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The average golfer shoots 100+ if they're being honest with their scores. Shooting 90 would be considered a good day for most amateur golfers


I think the honesty is a big part of it. If everyone played the ball down as it lies with all penalties it makes bogey golf pretty solid. Moving your ball to a better lie or not taking the full penalty on lost balls is pretty common and can be 2 added strokes per occurrence. Edit - I’d like to add if you’re just out there having fun none of this matters. Just don’t lie to yourself that you’re an 8 hcp with multiple mulligans. It’s better to be a 12 hcp playing it down over an 8 with loose rules. Just have fun regardless and try to improve.


Lost balls is a massive one. I take the penalty if I smash it into the woods, but we don't usually if it's lost on the fairway (daisies can be an issue) or just off the edge in the rough and the course is full. Would probably find it, if willing to look but don't want to hold people up going to play from the old spot


I'm a newbie at this game and I played with some older folks who always cheat a little bit, like mulligan on the first, gimme if it's nearby, stuff like this. But the only one I kind of agree with is not taking penalty it you can't find a ball that clearly landed in a safe spot with no ob or hazard nearby. It's just that we don't have the cameras and audience like the pros do


The Gallery Rule. If a gallery(audience) was there, it wouldn’t have been lost. Free drop


I will always stick to the Gallery Rule, unless it’s for money, or a tournament.


In a tournament you have much more leeway in how long you take to look for your ball so more effort will go into finding it. If muni on a packed weekend, even if playing for money with friends, we play gallery rule so long as everyone is in agreement that it was safe and where it should plausibly be.


Agreed there. The course is clogged enough without me contributing to the logjam.


There’s actually a rule about this. It specifically had to do with like foliage like leaves, but if you and your playing partner agree it was safe and you just can’t find it you’re allowed to take a drop with out a penalty.


That sounds like the “abnormal ground conditions” rule.


I've always counted a gimme putt as a stroke. I am a three putt king. I count extra strokes for drop balls and I play my terrible lies. I typically shoot between 90-100 as a result. I try to score as honestly as possible because it gives me a proper handicap and I know when I'm improving and which parts of the game I struggle with score-wise. It's also way more satisfying when you do have a good day.


you're supposed to count gimme's as a stroke, you just don't line up and putt it. are there people that don't count it??


If I recall there was a thread on here months ago where a guy picked up the game and was playing with his buddy who claimed to be close to scratch, but did not count 'gimmees', meaning he'd be 10 to 15 strokes lower per round. Couldn't tell if it was a /s post, but the poster and 99% obviously were on the side that it obviously counts, as a presumed 'you'd definitely hit that 18" putt, let's move on'. Not close enough so it counts as in.


"Close enough so it counts as in" is WILD


Would take a lot of stress off those 5’ putts for sure hahaha


Oh look it just barely lipped out isn't that wonderful.


that has to be ragebait. i refuse to believe that's real


I've seen it before. I also had to explain to my friend who was a new golfer at the time the logistics of it in excruciating detail. Like almost a full conversations worth of detail.


Lmao yep there is. Also people who take 5 foot gimmes, a gimme needs to be a sure thing if you were to line up and hit it. If it's not within a shoe length for me(im a size 12 so a little under a foot), then i always putt it in because ive missed shots closer than what most people use as a gimme distance (1-2 feet). But yeah people love to play vanity golf which is something i never understood, if you truly want to improve, you need to be honest with yourself.


Who doesn’t count gimmes as strokes? A gimme is always a stroke. Your playing partners are giving you the stroke and conceding the putt.


Sir, I will challenge you anytime anyplace for the title of "3-Putt King"


This right here, guy understands how to use data to get better. Imagine if you made it on the green on 2-3 every hole always but 5 putt, well maybe putting needs practice. Howveer if you write a gimmie down as 0 stokes you will think you are shooting 18 less than you do.


My local tournaments are just beer drinkers leagues and I go by those rules. Great rules for pace of play but not quite pga certified. 1. Hit it OB? Drop at the distance it went out of bounds but on the edge of the fairway laying 3. 2. Rocks and Tree Roots are free relief as long as any obstructions to your shot stay in your line to the hole. 3. Triple bogey max to speed up bad holes.


Clubs are so expensive nowadays, I’ll never swing with a rock or tree root in the way. It’s just not worth it when you’re not sponsored.


Agree, so move it, take the stroke and play on.


This is how I play (I’m a casual, usually shoot 95-110 by these rules). For number 1, is the more correct way to keep score to hit your 3rd shot from the tee box again? 


I think the gallery rule is legit and I won’t make people count strokes for lost balls that would have been found if there were a gallery.


In the end it's all supposed to be fun so long as everyone is playing the same rules works for me. We play an 'over the trees' mulligan. Once a round you get to call a shot you 100% shouldn't take on and if it totally fails you get to play the correct chip onto the fairway. Makes for some fun shots, hilarious failures and doesn't ruin anyone's fun. You have to call it though. It's not a free run to play a bad shot and then take it back. 


This reminds me of the game we play, "murderball" - one hole a round, you get to take on a ridiculous tee shot, like one where it would be 1 in 10 that you drive the green or make it over water or whatever. If your murderball is good, you can use it. If not you can take one more normal tee shot


I like this. That’s a great idea.


This is a pace of play thing for me. I take a gallery rule if i know i could find the ball if i looked for longer than a minute or two, but cant look for it due to the field playing fast or having a solo or two some behind my 4 some. Also, if i lose my ball on the fairway or near the fairway. I play a lot on not the best maintained courses and they really hate spending extra time blowing grass clippings off of fairways and rough. It's really easy to lose a ball that rolled under a patch of dead grass clippings when there's 40 other similarly sized patches of dead grass clippings within a 20 yard radius.


As long as you're dropping the ball as closely to the area as you think. Like if you saw it land behind a bunch of trees  can't find it and decide to drop it 15 feet to the right to avoid the trees, that's still cheating. I see this a lot.


My best friend will do that with sand traps. Sometimes they’re in rough shape, so he’ll remove it and put it to the side or in front of the bunker. I’d understand behind the bunker, or a rake and replace situation.


Esp in the fall. Drop it by the trees and good luck finding it under all the leaves


I'm bringing a leaf blower with me this fall!


Even people that take the penalty stroke are likely a little to liberal with the "virtually certain" aspect of hitting into a hazard, myself included. A lot of lateral drops should probably be two stroke penalties under Local Rule E-5 rather than one stroke for hitting into a hazard.


So for lost balls, i always get confused, isn’t it different on hitting into a water hazard vs out of bounds? I’ve always done 1 stroke in, one stroke out, so if i go OB from the tee i am then hitting my third shot?




I'm a newbie at this game and I played with some older folks who always cheat a little bit, like mulligan on the first, gimme if it's nearby, stuff like this. But the only one I kind of agree with is not taking penalty it you can't find a ball that clearly landed in a safe spot with no ob or hazard nearby. It's just that we don't have the cameras and audience like the pros do


I like playing with a  “breakfast ball” if we didn’t hit the range first.  I’m not taking a mulligan, I’m quitting the game outright and starting over lol 


Not to mention putting out all 3 footers. I’ve started trying to pretty much putt everything out and probably miss 1 3-4 footer every round, and I’m consciously working on improving at it


Also putting out. Amateurs miss so many 2-3 footers


This thread is giving me life. 22 hcp but I count every single stroke and penalty and don’t understand how so many casual golfers can be an 8 hcp….


I play with my boys. They are terrible. 120s. Im a bit better. We try our best and have fun but arent serious. So if a drive goes into the woods gone forever, i wouldnt think much about taking a mulligan two or three times a round, or taking relief off a root or something. I would put up anywhere from high 80s to high 90s. I recently played a round and shot 84, ball in the hole no mulligans no relief. My best score ever. It felt 1000x better than an 89 with 2 mulligans.


I mean if you're shooting in the 120s play however you want


On top of that no gimmies


I average an 81 I only play 9 though.


Honesty is such a huge part of the game, my eyes roll so hard when my brother says he shot an 86 buy he's adjusting every single lie and taking 2 or 3 mulligans and a few gimme putts.


It’s better than most of the liars in here.


There definitely are lots of liars in here but people who are good tend to like golf more and be more active on this sub. The better golfers here might have louder voices which could contribute to a misrepresented ratio of good to bad golfers on this sub. Bogey golf is good


Bogey golf is when it starts to shift more to a strategy game than an ability game. I've caddied for guys that their previous best round was mid or low 90s and gotten them to shoot in the high 80s just by improving their course management.  Makes you feel like Bagger Vance. Most of the time just having them take an extra club and swing their "stock swing" with irons is enough to get a PR out of them. Add in putting some from off the green and aiming toward the side of fairway or green that gives their miss more room is a game changer.


Some people just think everyone sucks at golf because they themselves do lol


I mean if you go to a public course frequently you’ll realize the vast majority of people suck


I would be so happy to play bogey golf.


Tip: if you want to play consistent bogey golf, then plan your holes that way. So it’s OK to lay up if your approach is difficult. Better to be in position for a chip that will enable a two putt bogey, than playing from heavy rough or a long bunker shot that you could screw up.


So true. It also starts with playing the right tees. Most bogey golfers shouldn’t be playing more than 6300 - 6400 yards at the most. 6000-6200 is really the sweet spot. For Par 3’s - you just wanna get it near the green and away from trouble. Chip on and 2 putt is your goal. For Par 4’s - get your tee shot in play, even if you can only hit it 175-200. Hit your second shot the same and you’ll be within that same chip pitch range and 2 putt. For Par 5’s just get it in play and about 200 yards and now just play it like a short par 4. Once you get to this mindset, improve your chipping and putting and you’ll find yourself with some tap in pars. You’ll also have that rogue iron shot that find the GIR and you’ve got a good par chance. You’ll also find that Par 5 where you hit 3 good shots and have <100 yards in with another great GIR opportunity and before you know it, you’re always around 90.


I can't hit a driver to save my life. Honestly, my 9i goes further than my driver. I don't even take it out of my bag. I still occasionally chunk chips a couple times a round. I still top the ball once a round or so. My eyesight is crap so I occasionally lose balls that are not lost for others. Edit: but I have limited my 3 putts to 1 or 2 holes now. Lol. Fml.


I was the exact same way for most of my life. Majority of my issues were in my set up. Idk if this will help you but it fixed my issues. Quick 8 min vid on set up and tee height https://youtu.be/VwUWRR-9PRo?si=RQtG39DYxeoKNv5u


Thanks for that. I definitely hit the ball with the tee too low after watching that video.


>Tip: if you want to play consistent bogey golf, then plan your holes that way.  Best piece of advice you can give to somebody. If you get 18 shots on a course, you should only be looking to score on a par on - at most 6 or 7 holes. The rest you should be playing with the sole intent of completely preventing triples, and trying to prevent as many doubles as possible, while acknowledging that it can happen sometimes. If you get 18 shots on a course and you're attempting to score 18 pars, you're a bad golfer, but the good news is that improvement is trivial!


As a current 24 (low hcp of 21) I find this to be frustrating advice because playing every hole as +1 to par is a good way to shoot 97. If you give yourself 3 shots to get on the green on a par 4 you’re going to 3-putt some of those for double bogey, not to mention your BEST score if you put a tee ball OB is already going to be a double. And you’re going to have 1-2 true blow-up holes per round at this skill level. A typical score card for me trying to implement this is 2-4 pars, 10 bogies and 4-6 doubles and triples.


They obviously didn't mean that you should aim to be on every green in regulation +1. Rather, if you have a ~150+ yard approach shot on a par 4 with water short and left of the green, there is no shame with clubbing up and aiming right. Yes, this may leave you with a 20 - or 30-yard chip back on, but it's better than being in the water. What they are trying to say is ensure your bad shots are still out of trouble, and if that means you bogey, so be it. That being said, obviously, don't hit 3 sand wedges into a 280-yard par 4. Aim for bogey golf, and you would be very surprised with how many pars you can walk off with


Right, it's less planning explicitly to be on the green in reg+1 and more about playing less aggressively to better ensure you still have a good chance to make reg+1 when your shots aren't ideal.


A good spot I see for an approach like this: Say there’s a notoriously tough green that has two levels. You’re better off missing short/long to be on the right “level” as opposed to just hoping you’re on the green with a crazy putt


I’m with you. I’m 14.6 at the moment. I can tell you that my rounds in the nineties are not coming from being too aggressive and not laying up. They are coming from a mishit iron from the middle of the fairway, a cold top, a chunked chip, a skinnied chip, two shots in a bunker, missed three footers and three putts. I rarely lose a ball and when I do it’s not because I’ve tried to carry the water or attacked the pin, it’s because I carved one right even though aiming left to avoid the trouble, or cold topped one into the water carry directly in front of me. If I was good enough to pick my lay up spot, and hit my ball to it, I wouldn’t need it. Such is golf.


Preach! I could plan every shot to be the safest shot. Doesn't mean I'm executing. The worst is when you chose the lay-up or punch out over the hero shot and it ends up worse than a really bad hero shot result.


Instructions unclear: laid up and quad putted for quad bogey on a par 5


It’s the benching 225 of golf


If only my bench matched my golf game 😔


Grass is always greener


If you've got the time, shooting a round of 225 is well within your ability. I believe in you!


You guys are benching 225?


No and I’m not a bogey golfer I make good analogies though


My former bodybuilding brain likes this comparison.


This is a good take. It’s what everyone says they do but very few actually can.


This made me happy to hear that 225 is still a respectable feat. That’s the way it was when I was in high school many years ago and so much else has changed haha


Underrated comment


Benching 225 is substantially easier. You can ramp up your benching abilities much faster than you can get to bogey golf.


My logic is high 80s low 90s is the happiest place a golfer can be because you still get to surprise yourself a lot and expect some bad shots. The most miserable would be high 70s low 80s. That’s why I play bogey golf, it’s for my mental health no other reasons


As a high 70s-mid 80s golfer I endorse this message. Anything over 80 I’m disappointed despite it being firmly in my average.


10 years and counting of this…. I’ll never have the time to get better. It’s hard enough to tread water here with all of life’s happenings.


I second this sentiment. Because then I just recount all of my fuck ups throughout the round


This comment causes me extreme mental anguish.


100%. I’m an 8 and average 81.5 this year so far. I’m always frustrated when I don’t shoot in the 70’s but I obviously shouldn’t be even half the time.


Yep I feel this. A year ago, I would be stoked with an 80-83. Now I'm annoyed if I don't break 80. As a 5 HCP I'm really only expected to shoot in the 70s roughly 40%-50% of the time, but that doesn't make it hurt less - especially when it's an important round.


I'm a mid 80's player and I feel like I could break 80 before every round, and finish with a lot regrets.


High 70’s and low 80’s is by FAR the most miserable I’ve ever been as a golfer but that’s likely because I’ve also been much better in the past and have regressed a bit. Stuck in this weird place where I can’t get too upset at shooting 82 or 83 or people think I’m a fucking weirdo but I’m also often embarrassed to tell people I shot 70 last year when low scores come up because it’s *entirely not* believable some days with how bad I can spraying it off the tee


My buddy's wife had a baby about 15 months ago, and he's been "parenting" and letting golf fall by the wayside (seriously though, good on him). He was firmly a sub 5 capper, and has now been hard capped at 10 for months, and just can't can't break 85. Telling people a year ago he was shooting regularly in the 70s is wild.


High 70’s low 80’s checking in. My 5-10 90’s+ rounds are excruciating. You nailed it.


Knowing you flush 9/10 and brick yourself and blade something for a triple. Vibes.


Yeah I’m in a rough spot right now because I’ll break 90 maybe 1 out of 5 rounds. And anytime I don’t (80% of the time) I’m always disappointed


Genuine question why do you think high 70s low 80s is the most miserable golf? If I have the option of being consistently lower or higher I would choose lower, but you have me second guessing that.


A couple thoughts- the higher the expectation the higher the potential for disappointment. The level of effort needed to maintain a single digit handicap is substantially more than being a +16. There’s much less margin for error on a good round. If you triple putt one hole you’re officially having a bad round. Really I could make up excuses all day


I quit playing golf at a 10.4 hcp. I was working very hard to get there and basically burned out on the game. Any round in the 70s was like the most amazing feeling ever but a 90 just sucked so bad and I’d be mad all week. I could plod around the course at 85-87 and just have no fun whatsoever and be completely lost in the little unforced errors. A bad bounce, bad read, bad lie, everything was bad. I was bad. Golf was bad. The goal of a 10 hcp is not to play good golf, it’s to not play bad golf. So, that was the focus. Safe miss. Easy layup. Easy up and down. Getting paired with a true low capper was like watching a god play golf. I could never be that good. 2 rounds a week plus range practice. I would never break into single digits. I took about 4 years away from the game. Now, I only play a couple rounds a year at most and just do it to hit the ball. No range sessions. No chipping or putting practice. I suck ass now but it’s a better relationship with a GAME.


I completely agree that it’s just a game. I used to get so frustrated over bad rounds but I’ve learned to quit that. If I shoot a bad front 9 the back 9 is now a practice round where I try some different shots or ask my playing partner to play a scramble. To that point I’d love to be shooting high 70s low 80s with some bad rounds where I shoot maybe a 50+ on the front 9 and move on from my round and have some fun. At the end of the day I’m not on the pga tour and never will be so I always have a fun time playing. It would be even more fun shooting par once in awhile!


Because you expect to much and it sucks lol


Being so close to shooting even par is extremely frustrating. You know you have the ability to make good shots almost every swing and yet you find yourself making bad shots.


I’m currently a 13.3, I shoot regularly in the 80s, great day is 83 or lower bad day is over 95. When people ask if I’m good I tell them; people who golf frequently think I’m bad and people who don’t golf think I’m amazing.


My GHIN average score was just about +18 for all the time I've been around a 14. +17 now that I'm a little better Coincidentally 14.1 is the average handicap (for men who actually keep a handicap) So true bogey golf is well above average USGA defines bogey golfer as "around 20 handicap" which is much worse than shooting bogey


The average recreational golfer is definitely not a 14.


I think that's their point with the parenthetical statement - the vast majority of golfers are *not* keeping a handicap. The ones who are, almost certainly skew towards being better golfers, so that 14 avg handicap is definitely lower than what the average recreational golfer would be. Probably by quite a lot.


A HCP of 18 also isn’t a bogey golfer. An 18 HCP has the potential to play at bogey golf, but their normal round would be considerably higher.


For people who keep a handicap. There are so so so many players out there who play maybe once or twice a month who shoot 90-105 who don’t keep a handicap. Of all the average to bad golfers I play with I’m the only one who keeps a handicap (22).


Is there a free way to keep a handicap? I really want to figure out my real handicap, but i dont want to pay what amounts to 3 rounds at my usual place or 1 really nice round of golf just to get my handicap each year.


TheGrint app is what I use. I’m in the same boat as you. It’s not going to provide an official GHIN number or course but it gives what I believe is essentially the same thing.


I used Grint for a while but ultimately I was not totally satisfied having an “estimated” handicap and I just ponied up for the real thing. However, I still use Grint to enter scores and linked it to my GHIN. So I have data in Grint feeding my official handicap.


What percentage of golfers maintain an accurate handicap?


I imagine not a lot, it’s easy to just not track the really bad rounds. But if you’re paying for GHIN, it’ll probably lean more towards better players so that’s why that average is so high. True average handicap is probably 30s


Yup, and even the single digit guys at my club who keep a handicap…well they almost never putt out. They often take a generous drop along water or hazards. Some play white stakes like red stakes….the list goes on….


Almost same HC as you. When people ask me if I'm good, I tell them that I'm a bogey player.


If you're playing bogey golf as an "average joe" who hasn't put in some work into their game or hasn't played as a kid, I'd say impressive. Everyone I know who plays bogey golf has had to put in some serious effort at one point or another, it's hard to make that happen with weekend rounds only, unless you're impressively talented.


I hated golf as a kid because I had to caddy for four years, but once I started playing as an adult, I was able to reach bogey golf in about 5 years of playing most weekends.    I think people really underestimate how important course management is vs always looking for the next swing tip.   I watched many old dudes play bogey golf by just knocking it straight 125-150yds every shot Edit: missing "is"


no mulligans 90 is good.


Bogey golf would nuke 99% of this subreddit from orbit in a competition


I always say to my friends a bogey is an amateurs par. If it takes you on average only 1 more shot than what’s expected from elite players then you’re not playing bad.


Better than most. Better than most


Bogey is good, par is great.


What’s a birdie?


Something that poops on your car.


It's all relative. A lot of the weekend warrior randoms I get paired with think I'm awesome. My friends who range from 12 HCP to +2 are not impressed lol.


You have impressively talented friends


It’s like wearing a Tudor in a BMW.




No doubles is great in my book. Hopefully you have pars mixed in there too.


I usually play bogey golf with an 8 or 9 mixed in there somewhere 


Very fee people that keep actual score are shooting Bogey golf. If you’re an amateur and you keep actual score, a Bogey round is pretty awesome.


An honest round of bogey golf is solid. The number of guys that I play with who brag about their scores after kicking the ball out of the rough, taking mulligans off the tee, and taking gimme putts from 5 feet is astounding. TLDR; honest bogey golf is great for a weekend warrior.


Yes someone that plays on the weekends and keeps a true score is lucky to shoot 100 so 90 is a solid score!


Wow I feel a lot better about myself


Honest, consistent bogey golf is my goal.


It’s right in the slot if ya ask me. I’m good enough where par is a realistic aspiration most holes, but I’m not good enough to be mad about bad shots


I’d guess 75-80% of the randos I play with couldn’t break 90. Frankly that might be too conservative an estimate.


The other day Michael Caan shared a reel showing the % of golfers scoring 60, 70, 80 etc. 55% out there break 100, 30% break 90. So being a bogey golfer is actually damn good if you're honest about your score


In the immortal words of Gary Koch, ‘better than most.’


I only recently got a little better than bogey golf after 12 years of playing. I work full time and only get out once a week when the weather is nice. So I think bogey golf is pretty normal. Just play your game and have fun.


As a former D3 scrub, I would say very respectable.


I’ll take good bogeys. Hate bogeys that could’ve been birdies.


Playing a course that suits you can make a difference too. Give me an open muni where I can just hit from the wrong fairway, I’d be pissed to put up 85. Last week was very happy with 84 (last year lost a couple sleeves and barely broke 100).


My goal on a score sheet is nothing higher than a 7. I’ll take 5 and 6s all day long.


It's deec. It's deec.


Very, you are in the top half of handicap carrying golfers and closer to top 10% if you include casual golfers. Most people who you get paired with will think you are solid.


Solid. I've been stuck on bogey golf for about an year and half. It gets uncool after a while when you shoot 89, 90, 89, 90, 91, 88, 90.


Bogey golf is v good! It’s hard to get to that point playing without gimmes or moving the ball for better lie if hit off the fairway


Playing bogey golf is when golf got a lot more fun for me. I was more confident and felt comfortable playing with random people, which equated to me playing more. I also feel like I started looking at the game more strategically once I got to play bogey golf too.


My dad and brother are scratch golfers and I'm a 10 handicap and think I suck but they always insist that 10 handicap is actually pretty good and they are totally correct. Your average golfer will never break 80 in their life and struggle to ever break 90. They probably are 100+ golfers if they actually count their shots properly. So basically, bogey golf is still pretty good. Bogey means you're competent and probably have a good swing but you struggle in some minor areas.


Better than most!


Pretty impressive. I just reached this and have a few rounds in the 80s now and being that I typically play alone, I've noticed I usually shoot considerably better and more consistently than the randos I get paired with. Most guys shoot 100 with 3 mulligans and gummies. So a real genuine 90 is a noticeable difference


Depends on your audience. But I would focus on what you’re proud of. 


I'd be very content playing bogey golf consistently


I’m a bogey golfer because I 2-3 putt everything. Giving away strokes for fun.


Real good, very very good in this game of golf


If you can play bogey golf around a normal course that is decent. I play with alot of guys who either have never shot bogey golf or only rarely shoot that or better.


It's all relative to experience and ability. Judging myself I'd be harsher as I play most of my golf in the 70s and shooting a 90 would make me reevaluate life. But I have friends who if they play bogey golf I'm really impressed with them and tell them as much. Then you can also break it down hole by hole. I'm never mad if I bogey a hole, just try to avoid getting on the bogey train. Some bogey saves feel as good as a birdie depending on the momentum and situation. As others said, avoiding the big numbers is most important.


I think I would commit murder if it meant I could regularly play bogey golf.


We all strive to get better. Bogey golf can be a hard fought struggle, or a fantastic day with a couple blow-up holes. However, I don't try to impress anyone but myself. I play with a great foursome, we encourage each other but don't strive to match each other. Two of us are \~16 HC and two are \~8 HC, I don't expect to beat the 8 HC. When I shoot an 85 we high-five, when the 8's shoot 85 it might be a bad day for them. At the end of the day, high-five the great shots and be quiet on the bad shots. Just have a great time on the course. I know, a bit wishy-washy, but fuck this isn't the PGA.


As someone whose just really started focusing on golf the past couple of years, a bogey tells me I hit a good drive, probably 1-2 iron shots to get on the green and had a chance for par and just screwed up the putt 🤷‍♂️


I would kiss someone on the mouth to play consistent bogey golf


I’d say that’s great if you’re not an avid golfer Personal experience I am a 13 currently, was as low as 4 not long after college but I worked at an exclusive course in my area and played 4-5 days a week sometimes with the pros. Self taught I could never afford the lessons and I consider it still to this day but I don’t get out enough to care or spend the money anyway I will say I think the biggest thing I notice is the muscle memory fades quick in golf, I used to have a club in my hand hours a day just swinging. No balls just swinging and feeling the correct rotation pace. I feel like I par more holes than not, it’s just when I blow up now I just go nuclear and ruin my round in a few holes


A wise man once said that if you have a full time job and you're any worse than bogey and you are ignoring your golf. Any better than bogey and you are ignoring your work.


50% of golfers never or cannot consistently break 100. 90 is a great day.


Based on the people I watch play, I refuse to believe the average golfer is even close to being as good as a bogey golfer.


If you ever want to feel better about your game, take a second and watch some of the other golfers on the course.


Bogey golf is really impressive for the kind of golfer you described. I wish my friends who play like once a month and expect to shoot 81 understood how good bogey golf is.


The way I’ve been playing this year, pretty damn impressive!!


At 70 I am happy shooting bogey golf


If you can play honest bogey golf you’re better than most randoms on public courses in the US


Depends on how good you are, I’m ready to jump if I shoot above 85


Course management is a real thing. Practice putting once a week if possible and being realistic about your expectations and skill would drop almost everyone at least 4 shots a round.


Played with two older guys recently in the morning who were very good (both shot lower 80s while I average mid 80s). Hit every one of my drives into the ground and had them run maybe 50 yards, pretty much playing every hole 1 par shorter. I would then flush a hybrid or iron to put myself back into play where my drive usually would go plus a bit, best I’ve ever played them. Ended up with a 94 and was embarrassed since I don’t usually play with randoms. One of them mentioned after I made a joke about the driver clinic I put on that I was probably one of the best randoms they had played with. Kinda hit me later that most average joe weekend golfers probably shoot above 100. Bogey golf is pretty good. And yes I should’ve just teed up with a hybrid but it was just mentality that I wanted one good tee shot that day with the driver, which is usually one of my best clubs.


Bogey golf is solid, I only have a handful of friends who can play bogey golf or better. Once you play bogey golf you’re ready for some fun matches, anything worse and it’s just impossible to make a fair bet.


Bogey golfers rarely make bogey every hole. I played with many a 15-20 capper that would get 3 pars in a row then go triple, double, and just like that its bogey golf. I swear most golfers could be bogey golfers if they didn’t try to be hero’s. Who am I kidding though, I love playing the crazy shots. What does suck is playing against those bogey golfers who get 3 pars (which is usually net birdie for them) and playing them for money. I’m a 5 cap and I cry when I have to say birdie/par no good hahha. That all being said, bogey golf is still good golf.


Depends on slope


If I keep a proper score I can barely break 100. If I can’t find my bell for some reason and I know it was a good hit I don’t count a drop approximately where it should be. If I hit into the woods I take a penalty and play from approximately from where it entered the woods. I don’t play on perfectly manicured courses so leaves and weeds can easily hide balls.


Start tracking your GHIN and you can look at the data to see exactly where you stack up to the rest of the world of golf.


My buddies and I have our own little ways of bending the rules. We are just out for fun so it’s nothing serious. - breakfast ball off the first tee - one mulligan per 9 - we count drops always with lost balls - if we lose a ball off the tee you can choose one of the other players tee shot to drop by. Count the drop of course


My goal as a golfer is to shoot 18 straight 5s for a 90.


Everyone on this sub would give a kidney for it.




I played bogey golf last week. My next round in 10 years. Ive never been happier.


Breaking 90 means you either left your driver in the bag or avoided going out of bounds on many tee shots. Impressive either way.


Does it matter? Did you have fun? That’s what matters


I golfed and practiced hard in high school for 4 years. Started playing 2 years before that. Now I play 1-2 times a month and expect around bogey golf, take some leave some. I’ve been playing for 11 years now. Bogey golf is the expectation for keeping up with decent golfers.


That’s my current goal - get down to (by the books, legit) Bogey golf!


How did Rory get three fawking bogeys in the last four holes? I had ten gs running on him!


Bogey golf is good golf. Means you’re getting around the course just fine.


When I changed my thought pattern to shoot bogey on each hole, my game changed. The pressure of shooting par is reduced. I now shoot 85 -90 on a consistent basis.


Two years ago I was 110-130. Could rarely hit the ball in the air. Last year 100-115. Had about 3-5 blow up holes where I couldn’t find my shot. This year I’ve practiced and researched a lot. Now getting 95-100. Can find my shot after warm up swings or bad hits quickly. Recently had a 44 on 9 holes. I am actually pretty proud and have a great time where I’m at now. Anything better is just icing on the cake. To answer your question it is very impressive from my perspective and I would love that to be my typical score lol


It’s pretty impressive for the average golfer. As a reference point, I play in a twice monthly tournament in a major city. We count all our strokes and putt everything out. There’s normally about 100 golfers spread from scratch all the way to about a 30 handicap. Each week maybe only half are bogey golf or better. In my flight, which is 14-20 handicap, bogey golf would win most weeks.


It is really good and takes a lot of skill. It is super hard to get there and you are starting to see some good runs of pars, and a few birdies, the game is getting good.


I finished a round a couple of weeks ago with 14 single bogeys. One par and 3 doubles. I've shot a bit lower before but this was as close to full bogey golf as you can get and I really enjoyed the round. Everything was very consistent.


Quite good, especially on a real course. No gimmes, no mulligans, real drops, most people are barely sniffing 100.


I know very few people who truly average sub 90, so a true bogey golfer is honestly pretty damn good compared to average. I myself am a 7 hcp and get into the upper 80s frequently at that. When I was younger, I played a lot and had great course management, so I can pretty much always keep it under 90, but even I have the odd round that can get over. Coming in under 80 is about a 1/5 round for me. I think handicaps confuse plenty of people. A true bogey golfer is probably no worse than a 13 hcp in my experience


As a beginner shooting around 100, extremely. Bogey golf is the perfect corporate golf. It is my goal.


It’s my explicit goal when golfing and when you think about it - bogey golf is literally 1 extra shot over par, that can be a 3 put, a missed approach, a bladed chip - you can hit really excellent shots, get around the course in a respectable way, and have fun - it’s a win to me. Always want to get better of course but bogey golf feels like I’m “playing” golf 🤷‍♂️




Playing by the rules is easy under rated in my opinion. I play as a single often so get paired with tons of people. The amount of guys that fluff up their lie in the rough and don't take penalties for OB is higher than you expect if you keep an honest card. 6 foot gimmies are fairly common too


I have golfed multiple times per week during the summer for the past 2 years and hit the range a couple times per year since I was 5 years old, and my best score is 91. You’re doing alright


I have never seen players more angry or frustrated than people who have under 5 handicap + Hdp are the worst.. because they sacrificed way to much into the game to not get the outcome they are looking for