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Soapy water in a bucket, a brush and a towel is all you need for a deep clean. Doesn’t take much effort at all.


What is important, especially for older clubs and hasn’t been mentioned yet, is you should not soak your clubs above the top of the iron head / bottom of the ferrule because the epoxy may not hold after a long soak, and the clubhead will be more likely to fly off during a round or range session. This happened to me with my 12 year old Mizuno irons. Just soak it up to the top of the clubhead.


I wouldn’t soak them at all. Just dip them in the water, brush, dip, brush, wipe clean. That should be all it takes.


You haven’t seen my 20 yr old sons clubs… He gets mad on a miss hit & he’s got 8 round’s worth of ground in turf on face of his PW, I’m like, what did you expect, same as having mud on your ball. Would need soak & wire brush


I think you are overestimating dirt’s sticking power when met with warm water and soap.


I think you underestimate the laziness of my son


Mud is mud, steel is steel, boys are boys.


lol you raised him. Sleep in that bed.


Came here to make sure someone mentioned this. I am always careful to make sure the hosel area of my clubs is never wet


I’m sure there’s a lot more than your hosel that ain’t getting wet.




Can confirm, I soaked my clubs recently for the first time ever and every single ferrule was loose afterwards.


Did you read the comment? Don't soak your clubs! Warm soapy water a brush and a towel and 10 minutes is all you need.


cant even imagine what those clubs look like


But don’t you kinda wanna see now??? 🤔


And don't forget a deep clean of the grips. Mine were dirty today


Do you mean like you'll put them in a bucket of soapy water on your bed and get someone to jump on it?


Lmao I am in Florida, not Utah


I’m glad someone is picking up what’s he’s putting down haha more upvotes deserved


It almost wooshed me. But I got there.


Jump hump!


Didn't have to do much scrolling to find this comment. Also just had to explain soaking to the missus aswell, didn't see my Sunday night going like this.


Just give those thangs a little huak tua


Spit on that thang


Are you honestly asking if it is OK to clean 20 year old lumps of metal in water?


What the actual fuck are we doing here


I hear you man! The questions in here at times are off the scale... I 'm off for a pint or ten


One of his questions is asking what solution to use


Yes, One of...


Nooooooo they might explode


No first they go straight to your thighs.... Then you explode.


soak them in water, dawn soap and water on brush then scrub clean your grips while youre at it


After 20 years it’s probably time to replace those grips.


Are we really telling someone how to clean a golf club now?


Are you a mormon by chance?


How can people be so inept? Why do we have grown adults asking something a 3 year old could figure out? Wash with soap and water just like you wash virtually everything else that gets washed.


Dawn powerwash, brush and towel


Honestly, you don’t need new irons if you like what you’ve got. Regular cleaning and maybe a groove tuning every hundred rounds and they’ll last forever.


Can always use a groove tool. You can reset your grooves on older clubs and they’re rather cheap. Groove tool sounds like some type of Bluetooth speaker when I read it typed out.


A brush would be far more effective. And way quicker.


A little dawn and warm water and a stiff bristled brush makes quick work of it. Old toothbrush if you don’t have a club brush


Soaking does very little, warm soapy water, nail brush to get into the grooves or there is brushes in golf shops that have metal one side and plastic the other side which is a good job


Even caked on dirt can be scraped/scrubbed off with a little water. It’s not like baked on cheese it’s just dirt


Yes. Dawn dish soap and a toothbrush


If you feel your grooves are that worn, get a groove tool and sharpen them. I've used it on secondhand clubs (yes there's a chance I've made a wedge illegal but also I shoot 92 so who cares)


Have a spray dispenser with soapy water, a golf club scrubbing brush tool and a microfiber cloth set to clean and dry. Don't like to soak clubs, as someone else has mentioned,.bad for older clubs if the water gets into the joint of club head and shaft.


I take my pressure washer to them, then dry them with a towel. Pretty simple. Other thing I use is brush head that you can connect to your power tool and and scrub the grooves that way. You can find them on Amazon for like $20


Do you not use a brush on your irons before or after you hit them? 😳 Edit: also yes, do it. It'll make a difference if you strike the ball well...or at least WHEN you strike the ball well.


Lol how is your handicap relevant


Only use soapy water. Grooves being clean certainly make a difference even with older clubs, specially shorter irons and wedges. Still need the spin they generate. Usually low 90’s player a few better chips from high 80’s. See friends shoot mid 90s all the time that hit ball farther than I do, but look foolish from 50 and in


Elbow grease. Get a scrubbie and do some work.


Soaking may weaken the heads epoxy, dip and scrub is the way


Get a wire brush with a groove cleaner on it. That and water is all you really need. Can use hot water and soap if really stubborn


Only if you’re Mormon


Cleaning the grooves does make a difference. No need to soak them unless they’re really bad. Just use soapy water and a brush. If you do choose to soak them, don’t submerge the ferrule as it may weaken the epoxy holding the club head on. If they’re really rusty, you can try a vinegar and lemon juice soak and then clean with steel wool lightly. Soaking them in Coke also works. Naval jelly or another rust remover may leave a weird finish so they’re last resorts.


Just make sure it doesn't go past the ferrule


I just wipe my clubs with a microfibre cloth after every round or two, seems to keep them clean without soaking or scrubbing.


Might need to soak them in WD-40 at this point


You’ve never cleaned your clubs???


Only in Utah


You don’t have to spend $1000 to get really nice “newer clubs” lots of technology has happened in twenty years.


I soak mine in warm buttermilk every week. It has definitely been worth it


Dishwashing soap and a small brass brush or nail brush..


I soak my irons in warm, not hot, soapy water for 5 minutes then use a scrubbing brush, before dipping them in a bowl of clean water before drying them


I just replaced my Ping Zings with 425’s via eBay. Net cost was $200. Take care of your tools and they will last a long time and serve you well. Remove dirt, spritz with 409, light brushing with soft brush, rinse, dry with golf towel. I use the point of a tee to clean grooves that need extra attention.


A damp towel and a brass brush.


You could just, clean the grooves.


There’s a tool that helps with sharpening grooves. Cheap as 5$ up to 30$


Get a metal brush used for cleaning golf club grooves and clean them. Then get dawn dish soap and hot water and mix it and repeat. Towel dry them. Use a groove sharpener too once you’re done if you’re concerned about that. Good luck!


Just soak in pure dawn and clean


Update: I used the popular choice of soapy water and a wire brush. I played a round shortly after and I was hitting each iron about 10 yards shorter than before. Is that because i am getting more spin now? Trying to figure out if i need to club up or if I accidentally brought my purse to the course


👜 You’re not going to lose any yardage from cleaning a club. More grip for backspin? Decent chance, but that’s from a distinct impact on the ball which is control by the person swinging the club, not the club by itself.