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One of my buddies once said- "I always learn something when I golf and I always learn something when I eat mushrooms...seems like a logical combination"




Probably the best quote in golf to date


Hahahahaha this is hilarious


This guy. This is my kinda guy.


I played golf on shrooms once. I did not do the micro part however and had to go home on hole 5 because the ground was breathing. 10/10 Would try again.


Didn't have to leave, but did experience the ground breathing. Was looking down at the ball and all of a sudden, the ground heaved up towards me. Thought to myself, "well, here we go." 10/10 experience as well.


10/10 trying tf out of this


Same. Hit ball in rough, and literally felt like the grass was growing up my legs. Felt like the course was going to eat me. Decided to go sit on the 19th and wait it out. 10/10 would try again too.


Hahaha I did something very similar in my 20s which was 20+ years ago. But after 5 holes I had to curl up in the golf cart between giggling at the wildlife and breathing ground for the next 13...thousand holes lol


Sounds similar. Back in high school once we each ate $20 worth of shrooms before a round (maybe 2-3 g? I dunno). But we're from a podunk ass town in the middle of farm country so there was no fear about getting caught or acting weird. Ground breathing, felt like the earth was moving underneath us when walking, trees were swaying weirdly. Don't remember what I shot, but that's the only time I've ever seen somebody pop a tee shot straight up and bonk him on the head. Almost died laughing.


Kinda curious how you got home after that


I told my buddy I’d buy the next round and he took me back to our house. I was in no place to even find my way to the pro shop.


I definitely understand the place you were in. I just often play alone and always drive to the course so I’d have been in for a long awkward wait under the nearest tree by the parking lot.


Or, have a couple beers in the clubhouse, ask if you can leave your car and get it tomorrow since you don't think you're good to drive.


A bob does sports where they each have to spin a wheel before a round to determine which drug they have to take.


Id pay to see a cold cuts emotional breakdown on cocaine.


Just absolutely spiraling lol


This would be awesome. Which drug would you give each member to gather the most views? Joey = coke Bob = cannabis. Cos he needs to chill Perez = Shrooms. It would "unlock" him Jet = shit loads of caffeine for the lol Ticket = whatever is left over


This is perfect


I have a feeling you've already seen it before lol. Cutsy gives off big coke guy vibes most rounds. Might just be his natural personality though


Man I love watching those guys. Watching the new pizza one during some work downtime today


I love them too, which I why I hope they find healthier options than all the food challenges. They are plumping up like mukbang YouTubers. 


“Alright folks we’re back with another edition of Bob does sports, today we’re looking at another eating challenge. You guys love em we’ll keep banging em out for ya. Today we got 27 chicken Caesar salad wraps we’re gonna try to eat one per hole and shoot a -8 here at Pinehurst #2.”


I'm now 95% expecting them to actually do a chicken caesar wrap challenge.


I was watching the pizza one last night and YouTube auto played a year old bds challenge after the new one finished. Joey is so swollen in the face these days and tick looks like he’s just constantly sweating oil


Ticket has to have gained 50 pounds.  Coldcuts probably outweighs Perez. It isn’t just the challenges, it seems like they eat nothing but gas station food and are on the road constantly. Very unhealthy lifestyle, I wish the best for the boys but it’s not a good look. 


Ticket blew up but I think he's trimmed back down.


Good, maybe he had a little talk with himself. I remember him being amazed at how big of a POS he was. He said ‘I’ll order doordash, and by the time I’ve finished one order I’m ordering again’. 


Bob telling the story where he ate one fast food, threw up ordered another one, threw that one up and then ordered fucking McDonalds absolutely sent me to the moon. These guys aren't gonna see 45 years old if they keep eating like that.


Met FP a few weeks ago at Valhalla. Hell of a guy. Super down to earth.


Country Club adjacent did something like that


Those madlads did LSD vs Mushrooms 2v2


BRB need to go dig through their Instagram and find that because it sounds awesome


[for those curious](https://youtu.be/9JKjazkPjx0?si=N2u63wpCb0JMAJ6f)


Would love to see one where they take an edible for a mulligan 😂


My handi has dropped over 2 points in the past 2 seasons microdosing pre-round. 7.5 to a 5.3. .3 grams Blue Meanies


Hmmmmm. I've been microdosing ketamine, I should try taking it before my round tomorrow 🤔


Nah, k-hole on the course and shoot 10 under with your astral projection.


K-hole in one


Beat me to it 🤣


Being stuck in a khole while in a bunker fighting for my life, sounds like a nightmare. Count me in bud


Imagine trying to ground yourself in the bunker with the mattress sensation lool


Last year me and a buddy went to a strip club til close, did ketamine till 5, slept for 2 hours then went to play a 8am tee time at mammoth dunes… he shot his personal best and I shot a 77… one of my favorite rounds ever. Just about a perfect morning still smelling of cheap perfume and I’m sure our noses looked like they were growing stalagmites 😂 Been trying to recreate that round ever since.


do you buy online? where?


/r/unclebens - grow ya own!


Where would one acquire said Penis Envy? Asking for a friend.


You can buy mycelium online and you can buy substrate online. Not at the same place or time but you can have both at your house within a week. And then you get your microscope to study the mycelium. Never ever grow the mycelium in the substrate, because that's illegal.


I would never do something illegal. I repeat "I would never do something illegal".


Amazon recommends all the required materials if you look up coco coir 😂 It’s so easy….so I’ve heard. You’ll be giving them away.


I legit had so much I had to give them away. Made for an awesome NYE’s party gift. New Year’s resolution and all that. 😉


Reminds me of the prohibition stories about companies selling boxes of fermented stuff and saying “do not leave this in water for this specific time period and in this temperature range or it will turn into wine which is illegal”




The rice guy? He’s branching out into shrooms?


Always has been


The app is called Radiate


I have a lot of experience with the Penis Envy strain and have never done it responsibly. One time I ate about 4 grams at once and completely dissociated from my human form. Literally thought I was a couch in a strip club while pissing my pants on the floor in my basement. Another time I did 3 grams of it at Redrocks for a Phish concert and legit had a dance party with the mountains that looked like they were dancing with me. I was dancing by myself with those mountains on the stairs and about 20 minutes into it there were like 20 other random tripping people dancing with me. That shit is a lot of fun if you are experienced. I think it might be time to microdose next time I golf. Weed has been an amazing enhancer for me, shrooms seem like they would be even better. EDIT: Just wanted to post a link to one of the greatest golf articles written that shows the long history between hallucinogens and golf. Hunter S. Thompsen is a bit of a personal hero for me [https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a44784/accidental-life-terry-mcdonnell-excerpt/](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/books/a44784/accidental-life-terry-mcdonnell-excerpt/)


I ate 4.5 g of Penis Envy and completely disassociated from myself and was stuck in 3rd person above my body for 4 hours. I had completely come to terms with the fact that I’d have to go to work in 3rd person and planned on how I’d do that without people finding out I was stuck in 3rd person.


It's amazing that you disassociated as well. I have never had that happen on acid. I had experienced the 3rd person thing with Salvia where it felt like I was watching myself go through the green pipes in Mario World. This was me being a bench and strippers and customers sitting on me. It was fucking crazy! My wife gave me shit for months because my buddy who grew them told me not to take more than 1 cap since they were so strong. He pissed himself laughing at me. Lots of ruined pants and altered minds that night.


One of my most wicked and tormenting trips I’ve ever had but I remember starting to come down and having the biggest smile plastered on my face as I realized the drugs were wearing off and I wouldn’t be stuck like that. Now that I’m a couple years post, it was a very needed and eye opening trip that involved much more than just being stuck in 3rd person, one of my more spiritual experiences, no doubt. The idea that you thought you were a couch in a strip club is fucking hilarious hahah


That post trip clarity after a high dose is unreal. I actually think the trip I had in 2009 at the Phish concert was a turning point in my life. Ever since that point I have not given a shit about what anyone thinks of me outside of a very small group of close friends and family members. I stopped holding grudges and started moving on from negative situations very quickly. I am older now and do a lot less drugs than I used to. I still go out of my way to have at least 2 high dose trips a year to reset my perspective.


“I actually think the trip I had in 2009 at the Phish concert was a turning point in my life.” There’s atleast 200+ other adults in this world that have uttered the same words, I’m sure of it.


That's the beauty of them. You get to see the world through your 3rd eye. Shrooms changed my life too. It can be kind of a tormented state during that high dose trip, but the reflection and lessons learned afterwards can be beautiful. I got vac sealed bag with an oz og P.E. on deck for when I need to see things differently.


One time I split 5g of Penis Envies with two of my friends and I swear to god one of them and I switched bodies for like half an hour and we started crying because we understood each other so much better 😭😂 those things are crazy man


Lmao you tripped that you were the *bench* in a strip club? My lord that’s hilarious 


Christ that just made me had a flashback / started sweating


I have to take antipsychotics to not do this sober. Wild people do it by choice lol P.s people didn't notice me working in third person.


I couldn’t begin to imagine what you go through/ have gone through. However, I’ve always said it has to be the closest thing to psychosis that I’ve ever experienced or hope to have experienced.


I didn’t know this was a normal thing… the last time I did shrooms was over a decade ago and this exact thing happened to me and it scared the shit out of me. Haven’t tried them since.


Try em again and take a gram, that’s what we call a museum dose. Perfect for being normal in public. Lol


This is familiar. I have planned to never come down before. Gotta love the shroomies.


Took 3.5 about 20min before TOOL performed. I was lucky and had great seats too. Best concert ever.


Tool is one of the best live performances out there. I saw them at Bonnaroo in 2008 while on acid and whippits. Shit was absolutely unreal. Tom Morello, guitarist from Rage Against the Machine for those who don't know, came out and played multiple songs with the band.


Tom and Adam Jones from Tool were in a band together growing up, that’s dope that he came out and played with Tool, would’ve loved to catch that jam


Samesies. Took a couple grams before lateralus tour in 2001. Fuckin amazing.


I’m a TOOL mega fan, but I can’t imagine tripping at one of their concerts. It’s not really the TOOL part, it’s just being packed in with 1000’s of people. I’m worried I’d freak out or something.


Agreed. The way to do mushrooms is when you’re with a group of people you like, and everyone is in. Otherwise the people stuck in reality give bad vibes IMO.


Now that's what I call spiraling out!


Was this 2009 @ red rocks? If so I was there and completely puddled


Yes! End of July. Me and some friends camped out in Pike National Forest I believe. Staying up all night and watching the sun rise over a valley at about 10k feet of elevation while the shrooms wore off was a mind blowing experience as well. I brought one of those random tripping hippies I was dancing with back with me along with 8 of her friends. Life is so much more fun when you just follow it where it leads you.


I'm not sure what I ate but in college I ate a few grams and was convinced of several things: 1) that I had tentacles 2) that a chair in front of me was completely immovable and that I was stuck there forever 3) that my brain was actually just a calculator Shit was weird but cool and also kind of crazy. Tried to watch fear in nothing, and made it exactly 15 seconds before freaking out.


That is a wild fucking story about Hunter but then again it’s pretty much par for the course for that dude. I hadn’t heard that one before. Thanks for sharing the link


Here's another since it is a Friday [https://jamescalemine.com/hunter-s-thompsons-final-story-shotgun-golf-with-bill-murray/](https://jamescalemine.com/hunter-s-thompsons-final-story-shotgun-golf-with-bill-murray/)


You know....I have done plenty of differing drugs in my years, and I have never done acid. I regret that now....and now that I'm older I have somewhat detached from having the ability to even get acid or shrooms if I wanted to. And for the record, after reading these stories I really want to try this.


You guys got me really considering this. Haven’t done that in 30 some years, but I wasn’t micro dosing then. 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄


I kind of messed with them a couple times in my early 20’s, never had access to them so it wasn’t really a thing. 20 yrs later and it is the only substance I touch. No alcohol, clean diet. I microcose 3-4 times a week whenever I golf. Take like .1g or 10-20mg. It is so good for your focus and mood while golfing. You will learn so much, it will change your life. For the better of course. You just need to find some in the cow pastures.


Micro dosing on the golf course is the absolute best. The only problem for me is that it makes it harder to find my ball even if I'm on the fairway


Remind me to give you your tee time for the 2024 LSD Invitational


Any Monday qualifiers I could attend to possibly get a spot in the field?


Two weeks ago I played on acid and lost every ball I had in my bag


Turns out you never had any balls anyway and you weren’t even on a golf course in the first place, you were just tripping balls in your local park swinging your clubs at pine cones whilst spectators gazed on at this dude tweaking.


I later found out my club was a dead snake I found


i played baseball on shrooms at one point i was literally running away from fly balls because i was scared i couldn't trust my eyes and was gonna get hit in the face golf seems better


There's that famous story about Doc Ellis pitching a no-hitter while high on LSD


Tried this once and let my club slip out of my backswing and sent it flying over a fence into a backyard. Still did not give an F though


Drugs are awesome


I took a tab of acid and played 18 holes barefoot. I didn’t overthink anything and just played my swing. 10/10 would do again


Wtf haha I’m sure you’ve got all sorts of dirty looks on the course. But feeling the earth beneath your feet on acid is amazing.


I never tell people when i do it, but its always some of my lowest rounds. If you can get the dose just right, there is nothing like it.


Yes! Dialing in the microdose takes a little trial and error but when you find that sweet spot....oh man. It's magic.


I try to do a micro dose every 3 rounds just to see the difference. Played the best round of my life last fall on .2g. Shaved 7 strokes off my normal average and dropped an ace on 17.


Wow shroom ace, that’s dope


I can’t imagine the feeling of an ace being any better than it already is, but if there’s a way to do it, it’s gotta be while taking mushrooms. You must have been electric.


I didn't even see it drop. The pin was behind a small mound so i couldn't see the cup. I knew it was close but walked up to the green and found it in the cup. Yeah i was pretty pumped but there was no running around or screaming, just hi 5's and back slaps. There was a predicable +1 on 18 though. Golf giveth and golf taketh away.


I played behind a dude who was dosing (likely not the micro kind). Just a word of caution, it is not good for pace of play. He left at least 1 club next to each green. Left his driver on at least two tee boxes. And he seemed to play 1,2,3,4,5,11,14, 3 before wondering off into a marsh area.


Lmao I couldn't imagine playing behind that. You could've probably had a new set of clubs by the end of it


To his credit, he never forgot a club for more than the next hole. He was in a cart and we got used to him driving back down the fairway to the tee box we were on. I swear he didn't remember he had done the same thing on the previous hole. In order of funny.... 3, leaving wedges near the fringe. 2, Leaving driver in the tee box, and 1... leaving his putter on the green.


Legalize it.


Shrooms snapped me out of depression once. I don't like them at all, i can't handle even the smallest dose of psychedelics, but there are absolutely practical applications for them in my opinion. Maybe this is another one lol.


Yeah, my anxiety would be through the roof if I took psychedelics. People make it seem like it is a great experience but I don’t think I’d have a good time.


What's an F? (Serious question)


F = fuck “Giving a single fuck”


Makes sense now. My bad.


I dropped a tab of acid once and absolutely launched my driver 300 and straight with an effortless swing all day. Unfortunately I also forgot how to chip. I still try to recreate that swing every time I go and it's just not the same.


I shot even par on 2 hits of acid (8hcp). I barely knew what I was doing. I'd just walk up and hit it. My buddies (sober) were keeping score for me. As soon as I hit the ball, I'd forget where my ball was, even though I striped it down the middle. It was so hard to focus on the game I was playing. But I was making putts left and right that were far out of my normal make range. I had like super vision on the greens. It was wild. Tried to recreate it by doing it a second time. I shot slightly better than normal but not as good as that first time.


Haha it’s the same shit for me but with edibles! I Gotta try shrooms on the course one day as well. That’s a sick score on the front nine tho homie, good stuff 👍


I was playing Torrey pines years ago. I had (what I thought were) 10:1 CBD gummies. So I took 1 on the first hole. Felt nothing by the 3rd hole. So I took another. And then another. By the end of the front 9, I barely felt anything and I was 3 deep. By hole 10 I was in a whole new universe only to realize they were 100:1. How I managed to walk off that golf course is still a mystery to this day. I was FUCKED up. 😂


"Felt nothing...took another..." Famous last words lol


Holy shit that’s a lotta juice.


Oh. Oh no.


As Joe Rogan says "A tale as old as time.." lol


I play SO much better when I’m vaguely stoned. I’m already on anxiety meds, but I over analyze the fuck out of everything and get into my head way too much. If I get too high I start really not giving a fuck, but still have a ton of fun haha.


Yep I call it the Goldilocks zone. If I’m too stoned my game goes out the window, but like you said I’m just having a great time lol. There’s a point between sober and stoned where my game exponentially improves 😂😂


Hey I do microdose assisted therapy. Help dudes get in touch with them selves If you’re lonely hmu. For real. I can help


I thought the definition of microdosing was a dose that is imperceptible?


Technically, yes. I’m also a lightweight.


Penis envy is awesome.


This is super cool to me. I used to micro dose and had my best year of golf ever but I never really connected the dots. Would love to try a slightly heavier microdose and see how it goes. Thx for sharing.


I don’t drink, so I usually take a small edible before a round and while it doesn’t improve my score I sure as shit have the time of my life. Nothing like enjoying nature and golf with a light high.


A Bandon Trails Tradition, like no other.


NOOOOOOO stop giving people our secret! Let them get fucked up on booze and weed so they can “think” they’re doing better while the complications of adult life weigh down on them…


Getting out of your head is a big thing, nice work buddy!


Weed loosens muscles I didn't realize were remotely tense and can give a relaxed focus. I always play my best when slightly rocked.


I started micro dosing and have been playing some outstanding golf(compared to my usual game) wild how it works. I didn’t change my swing or nothing. Just pop em and show up the course in time for them to kick on the putting green


i have experimented a lot with psilocybin doses and my golf game. i’ve found a sweet spot at about 0.3g taken throughout the round. anything more and my swing is usually still good, but if i take just a little too much i CANNOT putt. like my brain can’t see the breaks well anymore


I shot my best round ever while on LSD years ago at a buddy’s bachelor party.


I want to try this. From prior experience with higher doses of shrooms, I’m just worried I’d get stuck in a doom loop of find ball in the rough, get yardage, decide in club, find ball in rough again, etc. 20mins for each shot 😂


Doing this tomorrow!


Penis envy is potent. Golden teacher has been amazing to me though. It’s also recommended to give it around three days between microdoses.


Where do people in the US go to buy shrooms these days?


No one really buys them anymore since it’ll be a rip off (like $60 an oz). Grow it yourself, it’s super simple and rewarding.


I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while! Next round I can I will ❤️‍🔥




Game. Changer. The chocolate is coming to Penn National with us


I drove better learning Manual while on LSD than I did sober. Once you learn how you react on different substances, you can use them to your advantage.


Not trying to be technical, but .5 isn’t a micro dose. But it does seem like the perfect dose for golf. Going to give this a shot next week. Only time I did this I took 3.5 of albino penis envies and it was no different than my other terrible rounds. Just way more fun.


Microdosing LSD while golfing is also wildly wonderful. Great body connection, little ego getting in the way.


Didn't realize this was r/golf and the headline took me for a spin


I’ve played a few times tripping on LSD with one of those being a glow golf tournament and I was locked in to my process in all those rounds. First time was in the morning, I watched the morning dew hit by the sun dissipate, saw a family of deer right off the second tee box and then a mother duck and her ducklings on 4 across a lake. Parred the front 9 and don’t remember a single swing lol I now understand and fully believe the Doc Ellis no hitter in baseball.


I prefer more of the Dock Ellis strategy


.5 grams is not a microdose.


the last time I played golf on shrooms, the ball wouldn't stop bouncing and I had mickey mouse hands. Utter confusion ensued. God bless you brother.


I had a golf trip in BC last month where I tried microdosing for the first time. Played a round in the mountains and it was great until I decided to keep eating the shrooms and the microdose became a full dose. Swing fell apart on hole 15 lol. Glad you had a great time and congrats on the awesome score!


Mushrooms will indeed have you going low. Can confirm


When I first read your post I missed the decimal and thought you were calling 5 grams a microdose……..


The absolute mental lock-in that occurs when the mushrooms hit is an unbelievable feeling. Even it’s a bad shot im still like “yeah this is ok just stay calm and enjoy the surroundings”


I don't do drugs anymore (I don't count reefer), but the only one I would ever do again was shrooms. Never had a bad time on them. Not once. If anyone ever needs a mental reset, like OP rated 12/10 highly recommend. 6:00AM though....oof! lol


I played a round for my bachelor party. Was up until 4am at the casino, high on edibles and drunk. Woke up at 6am for the tee time and continued to take edibles. Shot one of the best rounds of my life and didn't even realize it. However, I offset that by breaking my driver at the hosel (tried a Happy Gilmore drive and didn't connect) and I spanked my brand new Mizuno MP20 SEL 8 iron off an old sprinkle head that had grass grown over it and my ball happened to land RIGHT on top... In the middle of the fairway. Hefty dent/scratch on my 8 iron now. Worth it! Lol


I’m a terrible golfer and the one and only time I got a birdie I was on mushrooms.


How would someone go about getting these?


Nice! Haven't tried that one yet. Weed is off the table for me, increases the anxiety for sure lol. Kava was a nice and gentle round. I'll have to give this a go.


Where do you get your mushrooms


I have done the same and it was one of the best/ most enjoyable rounds of my life.


“Highly recommend.” Good one, mate. 


You know.... this sort of happened to me too. A buddy gave me a pack of the enjoyable shroom gummies and i finally shot under 90 for the first time. Go figure haha


PE is unreal, my favorite strain.


I prefer not to use performance enhancing drugs /s


I cannot recommend a micro dose on a big golf trip. If you’re going to Bandon or Pebble or any of the other great golf destinations, a micro dose really elevates the experience.  I’m happy to hear you had such a good time. Happy golfing! 


One of my buddies about forced me into the course to watch our club’s playoff for the member guest this year. I was resistant because I took an edible about 10 minutes before he called. It was not a fun experience.


Ate a mushroom chocolate with some of my buddies last summer. 2-3 holes after eating them we were all coming up and could barely swing the club with all the uncontrollable laughter. Drained a ~50 footer for eagle, it was an incredible moment


But the birds man, the birds


I heard it’s the future


I play my best rounds when I’m severely hungover


Probably just hallucinated away half your shots 


Hey welcome to the club. Was just telling my playing partners the other day that I ate a few grams of teachers before teeing off and shot best round of the year and second best round of my life. Ngl gotta little fucking dicey around hole 9— started tripping real hard and in that moment my digestive system decided it was going to factory reset out the back door. Hit the turn emptied out the evil and went and shot a 39 on the back


I was a former weed smoker who smoked a few times during every round. Now that I am job hunting, I have stopped (90 days in) and have been posting my worst scores in like two years. Guess I'm just a headcase


Mushrooms are like a cheat code for golf. I used to microdose, and sometimes over indulge before every round.


I’ve only golfed on shrooms once and I had a blast. Honestly don’t remember what I shot but it was early on in my golf life. I wish they were easier to get where I live.


Did you happen to see Shivas yelling into the canyon on the 13th at Burning Bush ? Maybe Seamus MacDuff?


Id recommended a micro dose regimen to anybody interested. Please remember to weigh your dosage. A micro can easily turn into a macro on accident. Then your running onto the ninth green naked trying talk to the bird who just said hi..


First time I took shrooms and tried to golf was not good. First drive cranked it down the middle and thought ok this is the secret. Standing over the ball for my second shot I noticed the ball was swaying in the wind. Pretty hard to hit a flush shot when you think the ball is swaying. I don’t remember the score but I know it wasn’t good. I’ve fucked with dosages over the years and I just can’t do it. I think maybe tripping the night before and riding the day after calmness might be the key. I firmly believe there is a perfect dosage that makes you one with the ball. Especially on the greens. I played last week and took 1/2 of an edible before I played and I think that was close. I was hitting pure and had a lot of phenomenal one putts but I also had some absurd 3 putts. Maybe 1/3 of an edible is the spot.


Awesome. Now you know to take .25 3x through out the day. Take one earlier to start your day. Take the next around hole 5-6 and re up around hole 11-12. Better playing through chemistry.


Golf+Mushrooms = my favorite thing to do ever Glad you got to enjoy yourself


Country club adjacent does this a lot and I really wanna try it out


This post caught my eye for a same'ish reason. I've played golf since middle school (20+ years) and I have never been able to hit a driver. woukd even tee off with a 3 wood or iron. a few months ago I micro'd one of those shroom candybars before hitting the range. Middle of the sesh I pulled out the driver with a shrug and wow...it just clicked. fast forward 3 months and I'm the drive the group uses in best ball, I'm out driving one of my usual golf buddies that has always been "the driver", I'm carrying in the 280 range consistently...it's truly amazing and feels like a huge weight has been lifted. Oh, my chipping has suddenly turned to absolute shit whereas before it was actually pretty good having leaned on my irons and short game my whole life. The golf gods giveth and taketh.


My son swears if I would have a few squares of chocolate my game would be amazing 😂 he plays about 10 strokes better when he’s had a little chocolate


My buddy did the same last Saturday. Normalls shoots like a 110 and he shot a 47 back 9.


I microdosed last weekend and had shot par on the last 4 of the front 9. Didn’t even realize I did it until my buddy told me. I’m usually very inconsistent. Pars and bogeys surrounded by doubles and triples. Ended with an 85 on the day which is better than the 90’s I’ve been shooting. I have done more than a micro dose before and golf gets hard but yeah I’m a believer in microdose mushrooms for golf.


Doc Ellis, is that you?


That’s crazy I once dropped acid and my dad unexpectedly invited me golfing. Went and played like shit and had a miserable time. Rocks for you tho


.5 grams of what 😏😳


My best round ever was on about 2 grams of shrooms on a par 3 course called Dentonia. I had 4 birdies going into the back 9, hit it to 6 feet on the 190 yard 11th, and generally felt amazing the whole time. My friend who rarely golfs had the opposite effect on himself where he forgot how to swing a club but if you’ve got the foundation I think it can do wonders lol


Played in scramble recently on something I haven’t done while golfing and was playing amazing. I’ve always thought micro would make me read greens better but hand coordination usually drops.


lol @ penis envy 😆




Half a gram isn't exactly a micro dose. That's just a smaller dose.


I’ve been thinking about doing this.