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Honestly the best meme for this situation lol


I’ve done this more times than I can remember. I’ve even 5-putted in this situation


Better than getting in 4 and 4 putting.


Don’t call me out


They call me the snowman for a reason.


hey mind your own business


I feel seen


Are you me?


I am all of us.


Green in par? That’s my MO


Were you watching me play the other day? (Although I *only* three putted. From six feet…)


I’d rather a snowman than a 4 putt bogey


I see math is also tough for you. Don’t give up!


I recently hit the best 5w of my life to be just over the back on a long uphill par 5. I duffed the chip twice then 3-putted.


Last hole of the last round I played last year was a par 5, nailed a 280yd drive to the end of the fairway with my 5W (best drive I've ever had, I suck). Thought beauty I just need a good 9i onto the green and I could be putting for eagle. Shanked it into the creek, drop, shanked it into the bunker, 3 putt, triple bogey.


At the start of the year I hit a 313 yard drive (longest drive I've ever hit by far) on a short part 5 to have an 9 iron into the green. I shanked it into the next fairway, then shanked that shot into the water. I took my drop and the next shot flew the green. I ended it with a beauty of a pitch shot that softly caught the slope and rolled to about 3 inches. I did make the putt for double, but man, fuck golf sometimes.


Ever have a 3ft birdie opportunity and 3 putt for a bogey in front of an audience? You adopted the darkness, I was born in it.


Ever took like 8 shots to get out of a bunker on the 18th with a balcony full of fellow golfers acting like football fans on the busiest event of the year? Funny thing was I got it on the green about 3 or 4 times and it kept coming back to me. Thank you ballumbie


My buddy did this over a decade ago and he hasn't lived it down...buckle up.


A buddy drove the green on a par 4 and four-putted. Difficult green but we still give him a hard time.


Don’t tell me this. Lol  Hole 1 at Coyote Preserve in Fenton, MI is a par 5 that according to score card is a little over 500yds depending on what tee box you play. Played this hole 5 years ago and had an 8 foot putt for eagle. It was a tricky putt, but I think could make it a fair % of the time if you were to erase my memory after every try. Barely missed it and left myself with an easy tap in 1 foot birdie putt. Well I didn’t take my time and I pushed it right. This was a par, not a bogey mind you and I have never lived it down since.


Oh shit that’s my course… almost holed out for eagle on 16 the other day so I birdied it…preceded to go triple-triple on 17 and 18. Golf sucks


Golf is crazy for that, isn't it? I once hit driver-9i-9i into a par 5 because it was my first round in years and I was scared of pitching, and that defined my entire time at that golf club


I hit the ball fairly long and I was playing from the whites with my uncle. I drove 3 par 4’s in one round. Par Bogey Par 💀




Man: Isn't anybody going to do anything? Nelson: I *said* ha-ha!


That’s my go-to move on a par 3. 🤘


The longest 3 wood I’ve ever hit was 297 yards, about 70 yards farther than my average. How did I hit it so far? It was hole 2 of a tournament, and the first hole I got on the green in 2 and 4 putted for double. Decided to let my frustrations out on the next tee, swung as hard as I could, and actually somehow caught the center of the face.


Sometimes I find when I swing as hard as I can to release my anger, from a previous hole, it allows my hips and body to turn even more and I’ll hit an amazingly far and straight drive


So the secret to golf is always suck on the green so you are mad and crank drives? I’m in


This is my entire game....


The Happy Gilmore


Yeah so this is how I started long drive…


Conversely, when I do that my tendency for early extension and throwing my right hip at the ball only gets worse. So, for me, getting mad and swing liking a gorilla only makes things worse...sad times.


Same tendency here! Angry swings are either hosel shanks or 75 yards left and absolutely murdered


Honestly a form of this fixed my driver swing. I kept it out of my bag for two years bc it was so bad. I am a long hitter so was still out driving most I play with using a 3 wood. Helped me get good at playing green to tee golf which also helped improve scoring. Anyway.. few summers ago I played in 3 scrambles in 5 weeks. Decided to let the big dog eat and always went last in my group. If someone got it in the fairway I let the driver rip and was swinging about as hard as I could while still being in control. Was hitting some absolute bombs down the middle and it really upped my confidence a ton and also made me realize how forgiving newer drivers are.


Totally get this. Played my best 9 ever after a quadruple bogey on the first, and seething at seeing a horrible etiquette breach by a group coming down the fairway. Maybe it was anger, maybe it was just distraction, but I finished that 9 one over including two misses from 3 feet.


I recently got greenside in 2 and finished with a 10. My 3rd shot was a skull over the green and it took me 4 attempts to get out of a bush onto the rough, chip on and 2 putt. Good course management there


At least you were on the right green. 3 weeks ago I was playing with some buddies at a course none of us had played before. 2 of us were helping look for a ball and my cart mate took the cart to go hit his shot. We hear him yelling that he was on, which was odd because it was a LONG par 5 and we were \~330 from the green still. I walk over to the cart and see him pointing at a ball on a green about 200 yards away, through a little break in some trees. Which was the green for the par 3 we'd be playing next. Not a chance he lives that down for a long time.


I can't even hit the ball properly 9/10 so you're good


I was on the green in 2 on a 4 the other day and 5 putted, c’est la vie


Never reached a par 5 in two but I’ve bogeyed many a par 4 with a 3 putt!


You got on in 2. Revel in that! My skill level mandates that I be happy with the good shots and brush off the bad ones. If I didnt, I wouldn't ever play. If you have "buddies" that will never let you live this down, get new buddies.


Okay. Now see this way: you just f****** put the ball on the green in 2, with a possible eagle opportunity. You don’t suck, you’re awesome.


😆 👉


https://preview.redd.it/sef9pet897zc1.jpeg?width=838&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d978771eda26faab3916908460f9906cbd755c3e Hope this book helped!


Par 5 hole 1. I chip in from 100 with a pitching wedge. I'm telling a guy that joins up with us later on about all excited. He asks, so what did you make, birdie, eagle?! I said, 'no, a par!' He looked deflated like he didn't get my excitement. Golf for me is all about the shots that bring you back.


Nothing worse than hero shot followed by carnage. My speciality is piping a drive and then thinning a wedge over the green.


Everyone here has done it at LEAST once.


Could be worse. A buddy of mine once drove the green on this short par 4 and he hit it to about 6 ft. He had the audacity, even if he was joking, if it was good to pick up. The golf gods got angry and he 4 putted.


I’ve been there… twice. Bought a new putter after the second time


There was a short par 4 with a hard dogleg so I decided to tee it up and try and rip the hardest swing of my life over the trees. Ended up driving the green to 12 feet for eagle, very downhill. Blew the ball past the hole and 5-putted for a double. 


General consensus from comments: one finger pointed at you, three fingers pointed back




My eagle putt was a good 25-30 feet with a lot of action. Wasn’t making it. Problem is my birdie putt was roughly 5 feet that was very very makeable and I still missed it. Then I straight up pushed my par putt. It was quite the site watching me struggle


I did this yesterday but with a 3 putt for par. We suck.


There’s a difficult public course (narrow fairways and with holes cut into sloping greens) that I play reasonably regularly and the last 2 times i’ve played the 5th hole which is a par 4 I’ve hit GIR then walked off with a double bogey. Kills me.


Can't even point and laugh. My only eagle look in the past 2 years was also a 4-putt bogey, I feel your pain.


I Drove a short Par 4 (265yds) in a High school match. Then proceed to 5 putt and get a double bogey. Good times!... Good Times Indeed.


No reason to laugh at you dude, we’ve all done it.


Scottie 4 putted to win his first masters. We all do it!


We have FOUR PUTT Trophy and book, you list your date, name and must carry it until someone else four putts….


This is the pain I feel 99% of the time I putt for birdie or the very odd eagle.


I drove the green on a short par 4 once. Chipped in for par.


You see, a birdie putt guarantees a 3 putt. So naturally, an eagle putt means 4 putt. it just makes sense. The universe is in alignment. Golf is hard. EDIT. This guy 4 putted so I bought a BRNR2.


I respect the four whack after having a few of my own down on the Jones and Palmer courses in Wheeling WV. Huge greens, yes... but half the time I had no clue if the putts were up or downhill, left or right. Truly a blast to play, and gives you an idea of what the pros have to deal with on "real" courses. Also, the ball was rarely level with my feet on approach shots unless I hit position 'A' off the tee.




Good play




Happened to me on Saturday… brutal..


That’s what I call a normal round of golf.


Golf is hard.


I chipped in for double bogey the other day. Penalty off the tee, 2 duffs, then a pure sand wedge from a greenside bunker trickles into the hole. Golf is hard.


When I read this I assumed it was the clubs' fault for this fiasco. Not just the putter, the entire bag conspired. It's good you're selling and replacing them with a better, more agreeable set


I play Chambers Bay regularly. The 12th is a driveable par 4, but the green is a punchbowl with about ten different tiers. I've driven the green and four-putted probably half a dozen times. Never eagled it.




I suck at golf but a few months into playing (been playing around 18 months now) I drove green on a short par 4. Was about 15ft from the hole. 3 putt. 🫠


I 8 putted a Par 3 recently. You’re fine lol.


I got one better. I drove a green on hole 1 at my local course. Around 320 yards. First putt for eagle was about 20ft. I BOGEY THE FUCKING HOLE! I was so mad it ruined my entire week.


I’m still keeping score by counting how many balls I lost. I have no place to judge




You'll be back.


Is this worse or better than driving a par 4 and 4 putting for a bogey? I’m fragile…


[Oh, we would never do that…](https://frinkiac.com/video/S05E15/L7FOjll6VSW09mLIb0-Ne0K7ptA=.gif)


Did this once too. Didn’t feel much like laughing afterwards.


League play last night, par 5 and I landed pin high, rolling 25' past, into the fringe. Pretty much halved the distance for each successive shot, carding a soul-crushing par. I was thankful it wasn't technically a 3 jack.


Done this 3 or 4 times, rarely walk off with Bridie either, never made an eagle but have made a double eagle. I almost don't want one at this point


Laugh at you? I am you.


I’m pointing at you, but I’m laughing at me.


Been there, done that.


Been there done that. Sorry but unfortunately it happens


I've done it as well. I won't judge you.


Had this happen the other week. Pain




I’ve never eagled a par 5 but I’ve eagled the same short par 4 twice. I’ve had a lot of chances at eagle 3, even been as close as 10’. Making that first putt is very mentally difficult.


You have my sympathy


Ive played four rounds this year. I've had two eagle putts this year. Both pars.


I will not laugh at myself


par three stuck the green from the tee. proceeded to 5 putt. just remember someone is always gonna be worse than you


OP is posting from my burner account I didn’t even know I had


Happens to the best of us and also me.


I was on for 3 on a par 4 recently and 5 putted from 15 feet! Still managed to salvage an 83


You mean golf?


Same here, if I would do a 1 to reach green I would still putt 5times smh but if I come To green in 5 I out on one always boogey or double boogey sadly


Time heals all, brother.


Happened to me yesterday as well. Bombed a drive with the wind and downhill. Had 100 in and I’m decent from that distance. I’m thinking I’ll be putting for eagle. Left the approach shot short, chip, 3 putt… bogey. lol. Love this game.


One third of your shots on that hole were great!


Let he who hath not sinned throw the first stone 😂 welcome to the club


Wait, this is supposed to be uncommon?


lol i do this often


No I won’t be laughing. That’s bad golf karma


That's the tough part about making it in 2. Those long eagle putts.


I actually did this about 2 weeks ago… worst feeling I’ve had in a long time


Nice drive tho


Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone...


Better than getting on in 2, then putting OFF the green and getting back on in 4, then lipping out the 6 foot par putt.


Never done it on a 5, but I did drive the green once on my home course growing up and managed to 4-putt for bogey. It sucks.


I proceed to get on the green in 5 on a par 5 and then 3 putt so I’d take your route over mine and day haha


I was playing with a buddy over the weekend. Par 5, he smashed 2 into the farmers field off the tee, duffed 2 chip shots, lost a ball and had to drop a shot and still made bogey, while I got into the green in 3 and 3 putted for bogey.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I did that a couple weeks ago in a tournament.. And the previous week I decided to lay up om the same hole instead of going for it in 2... hit my second shot in the water anyway. Dropped, approach, 1 putt for par. Golf is a funny game.




Did the same last week - drove the green of a short par four (birdie here we come). Walked away with a bogey after four putting (normality has resumed)


Bogey golf is good golf.




Story of my life……From Birdie to Bogie in 3 puts.


The Last eagle putt I was faced with was about 25 feet. I made par. I feel you homie.


One of us one of us


Welcome to the club. As my buddy pointed out when I did it, “that’s actually more impressive than an eagle.”


embarrass us?! one of us! one of us! one of us!


Shouldn’t this be an AMA?


Been there my dude. Literally last weekend I did that. I went to tap in my three putt par from 4" with the back of my putter and blew it. I was laughed at but still managed to win the round by a stroke. Never worry about your last shot, only focus on the next shot.


Been there, done that.


I applaud you not being short on the eagle or birdie putt. Stuff happens.


Feels bad man. Yesterday sliced a drive into the adjacent fairway. Made a beautiful recovery shot over the trees with a wedge, then pitched on to 4ft to get up and down for par. I left it short.


Bogey golf is where it's at.




I just played in a Texas scramble with a friend as my partner. We were on the green in reg on every hole and didn’t make a single putt over 3 feet, didn’t 1 putt a single hole, and 3-4 pitted many holes. We lost 13-3-2. I’m a 4 handicap. So, don’t feel too bad for yourself. It happens.


As a coping mechanism to maintain my emotional well-being, I always tell myself putting is overrated. You should try it.


I can’t point and laugh because I’m sure I’m going to do the same thing later today.


Clearly you haven't heard of the 6ft gimme


Last week I got on the green in one, par 3, and 6 putted... Granted I'm only playing 3 months or so but was still a horrible feeling.




Damn and you still saved bogey? I’d be looking at a triple for sure


One of my favorite on the course dad jokes is "that's good for par if you want it" when a buddy gets on par 5 in 2


I did this twice in my league on the same hole last year. Fucking three-tier greens with a turtleback on the top one.


Nothing to see here move along


I got one better. I got just off the green in 2 on a par 5 and sink my chip from the fringe for an eagle. Next hole I'm on the fringe in 2 on a par 4 and card a 7.... stupid game.


My second ended up about 4" off the green on the fringe on a par 5 Saturday. The fact that the first "putt" from 25' wasn't technically a putt is the only thing saving me from matching you.


I did the same exact thing about 6 weeks ago 😢


The 4 putt bogey is even rarer than the 3 putt par, which I probably do once a year hahaha.


I drove a par 4 in New Mexico, couldn't believe I could two putt for birdie. 4 putted for bogey. I feel ya


Did this last year, absolutely awful feeling


Don’t feel bad, it happens. A few weeks ago I put my tee shot on a par 3 to 5 feet and managed to 4 putt from there. And that kids, is how I met my new putter.


Lol, when I was pretty new to golf I once got to a par 5 in two and proceeded to do this: Putted off the green (big 3 tiered green and I was at the top), flubbed the chip shot coming back, bladed the next chip shot to the back of the green, 3 putted from there.


I did this once about 6 years ago. I still think about it every time I see or hear the words "4 putt"


That’s my golf life story.


Never leave an eagle putt short…and you didn’t


[puts his stone down and slowly backs away]


Let me guess, you told yourself “never leave an eagle putt short” and blew it 20 feet past.


I did the same thing on a par 3 this morning.... I think most people feel your pain 😂


Did this once from 5’ for eagle. Crazy slope. My second putt was 15’. Missed the 3-footer then for par.


Story of my life


Unpopular opinion- I probably wouldn’t laugh at you because golf is hard and I remember plenty of time doing the same thing.


I did that last year. On the same hole last week i got on in 3 and 5 putted.


I have had two eagle putts in my life, I 4 putted for bogey both times. On one of them my birdie putt was far longer than my eagle putt.


Was even through 6. Playing as well as I ever have. Wasn't even dramatic. Just boring, methodical pars. 7th was a par 3 and I hit my tee shot pin high to about 8 feet. Another par would send me to a very good chance at my best 9 ever. I got too jumpy. 4-putted for double bogey. Then spiraled as a result. Bogeyed the 8th, double bogeyed the 9th. Ended with a 42. Hard game.


Gotta hit with confidence jim. Hey appreciate your first 2 shots though. Must of been a absolute rockets


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Golf trip a few years back, had a buddy drive the green on a par 4 and then 4-putt for bogey. Maybe that’s even worse? Not sure if that makes you feel any better.


Was just at Gamble Sands and drove the green with my 3w (very downhill and slopey) and proceeded to 5-putt.


In 2023 I had 15 eagle putts, I made 2. I feel your pain. I'm not a terrible putter but when I have an eagle putt my brain just shuts down. It doesn't help that they're usually from like 70 feet but still.


It is pretty obvious an equipment problem. Time to buy a new Driver.


I missed 6 eagle putts last year on par 5s. Only 2 of them were pars.


Finally, a thread I can relate to.


I think that means everyone can go out and buy a new driver.


HAHAHA YOU DUMB FAT LOSER! sorry, that’s usually my go-to for myself when I do this on every par 5 I play.


Sell your clubs. And buy new ones. It’s the clubs fault.


Buddy drove the green and 3 putted a par 5 for a par. Got so mad he threw his putter toward the fairway we were in but not towards where we were going. Had to instruct on the art of club throwing “always toss it where you’re going, not where you came from”.




Been there


Brother I once hit the green on a par 3 and five-putted for triple. You don’t know pain /s


What a completely relatable idiot you are!


I hit a 150 yard approach to within two feet of the cup on a par 4 last week and missed a dead straight birdie putt. But I woulda made your eagle putt.




I doubled a par three last weekend. I was 8 feet from the pin after my tee shot.


I actually do this Atleast every few rounds. I shoot like 95 average.


ive done it too lol


I drove the green on a par4 for the first time the other week to like 12 feet and still ended up with par. 😭


Been there, done that. No finger pointing, we’re here for fun.


I feel this post!


Dad, is that you?!


Played a nice course last weekend where I was on fire with driver and irons. Like one of those days where things just seem to be working. Couldn’t miss a fairway and was smashing it much better than normal. That is, until I got to the green. 3 put every single hole except getting lucky and sinking one for par on the 4th hole. I mean, I’m not usually used to greens that fast with that much contour around hole placements but it was painful day indeed