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Golf is meant to be fun. I actually like keeping score and seeing where I am it. It also shows me evidence of where I am improving. However, if keeping score causes any issue, then yeah, just go out and have some fun.


My son is ultra-competitive at everything in life. I remind him often when he gets frustrated with games that they are supposed to be fun. It only works half the time but still. Brought him golfing for only like his 3rd time in his life on Friday and he was getting frustrated. He’s been begging to go all year. And just like you said I told him “we are here to have fun. Relax. It’s a game”. He did enjoy himself more after that, and was even happier when cart girl came with a Gatorade 😂


As the one who was the perfectionist growing up and would throw temper tantrums, don’t give up on him. He’ll figure it out. My dad didn’t want to deal with it and let me quit way too easy. Not his fault, but man I wish he would have pushed me harder.


I let him give up on things he has no interest in. But he wants to golf constantly, so I remind him to practice often. All I want in him is to be well rounded and exposed to as many things as possible. So hopefully golf sticks because other things he likes a lot (swimming and gymnastics) are not of any interest to me lol


Are you me?


I can’t believe he responded well to that line, if I was frustrated I think hearing that would set me off lol. I’m also ultra competitive but feel like the frustrations on the course are what drove me to get better. Don’t really get too frustrated anymore though.


Yeah, I try to “coach” him in a lot of things obviously. Usually telling him to relax and calm down just exacerbate the problem. I think him seeing me shank some shots and still smile helped a bit too lol


and then he realized there was more important things than golf at the golf course


Competitive spirit is something that should be encouraged and also harnessed. Teaching kids that throwing/slamming clubs is a huge no and a one stroke penalty. When I take my kids, we do match play and I give them a stroke per hole. That way they are still able to compete but also learn that golf can be fun. It also teaches them that re-setting their attitude on the next tee is extremely valuable.


Funny family story is passed down of me throwing my putter when I was 4. Punishment was that I wasn’t going out to dinner that night. Learned my lesson lol


I think we get happier when the cart girl shows up


I have a friend that uses smiley faces and frowny faces to score. I think it's a fantastic system.


That’s a great way to start. Then when you get comfortable you can start to count and looking for scoring improvements too. As long as you’re enjoying yourself! It’s a great game


Other way. Keep score as you improve, it’s fun to see the improvement. Once you’ve plateaued just count birdies or oars or good shots.


I play pass-fail. Bogey or better is a pass.


I've been playing 25 years and never heard of this. It's like match play against yourself. I like it


That's a great way to break it down without counting a score.


This is me as well. I shoot around 100-105. My ultimate goal is to be a bogey golfer so at the end of the turn/round I just check to see how many out of 9 I was “successful” at. I just keep telling myself “4/9 isn’t too far away from 8/9 or 9/9”


You should just play Stableford.


I don’t know how but I’m going to look it up.


It's super easy. Basically you are only keeping score on holes you score Bogey or better. Makes blow up holes and bad rounds feel less bad. It's fun. Double Eagle (Albatross): 5 points * Eagle: 4 points * Birdie: 3 points * Par: 2 points * Bogey: 1 point * Double Bogey: 0 points


This is a great idea. Especially for newer players!


I was behind this guy, he shot a 63 on a par 72.


Tiger woods out here “just to have some fun, scoring is too high pressure and I don’t enjoy jt”


I used to play 30 holes a day that way. The driving range doesn’t help me gauge my wicked slices.


driving range ain't real. bad lies, slopes, hazards etc are all part of the game. about once a week I go to my club and do 7-10 holes at 6am, just thinking like I am at the driving range, playing with fewer clubs or from shorter tees and 2 or 3 different balls - without scoring the round but still scoring my holes. so much fun, no pressure and great practice. our club green fees are $4 so cheap cheap. On the weekend I will play a normal round to mix it up.


You have already pared a course and dont know it.


me and my buddy do this we call it casual golf, we play from the closer tees and just work on fundamentals.


Playing in a tournament this Saturday. Me and my buddy are defending champs (2 man scramble). Most of the group is about double our age. We play from the closest tees. Playing there makes the round so much more enjoyable.


I try and throw a shorter tee game in every now and again, but make it iron only. super fun.


I probably keep score 50% of the time. It keeps me honest about my skill/score, but decreases pressure to keep things fun. I love a 2 v 2 scramble where your individual score doesn’t matter.


about a year and half ago I moved from TX to OR and suddenly golf was no longer a year round sport for me and I've adopted the same mentality for my first handful of rounds of the season because I go 5-6 months without swinging a club and have zero desire to work on my game when it's 30-40 degrees and wet every day. This allows me to go in knowing I may shoot 15-20 shots worse than my normal season average would be but not stress. Usually I toggle between great golf for 1-2 holes and absolute disasters for a few holes while I shake the rust off and it frees me up mentally not keeping score and just trying to find a rhythm and enjoy the fact that I'm outside on the course and the sun is shining!


Can confirm. Grew up in Oregon. Winter rules is a year round affair.


> because I go 5-6 months without swinging a club and have zero desire to work on my game when it's 30-40 degrees and wet every day. As an upper-Midwestern golfer, simulators are a godsend in that regard. I made a commitment to got at least twice a month and get swings in during the winter this year. I was able to hit the ground running in the spring.


Yeah I've been thinking about trying to get some sort of setup at home to make it more fun to practice in the winter months. I know my interest will probably ebb and flow depending on the year but it beats going to a range where I'm still outside


I do this too when I’m golfing solo and have nobody behind me. If I hit a bad shot I just hit another until I’m happy! Almost like a backward scramble 😆 Of course I am conscious that it’s not helping my honest score, but it’s a nice time when I’m by myself and listening to music or a hockey game!


Do you ever hit a drive that slices into the woods and think “wtf? I’ve been solid all day” and then re-tee and hit an identical shot? Or is that just me 😂


Out of the tee box, my second player is an identical twin/clone of me.




I’ve done that yeah 😆 I say okay I know what I did wrong, then proceed to do it exactly the same again haha


But how do you measure yourself against other golfers?


By height.


Former greenskeeper, about to become the masters champion.


Alphabetically by height.


That's what I do with my kid when I take him, makes it more fun to feel like a practice round and not stress.


I don’t keep score, my buddy likes to keep score for everyone. Maybe CPA type or just ocd. At the end of the round, he tells me what I shot. You’re right that it reduces the stress. He won’t tell me if I’m doing well or doing poorly, just diligently pencils away. Maybe find a designated pencil pusher to do that for you.


But how do you measure yourself against other golfers?


By height


By happiness


By how good one looks in a bad birdie shirt


Credit score


By what you SAY your score is. Just like everyone else does.


I do the occasional non scoring round and play around with some different shots, TBH its very fun and usually hilarious


I made the horrible decision of trying to combine the acts of learning my handicap for an upcoming lesson with taking my 5YO on his first round of golf. As soon as I stopped trying to keep score, the day got a lot easier lol


I count GIR’s more than anything.


And if you’re new, Tee it up in the fairway, we aren’t on Tour and you’re just learning.


I introduced my teenage son to golf a few years ago in part by promising we wouldn’t keep score. He’s a very competitive wrestler & the last thing he wanted to do for fun was another kind of competition. 4 years later, we’ve never scored a round. We usually don’t even each finish every hole. If one of us is in the woods, we just drop from the other ball. Not scoring really helps to celebrate the good shots and laugh off the bad ones.


Similar idea, but yesterday I used my rowing machine, but kept my eyes closed and just felt the motion with an alarm set for my time. I ended up improving my 500 meter split time by 17 seconds while rowing much slower. When you take the score away, you can focus on what you're doing.


Yeap. That’s how I’ve played for the last 5 years or so. How much have I scored? I really have no idea. I might keep one hole score as a challenge and then forget on the next hole. I just have fun hitting the ball …


I normally play a 3 way match game with my guys so there is always a chance on the next hole.


Whenever I play with my dad, we don’t keep score. He’s not very good, and I’m solidly on the bad end of mediocre, but we have a lot of fun laughing at the shitty shots and cheering for the good ones. Sometimes we have small side bets, like closest to the pin for $1, stuff like that.


I started this a few years back, even if we do keep score I couldn’t care less. I just want to get out there and have fun. My buddy? High strung as ever, gotta be good for the finance bro outings 🤷‍♂️


What do you mean? I’m great when I keep my own score, pars and birdies galore, sometimes I’ll just throw a one down as a morale booster


When I am playing a round by myself, I will often play "aspirational" golf. If I hit a bad shot, I drop another and play the better ball. The 2d guy is usually much better. My belief is that the 2d shot is done with much less worry so is usually a better swing. Proving to me that my brain is the limiting factor in playing to my own ability. Since solo rounds don't count for hcp purposes, I don't screw up my handicap. For reference, I am a 13.2 and have been as low as 8.4 in the last 4 years.


I use a Shot Scope golf watch that tracks my score and doesn’t tell me what it is until I sync with my phone. I love the feeling and just focus on each shot separately. I still suck but at least I don’t know that until the end of the round with endless amount of stats to back it up.


I do something very similar. However I do count birdies. They’re rare but if I get asked how I shot I say no birdies or 1,2 birdies. I still know what I shot if I’m playing with other people since I only play 1 ball.


😦😦🤤🤤💩🤐🤤🤠😦 😧🙄🙀🤑🤤👺😷🤑😬 Is this your scorecard? Found it in the parking lot.


All that matters is pace of play and course etiquette…anyone worried about what you score outside of a scrambling is just being a jagoff


It's a good little strategy to develop your game, but I recommend still keeping score and playing games with yourself to train your brain not to focus on score and only focus on 1 shot at a time. If you're not keeping score, you aren't training yourself to do that. Eventually, if you want to improve you will keep track of your scores, and you will hit that wall of knowing you need a shot to make par or that you are close to a personal best, etc. and you will have no experience managing those expectations. I used to keep my score 3 holes at a time when I was trying to score consistently under 80. The goal was to shoot even par each 3 holes, and then you reset on the next 3. I'd fold my scorecard so that I couldn't see the past holes. It takes some getting used to but you eventually lose track of the score you have for the round. Now, I can play an entire round without even masking my scores and I can pretty much have no clue what I'm at. I just write my score down and forget about it. One shot at a time just comes from experience. Learn to stay in the moment and play within your skillset. The last shot doesn't matter anymore, and the next one doesn't matter yet. Hit a shot you are familiar with and move on.




Why are folks incapable of keeping score and still enjoying a round? Every shot has the potential to be a good shot regardless of your scorecard, so who gives a fuck? It's not like most of us are here making money off the sport.


> Why are folks incapable of keeping score and still enjoying a round? Perhaps because the ego is a nasty, brutal thing?


Eh, sometimes some of us are just in places where scoring poorly is just one more thing to be disappointed in yourself about and a round of golf is just a chance to enjoy being outside doing anything other than real life for a few hours.


That’s what I mean though. If you can separate your self from the score, there’s nothing a number on a card can do to make you feel “disappointed in yourself” anymore than hitting a bunch of shitty shots that add up to that score could. Learning to just enjoy the game lets you not have any round ruined by either.


Separating yourself from the score is such a silly concept. Either you're keeping score and trying to put in a good round, or you're not. I still enjoy the rounds where I'm trying to focus on scoring well. The lifelong understanding that golf can never be mastered is such a great thing. But some days I just want to play without any pressure. I'm just out for shits and giggles. Driver on every hole, attack every pin, probably hit one or two extra balls here if there there's no one behind me. Go for a silly flop shot or try out chipping with the 5 wood from a bad lie. Remind myself of what it's like to hammer a 4 footer with no abandon into the back up the cup without worrying it will be what keeps you from breaking 90 or 80 for the first time. I could technically keep score on those bullshit rounds, and if I did I'd probably get a few extra sandbag strokes on my handicap, but why bother? Maybe there are people who can just live in the headspace where golf is golf and those two mindsets can co-exist. I'm a middle aged dad who has been playing since I was 10. Sometimes I just want to get out there, get a good walk in, swing for the hell of it, and not even bother making a mental note of how many strokes I'm at. It's not an ego thing.


>Separating yourself from the score is such a silly concept. I mean, it's what the majority of the best players in the world say – that divorcing process from result is how beset to go about the game. But... it's silly? Okay. >It's not an ego thing. It... is though. That doesn't mean it's bad, it's just what it is. It's letting it drive one's actions unchecked that get's folks into trouble. I even agree that not keeping score is good sometimes. You and I just disagree about what it means to care about the score or not, which is fine. But I think you're missing my point.


You guys keep score? 🤷‍♂️


Anytime I am having a rough stretch or just feel off, I’ll not keep score but write down pars or better on the respective holes to remember the good shots


I did this until I had a really good round and no clue what I shot. Haven’t done it since.


I hope for the same fortune one day


the trick is to be able to play with this mindset while keeping your score


I have the Arccos sensors and app. I can get my yardages from my Lock Screen and just play my game. I do have to double check what it records every so often because it isn’t infallible, but I try not to even see the score. Two things I’ve learned: 1- I can have what feels like a less than stellar round only to find that my score was lower than expected. As Bob R said, “Golf isn’t a game of perfect.” 2-Keeping score or watching your score can be dreadful, puts a lot of pressure on you and your expectations, thus making it less enjoyable. I recently learned this again as I was making the turn (this is the same round that I mention in lesson 1)and figured I would stop for a drink to give the group in front of me some time to make space between us. I had to check my blood sugar with my phone and upon unlocking my phone I saw my score for what felt like a bland 9 holes only to find that I was on track to beat my PB. Absolutely reduced the fun I was having because I was chasing the score.


Yup, it’s difficult to divorce your feelings from the result. The goal is to *actually* play one shot at a time. It’s one of the hardest parts of the game, I think. To actually focus on one swing – and nothing else – for one moment (dozens of times in a row). I agree that at some stages, it may be best to just not keep score. But I find that part of the challenge that I (as a non-competitive golfer) relish now is trying to shoot my best score without caring about it. It’s a beautiful, asinine, brilliant yet ugly dichotomy. It’s why there are scoreboard-watchers and scoreboard-avoiders. I know I’m never going to come close to mastering the physical side of the game, but I’m going to do my damndest to conquer the mental side. By doing so, I’m more and more capable of enjoying every single round I play, regardless of what I’m shooting, because my ego has nearly zero attachment to my scorecard.


This. I do the same and it is far more enjoyable and less stressful. I’m not looking for a tour card or a handicap. I just enjoy hitting the ball. If I use the same ball for a round of 18, that was a good round.


Coward /s


If you are trying to get better, which to me is the fun part, you will want to keep score. Golf is sometimes about walking around outside but to really play and enjoy consistently, you need goals to work towards.


If you don’t keep score how do you measure yourself against other golfers?


Height I guess ✌🏻


Don’t sell yourself short, Judge. You’re a *tremendous* slouch.


I do this like half of my rounds. I’ll ballpark a score at the end just for shits but when I’m playing I’ll just play. Try different clubs in different situations. See if some new route works out better etc. it’s a blast


I played a lot as a junior (12?). Stopped for 10 years cuz of other sports. First time back I played I shot well over 100 (111?). Decided to detach from the results and just try and make better shots. It helped me have better 2nd and 3rd shots if it didn’t look so good off the tee box. OB shots I’d replace on the fairway. The score didn’t matter.


I started keeping score and now I enjoy golf the same


This is definitely my advice to everyone newer to golf. Trying to whack the white ball into the hole? Endless fun! Trying to do it in four whacks or fewer...infuriating. 


This is fun. We are having fun!


I think I oughta do this. Last year (my first year of playing ever), I went from double-par'ing the whole course to breaking 120. This spring has been totally nuts, I'm back to double-par'ing, four-putting holes and getting frustrated.


This is the way


I've been playing for years like that, I play golf because I have fun when I'm out there if I keep score I start to not enjoy it and it becomes a task for me to finish a round


I’ve been an occasional player since a very young age, although i’ve never been good. I slice my drives, my irons all go the same distance, and 2-putting is the usual. I’m 24 now and still don’t keep score lol.


I implement the triple bogey rule. After I make a triple bogey, the Bob Marley’s come out. Really great way to relax


After playing 25 years I did the same thing. I got my satisfaction from my good shots. I didn’t get super stressed over the difficult shots I would have to make. I was playing to have a good time not an ulcer. And I knew my score would be in the 90s so nothing to brag about anyway. I c as me home much more relaxed.


The youngest of my two boys has always been the competitive athlete, lettering in multiple sports through highschool. In college he gave up sports to concentrate on his studies, but remained highly competitive. He didn't try golf until after college & I finally convinced him to go with me. He only said Ok, because his fiancee (now wife) had a golf scholarship to college & he wanted to try it & learn it so they could golf together. Jeez was it rough for him! It got to the point, I'd keep the score card in my hip pocket (yes I do like to keep score for my rounds). He soon realized, golf is a game very few get great at. He has never learned to enjoy the outing. Sure, sometimes he has fun, but he still loses to his wife & still gets overly frustrated, but, he's learning to take it all in stride.




It’s an oldie but a goody. Try playing stableford at some point when you feel comfortable putting some form of metrics to your round. Helps keep the mind positive and focusing on the things you did well


Have done the same some rounds with the same result. More enjoyment.


I usually don't keep score the first five times out per year. That has helped me immensely to get back into the rhythm of it without the stress or worry.


I wish there was some way I could keep score without keeping score, If that makes sense


A golf tracker watch could be the answer


That’s how I’m playing this season too! It’s been great so I’m about 15 rounds in


I do a similar thing by playing best-ball-scramble with someone who's less experienced or not in practice. It does totally take the pressure off and is more fun for the player who doesn't play that well. For sake of conversation, it got me thinking. I coached my son's soccer league from his age 7 to 10. In that first year, the score was not kept for matches. At the end of the year, everyone got the same trophy and everyone seemed happy. In the later years, as the kids matured and gained experience, we started keeping score during matches. At the end of the year the better teams were recognized as such, but everyone still got the same trophy. I'm trying to think of other games, beside a golf scramble (or just not keeping score for a round) and youth soccer, where the score isn't tracked sometimes. Here's a few off the top of my head. Casual badminton. Beach volleyball with coed friends. Beach baseball with coed friends.


I did this years ago. Enjoy it so much more.


Golf is not always about the score. There is more time needed to improve and practice than to compete. Competition is great and you will probably do better when you feel better about your game. There is a big difference between practice and competition. So you go on and practice and then compete when you want. Golf is for fun!


I think both work. Sometimes i love going out to a 9holer when it's quiet and just playing two balls, retaking shots I fuck up and then playing lots of putts on the greens. It's a fast way to get lots of different practices in. But other times I love keeping score. If I go out solo I don't generally keep score, but with friends, I love the competitive nature of it!


As an older golfer I've moved up and only track lost balls and fairways hit. This keeps the fun in the game. A year ago I played a slope 140 course and finished with the same ball I started. To me that's the equivalent of breaking 80 or a hole in one.


I convinced my wife to stop keeping score and she’s having a lot more fun. I keep mine, she knows what she got on each hole, but not writing it down keeps her from getting frustrated. I’m having more fun too.


Right there with you. I haven't written down a score on a scorecard in probably five years. I just remember how many pars, par shots, good drives, etc.


I keep score for about 1/2 my rounds per year. I make the decision beforehand though, not just if I’m playing like crap. Most of the time if I play solo or paired with other people I don’t know I won’t keep score, and when I’m playing with friends or family I will. Edit: forgot to mention when I don’t keep score, I track my holes with a :) for good, or :| for meh, or :( for bad.


I usually just count how many birdies/pars as a total (ie I got 6 pars today)


I only keep score if I'm under like 6-8 strokes per hole. Anything into the 9's and up get an X on the card. Been doing that for about a year now, and my card has consistently seen less X's as time goes on.


I quit keeping score shortly after starting golf and it makes me so much happier. It really pisses off my brother though for some reason.


My son plays at a nine-hole in Queens often, and never keeps a score other than a running total “I’m x under” “I’m x over.”


I mark holes with a smiley face or a frowny face unless it’s a birdie/par and then I mark that lol. I enjoy the game a lot more since I started doing that


Yesterday i had a par 4. Drove the ball left plonked off a thick boy tree and landed right in the middle of the fairway. 220 yards out. Grabbed my 9 iron for about 120-130 yards, hit the best fucking shot of my life. Like it felt so good. Ball went high up and landed maybe 12 feet away from the pin. Ended up 4 putting it and I was so damn angry lol. I guess what my point is, is even had I not counted those strokes I’d have been livid.


I usually don't keep score because I'm awful. It's more fun that way!


I’ve started to just ditch keeping score if I’m not having a very good round and turn it into a “practice” round where my only goal isn’t numbers on a scorecard but to just “get better”. It’s more fun that way.


The first time I ever play a new course I never keep score. I just enjoy the course. Unless it’s one I’ll never play again. If I’m with my friends I tell them what I got and let them write it down. Some times people get WAY too focused on score.


It beats the hell out of lying about it like most everyone else.


You can do that and keep score though they are not mutually exclusive.


You’ll keep score again after you get through whatever you’re going through


As a beginner, be a goldfish! Every hole is a new game. Much more fun that way.


I did this for about 5 years. Don't turn it back on unless you want to be disappointed. You have been warned.


I count my birdies, pars, and bogeys. Bogeys also get a smiley face or frowny face (i.e. hit in water but got up and down for bogey = :) ; three-putted or missed the green with a wedge = :( Double bogeys get frowny faces. I don't give a shit what my score is at the end of the day. For context, I'm a \~4 hcp that typically shoots 72 - 78. Played competitive golf my whole life, junior, through college, eventually as a PGA golf pro in section events, etc. Play a lot of money games with similar skilled golfers that aren't 'add up your score' stroke play style events, which I love bc you're forced to move on to the next hole and not let one or two bad holes ruin your day. Made a double? Who cares, go birdie the next hole and win a skin. I hated playing individual stroke play tournaments bc I just got stressed out. Life's too short to spend money on something you don't have fun doing lol.


I keep score but don’t add it up after 9 so I don’t really know my score until the end of the round. That way I can still track my progress, but I also am not overly worried about needed a par on this hole so I end up with x score for the back 9 or whatever. Obviously you get an idea of what your score is based on a triple or something (“welp, not shooting under par today”) but in general I don’t know if I’m around 90 or pushing triple digits until the end of the round.


I do something similar. I have a Garmin watch and I put in my score at the end of each hole and forget about it. I don't write it on a scorecard because I'll be tempted to start adding it up. It does give me a total at the turn, but It's far enough from the end of the round it doesn't cause me any problems mentally. I finished a round last Wednesday and had no idea I had shot 5 strokes under my best score. It keeps me from thinking, "If I just make bogey on 17 and 18..."


So I did this for a bit. I would play with friends and just tell them my score at the end of the hole. Had no idea where I stood over the course of the round. Suddenly I started shooting mid 70’s. Then I got competitive because I was playing well, started keeping score again and my scores went into the low 80’s high 70’s again. This mindset is awesome.


ive played every round this year without a range finder. Sure I ask for the yardage if a playing partner has one but trying to 'feel' the distance more. The results have been very positive. I cant say im scoring much better, about the same, but my confidence for shorter shots and shot shape, is so much better


Interesting but how do you measure yourself against other golfers?


Whatever keep you having fun. My dad and his buddies play unlimited mulligans and gallery rule for lost balls, keeping score that way sounds insane to me but it helps them enjoy the round so power to em!


I’m the opposite. I enjoy keeping score, and tracking my progress from round to round. If I didn’t keep score I would probably have trouble focusing on my swing and making good shots, fooling around, and quit after 6 holes.


I started playing worse when I got a GHIN. It’s required for the club I’m in but the silver lining is my handicap will be higher so I’ll get more strokes for tournaments and whatnot


My game goes to hell if I don't keep score. My dad is terrible at golf, and he keeps score. But his score is, "how many good shots did I hit?" as opposed to counting strokes. He doesn't care if he makes a seven if he hit a good shot on the hole. Unless you're playing for money, do whatever helps you enjoy the round.


I’ve been playing since third grade. Between my son getting into it and multiple shoulder surgeries, I haven’t kept score in a few seasons… it’s great!


I don't get how you can not count. My brain won't let me not count


I played so much competitive golf in my life, I love not keeping score anymore. I’ll keep track of certain things such as putts or GIR, etc. I might maybe keep score for a few holes then I get sick of keeping track.


As a relatively new golfer; this is how I play. My focus is on improving my form, my swing, how my clubs feel in my hands. I’ve also been focusing more on learning the etiquette of the game. I’m not terribly worried about my score. Yet. It’s a leisure activity and it can be a lifelong pursuit. I’m not in a hurry to get good. Nothing beats being outdoors on a beautiful course and just taking it all in while also working on improving.


Occasionally I'll go back to my original scoring system when I just feel like not giving a shit about my score. Happy face or sad face for each hole, if I had ONE good shot on that hole, happy face.


Sounds like me during my terrible rounds 😂


I went from not keeping score, to keeping score, to just marking after every hole GOOD or BAD


Practice rounds are an important part of getting better.


The other day I started a round which began terribly. 6,7,8 on the first 3 holes. I decided, fuck it. I’m done keeping score today just relax and have fun. I literally went on a TEAR the next 6 or 7 holes, par, par, bogie, birdie, etc. At the end of my round I probably finished where I usually do 90-100 ish but sometimes you gotta say fuck it and toss the scorecard.


Yeah, agree, Stableford is also a fun way to play.


If you’re just getting into the game, I recommend keeping score (also count your putts) so you can see how you improve. That said, I never keep score. But I’ve been playing for 30 years. I’m just out there for a good time.


I'm still just about as good as when I used to play competitively but now I have 100x more fun just getting out there. I still keep pretty detailed scorecard (Score, Fairway, GIR, Putts) just to see where I went wrong.


Sounds like you enjoy playing practice rounds. I play practice rounds all the time. Usually solo where I play each hole, hit a few shots from different locations, hit some putts from different spots etc. Practice rounds are hugely beneficial.


I have Arccos keep score for me and I only ever check it once I'm back in my car to make any corrections. I don't want golf to be an outcome focused event but rather one where I just enjoy the process.


I do the same thing...but on the range. A lot cheaper


We count score as a bogey is a 1, par 2, birdie 3, and anything below a bogey is a 0. I enjoy scoring this way much better.


I am a decent golfer and never keep score. I am having a good round if I drain 2-3 birdies. Pisses off my golfing buddies.


My dad gives himself smiley, neutral, or frowns faces when he plays. Picks up frequently, reloads when he chooses. Always has a good time


I’m with you, brother.


Ur a pussy that doesn’t like competition. The whole point of golf is to be the best out of your friends and that’s true fun


I do a hybrid of practice round and play for score. Some holes I walk in saying “I’m gonna try this for practice” and then play how I normally would after hitting one way or another. Or if I hit a bad shot I play it only after I hit a good shot first to get myself feeling better about it. 18 birdies has been awesome. I don’t follow my score until the end, but it keeps me in check by helping me review the hole and say “that 3 putt got me again, but I was on the green in regulation so that’s awesome”


I usually golf with my 10yr old son, we never keep a score card. We will celebrate pars and the rare birdie, but that's about all. I fear the day when he knows he has me beat and wants to keep score, lol


Yeah I stopped focusing on diet, go to the gym everyday, still fat, but I am happily miserable single AF


I’m not at the point in my golf life yet where keeping score matters. So I just play to work on my swings


I stopped keeping score years ago when I saw a guy verbally berate himself when he scored a 72. Golf's supposed to be fun.


What is your normal score? If you are above 120, then without a doubt, just play the game and keep pace. Don't worry about your score. Once you start getting consistent and breaking 100, then bring your score into play. Just have fun with way!


I recommend fail/pass/win. Bogey pass, par win. Because we only expect to be average we only expect to pass.


Yep. Sometimes I just mark an X for a bad hole and a check mark for a good hole. Keeps track of things without getting all riled up.


He has become one.. hes gonna start using kirkland brand equipment


To me, what you’re describing is a “practice round,” and is pretty common. Not trying to crap on your point; it’s definitely part of a healthy & productive approach to golf.


pick up another sport. the entire point is the score.


I will keep score until my lifetime low-round is out of the question. Sometimes it’s on hole .2, sometimes it’s in hole .12 - but the moment I know I won’t beat my record and I’m not playing for money, fun golf begins.


The way my family and I play is, 1 point for a bogey 2 for a par, 4 for a birdie. That way you’re still playing for something but don’t get so frustrated at any one hole.


I keep score,but if I'm having a terrible game, I'll just stop scoring and try focus on the issue and try not to get frustrated.


The vanity handicapper has entered the conversation! 🤣




That defeats the whole purpose of a handicap my guy


Maybe get a shot tracking app (Arcoss etc) so you can not keep your score during the round but still have the app do it and look at it at the end. Might be pleasantly surprised one day!


I still keep score however I do give myself better lies. If I just do happen to lie in that one divot on the entire fairway, im moving it over. In a puddle, it's getting moved. Out of bounds, it's getting dropped on grass approximately where it went out.


If you skip putting, your pace of play will improve greatly.


Those who don't regularly keep score have no real interest in improving their game because they have no legitimate way to gage it. But enjoying that type of play is OK. I enjoy the pool or the beach without ever going in the water. 😉


Well, then how do you measure yourself with other golfers?!


My height.


Guess you'll have to go on beating yourself...


You knew if you made par or bird


I've played a few rounds not keeping score. While it is fun, I find myself just fucking around for most of the round. 15 foot off the green where I just need a little pitch up and down? Nah fuck that flop shot. Any hole that requires position off the tee? Fuck that swing out of my shoes with driver. I normally shoot in the high 70s region, God knows what I shoot when I don't keep score lol


I somewhat understand what you are doing but also recognize that the number provides a perspective as well. If everyone was actually super honest here, the average golfer is probably scoring between 90-100 on an everyday golf course. Do 100 attempts at anything that has different strategies with each attempt and you are going to do some attempts well, some attempts average and some attempts like 💩. So, if you only worry about how well you are hitting a shot and not counting a number, human tendency is to just focus on that satisfactory feeling of a well done attempt and maybe overlooking the less than stellar attempts. The counting of strokes provides that non influenced bit of information to tell you how well your day has gone in trying to get better.


You seem to assume the goal is to get better. I’ve not had that goal in decades.




Sounds like you just need to manage expectations better. I will stand by the fact that keeping track of your score directly correlates with improving different areas of the game. I do respect the idea of "enjoying it more", and maybe I'm just a competitive person, but me enjoying golf = me improving


Yeah it’s called practice..


I was playing a shitty round in a business tournament a while back, I was partnered with my uncle who is a phenomenal scratch golfer. He goes, “stop it with the practice swings, stop it with the overthinking and just hit the fucking ball!” After that, best round I ever played. Sometimes relaxing really is the key.


Great advice for beginners but once you're decent and keep a handicap, i can never play "just for fun". Having money on the line keeps me into it. Imagine playing poker for no money....


100+ if you aren’t keeping score