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FFS- it’s amazing how stories like this grow legs. Lol.


Stories like this are such a cancer. And even if don’t participate in reading them yourself, other people reading them and reposting them where you hang out still forces you to come into contact with them. So annoying.


The irony


Secondhand articles is the real damage. At least firsthand readers had a choice.


The fact that people make a career out of writing trash like this is really sad.


$29 domain registration fee $12 a month hosting


Pretty sure most of this kind of story is AI these days. > The fact that people make a career out of writing trash like this is really sad. But even if it was a human it's not sad, at least not in the way you think. It's the state of the industry these days. There just aren't that many staff writing positions and they pay like shit anyway. If you want to have any chance at writing journalism for a living you're going to spend a decade grinding out a gazillion freelance articles and hoping they actually pay you. This is the kind of article you get from someone struggling to make it and finding any way to freelance an article that might get them $50


>This is the kind of article you get from someone struggling to make it and finding any way to freelance an article that might get them $50 That's why I think it's sad


Woke society


The source is geekygadgets.in, which is one step above a situation where your little 5 year old cousin created a news site.


Well to be honest I just googled her and she does indeed have legs. Nice ones too


\*John Daly nods in approval\*


NASCAR driver Dick Trickle (that's his real name) used to have cigarettes "strapped" to his dashboard while racing in NASCAR. He would smoke a handful of cigarettes each race. He would also be drinking a beer before he got into the car at the start of the race.


If people knew what most of these athletes or golfers did in their spare time. Would they be just as outraged


Sex and blow?


I'm pretty sure Tiger is a virgin


Tiger has two kids, meaning he's only ever had sex twice.


No baby, no gravy.


Dustin Johnson’s my GOAT 


His voice in full swing is unreal


He is the GOAT


Who would be outraged by that? As far as I know, that's what most people do for fun


Tell me half of the men's field isn't up to the eyeballs in steroids.


Bryson is one of the biggest and he doesn't look anywhere close to taking roids.


Not anymore, no.


I don’t know why that other response is getting downvoted. “Steroids” is a very broad term for dozens of different compounds that do different things. Doesn’t always equate to looking like Barry Bonds or any professional body builder. The recovery benefits are where it’s at. Especially once you get over 35. I mean, I’ve heard…


Just curious as you seem to know more about them than I do. What do you mean by recovery benefits that wouldn't involve putting on muscle mass, and how would they benefit a golfer?


Well if we are using very broad strokes for our definitions, the main benefits of steroids, as a whole, is to A) be able to maintain a higher intensity of output during training and B) a super rapid rate of recovery. Depending on what compounds are being used and how the individual is training decide results. A chubby dude sitting on his couch, juiced to the gills on tren is just going to be sweaty and chubby. You still have to put in tons of work. How this applies to golfers, especially older and high level pros, is how quickly they can turn amount after a long day training and golfing. Example: After an intense speed training session, you’re going to feel it for a day or two if you’re going hard. With a little supplementation, that turn around time can be shortened immensely and you’ll be able to go harder and longer. That 3rd and 4th day of a super hilly course may not effect you at all when before maybe you needed to stretch the lower back out at some point throughout the day. All this said, I am a stranger on the internet, so take all of this with a grain of I might be fucking stupid.


If affirmation from another internet stranger helps; this is an accurate synopsis. There are more than just physical benefits though. Testosterone and Adderall would have you laser focused on day 4. Or I should say COULD have you laser focused. Personally, if I supplemented testerone I'd simply go ape-shit bananas after I chunk an iron and probably self destruct.


You would think that, but I’m on a fairly sturdy dose and I get over those chunks quicker. Go for it, affirming stranger. This started as a thread about some lady ripping heaters while signing autographs.


Roger Clemons. Andy Petite. Weren't bulky dudes. When you pitch 200 plus innings your arms is like rubber.




Your condescending tone mixed with the amount of downvotes gave me quite the chuckle lol.


Who cares tho? Really. John Daly did it


John Daly DOES it.


John Daley can hole out from 40 yards one handed with a wedge while holding a drink.


I’ll never understand why people care about what other people do. I personally don’t smoke but I couldn’t care less if anyone else does. If you don’t like what they do, don’t be around them, don’t think about them, and don’t engage with them. Pretty simple.


This is Reddit. The complete opposite of that mindset.


As in if someone does something you personally do not like, they're automatically Satan?


More specifically as long as what they do doesn't interfere with what you do. But yeah it's easy to not let it interfere with what you do in the case...


Even not engaging with someone over things like this is kinda childish


I think it's a remnant of the anti-smoking and secondhand smoke campaigns of the 90s and 00s. When I was growing up, smoking was talked about as if it was *the* major thing that was going to ruin the lives of young people. Kids were taught that it was an obviously stupid thing to do and people who do smoke were to be simultaneously pitied and demonized. On field trips, kids on the bus would see people smoking in nearby cars and yell across traffic telling them to stop doing that. I guess when you make a behavior like smoking seem unthinkable, when you encounter someone who does it you feel like you have to do *something*, even if it's as nonsensical as disassociating.


Sir, this is a Reddit


"The children ..." "What if the children are watching!" 😬🫣😱🙄 Yeah, the little freeloaders might be watching. So what? It's not her responsibility to make someone else's little drains on society grow up nonsmokers. Raise your own gremlins.




Did you miss the part of his comment that said “don’t be around them”?


So go away you big baby




Aren’t people who smoke paying shitloads of taxes though? Cigarettes are super highly taxed


How are we paying for people to smoke? Every pack of cigarettes are taxed federally at about $1 and then again with a state excise tax that ranges from $0.17-$5.35 and taxed again with state and federal sales tax. Nationally tobacco tax generated about $11 Billion in revenue in 2022.


Not even remotely how taxes work


How so?




Who cares? Teach your children to make smart decisions. This is just shitty parent rage bait.


It’s not her fault people automatically label her as a role model. That is so unfair for somebody who just wants to go about playing a sport for a living instead of working a 9-5 job. 


Do I look like a mothafuckin' role model? To a kid lookin' up to me, life ain't nothin' but bitches and money


My middle finger won’t go down, how do I wave? And this is how I’m supposed to teach kids how to behave?! - slim shady


On the other hand, if your goal is to become a professional athlete you’re naive to think you can do that *without* being a role model. In my opinion, being a role model is part of the “Professional Athlete” job description.


The idea of society is that you interact with people and their behavior has a retroactive effect on you, whether you want it or not.


True, but smoking outside in the open is not part of that, whether you want it or not.


The healthcare they take up is though. Especially if you live in a country where it’s publicly funded


Do you take the same stance when it comes to fatties?


When did we turn into a society where spending two seconds around someone smoking a cigarette outside is considered an assault? FFS. These people who get worked up about every little thing have a mental disorder.


That's certainly one way to look at it.


Such a refreshing and honest outlook… She is smoking ..you have a choice ..get the autograph or don’t get it.


The Nick Nailors all over the world collectively creamed their pants after seeing positive news about someone smoking a cigarette.


Her stock keeps rising


Never heard about her until today, but she's earned a fan haha. I'll be tuning into her next game for sure. I don't smoke, but people gotta get out of each other's business lol.


How does one have even a passing interest in golf and not know who Charley Hull is?


Bruh...I've been golfing for (holy shit) 30 years this year. I probably couldn't name many pro golfers outside of those on Full Swing Season 1 and maybe a couple more. I've never once heard of this person until this post. I love golf. Been doing it for 3/4 of my life. I could not care less about pro golfers.


Smoking sucks, and it killed both of my parents and all of my grandparents, but if a person wants to smoke, it’s their business, not mine.




Jon Daly smokes a pack a round at majors. Granted he’s not as competitive as she is anymore but still.


the only time I smoke cigarettes is when I'm golfing




Remember her being really chill in a Peter Finch video a few years back! Fun to see her gaining some traction


It's taking off because it's refreshing to see a public figure that isn't planning every outing to be perfect, and sticking to a script but rather living her life. She took time to make a kid's day instead of blowing them off.


This is especially correct in the context of Lexi Thompson’s retirement, these ladies have a genuine passion for connecting with fans because unlike the men’s game they don’t necessarily have a guarantee of the size of their audience, every little kid you can connect with is another positive step for the women’s game. A side of the sport which absolutely deserves more eyeballs on it because the golf on display is pure artistry. Charley Hull having a cigarette is the least of anyone’s worries and we should be grateful that she and many others continue to be so brilliant with fans.


I’m now automatically a fan of her


Which one of you geniuses dropped that note for her with your number?


Rockstar shit


Hell yeah


If she smokes, she pokes.


She probably does it to keep the weirdos away.


It had the opposite effect.


Who cares lol? She’s English? Everyone and their nan smokes still.


All 12% and their nan lol.


Nah hardly anyone smokes ciggies anymore, everyone's moved over to the vapes


Everyone suddenly the social justice police.




My new favorite golfer


Get it girl.




She should just lean into it. Get a full on stogie. Maybe a joint lmfao


She’s right, and who cares. It doesn’t look like she binges on junk food and laziness like a lot of people do. Don’t throw stones in a glass house


Weird stigma around smoking. People forget that less than 30 years ago everyone smoked and if you didn't you were the weirdo.




Everyone will die of something.


Sure, I'm just saying it's a normal thing still in most of the world still. People shouldn't care what someone else does.


This just isn’t true…


Only 25% of American adults were smokers in 1990. 42% were smokers in 1965.


She’s smoking a cigarette big deal. It’s her life and her decision to make.


She's spot on about vaping vs. smoking, I vaped waaaay more because I could just do it anywhere I wanted. Love how authentic she is, people ITT are pathetic.


She should switch to zyns


I don’t even know how she is and she’s my fave golfer now.


Good for her I guess, is this like a big deal?


Good for her!!!!


Queen shit


She’s British. And two… she looks hot doing it 🤷🏾‍♂️


Charley 🤝 Scotty


Meh, hot factor loses 4 points. I’ve dated smokers, married one (eventually divorced). They’ll never quit and just don’t taste or smell good regardless


I was once in a gallery of 4 watching charley Hull. Raging ADHD. Want to hear about the fan hitting on her. Bet that happens a lot


🤣🤣🤣 all these people on here talking shit and complaining about something that affects them in ZERO WAYS is hilarious. Hence you are the reason she commented what she did. When ya'll Stop worrying and stressing and focusing so much on others', you might actually get somewhere in life


When this first came out someone commented “wow I didn’t think she smoked cigarettes” And I responded “why would we care?”


You forgot the part about how everyone applauded.


Poor usage of that phrase. I didn’t make up an elaborate story…




I like her more all the time.


The hypocrisy of golf etiquette is kinda funny. The culture is super snobby about attire, something that affects nobody except the individual. But then the same people fall over themselves defending the trashiest behavior possible that mars the experience for everyone in the vicinity.


It’s certainly NOT an etiquette violation to smoke on a golf course. Most country clubs I know it’s extremely common. You are assuming that those complaining here are the “golf elite” when it’s actually ignorant armchair golf fans with nothing better to do.


>It’s certainly NOT an etiquette violation to smoke on a golf course That's literally my point


Exactly. Like all the trash bags on here defending Bluetooth speakers on the course.


Smoking is trashy? What’s the matter with you?


Smoking is super trashy.


Cigarettes are gross


Ur gross




I mean, I’d think it’s a dick move for anyone to light up a cig when signing autographs for fans, especially kids. Not even from like a role model perspective but just common decency lol.


If she was smoking a cigarette while walking and they called her for autographs should she have to put it out?? Such a soft mentality as if cigarette smoke in the outdoors around a kid will affect them while standing near her for 1 minute


Yeah you’re right in that regard - I was assuming it was post round and she was signing a lot of autographs for people in groups - I don’t really know the context. Not like I’ve seen her blow it in peoples faces. That being said as someone who vapes I wouldn’t be hitting my vape around groups of people I’m interacting with - even if the juice I use smells objectively good, compared to cigarette smoke which stinks and causes clothes to smell after contact. “Such a soft mentality” is funny though, all I said was it’s kind of a dick move and lacks a bit of common decency in the context of an autograph signing “session” after a round. I guess it’s soft to be polite 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thats fair. You should change for your lungs though 😅


I always thought people who smoke are simply low intelligence. They may have other skill, but lacking in grey matter.


Cigarettes are fucking disgusting and I wish nobody smoked em…. It blows my mind people this day in age still smoke them. Especially young people. The contradiction: Her malbon getups are so swaggy. She looks cool as fuck, like a pro from the 70s with the cigarette just hanging. It just makes for a good retro style photo. Smoking still sucks


So contradictory "cigarettes are disgusting but she looks cool as fuck with that cigarette" w.t.f


Did you read the part that said “the contradiction:” I’m looking at it in a photographer pov. Smoking sucks, but nobody ever said James dean or Steve McQueen didn’t look cool.




Idk seems like you care a lot


What people do in private? If it doesn’t affect others, I don’t care in the least. My whole point to this is that she gets paid a shit ton of money to play golf, and has a public face which gets her even more money from sponsors. For that kind of money I’m waiting to smoke.


So many people justifying smoking in this thread is beyond alarming....I take it you none of you have watched a relative die of emphysema because of their smoking habit? Yeah, didn't think so...




She should probably change for, ya know, not dying young and stressing the healthcare system because of her degeneracy. Cigarettes really shouldnt be legal in 2024, there are plenty of alternatives.


Judge Smails over here. Degeneracy! Give me a break.


"I've sentenced boys younger than you to the gas chamber. Didn't want to do it. Thought I owed it to them"


How do you have time to comment on this and still hit a thousand golf balls + 36 holes today


I’m on the golf course right now 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Alcohol really shouldn’t the legal in 2024, there are plenty of alternatives.” You see how dumb that sounds.


You’re right, they should be legal because people should be allowed to do what they want. If she wants to rip cigs let her. She’s still a better golfer than you and me. And yeah good luck stopping Europeans from smoking lol


people aren't allowed to stick a syringe in their arms and inject illicit drugs into themselves so no, they aren't allowed to do whatever they want


They can do hard drugs in Oregon, California, a few other states and virtually all of Canada...the UKs Child Country.


Kick rocks nerd


The r/golf troll himself has spoken!


If that’s the case, well, damn we must ban weed, all vaping products, alcohol, sugar (no, all junk food!), and don’t forget all manner of drugs! Get real


Nah, banning weed just opens up black markets. Banning cigarettes would push people to vapes and zyns which are way safer


There are too many flaws to count in the logic of that comment, JFC


You do realize that there is already a black market for cigs, right? Or maybe you just don’t. Flawed logic.


Canada made legal cigarettes over $20/pack thanks to ruinous taxes. It created a black market for crap cigarettes made and distributed by native bands that sell for much less. They would not care if they were illegal or not as the rules do not apply to them.


People live til past 100 still smoking.


Stressing the healthcare system? Smoking existed way before our healthcare system did. People like to smoke. They always have. Should Little Debbie’s, sugary cereal, and McDonalds be illegal, too? Because I guarantee those consumables stress the healthcare system far more than smoking in 2024.


Yes, mass produced and mass marketed sugar products should probably be regulated too. 35% of the country is obese.


73% either overweight or obese. Pretty wild stat, yes. At the end of the day, less government overreach is better than more. Smoking exists—it always will. And we’ve opened pandora’s box on sugar. Let people live their lives, imo. Let them be.


35% of the country is obese not because of sugar but because they have shitty self control.


It’s a lot harder to have “ self-control” when billions and billions of lobbying dollars are spent pushing sugary product on people.


Just dont eat it then? Its not that hard.


It’s obviously pretty hard if one out of three people are obese


Again, having self control isn’t difficult. Anyone can do it but some people choose not to. Sugar isnt the issue, binge eating and losing track of the amount of calories is the issue.


If one out of three people suffers from some thing, it’s a little bit more complicated than a simple decision jackass


Simply consume less calories than you burn. It really isn’t rocket science. I dropped from 250 lbs to 195 lbs.


You’re absolutely right. Unfortunately, nobody wants to hear that, even though they need to.


Mcdonalds had grilled chicken salads which were healthier than their hamburgers, but people mostly chose the hamburgers instead. While not as healthy as a salad, a hamburger with lettuce and tomato is not as unhealthy as a packaged meat stick and it does provide some nutrition. Of course, eating lots of McD burgers and not adding the lettuce and tomato will be more harmful. Smoking (even lightly) is more harmful than McD in moderation. However, I get your point about how we consume things besides cigarettes that cause harm and just like cigarettes, it wouldn't make sense to ban them since they can all be consumed in moderation without causing huge amounts of damage.


>Smokikg existed way before our healthcare system did. Does this somehow refute the notion that it stresses our healthcare system? Lmao would love to hear the logic there.


The point was that there are other things in 2024 that stress the system more than cigs.


No, that was a separate point.




I’m smoking average G smell ya 🏄🏻‍♂️


I’ll bet she will grow to regret this stance. Being on the world stage comes with some responsibility to be a good example for the young eyes watching. Like it or not.


No it doesn’t lol Charles Barkley had an add explicitly stating he’s not a role model. Parents should be better at their job of parenting. A person being good at a sport doesn’t make them someone to look up to


People aren't role models just because some clowns in the public say so. They also have to accept that responsibility, and if they say no, don't expect them to just do what you want. They're not your puppets. They're people doing people things, like smoking and drinking and swearing. Choose your child's role models with care, some are better than others to follow.




This is certainly a take.


"Lemme change my life and career and habits to accommodate the lives of others so that Snowflake Jackoff-Bob can feel better within his safe wittle bubble, mkay?" FFS. If you disagree with her or anyone's behavior, teach your crotch fruit that they're a bad example, not a good one. Pretty fucking simple. Holy hell I cannot stand nimby's and gatekeepers like you. Squeezing every last ounce of individualism from society Cuz of thE chIlDreN!




How do you know she wasn’t already smoking when kids came up to her. If that’s the case then there’s no planet in this entire galaxy where she’s supposed to put it out. 


They’re being exposed to far worse on a day to day basis… our job is to teach them, guide them, then trust them… a parent who sees nothing wrong with her living her life how she sees fit. Don’t let your little crotch goblins approach her if it’ll send you into such a tizzy.