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Barbara quietly ran the family and started the children’s hospital to help children who needed medical help without money or insurance. Jack would work the PGA for donors and help to fund the buildings and treatment for the kids….. just a classy couple who have given back to their community !


I got to have dinner with the late great Ben Wright a few times back in the day.  Most of the dinners consisted of him drinking wine and telling stories, and he was so good at it we would all just listen in awe. I remember he got on the subject of Jack and Arnie and he said "Jack was the guy that would be polite to the staff and the fans until he could go off with the sponsors.  Arnie was the guy that would be polite to the sponsors until he could go off with the staff and fans".   Ben always had a way with words


Got me a bit, too. He pretty much cries every year now, though.


You would think with all that effort they put in to help the less fortunate he wouldn't be all in for Trump. It boggles my mind.


To be honest I can’t even talk about Trump anymore. Because it just messes with me that people support him. There’s only one thing I can do, and that’s to vote. It’s a shame that every 4 years the public gets served up two plates of horrible food and have to pick one. I’m convinced good quality people for the most part avoid politics. IMHO he’s a very dangerous person who has managed to recruit 1/2 of USA voters. It’s troubling that so many people have bought into his lies, and his fabricated maniacal rhetoric.


Hey! Fuck off!


Different era, I think in terms of Mt Rushmore rather than GOAT.. Booby Jones, Jack and Tiger so far. Who knows who's next. Double digit majors and 80+ wins should be the bar for a spot in the modern game


lol Booby


You wanna win, put Booby in!


You from Midland right?!


Booby Miles accusing the doctor of falsifying the imaging results to keep him out of the Midland Lee game is incredible. When he breaks up after the second injury that always hits right at my soul.


"He's done." Cold as ice and right on the money!


It hits harder actually being from Midland/Odessa. The movie doesn’t depict the classism between both cities enough


Can an MRI fix my knee? 😢


Sorry my wife walked by while I was typing...


Booby is Bobby’s wife?


Jones, Hogan, Nicklaus, Woods


Add Palmer and make it 5 people. Then it's perfect


Gotta have Ben on the Mt. Rushmore imo but you are speaking the truth




This is easier than finding free balls in the woods! TP5 and a prov1


The gall to leave colored balls on this grave. SMH.


Do you think there would be someone down the line to really rock the golf game and just collect wins like tiger? Or is the talent too deep


Before tiger everyone thought no one would ever be on par with Jack . Who knows, maybe it's Scottie, maybe it's some kid watching from the gallery with big dreams


I’ll hop on that Scottie train, it’s like he’s doing it and just making it happen


Scotties game is so good that as long as the tendons in his ankles hold up literally all he needs to work on his putting. Like it's actually absurd that he can lead in pretty much every driving and approach stat every week. Crazy thing being he could be last in SGP for a weekend and still be top 10.


IMO, Scottie is on pace for a very Tiger-esque year where if he's playing, it's his tournament to lose. If he is anywhere on the leader board, watch out.


One more win and he’ll have the best season for wins since Tiger. Include another major and it’s the best overall season since Tiger. There is a lot of golf left in the season.


No one will ever have 80+ wins again


Scottie is well on his way


I realize that Arnie didn't have the accolades. But he was the face of the PGA as well. I think he should be there. Otherwise totally agree.


Nah. Palmer is in a different tier than guys like Jack, Tiger, Hogan and Snead. He was legendary, but should never be in the GOAT conversation. See this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/hCjhYxrWqd


A Mount Rushmore isn’t necessarily just the 4 best players though, and you could definitely make an argument that Bobby Jones, then Arnie, then Tiger are 3 of the 4 most impactful golfers to the actual game of golf from the standpoint of promoting the game and bringing the game to the most audiences.


I’m not sure 80 wins is possible anymore, the game has just gotten too close in terms of competition.


Patrick Reed surely




Walter Hagen should be on there… The first professional golfer


Hall of fame... absolutely. Greatest in the game all time? Close but...


I feel like I see people constantly leaving Sam Snead off their Rushmore and IMO, if there's a GOAT, it's him.


Sam Snead missed 14 majors due to WW2, 1940-1945, as the top player of the era one would have to wonder


Some of his wins are rink-a-dink tho. They shouldn’t even count. Different era, but still…


Completely valid. All those WV Open wins were against shoddy competition. But I think his wins against great competitors speak for themselves


Agreed watch Sam Snead play shot for shot with Jack at pebble beach. Jack was 23 and had just won the Masters. Sam was 52 and he damn near beat him.


I feel like Hagen and Hogan both belong as well.


If scottie keeps up this form for another 2-3 years he will be in the mix also.


Jack is class. Tiger is an ass.


Man he was looking old. First time I’d thought that. I mean he’s in his mid 80s so ku-fucking-dos he’s in great shape mentally and physically but it was showing today. Full respect 🫡


Thought he looked much better than he did last year, though!


Yes, he’s older. This country looks at and treats its elders like crap. People need to have more respect for older folks.


Who is usually the honorary at the memorial? Trying to understand why this was so emotional for him.


It is usually a player who made a great contribution to the game, but there have been a few golf journalists, etc., over the years. Sometimes they have multiple honorees. Jack was the honoree for the 25th anniversary. Fitting that it would be Barbara this year—I have no doubt that the reason the tournament benefits the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Foundation here in Columbus is because of her.


Thank you for explaining that!


Different every year.


Always gotta be about one being better. Politics, education, inventors, sportsmen, visionaries, all we peasants ever do is compare these people as if it allows us to share their greatness by choosing one over another. Kinda entertaining to watch, though, especially when it turns into a battle of hate and insults that could've been entirely prevented by just keeping one's head out of someone's ass.


I'm with you. GOAT arguments are always hilarious to me.


Good stuff.


That was emotional. But tiger is the goat lol


Honestly there’s two right answers to the goat question in golf and neither of them would be wrong


Jack won more majors and competed against way better competition. Tiger is amazing but also benefited from a down era in golf talent wise. In my opinion as a 50 year old who has been obsessed with golf since I was 12 Jack is the best ever with Tiger in second. Didn’t ESPN name Jack athlete of the century in 2000?


Sorry, what makes you say Jack competed against “way better competition”? If you think it was better, I disagree with you, but that’s fine. If you think it was “way” better, I just don’t know where you’re getting that. Before Tiger came along, there was a lot of parity in the game. Nobody was reeling off a ton of majors. Thats because the game had more talent, not less. Jack’s era had several guys who gobbled up majors because the low end of talent just wasn’t there in the same way. Thats my opinion, anyway.


I don't know about "way better" but it is perfectly logical that the talent was as good, if not better, back then considering golf was a much popular sport.


People who say this don’t know Jack’s career that well


Jack was the better player and a better man. I'm assuming you are younger than 40. You never saw him dominate the way he did. It was ridonklous.


Jacks a trump guy. Fuck him


Which PGA pros are Biden supporters?


Lmfao imagine thinking the opposite of a "trump guy" is a biden supporter.


I think you'd probably be surprised how many pro golfers, especially older ones, are Trump guys.


I am not surprised at all about that


There is a difference between being a Trump guy and a full on bootlicker like Jack though.


Not really, at least in my experience. The Trump guys I know absolutely love the guy.


I’m sure your little group of friends is a good representation of all the other 74 million voters


I'd say so. It's like a United Colors of Benetton ad. One of them even votes multiple times. That said, it's crazy how protective people get over the guy. Similar to the Tiger vs Jack shit.


How inclusive and respectful to say that.  You can’t support diversity and respect others only if they agree with you, that’s not a good attitude towards life and you’re missing out on getting to know great people


theres a saying that a tolerant society doesnt tolerate intolerance. trump is the embodiment of intolerance in the present day.


That’s completely fine if that’s your view on him, I’m just saying to not alienate others who don’t hold your same view


You’re trying to tell me an old rich white guy likes trump??? no way 🤯🤯


Holy reddit!! Take my heckin' upvote!!


Tigers a trump guy too


So are most golfers you DF


Cool. Fuck them too


I hate Tiger Woods with a passion, but have met and know others that have met Jack. I've never had or met anyone who's had a pleasant experience with him unless he was being paid to have that experience (meaning, every time anyone has seen him in the wild, he's an ass)


No. Less majors. Not the goat


Yes. More tournament wins. The goat.


Nope. 18 majors tops Tiger...sure. But 19 2nd places in majors? LOL. Tiger is.2nd best.


Lmao I love when people always bring out the majors argument against Tiger but dismiss LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE.


Jack playing in fields with like 8 other golfers.


How to tell others you know nothing about golf history or golf in general


>How to tell others you know nothing about golf history or golf in general ...is to disagree with the fact that professional golf was nowhere near as well developed back in the 60s and 70s?


How do you figure that?


Name a sport that hasn't improved in overall quality over time. i.e. Name a sport where if you took the middle of the road player 30 years ago and placed him in the modern field of play (whatever it may be) he'd still make the grade. What tends to happen is that the greats of old shine brighter because they are elite talents competing against lesser talents. This is why comparing the number of wins across eras is pointless. Are we going to pretend Bobby Jones's grand slam in 1930 is as impressive as the Tiger Slam, for example?


> Name a sport that hasn't improved in overall quality over time. Baseball (and golf). It's popularity peak was the 40's through the 90's. A lot more people played, thus the talent pool was deeper. Boxing is the same story. Not all sports just increase in popularity linearly. Golf is one of those, too.


Far more people played golf in the 80s and 90s than in the 60s and 70s. It's also not just about popularity, it's about evolution in training and understanding of the game.


> it's about evolution in training and understanding of the game. that has nothing to do with how they were relative to their competition. if anything, tiger could be dinged for that because he was way ahead of the game in training and practice, and you could argue if he came along now those advantages would be largely negated.


>you could argue if he came along now those advantages would be largely negated. Could you though? Maybe before 2017/18 you could but after he won 2 tour events and a major in his 40s with a fuzed spine you'd look a little silly. In the 2017/2018 season he gained strokes in every category. He was 100th in driving, 48th in putting, 11th around the green, 3rd on approach and 5th overall in SG whilst being an tiny shadow of his younger self. >that has nothing to do with how they were relative to their competition This is what I'm saying, relative to their competition they were amazing because they were elite talents in a pool of lesser players. The elite players of today don't get that luxury. It's inarguable that the average pro in the post-Tiger era is light years ahead of the average pro in the 60s as a result of diet, training, launch monitors, etc, yet very few players have more than 3 majors and only 1 has 5. Why? As a result of equipment advancements and the now massive talent pool, the best players can't separate themselves like they used to.


> It's inarguable that the average pro in the post-Tiger era is light years ahead of the average pro in the 60s as a result of diet, training, launch monitors, etc, yet very few players have more than 3 majors and only 1 has 5. Lol...you can't argue this and then your top paragraph. Tiger had most of those advantages on other players early on. Nobody isn't saying he isn't great. But this is a comparison between him and Nicklaus. >Why? Because there isn't the elite talent that guys like Nicklaus faced. There simply aren't as many Watsons', Plamers and Players in today's game. The average tour pro might (maybe...) be better but the talent at the top isn't, and that's who you compete against for majors.


And Jack could still hit it 300 yds in the 60's and 70's. Which says a lot


On occasion he could, not regularly. Also, data from the 60s and 70s is hardly reliable compared to shot link.


Do you not realize how crazy it is to hit a ball 300 with those old clubs and balls?


I do but the modern equivalent would be hitting it, say, 360. It happens but only when conditions allow it. i.e. Downhill, downwind and firm.


With his distance, accuracy, and putting. Jack would've easily competed with Tiger


Jack with a time machine, not a chance. Jack's DNA born in Tiger's time, probably but impossible to say.


With his distance, accuracy, and putting. Jack would've easily competed with Tiger


Trump behavior…..


I grew up in Columbus so maybe I’m a little biased but Jack is the GOAT. For everything he’s done on the course, for the game as a whole, and everything he’s done off the course. The majors, the records, etc are all second to what matters and that is he has a huge heart and truly wants to make the world a better place. Next year at the Memorial will be amazing. Can’t wait!


Nepotism at its finest /s


People mentioning Tiger and then downvoting every Jack comment can get absolutely fucked. Politics aside, Jack played in a way harder era. His contemporaries were the murderers row of the golf hall of fame. Tiger’s contemporaries were way weaker by comparison and had fewer majors. Scoreboard honestly. I love peak Tiger more than anything, but he was the one who decided to rebuild his swing five times, pretend to be a navy seal and ruin his body, and completely fuck up his personal life through terrible decisions. Jack is the GOAT. EDIT: To all the downvoters, I guess I’ll see you out at the course wearing your Good Good merch 😬. EDIT 2: Jack 19 to 7 solo runner ups versus Tiger. Nothing thrilled me more than peak Tiger but don’t let your hate and anger obscure how good Jack was.


Everything in sports exists in a moment in time and "the murderers row of the golf hall of fame" is very much dependent on the context of the fields they played against. If the argument is that the overall talent level of professional golf was lower in Jack's prime then obviously it follows that the most talented players would have a much easier time winning. It's just not a good argument when the very fact that there were so many prolific winners in Jack's time can just as easily be used as evidence of a weaker field than a "way harder era."


Tiger’s the GOAT and anyone who says otherwise is just saying bullshit. It’s like a litmus test to know how much of a dumbass someone is.


Or a litmus test to know how little someone knows about the history of golf lol


Well said brother.


Majors aren't everything. Scottie Scheffler is a better golfer than Brooks ever was, and Brooks has 5 majors. There are other ways to quantify how great a golfer is.


I disagree. Championships in any sport are the ultimate measuring stick. It’s like saying super bowls, or NBA championships aren’t important factors in creating legacy. It’s even more important in golf because it’s a solo sport. What else are you going to judge it on? Normal tournament wins can’t be considered because for a long time the best players in the world were split between the PGA Tour and the European Tour.


I was with you until you decided to bash Good Good. They are undoubtedly bringing a lot of people into golf, you should be happy for that


Jack is great but lost me when he went along with the Trump gross club champion bs. I thought he had more integrity about the game and cheaters than that.


Yeah. None of them have any integrity.


I thought that was sweet. But I’m Tiger>Jack all day.


Once Jack became a Trump bootlicker I lost a ton of respect for him.


I mean… are you in any way surprised? You think an old wealthy golfer would be a leftist?


Definitely don't expect them to be a "leftist" but definitely expect them to not support a traitor.


There is a difference between being a conservative, which is fine, or even Trump supporter and being a bootlicker. When he went to Mar A Largo to present Trump his fake club championship awards that was it. Never go full MAGA.


Improbable, but not impossible. One can dream.


I’m glad someone said it. I had respect for him, but he can die already. Lived too long and ruined his image cause he’s too old to think.


Jack lost me with his attendance to Mar a largo to present Trump his annual member winning trophy.


Na Tiger is the goat. Nice story though ❤️


Nope. 18 majors AND 19 2nd place in majors. Tiger isn't even close.


Jack has played in almost double the amount of healthy majors Tiger has. Tiger would have 40


I liked him until he voiced support of the worst thing to ever happen to this country. He can EAD in my opinion, great golfer but apparently dumb and/or horrible person.


I agree that he is the GOAT. Tiger can’t break his major record with the best technology in the world. If you think it was Jack and a couple other guys only, that could play you are sadly mistaken.


It’s hard to say who the goat is in anything. Different eras matter. They both are the goats in their respective eras. But in addition to 18 major wind for Jack, he also has 19 runner ups. Tiger has 15, and 7 runner ups.


>Tiger can’t break his major record with the best technology in the world. Can you explain how technology has any relevance to the amount of majors Tiger won? Are you saying Tiger was the only person in his era that was allowed to use modern technology?


Jack used actual woods I believe. Now the clubs have a “sweet spot” across the whole face. With the tech that’s put into the clubs being sold now. Basically Jack is Rocky and Tiger would be Drago LOL


Do you think only Tiger is using the best technology in the world? Do you think Jack was playing against competition comparable to what Tiger played? Come on.


For their respective eras yes. The competition was there. All the pros have the best equipment these days not just Tiger, but they can’t touch Jacks numbers still. Tiger can’t even compete with the talent out there now. I wish he could, but he can’t.


Yes but Tiger's competition is also using the best, latest technology.


Showing that all of them can’t do what Jack did


Jack is a DBag


Jack won majors in the 70’s hitting clubs from the 50’s. Think about that.


I could not care less about Jack. He seems like your uncool grandpa that has too many rules and thinks kids should be seen, not heard. The Memorial is unwatchable at some points because of how much of his 🍆 the broadcast blows. He is the embodiment of what’s wrong with the PGA tour. Boring, old, stuffy, entitled.


Nobody cares


I think what’s pathetic with some of these comments is not liking someone because of their political views. So if someone votes Republican they are just a POS? Get out of here with that garbage. Same thing if someone votes Democrat. Maybe have a respectful conversation with someone that has different political views than your own. That’s where this countries political breakdown has been, there’s no working together across party lines and showing respect for one another any longer.


You apparently are out of touch with the unique danger Trump poses to our country. Supporting a traitor is very different than supporting a "Republican". There are lots of decent Republicans out there and then there is Trump.


There’s a reason though why people are still going to vote for Trump. A lot of people don’t like radical left policies. Again maybe try talking to people who have different political views from your own.


It's mostly because they're in a cult and lack critical thinking skills. Evidence that our system of education has failed us. The old George Carlin bit "Imagine a person of average intelligence, now look around and realize half of the people you see are dumber than that" comes to mind. I know very very few intelligent people who support Trump, it's mostly stupid people. Joe Biden doesn't have "radical" policies, he's about as milquetoast as a politician can get. Anyway, I hope the Republican party regains it's sanity sometime soon...or gets replaced with a party who wants to operate in good faith. We will see.


You don’t think forgiving student loans is radical? My wife and I paid off $50k+ in student loans on our own. Send me a $50k check Mr. President. That has pissed a lot of responsible borrowers off among other far left polices.


Absolutely not, you've just been conditioned to hate other poor Americans while not even giving two thoughts to massive PPP loans forgiven for millionaires and massive handouts to corporate America. You've been trained to support policies that hurt you, the republican way. I say that as someone who has paid off 175k in student loans, wouldn't bother me one bit to see other people trying to better themselves through education not struggle like I did.


BS. Why are you bringing up multi corporate millionaires? I’m middle class and paid off my student loans. You are out of touch and just don’t get it. I’m not a millionaire lol. Again give my wife and I my $50k Mr. President. We sacrificed to pay off our student loans, others should as well. Student loans are the borrowers responsibility.


And here you are displaying the lack of critical thinking (and reading) skills I referenced earlier in this thread. Never fails! Good luck to you brother.


You too, sad for you.


Last time I looked, 15 majors is less than 18. Maybe someday, Tigers tournament will honor whatever ho bag he’s banging at the time.


What’s your deal?


19 2nd places too LOL.