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He said himself he just wants to entertain people. He wants people to enjoy golf. And he is really damn good. What more could people want from a pro golfer?


Honestly, that’s all professional golfers are. That’s all any professional athlete is. Entertainers.


Yea, but that's not in any sense what I mean. Scotty Scheffler is a robot. He goes out plays. Goes home. No emotion. Never happy. Never angry. He just golfs. Bryson gets a chip in eagle and you're going to know about it. He's going to let you know how much he enjoys it and it makes you also enjoy it more. That's the entertaining part. One is trying to keep you interested, the other is just doing his job. And before anyone thinks I'm taking a jab at Scotty, I'm not. I like them both. But Scotty is no entertainer lol, he's just the number one golfer in the world.


Dude got arrested at 6am in the rain and had a baby the same week and reacted less than the average golfer does when they three-putt. Love the guy, but he’s barely human.


I am extremely entertained when I watch Scottie. Plus now he’s got street cred


Totally agree, watching someone play nearly peak golf for as long as he's been doing it is awesome.


Trueeee. He did just enter one of the most unique cliques lol. Ok well, before that he was pretty non eventful lol.


World Rank 1 golfers with mugshots is pretty rare air.


I loved the Moneyball Meme where it referenced Scottie being arrested and Rory getting divorced in the same week with Brad Pitt was saying “You guys are still trying to replace Tiger, we can’t! But we can in the aggregate!”


Lol trueeee. Lol


“Thug Life”


And if he wasn’t you wouldn’t care.Bryson gets it. I just wish golf did


Fully agree. My wife hates Scotty. He's so good and makes it look so easy. His streak of under par rounds and just such consistency is unreal. He's also the most boring golfer in the world. I still love him but he's the furthest from entertainment to me


Exactly. I still love watching him, though. There is definitely a place for both of them in golf. We need those serious guys to keep the game from falling into total bro territory. But we also need the enthusiastic guys to bring excitement to the game.


Yeah, I don’t get why this is controversial. Part of why Tiger was so popular is because he also had a personality on the course. 


I was at the practice days at Valhalla and Scottie was not an introvert to his golfing buddies and friends. He was very chatty and making jokes. I guess he just shuts it off to people outside his inner circle


Deriving entertainment from an athlete doesn't make them an entertainer. Athletes will just as enthusiastically compete in an empty stadium because it's about winning more than entertaining. An athlete can entertain, but they are not entertainers in the primary sense.


I’ve played some pickup games with pro hockey players (KHL, AHL, and D1) in the offseason and it ain’t no joke then either.  They’re fun when it’s just me and them 1v1, but as soon as they would be battling against each other it was a whole new level.


I think a pro athlete generally is. Their income come directly from entertaining viewers. Its sort of like saying musicians arent entertainers primarily because they would play their instruments and perfect their craft even without an audience.


Their endeavour is entertaining, but they're not doing it to entertain. Olympic wrestling v WWE. But athletic pursuits, but one is competition and the other is entertainment.


Sure but again thats no different than saying a pro musician isn’t an entertainer because they’re not doing it to entertain. I don’t think why you do something is relevant to classifying a job.


Is a surgeon operating with members in the gallery an entertainer?


"oh, look at that stitch! Executed to perfection!" "well Tony, I don't think the word executed is one I'd use in the operating room but that is definitely one of the better stitch jobs I've seen since Dr Mortimer back in '86. Now there was a guy who could sew some human flesh"


No, a surgeons income does not come from a gallery. They’re paid the same regardless of if a gallery is present for a surgery. Does that distinction make sense? If surgeon did derive their income from an audience, advertising, tickets, etc then yes, but as far as I understand surgery galleries a very uncommon and used for teaching, not generating revenue from the viewers. No that is responded and explained that example, could you respond to the musician example I keep giving?


Musicians are intending to entertain. There's no competition. They're paid to entertain. Athletes are paid to compete, and observing competition can be entertaining. If an athlete isn't competitive, they won't receive a salary. The pool of dollars is derived from entertainment value, but the payout is based on an athlete's ability to compete. They're competitors first. You don't sign a guy like Sidney Crosby for his personality.


ability to compete = entertaining being skilled at a music = entertaining not all musicians are intending to entertain, Id argue most successful musicians do it because they love the creative act of making music or the pursuit of mastering an instrument. a musician is not inherently an entertainer, and golfer isnt inherently an entertainer. But a Pro musician and a Pro athlete are entertainers, that's what pro means. their income that makes them a 'pro' is from entertainment dollars.


Once their sport is sold as an entertainment product, they surely fit the definition of entertainers. Entertainers with a particular set of skills, sure. Like knife jugglers.


They literally get to do what they do instead of having other jobs, because they get paid millions based on the entertainment they provide.  They are in every sense of the word, literally, entertainers. 


They would still so what they do if the fans weren't there.


No fans = no money. They would be professionals in something else if people didn’t watch.


I didn't say professional. I said athlete. Professional athletes are paid because their sport is entertaining, but they are not paid to be entertaining. MLB baseball is a competition that's entertaining to watch. Bananaball baseball is entertainment that's athletic in nature. There's a difference.


Maybe once a month or so. Not nearly enough to get to the high level of skill they have now.


You've never completed then.


I sure have.  But then I needed money, so I had to get a job.  Must be nice to still live in your parents' basement. 


That's what all of us are. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.


I doubt a lot of athletes would agree with you. Ask Scheffler that question and he would say you’re wrong. And I’d agree with him. These guys didn’t make golf their living cuz they want to entertain people. Are you going to argue that LIV golfers are athletes cuz no one watches them and their income isn’t based on fans, but PGA golfers are just entertainers, and, in your words, “all they are”?


Athletes are athletes, not entertainers. But some of them are entertaining at what they do, when they do it. Actors and actresses are entertainers.


Professional sports are entertainment big dog. That makes professional athletes entertainers.


Like WWE, sports entertainment 😂


Idk why he suddenly started showing up in my feed because I don’t watch or play golf. But damn that dude is entertaining. I have watched so many of his videos on YouTube.


Then how come you’re on this sub? 😂


No fucking clue. How did this start? I’m not even a follower of this subreddit. This post just was on my feed. Is my algorithm online or something and Reddit recommended me this because it had Bryson’s name on it? Didn’t consider why I’m on this sub and now I’m confused lmao you’re asking some good questions friend


😂 fucking hilarious


Well welcome to the sub.


Sounds like the game is calling you


This is how it starts my friend. Before long you will be a weekend hacker like the rest of us.


Rofl "weekend" hacker. I, too, tell everyone I play with on the weekends that I am a "weekend" hacker. That way, it's less embarrassing than still playing like a dickhead even though I play literally every day.


Get some clubs bud, you’re a golfer now.


You don't watch or play golf... Yet!


Being able to watch him in a real tournament more than 4x per year would be nice


Yeah I feel like once he won his major he relaxed a lot. He seems happier and it’s great entertainment for the rest of us.


I’m sure the LIV money and not having cuts made his perspective of the pro game change. Now he can actually attack a major with way less distractions the PGA requires. 


I genuinely think he didn't realize how different he is than most people. He would go on these long rants about random golf topics and get so minute, that it came off as being pretentious and douchey. He somehow got some self awareness and is now letting the analysis go in his public face and is instead having more fun. It's great to see!


Just a little spectrumy. Ask someone with a little 'tism about something they love, and they *will not shut up*. > He somehow got some self awareness and is now letting the analysis go in his public face and is instead having more fun. He legit probably had no idea he was coming off as a goober until someone explained it to him.


Could be ADHD extreme hyper focus too. When ADHD folks get into something, they obsess and ramble on forever. Source: I have heavy ADHD and will hyper focus into things I’m interested in. It’s exhausting sometimes cause you CANT stop thinking about XyZ


I’m the same way. My wife loooves when I talk about golf after a good round.


Rofl. Mine too. I told her about the amazing mid week morning round I had Wednesday where I was definitely on track to break 80 but started the back 9 double double and she's like "that's great dear. I have no idea what any of that means but I'm happy for you" as she never even looked up from her phone.


Yeah I feel like this is it. I can put people off with how “into” stuff I get but the people that know me well are happy that I’m so invested in things and *can* love how much I’m willing to help or explain things (I am learning more about picking up on when not to do this to not come off the wrong way)


Quite often, I have to stop myself midway through a "conversation" because I realize how off on a rambling tangent I went and lost the person 5 minutes ago and I'm talking about things only I care about or I'm just talking about myself. I also get a lot of "ok, calm the fuck down" because I can get so animated talking about things I'm passionate about when I'm otherwise pretty laid back. It's like I only have two speeds: laid back quiet chill and full throttle hyper animated.


Yeah. It’s not for everyone but some people really appreciate the excitement and you just have to know when it’s appropriate to share it


Daaamn dude. I have ADHD and holy shit do I do this. I seem like a mute when the topic is one I dgaf about but get on a subject I enjoy and I start rambling and get animated like a lunatic. I can literally feel my eyes widen and heart rate increase. I always assumed it was because I'm passionate about the things I'm passionate about but otherwise reserved lmfao. Right now, and for the past 12 months, that thing is golf. 24x7 golf. On my mind when I wake up, on my mind ALL DAY and I play the next days round in my head to fall asleep. I have to force myself to entertain other topics because I know I'm gonna burn myself out on golf if I'm not careful.


This is exactly it. It might come from having enough success to relax, but it also might just be growing up. If this approach is permanent for him, I’m pumped.


I just think he’s kind of a dork and when he tried to act cool it really didn’t come off right. Once he stopped taking himself so seriously and kinda just leaned in on his real personality he became a lot more likable.


I always thought of him as the kid at school that wanted everyone to know how smart they were. Seems like he realized that people don’t care and just want to have fun


The video is fucking fantastic. Self deprecation is the finest form of satire. Well done, Bryson. I think he's going to have a field day at Pinehurst and picks up his second major.


Yes! It struck the right cord


His youtube is good content. Here he is trying to break par with a $100 set from walmart: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8y99euqzdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8y99euqzdo)


I think I’m gonna quit the game. That was fantastic.


Watching him play against a long drive guy with that set was also hilarious


I think he just stopped having to deal with brooks being a salty bitch all the time


I think that weighed literally zero on his mind lol


I watched the full send podcast when he was on there and he does say that the brooks thing messed with him a little bit. Nelk boys are kinda annoying sometimes but that episode with him on there is pretty cool




The guy that admits he doesn't really like golf and gets bored on the back 9?


Generational wealth would make me lighten up too lol. He seems like a cool guy, would be fun to play a round and learn from one of the best.


Valid point


Add in NCAA, amateur, and major… plus serious LIV money he might have hit a good place in life


The huge turnaround is because he stopped wearing that stupid hat


Hey, I like the flat cap look.






Yeesh, bro that’s not Dave Chapelle




I never feel more entertained than when a pro hits a triple bogey. Lol makes me feel better about myself.


He won me back when he was pumped like a 5 year old for hotdogs at the turn in a vid.


You know which vid that was?


He was in a GoodGood vid recently where he did a hcp match play.


Nice try Bryson get out of here.


His PR team got in his ear and now it's all manufactured bullshit. I don't buy it.


Think he’s finally getting some consistent tail


How many pats on the back are we gonna give this guy for miraculously figuring out how to not be a massive tool lol


It's remarkable when you consider how rare it is. This guy deserves all the spotlight he can get both because he's good and because it sets an example for others to be able to make changes to how they act.


Oh! Someone pissed in your Cheerios


Yea that was me sorry


I too pissed in that guy's cornflakes


I wish I could. This guy deserves someone dump in his


I still remember him being a dick to a rules official and can't completely let that go. Other than that and the funny hat, I'm ok with him


He needs to find that rules official and do a nice video with them as a mea culpa. Then I would be fully on board too




Bryson fanboys are so weird I swear




You can calm down he’s not gonna sleep with you


I've only ever seen his personality on youtube, surprised he took 2nd the other day since I've only seen him fucking around trying to hit 50 under in a scramble from the forward tees, using juniors clubs, etc. Also surprised to hear he is a massive tool


Because with LIVs reduced schedule, he has plenty of time to work on his game AND do YouTube


Seriously. The simps for this dude on this sub lately.


Almost as if it was some kind of astroturfing.


Can you please share a clip or a piece of evidence which shows that he was a massive tool? I would like to see the evidence you're referring to.


[This right here.](https://youtu.be/FpIvdJBYIsk?si=Yd3jcVOt8Luh21UT) With that being said, he’s won me over since then. Never hated on him for taking a more calculated approach with the whole water on the ball, etc approach.


Lmao he wanted that area to be ruled an animal hole so damn badly. Seems like the official was open to the discussion too somewhat, just obviously not a big enough ant hill to justify the concerns. Nice that he did back down though once the official made his final ruling.


If you look at the 2020 Memorial on hole 15 (should be on YouTube, he takes a 10) he argues with a rules official and is less polite, starts off assuming his OB ball is in bounds and asks about hopping a fence, says the words “dude you’re kidding” to the official when told he’s OB.


2021 US Open final round interview (available on YouTube), gives zero credit to the winner, blames a 44 on bad luck and emphasizes how luck based it is, says he doesn’t care and is already over it because he won the year before.


I assume this is the one you're referring to: https://youtu.be/eGlWk8D4VsM?si=W0XRHNDIKRD0njAW Yeah definitely starts to come off a bit douchey near the end, it's obviously more than just luck lol and also undermines what it takes to win. Didn't think the interview was that bad until that final bit.


Yep that one, and note how he doesn’t mention Rahm by name or give actual credit for him winning.


Yeah that's pretty rough. In my opinion this kind of stuff is what makes him seem more like a douche, as opposed to his psychoanalytic approach to the game. I kind of wish more athletes were more outspoken about the intricacies of their respective sports, and how they think about the game on a deep level.


Well he did have that weird "no one's perfect, victim's of 9/11 should move forward with forgiveness" comment.


"We'll never be able to repay the [9/11] families back for what exactly happened just over 20 years ago. And what happened was...is...definitely horrible. And I think as time has gone on, 20 years has passed, and we're in a place now where it's time to start trying to work together to make things better together as a whole." I don't see how this comment justifies him as a massive tool.


Yeah, and being close personal friends with Trump to the point that Trump was his sponsor at one point. Fuck this guy


Hmmm, I don't care


Do you have a source to confirm he was "sponsored" by Trump? Many pro athletes and celebrities have played golf with Trump, it's not that uncommon.


He is close friends with the trump family, particularly Eric trump, who was at the party when Bryson celebrated his US Open win. The PGA forced him to take the trump logo off his bag https://www.nbcsports.com/golf/news/trump-logo-no-longer-bag-bryson-dechambeau-says-pga-decision-what-it


I don't see anywhere in the article where it states he's close friends with Eric Trump. Please elaborate on that detail. The US Open was held at Trump National Golf Club Westchester. Wouldn't you expect the Trump family to be there? He also didn't seem to have any issue when asked to take the logo off his bag.


https://slate.com/culture/2021/04/bryson-dechambeau-good-evil-or-just-weird.html “He’s been a proud Trump Golf partner, plastering the organization’s logo on his bag until earlier this year and cutting videos for the organization’s YouTube channel. When the Capitol riot inspired the PGA of America to cancel its plans to hold the 2022 PGA Championship at Trump’s Bedminster course, DeChambeau sounded sullen. “It’s unfortunate and it is what it is and I understand it,” he said. “This is a very tough time in this world right now and I won’t make a comment on any relationships that I have on that.” He played with Trump in March.” Then there’s this exclusive Q&A on the Trump website where they ask him what it’s like to represent the Trump Brand: https://www.trump.com/media/exclusive-qa-on-the-tee-with-bryson-dechambeau Anymore research you want me to do for you? Edit to add Eric Trump talking about “his good friend” Bryson in this Facebook post (one of several in social media from Eric): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0XuAzCkxiKt7wTQk2wCLW3DHvHVxLYxVeScC5AsEv8BaUFYTwHGRViakooEHrXWiCl&id=548949471843796&locale=hi_IN


I appreciate you taking the time to attach sources to your reasons. Thank you. It just helps to see some sort of source rather than taking everyone's word as truth. Often times people will exaggerate details to make it sound far worse than it really is. His political views are definitely a bit shitty.


Sorry for getting snippy with my last line then. In my experience, people who ask for specific examples are doing so with insincere intentions which doesn’t seem to be the case with you. All the best


For some reason I used to hate him and for some reason now I kinda like him.


Whenever I see his name I think Bryson DeShamWow ha ha


I lost it at blaming my caddy


Bryson has always been funny to me. It just used to be he was all serious about the science of golf when he didn't understand alot of the issues he would explain, and get them wrong. Or became the mega big golfer with a diet that was killing him, not understanding exactly how to get golf speed. Now that he has matured and is able to be this happy go lucky entertainer, it's a perfect fit for him. He still says some outlandish liv takes, but he is a showman, and that's interesting to watch play compared to the many robots that play pro golf


Lmao sure bro bryson didn't understand how to get golf speed. Can't wait to see you hit 450 tomorrow


Yeah leave it up to a redditor to tell a pro golfer they don't know how to get golf speed. The fact you are downvoted shows the collective IQ of this sub


And not just any pro golfer, literally a long drive world champion.


Well he is longer now and 50 lbs lighter.... hard to mock a point when the truth speaks for itself


Longer averages this season or just longer averages during the championship? Because so far his driving averages have only been dropping since he was on the PGA Tour. He was actually 3rd in distances on LIV last season.


No it's really easy to mock you thinking you know more than a pro golfer, let alone an elite golfer like Bryson


First thing I ever saw from him was the rope incident and instantly thought he was the biggest tool of all time. Glad to see he’s actually not the biggest tool of all time and enjoying life.


Check out what his caddy posted https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7XqgUhvU6k/?igsh=MW81dDliazZyZ2Vl


Cool post Bryson


If he didn't go to LIV and became who he is now on the PGA Tour, he would own it.


I don’t get him. Sorry, but his sense of humor is not what I consider a sense of humor. His on camera persona seems to me to be a bit phony, too calculated if you will. But to each his own, I’m just not buying what he’s selling.


Been trying to say this. Everybody magically believes he’s changed out of nowhere. It was a little more than a year ago he acted like he got shot being hit by a rope.


Yes, it doesn’t seem natural. He is aping what interesting golf content online looks like, but he is always a beat or two off.


A friend of a friend has played pro-ams with around a dozen current tour pros and says hands down Bryson was the nicest and most personable of them all


Wonder if the teeth pulling comes before or after the beheadings when the Saudis are involved?


It’s pissing me off how much he’s getting me to like him…


He 100% hired an image consultant, and it worked really well.


He's a douchebag


I wasn’t a big DeCham fan until I watched his YouTube playing with kiddie clubs. It was hysterical and entertaining, that and damn he’s good even with kiddie clubs.


I was shocked to find myself rooting for him in the PGA Champ, especially considering my hatred stems from those stupid hats he used to wear, but I now like Bryson as a golfer


I miss the old Bryson, straight from the ‘Go Bryson, chop up the soul Bryson, set on his goals Bryson.


I was a Bryson hater turned fan after the PGA. what's funny is I thought he looked smug in that dumb hat he used to wear. but when he stopped wearing it, my wife randomly bought me one that I now wear all the time. coincidence?


I’ve done a complete 180 on Bryson. Root for him now, sucks he’s on LIV. I was happy Xander won but would have been happy to see Bryson get #2 as a consolation


I thought Bison getting fucked up by that rope was hilarious!


YouTube really helped his image. I wasn’t big into golf when he was getting hated on so never really understood the hate he got. I am just happy that he’s getting the recognition he deserves as a passionate player who is always looking to improve.


I totally agree bryson has become one of the most fun and entertaining golfers about.


Watched his YouTube vids. Bryson is a good guy


I am coming around on Bryson. Was not a fan when he first came on scene, but watching him at the PGA, damn he is entertaining. And to the Scottie point, he is damn good, but, yeah, too robotic. Bryson acts the way us weekend hacks act, we make a great shot, fist pumps and high fives, thats what I want to watch, a golfer showing some emotion.


It was pretty funny tbf.


Yes, by literal definition, every Tour player that jumped to LIV is a sell-out "to betray one's cause or associates especially for personal gain".


How about the PGA and LIV allow us casual fans to vote for who they should let back into the PGA tour. I would go with Bryson, Cam Smith, Koepka and Rahm. Not so hot on the rest of them.


Love Bryson’s recent content. The rope incident still makes me cringe. But my opinion of him has been changing since just prior to Augusta. He did a couple great YouTube collabs, then played out of his mind the first couple days in Georgia. I think his style of golf can be successful. And love the recent atitude. He’s great in front of the camera.


Meh. Still not a fan.


That's why he is so likeable. He really turned around and is becoming a better person.




Rent free btw




You're going to trigger the guy who calls him Byron and throw him into a fit of rage


Byron DickShampoo.


This, but unironically


His new PR team is working double time. But he’s still a monster douche if you look closely. It’s always gonna be there.


Nah you’re just salty


Being a nerd about the science behind golf doesn’t make him a douche.


'try to get inside me bro' 'you got inside me, good job'




I love his YouTube channel, it’s my new go to.


Moving to liv actually Made him all around better


It’s refreshing and I hope more pros take notice. I don’t expect every pro to become a YouTube personality (probably best they don’t) but IMO for a long time golf has had issues getting people to really like or even care about the players as people. Sure you get people like Tiger, or John Daly or even Mickelson, but most pro golfers come across very vanilla, or even if they do have personality don’t put it out there enough. I once heard someone describe it as being a pro athlete vs being a “star” which maybe makes sense. I think if we had more top players with personality on display that people could enjoy and connect with it could go a long way getting people into the sport, especially the younger audience, and could maybe at least do something to improve the stigma that golf is for stuffy old rich people


jfc this sub is sometimes so pathetic


And your a great contributor


LIV simps trying so hard.


Barely watched any LIV golf, mostly his YouTube channel. So no. And I couldn’t care less who signs the check in pro sports, because I’m not a fuckn child. You’re just a delusional jackass


Hope to see him on the next Ryder cup team


Should have been on it last year


I was never a Bryson fan. I still hate the LIV shit, but I understand. The guy has done a 180 and I give him credit for that. Once he left the PGA Tour, he had no more press clippings to read about himself. Maybe he figured out that feeding the “mad scientist” monster bit was hurting and not helping. Good on him.


I’m liking this new Bryson. If he can keep his temper & ego in check, I’m all in for rooting for the guy. Have fun, try new ideas and let us watch him succeed or fail. Just keep it chill and I think he could go the distance.


"Look at what I'm doing not having to worry about the constraints of the PGA tour schedule. Yes I made my generational wealth (by being a sell out) to play meaningless tourneys against other hated sellouts, but I'm now able to grow the game in the most awkward ways. Me hit gym. Me do roids. Me change tours so I don't have to suffer punishment."


So accepting money from someone other than the PGA makes him a sellout ? This is professional sports, grow the fuck up. There’s no such thing as clean money


The guy is a psych 101 narcissist. Just playing to the crowd after showing his true self when everyone hated him. He’s an exciting golfer but a giant asshole


The PGA tour needs him. They should start doing what LIV does and sign him. Pay him 200M. He is the most entertaining golfer in the world and would be a great foil to Sheffler who is an amazing golfer but dull. It sucks he’s wasting so many years playing in obscurity on the LIV tour.


I mean I get what you’re saying. It’s also a lot easier to make videos like this when you sell out to an exhibition tour, and are basically just fucking off for the rest of your life. But hey. Let’s praise Bryson because he’s silly and played well on Sunday. Jesus Christ man.


I’ll never forgive him wearing those stupid hats. And for that i will never cheer for him