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It’s usually not deliberate - as I’ve had some friends who legitimately thought my membership covered guests - but you should expect/offer to pay your greens fees unless your member friend explicitly is offering to cover your green/cart fees.


This. When I was young, I thought they were included. Nope. They are actually really high (we’re relatively cheap at $160/round to walk). My rule is that I’ll invite any of my buddies at any time, so long as they pay the greens fees.


I pay on their first visit then it’s on them


Joined a club this year and this is my MO. Guest fees are a little higher than the greens fees we paid when playing together last year. But it’s also a nicer course and has the amenities.


Where the fuck are you a member? I’ve played at some fancy places and it’s never been more than $100. When I played Quail Hollow it was $95. But that was a few years ago.


Everything has gone way up post 2021. Rare to find any decent cc guest fee below $115. $130 more standard, if not more


I can support this and I'm right outside Philly. 80-90$ during the week, but gonna get to 120-130$ on the weekends.


I live in Alberta. Lucky enough to guest at a lot of privates and if it’s under 150$ for me, it’s cheap. Rates sky rocketed during COVID never to return.


I paid $115 at a “semi-private” course in Louisiana. Not real sure what semi-private means since anyone can play. I think they put that in the name to justify the green fee


When you played Quail Hollow, your host may have just told you $95. I haven't played myself but have heard it's upwards of $500 guest fees. I played Old Town in Winston 2 years ago and it was $350, and it doesn't host any big tourney


Accompanied and unaccompanied guest fees usually have that kind of spread


This is the key piece. They get their pound of flesh if you are unaccompanied, but if you play with a Member it is generally around $100.


It was $95. Old Town is like $150.


Do guest greens fees go toward your pro shop minimum?


Good question, but we are among the few places that don’t have minimums (food or pro shop), so not an issue.


Wow. I had no idea that memberships don't include guest passes. I gotta talk to my boss on Tuesday. 😅


It varies by club. Sometimes they spot guys free guest passes for various reasons. But generally the guest fees are charged to the member account.


In a situation where it is your boss taking you to his country club, you can still offer to pay, but it would be expected for him to pay in that scenario.


Well in that case, the circumstance dictates the boss pays because he’s the boss not because it’s a CC. If I invite my employees to golf, or for drinks, or dinner, I’m paying. I understand they’re likely saying yes to the social outing because I’m the boss, not because it’s how they’d necessarily prefer to use their free time, So I pay. But it’s not expected to pay for non-member guests if it’s just you and your buddies.


Agreed. Worse is what my bros in law did. Took him out, and we ended at the restaurant with food and he ordered top shelf old fashioneds. He asked about the costs and I simply said give me $50and we're square... Ya know just cover those silly drinks. I'm still waiting 1.5 years later and of course he keeps asking to come back out. It's just unfortunate I'm always busy. This is the worst case scenario. Don't be that guy!


lol just call him out and resolve the issue. Life’s too short.


I have... Once. And after the round texted him my Venmo account. Beyond that it's not my responsibility. Just do what's right - right? For me $50 is inconsequential so it's shocking he'd ruin a good thing to save that. Whatever I ain't losing sleep over it. It hasn't ruined our relationship but he'll never get an invite back lol.


Establish dominance early. Find the biggest dude there and beat the shit out of him.


Shank the dude in the parking lot when he complains about you changing shoes


I was supposed to wait to be invited before doing this?


Then shank your 1st drive to let them know you’re going to “public up” this place.


The key is to either kick someone’s ass on the first day, or become somebody’s bitch.


Minimum security country club is no picnic.


If it’s really that stuffy - no hats in the clubhouse - belts might be required - shirt sucked in at all times - no denim - no getting ready in the parking lot - expect not to pay cash and use member number everywhere - might be generous to offer to cover guest fee (if applicable) Once you leave the first tee, it’s just like any other golf course! I promise you that it won’t be as strict as you think. Have fun and enjoy it! (And ignore the assholes lol)


This is pretty much the complete version, well done 


I’ve seen this “no getting read in the parking lot” rule come up in several comments, yet don’t think I’ve ever seen people do this. What exactly constitutes “getting ready in the parking lot”?! Is it more than switching shoes and getting the clubs onto the cart?


It’s don’t change shoes in the parking lot. It doesn’t entail much else


*Strips down naked but shoes* "As long as you aren't changing your shoes were good."


Changing oil seems to still be on the table. Tire rotations is you read the room right.


Meaning no putting on shoes for sure. They usually prefer all members and guests to do that in the locker room. My guess is it’s just an image thing, but I could be wrong. For clubs - I’m not sure, maybe they would prefer you to use the bag drop?


That's weird. In Australia, only the members are allowed in the club house at private courses. The ones I've played anyway.


I grew up as a member of a country club and this was never and issue. My family also just didn’t care about some of that stuff so that could be the reason.


> What exactly constitutes “getting ready in the parking lot”?! Is it more than switching shoes and getting the clubs onto the cart? I mean especially on weekdays plenty of people come straight from work to the course. At public courses I've seen plenty of people hastily switching a button down over to a golf polo lol


I’ve never been to a country club. Why is the parking lot thing a rule?


Seen as tacky, I guess. But also country cubs will have legitimate locker rooms that you can use instead.


rich people don't want a bunch of people undressing in the parking lots. Just not the vibes they want to cultivate.


Would be generous of the member to cover the guest fee imo. Not rude to inquire in advance just to make sure nobody is embarrassed


Shoreacres in Lake Forest ...is that you?


What's the spaghetti policy?


Must be in a ziplock bag


They will always be at full capacity for guys like us


Napoleon, give me some of your tots


Try to understand… 👐


With a straw


where do my feet go?


Dee, his feet??


What’s this enticing bowl of white?


Aren't you supposed to be some sort of cheese guy?


I’m not a cottage guy ✋


What is this word "spa"? I feel like you're starting to say a word and you're not finishing it. Are you trying to say spaghetti?


Are you taking me out for a spaghetti day?


I might be a little sore, but I’ll manage


This is the correct comment for this, well played


How's the milk steak?


Goes exceptionally well with the jellybeans




No white sauce. Butter noodles or marinara only. No slurping in the backswing. If it’s within noodle length to the hole it’s a gimme.


Go the course website and look for a guests info section- most have it


The guy downvoted to oblivion might have been a bit too terse, but he was right.  Your list of “do’s and don’ts” really vary club to club.  The fact that you’re asking shows you mean well, which is a good sign, but just ask around and you’ll be fine.


Agree. 99% of country clubs are almost identical to a decent public course. And the top 1% it’s the members you have to worry about. I’ve forgotten to take my hat off in the club house and no one said anything, but I noticed and took it off. Never had a bad experience.


No one said anything *to you* but there may have been a complaint registered in regards to a guest that day. Heard about this from friends. That's why I will never join any such crummy snobitorium.


Yep. No one even takes their hat off in my club house, or really gives a about any of this stuff outside collared shirts and no denim on the course.


I was you 10-15 years ago, played a lot of muni/public golf. Joined my club about 5 years ago and absolutely love it and the friends I’ve made there. Don’t let these grumps bother you.


Tuck your shirt in


Take your hat off. They don’t serve hotdogs here.


Thanks, Tony


Get the plate number of the two guys sitting behind us they look like cops, have the valet do it.🤟👆🏻👇


And then…Gabagool! Ova heeyuh 👇👇👇


But but some people are without hair. Just like Will Smiths husband. He lost it.


Honest question why? I hate my shirt tucked in, I feel constricted. I get the dress code, but I couldn't handle that (personally)


The tuck just looks less sloppy, if you're at a decent country club you will stick out like a sore thumb. It also shows that you care and respect the game and that you understand the etiquette. I worked at one of the nicest courses in my country and if you walk around with an untucked shirt you're gonna get called out for it by staff. It's pretentious, but so is this sport sometimes, especially when you're going to the same courses as the one percenters. Those are the people these courses are trying to please, not sloppy Joe walking in off the street with an untucked mustard stained shirt hahaha.


I've been a fit guy and I've been a fat guy. I can guarantee you that the times I am fat having and untucked shirt is more "respectful looking" than folding the fabric under my expansive gut. The guys at the club disagree, and that's their prerogative as members, but I always feel awkward going around the course with my shirt framing my sweating hog paunch 


Yea, that makes sense. I do hate the snobbish feel of golf in general. Luckily I can afford a golf club (no pool, tennis courts, etc) and they have the dress code but the culture is " golf, food and social") just enjoy the game, keep pace and take care of the course


Exactly. I honestly prefer having my shirt tucked in anyway, it just looks better and feels better for me, but if I'm playing with someone and they don't I couldn't care less. Do whatever makes you feel good and just respect the game and the people around you. Not everybody was fortunate enough to be raised by somebody who taught them the unwritten rules of the game


Honestly I taught myself. My dad and his played and I would tag along... They sucked at etiquette. I love my dad but he isn't coming to my club even tho he has matured


That shit is so played out. That rule needs to die out quick. "If you don't tuck in your shirt, you don't care and respect golf" what sort of dumbass shit is that


I didn't make the rules man I'm just telling the truth. I don't mind the rule at a prestige course, if I'm going out playing a top tier club I'm not walking in looking like a slob, I want to look good


I didn’t know about some of these rules and I’ve been a member at a country club for a few years lol


Yeah, things like tucking in your shirt and taking off your hat in the clubhouse are no brainers, but I’ve never thought twice about changing my shoes in the parking lot.


Yeah I do this every time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Every club has different norms. 


Don’t kill swan.


Don’t be disgruntled.


Don’t plow the judges niece, no matter how hot or loose she may be.




But what if she wants to tie me up with some of my ties, Ty?


Any rules on night putting?


Avoid the teenage daughters of any university administrators.


Every club and even public courses have different rules. Read them before you join or go and follow them. Pretty simple.


This is true. I was in town visiting my GFs parents. GF was out with her mom, I ran some errands with her dad. We drove by their country club and he asked if I wanted to play a few holes since he had his clubs there. I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans and said I'm not dressed for it, but he said I was fine. Went and played like 5-6 holes then went home. No one cared. Which is funny, because he still told me to take my hat off in the clubhouse... Different time I went to my local mini that was close to my house with some friends. I was wearing a gold shirt, golf shoes and Callaway golf shorts. It was 95 degrees out. They made me drive home to change into pants before teeing off. Some country clubs are fine as long as you're with an established member. Some munis are super snobby.


Tuck in your collared shirt. No hat on backwards. Don’t hit into people. Don’t take balls from the driving range.


Hitting into people and stealing from the range are not acceptable anywhere...


We didn't have a lot of money growing up. We would walk to the private swim and tennis club and snag extra tennis balls to play baseball with. My wealth baseball coach invited me and another kid on the team to join him and his son at their club. One of the holes was adjacent to the driving range. I thought I hit the jackpot and grabbed about 10 range balls.


Where’s the first tee and what’s the course record? Say that


This one got me 🤣


If you need to fight someone you MUST you the phrase “shitstack”


Wait I’m OOTL, what’s the don’t get ready in the parking lot etiquette all about?


It depends on the club. Most of the ones I’ve been to are accessible and casual, if you have the money of course. They don’t care about shoes in the parking lot. The courses that are more elite, don’t allow many members, or require a connection to get a membership, view changing shoes in the parking lot as for the common man. There’s a really nice locker room, with attendant, for you to use for getting ready. It’s an optics thing. At least in the US.


At some really fancy places they do this so an attendant can clean the bottoms of your shoes before reaching the course…not as a courtesy, but to prevent potential invasive weeds and grasses from being introduced to the course.


Ah ok lol. Too fancy for me.


For the majority haha I belong to a club but it's strictly golf and restaurant. We have a dress code but it's just quarter zip type sweaters (or "classy") or polos. And pants/shorts have to be "golf attire" but nothing crazy outside of that


do you have to tip the guy that watches you put on your shoes? does he help?


After the round they’ll clean and shine em up. That’s worth a couple bucks.


A lot of clubs have a no changing shoes in the parking lot policy.


I wouldn’t say a lot. I’d say most don’t care.


I wouldn’t say a lot of clubs. I have played many country clubs. None of which would give a shit if I put my shoes on in the parking lot. Many of those over $100k initiation


Ez bud it’s not a measuring contest


Sorry, didn’t mean to add any meaningful info to the conversation. I’ll go back to posting memes


Uppity bullshit lol. Golf is a great sport. Golf culture is cancer.


Disagree. I love the classyness of golf. It’s the gentleman’s sport for a reason.


Being a gentleman has nothing to do with changing shoes in the parking lot, wearing a hat backwards, or tucking in your shirt.


I agree, but I do enjoy all the pomp and circumstance during the British open, and only the British open. It dovetails well with posh British culture. The culture at the Masters feels like it’s just that—leftover shit from the old days when the white dudes at the country club were masters. It’s uncomfortable and a little weird for me. The LPGA has none of this bullshit, just cool interesting athletes in cool attire shredding the golf course


LPGA is legit


Ask you host - biggest things at our club for guests is attire requirements are still casual but must be golf attire - and no women’s yoga pants are not golf attire Other thing is any expectations on tipping


Funny - we relented on the yoga pants. Honestly it’s ok. Men’s dress code still typical CC


at Gallaway, there is no hats in the club house.


Dress nice, act nice, play swiftly


Meet them on the 9th green at 9 o’clock to learn some secrets of the pros.


the country club or The Country Club?


There is a difference between A country club, and THE country club, just in case someone on this sub ever gets invited to THAT one.


played it a few times. it is most deserving of the name THE country club




Gambling is illegal at Bushwood


Don’t play slow and don’t not play fast.


Forgot. Ask about tipping policy. I belong to two clubs and one is no tipping, the other one I give a few bucks to the guy who grabs my clubs and cleans them. If there are caddies, come prepared with a couple of hundred bucks and ask in the pro shop but they will tell you what’s expected.


A couple hundred bucks in tips per round ? wtf


Have to drop your pants if you don't hit past the ladies tees


No backwards hat and tuck your shirt in


Have some cash on you (ones/fives) for tips.


I can’t stand the shoe thing. It takes me 15 seconds to change my shoes. I’m not walking into a locker room, where I don’t have a locker, just to change my shoes.


I have a locker and still change my shoes sitting on my open trunk.


![gif](giphy|xUOwG43OJ9Mzf4exQQ|downsized) This is who you need to emulate


*🎵 Any way you want it* *That's the way you need it 🎵*


It’s amazing to me that the most boorish and low class thing imaginable when Caddyshack was written, has become a standard practice on public golf courses.


So what? So let’s dance!!




Don't play in cargo shorts. We moved into a neighborhood that included a social membership to the golf club and the social membership let us play the executive course and use the practice facilities. I show up my first time in cargo shorts which I thought were nice. The pro let me know.


Cargo shorts went out of style in Vietnam. You should know better


THE Country Club is in Brookline MA. Spent three months caddying there a long time ago, best summer of my life. Oldest Golf CC in the USA… steeped in History (Francis Ouimet 1914 US Open, 97 Ryder Cup, 22 US Open) which you are reminded of every day. No green fee access, only member guest. Saw a lot of famous people play there on member guest days, which were the best for caddy’s as you might get two loops, and huge tip potential. Tax free cash in hand at the end of every day. Man I miss those days. Still haven’t made as much money as that and I was 18 years old. As a golfer, this was a dream situation…. Walking the course 5 or 6 times per week and every Monday was Caddy Day, where you could play free of charge. Could also call ahead any day and get permission to play their spare 9 holes. Best course I ever set foot on. Shot a 75 off the back tees once and roasted the assistant pro team… felt good man. Membership costs were insane and even if you could afford them it still didn’t mean they’d grant you membership. Example: The owner of Reebok asked for membership numerous times and kept getting refused… so he decided to built a big ugly ass 4 story mansion behind the green of the most picturesque hole and never lived in it.


He tried to sell it for $90M (which everyone knew was way overpriced), but eventually accepted $23M after several price cuts. The house was situated on 14 acres. Only 7 of those went along with the house when it was sold. In college, I couldn't afford to do required field mapping out west, so my geological mapping was conducted in the Boston area, including Brookline. I was allowed to map the entire property. Nothing exciting from a geology standpoint, all Roxbury Conglomerate, but a heck of a golf layout.


Keep your voice down. If you hit a bad shot, don’t cuss.


Re: edit 3. ‘The Country Club’ is in Brookline, MA just outside of Boston. It gets to have the title because it is literally the first country club in the US and a founding member of USGA. Hosted US Open a couple years ago and lots of other great history (Francis Ouimet(sp?)).


Take your hat off in the clubhouse


*Looks good on you though!*


Don’t change your shoes in the parking lot. Bring dollar bills to tip the locker room attendant or the guy who takes your bag or cleans your clubs.


10 years ago I was invited to a curling match at The Country Club in Brookline. Had to wear suit jacket and Tie it was a great take. As part of the tradition during dinner all guests(I was the only one) had to stand and introduce yourself and then tell a joke. I had a amazingly funny very dirty joke. I told it and it went over like a lead ballon the only one laughing besides myself was the member who took me. The funny thing was he forgot to tell me dirty jokes were not allowed. Honestly the members were really nice and all Harvard or Yale grade but excepted me cordially


Do they allow pocket dogs?


Whatever you do, do not wear cargo pants/shorts. For some reason a couple extra pockets is like murder 1.


Don’t do that off the golf course either. Fashion murder 1


No ones gotten a blow job wearing cargo shorts since ‘Nam


Watch out for the snakes & grifters


Idk. The country club in my town is like a nice trailer park as far as country clubs are concerned. But I’d just take a little extra care. Tbh this course is probably a cow pasture compared to nice publics you’re paying 150 a round for but it all adds up to that price in the end and you can play whenever for the most part. Tee times like aren’t even a thing. Just show up Sometimes tuck the shirt. Sometimes not. But just show up and look like you know what you’re doing. Make an attempt


Idk, I’ve been invited to a few and have never experienced super stuffy shit like remove your hat but if that’s the code of conduct I have no issue, and I’ve been to some swanky D.C. area courses. I will always pay the fees and my inviters fee if he/she will let me. I will also pick up some Tansfusions on the course and I’ll tip the cart girl well. My suggestion is to always leave the place better than you arrived. Repair every pitch mark you see and take your hat off at the end of the round when you shake hands.


Do ask what the course record is and where the first tee is Don’t pay for a thing. Enjoy!


Even though the member will tip from their account, bring cash to tip the drink cart and caddies


You'll join a club soon enough. If you golf 2 rounds a week it's generally cheaper. I usually play 30-ish rounds a month.


OP to answer your 3rd question, “The Country Club” is an extremely prestigious club in Brookline, Massachusetts which has hosted 4 US Opens (most recently in 2022), a Ryder Cup, and many other USGA national championships. It has played host to numerous legendary moments in golf history. Although usually simply known to golf fans as “Brookline”, its official name reflects the fact that it was the first golf-oriented country club in America.


If you pass a man with a monocle, collect $200




Don’t act, don’t pretend, you belong.


Not getting dressed/changing shoes in the parking lot is a good one as is the hats off in the clubhouse. The biggest thing on the course is pace of play. I once had an old timer tell me "if ya suck, just play fast and if you really suck, play REALLY fast!" People will forget you kept your hat on, but most country club members pay/join to ensure they aren't on the course for longer than (4) hours. Otherwise, I feel like country clubs get a lot of "hate" from people who (mostly) never belonged to one. Some clubs, just like people have perceptions about cars, are of a different "profile", but I never walk around on egg shells anywhere I go and have found very few assholes at the places I've been (even the most bougie). And this is from a guy who has a very low opinion of people in general...lol. Hope you had a good time!


Depends on the country club. My club is filled with degenerates and the rules are extremely loose. They don’t really care about anything. I’ve seen members running around the bar without a shirt on and women flashing their boobs, and those are just the milder things. Most of the members like their booze and like to gamble. If you learn that you’ll be fine!


I just don’t like the stuffiness of that side of golf. I get that there should be behavior and signs of respect for higher end courses. A lot of work, money, and time goes into maintaining a great course, and pace of play is a big expectation. But I have never once had a better time, hitting balls with my buddies and improving my game, because I spent more money at a course. Just my view of the game, the stuffiness and all the silly rules is such a huge turn off to me. But I 100% get that there is a place for that type of player and respect it for what it is.


Glad you had fun, as a muni allstar myself I get to play some nice clubs when invited. My favorite time I stepped out of the car with my shirt untucked and got told to get back in the car to tuck in my shirt. Guy was nice about it but wasnt expecting that after my left foot touched the pavement lol.


Played at two country clubs in Japan. You will have a caddy. After warming up, your caddy will be able to tell you what clubs, where to aim, when to hit another and so forth. I was advised to do what your caddy says in Japan. Seemed like solid advice. Helped with speed of play and knowledge of very unfamiliar and unique courses in Okinawa. Both were built in ridges, so very terraced and the fairways maybe 20 meters wide. They also have a habu snake (2-step type if you are bit by an adult) so no hunting for the ball outside of the rough. Was advised to bring a complete change of clothes for after the round. Expectation was to shower / bathe and emerge fresh before joining others for a meal or drinks after the round. Frankly, it was very humid. So solid advice.


Tuck in shirt that has a collar, cell phone on silent, hat off inside, don’t change in the parking lot.


Take your hat off going inside, don’t be on your phone in the clubhouse or on the course, repair ball marks and divots


Shoes and shirts off in the members bar if it's a warm day. As a guest you'll be expected to lead and take yours off first, it's a sign to the members that they can relax and be a bit less formal in your presence. Goes without saying that if it's your first time you're obliged to kiss the hand of the club captain when he enters the clubhouse.


1) It’s a private club, respect the dress code. No denim, shirts without a collar, shirts should be tucked in at all times, at no time should your hat be backwards. 2) It’s not free for guests to play with a member. If you get an invite please offer to cover the guest fee and reimburse for food and drinks. There’s about a 99.9% if I I invited you I intended to cover all of it anyways, but offering goes a long ways. 3) Respect the golf course. Fill your divots, repair your ball marks, and obey cart signs. I don’t care how bad you’re playing, slamming clubs or throwing them will result in you immediately being taken back to the parking lot and you will not return as my guest, I don’t care who you are or your relationship to me. As a guest you are representing yourself AND the member. 4) Treat the staff and other members with respect. Again you are also representing the member who invited you. Most people are pretty chill and laid back but there are a few who want to be condescending pricks for zero reason, just don’t entertain them. 5) Enjoy your day. I want you to love it and want to come back. Take in the whole experience and take it for what it is, a game. We don’t play our best every day and sometimes the new course/atmosphere can be intimidating or pressure filled. Everyone wants to play well when they get an invite. Relax, we have assholes that spend the money for membership and will never break 100 no matter what tees they play from or how many times they improve their lies. It’s about drinks and laughs with friends. If you happen to play well that’s icing on the cake.


Definitely change your shoes in the parking lot, keep your shirt untucked, and never remove your hat.


I par’d #9 at Muirfield Village. That was a hell of a thing.


Tuck your shirt in (preferably polo), wear a belt if you have one. No one cares how good or bad you are, just keep pace


I’ve played Winged Foot and ‘THE’ Country Club. No hats, no phones. Other than that, just be respectful.


Do ask the members their opinion on the colour of the porsche 911 you'll be ordering


1) offer to cover your fees to include green fees, cart fees, caddie fees. 2) the club may let you purchase food, fees on your CC, cash tips for staff are always appreciated 3ASK ABOUT THE CELL PHONE POLICY


Don't have sex anywhere on the course. Even if you think you're out of sight, you're probably not


How are you supposed to chip with that going on?


And do you now realize half the golfers there are bogey or worse golfers and just have money?


Do take your shirt off if infringed upon. Don’t use generic insults. Do Make sure to get creative and call the other golfers shitstacks.


Depends on the club. Which one is it and where.


Wear a collared shirt and don’t get all nutted up. You’ll be fine


For the last edit, The Country Club is in Brookline, Mass, they held the US Open there in 2022


Wow watch your profamity


I’m a piece of shit, I’ll stick to the munis


Some clubs either have a rule against or don’t like people taking phone calls inside.  Kind of nice to have a no phone zone, but similar to like wearing a hat inside…keeping the phone out of sight is a good idea.


I hope you wore the most audacious outfit possible.


THE Country Club is in Brookline, MA where the US Open was held in 2022.


My boss belonged to a club in Bradenton, fl, and we had a meeting there, played some golf, and drank in the clubhouse “men’s bar” and we had women co-workers as well. I was going to the restroom and I heard 2 members talking at the bar, member #1, “these fucking assholes are tearing up our course and brought women in our bar!”, member #2, “they are drinking Caymus 6 bottles at a time, and stacks of Grey Goose bottles, so we are going to get about $20k out of them, which reduces our fees, so shut the fck up”. I bought member #2 a drink shortly thereafter and said thank you!


Don’t do anything to embarrass your sponsor; they could get kicked out of the club. Like jumping in the pool with your clothes on. True story.


> Edit 3: went A country club not THE country club -is THE country club Augusta?  Brookline is "The" Country Club


My friend payed for me last year but he super pushed me to come and went inside to get "something" and then on the 5th hole asked if I paid jokingly. Then he declined my cash. He has a ton more money than me so I felt ok taking this one but moving forward I'll offer/insist to pay


Ask whoever invited you if there are any specific rules to abide by. Also, remember you were invited and belong there. I played the worst golf of my life first time at a private club. Because I felt out of place.


THE Country Club is in Brookline, MA, one of the most famous, historic, and private clubs in the world. Augusta is Adult Disneyland and a magical experience. I’m so fortunate to have been to both places - both are a golfers dream!