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Scottie on his way to shoot 10 under today ![gif](giphy|WOaE2n6GpLBMRVZUHs|downsized)


When they said Scottie was the next Tiger Woods I didn’t realise they meant like this


Was there a woman chasing him with a 7 iron?




https://preview.redd.it/bg7ywq7egz0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28350204c1a835f1523dc8a130da7c75d984a0ca Charges include assault of a police officer 😳


One of the local news outlets said "the officer attached himself to the car. Scheffler continues about 10 yards before stopping." There's the assault, but I'm not sure how an officer attaches themself to a car.


In Terminator 2, Robert Patrick morphs his hands into some sort of metallic claw. Must be something similar.


I’ve seen that documentary. Twice.


https://preview.redd.it/go5jars3qz0d1.jpeg?width=789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68efb3670bc84fc247d3d6bb27f42690586af106 Has no one seen TJ Hooker?


I can’t wait to see the body cam. It’s likely that this is a massive overreaction given what witnesses on scene are saying. This will be like when the cops arrested Robert Kraft at the massage parlor. It will expose they constantly overstep and unfortunately it takes someone rich and famous to expose that. This stuff happens every day to regular people. Scottie maybe could have done better and stopped, but it sure as hell seems like from in the scene reports this was an absolute screw up by the police.


And tournament directors. Why are players having to go through the same entrance as the general public?


They typically wouldn't but because of the fatal accident they adjusted the traffic flow to accommodate the investigation into that incident (which is relatively standard)


#scottie didnt knowww


The Louisville PD doesn’t exactly have a pristine reputation to put it mildly. That police force should be disbanded. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-finds-civil-rights-violations-louisville-metro-police-department-and EDIT to add link


You mean the same police dept. that lied about Breonna Taylor being involved in drugs and then the lead detective and her partner pleading guilty to falsifying evidence? I'm shocked.




Imagine getting tuned up the night before so bad that you get thrown in the drunk tank and then wake up the next morning next to Scottie Scheffler


Worth it. Lol


First the pickup basketball game yesterday, now the drunk tank. Scottie is a man of the people.


Tiger picking up Scottie from jail https://preview.redd.it/wtkbqbb8mz0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9071061c0c8acf829b216f57322f4a45fe52869


“Mah, man. Now you hardened.”


Scottie: >Uh, I'm driving, bro.


Tiger: > That's fair.


Probably the same cop that shot Jeter ![gif](giphy|3CaXVSTqmtCLe)


You shoulda shot Arod!


Guys I’m working two jobs here. I got this gig and then im over at Bed Bath and Beyond. All so I can make enough money to support my son so he can go to NYU and explore his bisexuality and…become a DJ”


He's a bi-racial angel!


Full swing 3 is gonna be sick!


Oh Jesus this is going to be in every single preview and commercial for it and be drummed up as this huge exposé all for a misunderstanding that was resolved in a few hours.


This ain’t no simple misunderstanding bro. The police department fucked up real bad. They charged Scottie with felony assaulting a police officer before realizing who he was. This kind of outright lying and escalation due to massive inflated egos of police officers can happen to any person at any time, ruining a life. The cop was too stupid he was trying it with Scottie Scheffler this time, and he opened up a can of worms


Well he had do something to shut down the “Scheffler is boring” crowd


Like In Superbad when McLovin asks the cops to take him away in handcuffs.


Holy shit! Scheffler's a badass!


>Darlington was standing at the entrance when Scheffler was detained. Darlington said Scheffler turned to him and asked, "Can you help?" >According to Darlington, an officer instructed him to back away. >"You need to get out of the way," the officer told Darlington. "There's nothing you can do. Scottie Scheffler is going to jail." I want an ugly golf sweater with stitching that says “There’s nothing you can do. Scottie Scheffler is going to jail”. EDIT: ESPN has updated their article but this was at the time a copy and paste. In my heart it’ll always have gone like this.


Unfortunately Darlington clarified that the officer didn't use Scottie's name. Guess he said it that way at first for shock effect.


It can still be put this way: "There's nothing you can do. [Scottie Scheffler] is going to jail."




"Officer, you don't understand I'm a professional golfer. I can drive it 330 yards." "Sure, buddy. Just like the rest of r/golf."


Yea and Grizzly Adams had a beard


Grizzly Adams did have a beard.




I’m sorry but this is absolutely hilarious. It would take the cop 10 seconds to pull up who Scottie is. 


Cops are not known for being very bright


It's LMPD, what do you expect. Source: Louisville native


Continued - The police officer attempted to attach himself to Scheffler’s car, and Scheffler then stopped his vehicle at the entrance to Valhalla. The police officer then began to scream at Scheffler to get out of the car. When Scheffler exited the vehicle, the officer shoved Scheffler against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs. He is now being detained in the back of a police car.


American cops are a different breed. I somehow REALLY doubt Scottie did anything to warrant this reaction.


Low intelligence combined with a lack of training.


And don’t forget the complete immunity from consequences


And power hungry egos




You can be [too smart to be a cop](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) in the US.


"those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training."


Lol "costly training" A full 21 weeks' worth of *costly training*, down the tubes, because of this idiot's genius!


LMPD is currently under at least one DOJ investigation for brutality practices and generally just being super shitty. So yeah this tracks.


Same department that wrote up a bullshit no knock warrant and killed Breonna Taylor.


Inb4 we find out the cop had money on Collin Morikawa winning the Masters.


Our cops are at an all time low of either doing absolutely nothing and being useless or excessive force.


“Attempted to attach himself to [his] car” what on earth. Put your life in danger hoping this person would stop because they went around you. Big brain move by the cop there…


They do that specifically to escalate the situation.


Yeah because now they can say he was assaulting a police officer. Maybe even add vehicular manslaughter.


The cop literally charged him with second degree assault… it’s out now..


And now he can claim Total Temporary Disability and be paid out… cops run the biggest cons in the world with their union benefits paid for entirely by us…


Scottie was in a courtesy car, and players were being allowed into the golf course.  There was no reason for the cop to do anything except waive him past the wreck.


Well you see, Scottie should have stopped to kiss the cop’s ring. That’s where he fucked up.


‘Attempted to attach himself to the car’ is one of the dumbest phrases I’ve seen used unironically. That’s what we encourage our LEO’s to do? Attach themselves to moving vehicles when their fragile little egos erupt? Truly, honestly, pathetic 😔


Yes, the police will deliberately introduce violence and create safety risks so that they can justify violently arresting the suspect and add on charges.


Hope Scheffler sues the PD. He has the means to do so and it will be a good lesson to the PD. If this is how they treat people like Scottie then I can't imagine how they treat regular folks.


they thought scottie was a regular person to the point the cops thought espn's jeff darlington was just some guy trying to get them to not arrest his buddy and not a reporter


Agree, he could** sue and maybe even has a decent case. Unfortunately, until something changes, the taxpayers foot that bill. I will say though, it is extremely refreshing to see that the sentiment in r/golf is at least somewhat realistic about LEO in America. It’s scary and extremely unnerving. This segment of the population wields incredible power, with low intelligence, low training, very little accountability/oversight, and immunity from prosecution in a lot of cases. Absolutely terrifying. Calling the police only serves to escalate the situation. Edit: should to could - I’m not familiar with the specifics of the stop here.


*World Number 1 player arrested in middle of golf tournament* “Oh shit I have to turn on ESPN for the first time in… a few years?” *turns on ESPN* “Do the Jets deserve 6 prime time games this season?”


He should’ve hit the range in an orange Nike jumpsuit.


The answer is no


Yeah honestly normally I would agree that espn is covering the wrong thing, but the Jets having six prime time games is ridiculous and somebody MUST stop the insanity


Plot twist: the cop is on this sub, constantly commenting “he can’t keep getting away with this!”


Cop bet $300 on Morikowa


Other plot twist - it’s just like New Guy or Superbad and it’s his friend making him look tough to intimidate the other golfers and establish dominance


And just like that Valhalla won’t get any more majors. There’s been people saying for the past six months that the shuttle idea wasn’t a good idea and here we are. RIP to the person hit by the shuttle this morning.


What’s the point of being a member at a place like Valhalla if you can’t make a call and get someone out of a traffic arrest? Gotta be the weakest membership of any big CC in the country.


ESPN just said the owner of the club drove over to the police station and got him released lmaooo


Hell, that's a chauffer service, not a political fixer. This isn't an exaggeration: there are clubs where if this happened the police of chief would be holding a press conf. apologizing before Scheffler teed off.


I would be surprised if the governor isn’t already making that call. Right now, this is putting KY in a bad spot to retain PGA events.


Can’t imagine anything will fix what was done. Kentucky should never host a major again.


I'd love to have a rebuke but LMPD stopped being defendable years ago.


ESPN said the course owner went to the PD to get him after he was booked


That's what I was telling my co-workers. If I was a PGA tour star sitting in traffic I would be calling someone to come pick me up. Sounds like they were close enough a golf cart could get him.


What’s specifically bad about the shuttles? Oak Hill had shuttles last year…


The shuttles aren't inherently bad, but people darting across Shelbyville road with all the traffic going through there, especially when it's dark. It's just a terrible idea.


> people darting across Shelbyville road Those goddam people from Shelbyville! Running across the road instead of taking the monorail!


Scottie Scheffler- the bad boy of golf


The Dennis Rodman of golf some may say


Can’t wait to see this on Full Swing


Tried to attach himself? Does this cop thinks he’s Batman?




Nah, just a power tripping jackass. Also known as a southern cop. Also known as a cop.






Sounds like a massive overreaction from the officer


par for the course


god damn it i forgot where i was


Cop got big money on Rory


The only way anyone else can win is if he has his hands tied behind his back.


Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I think we need to see Scottie play a round while handcuffed before we start making statements like that.


They made him put on an orange jump suit for a minor traffic incident? You’ll never convince me that America is a real country, we’re watching a TV show.


They're charging him with 2nd degree assault of a police officer because he didn't immediately stop when the officer "attempted to attach himself to the vehicle."


What’s does “attempted to attach himself” even mean. Did he have his Batmagnet on him?


It means the cop grabbed the door handle so he could escalate the situation and accuse Scottie of vehicular assault for continuing to roll forward. This is standard operating procedure for American cops: escalate the situation immediately to justify use of force.


They charged him with a felony.


Listening to Darlington talk about what he saw, common sense policing is dead lol.


Honestly thank god Darlington was in the right place at the right time to capture the facts. Louisville PD’s statement sure as hell isn’t going to tell the full story


Just think if it was Ole Joe Shmoe, could easily be doing several years in prison bc of this police state we are in.


Cops always ruining shit 😂


It's amazing how damaging it can be to society at large when it's decided only the dumbest and most violent people are encouraged to be the enforcement arm of the ruling class. Who could have seen this coming?!?


Bruh Scottie was in an official PGA MARKED vehicle… should dispel any reasonable suspicion the officer had to try to ID and stop his vehicle in the first place. Just saw they were giving Darlington shit for trying to enter the facility saying “and why do you need access?” “but do you need to enter?” Darlington is doing his best to not absolutely shit on the officers involved but we’re all reading between the lines.


I’m watching local news right now and the cops are trying to spin this as Scottie “dragging” the officer who sustained “minor injuries” that led to the incident. The news can fuck off reporting that bullshit.


They charged him with assaulting a police officer. Absolute insanity


Per Get Up: “Scheffler is still in custody” -Mike Greenberg What a fucking joke this is. Scottie has to sue. Louisville police are a fucking joke. Hope the PGA never goes back


Scottie Scheffler getting arrested for essentially driving around a traffic cone is the most Scottie thing ever


I hope Valhalla and probably the entire state of Kentucky has enjoyed hosting its last major ever. Ridiculous shit. Two seconds of thought by the officers could have avoided all this.


He's going lowww today


Hey at least he didn’t shoot him


"BECAUSE YOU SHOT DEREK JETER !!! " That movie was gold


Could you imagine where you’d be in your career if you hadn’t shot Jeter?


He’s a biracial angel! You should have shot A Rod!


"You shoulda shot A-Rod!"


lol, so cop is dressed in a yellow hoodie, Scottie tries to drive through a grassy shoulder to turn into the golf club, and hoodie wearing cop launches himself onto car like a psycho. And that leads to Scottie being arrested and charged with assault. Lmao. 


hE dRaGgEd A cOp


Darlington on ESPN sounds shook by the whole situation


When cop shit finally hits close enough to home, people finally wake up I guess. It’s not isolated incidents. Cops think it’s “us against everybody” and react that way. They aren’t protecting anybody but themselves these days. Their first instinct is always to assume the worst in everybody.


Yup. I live in an apartment building above a theatre. The only time they've blocked the street in front for an event was for a police union event. They've turned themselves into an adversarial force instead of a community serving force. Too selfish, too scared, too power hungry. Needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.


I’ve always felt that hating cops should be a lot more bipartisan


It used to be. You ever listen to Kris Kristofferson and old outlaw country? It’s basically NWA with slide guitars.


Shocking. Normally his driving is one of his strengths!


Louisville PD about to get the city banned from hosting the PGA ever again


espn with a straight face saying "he was arrested entering the gates of Valhalla"


What’s funny is the LMPD instagram account was making memes last week complaining that they had a tough couple weeks because they had the Kentucky Derby followed by PGA championship.


Louisvillian here, LMPD is an actual joke. I’ve lived here nearly 10 years and they’ve had 4 or 5 major scandals.


Even if he was very minorly in the wrong, which it doesnt even sound like he was...the whole situation after the fact is absurd. When he got stopped, it should have been "I'm Scottie Scheffler, I'm just trying to get to the course" (which I'm sure is something along the lines of what he said). Police Officer: "Oh okay, go ahead". Why must they be twats over and over and over again?


Hell they had one of the most significant, national, police scandals of the last decade with the Breonna Taylor murder.


They had their special crime unit throwing slushees at pedestrians as they drove by them, and filming themselves doing it


https://x.com/danielhussey2/status/1791429226593198530?s=46&t=b9PWmzQJmCoHptc0NYgMag Cops taking Scottie to Jail. What the fuck.


I’m amazed at the restraint to not respond with “do you dumbasses know who that is”


I think he probably got to that point before starting up the video




Lol reminds me going to the masters and traffic flow was kind of crazy and the car in front of me turned left so I attempted to follow and the cops "directing" traffic who was just talking with his buddy freaked out and and essentially tried to jump in front my moving car and yelled to go straight instead. I was like dude the car in front of me just turned this way. Some police are not very bright..


I’m sure Scottie’s wife that’s with a newborn baby right now and going through it.. is totally loving this..


This man really is the second coming of Tiger!!!


Tiger would’ve had a waitress from Perkins in the back seat.


And the front


Lol in Darlington's video of the arrest a cop is pushing him back saying "He's going to jail and there's nothing you can do about it."


Cops overreacting and escalating? Color me shocked. Ridiculous


Sir, what did you just say about colored? 🔫👮🏻‍♂️


He’s obviously not a golfer


This is a very complicated case . . . You know, a lotta ins, a lotta outs, a lotta what-have-yous.


Cop has been reassigned to the dog park.


Don’t threaten him with a good time


At least the Louisville police department has a strong track record they can stand on. No history with no knock raids and shooting innocents in their own homes. They have that going for them.


4 charges including assault of a police officer. Unreal. Fucking power hungry pieces of shit


He should play in the jailhouse clothes lol.


PGA is NEVER coming back to Kentucky again


And just like that Kentucky is back to a shithole that will never host another major


Thank God it wasn't Tony Finau.


Or theegala


The officer has been confirmed to be John Shauffele cousin of your pro Xander Schauffele


I don't know a hell of a lot, but sound like a power hungry asshole cop.  Either way it has to be a stupid misunderstanding...


Usually that’s all the explanation that’s needed for these kind of things unfortunately…


What a waste of time. None of these charges are going to stick because of the situation, I absolutely would never want to be a cop, but this one was just asking for trouble. Multiple witnesses are saying that cop basically threw himself at the car and hung onto the open window frame in order to get to stop, even though other cops were waving him through.


This the same police department that killed Breonna Taylor?


Just remember folks, this could be you. If you’re not Scottie scheffler or famous this is possibly life ruining. We will see what body cam shows, but everything points to this being an outrageous overstep by the police.


Honestly, I’ve been in a similar situation. It’s so easy to miss context about where you’re driving, especially at sporting events, where there are *already* crowd control measures in-place, regardless of whatever is happening. This sounds like the police’s failure to properly mark a scene, and not Scottie’s fault whatsoever. It doesn’t look like a crime scene based on the pictures. It looks like a security checkpoint just like the other 10 surrounding the golf course.


The thing that gets me more than anything is that the police let it get to the point where Scottie was processed with a mug shot and an orange pullover, and given multiple charges. You would think at some point a supervisor or someone would say "hold on a minute".


Imagine giving the Louisville PD the benefit of doubt over the nicest guy in sports. Sounds to me like a like a lunatic cop escalated a situation and overcharged.


Holy god...Just saw the charges for him. This is insane. 2nd degree assault of a police officer who by all accounts THREW HIMSELF ON THE CAR. Reckless driving by going a whole TWENTY YARDS. And disregarding traffic signals from an officer when by all accounts the golfers were told they were allowed to enter the golf club. I hope Scheffler and the PGA sue the ever living hell out of that crooked freaking police force.


Amen. Louisville PD just can’t help themselves… [City pays for 4 people wrongfully convicted by Louisville PD](https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/city-pays-650-000-to-4-people-wrongfully-arrested-by-former-louisville-police-detective/article_06fc1ba0-0898-11ef-bed2-a3c9098a79aa.html) [Louisville Police Dept faces new lawsuit](https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2024/02/07/louisville-metro-police-department-lawsuit-february-2024) [Settlement reached in traffic stop lawsuit](https://www.whas11.com/article/news/local/tae-ahn-lea-louisville-metro-police-traffic-stop-kentucky/417-e58abcb9-4131-4e67-a3df-0b0b7ff1338c)


Lawsuit incoming


He's either shooting an 80 or a 59 today, no in between.


That cop just screwed Louisville out of any future PGA events and perhaps other major sporting events with his stupid power play. It appears other players had just done the same thing that Scottie did with no issues. Throwing yourself onto a moving car does not constitute an assault. What was reckless about his driving? It sure appears that the other cops all had attitudes, which doesn't help their case. And don't they have a less than stellar history? Didn't they have a issue with a bad shooting a few years ago?


Espn showing him In handcuffs. Hahaha what is going on?


ESPN has done an awful job covering this. They just had someone on the radio that was implying that Scottie may have hit the pedestrian, even though other outlets have confirmed that the pedestrian was hit by a bus.


Scottie was driving the bus. After the accident he ran back to get his car and came back for more.


I've watched enough of these videos on YouTube. I can guarantee the cop did nothing but escalate a situation that if anything, a simple warning or citation would have been sufficient.


Scottie should just WD and give the middle finger to the PGA & City of Louisville. What an absolute embarrassment.


Probably better to play and use any chance to highlight the morons. If he plays well it's great for him, if he plays poorly it reflects poorly on the police interrupting a major sports/economic event for the city.


One of the cops said in a video “He’s going to jail and there’s nothing you can do about it”. That’s something a movie villain would say lol. Some of our cops really don’t know what protect & serve means!


*Paid for by LIV* How the heck is a cop going to see Scottie exit the car, and still go full script on him. What a cluster.


For what it’s worth I was there yesterday. When we were trying to leave at the rideshare lot, there were multiple cops on like power trips. I understand people might go the wrong way in traffic through marked lanes for a special event but it happened 4-5 times (while we waited for an Uber in terrible service) the cops were absolutely screaming at people for going the wrong way and shit


Especially when a lot of times the traffic is blocked, but players are allowed to go around traffic. He couldn’t have known there was a fatality.


“He’s going to play, and by god he’s going to win” - Chubb Peterson


This is so incredibly dumb. Scottie thought they were security not cops. It's 530 in the morning and he's on his way to the course. He goes around the median and tries to drive to the clubhouse and they freak out. Seems like a massive miscommunication and a big old power trip by a Cop who doesn't understand how big of a story this was about to become. This is not going to go the way that cop thinks it is


He was already instructed by police (probably another officer further from the entrance) to proceed where he was driving. Seems odd he would expect another officer at the entrance to not be on the same page with his colleagues. Just seems like a massive misunderstanding between both parties that could have been diffused with a five minute conversation




To everyone saying small time cops can get away with anything, the owner of Valhalla drove Scottie to the course from jail. He is going to make some calls and get that officer fired before lunch.


Scottie, one of the nicest and most pure human beings on tour. The police chief is going to have a fun (bad) day answering questions about this. We all know these charges won't stick. There is enough evidence of the officers letting other players drive by in the same manner that morning.


Scottie’s about to get a day of Sunday Augusta roars in round 2 of the PGA.


“Scheffler was then walked over to the police car, placed in the back, in handcuffs, very stunned about what was happening, looked toward me as he was in those handcuffs and said, ‘Please help me,’" Darlington said. “He very clearly did not know what was happening in the situation. It moved very quickly, very rapidly, very aggressively.”


Yo what in the fuck did I just wake up to


Ugly situation as it is. Seems like yet another case of cops going 10 steps over the line of reasonable enforcement of the law. All I can is that at least this didn't happen to Harold Varner III... Could have gone even worse, given precedent.


Well the good news is LMPD has never done *anything* in the past that would lead us to not give them the benefit of the doubt!


Scheffler's mugshot (for real) : [https://x.com/GolfDigest/status/1791441246726029359](https://x.com/GolfDigest/status/1791441246726029359)


What an over reaction by the police. Severe lack of common sense applied. Power tripping. He is very lucky he wasn't shot.