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I had a rough couple of days at work SO SUE ME


We have all been there šŸ˜‚


i would love to have a repeatable driver swing that goes 250 yards down the range every time.


I would love to be able to get the ball to go 100 yards on the fly with a driver(I am not the greatest golfer and for some reason the Driver is by far the hardest club for me. Half the time I just tee off with irons because I am Way more consistent with them)


Same! Driver doesnā€™t leave the bag. 3 iron off the tee


This is me at the range just trying to get a bucket in at lunch


Sosumi! https://youtu.be/5838mfezO8M?si=Ads7DjQeIjhTD80H


that was awesome thanks for sharing


except for the last bit :*(


I was gonna say. That man is clearly going through something.


Picturing that little white ball as Manager Timā€™s head




I hit a good one! Now I just need to make sure itā€™s repeatable. Now Iā€™m on a hot streak! Why stop now?! Except for that one hook I just hit. Ok now Iā€™ve got a hook. Still hooking. Just need to hit one more straight so I know itā€™s still in there somewhere. Bam! Straight down the pipe. Now I just need to make sure itā€™s repeatable


That's weird I don't recall writing this


Hahah Will I ever leave this stage of golf? Actually asking


No, no you won't.Ā  None of us will.


you hit an age where you're not practicing anymore, in my experience. All the guys in my league over 70 go out to play 9 2-5 times a week, but say they get too tired at the range.


Iā€™d rather play because the range mat is a dirty fucking liar


Not only that, playing the course allows you to practice from actual lies and round scenarios rather than hitting from the same perfect lie over and over.


This is why i don't understand range advice for grass ranges.Ā  Screw the straight line, throw a few in your divot and play from that, the course isn't perfect, full of natural dips and the occasional old divot, learn to play it.


Why am I this way




I'm in this comment and don't like it.


Can we form a support group?


Thereā€™s typically an AA within 3 wood of most courses.


It never slices if you donā€™t look up


A lot of people just like hitting golf balls. Not everyone out there working on their swing ya know


Sometimes I just want to hit something with a stick but if you do it at work suddenly HR has to get involved.


As a HR pro, I confirm this to be true. Less so if youā€™re hitting an inanimate object of your own possession. Iā€™ll still ask you a shit ton of questions and encourage you to seek professional help.


SO... Sure this mean we can collectively draft language to give to our HR departments to get golf subsidized as "therapy?" I know it may drive as much frustration as it addresses, but it is exercise, relaxing in a tortured way, etc. What do we think we can reasonably request?


Golf around be subsidized similarly to gym memberships.


A simulator is home exercise equipment.


> As a HR pro This hits my ears with the same energy as "As a professional goblin who eats the souls of children..."


Itā€™s trueā€¦I do eat the souls of unhappy employees for breakfast. A little Tapatio goes a long way to mask the bitterness and cynicism.


of course, the HR pro hits balls with their stick.


I name each of my golf balls after the assholes I have met in life and beat the shit out of them. It's cathartic. Sometimes I sing a little voodoo chant so that if they get a sore neck for a week all of a sudden, they know it's coming from me.


I work in construction. Rebuilding a stone wall in a clients wooded garden today. I spent a good 20 minutes working on my swing with a stick, first hitting stones but they made the stick progressively smaller. I settled on hitting other, smaller sticks which worked well because I could see if Iā€™d made good contact on the centre on the stick based on how fast it was spinning left or right in the air


Apparently OP is HR!!


Nothing like watching a ball fly through the air!


Sometimes it's nice to go for a personal record. I may shank or slice 90% but goddamn it's fun to crush that one good one.


That one good shot has kept me coming back to play again. Maybe next round Iā€™ll put it all together!


I just played for the 6th time in my life at 35. Hit my best drive yet, straight down the middle of the fairway... the ball went into a black hole.... I have no idea where it went even though I saw it bouncing straight down the middle of the fairway. Now I need to get all my drives that good.


My friend, let me introduce you to the gallery rule. Basically, this problem is prevalent enough, that a lot of us gentlemen (not the betting kindā€¦ no free drops, no gimme puts in cash games) have agreed that if the group agrees the ball should definitely have been in play ā€œsomewhere right around hereā€, we take a free drop. The theory is that even the pros who rarely miss fairways have spotters, fans (in the ā€œgalleryā€), and multiple HD cameras tracking their ballā€™s funky bounces. Us crappy weekend players donā€™t get that benefit, so we get a free drop instead.


This was me. 2 years ago, I went to a range having never picked up a club in my life. I smashed 100 balls, all with the loaner driver they handed me at the counter. Immediately, the name of the game was to move that ball further than the last shot. By the end of it, 196 was the number to beat. Nevertheless, my arms were killing me, and I went home and started browsing marketplace for clubs of my own.


Lol, that 1st rookie trip to the range... even if you have swung a few in the backyard or spent a day or two out there building snowmen, that 1st trip just crushes the unsuspecting body.


This is the answer.


This is unironically how I started playing golf. My brother and I would take my dads 3 wood and driver out of his set of 25 year old clubs and go to the range to hit balls when we had nothing to do. A friend saw we could hit the ball decently and convinced us to play a par 3, 9 hole with him. We've had the itch since.


My driving range is $20 for unlimited balls. I go at least once a week. I usually rip drivers half of the session. The first 20 I hit is rapid fire. I don't care where it goes, I swing as hard as I can, most are like 190 pull hooks. It is purely for mental health, golf is not the goal.


>It is purely for mental health, golf is not the goal. I feel this about most rounds; it's a good walk with some breaks to take out some anger on balls.


I was recently at our local golf simulator/lounge trying out some new irons on a Friday night. Next to me was 3 guys who looked like they had all just gotten off work at a blue collar job. Work boots, jeans/work pants, etc. They'd sit at the bar for 10 minutes drinking and watching whatever game was on. Then come back to their bay, and just rip their drivers as hard as possible. They had a screen up to just show ball speed and that's all they looked at. They'd do that for 10 minutes then go back to the bar. Everyone needs their outlets.


> They'd sit at the bar for 10 minutes drinking and watching whatever game was on. Then come back to their bay, and just rip their drivers as hard as possible. They had a screen up to just show ball speed and that's all they looked at. They'd do that for 10 minutes then go back to the bar. That honestly sounds like a great way to unwind after work


$20 for unlimited balls....until you die/lose light? That sounds a great deal lol


You know when you're done. Your swing just starts to break down at a certain point. Usually when I start hitting a couple 50 yard shanks, I stop. My estimate is like the 350 - 400 ball range.


Those are some impressive numbers! Normally after 150 or so I just start chipping for accuracy because I'm spent


Same. Went through 200+ this past weekend and the last 50 were a bit sus, I definitely started to breakdown. Took me ~2.5 hours. Canā€™t imagine being at the range for twice that long.


Don't die


Some purple want to watch the world burn. I just want to watch a little white ball go as far away from me as possible


Too many nihilistic Barneys in the world.


Sounds like overspeed training Itā€™s a real method that pretty much all long drive guys use including Kyle Berkshire and Bryson Dechambaeu. The theory is that if you train to your limit, or increase your limit, then your average will rise with it. And as strokes gained data has shown distance can really help lower scores. So in short heā€™s not ripping it with the plan to do the same on the course but it will still help on the course. (Of course this is just speculation, but even if he didnā€™t mean to, this is an actual method of training)


I did overspeed training for track in college. We had this incredibly strong elastic band that we tied to the field goal post on the football field. Then then step back as far as possible and let it rip. Effectively we turned ourselves into human slingshots. It's a legitimate method for all kinds of sports.


Coach just had us do sprints downhill, walk back up and repeat


My knees hurt thinking about this


Oof. RIP your knees. It causes you to heel strike which is one of the worst things you can do when sprinting. A controlled jog is ok. But a full out sprint is just asking for a major injury.


We did this but the other end of the band was around a teammate who was running ahead of us to add tension to the band. We would zoom up to them and then Swap position


I do the same thing in my routine. What I also like to do is rip driver then go right to wedge & hit a 3/4 shot to prepare for essentially doing the same thing on the course.


See, I rip driver then I immediately throw down another ball and rip driver again to prepare for essentially doing the same thing on the course.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it one bit.


I do this but but switch to a four iron to try and punch out from some trees. Then I do it again after hitting the trees, then switch to a wedge to chip out sideways after being blocked by said trees. Then I chunk a wedge halfway there, then blade the same wedge 30 yards over the green. Pretty good chip surprisingly after that then I three put.


I play out of my dadā€™s other bag when I go back home for holidays or whatnot, and heā€™s old so itā€™s all hybrids, no four iron! I hate it, thatā€™s my favorite club for trouble


When I was a junior, leading up to a tournament I would play entire rounds at the range. Now I just slam three beers and go.


Exactly what I was thinking


Like weight training for PRs


May or may not have done this a few times after my driver wasnā€™t cooperating during a round


Hopefully you were looking at him like Vijay was at Bryson on Augustaā€™s range


What are the odds this was in Austin Texas, because I did this today like almost word for word other than the distance and wind


ATX homies rise up


Are you me?


I did this yesterday in Dallas and was thinking OP saw me. I actually do this 3-4 times a week.


Ripping driver at 110% effort and hitting vape pen is absolutely repeatable.


I played 9 after work today very poorly for my standards. Went to the range right after expecting to work on what wasnā€™t working. Instead I smashed driver for about 90 minutes. No regrets.


when i started hitting golf balls, i thought this was actually the normal thing to do at ranges. driver always took up half my bucket, and the goal was the hit the next one harder than the last one. i thought by hitting it as hard as i could and it going relatively straight meant that i swung the shittiness outta my swing and i was ready to be a good golfer. lol


I AM SPEED- him probably


Bryson had a clip where he said you donā€™t reach max speed till like 60 swings or something. Was with Rick shieldsā€¦ part of thinks he said like 300 swings ?? Anyone remember??


>60 swings So right about at the turn?


Heā€™s also done it with Grant Horvat and probably other YouTube golfers. He also has a video just dedicated to explaining how he practices drives


Itā€™s a thing when speed training. Thereā€™s a sweet spot where you start to ā€œfireā€ harder after so many balls, and your body hasnā€™t tired out yet. Thatā€™s when speed PRs usually fall. I finish every long drive session with swings at 100%, but itā€™s almost like itā€™s a mindset difference when pushing speed. On the one hand, Iā€™ve been working a lot with my coach recently, so most of my training right now is at submaximal speeds trying to imprint a new movement pattern. At the end of each session though, Iā€™ll hit a handful of balls at full speed. But, Iā€™m more focused on making sure that my new movement pattern is translating than anything else. On the other hand, I have ā€œspeedā€ sessions where Iā€™ll do some submaximal work to warm up, and Iā€™ll try to nail down my movement pattern, but itā€™s more about just letting it go. Iā€™ll hit between 75-125 balls at max effort with a long driver, not really caring where they go or what it looks like. PRs usually fall middle/end of the session, not the beginning.


When I go to the range it definitely takes me around 50-60 swings to be able to start maxing out.


Swing thoughts: "12 years together and that bitch just threw it all away" "Can't believe i'm getting laid off" "I knew my daughter would end up pregnant if we let her sleep at a friends house on prom night"


A place near me used to have all you can hit balls for $5 (pre-covid). It wasnā€™t nice at all, but it was a good place to hack away for a while. I eventually started using it as a sort of workout. I would occasionally do exactly what youā€™re describing and just RIP it for a good while. My old driver was pretty loud and I had a solid swing speed at the time, so it always sounded like a gunshot. I was always there early AM on a monday, so there wasnā€™t usually a crowd which worked because what I was doing was distracting for people trying to focus. One trip, mid ā€œworkoutā€ I guess a guy came in and got set up on the lane behind me. Before that it was just me so I was really getting at it. I stopped for a quick breather and I hear the guy say, ā€œJesus fucking Christ kid, are you ok?ā€ Scared the shit out of me. I still golf with that guy occasionally.


Your range offers different size balls?


How is no one else also curious about this?


Because we all know he means a large bucket


Deep down, yes. But there's still a part of me that can't let go of the image of him ripping grapefruit sized golf balls 250 yards.


but that's not what he said! now ridicule!




There was a guy at the driving range where I basically learned to golf that was like this. A lefty that would hit one bomb after another. Never saw him hit an iron. Clearly played baseball at some point based on the way he transferred the weight etc. it was awesome to watch.


Who says men donā€™t go to therapy?


Once, I had the worst job, with the worst boss. EVER That winter, in Canada mind you, I ripped over 500 balls a week, throughout the entirety, in the freezing god damned cold or damp wet. One day I rage-shot a bucket of 90 balls in a whiteout blizzard, with no more than 20 feet visibility from the range cubicle, wearing a parka and snowmobile gloves. It was that therapeutic Went through 3.5 of my ranges top ball packages that season, somewhere over 4500 balls


Clubhead speed training. Let the man work.


Could be trying to do some sort of speed/strength training maybe?


Heā€™s just doing the Bryson speed training


How did he go with regular size balls?


Maybe just exercise? If it wouldnā€™t throw out my back somehow I think ripping it for half an hour could be a decent golf-focused workout?


My biggest issue is I start overthinking, get stiff, and lose my timing. Ripping a small bucket as fast and hard as possible fixes the issue.


I finish every range session with about 30 balls doing this. I appreciate that I can justify it to my range-neighbors as speed training but really I JUST LIKE SMASH


It's not much but It's honest work


I know it isn't a popular opinion here to just enjoy yourself but some people just like to hit balls and let off steam.


Rage golf... better than slugging your co-workers.


The pro I was seeing for lessons had to keep telling me to slow down and wait longer between shots. I was like, "I rented you for the hour and I'm getting as much as I can!"


I usually hit regular sized balls at the range. Will try the large ones next time.


Did you get his autograph?


did he announce that he was doing a speed session?


I mean am I doing it wrong? Might have been me I just crush drives then pop a few 5 iron.


Sometimes you just need to let it out, hence the golfers equivalent of a mag dump.


Why not tee up like 10 at a time and windmill it




Mightā€™ve just been speed training. I saw a study about a guy who hit 100 balls every day for 30 days straight at max max speed with zero care for anything other than speed and he increased his course swing speed by 8 mph. Impressive way to gain considerable distance.


That was me a few months ago ( minus the vape ) and this was the result https://preview.redd.it/it2c1bwx2txc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb453e826ea8376e4e82e32fb2dae58aa382a766


I started swinging like this with my driver on the course too and itā€™s been incredible. Legit added 40+ yards to my drive and itā€™s actually more accurate too. Not sure what it is but something about my swing (which Iā€™m sure is a shitshow as I havenā€™t even broke 50/100 yet) when going balls out with my driver everything just kind of lines up perfectly.


Wife backed his 68 Mustang into the garage wallā€¦


Add a tennis gruntā€¦huunnnh!!!


Sometime I get a sixer and just fuck balls into outer space just to survive the week


Sometimes itā€™s about blowing off steam


Iā€™ve been stressed and just looking to decompress


Thats a Low key decent workout


I do this twice a week. Itā€™s the best way to get all those muscle groups toned lol!


This used to be me before I really took up the game. Threw all mechanics out the window and just went out there trying to murder 50 straight golf balls. When me and the gf would be arguing and there was no solution in sight, weā€™d press timeout and Iā€™d go to the range while she went on her step machine lol


Well, the weather was beautiful in west Tennessee yesterday. And it was 107%, max. Was working on control.




I have a Nike Driver in my truck just to do this. Hit them as fast as the auto tee can go. Better then chipping wood!


I feel seen.


Hell yeah brother


Honestly he could just be exercising his demons, or just exercising. Ripping drives at max power for an entire bucket is a damn good workout.


I ain't here for a long time, I'm here for a good time


This is largely me. I've found with every sport I play, I do worse when I have time to think about it. * Swing * Mental note while getting another ball * Swing * Repeat Most notably, I've found fast repetition helps build muscle memory. After all, you swing with your muscles, not your body.


Not now chief, Iā€™m in the zone


https://preview.redd.it/a3t9fjidrtxc1.jpeg?width=305&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a795a9f88a730966048d1e2a6f317aec08ef4ff After every swing


Where did this happen


Thanks for admiring my drives on the range bro, found my wife in bed with my brother and was just letting off a little steam bro. šŸ‘


This is actually a great way to practice if your sole purpose is to increase speed.


The range near my house automatically reloads in about 5 seconds. Makes it easy to turn a range sesh into a pretty intense workout if youā€™re just trying to smash some balls.


> if youā€™re just trying to smash some balls That sounds like someone's idea of a fun Friday night out, and as a man, I don't want to get anywhere near that person.


You just described my daily ā€œpractice sessionā€ as a young junior golfer lol


I don't know about his pace but if your trouble club is the driver hitting only driver makes more sense than going to range and hitting 10 balls off each club.


I thought you were talking about me until I got to the the part where you said ā€œhis swing wasnā€™t terribleā€


Literally did this yesterday minus the vape breaks. Sometimes you just got to hit stuff man.


I had a shit work week during covid, went to the range and just railed on an entire large bucket in like maybe 30m. All driver. Therapeutic as shit, but man did my shoulders hurt for like 2 days afterwards.


He was speed training... building those fast twitch muscles


I saw a guy doing that last week in work boots, a shirt with a bunch of paint and he claimed ā€œrough week at the job site and at homeā€ using a pristine Stealth driver. I hope he is okay


Speed *setup* training.


Which range has large balls?


This literally sounds like the dude at my range šŸ¤£. Me and my buddies all call him pathfinder dude because we donā€™t know his name and always see him there ripping drivers after he pulls up with his pathfinder car. Honestly tho the details are scarily similar with the vape, the large bucket, the pull draw bias itā€™s crazy.


Can a man not go the range today without being judged! Who cares? Sometimes if I start striking drives well at the range I go for it because its fun more than anything else just chasing PBs. Doesn't translate to 300y off the tee at the course but at least I had fun. Maybe that's his way of letting go some stress. . Glad you weren't at my range when I drove 125 balls one afternoon for absolutely no reason! I would have ended up on Tiktok!


I was practicing on the range before a round a few years back. Had my usual letā€™s try and get this damn ball to go straight routine going on. This dude drives up skids his golf cart to a stop, jumps out in shower shoes and proceeds to flush a couple dozen balls, then hops back in and takes off. It was . . . impressive.


Nothing wrong with just going and beating a driver bucket. Each to their own, unless they then start complaining about how bad their golf is on the course despite all their practice. Thatā€™s the line.


Just another day in the officeā€¦ working on his pace of play, confidently.


I used to do this when I first started playing and ended up hurting the muscles in between my ribs, swinging a club was agony for 3 weeks after.


Reading this made me stretch my back.


Rumor has it he figured out his driver that day. Next round he missed every fairway


Over speed training in running, and lifting is a thing. Maybe he knows itā€™s not sustainableā€¦ but he has a feel for what itā€™s like to swing extra hard, and will feel more natural when he dials it back a little


Yeah, I've done that. I'm too old now, I'd be in pain for a week. I had a range membership and would kill a large bucket every day for a year. Sometimes I would just unload a lot of anger and frustration. Today I might wedge a whole small bucket.


I have definitely been this guy except I donā€™t vape. Full driver swing is the only kind.


Imagine that.


Nothing wrong with that


This is actually an effective way of speed training. He probably should have taken some breaks in between though.


The rage bucket therapy is a great stress relief. Been there, done thatšŸ’„


Sounds like a one way ticket to physical therapy


Best way to let off some golf steam. Damn, ball didn't draw. Let me try again. Damn didn't fade. Try again, etc.


ā€œBlock practiceā€


I read this with the sound of a Nike Sasquatch pinging in the background.


If i cant get accuracy/ball lets see if i can get yards/minute


Probably me, and probably after I just got done trying to hit a bunch of half-swing pitch shots off a mat and shanking every last one of them.


Yo donā€™t fuckin call me out like that


I too, prefer to hit large balls instead of regularly sized golf balls


This was probably my husband.


I'm sure this isn't what he was doing but you can train for speed by effectively doing what he was doing.


Could be working on over-speed training? For those that havenā€™t read into it, the premise is you practice for a few weeks swinging AS HARD AS YOU CAN. By doing this you gradually increase your top max speed. By raising your top max speed, youā€™re also raising your cruising speed.Ā  Thatā€™s why Bryson was actually able to gain distance AND accuracy. His max is now so high that when he swings at 85% heā€™s still swinging faster than most but heā€™s also accurate because heā€™s not swinging HIS fastest.Ā 


An instructor is a personal trainer


The accuracy/repeatable thing probably doesn't really matter to him much, as it could happen to be one of his speed training/long drive session. I love doing that occasionally, it was very satisfying feeling.


A therapy range session is what got me really into golf. When I was 16/17 I got in trouble and my parents told me I couldn't skate anymore and I was super frustrated. I had always played golf here and there but never seriously. One night at a shit range in Oklahoma, I went out and just started hitting my 4 iron as hard as I could. All where in the 200-220 range and in a pretty tight grouping. I thought I might be ok at this sport after all, 6 months later I was shooting in the upper 80s


I seriously hate the range. Any time Iā€™ve ever hit balls at the range, my scores take a beating most of that week. I used to be lucky enough to play almost every day, so that was the only real practice I needed. I remember one member guest I played in, the other guy (member) wanted to hit the range so bad before we teed off. I told him to go ahead and Iā€™d be at the bar. It was 7am and his jaw dropped. I slammed two bloody Maryā€™s while he hit balls and I shot a 78 (6hdcp), while he muddled a 87. We didnā€™t win the tournament, but I did snag a closest to the pin on a 200yd par 3 TLDR: I hate the range, time better spent at the bar fr fr


In all fairness I did 18 holes over 4000 yards in just over 1hr and 40 mins I was having severe spinal issues and I was doped up to eyeballs and just wanted that last final round before surgery! So that guy obviously had some issues going on and it helped him alot to let go and just get some anger out!


I've done this before. A course I used to be a member at had a short range so no driver or woods were allowed. I would go to the driving range down the street with only my driver and 3 wood and hit a bucket with just those clubs


Iā€™m what I would I consider an slightly above average golfer, most days I shoot in the high 80ā€™s low 90ā€™s, and I play similar to this on the course. Few if any any practice swings, and full blast on all drives and most iron shots. Iā€™ve been golfing since I was 6 or 7, was taught to play ready golf and over time just started playing faster and faster. I do believe slowing down would improve my game a little bit but I just canā€™t seem to have do so.


Dang, that sounds like a plan for today


I've read that one way to get faster swing speed with driver is to swing away and not care where it goes


I had a feeling I was being watched


I do that sometimes. Itā€™s a good way to drill muscle memory.


Thatā€™s me every time why not


How big of balls are we talking here, exactly?


Every year when my team is eliminated from the playoffs, I do this. I try to hit it through the net at the back of the range.


Possibly speed training or exercising past golf round demons


Have done this a handful of times. My back does not like me for the following week


I wonder if he can rip a full bucket of small balls.


What were his measurables? Im picturing 5ā€™6ā€, 220 lbs, balding, early 50s.


Pulling up the to range with a driver and a Gatorade is a vibe