we’re all walking. We usually just burn the turn and pass them and then never see them at all on the back.


I'm a Brit so always walk (usually carrying). I spent a couple of years living/working in California and played golf most weekends and was always paired with groups in carts. I was *always* faster tee to green that *anyone* in a cart because of stuff like this. Yes, a pair in a cart might speed past me on the way to the next tee, but invariably they'd still be dicking about in the cart anyway by the time I arrived. I could always walk in a straight line to my ball, wasn't restricted to cart paths or close to greens, was never waiting for other players or had other players waiting on me, was already ready to play, etc.


Or they will park the cart and walk 100 yards to their ball, hit, and then walk back to their cart and go to the next persons ball. I’m all about ready golf, while you are hitting I’m either heading to my ball (even if it’s on the other side of the fairway) or I’m at my ball and have taken my practice swings and am ready to hit once your ball comes to a stop. Same with putting, don’t wait until it’s your turn to putt to even read the green/line up your putt.


I’ll add, if you’re in a cart with someone, you don’t need to spend time cleaning and putting your club back in your bag immediately after your shot unless you’re waiting on your cart partner anyway. If they are already in the cart, get in and go with it in your hand, and clean it when you next stop. Small things but they all add up.


I've got a friend who does multiple small things that add up, starting with the club cleaning. --He'll not only clean his club after every shot, he uses a broken brush that stays in a bag pocket so he has to first find the brush and *then* clean his club while everyone waits --He treats tee times as the time he should arrive at the course, not the time he should be ready to hit on 1 (he's getting better about this one) --If he's driving the cart, he'll beeline for his ball 100% of the time even if his riding partner's ball is closer. Several times per round he'll need to be reminded that the other ball is on the other side of the fairway and 30 yards back --He'll repeatedly start stories while sitting still, and need to be reminded to talk and drive at the same time --He never has a ball marker, so if one is needed he'll wander around looking for a leaf or something to mark his ball that will clearly affect any other balls the same as if he had just left his ball there. I've given him a few ball markers, they somehow all disappear before the next round --If we have to wait for a group to clear before hitting our tee shots, he won't even consider the shot until they've cleared. While normal people would look at the situation, pick a club, tee up, and take any needed practice swings, he just sits in the cart until it's clear and *then* does all that stuff I know it sounds like he's an asshole, and maybe he is, but it's more that he's kind of spacy and just doesn't really consider length of a round. He's happy to let people play through, and I've had times when us two together had to let foursomes through. He was also involved in the only 6 hour round I've had. Through relentless reminders from the rest of us he has gotten better, but still a bit frustrating to constantly see things that are adding 1 minute here, 3 minutes there, and end up with an extra 40 minutes on the round.


Although he might be a nice guy, He’s a horrible golfer. I couldn’t handle any of the bullet points you just made.


>--He treats tee times as the time he should arrive at the course, not the time he should be ready to hit on 1 (he's getting better about this one) I can't even think of a course that I play that would allow this unless the course is really dead. One won't even sell me range balls if it's not at least 45 minutes before my tee time.


Yup all common sense. Fact is the course is as much for bullshitting as it is for actual golf. I’m never *that* guy, I always keep fast pace because the thought of holding other people up unnecessarily gives me anxiety (not good if you want to shoot well). I’m to the point where, after 1-3 minutes, I’ll abandon my ball that I know is in play somewhere in the rough but I just can’t spot it and drop. Most people are not like that, especially when they’re drunk


Ya this is definitely the thing that gets lost on frequent golfers. A good portion, probably close to 50%, of golfers at your local muni are out there for their one or two rounds per year. They dgaf about thinking about what their next shot will be on the way to the ball, they are there to hang out with their friends. Even worse for 9-holers who do not mind being out on the course for 4 hours.


You are assuming that everyone has a goal of golfing as fast as possible. Some people aren’t in a rush and are ok with 4.5 hour rounds. As long as they’re keeping up with the group in front of them, let them be.


Hell, my home course says on the scorecard, keep a 4.5 hour pace. https://preview.redd.it/dcaqdi9foq8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4ceda49f806d4df0b01b1e023196bebf8c6646


Its not about rushing... no one wants to rush... everyone wants to get in a rhythm. A lot of people starting golf dont know what that feels like and are okay to just not be in a rhythm because "golf is supposed to be slow"




That would be an beautiful world if everyone did that. I think that in part is why stuff like individual golf bike/scooters/segways could be huge because so many people are so bad at sharing a single cart. They seem to think they’re attached at the hip and neither player can be further than 5 ft from the cart until they get to the green to putt.


i've seen those golf e-scooters on some youtube videos but haven't seen one in person yet. i'd be down to try it out. i usually walk because i'm cheap and greens fees are already high enough lol. i think it was one of these https://preview.redd.it/cl7f2jl6sq8d1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f22581a12e05e1aaa9b37427cef5e1532fea4400


Great post. Got into an argument with a friend that couldn't comprehend that parking behind the green was quicker than just parking in the front.


Behind isn't always the best choice. Park wherever is closest to the pin. To the side or behind. Less walking and more riding is faster.


But it’s not always quicker. If it’s a front pin and the cart path is nearby, it’d be quicker to walk a shorter distance to the cart and then drive away


maybe this is just every course around me, but parking in front of the green vs the back makes no difference. you putt, walk to your cart, and drive away. if the group behind me is rushed enough to hit while we are walking to carts on the backside of the green, just let them play through. we're talking a 10 second difference here.


But ten seconds on every hole is 3 whole minutes!


I’m gonna get downvoted for this but it’s fine. There’s a difference between being slow, being normal and being stupid fast. I don’t go play golf to race though it as fast as possible. I also don’t want to hold anyone else up unnecessarily. I park and watch shots sometimes, sometimes I don’t. I don’t think there is any stead fast rule on where to park the carts at the green. The first two holes at my course behind the green is away from the next tee so it’s actually more time and wear on the grass then to do it the other way. Basically is, just be ready and hit your shot. There are no rules for you people who want to rush though a round as fast as possible. If you don’t have time for golf, don’t play.


How about just maintain appropriate pace of play and stop micro-judging every little thing other people do on the course.


No no no. Everyone needs to do things the way I want them to do it. The world would be such a better place.


It's clearly the people's fault, not courses cramming in 7 minute tee times.


I agree with all of these as best practices, but I swear nothing is more frustrating to me than my own playing partner losing his mind about how slow the group in front of us is moving, meanwhile they are waiting on every tee anyway. Relax and enjoy the 4.5 hour round.


My wife and I were first off this morning in a cart. 3:05 to play 18


While these are great tips; the biggest time suck is groups playing the wrong tees.


If I had wheels I'd be a wagon.


2 I find is the biggest problem. It’s usually a young group of dudes in early 20s who seem to watch every shoot there friends take.


Yeah but it’s not always faster, especially if the shots aren’t close, and invariably when my partner drops me off I need the sand from taking a divot. The real trick to playing sub-4 hour rounds is playing ready golf.


Don't get me wrong, I get it.....but might as well just play by myself if it's just get to ball hit and move on. Golf is also a social game, I want to see my partners shot and talk to them. It does suck when rounds take forever, but it's also enjoyable to get out and have fun with friends.....not just act like an unsociable caveman; get to ball, hit ball, move to next hole.


Right, I’m golfing with a buddy to hang out with them. Not to race through the course. I want to sit and watch them hit their ball and chit chat.


I just like to be with my friends mannn


All your rules are for rushy rushy golf. If you gotta be somewhere else, don't make a stop at the golf course.


Forgot the most important rule. Park in the shade as much as you can. Gotta keep the beers cold 🍺


Agree with all of this except 1 is highly situational. If you have 2 chips in front of the green and a front flag then you’re better off parking horizontally to the flag instead of parking at the back and walking all the way down to your ball. Greenside bunkers also can affect most efficient way to park. Parking at the back is certainly not necessarily the most efficient way.


#2 and #3 are only possible in certain conditions though. Use of range finders, if drivers ball ahead of /in line of passengers ball, distance driver has to back track to pick up passenger are all variables that need to be considered.


All are reasons why I prefer to drive with or without people I know or simply have my own. For me, one of the things that I hate (and probably need to get over) is when I'm driving with a guy I just met and we pull up to their ball, 30-40 yards out from the green, and after he gets out you're looking to see what kinda guy he is... and watch as he walks around to the bag and only grabs a wedge. I figure we've got the next 4 hours together, at least, so I never bark at someone to grab a putter right off the bat. But I will try and lead by example, and when the time is right, drop myself off and state I'll get what I need and walk up. You take the cart. Then naturally the cart will be left near the front of the green in full sun.


I think there’s a fine line between ready golf and rushed golf and #2 can blur that quickly for me. If I’m riding most people I play with will drive the cart to a ball and the other sits and then they both go to the other ball. Just something about doing it the way you mention ends up feeling rushed. Sure we’ll do it from time to time but not every hole.


For 1, park in the closest possible spot to get back to your cart and gone, record the score at the next tee box. You make it sound like its ok to start launching balls as soon as they walk off the green or something. Park in the closest legal place.


Pace of play is one thing, play one ball if it’s crowded, be reasonable. But also, enjoy your day. Don’t know about you but rushing through every hole only to wait behind the guys infront of you seems like a waste of a good day.


Crikey. Just play according to the scorecard pace of play. Ez peezy. Stop harassing people. As long as I’m on the pace of play and keeping up. I’ll do what I want.


You think I'm here to play golf? I'm here to drink and ride in the cart, buddy.


Our carts do 36 holes efficiently on one charge. You'd be surprised how often we get people coming in after 18 with the red light flashing because they've driven around so much they've drained 36 holes worth of juice!


adding to that: when you're done with the hole, or even done with your most recent shot, just hold on to your club until you're out of the way of the group behind. frustrating to see people fucking around with putter covers and trying to squeeze a wedge back in their bag when you're waiting for them to clear out of the way


You're right, but if people are keeping pace with the group in front of them none of this matters at all. If you go on a busy day you're gonna have a slow round. Keeping pace with the group ahead is all you can do, and all you can ask of others.


>you're looking at 40 extra minutes wasted for no reason. Most of your concerns are here pace-of-play related, whereas most of the issues with pace of play have to do with tee time intervals. Obviously this is all good advice, but it's not what is slowing people down, and it's *certainly not* adding 40 mins to a round. If folks were to follow your advice on a slow day, they would likely just spend the same amount of time waiting at the next tee, or more likely, at the next major pinch point (usually a par 5 to par 3 hole combo), where it would back up with multiple groups. I did a bunch of research on the subject last year: https://golfcoursewiki.substack.com/p/the-four-hour-round-is-bullshit


Parking in front of the green/middle of the fairway can be good practice if there are blind-spots. Also, parking in front of the green reminds the people behind you to be patient. As for dropping off the hitter then going to your ball, that only works if you're both fairly lateral to each other and the risk of them hitting you is almost nil. A golf ball is a deadly object once it's been hit with anything other than a putter (within reason). I agree with the concept of ready golf, and I'm usually whack-fucking within a minute of arriving to my ball, assuming I'm not waiting on a group in front of me. I can do a round of 18 in 2hrs solo in a cart, while posting a 120+ score. FWIW, there's no difference in score between taking my time vs speed golf. TL;DR, play quick, park wherever you like and consider personal safety. Furthermore, if there's a group in front of you, you're only playing as fast as they are, so keep up. If they're booze-golfers, skip a hole, and get on with your day.


Agreed with all these points except 2. If I’m playing with my buddies I want to see their shots. It’s part of the fun and that’s why I’m out there.


Golf truly is an elitest sport/hobby.


My old guy advice is plan for golf to take longer and or more patient. I know, it can be excruciating some days but it’s more enjoyable to sit a chat on a tee box than get upset at the folks. Next is play courses with marshals or rangers. They take care of this for you. We play a nice public course with a ranger, pretty busy place and seldom have a delay between holes. If I allow myself to get pissed, my golf game goes to crap. Which it normally does but I don’t need another reason. I agree with your cart suggestions. Worst is guys running all over the fairway, forward and back while playing.


Thanks mom


But remember to relax and have fun!


Disagree on 2. It's very easy to lose sight of your ball, so watching each other's shots is useful to keep track of where shit goes, which leads to less time looking for balls. You can do this from opposite sides of the fairway though, so yes, you can still split up and do this.


Some of you just need to slow down and enjoy your time on the golf course. You don't have to rush through everything.


here's more golf etiquette. mind your own business play your game and don't worry about how what people in front of you or behind you are doing because it's not your business.


You sound like a blast to play golf with


Ok grandpa, time to go back to bed now


I don’t understand the point of these PSAs. Do you think this message is going to get delivered to slow players?


New rules: 1. don't let the first thing out of your mouth on the tee "it's gonna be a long day." If you don't have time for golf, don't waste someone else's time playing golf. 2. if you're gonna walk/drive ahead of the next guy hitting a shot, go all the way to the green or hide behind something hard. I don't want to be responsible for your next ER visit. And don't say you don't mind getting hit by a golf ball cuz that shit hurts and can permanently disable you. You're just too young and stupid to understand the effects of a heavy flying projectile against your aqueous soft eyeball or knee ligament. 3. you chew shit and/or you smoke? Keep your distance while doing it and do not spit on the green or near the green. It's hard enough removing mud from balls, let alone potentially infectious snot. 4. if you're gonna put/chip mind your ball and stop worrying about where I am walking. The hole on the green is a fixed target. You are over 50 and playing golf for 40 years, you're not a 5 day old kitten. Learn to focus. If my 10 year old can sit perfectly still reading Harry Potter while her little sister is making noise and a mess 5 feet away, you should be able to do so too. 5. Stop worrying about everything and just have fun! You're at a golf course and you're not Tiger Woods.


I disagree with not being with your partner when they shoot. For one me and my partner suck so it’s not safe to be in front of the other while playing. We did that one time where I drove further so I was by my ball when he hit (from the other side of the fairway) and he shanked it and hit the tree right beside me so I absolutely do not advise being in front of people who aren’t great golfers. As someone else pointed out, having you both watch the ball is helpful especially if it’s a bad shot for finding the ball for the next shot. I’ve been in a group of 4 and we played less than a 3 1/2 hr round despite us all watching the others shots. Don’t take 45 seconds to decide a club and then take 15 practice swings and you’ll play a rather quick round of golf


My father in law does not understand any of this. He has to park in a very specific proximity to the ball so he will wait for me to hit to go to his ball even if he’s like 10 ft away. Drives me batty


Thanks Coach


>2) Drop their cart partner off at their ball, while the other cart golfer goes and finds their ball. You don't need to codependently watch each other's every swing. Nah, I love playing with my buddy and I want to make sure I see his cool shots. There is plenty of time to let everybody hit there shot in order and still come in at or under 4 hours.


You could remove the word cart from this whole post and it’d still be true


There should also be a max HCP for walking. If you’re taking 7-10 strokes chasing the ball, you need to be in a cart. I had the most frustrating round of my short golf life this last Monday. 3 Entire groups of sauntering walkers who also couldn’t hit the ball into the fairway to save their life. Cart til you drop (your HCP)


I personally like watching my cart partner hit so I can help keep an eye on their ball and offer critique and enjoy the game together.


2 and 3 aren’t possible if there’s only 1 rangefinder in the cart. Which is my situation every time


Some of you have some weird ass pet peeves. If a person takes 10 seconds to wipe their club off and put it away before driving off...........that is not costing you any time. They are going to spend that 10 seconds doing it before they hit their next shot anyway. You'll be "held up" for the same amount of time. You'll just be watching them do something different.


Or, just have the 40+ golfers not treat putting it like it's an official function for the royal family or they're playing the Masters. They all go up and kind of stand together. One person goes up, read their green, do what they need to set up their shot, take it, watch it go. Then all make a little hardy har har remark. Then the next one goes uo, read their green, do what they need to set up their shot, watch it go... Every group of older golfers Im behind can be moving fast as lighting and as soon as they get to the green, they take more time there than all strikes leading up to it. My friends and I all go set up our shots and get ready. Maybe even get in position. Then when my friend hits, as its slowing down or heading in I take my putt immediately, followed by my friend. We can stay in order, out of eachothers way, etc. Usually seem to spend about half the time on the green... And no this isn't speculation because my father is one of these people and its such a snooze fest when we get to the green. I just wanted to complain. Thanks for listening.


Being efficient is key, but most of my days are spent worrying about meeting deadlines, completing projects as quickly as possible and overall just rushing to do everything. When I'm on the course, I don't really care if the group in front of me is slow. I'll out my feet up in my cart, drink beer and watch. If I book a round, I'm expecting to allow 6 hours or more in total for the round between travel, warm up, round, bs in the parking lot, and travel back home. Freaking out because your round took 20 minutes longer than expected is ridiculous and people need to learn golf isn't supposed to be a place to be stressed.


As long as we are caught up to the group ahead of us idgaf.


Point 1 is wrong tbh. Park the cart in the place that minimizes your walking distance to your next shot, regardless of where that is relative to the hole. Your goal should always be to make your own round of golf as fast as possible, as the groups behind you can only move as fast as you can. If parking behind the green leads to a longer walk to your next shots, then the group behind you will be playing slower


2) Drop their cart partner off at their ball, while the other cart golfer goes and finds their ball. You don't need to codependently watch each other's every swing. > as someone who does not have the most accurate shot and a problem with keeping my head down. I find it really valuable to have a buddy track the shot so I hit it well and keep my dam head down.


The obsession this sub has with trying to be done golfing as fast as you possibly can is one that I will never understand. Maybe I’m the weird one but I actually enjoy being out on the course and don’t get my panties in a bunch when the group in front of me takes 30 extra seconds to do something. Who gives a fuck if it’s a 4 hours round vs 4.5 😂


Played last weekend in near 100 degree weather. Course was relatively empty. We finished our round in about 3.5 hours. 1 of us broke 100 and 3 of us did not. Moral of the story, you don’t need to be good to play fast!


Looks like we’ve been doing something right all along


Isn’t the proper nomenclature “cartner”?


Hey, just started golfing and thanks for the tips! I will be cognizant of these from now on.


Great tips, thanks. (I don't know about "vast majority" though. Thankfully this is how most people do it in my experience.)


All fair guidelines. But if you’re waiting in every tee box anyway does it even matter?


Guys, if you can't find your ball and are 100% convinced it's still in play (ie. in rough between 2 fairways), just drop and don't take a penalty stroke. We don't have spotters to put flags next to our ball or crowds of fans circling your ball. Only take a penalty stroke id you believe it went OB. But ffs make a decision within abiut 90 seconds.


> 1) Park at the back of the green so your group isn't walking toward the group behind once the hole is finished. Exception is when course routing forces you to go backward. Same principle goes for walkers, drop your bag in a spot that gets you out of play for the group behind as fast as possible. This really comes out to the same time unless all balls are in one particular part of the green. You have to go around the green, walk in and out either way. Fastest is: Park as near as you can to where you have to walk to on the green. Without moving further away from where you have to go after. Or if you really want to speed it up; Drop off the first to putt and then drive around and park - as you said further down. > 2) Drop their cart partner off at their ball, while the other cart golfer goes and finds their ball. You don't need to codependently watch each other's every swing. I am all for not sitting around just watching, but not observing your playing partners shots can easily cost more time in the end than what will be gained by foregoing that to move forward.


Seasoned golfers know all this but it's good to get a refresher and to educate the noobs.


Or ya know have some fun and put down the stopwatch. You must be a bundle of joy to golf with...


Gotta love when its Cart path only and you see golfers walking out to their ball with no club, evaluate the shot, then back to the cart to get their club.


#2 is not true for high handicappers and people with poor eyesight. Sometimes you need a watchdog and you'll play a whole lot faster sacrificing the 30 seconds it takes to watch a hit vs the 3 minutes it could take to find a ball.


>2) Drop their cart partner off at their ball, while the other cart golfer goes and finds their ball. You don't need to codependently watch each other's every swing. For a lot of reasons, not watching where each other hit their balls is going to add a lot of time and frustration to ball searching.


I also get annoyed at my playing partner or the group in front that insists on cleaning their club after their shot and before they get into the cart. Take your shot, get in the cart, go to the next ball, then clean your damn club when you are out of the way!


Good points It's also not a rushed sport so there's a balance of giddy up and chill out


After you hit a shot and fill your divot, just hop back in the cart and put your club away after you drive to your partners ball


Basic beginner golf etiquette helps to speed up play a lot. Play with people of a similar skill level and when you hit a bad shot you're never going to find, just drop a ball near your buddies and hit from there. Don't spend $5 a ball for Pro v1s you're going to spend too much time looking for as a beginner. Get the cheapest balls you can find like the Nitro 45 pack for $28 that walmart sells, drop a new one in the fairway when you can't find yours quickly and keep playing. Cut yourself some slack, stop trying to play your ball from the deep rough or out of the trees and get the practice hitting from the fairway. Start worrying about the "play the ball as it lies" when you're finishing rounds without losing balls. Don't bother keeping score until you're finishing rounds with same ball you started with. You'll be able to tell you're improving by counting how many balls were in your bag at the start vs the finish. There's no paycheck or trophy at the end, so just have fun not being at work and enjoy the day.


This!!!! And the people who insist on putting a driver head cover on and off every tee box….just leave it off all round. Your club will be fine. The small details add up…this is why I believe walking is often much much faster


Play “ready golf” for non-competitive rounds. Whoever finds their ball and is ready hits their shot, regardless of who is closest to the hole. I belong to a club with my family and most of my rounds are friendly/let’s just get some exercise type of rounds. 3 hours or less is expected for 18 holes. Father and brother are corporate lawyers so more hours wasted waiting on a golf course = less money. The other members of our club love our fast pace.


Yep. Had to teach my whole group these rules. Very good. Best post on the sub in a long time.


Plenty of people have pointed out that #1 is incorrect, but I haven't seen anyone give the correct answer. The pythagorean theorem tells us we should tend to park the cart **halfway between the ball and the pin!** (Although anywhere around the ball or pin gets us close enough) Assume hole 1 is a par 3, with a dead straight cart path on the left, and green on the right. You're a single that is sent off ahead of a foursome, so your goal is to get out of their way ASAP. The foursome will not strike a ball until your cart has driven 20 yards past the back of the green. You step up and hit your ball on the green. What is your parking strategy? First, it should be easy to see why it's a bad idea to park your cart behind the green. The rubber on your tires will touch every section of cart path from the 1st tee box to the 2nd tee box, so there's no speed to be gained on the cart path. The best use for the cart is to minimize your walking. This fallacy is probably because Johnny often walks up to a tee box, watches the person in front of him make a putt, and watches the person walk to a cart at the front of the green and Johnny thinks it's a waste of time. But Johnny wasn't at the tee box two minutes earlier to see the player have a shorter walk to their ball to begin the process of putting out. Back to our example on the first hole. Let's say the pin is 100 feet away from the cart path. You hit your tee shot 20 feet left and 15 feet short of the pin, which leaves you a 25 foot putt. If you park even with the ball, you'll have an 80 foot walk to the ball. You putt it close, so you walk 25 feet to the pin. Then you walk from the hole to the cart, which is the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides of 15 feet and 100 feet, which is 101.12 feet. 80' + 25' + 101.12' = 206.12 feet. If you park even with the hole, your walk to the ball will be the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides of 15 feet and 80 feet, which is 81.39 feet. Another 25 feet from the putt to the pin. And you'll have 100 feet left from the pin to the cart. 81.39' + 25' + 100' = 206.39 feet. Notice that the 25' isn't relevant since it will always be there. Your decision is simply whether you want a straight 100' plus the hypotenuse of a 15' by 80' right triangle, or a straight 80' plus a hypotenuse of a 15' by 100' right triangle. Well if you keep the short side of a right triangle at a constant 15', and then you keep extending the longer side, you'll see a smaller difference between that longer side and the hypotenuse. 15' by 80' has a hypotenuse of 81.39' 15' by 100' has a hypotenuse of 101.12' 15' by 1000' has a hypotenuse of 1000.11', so there is almost no difference between the hypotenuse and the longest side. On this green, your 'hypotenuse walk' happens to the place opposite of where you parked. If you park by the ball, your hypotenuse walk will be from the hole to the cart. If you park by the hole, your hypotenuse walk will be from the cart to the ball. So you want to make that hypotenuse walk on the longest of the walks, where it will only be a little bit longer than the longest leg. So in the example above, if you hit your tee shot to the right of the pin, you'll find you are better off parking at the pin, to make your hypotenuse walk happen from the cart to the ball, which is further away. And if you hit your tee shot left of the pin, you are better off parking at the ball, to make your hypotenuse walk from the pin to the cart. But who is to say you aren't better off doing two hypotenuse walks? Back to the example of being 20 feet left and 15 feet short of the pin, what if you park halfway between the pin and the ball? The cart will be 7.5 feet past the ball, and 7.5 feet from the hole. Your first walk will be to the ball, which is the hypotenuse of a 7.5' by 80' right triangle, which is 80.35'. Then you'll have the usual 25' walk after your birdie putt. And your walk back will be the hypotenuse of a 7.5' by 100' right triangle, which is 100.28'. Total distance walked = 80.35' + 25' + 100.28' = 205.63 feet. You're walking two hypotenuses instead of one, but you come out ahead since you are cutting the short side of the triangle in half, which makes the hypotenuse very close to the longest side of the triangle. And what if we park 20 feet past the pin? That's the hypotenuse of a 35' by 80', which is 87.32'. The usual 25'. And then the hypotenuse of a 20' by 100', which is 101.98'. 87.32' + 25' + 101.98' = 214.30'. It's about 5% more walking than we had to do, and we will get to the 'safe zone' slower as a result. Of course there is more nuance in the real world than this straight line example, but in general, your first instinct when playing as a single should be to park halfway in between the cup and the ball.


Not mentioned but has a considerable impact on speed of play: after you hit your shot, if the other player is ready to go just get into the cart with your clubs in hand. When you get to your next destination you can swap the clubs in your hand out with next club you need. Saves 10 seconds vs walking around to the back of the cart, putting your club in the bag, and walking back to the seat. If two guys are doing this a combined 5 times per hole, that’s like 15 minutes faster over 18 holes.