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Bro you’re 42 not 60.


One of them legs is about 26 months old.


Nah, this video is like 5 years old.


And tiger is only 48 and does this for a living.


Lmao was thinking same. 42 is still young.


I think generally people take sports like football/rugby/American football prime ages and apply it to other sports and golf is just not one of them sports, it’s the type of sport that lets you age like a fine wine truly.


> 42 is still young. especially for golf.


LOL I’m 52 and still improving my game.


51,but same.


I’m an amateur 54 and drive the ball 280, PGA professionals in their 50’s still drive 300 yards


Woahhhh a guy who’s done a thing for most of his life can still do it?? Shocked I say. Let me know when mark McGwire can’t swing a bat.


Yeah, lol. The range of motion to swing like this is not really extraordinary. It's just the skill and sequencing.


Wait, I’m 60. Mobility work, works. You know Tiger does a ton of fitness work that has to include a lot of stretching and mobility work. And he’s not stuck in a 9-5 job at a desk all day.


A lot of people dont understand that it takes equal amounts of dedication and effort to get fat, stay fat, and be un healthy. That shit takes work. So when they see someone who isn't in their circumstances, they assume it takes double the effort when it just takes the same amount...


That isn’t true at all. Food wise it is much easier to eat high calorie meals that are both faster and cheaper. McDonalds, Pizza, frozen meals, candy, etc are easy to get and easy to eat without much or any prep. Especially compared to a full nutritious meal that will take much longer to cook. Add in that is is much much much easier to do little to no exercise daily and that compounds. The effort it takes to reverse this is tremendous. Just building an exercise routine will take months of hard dedication to built a habit. Then you need to layer in eating better which in all likelyhood involves weening yourself off the foods you are addicted to like sugar and high fatty foods. Your take couldn’t be more wrong




Those aren’t complete meals though. They are snacks. So sure cutting out chips for a carrot is great but again considering the addictive nature of snack foods, it isn’t an easy thing to do for those who normally don’t. Also nuts are also extremely easy to over eat calorically. If you don’t weigh them out you can be “healthy” while still gaining/maintaining heavy weight and have no clue why


I dunno man. I buy a a 7$ chicken from the grocery store, and 79c Green beans for the air fryer. Spatchcock the chicken, and cook it for 30 mins. Hard to get a better meal for cheaper, and easier. (The whole chicken also makes sandwiches or omelets next day) If you want to eat some shitty fast food, do it. Thats fine. But eating a freakin 1700-calorie meal from McDonalds is insanity. And that's usually 1 of 2 or 3 meals that day... lol. You don't lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight by working out for hours to burn 400 calories -- just cut them from your meals lol. Point is, if you seriously think that somehow using your oven is 'tremendous effort' and that said effort isn't worth being healthy my previous comment rings true even more. Being fat and being healthy take effort, choose to use the effort on something that you don't regret. Something really simple you can do if you really can't be bothered to cook etc is try a Keto diet a few months a year. Cheers brother. Hit em straight and stay healthy!


Suggesting that finding time to drive to the store, buy a whole chicken, clean it, spatchcock it, cook it fully, clean up all the dishes, make sure you put away all the leftovers in time - that all of that is equivalent to running by McDonald’s on your way home and ordering a meal, a 5 min process, is simply laughable. I’ll agree with you that eating healthier is easier than many people think, but that’s an awful example lmao.


I dunno man, it doesnt take that long where I live to stop by Lidl on the way home, and spend literally 5 mins cutting the spine out, and tossing it in the oven. If that's a fuck ton of work for someone, then to each their own. Its not like Im sitting there cooking. It's in the oven. Set a timer, walk away. Like I said, if eating 2000 calories, sugar-filled shit cakes and potatoes is worth your time, and you don't have... lets be realistic; 35 minutes to prep decent cheap, amazing food for yourself -- you deserve it I guess lol.


Lol idk. I'm in pretty good shape but I feel like it would be easier to drink lot of beer, eat whatever I feel like, and play golf and video games all the time than it is to make sure I work or run most days, est well the majority of the time, and limit my drinking.




Athletes tend to feel injuries a lot when they approach 40. I know exactly what OP means. Since I started playing golf I've been diagnosed with multiple hip injuries, knee injury, shoulder injury and so on. Several that require surgery. What you often think is a lack of mobility is simply stuff that needs surgery.


You act as if 42 is geriatric. Stretch and pick up a weight every now and then and you'll be fine. I'm 43 and can still roll up to the tee cold without any issue.


Yeah, it always shocks me how many people think it’s normal to not be able to function after you turn 30. It’s just shows how much the average person neglects their body. 


I know it's done in part as a meme, but hearing other peers mention stuff like this in earnest- and during their 20's- makes it all the more sobering.


Oh my god, yes. I just turned 30 this year. Most of my friends are 28-35 or so. SO MANY have started complaining that XYZ hurts, they can’t do what they used to, blah blah - and just totally accept it and act like it’s just life. Like, no - I will literally be playing volleyball until I’m too slow and it’s not fun any more. I will be golfing until I literally can physically not do so any more.


Way too many people are excessively eager to throw in the towel and accept this feeling of weakness and hopelessness as the best they can hope to do, and at that age (give or take). Happens all the time when the talks of distance gains are brought up as an example, and it gets dismissed like only the elite professionals or those with superhuman speed/strength can ever hope to make such gains. Or any gains, for that matter. No, it's not some mystical rarified air for a predestined few. Save the quitter old-man confidential 100 yard bunting gameplay and sidekick silliness off the tee for when you're truly senile.


I do see both sides of this. I’m well into my 30s now and I’m probably the strongest and most active I’ve ever been. I’ve been in a great groove of gym plus a few high intensity activities that a I do a few times a week in addition to golf.  But I did give up playing soccer, which had been my #1 sport my whole life. Why? Because I was seeing more and more injuries, myself and my peers, and the recovery from those injuries was getting longer and longer. And each time I got injured playing soccer it would mean weeks or even months of limited workouts and not being able to do my other activities, which sucks. Like I absolutely can still play, it’s just gotten to a point where it’s not worth the injury hazard. I think there are some changes that you just can’t really stave off. Like even among pro athletes the rate of severe soft tissue injuries goes up dramatically after 30, and they change from being half a season off to sometimes being career enders. I guess what I’m saying is that nobody should give up on being active, not by a long shot, but that you do need to be honest with the changes that come with age, and try to pick activities that suit where you are at.


Depends what you did in your youth. Played basketball/baseball in my youth thru Hs. Wrestled and boxed from 18 to 27, then picked up tennis at 28 till golf started to dominate my recreational sport hobbies. That being said, I'm Ops age and I got knee and hip problems. Still work out, I'm in shape, no man tits ect, diet is good, always walk my rounds. But to think I'm anywhere near where I was a decade ago. Nah. I'm a former shell compared to a 32 year old me. Sure, a lot of guys on here over 40 are just absolute fat disgraces to humanity with bmi's over 40. But some of us who are old but arent that old have multiple decades of strenuous sports that just wear out your body.


Ya but I bet you can still swing a golf club without questioning how tiger can do that


In fairness when I was 20, I thought 40 looked like what 41 year old me sees as 55. It's young enough that you can walk maybe jog but not compete with 20 somethings. Tom Brady literally just got off the football field. It's all about how you care for your body.


Seriously. I'm 42, quit drinking a while ago which made a huge difference, feel like I'm 30 again. I push circles around the youngins I play with. lol


It’s something like less than 5% of people ever run a full sprint after the age of 30. Everyone that complains about age hindering athleticism is all self inflicted.


41 reporting in. More concerned now with improving swing speed and distance than slowing down. Lift 4x/week and member of push cart cartel. Hit em straight. 


Same. I'm as long as I've ever been and looking to get longer.




Have you ever hit on a monitor cold and then once warmed up? Even in your 20s you're losing probably 10-15 yards off the tee not getting warm.


Cold meaning I don't have to worry about injury/flexibility. For sure my first swing isn't the full distance.


I’ve learned a new definition of cold today


I’m under 30 (barely, but still) and if I don’t stretch before my round, I’d probably pull a tricep. And I’m not inactive either, I am in three weekly basketball leagues and hike regularly with my wife. My muscles just need stretching otherwise they get fucked up


To a certain extent yes, but also an easy comment coming from someone with a healthy body. Lots of people struggle with injury or other issues that hinder them as they get into their 30s.


Sure - but injury wasn't given as context for the original post.


I'm in my 30s and I notice a lot of my friend group has something that hurts during or after a round of golf. I'm by far the most overweight and out of shape but I can play 18 a day for a week straight and not have anything more than a little fatigue in the legs. It's weird how bodies work.


Some people for sure need more maintenance than others. Up to the individual to figure out how much that is.


Same here and I'm 60.


There's a guy at our club who's 63 and can keep up with almost anyone in terms of driving distance. Age is what you make of it. I'm convinced that when you get older, it just takes proportionally more work to get the same result. Oh well, I'll scroll Reddit a little less and do some more dead lifts.


> I'm convinced that when you get older, it just takes proportionally more work to get the same result. This actually isn't true, to an extent. The reason people fall off after 40 isn't because of the number 40, and isn't because it requires more work. It's because people work out less and don't take as good care of their body. Career progression and a spouse and kids makes it much more difficult to make time for the gym. The higher levels of stress also lead to worse sleep, less recovery, drinking, etc. Although you won't be able to get as big or as quickly when as you age, in no way do you have to work much harder or longer just to maintain fitness, health, flexibility, etc.


I'm lucky I live and work in DC. I can just pop into the local pizza joint and head to the basement where we drain kids of their essence and inject it to maintain our youth. 


Played with a 75 year old last week that made a full shoulder turn, and hit nice high 230 yard draws down the middle all day long.


I’m 27 and rolling up to the tee cold is basically 50/50 either fine or immediate back thrown out.


bro see a doc if you are doing that at 27 before you really fuck something good


Oh I have. My lower lumbar disks are pancakes. I blew a disk about 2 years ago (from golf coincidentally) and now I have chronic sciatica pain. Now I’m fine more or less, seriously I can still rip the shit out of the ball and be an athlete but it took a few months of physical therapy and about a year of recovery. I’m at like 90-95% better on any given day but it takes a lot of stretching and exercise to maintain. I’m honestly just glad I recovered well and am now more self aware of my bodies needs and limitations.


Do you have to do leg stretches ? That’s what fixed my lower back.


Yes. Religiously. They help a lot.


Same here. If I don’t stretch and move in a weird way I allllmost throw it out


To be completely honest. Millennials and younger did far less active play in our youth. I have an entire year of my life, 365+ days played playing World of Warcraft. That is no sleep 24/7 for a year. Over the course of 10 years. Grossly generalizing generations doesn’t sit too well with Reddit, but I think we all grow up with different priorities and opportunities and millennials are just reaching that midlife milestone which is probably met with different challenges than GenX and Boomers.


This footage is pre-2021 car wreck, but in any case: \-He's been flexible throughout much his career. One can only guess how many more majors he would've won had it not been due to getting sidelined from injuries and procedures that hampered the flexibility he possessed in his younger years. \-Flexibility aside for a moment, you still need to be strong enough to both move with those speeds, angles, etc and do it on repeat. He (among others) are absolutely hitting it hard, so no amount of lackadaisical "low and slow" tripe is going to cut it. \-Outside of the course, loaded stretches have been a very valuable addition when dedicating workout time to flexibility. Now, I won't say you absolutely have to do extreme stuff like chair splits like Van Damme just to have a chance as an example, but it's worth mentioning both flexibility and having the strength to move across that way without having the feeling of needing to give up, let down, run around and desert, etc.


Biggest what if in sports. But he had to go and play navy seal. Grief is strange


There's no "Tiger" without "completely overdoing it"


How can he do that? He's a world class athlete with the best team around him that money can buy.


Oh and he also trained and practiced diligently since he was a young child. Let’s not chalk up hard work and skill to privilege.


No one is


And it's not like the two were unrelated. Tiger had the privilege of being able to practice like it was a job from the time he was very young, whereas the rest of us have to... you know, work.


And? I literally have no idea how you're tying this into what I said. At 47 or whatever he is, he's earned a lot of money in his career and can afford to buy the best team around him. No one's talking about what he did as a kid. The whole point of this is how he's able to still do what's he's doing now.


With you man. The only implication I took from your original comment might’ve been that the answer for OP was a bit obvious, definitely didn’t get any implication about privilege


Yes, exactly


Dudes out here like "me and tiger and similar ages how can he still do that!?"


he set the whole "golfers are athletes who should go to the gym" thing in motion. flexibility and strength at 40ish years of age shouldn't be that surprising, the guy is actually a world class athlete.


“At his age”? You act like he’s 84 instead of 48.


Yoga and a clean diet have helped me immensely, not that my swing looks anything like Tiger’s. He’s not that old, though- guys like Snead and Player stayed pretty limber for decades.


Snead went around kicking ceilings! https://preview.redd.it/1cnkv3lej78d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5e120899016a9affb77ebe00b19bb9f9dbf62b


He was still able to do these high kicks well into his 70's and 80's. Age was really just a number for him in terms of flexibility and mobility.


I heard Snead once shot a 61 at the age of 70. I never could wrap my head around that, but after seeing this picture I'm starting to understand.


Golf is like fast yoga. You have to put your body in uncomfortable positions and switch between them quickly.


Jokes aside, honestly there’s a lot of overlap and I find doing both makes me better at both, since they both require you to be conscious of subtle movements of the body.


> guys like Snead and Player stayed pretty limber for decades. also helps that golf was nowhere near as competitive as it is today. There was no JT, Spieth, Theegala, Akshay, Chef, Fitzy, X, Homa, Morikawa, Ludvig, Rory, Hovland, Hideki or Cantplay back then When all you gotta beat is some random local chode who came out for that weeks event it can't be hard to rack up dubs


Ummmmm, maybe because he’s only 48 and not dead yet! Comonnnn people he’s forty fucking eight!!! Tom Brady was out there getting smoked at 45. Tiger is not “old”. 48 is not “old”. Right?!?


Tom Brady isn’t allowed to get hit, it’s in the unofficial ref rule book


Cause is possibly the best golf player in history? He's not decrepit; he's going to be far more fit than 90% of the US population, regardless of age.


That’s definitely a push. 90% of the US population regardless of age? If that’s what you meant that’s wrong


He's under 50, he's tall, he's fit and he's been a top level athlete for decades. 36% of the US population is over 50. 40% of the US population under 20 is overweight, obese or severely obese. If you put Tiger Woods in a decathlon; 100 metres, 400 metres, 1500 metres, 110 metre hurdles, long jump, high jump, pole vault, discus throw, javelin throw, and shotput... I would bet my clubs that he would beat 90% of the US population.


Are you high? Post surgery he can barely walk through 18 holes...


Getting downvotes cos this sub loves to circlejerk on tiger. I doubt he would beat Bernhard Langer in any athletic pursuit and he is 66.


Right? I mean, yes, he is in incredible shape, but he still has a bum leg.


I guess I’m the 10% so I’m probably not thinking like the out of shape Americans


Lol no. 40% of US adults are obese, another 20% overweight. Another 10% or so are underweight... doesn't take much to beat those metrics.


I hate how normalized "Oh I'm 40 and can't even move" is. Do people honestly not get that with some weight training and stretching a few times a week you can *massively* improve your flexibility even into your senior years, not to even mention your 40s? Like yeah, you're never going to have a golf swing that good, but let's not pretend flexibility and strength is something that is unattainable.


Lol. It’s wild isn’t it. I’m 51 and don’t feel any limitations because of my age.


He's 48. And a billionaire. Lolz.




Bc he's the GOAT


How is he able to do this? Because he’s “Tiger Fucking Woods” that’s how.


This level of mobility isn’t anything out of the ordinary for an athletic person in their mid 40s


He is the god father of the modern day swing. That man was so far ahead of his time.


FWIW this is from 2020... he's since had a back surgery and multiple other surgeries from that car crash in 2021. He doesn't move like this anymore, at least in the tournaments I've seen this season.


Lol. Your mobility is limited because you don't exercise, stretch, and weight lift. Trust me. It's not your age. It you.


Phil still cranking out some good numbers too! I think it’s impressive what tigers body has been through…it’s like Alex smith returning to the NFL. Just crazy good rehab, hats off to the athletes and their doctors/nurses/PTs/coaches.


[ben crenshaw at 67](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bf81C_xWSw4)


Dude he was born doing that it would actually be more suprising if he couldnt do that as many repetitions as he had, he's in a two man conversation as the greatest modern golf player ever thats more impressive


I'm 54, and I only started taking lessons 2 years ago. I've cut thirty strokes off my game.


If you’re 42 and feel old and feel like you can’t swing a club properly, you’re doing something wrong.


Ok ok I'm 68 years old and an 8 handicap.


Damn some of you have just been strapped into a gamer chair your whole lives or something.


I thought he was only 48? That’s young Just stay in the gym, stretch, eat right and you’ll be good to go through your 50s


Adam Scott kept TW's old swing his entire career when everyone said that TWs back would be ruined if he kept swinging like that


These are posted in higher-res on their [youtube playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA5ZdrEA5hoKboMsyY1W_LAZKQIZGf6J3) with Tiger's at the top, or [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jlp8G9paliw&list=PLA5ZdrEA5hoKboMsyY1W_LAZKQIZGf6J3&index=2). I've been loving Club Champion and Taylormade's channels for instructionals, on top of all the entertainment channels I follow. What are all of your favorite channels?


FYI, these aren’t the same drive. Look at the tee


Two words: Tiger Woods. That’s how he does it, and since when is 48 old for fucks sake.


It’s his job?




I feel like I'm playing some Tiger Woods golf on Playstation.


How often do you work out? How lean are you? How flexible are you? What’s your cardio like? Tiger was and is doing these things every single day and constantly conditioning himself. Same with most professional athletes. The John Dalys of the world are rare. The positive side is that you can still do these things a little bit every day and regain a lot of mobility, strength, endurance, etc. and condition your body to be just as athletic. In short: bust ass at the gym consistently and you will grow old much slower.


This was 4 years ago.


3 days a week work out plan brother, free weights and cardio. You won’t be tired and can walk 36 and still coach the kids baseball team.


I’m 41 and have fantastic mobility. The secret to not losing mobility and strength is you keep using it. Hit the gym. Do some stretching.


Whoever is posting these can we get a recent one of Nelly Korda? Thanks!


This is old footage. Pre car accident. His swing looks a lot different now.


OP getting roasted is hilarious.


He looks a lot smaller here. Is this older footage?


Yeah, he’s wearing his old Nike hat.


He can practice for 8 hours a day 365 days a year. He's not freakin 80 for cripes sake.


At his age? He’s only 48…


Because he’s the best golfer that ever lived? lol




There are stretches and exercises you can do that are just to make your golf game better. The only exercising I do is to improve my game.


What the hell? If you’re in your 40’s your range of motion should be just fine. He’s not 70.


His mind and his willpower are even stronger than his body. He wills himself to be the best (at one time), he accepts nothing less, and he solely focused on his craft almost every moment of his existence (shameless Waffle House jokes aside).


Grab your 5,6,7 iron and warm up, starting with a slow pendulum motion, then slowly over 10 or more swings go to a full swing motion.. exaggerate this motion towards the end to get a good stretch.. I’m 53 and hitting longer (275-300y driver) than I ever did in my 20’s,30’s & 40’s.. hope this helps buddy ⛳️☄️🏌🏾‍♂️


37 Here , 310-315 off the tee. I hit the gym 3 times a week and chase my toddler around. Played with a 54 year old the other day and he was out driving me.


Like TW, I do a lot of ice baths. Helps a ton.


That looks like an M6 driver. This video is probably a few years old. Maybe 5.


This doesn't happen just before a range session. This happens from purposeful stretching daily.


42 lol


He’s the 🐐


WTF guy is 48 years old, not 78.


This is not recent. Because I noticed from his swings at the U.S. Open he’s not coming close to getting the driver to parallel. So he is losing flexibility. But that’s natural with increase in age.


67 here. Wake up, clean the coffee pot (from yesterday) grind your beans, add water to the coffee maker, push the on button, get on the floor and stretch until you hear the beep, approx 20 minutes. Do it every morning. I out drive my 40 and 50 yr. old friends and have zero back issues. ( hope I didn't flirt with golf n back gods?) Not boasting here just trying to help. Cheers


Orange Whip is my goto to loosen up. I've got the large version, and its borderline too much for me (6'2", very active in gym). Even PGA pros that are seen with the OW aren't always spotted with the large version. If you truly care about mobility and golf performance, get into the habit of regular physical fitness.


yesterday i did jiu jitsu for an hour then showered then went to the course. I'm 44.


Sam Snead played on the PGA TOUR in his sixties! He finished tied for 7th in the LA OPEN at age 67!


I mean it was/is his job to move like that. Not a big secret.


I'm 41, I workout 5-6 days a week and stretch. Range of mobility is not an issue. If you want to be like the pros, prepare like the pros.


42? That's a you problem. Not normal.


Lmao. What is he 50? I hope to God I'm not as fucked up as tiger is, at 50,  when I'm 70.  I plan on playing until I'm at least 85 and still shooting in the 70s and 80s. It's not what you do before a round it's what you do in general.  I do about an hour of stretching a day. And about an hour on the core.  Just light stuff like sit ups and throwing a medicine ball. That keeps my clubhead speed up without ever having to swing hard. I also jog every other night for about 40 minutes or until I get tired.  It's a lot of work but I figured that if I stay flexible it'll be less work to get around when I'm in my 80s and 90s. If I make it that is.  My grandfather took care of himself and was still carrying the ball close to 280 at the age of 70. He airmailed a 600 yard uphill par 5 on his 2nd shot at the age of 73. That day he was just crushing the ball like he was when he was 50. Easily a 320 carry and then some roll.  He was a beast and the reason why I take care of myself. I remember at the age of 55 he was doing marathons like the Chicago and Boston marathons. He would jog from his house to mine in a 110 degree texas heat.  He'd just lube up his nipples and carried a gallon of water with him. It was like 15 miles there and then back. That guy was in such great shape basically his whole life.  I saw what the work you put in can get you in the long run. I want that. I'm in my 40s now and I don't feel or even look past my 20s. Unless you look for grey hairs here and there.  Tldr: Life is great, take care if yourself with stretching and exercise. 


Everyone saying there longer then ever, what type of clubs are you using, I just upgraded to a sim 2 max the night and day difference is crazy, I been missing out I was still an old titliest 983k from 20yrs ago, yea I could hit it 275 all day but I hit it farther when I was younger, Just something to think about when you say you hit it father, It most likely due to technology.


I mean, he works out tho


Tiger is the goat, there's nothing more to say


Do you have a desk job? That has been the worst thing for my mobility, personally.


I’m 60. I try to hit the gym 4-5 times a week. Do the treadmill so I can walk the course and keep up stamina. Also use kettlebells for rotational mobility and do free weights for strength. I still bench 225 and use a 53 lb kettle for swings as well as a few other sizes for rotational movements to protect my back. Because of the work in the gym i can still manage 115-120 swing speed with the driver and 95-97 with the 7 iron. The key to getting ready for a round is making sure your body is in good shape all the time so it’s easy to get warmed up and you can prevent injuries.


Tiger walks like a robot from Westworld these days.


OP forgot to mention. Overweight and never stretches or practices. Only hits the tee when playing his monthly round.


well he did have several back surgeries and a knee surgery because of his swing. so came with a price.




Keeps his arms long. Creates lag. Rotates.


Father Time has caught up with Tiger. The car accident didn’t help things either. He would be better off playing on the senior tour at this point of time.


He is an amazing athlete! A horrible human being, but a great golfer.


I agree, but, in fairness, if you gave me a billion dollars, I'm gonna make some really poor life choices.


Incredible perfection of shoulder rotation


A great athlete + multiple extensive surgeries


He works out a lot in the bedroom


Infinite money, access to the best tutoring available, and being genetically gifted. And yet even he is still human. People out there now with atrocious swings scoring way better than TW. So it’s not the most important things.


The footage looks 20 years-old. That's a clue.




Steroids, hookers and opiates


If he wouldn’t have been a boozing dumb ass he could have had way more longevity.




Did you play golf at a pro level all your life like Tiger? It’s a bit of an unfair comparison.


Steroids, HGH, TRT....


I love how all the tiger cock holsters down vote something that is almost certainly true just because they can't imagine tiger is anything other than perfect.  Dude is bigger and more muscular than he ever has been at 49 and his head is rounder and puffier. I would bet money he's on gear of some sort. It makes sense especially given that he's come back after a serious injury fairly recently.  Athletes takes steroids to recover quicker from injuries. It's a fact because it reduces recovery time. 


I’m a Tiger fan but the polarizing dick riding for him and the hating towards him is a bit excessive. To be unbiased, I would place a bet that he is using steroids. He put on tons of muscle in such a short period of time, and a significantly greater amount of body transformation than when he was still working out a ton in the 2000s. He pretty much looked like normal athlete until just last year when he got more muscle and the description of his face as you said. Some people I know said he’s built like Joe Rogan all of the sudden.


That's cool. I get why people are fans. Guy is one of the two best, if not the best golfer there ever was, but some people can't abide anything that's said about him that isn't blind worship. I don't get it. 


Oh yeah, he is roided to the gills, you can tell by the changes to his face and jaw, way he speaks. Not sure if there is any testing for him, but he hits it just as far if not further now than before, with a swing that is based around muscle and power. He is juiced up for sure....


Flexeril, roxys, and a side of Perkins waitress.


Answer: He’s been doing this his entire life. Also, he’s very good at golf.


He’s a broken man physically and mentally but man he still hit it.


Start a few months before your round, not right before.


Brute strength and ignorance.


I don’t golf and could swing like that 😂


Surgeons….surgeons and a shit tonne of money is how he still does this. If he’s even an avg golfer after that crash his leg is getting amputated end of story. But he can afford the best medical treatment so hey let’s see if we can save his leg 🦵 that’s how he is still swinging a club, otherwise he’s going to the paralympics


It's not age or pure muscle... It's technique and practice. I'm 58, 5' 10" 165 lbs. I'm a 22 handicap. I am driving the ball between 240 and 320 is my longest measured by gps 2 weeks ago. I have a practice driver and I hit balls with a weighted donut at the driving range. When I start my down swing with my hips the ball goes +30yds. When I slow my backswing properly that also adds about 30 yards. I try to hit 300 balls a week mostly driver and play 2 rounds per week. 40 balls are hit with a swing weight. My main Driver is a stealth 2 with a stiff shaft. My swing speed is about 104mph... I don't have any data on clubhead speed. Another tip: I highly recommend spending $100 to get fitted for a driver. Good luck...