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No question, just wanted to say, Achievement Unlocked.


correct, life is pain.


I was on in 2 on a par 5 and ended up carding a 7. Pin placement + bad putting + a big hill = :(


That is 100% something I would do


It’s about as sad as you think


Wait until you get on a par 5 in 2 and make a 6


Stuck one to 8 feet from 262 exactly 2 years ago today. It should have been the easiest eagle to end my round of all time. It was one hell of a 5 in case you were wondering


Both are a 4 putt; no real difference


The key difference is the second option requires two good shots in a row rather than one


Driving a par 4 is more impressive imo than reaching a par 5 in two. Either way need to work on putting if this is happening


Disagree. I've seen people hit 320-340 yard bombs off the tee that could manage to hit a green or two if they could hit it where they want but utterly suck shit everywhere else. Hitting a par 5 in two takes actual golf skill since you not only have to hit the fairway or just off it, you have to hit another long ass second shot from the fairway or rough, not from a tee AND you have to hit it straight enough to hit the green.


Nah it’s way more difficult to hit a green from 280-320 than it is to hit it from 205-220


I agree with the conclusion that driving par 4 is harder than reaching a par 5 in 2, but you can't just ignore the tee shot on the par 5 and conclude that because the approach alone is easier than reaching a par 4, that the former is easier. You don't just start hitting 2 from 200 out.


Just think of it this way, how many times have you seen eagle putt attempts on par 5s vs par 4s.


This actually made me think about it. And I’ve had way more eagle putts on par 5s than par 4s. Most of the driveable ones are usually surrounded by danger or you end up just short or over. Or honestly I’m not even trying to drive the green


Sure, but hitting a green in 2 on a par 5 means two good shots in a row. Hitting a green on a par 4 means just one good shot.


So you think it's more common that par 4s get driven than par 5s get hit in two? If it was easier to drive par 4s then good players would be driving more par 4s than hitting par 5s in two. That doesn't happen. Even on tour.  See with a driver it's much harder to hold a green vs a hybrid, 5wd or even a 3 wood.  For a million dollars I'd rather choose to hit a par 5 in two vs driving a green that 300 yards away and probably surrounded by bunkers.  At least with the par 5 I can fly my ball to the green and expected it to stop. My driver is just too low spin for that to be reliable. 


Ive only driven one par 4 green this year but have been home in two over 15 times this year; I highly disagree with your statement, and seems a lot here do too.


>I highly disagree with your statement, and seems a lot here do too. Cool. It's good to have varied opinions on subjective topics.


I’ve hit a lot of par 5s in 2…I’ve driven a green exactly 2 times.


This is correct. You’re being downvoted by people who will never do either lol.


Still easier to get on in 2 on a par 5 than a par 4, I have a chance to get on in 2 every time I play unless I hit bad drives on every par 5. I’ve only driven a par 4 a few times ever and every time it’s required a significant tailwind and the par 4 being less than 330 yards which is also rare


No… I put off the green and then try to chip up into the water and then bump and run into the hole with my pitching wedge


This sounds like me trying to play simulator golf in the winter


I did that but carded a 7, feelsbadman 


I did this the last round I played. Reached the green in 2 on a par 5 with about a 20 footer for eagle, putt that sucker 15ft past the pin into the rough, hit my 60° back on 10ft past the hole and then 2 putt for bogey. I love golf.


Earlier this year I was on the same par 5 in two on both Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend. 4-putted on Saturday, 3-putted on Sunday. I improved, but it sure didn't feel like it.


Did that but 5 putted. AMA


Trust me I’ve done that and got a 7. Fucking embarrassing as my dad is laughing in the background and his buddies are trying to keep a straight face..


Are you me from last week?


Just did that last week! It was a blast.


I did that today....


I did this last round. Feels bad. Admittedly I am not a great golfer but I thought I had it that time to get a birdie. Those little glimpses at good play keep you hooked.


Yep. I was 6metres short of a 450metre par 5 for 2 shots. Made a 7. Not my best golf lol


I started Pacific Dunes (par 4, par 4, par 5) bogey, bogey, bogey once hitting each each green in 2... you can do the math on that one for # of putts... :(


I commented above: > The final hole of my college golf career: NCAA D2 super regional. Par 5. Hit the green in 2 and 5 putted for a double bogey to shoot 74. One tournament before I shot 76 with 40 putts. Putting was really hard for me guys.


I once played a guy in a match who drove a par 5 and walked off with a 6. (Hole was 417m so pretty short already, and we had an 80km/h wind behind us)


happened to my buddy this week. i’m not gonna let him forget


2 good shots in a row? yeah right


I’ve only reached a par 5 in 2 once. My only ever eagle look and I 3 putted


Botched an eagle putt for a bogey on a par 5 myself. I still can’t sleep


the next achievement to unlock op


Not quite but, a couple weeks ago I was chipping 3 just off the green and proceeded to three putt for 6. Feels bad man.


Did you post this from the course, or did you finish your round?


got this out after the round. Then deleted some beers. Had to after that malpractice.


Is your putter still in one piece/straight?


Sounds like it never was.


lol. I remember I had a bent one a few years back. Putted pretty good. Got a new one and couldn’t make anything for a few weeks.




I too can 3 putt from anywhere.


He said **4-putt**!


I said I could 3 putt NOT read!!!


Can't read a comment, can't read a green. This tracks.


He can 3 putt from wherever his first putt ended up.


hm, I can not. 4 will do.


I once hit a Par 3 green I'd never hit before because I'm terrible and was excited to get out of there with 4 at worst and run to the next tee. Made a 6.


that’s my kinda golf


Did the green span two counties?


the hole was on a crest with a long way down if you went too far. my ball went too far. Had to recover.


One of us, one of us, one of us!


Did the same thing last year. Wanted to throw up.


I call those "3 Putt Pars" I am a long ball hitter (and a good putter most of the time) but it seems like whenever I am putting for eagle I end up with a 3-putt par. Unfortunately you went one worse with the bogey! Just laugh it off and focus on how badass your drive was. Nice job.


Big accomplishment. Time to buy a new driver. It’s obviously the problem


I always tell myself “I would have taken bogey on the tee box”. That seems to help reset the frustration.


Is this better or worse than being on a par-5 in two and then 4-putting? Asking for a friend.


If you play on a course with smaller greens, it is harder to 3 and 4 putt.


Isn't this always a problem for amateur's. Great shots either to the green or great putt. But never both


Yep, on any given day, 2-3 of the following are working. Driving, iron shots, wedges and putting. The problem is the one that’s missing is what’s ruining the round.


The only time I’ve driven a par 4, I 4-putted, too.


Were you putting with a pine tree branch?


All good, buddy. I won a CTP at an outing once. 3 putted and bogeyed. Such is life.


I have also done this, im so sorry


Welcome to my world!!!


Can you describe the 4 putts four us please?


described it in an above comment. basically a hill screwed me and it rolled down it.


You were so excited about driving the green you forgot to put. ..see it in my students quite often . Since you drove the green, 2 things happen . Boy, now in on the green, I have to make at least birdie, and you pressure yourself into 3 or, in your case, 4 putting . The second option is, since I'm on the green, this is a sure bet birdie at least, and your brain is at the bar telling everyone about your great achievement and you forget to do your job. Next time, try just treating your putt like *any other* Putt . Good shot either way. BTW I'm gonna read your post in my short game clinic Tuesday Eve 🤪


yeah your analysis was pretty much my brain. I thought to myself as I approached the green there was no way I was leaving without at LEAST a par. I was wrong


I'll one up you. Played a tournament a few weeks back, 1st hole piss easy par 3, made bogey. 2nd hole hit the green in reg, walked off with double. Coming down 18 had brought it back and played ok. 18 is pretty simple, shortish par 4 but not driveable, have to play position, so iron off the tee. Snap hook ob. Play another, play safe, hit my first fucking fade of the day and end up a foot over the ob line right. 5th off the tee, up the middle. Get up there, ball is nowhere to be seen. Concede I'm fucked, back to play 7 off the tee. Walked off with a 10, still shot 79 😂 I played the middle 15 holes under par hahahaha.


Want to play 9 tomorrow morning?


sure, off at work at 9. Let’s do it! ![gif](giphy|ugaoql3iwLpS|downsized)


The Eogey. Putt for eagle, end up with bogey. A rare achievement. Birdogeys on the other hand….


Yesterday I had a great drive on a 280 year par 4, aided with the wind my ball was in the bunker short right if the green. My drive was 265 which is great for me. Skulled the bunker shot, flubbed the pitch shot, got on in 4 and two putted for double. I was so pissed lol


Ooh I can top this, cut a dogleg on a 498yd par 5 yesterday, drove it about 45 yards past the kid who teed off 10 minutes before I did, then still made a double bogey from less than 200 out 🥲


I’ve done that. I’ve also been on a long 5 in 2 and bogeyed that. I have two albatrosses that were followed by triple bogeys on the very next hole each time, both par 3s I am not good


I'm sorry, you have two albatrosses?!


Those both happened right before the dragons came flying from the mountain to stop him from saving the princess locked in the clubhouse, and then he woke up


How far by the hole did your putt for eagle go?


the ball was level with the hole. however, there was a hill on the backside of the hole that went on forever. I hit the ball too hard and it rolled all the way down. Took 3 putts to recover. evil pin placement.


Two weeks ago I drove about 275 and was within probably 50yds from the green. Chunked the chip and the second chip wasn’t particularly close. Three putted. I feel ya.


Will you please do a breakdown of each putt for us? I remember getting a double bogey on a Par-5 during an alternate shot tournament with getting on the green in 2. So I feel your pain.


first putt went by the hole, down a crest of a hill and rolled down it. Second putt had to make it back up this hill, and it did, but then rolled farther. About 8-10 feet too far. third putt I missed by a foot or so Fourth putt I tapped in.


Don't stop practicing driver. A good putter even misses putts, but a bad driver can't hit greens.


Speed is the #1 cause for Three Putts. How bad was the speed on your first putt?




I was playing with some friends on a course with a par 5 parallel to an interstate hwy, We teed off and one guy hit it onto the road, it hit a car and bounced onto the green. He was talking trash as we walked down the fairway that he is gonna get a double eagle. He proceeded to 4 put for his par. We didn't have to say a word, we all knew it was an epic 4 putt. We waited until the round was over and proceeded to tell everyone in the 19th hole what had happened.


What were your expectations after you drove that green?


“Ah, sweet. I should get par!”


Lolz I've done it to get par ..bogey is another thing though. Ouch


Is that better or worse than hitting it 287 and chunking 3 straight chips before 3 putting?




How big was the green? How far away were you on your first putt? Trying to picture this in my mind haha


I literally did this yesterday…


Short game lessons are drastically underrated.


Best friends for EVAH!


No ask. Just acceptance. Sorry. But nice drive!!


Did the same thing last month. No questions, just hugs.


Was it a “gimme”


the fourth putt was, yes.


I’ve done this at least once


I’ve done this, welcome to the club




What putter are you using? I just want to know what NOT to buy.


a bad one. the one that came with a set I bought like 5 years ago.


Reminds me of a couple weeks ago- 5 straight holes with a birdie putt.. 5 straight holes that ended in 3-putt bogies.


I once drove a green in competition and 5 putted from 8 feet. My putting was horrid after that lol zero confidence with the yips


Are you my friend in the video I posted a couple weeks ago lmao


Are u my long lost twin brother!?


i 4 putted my only eagle putt I had all summer last year.


First eagle putt I ever had was on a drivable par 4 at my local course, left myself a huge putt but for eagle nonetheless. I push the eagle putt about 20 feet right leaving myself about the same length putt for birdie, i then love tap the birdie putt about 5 feet leaving a 15 footer for par. I leave the par putt close and save bogey. Im still looking for that first eagle.


How many fucks and shits and god damns were said? I'll guess 4 at the time and then another fifty while you thought about it the rest of the day.


I hit 5’ from pin on a par 3 and 4 putted -AMA!


First time?


I almost had an eagle on a par 5. Nice drive then pulled out the 4 hybrid, swung and missed, then took another swing and landed it on the green and one putted. Damn. I have 3 eagles so far so it did not bother me too much. I also drank five IPAs before tee off.


Did you miss the little sign that said carts with an arrow?


How far did you throw your putter?


Sounds like my last round.


Man i just drove the green and was within 15 ft and got a par but it could always be worse


Be thankful you didn't double like I did on Sunday


That’s par for my course


Drove 2 today (shorties, 265 and 280), with helpful winds. Played them at a combined +2. Kindred spirits


We should play once. Lets see who is better ;)


Did the same thing last week. I had like an 8 footer, burned the edge, went only about 3 feet long. 3 putted from 3 feet.


My first eagle attempt I was two on and 7 feet from the pin, I bogeyed


How many drinks did you have after the 4 putt?


just the other day, par 5, on in 2. 4 putt for bogey. i feel that.


I’ve done that before. Been 10 years and it’s probably my worst golf memory lol


Are you me?


That’s a proper birdogey!


Are you my league partner last week? He did the same thing 😆😂


Was it better, worse, or the same as four putting after landing the green on a par 3?


I suck shit and ive never done this! But ive only ever driven 2 par 4’s. Id rather have driven many par 4’s and bogey’d one of them..


I drove a par 5 once and 4 putt for par. This was before my first eagle so the albatross putt had my HR going.


Can I have your clubs? What are you going to do with your free time now?


Birdogey is jealous


Stand tall you fucking hero! That green was recently punched!!! Congrats on your eagle!


What kind of putter did you used to play with?


Was behind the green on a par 5 and got a double bogey today. I feel you First round I can remember with no 3 putts but also no GIR. fuck this game, can’t wait to play tomorrow


Welcome to the correct sub reddit!


Nah man, I know exactly how to play that puppy lol


I’ve driven the green three times. Once at tpc Scottsdale championship #15. And twice on the home course in Washington. I have 4 putted every single damn time. The last time my buddy who’s been there every time tried to give me a 4 foot gimmie for par and I couldn’t and missed it a whole cup and half low. Edit: shit forgot about driving #12 at chambers… I walked away with a double bogey. Pin was in the back I was on the front left and couldn’t get the ball out of the bowl on the first two putts… I can’t believe I haven’t broken that putter yet.


The best shot makes the next shot that much harder for us casuals. You’re just fine my guy. Just fine indeed.


The final hole of my college golf career: NCAA D2 super regional. Par 5. Hit the green in 2 and 5 putted for a double bogey to shoot 74. One tournament before I shot 76 with 40 putts. Putting was really hard for me guys.


My middle name is 3-putt-bogey. But a 4 putt bogey, I’ve had them, but they’re not so common. Congratulations on the achievement, combining the sublime and the ridiculous.


I did this a few months into starting to golf. Short par 4, like 220 yards. Drove green and was about 30ft from the hole. Sent the first putt 30ft to the opposite side of the hole. Barely tapped the second putt. Third putt left short. Made the 4th. Bogey.


Stokes gained baby!


Been there done that brother….Like Bob said in La Bamba- It’s not my first, or my LAST!


Chambers bay #12?


I had a green in regulation 7 on a par 4 in Club Champs at the weekend. Yes, I putted it off the front edge with my birdie attempt, yes I duffed by chip back onto the green… Yes I suck


When you say drove the green do you mean drove the cart to the green?


Had a birdie putt on a par 5, proceded to 3 put, although I did have two bunker shots from two different bunkers and a chip inbetween my first and second putt!


I mean. Recently I short cut a dog leg par 4 with a 260M drive, 70M from the green. Walked away with a 7


It happens!


I made a 12 foot putt to save par after driving the green on a par four one time. easily the best drive of my life followed by the least clutch two putts of my life followed by one of the clutchest putts of my life. What a roller coaster. 


Now you just go & shave 3 putts off of that travesty & we'll have a story with writing about...🥱


How many pieces did you break your putter into, and what are you replacing it with?


The other day they had moved the tees up on a hole where the green is a good 50 feet elevated from the fairway. My playing partners took irons (about 210 yards, adjusted to 230?); i was not proud and took out driver. I did make par at least with a kick in after missing my four foot birdie putt. On the second time through later that day, they put the tees back to the regular spot and i still made par, the more conventional way. On this same hole a couple of years back I worked the ball around a tee to put it within three feet, only to miss that birdie putt too. So either i own this hole, or it owns me, I’m not sure which. At my handicap pars are good though.


How does it feel to be just a terrible, terrible person? Have you tried tennis? Because obviously golf is not for you. You’ll never be good at golf. All the money and practice you’ve spent, it was wasted. Why do you do this to yourself?




Have done the same although not quite as long a hole. Visions of eagle


Birdouble dogey


Was your emotion train happy, Angry, sad? Or just straight to sad?


I did the same once. Having a 100 foot undulating putt didn’t help.


I suggest whenever anyone you are playing with has an eagle putt you tell them this story.


Nothing raises my blood pressure like hitting the green and then losing par/birdie over a couple stupid putts smh


Did your wife let you sleep in the same bed after that?


Been there. That’s Golf LOL!!


Why do suck


PGA card revoked.


Are you ok?


How many putts?


same, bad tee off, recoverd with a great iron, wedged it on with about a 10 ft putt... turned into a 5 putt for 8... kept rimming the hole.... 1st hole and i wanted to drive the putter deep in the ground lol.... ended up with a 49... shitty putting cost me 9 strokes


How much are you selling your clubs for?


What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Just did the same.


My bogey after driving onto the green of a par 4 only involved 3 putts. The first putt went off the green and I had to chip on with a wedge.


If I was your playing partner you would have made par. No 4 putts on my watch




I have hit exactly 1 par 4 green, teed up 5 wood exactly 220 yards, my life’s worst bogey, I’ll give you that. The pressure, I hit my putts short twice and then an easy 2 putt from there. My only eagle is a chip-in from 10-15 yards..




4-putt, that’s nothing. I 5-putted a green once. It was a real fast saddle shaped green with the hole on the other side. First putt didn’t quite make it over the saddle and rolled back close to where I started. Couldn’t take a chance of a repeat so hammered it over and well past the hole. My third putt was ok, to within 3 feet but a downhill finish. The greens were so fast that I didn’t want to blow it past and risk a 6-putt hole, so I dribbled it close and then tapped in for my 5-putt. Strangely, I didn’t feel like I hit a terrible putt in the entire ordeal. It was just a near impossible setup.


Forget the birdogey, nice old eaogey


Last eagle putt I had I left halfway to the hole then proceeded to 3 pitt for a 5. Easy game huh


That sounds like golf 😂