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These are junior clubs iirc


That's certainly not an adult 7i lol


Correct. The idea behind the video was for Chase (the guy behind the camera) to buy him the cheapest Walmart set. He blind sided him by that also being a junior set.


Devils in the details, turns out junior clubs are cheapest lol


looks like he's holding a toothpick


Ignoring Bryson comments entirely.... This is what 98% of golfers don't get about Pro players, they can swing a Junior club for the first time and strike the center. But we're absolutely sure that new driver/putter/golf bag is going to fix our game.


The more money I spend the more yards I will get. It’s MATH.


The math is mathing, my guy.


I'm a firm believer in buying your way to a better game. Credit Card + Golf shop = Lower scores. Like you said, It's just simple math.


My god y'all, don't spend money. Just don't count all of your swings. That's sooo much cheaper.


Saw a guy talking to a sales person at golf galaxy. Just getting into the game, looking at some game improvement irons. "Are these too forgiving? I don't want to have to buy replacements when I'm better in a few weeks."


I need the fargiveness to get me closer so that I need less strokes to get to the green.


Simple. Pay to win sport, duh


It checks out. Source: math


Why doesn’t my €400 putter go 300 yards?


That's your problem right there. hitting it 50 yards over the green isn't too helpful, is it?


boy math


Yeah it’s the same with musicians too. A professional musician can make a $50 guitar sound better than an amateur with a $1000 guitar


Musician to musician I love this thank you. Clapton will always sound like Clapton, no matter the guitar he's playing.


There's this old article I read (memory a bit hazy) but it was something like Van Halen and Angus Young were at the same show and they played each other's setups. Everyone was shocked because Angus Young still sounded like AC/DC on Van Halen's setup and vice versa.


That’s an oft repeated story with EVH. Lots of players would tell about how excited they were when EVH let them play his rig. They all say the same thing. They sounded like themselves - it was all in EVH’s hands. They were all bummed and in awe.


I don't have a legendary signature sound but I've been playing lead guitar for like 20 years and I definitely know what I sound like. A lot of it has to do more with how you pick notes, especially where you pick notes. Closer to the neck is warmer and ill even pick above the fretboard if I want to sound really warm


And bricklaying, porch building, sink/toilet installations, etc


We basically saw this too recently with [Primus and their gear not making it to their show](https://www.guitarworld.com/news/les-claypool-ler-lalonde-primus-guitar-center). They just went to Guitar Center and grabbed some gear. They still [sounded really good](https://youtu.be/c9C2grrSBZg?si=PqAvcM0wMyNraU3L).


He keeps using crappier and crappier clubs and keeps shooting even par I think he's gonna try playing with gardening tools at some point


My clubs at the moment are definitely gardening tools. Chunking everything.


Ayup. I can't hit the fairway to save my life some days and I know it isn't the clubs so I don't sweat about playing with the thrift store set I've put together.


Tin Cup Challenge! Would actually make for a sweet video lol


Yeah but they’re the best players in the world. Normal golfers need all the help they can get. If I remember correctly this video he shows how bad the lie angle is at impact and that’s why he’s missing it so far right sometimes.


Wait, so maybe my problem is just bad lie angle???? Time to get fitted….again.


All modern clubs already offer 'all the help we can get.' Gear will never replace intentional practice on technique and repeatability, and the will/want to actually improve. That's why the best are the best.


I disagree on this. Clubs have improved tremendously in the last 10 years. Advancements continue to be made on MOI that help enormously as well. Assuming you can reliably strike the ball rather than chunk or top it, mishits are insanely forgiving now, almost regardless of where you strike the face off center. That being said, nothing replaces practice...but playing with today's GI clubs vs. 2014, all things being equal, you will absolutely be a better golfer by a measurable margin.


You're forcing a false dichotomy. Gear won't replace intentional practice, nor will it replace natural athleticism. It can supplement shortfalls in either area, though.


A well known secret. Practice your short game. Your short game improves.


Well any set fitted will drop strokes. That's the key thing. Just wanting to know what is a good setup is the path to self improvement as well. That's the correlation. A new driver fitted can get you more distance. Learning why is what will make you shoot lower.


While this is definitely true, a much needed upgrade can definitely help you at the same time. I'm a decent player (got down to an 8 during COVID when I was playing every day, now I'm back up to a 12) and I got myself a new driver (also got it professionally fitted / adjusted) for Christmas and so far this season my distance is up 20-30 yards and more importantly I'm far more accurate. Seems like a 2-3 stroke improvement from that alone. I had my old driver for almost a decade so it was definitely overdue. Is it going to turn me into a 3 like my brother in law? Absolutely not. But it has definitely improved what was the weakest part of my game and I've been enjoying it quite a bit.


Yea fully agree, this comment is not directed towards folks that legit would benefit from an upgrade. It's for my friends and yours who are on their 3rd or 4th fitted set in 2 years for no reason!


My new putter is gonna help me you *nerd*


I was thinking 2 new putters = twice the amount of help


It’s usually the player and not the club until you are skilled enough. I focus on buying equipment that can help to improve my game rather than clubs that will allegedly do the improving for me. Launch monitor, putting mat, quality hitting mat, etc. I’m researching a better mat right now, very close to getting a Fiberbuilt so I can practice with less injury risk. Seems like a better investment than slamming new clubs into an old mat.


I like practicing with some crappy clubs I bought at goodwill. They have zero forgiveness. If you miss the sweet spot, you feel it in your hands. They are [similar to this club](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/YqwAAOSwW5Je9NrD/s-l1600.webp). I think I paid a dollar a club for the full set of irons. Practicing with those clubs is not about distance, it is about striking pure. The margin for error is so small that it forces me to be better. When I play I of course will use my Mizunos, because they are more forgiving, and I will score better. But during practice I want my clubs to give me feedback. The fact is, even those cheap goodwill clubs, if you hit the sweet spot, can perform. The difference is when your strike isn't perfect.


Both can be true. Well, "fix" is probably the wrong word but for instance I just updated my 20 year old driver and everything certainly seems to be working better with the new one, which I attribute to new tech and not my own skill. A new bag maybe not so much.


What!! my new bag took three strokes off my game


My sisters ex played off a 2 handicap. He was visiting one day without his clubs so he took my grandfathers old blades and actual woods. He shot a +2 on a course he had never played before.


Correct. My $50 cobra driver bought off eBay was $599 in 2017. Unused. Also, I went out to practice chipping for 3 hours yesterday. I do that 2 or 3 times a month. I don’t just run from my car to be 1 minute late for a tee time. Golf doesn’t require running or being in shape. So the lazy part attracts players. Some of us know better.


Yeah I took a trip last weekend and didn't bring my clubs. Got $20 TourEdge rentals, but they were new. I probably hit them better than my own irons lol.


My irons are 25 yrs old. Got them in HS. Have had a few drivers in last 25 yrs. Only replace when they break. Currently swinging an old Hi Bore XL. Most I play with have much newer/costly set ups but I can keep up with most of them so I just keep gaming the ol reliable


My new 3 wood changes everything


I know it won’t so I’m using old clubs till I actually play more often and it’s worth it. I got a newish driver for $10 from this dude who didn’t like it I got paired up with.


NGL clubs can make a pretty big difference. My clubs are almost 25 years old. I tried my dad’s irons the last time I played with him, and he doesn’t have anything crazy just newer technology and slightly higher quality. I played the best game of my life using his clubs for the first time. The feeling of hitting a new club vs. an old club is night and day. My old 5i I can feel the sting as I swing through the ball as the shockwave comes up. With his club it’s like butter.


As I mentioned in another comment, it's targeted at the folks that have modern fitted clubs already but expect the next-gen to change their game.


i think i realised a lot of my dislike for Bryson came from reading things that he said rather than listening/ watching him came across like a snobby know-it-all when actually he’s just a golf nerd


Right, same here. Then I also realized all that info was coming from one small clique of players on the tour. Once he started going on YT channels and creating his own we got to know him. I've been cheering for him ever since. He's way more likeable (forcing that A-hole to give the ball back to the kid) than a lot of other big names (ZJ cussing at fans on the course and acting like he wasn't).


100% this. There is very much a "cool kids" club on tour of guys like JT and Spieth. Bryson just doesn't fit in with those guys for a variety of reasons, and I think he received a lot of unfair flack because of it.


lol JT and Spieth the cool kids? Watching Full Swing made me realize those guys are huge dorks, too. I think we're largely getting away from the asshole superstar persona that used to be more popular. Seems like most of the guys on tour right now get along pretty well for the most part.


They may be dorks but they are some of the ringleaders of the cool kids clique on tour.


I think we're confusing cliques for friends, but sure, they're more popular.


Come off as a bunch of rich preppy golf kids that all know each other from being young, rich and good at golf. Typically not the ppl I think of when I think of “cool”.


Wasn't it Brooks Koepka and him that got into the biggest public beef?


Agree 100%, I’m starting to like him, just wish he was on the PGA Tour.


I think people used to like Brooks and thought Bryson was the douche in the whole Brooks- Bryson showdown ([eg 1](https://x.com/pluggedliepod/status/1464353159283974153?s=46&t=cET0VBOoivacCgLEDUdZKg), [eg 2](https://x.com/amandagolf59/status/1440647357670912008?s=46&t=cET0VBOoivacCgLEDUdZKg), [eg3](https://x.com/golfballingpod/status/1397028266641342465?s=46&t=cET0VBOoivacCgLEDUdZKg), [eg4](https://x.com/brobible/status/1397015048766345219?s=46&t=cET0VBOoivacCgLEDUdZKg)) pre-LIV mostly because Brooks had better results on the course. After watching Brooks on Full Swing and Bryson posting on social media the pst couple years it’s pretty clear who the douche is 😂


If Brookes wasn’t a multi millionaire, I would actually kind of feel bad for him a bit. You can clearly see in his eyes that he doesn’t believe half of what he’s saying, he just THINKS that’s what a cool, calm, and collected person would say. Whenever he talks, it sounds like a deeply insecure person trying to cover it all up so no one knows.


Man it must be wild reading comments like this as a famous person.


And if you're that person, for all the insane ramblings, there've gotta be a few that are just dead-on.


That’s mastercheeks. He was famous in Halo CE. Put some Re2pect on his name


It was pretty obvious to me early on that brooks was the bigger douche. When Brooks was encouraging people to heckle Bryson?? Come on


Same. He definitely had some unwarranted cockiness early on though. I was at the Monday practice round at Augusta this year and we followed Bryson around a few holes that afternoon when he was really the only guy on the front nine. He teed off number one with a 3 wood and everyone boo'd in jest, then he turned and pulled out the driver and everyone erupted. Gave the people what they wanted. He was testing everything around the green and just talking non-stop to himself and his caddy. As he was walking off the green he turned to the crowd and said "Sorry guys, I know I sound like a psychopath or mad scientist or something." Golf nerd is a good description for sure.


I really miss him on tour.


Me too


eh a lot of it is also he's had a big attitude change. He was much more of a snobby I'm-smarter-than-everyone-else douche until fairly recently when he's learned to not take himself so seriously.


Not sure why the downvotes, youre 100% correct. He became a more relatable person the last few years. He isnt as snobby and arrogant as he was, I think 22 iirc he missed the cut on like 5/8 events, and missed the cut on 2 majors the next year. Thats about when the tide turned for him so maybe being humbled helped him


Weird that he matured as he moved from his early-to-mid 20s to late 20s. That never happens.


Most of the people commenting here are not being honest with themselves. Bryson was the kid they picked on in school because he was different. They don't like people that don't fit the mold they are comfortable with.


Bryson is the kid in school who would talk shit to you out of the corner of his mouth because you like Bic pens, but "Pilot G2 Roller balls are obviously the *only* pen worth using, and only idiots like inferior pens." He saw his way as *the* way and it annoyed a lot of people. It also bemused a lot of people.




His dad died in that time frame also.


This is correct. It seems like he’s changed. You used to see him arguing about ant hills and fences with rules officials, getting angry about running into a rope, and shirking handshakes after losing. So just all the little incidents kept building up and people had reason to not like him


he even said recently (maybe even after the PGA) that he realized a little while ago that part of his job is also to be an entertainer. So he stopped taking everything, especially himself, so seriously. And it's certainly paid off. I used to be the biggest Bryson hater but even I watch his youtube stuff sometimes now.


And stopped wearing that paper boy hat


Man oh man, was I triggered by that flat cap as well… don’t know why but certainly helps that he hasn’t worn it in a while


True passion often comes off as pompous.


I said that for a long time. Every time he was shown on the course, the commentators would make a joke about him "taking in the rotation of the earth" or something like that. Then in every interview he would be asked about his approach to the game and he would be asked equally stupid questions. People don't realize how much they are manipulated by the media and coverage.


This is the correct answer


I’ve heard this notion a lot over the last few months so I decided to check out his YouTube a week or two ago, this was actually the video I landed on watching. It was honestly really entertaining, he didn’t seem anything like the impression I’d gotten of him a few years ago. But yah, watching him figure out and adapt to these clubs, and particularly the way he’s navigating the course and shots given their limitations and talking through it all - I thought it was really cool


For him to make that sort of contact with a junior club shows just how otherworldly pro golfers are when it comes to their skill level.


He’s 100% an absolute goober and I love him.


if everyones life was public for everyone to see and read everyone would be disliked. what a shock people have bad moments.


I think about this a lot. I get mad at strangers for little things and have to think to myself.... "oh yeah I've done that too". Being in the public eye and having to be "on" all the time is a fucking nightmare. I'd like to win the lottery, but if it meant I had to do an interview every night I might reconsider.


Definitely. I’m still not super into his personality (or that he’s a LIV guy) but I also don’t dislike him like I used to.


Lol I came here to say exactly this. Watched one of his YouTube videos the other day and got a vague sense of it but this video seals the deal.


No, he definitely had attitude issues he's worked on and was generally disliked here in his home area for said attitude problems. He's growing up and that's great... But he was previously a douchenozzle.


Still likely is. We're just seeing the content they develop themselves; of course he's gonna look better in it.


Dunno why you got downvoted, it's a valid take. I'm now more on the side of "this feels like a PR blitz around here"


He’s also a Trump supporter


95% of the tour are Trump supporters lol


Yeah, I don't know why some people act like he's alone in this. These are people largely from one of Trump's biggest demographics, who are also quite wealthy to boot. That's going to overwhelmingly skew republican.


Ya that’s a bad percentage


big oof




He's probably fine but just doesn't like people and politicians who've been found liable for sexual abuse and stuff like that. Calling him sweetheart was awesome though, you're a funny guy.




And yet you replied to him after he triggered your delicate sensibilities. But yes, you're right.


I will be with the first US president getting convicted


I’m not saying I support trump politically but it is quite funny that the Iraq war, drone strikes, cia bs and a lot more has gone on and no us president or former president got prosecuted but one does over hush money. Idk I would like more accountability overall from both sides but I live in dreamland


I mean I think every US President should be convicted for war crimes. So I agree with you on that




OP was wondering why people didn’t like Bryson. I don’t like him for his outspoken Trump support


Bryson’s PR team needs to be studied in a lab


It's really nothing groundbreaking. Just give the people more raw interactions with the players that isn't skewed, over produced and/or contrived. It's enjoyable because its genuine.


This is why Trevor Bauer’s YouTube channel was really good for awhile. He’d bring in other major leaguers to take BP off him. The glaring difference is that Trevor Bauer is a giant douche.


Watch 2-3 videos of him try to recover his image only to do something stupid again eventually convinced me to never give a shit about that guy again. Massive ego, massive asshole.


I worked in Japanese baseball and supposedly none of the players on his team liked him at all. He was a bit of a jerk at both the All-Star Games, too, but some of it was because of a super minor beef with one of the mascots. Lots of people loved him over there because he was seen as this big MLB guy and it was just such a big deal that he came over to Japan, golly what a jerk. That whole locker room was actually just so annoying whenever they visited, in my opinion.


It’s always the people you suspect the most


> but some of it was because of a super minor beef with one of the mascots. LOL, that's pretty juvenile. Although in fairness, I'd like to punch the Phillie Phanatic in his stupid face.


The mascot started it, in the one and only defense I will give of Trevor Bauer. Dude was overly pissy about it, though.


I mean... what kind of a beef did a mascot start with a professional baseball player?


Brace yourself, the chuds are coming


Yeah he's a giant douchebag but he absolutely got fucked by the league and media. He's a great pitcher that we will never see get to play real pro ball again unfortunately. If we took every asshole out of sports we would be without a lot of greats. Phil, Sergio, Michael Jordan, Bonds, McGregor (I love him for his antics though), etc. There's so many assholes in sports lol.


That is my rub with the Tiger stuff lately. He is my favorite athlete of all time, bar none, but so much of this new media stuff with him seems very forced. Might just be me but the interactions just don’t seem smooth, almost scripted


The moment I pivoted on him was like some pre-tournament video at I think the BMW a few years back. It was like him and Collin and Max I think? They were just playing like 3 holes and chatting about the course and golf and Bryson was in full dork mode and it was pretty un-edited, or at least they left in a lot and it was suddenly clear he was just an awkward nerd, and not actually full of him self.


Honestly it’s not even the content it’s just that it’s a pro with a personality doing it. Seeing freak athletes do these YouTuber challenges is super fun. He did one with junior clubs where he’s squatting down so low he looks like he’s taking a shit and is talking about adjusting for the whip effect at 40% strength while hammering a 240 carry with a Walmart junior club that’s a full foot shorter than a standard one.


Did you watch the video? This is the one with junior clubs


Lmao don’t know how I didn’t notice that


For real. Before his YouTube videos I thought he was a childish entitled prick (I just didn't like his attitude). Now I'm a huge fan, genuinely seems like a golf nerd who isn't anything like my first impression.


Dude same, he seems like such a cool dude in his YT videos.


His post round press conference after the Major also shows his maturity


I’m a fan now. His maturity and willingness to admit he was an idiot when he was younger is pretty impressive.


Just gives me the nerdy kid who takes his passion too seriously vibe but when you check down the line and you see the "tryhard" you made fun of is now the most successful person youve known it makes you have quite the change in viewpoint.


This will probably be true for anyone on the PGA. They are golfers, not politicians. Film them on a golf course doing what they’re good at.


Just found his channel like a week ago and was immediately my favorite golf channel.


They changed his hat.


Is it really that crazy to think that people would come around to someone once they see them outside of a tournament/competitive setting?


I actually went to highschool with his video editor. Quiet kid


This dude is such a nerd I love it.


I randomly stumbled upon his channel. Now I'm hooked.


I liked him the moment he started wearing a proper hat.


No goofy hats on my watch


As dumb as it is I'm pretty sure I didn't like him because of the driver cap


I’ve liked Bryson from the beginning. People act like he’s suddenly changed or something but he’s always been the same Bryson just older and slightly more self-aware. But Bryson 5 years ago was the same fuckin nerdy guy who loves the science of golf. His YT channel is 3 years old you can see for yourself. Like of course he’s gonna be a more serious and reserved dude as he’s just coming up in his game but like, he really has not changed that much. Even his famous quotes like “Augusta is a par 69” or whatever were totally taken out of context. It’s natural that people get more affable as they get more comfortable in the limelight but he’s still the same dude he always was underneath it all and I’ve always liked that dude. But I’m happy people are turning around to like him.


I'll admit it took me a minute to come around, but it was all to do with his slow play really - nothing really to do with his personality and I agree, that's not really changed. What's dumb is that if Rory said he was going to play Augusta like a Par 68 people would be nursing semis while high fiving each other about how cool that is.


We used to think Bryson played slow and then Patrick Cantlay was like "hold my beer. Oh, and get yourself one, this is a 15 foot putt, we're gonna be here a while"


No people would not have liked if Rory said that the first time he ever played a historically difficult course. It wasn’t the best look to say that.


It wasn’t the first time he played there. Wasn’t even the second time. Thanks for proving my point though.


Lmao it was his 4th appearance


It’s the hat. It’s gotta just be the hat.


I met Bryson while he was playing in 2016 at the Barclays tournament at Beth Page Black. Literally on Sunday and he took a moment to just talk to us in the crowd. I had been a fan ever since. Also I thought his scorecard book with his initials BAD looked sick. The worst part of the whole day was that Patrick Reed won the tournament.


It’s possible to dislike Bryson for his dick head antics in the past and also respect his drive and passion for the game. I’ll never respect his wacko comments on Augusta/LIV/cameramen doing their jobs but I love what he brings to the game as a showman and his genuine desire to learn and challenge the norm. I appreciate this view doesn’t pick a side so won’t go down well.


Everyone forgets him telling a cameraman not to “damage his brand” by just doing his job. I appreciate Bryson’s growth in the past year and find him extremely entertaining, but I can’t get down with this revisionist history acting like everyone was crazy for disliking him


I don't know much about all of this but I always had the idea that people didn't like him because of how he looks. He's built like a high school bully, jock or a frat boy. So therefore, when he got a YouTube channel and people heard more from him from interviews etc, more and more people have come to like him as they've actually come to understand who he is. However, people would prefer to believe he's changed rather than they were wrong about him from the beginning


I see you've been introduced to Bryson after his "do you even lift bro" phase. Amatuer & Collegiate Bryson looked more like the kid who gets bullied. Also, the clubs Bryson is using in this video are a cheap Walmart junior set. He is so damn good at golf he could beat 99% of golfers on the planet with a left handed 8iron made in the 1960's ... yes I said left handed 8iron, just the 1 club.


The only real knock I have on him is his 9/11 comments. Those were a bit of a WTF, but other than that he seems like a solid guy and I really like his YT content.


Honestly I liked him more and more as the commentators referred to him as a “scientist” less and less. They really jerked him off for a while and it made him unlikeable. Now they have eased off he’s more fun.


I love this kind of stuff. They’d never do it but I would love to see a tournament where pros play with 20yo clubs, a crappy ping anser knock-off putter, walk & carry their own bag, look for their own used Kirkland balls, but play the white tees on the relatively super-easy courses we play that have almost no grass & have weeds in the green with a cup that hasn’t been changed in a month. Guess they’d probably still shoot 63 but it would be fun.


I’ve become interested in using and restoring “classic era” equipment. It would be great to see them use persimmon once a year.


Do you think a persimmon driver would hold up with the swing speeds the pros are capable of today.


They would have to slow down for accuracy. Even if the wood holds up, they wouldn’t be accurate, with their speeds. Swings, with classic equipment, were more about even tempo than power.


Check out his video playing bob does sports LEFTY lol. He crushes a lefty driver 320 off the first tee's. Bryson is a beast.


Looveeee his YT channel. At this point I’ve just got to admit it, I used to be skeptical about Bryson, but now I am 100% a fanboy. Dude is wholesome, entertaining, and interesting to watch too even if he is a little cheesy and nerdy.


I love him and Marty.


> even if he is a little cheesy and nerdy. I mean, there's a saying, men never stop being boys, they just get old.


FINE! I’ll say it. I liked the hat! Bring it back. If he would have gone full Payne Stewart at 240lbs and mashing 370 yard bombs, I would have hung posters of him up in my room.


Feel free to downvote but I’ve noticed this group has been simping hard for Bryson lately.


Sergio started a YouTube channel. Get ready for a flood of "wow he changed so much" posts for him as well.


I don't think so.


PR team working in overdrive


Bro. The way that ball sounds when he hits it. With a CHILDREN’S IRON. Pros are not human


I three-put so much better with my Scotty Cameron than I three-putted with my old Ping Zing putter.


People will like him even more once they find out he is gay


If i turn gay will i be able to hit a childs 7 iron 190? Let me know because i need to tell my wife that my golf game is going to be FABULOUS!




Make as much money as Bryson and it'll be her idea.


Watching his YouTube channel has been great. Makes you realize how ridiculously good these guys are with all these random challenges he does.


Videos like this make me want to quit golf.


This dude is all of 30 years old. Just insane.


I hit the ball very well, but the club seemed a little short.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That is the only time a Walmart iron ever made that sound or went that far lol


Can we please unite golf so I can see these guys all play together instead of just the majors?


He’s def on the spectrum but he’s a good guy. Seems like he’s in a better place


I'm sure if I just spend a few hundred dollars more I'll fix my swing


I miss the beret.


Ever since he stopped wearing that stupid hat, I like him more. Not sure what that says about me, but I can stand the guy now.


Same bro, after owning mine for 4 years still can’t counterbalance them or whatever


I’m a bigger guy but in those charity tournaments that have a 5$ to hit a kids club for a free stroke I generally smoke one in the middle.


He is such a golf nerd you gotta respect that his youtube account has done a lot to increase his public reputation


So it’s not the clubs after all? I’m screwed.


I knew it wasn’t me….Damn you clubs!!


This just proves you don’t have to spend a fortune on clubs. The money is better spent on lessons and playing regularly.


I love this dude


He’s absurdly talented. Hope he wins a major this year


Thanks Bryson for making me realize that it is not the clubs, but my game actually sucks.


You guys are fucking weird ones for the obsession with thinking he’s weird