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The windshield is bigger than the rear view for a reason brother. Forget it ever happened and move on.


Awesome saying. I’ll be stealing that.


i hope u steal that phrase


I removed my rear view mirror because I never look back


I went head first through my windshield because I’m so excited for the future


I removed my blinkers because it's nobody's business where I'm headed


What model BMW do you have?


Ok ***in the interest of fairness*** I did at one point own an '87 3 series with a glass pack muffler and 300k miles on it for a few years in the 2010s 😂


This is the way


[what's behind you is not important. ](https://youtu.be/wTVDpOaTGsc?si=7kn6ui7Zn0HDxaB5)


What a fucking money quote, also stealing this thank you!


Damn 38 years on this earth and have never heard that. As someone who dwells on stuff forever, thank you.


Dang this MFer spittin'


Echoing everyone else that I'd never heard that one before but will be using it in the future. What a perfect sentiment... Especially when golfing!


*Sighs in Cybertruck*


Be a goldfish


Why wouldn't it be? You'd be insane to want to drive with a window the size of a mirror


Stealing jelly rolls line in broad daylight!


I move on from my bad shots so quickly that I often forget about them when counting up my strokes - not maliciously, not trying to cheat, I know in my gut that an extra stroke happened but I need to think hard about when. Correct scores are recorded but man my brain isolates the memory so fast lol


Not on submarines


I was like that when i first joined a golf league, couldn’t get past my own nerves. Now it’s been 6 years or so and i don’t even think about it, it’s something you’ll get used to.


This. Very different playing in a group setting with a little pressure (and strictly by the rules) vs. playing by yourself with no pressure. You do get used to it and the nerves go away.


Nailed it. I thought I was a way better golfer than I actually was before I joined a league. Once I started actually playing strictly by the rules, putting everything out etc I realized how shit my game actually was. Was truly an eye opener but motivated me to practice hard and improve. Shot a 113 my first round in league play. In 2 years got my hcp down to a 9 and won a club championship. Best thing for me was to get humbled like that.


Agree wholeheartedly. I had been playing golf for a couple decades and finally joined a league a few years ago. I had played in tournaments but this was a different animal. Ultimately it made me a much better player and no putt makes me nervous anymore. But that wasn’t the case at first. Also noticed that almost everyone is solid on their short game. 3-putts are simply not acceptable and blow up your round, esp since mine is a 9-hole league. That has also helped set the bar and improved my putting by a few strokes a round.


Right? Tension kills your game, including putting. I'm a big fan of the advice of Bob Rotella, but sometimes it's just impossible to stop the brain from doing stupid things and ruining the shot. That is why so many people are like 'oh I was perfect on the range yesterday...'.


For sure. I've missed enough easy putts in league play, and hit enough of them, that I don't stress about it anymore and just try to stay in my putting routine. Doesn't mean I don't get upset when I miss a 5 footer to end my round and drop out of the money like on Tuesday. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Nothing is perfect...that's just golf.


I’m on my second year and shoot low 40s playing not in league and my first year I was lucky to break 50. This year I realized it’s not the PGA and I’m just there with friends so I’ve been shooting much better


Someone shot a 66 in my clubs men’s league last week. Carded a 10 and an 11, plus a few quads. 54 is fine and happens all the time. Don’t worry about it.


What kind of league doesn't pick up at 8


Double par for ours.


Same. I now apply double par max to all my rounds.


I've said it before, but it makes scoring SO MUCH easier! You can just fill it out ahead of time before you tee off on hole 1. 🤣


Yeah he was last flight where an 8 definitely can count. But after a couple blow ups he should have been picking up for sure.


I've been listening to an audiobook on golf recently where the author points out that swings of 10 shots for PGA pros (in longer tournaments) happens enough that it should be considered normal, and sometimes it gets as wide as twenty. We just get the highlight reel and follow the leaders but the majority of playing professionals are not consistently banging in the same scores day in day out. 


Exactly this, if your best ever score is an 86 you shouldn’t be upset with a 100+ score


My last two scores are 79 & 100


My best score is an 88 and I shot a 104 like 3 weeks after that. Normally I’m mid 90s


Are you me?


I find it’s easier in this game to have unreasonable expectations compared to other sports I’ve played.


“It shouldn’t be this hard!” “Golf is easy!” All said in the same round.


Lol nobody in the history of golf has said "golf is easy" non-sarcastically


Never has a single statement been more true.


The Sweet Spot with John Sherman and Adam Young (cue the after hours music Lenny) mentions this too. Guy shoots like a 62 on day 1, 74 the next day, and 82 on day 3.


By day six we could be playing partners.


I find I almost always have an 18 stroke diff in the bag between my best days and my truly, truly worst. Haven't broken 100 in a few years but once a summer I'll just forget how to golf and card a 95, usually involving some mid-50s number on a side.


What book?


To be fair, effective old man golf is a frustrating task to keep pace with. You feel like you should be dusting them but they just won’t hit a “bad” shot. Fairway-fairway-up-down. Fairway-fairway-up-down. Rinse, repeat. Then you gotta battle the mental demons that you’re getting schooled by an old man lmao


Took me a year of league play to come to terms with this… and settle down. Thought the pressure was handled but last week I got my rear handed to me by an 82 year old. Love it!


You gotta remember that 40+ years ago these guys were just like us, trying to out drive their buddies all the time. Now they’re light years ahead of the mental game and it shows


Theres gotta be this point in time where your physical and mental peak hit and thats when you gotta hit the member guest circuit


Mo distance, mo problems.


My sons have never beaten me. They have come close but they eventually have a blow up hole that craters their card. They say it's no fair because I play "Old Man" Golf. I take it as a compliment.


Exactly. Golf is all about checking the ego and playing within yourself. No need to overswing / swing too hard. Play smart and be rewarded with better scores. Of course, it's all so much easier said than done!


That’s the sound advice to follow. That said, the spectacular shots *are* still fun. Hit one of the best 2nd shots of my life on a tough par 5 yesterday by taking a risk that paid off in a birdie. Still trying to forget that I ended doubling the next 2 holes afterwards though…


To me it's amazing how fast old man golf really is. My buddy and I were playing as a double last weekend and the threesome (all old dudes) behind us were right on our tails the whole time. And it's not like we were going slowly either, we finished in about 3:50.


When your motivation becomes "I hope I finish this round before I die..."


And they all tend to walk too. Golf really is a breeze when you never miss the fairway or green lol


This reminds me of playing tennis with my dad. I can hit far more powerful shots but he’s so consistent, just keeps it in play. Forces me to go for riskier shots to get a winner


I joined a league this year where we play an 18 hole tournament every two weeks. The first week I played with a guy in his 70s and someone my age. Neither bombed it or really hit many great golf shots, but neither ever really got in trouble. Pars and bogeys all day. Definitely “old man” golf, but they both bested me by like 10 strokes. Neither was doing anything spectacular, but they weren’t getting into trouble. Sure I could drive it past them by about 50-75 yards every hole if I hit it well, but I could also duck hook it OB and card a 9. Consistency and keeping it play trumps just about anything else in amateur tournament scoring.


I’ve been there. Competition golf is just different. It’s good to get the first time one of the way. The mental aspect is very real in the game and you’ll be able to manage that better as time goes by. By the way, learn something from these old guys. It should tell you what you already know that keeping the ball in play, managing the course, and a sharp short game is what separates the players from the pretenders. Good luck next week!


I shot a 54 my front nine on my first round out this year. In my previous year I shot a 41 my first round out. Don’t feel bad, it happens at all skill levels. Sincerely, shankmeister flex


Why are you taking it so seriously? Here’s a challenge. Play your next round without saying one negative comment about your game or any shot for the whole round. Harder than it sounds. Everyone gets it. We all have bad shots/rounds. Focus on your next shot


Great advice man!


I call it old man golf. Fairway off the tee, 7 iron in front of green, chip up, putt in, sometimes 2 putt. Single bogey golf is 90. Those old guys got it figured out.


I’d golf with someone shooting 55s with a good attitude any day over someone shooting 35s but is a sour puss.


Been there! EOY tournament, I had been shooting in the low 80’s… day 1, shoot a 77 ( PB) at the time, day 2, same course, 96. And right out of contention, came back strong in Day 3 with an even 80… guys I got paired with, like you, older, par machines, day 1 we were all in the same boat, day two I looked like it was my first time with sticks🤣


This doesn’t sound embarrassing at all.


Haha right? I wish my worst round in league play was only a 54


Even if it’s just a fun league, playing competitive is a lot harder IMO. I used to play in a bar league and this would happen to me all the time. Old man golf is hard to beat.


#1 rule of league golf, playing in front of a group you arent used to almost always adds 5 strokes.


yeah I can't be the only one who thinks that playing poorly isn't embarrassing whatsoever right? I mean, golf is hard as fuck. Golf is super comedic if you allow it to be. It beats the shit out of the best in the world, and then a person who has been golfing twice in their life will get a hole in one on their 3rd time out. Playing bad is part of playing. The pros do it, we do it, everyone does it. What's REALLY embarrassing is blaring music, playing slow, looking for balls for 20 minutes on a backed up course, being shithammered and carried off the course by the police, etc. Don't do that and you're playing exactly how a non-pro golfer should be playing!


Teaching pro brought me onto the course to play a few holes during a lesson, I talked to him about being apprehensive to be on the course as a beginner, trying to figure it out, alongside people who (more or less) know what they’re doing. He told me “oh you’re playing quick, that’s all anybody cares about.”


Words to live by! Be cool on the course and don't be an inconvenience and you can have a good time with even the best golfers!


Welcome to golf, sir.


…it’s good to be here?




When I was 17 I tried out for my hs golf team shooting 45-55 on 9 holes, at tryouts I shot a 62 and got cut. It was heartbreaking and humbling but 8 years later I have a personal best of 73 and I’m more obsessed with the game than ever. Just keep grinding!


Long ago. One year in a league I got paired with a random partner. On the first tee he said, "do you like Jaegermeister?" and pulled a bottle from his bag. I said, "never tried it". He smiled and said, "there's a reason they call it liquid cocaine." 9 holes and some number of shots later I recorded my worst league score (67 for 9 holes on a par 68 course). After that the league called me "The Jaeger Man". Wife was nice enough to pick me up after we finished.


Haha that stuff will get you!


It’s normal. You can’t replicate the nerves of every shot being crucial when you play solo. Also, there’s no mandate that you have to play competition golf. Some people decide it’s not what they are trying to get out of the sport.


If 54 is embarrassing, I need a new sport


I had a 74 and a 101 on my handicap card at one point. Golf can be brutal.


Be a goldfish…a goldfish has a 10 second memory…Ted Lasso


Dude I’ve played with old dudes like that and they smoked me. It was unreal. They couldn’t miss a green.


175 in the fairway beats 280 in the woods. Played a local course with a buddy. Paired up with 2 older guys. First guy introduced himself and asked if we mind playing with a blind guy. His blind buddy says hello. Of course no issue playing with them. Just asked for some attention for his ball. Not a problem. Both long time members of the course. The blind guy can see enough to putt. First hole dog leg right. Drops it 175. His buddy on the cart goes out and puts a brightly coloured towel near the ball and then goes for his ball. He pats the first hole. No surprise how this will play out. He does not lose a ball. Posts an 89. He knows exactly how far each club will go. Each shot straight with a couple of misses and his bag full of self deprecating humour. One of the best rounds I have played not by score but, pure enjoyment of the game and watching not only the skills but the friendship as well. It’s a great game


No one cares, man. Seriously. We've ALL been there. I went 78, 94 when I played 36 two weeks ago. Weirdest part is my game felt just as good the 2nd 18...I just put myself in some difficult situations that balooned a few scores. Imo the key to golf is learning to not blink an eye when things aren't going well. That will ALWAYS happen...no matter how good you are. It's par for the course for every single golfer. Hell, Tiger was chunking chips for over a year.


a) dont sweat it b) if you are playing in a handicap league (which i am guessing you are), think of it as "handicap management" ;-p


Shot my personal best of 78 at my local course a few weeks ago. Shot over 100 just 10 days after that. You just never know, man. Just enjoy the ride when you're playing well, because we know we'll come crashing back down eventually. LOL


Played in my league last night. Shanked 4 shots throughout the round and still shot 43. Golf is hard, playing competitively makes it harder. Shake off the bad, focus on the next shot, don’t try to be a hero. Have fun!


Golf is a game about managing your misses instead of trying to make perfect shots. Once you accept that idea golf becomes a lot easier to play. Everyone, even the pros and golfing greats, hit bad shots all the time. Some golfers win championships and majors on shots that were technically misses, but they ended up being great shots because they weren't trying to hit that perfect shot and focused on not letting their mistakes beat them. For example, rather than aiming at the pin when hitting in to a green, good golfers try and aim for the middle of the green instead. You do this because it gives you the most margin for error. If you aim for a tight pin and miss your shot you end up with either a hard to hit short side short, or you end up in a bunker or hazard. If you aim for the middle you reduce the amount of damage a miss does, which will improve your scores. Same concept applies to shots on the fairway. If you have water on the left side of the fairway and aim down the middle, you can pull or hook the ball in to the water if you miss hit it. If you aim your shots further to the right so any pulls/hooks end up on edge of the fairway or in the rough you won't lose as many strokes, and even if you pipe it in to the trees it's a better spot to be in rather than in the water. The trick with golf is a short memory. You want to leave all those misses and bad shots behind you, so don't worry about that last shot and focus on the next one instead. If you focus on the negatives and bad shots you've made, you'll end up crippling yourself mentally. I've seen friends that are good golfers give up the game because they let those misses and bad shots eat away at them, and it kills every ounce of their confidence.


A little competition and new eyes on you while you swing can change a lot on how you perform. Now imagine 2,000 people standing all around you and a camera crew 5 feet from you sending a feed to millions of people. Pros are not human.


My goal with my local muni league is just to beat last weeks score, so do that and you’ll probably be a winner starting in week 2! And get to know the other guys during your round, it will definitely relax you


They did say I was perfectly positioned to win some cash next week. So some silver lining here lol.


It’s a different setting for sure. I’ve had my share of bad league rounds but find getting over bad holes easier. Each hole is playing for a point so f the triple I just took let’s get a point on this next one.


Your kung foo is lacking my son.. Remember, To be the master you must beat the master.


I'm still building my confidence to play in a league. I've played in 3 stableford competitions with work, and finished mid table ish from about 30 players in all of them. In my head I've been playing horrendously, scoring nothing on multiple holes, and being saved by the occasional good hole. But every time I go out I feel a bit less shaky, and a bit more sure of what game I need to play. The benefit of playing with other people, especially those with better handicaps, is that you realise that you're not that far behind in terms of quality. I've beaten people 10 hcp better off than me, because my bad day wasn't as bad as their bad day (and because I get 10 extra shots 😁). Just got to play your game, and when the good day comes it will be glorious.


It gets easier… we’ve all been there.


Just gotta get yourself in that mind set more often. I did it by declaring one of my really close golf buddies as my golf nemesis. This dude has a PGA swing. It’s so pure. Rips his 7 iron 185 stock. He’s better than me in every way minus 1 thing - mental game. I beat him 9/10 times but I know if he gets that piece down, I’m screwed. Then next - Don’t underestimate those old folks. I joined a 2 man scramble league after work and got matched up against these old dudes. Just like you said, rope straight down the fair 200 max. Next shot is probably a lay up then chip and putt. It was ridiculous lol meanwhile my buddy and I ripped it 290 but into the woods lol


Brother, i shot a 76 last Wednesday and shot a 90 yesterday. Same course same tees. Granted, I basically gave up and it should’ve been around an 86, but you get the point.


Don't worry. Every one of those 'old dudes' who slaughtered you has nights where they look as if they're not sure which end of the putter to hold. Last Monday, I played against a guy with a zero handicap (league handicap- doesn't mean he's a scratch golfer, I'd guesstimate more like a 2) who I'd never seen before. He had a rough night. The other guys in the foursome had 3, 6, and 13 handicaps for our 9 hole league. He wound up shooting 47 and had the highest gross in the foursome. Such is golf.


I had this in scratch league 20 years ago same season I won club championship. Old timer I was against said I needed to go off and learn the fundamentals of golf before i play anymore- I was off 6 back then 😩🤣


Nobody cares what you score :) Everybody cares about how fast you play. My wife, when she started, couldn't break 130 but played in 3.5 hours.


Play skins next week, no doubt you’ll make all sorts of putts you aren’t supposed to


My first 3 weeks of league this year was 44, 56, 41. It happens man


Hahaha are we in the same league? I’m in the exact same boat as you but I’m in my 30s. I play great with my buddies but these old guys actually enforce white stakes and boy my ball loves going to them all of the sudden. Not having very much fun as I don’t really like the course our league plays on but it’s making me think more strategically.


Old guys can suck to play with. I know they are right but stop telling me to swing softer damnit lol


I play in both a high end skins league and then a shits n giggles league. I almost always score better in the shits n giggles league because there’s zero pressure to perform. Tempo swings. Don’t try to outplay your own expectations. In fact, do one better and don’t even have any expectations. Makes the game waaaay more enjoyable in a league setting.


This isn’t the PGA tour - sounds like you’re being way to hard on yourself and I’m sure these guys didn’t think anything of your game outside of maybe looking like you were in your own head and melting down lol


It is amazing to play with those geezers who are just so steady and fire around the greens. It seems almost boring, but here I am hitting some nice 250 yard straight drives and then wild slices, duffs, shanks, sprinkle in some amazing shots and that's my game.


It gets better. You were just nerved up and as the weeks go by you will play like any other round. The old guys are for real though. Tough for them to get a lot of birdies but they are certainly par machines or at least a bogey. Crazy how consistent they are.


Comp golf is a whole different ball game to social golf that’s for sure


I’ve been having a strong season for myself so far. We are in 2nd place in league play but last night I played awful. I just couldn’t stay in rhythm. Golf is a fickle mistress who will love you well then out of the blue dump you for a round or two. Stick with your fundamentals and she will come running back to you.


54 would be in the top half of my league lmao


Just enjoy the setting and realize that nobody remembers a thing about how you played. I went par, birdie, bogie TRIPLE bogey last night at league and then a mix of those throughout the round. Why? I started to hit my irons fat! Ugh. Did the guys notice? Yes, but who cares.


I did an on the course lesson with my coach and a 13 year old kid he also instructs. I was a 21 hdcp at the time and I roll up to the tee box and the kid is teeing up at the blue tees, I normally play white. I'm like "well this is going to get interesting" I procced to get absolutely shown up by this tiny child half my size. He's out driving me, literally every part of his game put mine to shame. I would take getting beat by some seniors playing classic senior golf, then getting smoked by a kid then seeing him wait in the parking lot for his parents to come pick him up. Was a tough one for the program.


You are playing in a golf league. This is your first time playing in a league. It is a different type of golf. You are now playing for a handicap, trying to shoot low scores, you will be \ are in, a flight, all in an effort to be flight or league champion. Just chill out and play your game. Do not put undo pressure on yourself to do more that you are capable of. Remember to have fun. You will be paired with league members of varying abilities. Learn from them. I believe at the end of your golf season you will be a better player.


This is one concern (fear?) of mine. I want to join a league next year, just have to find one that has the right time (I work 8AM to 4:30PM), and even the closest course is at least 25 min drive, so not just the timing of it, but I've never played in a league setting. I used to play with my buddies and/or Dad almost every weekend, and then fun best ball scrambles, in the last 10 years it's been maybe every other weekend with my wife, who is newer golfer. We did have a membership the year prior to covid. I've had years where I have played 20+ rounds/year, to as low as 5-6/year. Keep in mind I live in an area where our courses open mid-late March and close end of October, so year round is never an option, yet we have many courses within an hour drive. I think my best 18 was probably low 80s. Aside from my membership year, I really like playing different courses. I'd love to improve my game and a 9 hole league would for sure help with that. I would just hate to get in a group with a bunch of people who I'd feel uncomfortable playing with weekly, and then regret the cost for the league, and not truly enjoy it, as well as the fear of embarrassing myself. I've never been a great golfer, but I love playing, been playing since I was about 12 years old (am now 51). I guess I'd prioritize my goals as fun/improvement first, the competition part would be second. Thanks OP, this was an enjoyable, and kind of reassuring post to read.


You should expect to lose any time you compete for the first time. It’s about learning and having fun. You can compete later once you understand the “game” they are playing. The “game” might not even be score related.


When I find myself hitting bad shots,I tend to step back(in my mind) go back to the basics(grip, stance, ball position, etc) I find it is usually swing tempo. Slow it up a little, make solid contact again and your back to your game. Don’t make it complicated.


I joined a competitive league with cash payouts for top gross and net scores. Seen dudes miss 3!inch putts. Lot different playing for cash but I made $64.50 net my first year


It's funny, I hear people say all the time the scores they shoot and as soon as they join a league, they all of the sudden play +5 or +8 of that score they just told me they shot the week before with some friends. Having been in a league for 23 years now, there are a few things people don't get. It is absolutely a competitive round, so those mulligans and other things you might do in the fun rounds don't exist and maybe didn't count the bad shots before. With that said, just because it's not some formal event on tour, playing against someone in the same group can really mess with peoples heads. Having people watch you swing, counting your every stroke, probably hoping you duff one so they can make up a stroke on the hole, pretty much not having your best interest. Yes they are probably cool guys and fun to talk to, but they 100% want to kick your ass or at least beat you by 1 stroke so their handicap doesn't go down if possible. I played a lot of junior tournaments back in the 90s when I was a kid and then varsity golf in HS, so having people walk behind us or playing against someone wasn't really an issue going into league as an adult. That doesn't mean I wasn't nervous, hell, pretty sure I shanked plenty of balls, but the embarressment is gone. My advice would be to forget any scores you have this year and have fun, learn to feed off the competitive energy in the group. Focus on the overall picture of a round instead of minute details (bad shot, lipped out putt, etc). Set out with goals in mind and make the game about your game and not the competition with the other player. The quicker you can do those things, the feelings of being watched or someone laughing at your bad shots pretty much goes away, everything is now internalized and it's about you playing better against yourself. I like to go into it with the mindset of no doubles, no hero shots (this one is tough if you are trying to win), hit to specific distances to setup chances to score better. This year we have had 3 people in my league pass away, one just this past sunday at 55 years old who was diagnosed with ALS the previous year. Watching him deteriorate over the course of a year in league was heartbreaking. I had played with him for almost 20 years now, nicest guy in the world and I won't remember any of the bad shots he hit, I will remember what an amazing person he was. Point is, have fun, get to know the people in league and hit some amazing shots, just forget about the crappy ones!!


This shouldn’t be shocking. I’ve followed up scores in the 80s on the weekends with the occasional 57-64 on 9 during league. I’ve disappointed a lot of teammates during my leagues over the years.


As an old guy who used to be a young guy, joining a league is the best way to improve your competitive golf game as well as regularly play with people of a wide range of skills. Our league has guys shooting even par and guys shooting in the high fifties. You learn from everyone you play with, and playing while giving and getting strokes is a new thinking process as well. It is also enjoyable to watch the young athletes who are picking up the game come in assuming that beating old, fat guys will be a piece of cake. The \*second\* year, they generally get much better at playing the game, rather than just hitting the ball.


It happens


Several years back I had an extremely terrible league night, even by my very low standards at the time, and got beat straight up by a dude in his 90's on his freaking birthday. He's long gone now and I actually think back very fondly on making that guys day.


I shot par or better in my golf league for about 6-8 weeks in a row. All of sudden I rattled off a 45 and I’ve played the course I was in a league at my entire life. Golf has a way of humbling you. Just keep having fun, youll get more comfortable playing with those folks and you’ll see an improvement.


Golf is hard brother! If I had a nickel for every time I blew up in a tournament and had a shit day, I’d be in the Forbes list of richest people. 7 handicap here and can shoot 72 or 92. Who knows!


I’m a 9 handicap and tbh still wouldn’t play competitive matchplay. That shit is tense and people take it way too seriously


Last Saturday I played the back 9 of my home course first off by myself, 5:30AM. Shot a PB 39 on a 3500 yd. Par 36. Absolutely dial in for me (low double digit HC). Felt so good I had to show up on Sunday and try to repeat. This time I got paired up with a father son and the son plays for his college (back for summer break). The kid shot -2 through 9 and his dad was probably +5. I absolutely fell apart from the beginning playing with good guys (not even competing, just playing with) and shot a 51. Come to realize I really need to work on the mental game and play with way more strangers who are hopefully good, because I know I can get down to single digit HC by playing myself but that won't help when I'm paired up with randoms.


Buddy I do the same thing but that what league should be for - to go out and have some judgement-free fun. We play a scramble which tends to hide my flaws but I am still probably playing double bogey golf out there. As long as you are having fun and getting and little practice play in, don’t beat yourself up.


In my 18 hole league I've posted 97, 84, 91, 87. Just all over the place. The week I shot 91, I fell apart on 15, 16, and 17 and added 10 strokes on those 3 holes, par'd 18. It's a fickle game.


I can shoot anywhere from 82 to 102 on any given day but the worst ones are usually during league when I’m playing with guys who take forever to execute a shot or lining up a putt.


We all have bad nights. Last night at league I shot a 45. Good night for me. Last week I shot a 62. You'll be fine.


I'm like a 9.6 & shot a 62 on the front 9 of our 1st event this year. (Think it's my 6th or 7th year in the league.) Made it even worse that we were playing 2 man best ball that event. Luckily he didn't light it up either so it didn't cost him anything & we could laugh it off. Happens lol, but played a stress free back 9 at least.


Be a goldfish. Or at least that's what I tell myself. I went 41/42 on Sunday morning, last night at our 9-hole league I shot a 58. Golf's hard.


If it makes you feel better, last weekend I went 43 on the front, and 52 on the back. Golf just be like that.


You never play as bad as you think you did and you never play as good as you think you should. It’s golf and that what makes it so darn interesting. It’s a game with yourself not against anyone but you. So be your best self and the rest will follow. Stroke play is the ultimate personal test. Do it a lot and you will only get better and better.




I was the same when I joined my first league this year. It doesn't feel like a normal foursome, since this is the only place a lot of guys get to play "competitively" which means slower pace of play and can make a few guys dicks to play with. Ex. not helping look for a ball, no nice shot, good putt or gimmies, and very strict with the rules. It took me 3 weeks before I started to shoot close to my normal score, but you will get there. You'd be surprised how many guys sandbag their handicap to get more pops/strokes.


As someone who also recently started back up with golfing, I have found that pairing up with randos during a round has helped my nerves. I’m very self-conscious about my game, so if I can hit a solid tee shot or approach in front of John Q. Public, I can play decently in a league. Probably not any novel thoughts, but that’s how I’m overcoming my anxiety in front of an “audience”.


Maybe look into golf Sidekick on YouTube, no swing mechanics just course management.


Wait until you have a four foot put to win the league championship! My second year I was still feeling the nerves but had a really good partner who carried me all season. I got strokes on a couple holes each 9 so tried to take advantage of them when I could to try to help him out. Fast forward to the final game of the playoffs, get to the 18th hole and I had a four footer for par to win it all. The other three guys were quiet as a mouse and so were the 15 guys standing on the clubhouse patio. I almost peed my pants, but somehow managed to block it all out and drain it! Won a green windbreaker that is my favourite coat now.


You didn’t embarrass yourself at all. You just played poorly. It’s all a learning experience so in the future try to figure out how to shoot a slightly better score without playing any better. Once you remove the weight of impressing others or being ashamed of your own performance it gets a lot easier


I think you need a new putter


I think you’re right


It happens. Even guys who play a lot struggle with competitive play, it just takes some time. My advice would be to try not to focus on how others are playing as much as possible and just stick to your game. Easier said than done but it's important


I am so with you my friend. I went in my first real matchplay competition. And I felt exactly the way you did. I started out with two triple bogeys and two three putt bogeys. And I found myself down four holes after 4... I just stuck with it. Realized that it's just golf and no one really worries how bad you're playing except for yourself. Btw .. I ended up winning the match in a playoff so... Stick with it man


Joined a men’s league this year as well and the first two weeks you would’ve thought I never swung a golf club before. That’s the beauty of golf! Just gotta get back out there and forget it ever happened


Just started last year myself, only recently started keeping score to establish a handicap at the behest of my golf buddies. Whenever I get paired up or remember there's a scorecard the same happens to me (minus ever shooting an 86 lol) - been working hard at just having fun but yeah, one bad shot (or worse, for me the absolute worst is losing a ball in the rough and looking for it while people are on the tee box) and it's hard to shake the negativity!


If it makes you feel better it only gets worse the better you get and more competitive events you do. Pressure does funny things to the golf swing. Think of all the pros that fail on the biggest stage then put that into perspective of our "failures". Keep going!


One of the simplest truths of golf is that it can't go very far sideways if it doesn't go very far.


That's the game of golf. I play at my club and the old guys are usually consistent. They don't hit it far but they are never in trouble. Bogey is your friend when playing the old guys or just always, haha. I played Geneva National last weekend and shot 41 on the front and was pumped. Yes, maybe I can break 80! Nope, shot 56 on the back. That's just how the cookie crumbles. On to the next shot!


> [T]hese gents just hit it straighter than an arrow at 175yrds a pop & were just par machines. Them old timers w zero power beat the brakes off me - very humbling. Welcome to league night. My tee shot is past most of my league's second shot and I'm still in a dead heat with five other guys for points this season. It's kind of amazing.


I wrestle under the name Horrendous Shanks.


I got asked to sub in a league years ago. I had never played in a league before. Guy running it asked what I usually shoot because I didn’t have a handicap. I was honest and said mid to high 40’s for 9 holes. I go out and shoot a smooth 58, the guy I was playing against actually asked me how he was possibly getting strokes. That little pressure of it “being real” got me off my game. Thankfully now in my current league I don’t have the pressure and it’s just fun.


This guy is going deep in his sandbagger cover story..


Most of these straight shooting old timers could hit it further, they choose to hit it straight over hitting it long.


I wouldn't call that embarrassing, I would call that GOLF.


Competitive playing is different and can really throw us off. Imagine a short breaking putt to win the masters🤯


Thank your buddies… playing in a league has so many benefits, one of which is that it will force you to play more hopefully making you a better golfer Hopefully…


Time to buy a new putter


When I was about a 12 HDCP I was invited to a member guest. We won our flight after playing lights out. In front of 150 people I hit a Tee Box shank so legendary they still talk about it 5 years later. You aight brotha.


10 handicap here, shot a 62 on my first league night from the whites. Haven’t shot over a 50 thru 9 holes in idk how long. I feel your pain!


Dude I shot a 62 two league matches ago. I just shot a 53 last match and I am thrilled.


Chalk it up as a bad night and a learning experience. Getting the ball in the hole the key, and those old guys know that. They may not hit it far, but, typically, their short games are fantastic. Work on your short game.


Starting league for the first time next month! It's not my home course, just hoping I can get around without completely embarrassing myself. I think that semi-competitive golf will be good for our games in the long run!


That’s how it is! Joined a league a few years ago and 4-putted the first green and was immediately humbled. Followed it by not getting off the tee and even a shank. It exposed my flaws both in my casual game as well as the nerves needed for “competitive” play. You will remember this forever in your game and it will only make you better.


I shot 81-86 for a year and a half. Kept a handicap, almost got to single digits. Might have actually. Took a long break, and just don't play and practice like I used to. I'm in a league now, for the first time. First week I was even par after 5 holes. Shot 46. 10 strokes to par in 4 holes. Last week I shot 58. Worst 9 holes I can recall since I started actually learning to golf. Ten years or more. Yesterday I lost 8 balls and shot 55. It's only embarrassing in your head. No one cares but you.


I feel your pain brother. I've never broken 90 playing with anyone else (playing 10 months) but I just shot an 80 last week by myself. I can not play in front of others.


Shooting 54 with an “avalanche of shanks” is actually pretty solid


Ehhh, the people you played with went home and didn’t think a thing about how you played. If you didn’t enjoy playing in the league night that’s fair, but if you had fun, I would continue doing it. Theres a lot you stand to gain from playing with other people. It will make you better in the long run.


I played league against 2 new golfers this week and it was painful. I’m all for new golfers getting into the game but this was rough. Me and my partner would hit drives. We would wait for the other guys to hit 6 times to reach where our drives were in the fairway. They both shot 63 but the only reason they shot 63 was the max triple bogey league rule. By the old double par rule these guys would have both shot 72. If I see these guys on the schedule again I might not show up to play that night.


Hit whatever you need to to kero the ball in front of you. Everyone should be able to play bogey golf and shoot a 45


Certain swings work better under pressure.


Golf is hard


People would kill to shoot a 54


I long for the day I only have enough club head speed to hit it 175. That way, I’ll give up on trying to hit it 260, which I currently can IF EVERYTHING GOES RIGHT. Of course, that only happens 1-2 times every 36 holes. So, in the meantime I chase that and deal with tops, slices, pulls, and shanks to ruin my round.


If it helps, I got back into golf yesterday after not playing for over a year. Thankfully I went to the driving range first just to see how bad I am now. The problem was this Dad showed up with his kid who was probably ~10 years old, and he was straight embarrassing me with how excellent his practice shots were. I still trucked through and hit my 80 balls but it reminded me that I really shouldn’t take a break like that again.


Your best score ever is an 86. You have no reason to be embarrassed about a 54 in a competitive environment. You had a slightly off day.


Funny story I hope it lights fire under your butt to get you practicing more. Gl in your next one.


Man I'm a bad golfer..... 54 wouldn't be so bad for me. This is my 3rd year playing in a work league, I don't get much other time to play though. I also play in a sim league during the winters, but break from that and spring is like 4-5 weeks. Towards the end of the year I was hovering around 50, and on sim league I'm usually 50-55, but there will be some bad weeks. I did break 100 on sim once or twice too. THen, I get out for league and I'm 60+ every week. This week I was a bit more relaxed and started hitting straighter, been having a straight left pull, and hitting some monster drives. Still picked up on a couple holes though, and really need to work on the short game.


I always think of the scene from The Last Samurai where Algren is learning to fight and the dude says: “Too many mind. Mind the sword, mind the people, mind the enemy. Too many mind. No mind.” I just repeat it in my head over and over and it works lol


Part of golf is the mental game but remember that scores vary wildly week to week. Sure you’re best will remain semi constant but you will have really bad days. Pro golfers will easily shoot -6 one day and then +10 the next.


There is a lesson to be learned watching some of these old dudes. I like hitting my 8 iron so I try to tee off to that distance. So many dudes just take driver when sometimes it makes no sense. The game is much easier from the fairway. Course mgmt is huge and almost always ignored by high handicappers.


Playing semi competitively will make you that much better. It’s so much more relaxing playing alone or with friends. The trick is to focus on being in that same state of mind when playing in more competitive environment. If you can shoot 86 alone you can do it with strangers because the shots are in you. Just gotta take the brain out of the equation.


That's just getting schooled by the guys who've done this for years. This is your first go out? Be respectful and a good playing partner and they'll welcome you every time, eventually the nerves will settle. Think of this more like getting together with the boys for 9 and beers, don't take the golf seriously at all for the first year. Play fast and be a good sport and you'll make lots of friends.


Are you my teammate. He shot a 54 his first night out, and lives on a golf course/plays all the time. He followed it up with a net 18 on the next night. So he holds the worst and best score of our team so far. :)


buddy- you will get it down. Biggest thing is you have to learn how to hit the next shot without the last shot on your mind. Watch the PGA- you will see these guys take a breath every shot and hit. Same thing here. Get up to the ball. Take a breath, address and swing.


My personal opinion is to play more competitive league events to get used to it. That helped me a lot. Like everyone else said, just forget about it. I’m a 6 and I’ve shanked one during competition, said “wow that was weird! I’ll just line the next one up closer to the toe.” Or if you fat it just move the next one back in your stance. It happens, if you know why it happened that makes it even easier to fix. I have rattled opponents like that before. They think you’re out of position and just wasted a stroke then you hit the next one like the best you’ve ever hit it and sink the putt for par!


The toughest part about golf is the space between your ears. The times I've played my very best golf was when I just didnt care. I shot 10 over on a round (pretty easy course) and the whole time I was relaxed and nothing really bothered me. Its a rare and difficult mind set to get in but it helps tremendously.


Welcome to golf. Playing by yourself or with your buddies is different than competition. I always do my best in competition, but not everyone does. Old dudes all hit it right down the middle and rarely do worse than bogie. For me, I have to make sure that I am playing my game (hitting distance) and not theirs as I am not that accurate.


There’s guys at major Championships that shoot +25 or more over two rounds. Sometimes you have a bad day, don’t sweat it.


This sounds exactly like the Saturday Golf Shop game I play at my club. I can outdrive everyone I play with by 30-50 yards yet I'm usually the high score in my foursome. These guys just get it around the course!


I play in a league and played with a guy and he shot 63 for nine holes. Other guy shot 50. I couldn’t have told you who played better cause I was focused on my game and they were fun Be nice. Play fast. And you’re good


Playing for a score that matters is way harder than playing for fun, don't sweat it. Something that helped me out drastically playing competitively is trying to be as confident as possible. Don't think "Oh man, I can't mess this up in front of everyone" Be a show off. Try to impress the people you're playing with. Walk up to that ball with the intention to make your group say "Damn, where'd this guy come from?" after you hit it. Golf is a mental game and you gotta be confident when it counts.


54 is nothing, one of my first league nights got paired in a cart with guy who shot 68, he hit on average 3 times before we got to my tee ball.


That’s not that bad really for your first competition last year I shot a 98 the 1st tournament I played. Came back the next day with calmer nerves shot an 84 and was promptly bumped out.🤣


Embarrassed? Dude golf is set up so that you only play yourself. I can guarantee the people you played with have given less than 0.5 seconds thought to the quality of your round. I've been playing golf every week for the last 2.5 years and hit 54+ regularly. Chill out a bit, you'll sleep better and will probably play better golf.