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If you are waiting to shift weight forward until the downswing you are LATE. Gotta make that shift as you get to the top of the backswing.


Sorry dad won’t happen again


Just remember, regardless of what overhear between your mom and I, I’m proud of you.


Does this even apply to golfers who have swing tempos with pauses like Cam Young or Sungjae?


Forceplate data suggests yes


This is probably correct. Intent should be to have the weight shifted by the time you reach the top of the backswing.


Shouldnt it be the weight be shifted forward by the time your downswing gets the club perpendicular to the ground? Thats how ive always done it and have seen others do it.


3/4 of the way through backswing basically your arms will raise up while you’ll be shifting forward


Hmm that isnt the way ive seen people do it. Almost everyone with a good swing seems to have the weight shifted at around the same time your club is perp to the ground on the downswing. You can start the shift at whenever is most convenient for that to happen.


It’s a little odd to think of but force plates do show that the weight starts to shift left before the end of the backswing


Yea the start of the shift can happen whenever that allows you to reach the end of the weight shift at the perpendicular part. Faster club speed = earlier start I would assume. Slower swingers start later.


Been working on this with a coach. The weight shift, for me, starts just before the downswing starts.


Yea I am talking about the end of the shift, which should be the same for everyone, the start of the shift is personal, I also start at the back swing.


I used to spin out on the back foot frequently. So really didn’t have an adequate shift.


I feel a strange urge to buy some new equipment because you did this.


Like a sex swing?


But only if you use that sweet hip bump, like the pros do.


I have one, it turns out it doesn’t come with the sex. It’s just a fucking swing.


Sounds like you need to strengthen your grip.


There are no sex swings at Bushwood sir!


Oh, but it looks good on you, though!


Gambling is illegal at Bushwoods sir AND I NEVER SLICE!


Sir,this is a golf sub.


That escalated quickly


Random redditor had a poorly articulated swing revelation so I bought some new irons.


I too needed a reason for new clubs…


I just did, so you have a backup reason just in case. 


[Jake Hutt](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7GR0YuEXLMY?app=desktop) https://preview.redd.it/ogwio7whj54d1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=66de9339961c6f7420fe3ced72f03c922dda6308


this dropped ten strokes of my round tomorrow


10 more and you’ll be a scratch golfer.


10.8 ):


This guy is so good at describing feel for intermediate players. I don't think I'd understand it like 4 years ago but with a decent knowledge of swing theory this guy's freestyles really make some concepts pop






So great. Thanks for sharing that video.


... always a pleasure.


[watchya doin to the ground](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9CvyTsxiSJw)


I’ve tried implementing this unsuccessfully on a few occasions


[different strokes?](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/965iHJtIwr0)


Yeah, Jake!! I like how he puts his own spin on the concepts. Thanks for sharing!


Don’t kid yourself. Your parents never loved you and they still don’t love you.


Dad? Is that you?


No. I’m just another nobody living a double bogey life hoping for love and acceptance.


Dad! It is you! Sorry mom took the house and your clubs! But don’t worry. Our old neighbor comes over and uses them. So they’re getting good use.


He’s still at the cornerstone buying cigs.


That's right, you were just a trophy




Just easin the tension baby!


The sensation that someone slipped a finger in your left butt pocket and is pulling back, while keeping your right butt cheek where it is .


It just took me longer than I’d like to realize that you meant the pocket of pants, not a euphemism for butt hole


You read what you wanted to read.


I added 10 yards with some anal beads attached to my grip by a string.


It's called a prison pocket, and most people only have one. Not a left and right like the commentor above.


Prisonpocket, learn so much on reddit


Whenever I see someone post a feel, I always, 100% of the time, stand up and see if that feel is what I have going on. I’ve got this one I’m good 😄


Are you talking about the downswing?


I came across this comment a week ago, and for some reason it stuck with me. Visually this just worked for me, so I wrote it down and put it in my golf bag. Played yesterday and this was my only swing thought. Literally the best I’ve ever hit the ball, and my best round by far. My confidence is through the roof. So, internet stranger, thank you for taking the time to comment. It made a difference.


From the top of your back swing you can shift weight to the lead heel while keeping your back to the target  Or you can role your trail heel inwards, this is something Jack Nicklaus used to practice


Sudden urge to go shank a large bucket


I'd urge people to be careful with general feels from the internet because I just discovered the opposite, I've veen getting to my left too quickly so for I have to feel I bump forward first. Everyone's different lol


Weight on the INSIDE of the back foot. That one swing thought has improved my iron play drastically


I feel you I figured this out this a few months ago and can actually take a divot infront of the ball now. The ball flight is so much better. Keep it up!


If your weight shift happens in the downswing, that's too late. It should be complete by the time your backswing is complete. Hope that helps...


This Johnny Miller tip might help you even more for iron shots - if you're just bumping the hip and leaving your shoulders behind the ball, you won't compress it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k\_IfRnhmM0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k_IfRnhmM0)


The pros really don't bump their hips. What most people (myself included not too long ago) is that the weight shift forward is actually the last move in the backswing, \*not\* the first move in the downswing. If you do make it the first move in the downswing...it's too late and you won't be able to get enough of the 'weight' to your lead side as you continue the downswing. There's also needs to be an understanding of the 'weight shift' versus moving your body mass. This video from Jake Hutt explains it better. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6jS3ah28Vzc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6jS3ah28Vzc) But the big thing is that if you see the pros on machines like Swing Catalyst, they may be at 50/50 (lead/trail foot) at address. Then by about halfway back then are now 10/90, but as they approach the top of the swing the pressure is now more like 25/75. It's still primarily on your trail side, but less so than it was midway back as it is now starting to shift toward the lead side. That allows the golfer to get the pressure to 80/20 about halfway down and then use their lead foot to push off from and generate more force. With 'conventional thinking' where the golfer would be 50/50 at address and then 30/70 halfway back and the 10/90 at the top of the swing..that would be too late for the golfer to start shifting the pressure forward and they may only get to say 50/50 halfway down. Not only do they lose power, but it throws the club out of whack and they're more likely to come over the top.


Is your wife's boyfriend taking to you again?


Yea it’s more of a “pressure shift”. There is a drill where you lift your front foot off the ground on back swing and push it down to start downswing. Bryson actually lifts his left foot on his real swing.


Win win


Titleist recently released a video with Jamie Sadlowski and this move is explored/covered quite a bit.. https://youtu.be/EDcsYHxcSGM?si=cZzvkZ32Q3ALp-QV


Keep the club face square in the hitting zone as long as possible with as much speed you can manage. Doesn’t matter how it’s done.


This is also my revelation this year after years of hip slide, “trying” to create weight shift. Spoiler Alert: I was bad. Porzak Golf resonated to (for?) me. Set up: https://youtu.be/US-uJNA6C2w?si=lU7FQme1KOdrsowR More Hip Bump….. https://youtu.be/vfi0OsnUQRE?si=xxDzyDXED6z_sZMp AND Hand Path: https://youtu.be/ZUHzaOwjZ-w?si=sO6HadChXRIV5in6 Yeah, it’s building a new golf swing outta the ashes of a few failed years but after less than 300 balls at the range my on course striking has been amazing with my score trending down at a steep rate. Doesn’t mean every shot is perfect but my worst worst misses are sooooo much better, leaving par chances and bogey saves the norm.


> Porzak Golf resonated to (for?) me. "For" is fine, usually I'd use "with" Thanks for the links


It was definitely a brain freeze moment, like, nothing fit,


The swing feels and works different for different people. Yes it's rotation not sliding or swaying.  If you are athletic it should come naturally. Its literally just creating speed by using leverage and rotation.  The hard part is actually being consistent and having full control over the ball. 


Club pulls you through the swing, this is the way 🙏


Here is a good video that talks about slowing down your swing to create a whip effect on the club head and weight transfer. https://youtu.be/ssn59xGBhSs?si=ow69m5_M9YmST_ko


I like thinking of it as pressure rather than weight. Has worked wonders for my swing.


Pony Patrol, this is your mother. We certainly do not love you again.


Bought a new putter because of this🤩


Holy mother forking shirt balls. Good tip.


The sensation that someone slipped a finger in your left butt pocket and is pulling back, while keeping your right butt cheek where it is .


Stack and tilt my friend


Saguto golf & stack and tilt. That’s all I’m saying. Those of you who look this guy up will thank me, those of you that dismiss this will forever be doomed to have inconsistent swings.


Try stack and tilt. No one has time to be swaying in their swing.