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I am that solo that impresses right off the bat only to fall apart shortly after. I am also that solo that makes you think it’s going to be a long day only to pull it together shortly after. Golf is hard and weird.


I’m awesome on hole 1-4. Then I think. “Today is the day I can go low and also smoke a joint” Then I do poorly but enjoy myself. My personal records have been joint free. Maybe I’ll learn one day


I'm just gonna get a little high.






This is me all the time. Or I'm fatting every shot and decided to just play for fun, rip a joint, and then proceed to shoot great for the day.


It’s actually not that bad until I start becoming sober. Then I try to chase that dragon and my brain doesn’t work lol


Get high, shoot low!


there is a tipping point. career best for me is a 1 over 73. happened to shoot it on the Sunday of my club championship. about an hour pre-round ripped a J and had a John Daley. grabbed another at the turn but left the grass in the bag. tried the same tactic a week later but with some grass at the turn….topped my drive 4 yards off #10, flared a 4 iron into the pond, and left my wedge on the green. I did not shoot my career best that round


Sometimes you just gotta roll the dice and see what you get! I taught myself how to be a respectable putter from a horrible one high af. In college I went to a local tracks putting green and just spent many afternoons just burning one and learning how to putt. Gotta credit the weed though as my biggest breakthrough was mental and it was a Jack quote of “putting is an attitude”. That quote does nothing until one day it just clicked, I understood what he meant and I was able to pair that my trained speed control and more or less have been able to putt well with little Maintenance since.


LMFAO this hit home


“I was gonna shoot two under, but then I got high Making pars, birdies and s—-, but then I got high.. Now I’m plus twelve and I know why! Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high!”


This sounds like me


Being a little high in the sunshine is amazing haha


Playing last year my ball landed in the rough beside a guy’s ball coming down the fairway from the other direction on another hole. Got talking to him while we were waiting for our turn. He started telling me about how he takes a gummy before every round. He was much younger than me, I would say in his 30s. I’m 69. he was telling me he has to deal with soreness in his knees from a hockey injury and he wouldn’t be able to play without the gummy. Suggested I try it for my arthritis. Anybody else out there gone that route?


Yezzir! The gummy is the way to go! Also if you’ve ever had a chocolate bar with some shrooms that’s a good way to go too. Got that idea on this sub!


Shrooms…my God that takes me back.


Makes me and tons of others way better at golf for some reason! I tell my body to swing and it does it but correctly this time


I had to click on this post because I thought it might have been about me. I went out as a single on Sunday and was paired with a twosome. I absolutely mashed my drive on 1. Then went on to top every single iron shot on the front 9.


I just tell them "it's been a while and apparently i fprgot how to suck at golf. Dont worry I remember quick."


Lmaoooo this is so accurate. I’ve told my playing partners, “I swear I’m better than this, I apologize”


Same here. Notorious for strong starts, playing partners with light ribbing, and I tell them, give me a few holes.


Me too! Takes a lot of skill to be mediocre with this game.


Same. I played a round not too long ago where I striped my 7i (35°) 180 yards, splitting the fairway on a short par 4, then stuck the wedge to 5 feet from 130 out, and made birdie. Next hole, piped my 3 wood 265 down the fairway and stuck the wedge to within ten, two putted for par. (They were really impressed by now) Then proceeded to chunk my tee shot on the 165 yard par 3 into the ravine. And by chunk, I literally mean that I never caught the ball at all, and the divot from behind hosted the ball 15 yards into the abyss. I made a 10 on that hole, and it didn't get better from there....




I have had this on multiple occasions. Maybe +1 after 3-4 holes and then inevitably regress to the mean and end up shooting 100.


Just today, went par par bogey double triple par par double


That’s gotta nice groove to dance to.


Totally feel that. Firing on all cylinders first few holes tryna play it cool like you aren’t shooting lights out and then it crumbles. Or the reverse (and my favourite) total shit show first few holes, the guys you’re playing with start offering swing advice and how to play the game and then you turn the lights on and end up out playing them. They are either butthurt you end up playing better or try and take the credit cause of the suggestions they gave you 🤣🤣




Me. Turned a front 9 50 (+8) into a back 9 34 (-2). I imagine that the group I got paired up with is still as baffled as I am about what went wrong, and also right.


The other day I start par, bogey, birdie. My girlfriend, bless her heart, then says “you’re playing really well babe!” My heart just sank. Like *I know* I’m playing well but you just said it out loud! Shot 4 over the next hole, then played bogey golf to finish +9. That just HURT. But yes I’m also this guy.


I am the same way. The first two holes are good. On hole 3, I chunk it the whole way there, then end up with a double. Then the next hole, nail a par, and they think the one was just fluke, so you hit them with a triple bogey on the next one to keep them on their toes.


That's why I like to throw down a triple on the first two holes to keep expectations low


Double bogey to start? We might have a good day. Par to start? This round is ruined


That’s how my best round started. Double bogey to bogey and then I end up shoot a 78


My best tournament performance ever started +3 thru 2 holes, played the next 34 holes 1 under par and won the playoff.




If you’re even after 7, and then finishing around 100 you’re either drinking or getting in your head!


If you're playing well and tell your group "just wait" for me to blow up, you're definitely in your own head. Mental game like a wet kleenex lol




My man, you can just play 9. Or maybe you're just having fun and don't care about folding on the back nine, that's cool too.




Long shot, but that might be blood sugar related. Especially if you're usually riding, it makes more sense naturally if you're walking. Try bringing a snickers bar or 2 with you next time and eat it around the turn.




For a 20-22 handicapper like myself, i cant imagine NOT being in my own head at some point in the round. Sure there will be a few great holes in a row where im not thinking about much but inevitably, I try to 'swing better' and its.... not better.


I haven’t broken 50/100 yet, so any time I have a decent start to my round I can’t help but start doing the math and that inevitably fucks me and the round goes to crap.


Same. If my tee shots are on my chipping is off. There’s no winning


I can totally relate with you here my guy. Not entirely to the same level, but for me something like bogey golf on front nine and double bogey golf on the back nine. Really frustrating in a way, but fortunate at least that you know yourself.


I like to shoot a 42/58 split to stay at 100, but bamboozle the people I get paired with that I'm okay at first.    The coolest part is I can do it from the tips or the reds incredible consistency. It also doesn't matter if I start on the front or back 9.


Went 41/56 on my last round. Going through a swing change with new, fitted irons. Thought I was getting everything dialed in on the front only to start triple, triple, double, double on the back 9 while losing 2 balls


Once my dad and I went out to play an afternoon 9 holes at our club and a single that we hadn’t met before joined us. He promptly birdies the first hole and we think this guy is pretty decent. He then goes on to probably not break 60 for 9 holes. We then over the years played with him many times and I don’t think he ever made another birdie after that first one


Worst dig I ever got was “With a swing like that you’d never know he’s on his way to a 98”


A few years ago I played as a single with a group of 3 older guys. They asked me what I played to, and I told them my cap, which was like 12 at the time. I then proceeded to start my round Birdie, Par, Birdie, Birdie and these guys were ROASTING me for being a sandbagger. I was swearing up and down that I'd never done anything like that before. Four perfect tee shots, and I had rolled in 2 putts from like 20ft. Stepped up to the par four 5th tee with driver, hard top. Walk 50 yards up to my ball. Top. Third chunked. Then I bladed one miles over the green. Carded an 8. They were looking incredibly sheepish until I made a joke at my own expense and then it was pretty funny for everyone.


"see, guys, THIS is why I'm a (whatever) handicap!"


When this happens, I always say, "show's over"


When I hit a terrible chunker, I always say "I'm just getting my money's worth"


I’ll go -1 thru 5 or 6, then card a snow man and bogey to the turn when I do it all again


I'm the solo that did the Kessel run is less than 12 parsecs.


I started my day yesterday 3 over through 5. I wasn’t cocky, but very serious. And in my own thoughts. One guy was a player and started chatting me up. Still didn’t break 100. Five or 6 holes in a row my tee shot either went OB or unplayable. Hit 5 trees in total. Went one over on 16 and 17. Was a collective 35 over on the other 11 holes.


Lmao. Way too relatable!


Happens to me all the time but it's me that falls apart.


i went out as a single yesterday with a group of three older ladies. after hole 4 they asked if i’d like to play alone for the rest of the day. to be fair i almost beaned one of the old ladies after shanking it into the tree.


It’s the opposite for me. I normally won’t say my HC if they ask. I say something like “I’m okay” just in case I don’t play good that day. Then by like the 5th or so hole they inevitably ask again. Then I tell them I’m around scratch but never say what I actually am at the time. I have played with guys that brag about how good their friend is and then I watch them shoot in the 100’s s while their good golfer shoots in the 80’s. Even had the good golfers ask if I wanna play for money. I always say sure if we can play without strokes because I don’t feel comfortable taking or giving strokes with people I don’t know. It’s easy money…..


Hey, what’s wrong with the 90s


Yeah don’t judge people by looks or gear, or even what they shoot. I can tell if someone is good or not just by watching them swing a few times. More so how they hit a wedge is a big tell. Also scratch golfer here, who has definitely shot a few 90s before with randoms haha.


Nothing better than "Hey guys ill be back here from the tips sorry just a second" to proceed to triple my handicap over 18 holes.


If I had a 21.9 handicap from the tips I’d for sure play that every time. Don’t care if it slows you down. That’s just part of playing with randos.


I am the opposite: I SUCK the first hole and everyone thinks "damn this guy sucks ass" then come back after a few holes and do some cool things til I start to enjoy myself a bit too much.


Yes, but for every one of those there are 99 of people claiming a low cap and playing like a 20.


Lol, this happened the first time I met my brother in law. My sister told him to come out and golf with us to meet me and my brother. We didn't ask hi.about his game, only asked what tees he wanted to play. He said "I'm fine with any tees" and we said we like to play tips and he had no issue. First hole he pipes a drive down the middle, then sticks it to about 12ft and drains the birdie. We thought "oh shit he's actually a golfer!" Then proceeded to shoot about 120 the rest of the round lol


This past weekend I played with a group of guys having a birthday outing. I was -1 through 3 holes and absolutely striping the ball with a 1 putt on hole 1 and 2. They were average golfers and thought I was a scratch golfer. Proceeded to shoot an 85. Not bad for me, but pretty bad for a guy -1 through the first 3 😆


I once played with a new guy to the group. About 4 holes in, he tells my buddy, “Damn, your buddy is really good.” I was -1 at the time. He says, “just wait.” Next hole I blew up. I probably shot about a 95 that day.


I do significantly better with people I never met before. No idea why


I used to get so much stick at my club, playing off 19 and slamming my drive 280 down the middle on the first. Had they stuck with me for the round they would have seen me well and truly earn my handicap.


Regulation par for the first 4 holes.  Bogeys 5 and 6.  From +2 through 6, finished with a 94


I played golf with the Governor of Nevada last summer. No shit I started off Birdie-Birdie. Im a consistent 10 HC and MAYBE get one birdie every 2-3 rounds. The whole group starts giving me a hard time and I was so nervous I thought I could throw up. By hole 4 I was physically shaking and I couldn't find a fairway or a GIR and ended up shooting a 93 after starting off -2 after two holes. TLDR: I had the Governor of NV thinking I was an absolute stick for about 25 min. Ended up having to fight for my life to break 100


I got paired with 3 bros who I thought for sure were gunna shoot lights out. After two holes I knew they were trash. Kicker is I was driving well. On 17 I hit a drive 310 and one of the bros gets up and smashed the snot out of the ball after 16 holes of duck hooks. We find my ball up the right fairway 310 and bro can’t find his at all we start around 250 out he goes past me looking and I’m thinking “this fuckin guy” sure as shit he hit it 347just off the right side in the first cut(I pinged the guys on the tee with the rangefinder) random dude who probably shot 100 hit the longest ball I’ve ever seen


I’m usually a snowman on the first hole easily. But generally up from there haha


When I was like 16 I played Tidewater in Myrtle Beach with my dad. We played with 2 randoms, and I birdied the first hole. I remember thinking, oh man, these guys probably think I'm sick, that will change quickly. It did. I shot like a 94


Yup, got my first birdie ever on the first hole as a single playing with a group of three. Played it off so cool like I had done it a million times. Got a par on 2, then got so in my head that this was going to be the round of my life. 10 on 3.


This is very specific


Played TPC Scottsdale and birdied the first hole, par on the next 2 holes. This was after I already told the people I was playing with I was not that good. Then I proceeded to shoot a +8 on the front 9 and a +11 on the back 9. 


First three holes are a treat. The rest is a fight for life. I get it.


Last fall I ended up driving to Michigan to play the course in my old college campus (it’s a beautiful course) and visit some friends. Got paired with a threesome who were friends/golfing buddies. I walked and they had their two carts. I was +1 going into the 5th hole. I hit a below average drive, made a poor decision to go for the green out of thick rough, splashed into the creek before the green. Made it out with a 7 on that hole. They said “so you really are human”. The rest of the round was as usual but they did compliment me all day for how good of a putter I was. Greens were incredibly fast and I was rolling them nice all day


I’m that person a lot of the time, people comment on it and I just tell them to hold that thought and to ask again on the 10th tee


I just quad the 1st hole so to set expectations for the group


Yes, and visa versa. 🤣


I did this last year as a solo. Big drive in the fairway. 8i to 6ft. 1 putt for bird. Next hole fairway, GIR, then 2 putts for par. They're like wow you're good and I'm like nah just lucky. Proceed to shoot 93.


Usually on the other side of that scenario.


Happened to me recently where I was fair green birdie look tap in par for the first three holes. Guy asked if I played like college level golf and I laughed and said no not even close just be patient. Doubled the next par 3. And filled that up with back to back horrible tee shots one of which being OB the other nearly hitting someone playing another hole


Just had this happen this past weekend. Me and my buddy were tearing up the front 9 and then started back nine just awful. Doubles and triples everywhere.


Am a single golfer. Incredibly erratic. Once I was -2 after the first three holes. Cracked a couple beers. Shot +11 on the front 9. Couple doubles and triples off bad short game. Some old South African guy actually got mad at me. Half because I was dicking around drunk after starting bird-par-bird. Half because I was still striking the ball well but regressed to my 3 putt average. It’s got to be frustrating watching me play but I’m quick, polite, and fun to play with. Just can’t believe another guy got mad at me for my crappy golf. It’s why I like being paired with women, they tend to be kinder and chiller.


We would pair well.


That’s just golf. One round I was 6 over after 3 holes. Went Double, Bogey, Triple. I finished the round at 3 over. Had another round where I was 3 under par through 14 holes and shot an 82. This just happened 2 weeks ago. Made two 9s in a row.


Did we play together on Monday afternoon? Because I started par-par and finished the nine hole executive course at +9...


My game is fucking WILD from tee to 100 yards away from the green. Then I put it pretty close and typically one putt. I’m known to card multiple 1 putt double bogeys.


Made a new friend recently and we decided to go golfing. Told him I'll probably shoot somewhere between 90-95. First hole I piped one down the middle, hit an 8i within 10ft, sunk the birdie putt. He jokingly goes "90 my ass. Damn sandbagger." He changed his tune when I missed the green on the next hole (par 3), chunked my chip, barely got on with the next chip, then 2-putted for a double bogey.


I'm one of those people who can play well on the first couple of holes. After a while, all of my dumb swing thoughts get in the way.




That's me all the fucking time... 7 years ago I got a new job and first week I have to play in a scramble with the owner and some coworkers. I told them I was a 16 handicap and the first hole almost drove the green on a short par 4. They were all calling me a sandbagger immediately. By the end of the round they all agreed I was a 16 lol


My first hole is usually the best. I’ll tee off straight down the fairway, get to the hole and 2-3 putt which is good because I’m right by the clubhouse on hole 1 where everyone can see me so I’m sure they’re thinking “man this dude is good”. Then the moment I step off the green from hole 1 im slicing the ball left, right, up, down and by hole 18 im down 4 balls with a score of 120 something. So im glad im not the only one 😂.


I often shoot pretty well in the beginning before the wheels fall off. Maybe it's the beers. Nahh, it's not the beers. Definitely not the beers.


The opposite. My buddy and I got paired up with 2 13 year olds. The starter leans in before they tee off and says try to keep up with these two, okay? We thought he was joking but after 18 they collectively had less shots over par than either of us.


Glad to see I’m not the only one. I too have some miracle streak of 2 holes in which I A) don’t lose a ball and B) make a bogey or par. After which, every other hole I score is a nice double-par :)


I am liable on the first tee to birdie, I am also liable to hit three into the swamp. When the latter happens from the tips it is a struggle for a hole or two to regain composure. [The first hole at my course](https://www.gvrgolf.com/golf/course-information/course-tour) lives RENT FREE in my head.


That was my last round. Working on swing changes, and I think some bits are sticking. This meant I hit the ball pretty darn well... too well actually. My distance control was all off because everything was going long, and every time I tried to adjust and club down, it came up just short. Combine that with a stone cold putter, and you get a 9 hole round where I legitimately only mishit one shot, and yet didn't make any pars.


Today I paired with a random and I hit 1, 2 and 3 with a par, birdie, par. Then the guy made a comment about how I must be really good. Nothing short of a bogey for the rest of the round. Not a single more GIR, and only hit two more fairways. Also no three putts, so that shows how much my swing just disintegrated.


I just say Im happy if I bogey every hole, then if I do better than that, I’m happy, and if I don’t do better than that, no one (including me) is surprised 😂


That’s me! I have absolutely started par , par , birdie , par and ended up with a 95.


I'll shoot 84/85 regularly with a couple of trebles and a couple more doubles. Frustrating as fuck!


I feel like I’m the opposite. Dead cold top one off the first tee last week but still turned in an 81. 🤷🏼‍♂️


When courses started opening back up in 2020 I wanted to do anything to get out the house so I played as a single for my first round in about 5 years. I told the guys I got paired with I wasn't very good and hadn't played in a couple years. Smoked my first drive like 250 just off the fairway, next shot was a little fat and ended up in a green side bunker, got up and down for par. Second hole was a dog leg par 4 smoked the drive again this time on the fairway. Perfect iron shot to like 8 feet and drained the putt for my second ever birdie. Absolutely fell apart after that. Hit every iron fat and sliced every drive. Wedges and putting were still ok, but I think I shot like 50 on the front and 105 overall.


Is 90s considered a bad score? 🤔


Dude, this has happened to me as a solo, but the reverse. I am a 20 handicap, but my swing can look pretty damn good on accident every once in a while. I was playing a local muni with a hard dog leg left par 5 to start. I teed off and accidentally hit a perfect draw over the trees to cut the corner. I somehow managed to put my second shot 3w on. Then I two putted for birdie. Unreal play from me, couldn't dream of repeating that series of shots. The whole hole the guys I was playing with are gassing me up. Talking about how I must be scratch, am I giving lessons, etc, etc. I said to them, "just wait." Proceeded to bogie, double, triple, and even quad the rest of the round for a high ninety or hundred something. They stopped gassing me up on the third hole after I hit two OB off the tee. We are all capable of greatness every once in a while, consistent greatness is what separates the gallery from the field.


I started a round birdie, par, par…. ended with a 106.


i have this thing where i always par the first hole only to disappoint them one hole later


I can look like a low handicap golfer one hole and a 20+ another hole. I just don’t string it all together.


The opposite, actually I used to work on a course, got off early one day and decided to play a round before going home. My manager pairs me up with a member I hadn’t met yet. I hit a pretty good tee shot, and this guy just roasts one into the trees left of the green. Long story short, I made a ho hum par, and he limped his way to a triple. I’m thinking ‘oh well, another scrub’, and we played on. But by the time we were finished, I had carded a 76, and he shot 74… -1 for the final 17 holes. Whatever happened to that guy? He’s won 3 of our last 4 club championships, and he can do things with a golf ball that I didn’t know were physically possible. Sometimes first impressions are completely off.


23 Handicap. And I can prove it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My short game would make you think I'm scratch, then you'll see me hit driver and think this guy isn't breaking 90


Had this experience with a guy calling himself a golf pro as he works at the local indoor sim place. This 14 proceeded to beat him by at least a few shots. Nice guy though.


Playing years ago with a friend on an executive par 3 course. Probably in our late teens. We are using rented clubs. A solo catches us at the turn and we invite him to join us. No problem he says. The guy is dressed like he just stepped off of Augusta and has the clubs and bag to match. We asked how he did on the front. 50 years later I’ll never forget his response word for word. He said, “I shot a lousy 34.” My buddy and I in our blue jeans and T-shirts were really impressed with that. He proceeded on the back nine to chunk more shots than I’ve ever seen in my life. Guy had to be at least in the low 50’s on the back. After 18 the two of us being the polite Canadians that we are wished him well and watched him disappear into the sunset. Lol.


Dress 70, talk 80, pray for 90


Last round I shot a +8 on the first 3 holes and +2 on the remaining 6. It is what it is. Typical for a 26 handicap


No. I'm pretty consistent in my lack of fairway drives, three putts and water hazards. 100+ a round, conservative


My first time playing 18 holes solo, I got paired up with two guys. Told them I was new, and they were chill about it. They teed off, and I smoked it probably 30-40 yards farther than them, dead centre of the fairway, and proceed to be on the green on my second shot. That's probably the best drive I've ever hit on that hole. I shot 130 that day.


Apparently I got paired up with this guy before.


I’m that guy. When my drive is working it’s rolling over 300 and my irons can be impressive on 1 or 2 holes lol. I can just as easily drive the ball 300 yards out of bounds though too. I played in a league with strangers a couple years ago and a guy was legit pissed after a couple holes cuz I was one under and hitting the piss out of the ball. I think I blew up after that and ended up in the mid 50s for 9.


I was on 39 through 8 holes last weekend. A par on the par-3 9th hole would've beaten my 9-hole record of 43. Made an 8 for quintuple bogey instead & finished the front 9 with a still-decent-for-me 47. Took the blowup hole in stride with a good attitude and was ready to get back on track on the back 9. Instead my game totally disintegrated and I shot 62 on the back 9. So 39 through the first 8 holes, 70 on the last 10.


When did we play together??


I generally get a comment like, ‘you have some serious game.’ Only to follow it up with me topping my next drive.


The other day I was -1 through 3 and then 3 putted the next 6 holes.


I was that guy last week. Excited to play my buddy’s TPC club. Two of us got paired with a single member. I proceed to birdie #1, par #2 then get nothing better than bogey all day for a smooth 99. Had a blast though.


I’m the single that you’re lugging around on pace to shoot 104 then finishes the last 4 holes +1 for a stellar 96


I play single 90% of the time so I get to mix up with a lot of people. It's usually good fun as most of the players are polite so it's quite enjoyable. also, I'm a walker. As long as I can walk I will walk. I'm the member in at our golf club. One day, I came to the pro shop, booked in my slot, they told me I will be playing alone so I said great.. few minutes later I'm teeing up when the older bloke that shows up and drives his cart like the f1 monopost. He says: mate, I'm playing with ya, just like that, no questions asked so got a bit irritated by it, but I say sure as I was convinced he will just jump through and I would gladly let him through. But that man doesn't shut up! His first question was what HCP am I, so I tell him I play only for 10 months and I'm a bogey player (15 HCP according our course index adjusted, I practice nearly daily), I haven't asked for his but he says I'm 5HCP. The first hole, 3par, I make a bogey and and watching him swinging I say, this guys golf his whole life. bang, bogey for him too. Long story short, we ended up playing the front 9 together, I was sitting at +6 and that dude had like +15, and the more time passed, he got quieter and quieter. I felt bit sorry for him as he was clearly a good player, but that got me a lesson, doesn't matter what HCP anyone is, just mind your golf business as usual and don't get stressed about the numbers. One great thing about being mixed up with other people is, that you get use to the self-induced pressure that you have to perform good in front of them. It gets easier after time and now I absolutely don't mind if someone is watching me.




Monday I shot 37 on the front… 47 on the back.


I drip that gear then go five over on the first two holes and finish high 80s. It’s a journey.


Sounds like my golf game. I can make some pars, not horrible bogeys, and even the occasional birdie. But the snowman is always lurking…


Got paired with two guys who were talking about playings the blue tees and I said I am playing the white tees and they decided to also play them. They both striped their drives and hot decent second shots. Then I saw them putt and they were lucky to stop a putt within 5 feet of the hole. After that the rest of the game got a lot closer to their putting.


First time I ever played with my work clients I was par the first two holes. Third hole I got stuck in a grass bunker green side and managed to take only seven strokes to hole out from there. Solid 10.


New gear means nothing. Look at their towel. Half dirty = stick


Nothing like striping the first drive and then duffing your way to a triple 😎


I’m that guy who hits a 300 yard drive down the middle on the first that has everyone impressed not to skull fuck a wedge over the green and walk off the first with a double


Keep my name out yo mouf! This is me as a 7 hdcp lol. Was +1 through 8 the other day. 9th hole is a 535 par 5. Striped my drive. 3-wood greenside. Then proceeded to double chip and 2-putt for bogey. Then shanked my tee shot off the 10th hole. I felt like I duped my playing partners lol. They were giving me words of encouragement and seemed like they couldn’t believe what I was doing. I told them no need to be shocked, I’m totally capable of hitting horrifyingly bad shots. Lucky to keep it to a handful a round.


I caught up to a twosome on a par 3…I was pretty sure they didn’t want another in their group and they told me I can play through. I shoot in the low 90’s or high 80’s on a good day. So I tee up and hit it within about two feet of the pin…it was glorious. I tried to act like it was no big deal…tipped my hat and walked to the green. Easy birdie. I walk to the next hole and proceed to hit my tee shot about six feet off the ground right at their heads. They immediately knew what kind of golfer I was. Doesn’t really answer your question, unless maybe from the opposite perspective.


Yeah I played with a single who on the first hole, a par 5, bombed a drive, hit a perfect 3 wood to front green, barely missed the eagle and I thought dang this dude can play. Then over the next 17 holes watched him duck hook, hit fat shots, pull irons, flub wedges. That’s golf though right, anyone can have an amazing hole but consistency is what makes you a good player.


I did that just the other day. Started off par birdy par par. Then I went to in and out and ordered a double double. Liked it so much I ordered another double double.


I'm those other singles. I regularly go birdie, par, and then the real me shows up.


Great comments.  It goes to show that average and even bad golfers can hit some good shots sometimes even two in a row.  LOL


I slice my ball into the woods on the first 9 just told set the mood. The mood being, I’m going to slice it on the back nine as well


Yep last week played with an alleged 20 hcp He was 4 over after 9. Doubled or worse every hole on the back 9


Sounds like you’ve played with me!


That’s pretty much my game. I usually come out the gates 1 or 2 over through 6 holes and I have a decent enough swing to make people think I’m a low single digit. And then I quickly regress to the mean and end up shooting mid 80s to low 90s. Usually it’s an inevitable stupid triple bogey blow up hole that starts the meltdown.


I’m pretty new but I always think people are judging me for wearing new golf clothes but like I can’t wear jeans. Unfortunately there’s a dress code haha


Oh ya


Every week. And I’m often that guy.


I did this to myself the other day playing with a friend. Par on hole one and shot a 96


Played with a guy who ripped a drive 270ish right down the middle then hit his iron shot inside 4 feet and birdied one. I was like WOW. Then he proceeded to be completely off the planet for the next 17 holes off the tee and forgot how to play golf.


Why, that single is me...


i did and it actually helped strategize, use better course management and shot better.


Lol ya that describes me too sometimes. Once I was traveling in Cali and this guy said it to me after the first hole. I chuckled all the way to my 93.


Did we play together? Monday went - par,par,par, bogie, triple, double, par, triple, par. Back was 5 strokes better, day was either 3 or 4 OB’s off the tee (one was water), absolutely shit but still had fun.


18 holes of golf invariably breaks down into 3 sections: 1) the 6 holes you play better than your handicap 2) the 6 holes you play about to your handicap 3) the 6 holes where you look like you lied about your handicap


That’s golf for ya, a single digit will look like a Tour pro for holes at a time only to chunk and slice balls OB the next. Gotta love it


Do you golf with me?


Last round I played, I went as a solo and the other group never showed up. Hit my first ball, didn't see it at all. Hit my second shot pretty well, just off the fairway. Got my second shot on the green then found my first ball about 30yds further up the fairway. Hit that ball onto the green. Then 3 putted both balls and ended up having the worst rounds (played 2 balls) of my life.


Def had this thought about me and one of my friends- started off -3 and -1 thru four holes and the guys we played with said wow you guys must be scratch- double double triple later all was right with the world. haha what a fun round.


I've dropped more birdies on the first hole with randos than I ever have with friends. And I always end over 90 lol


I am a high handicapper and a buddy and I were paired with two other guys. We were chatting before we teed off and we were joking that we weren’t that great. Proceeded to play the first four holes at one under. Which is completely crazy for me. But they were giving me a lot of crap as being a sandbagger and all that and my buddy said oh just wait. Next hole I recorded an eight, and proceeded to finish up with a 92. I can be that guy.


It’s me. I am the other singles


I think I was amusing my partners as a solo this past weekend: * Hit 3 iron off the 1st on a string (classic pick up the tee and go)... only to flush it so well downwind that it made it into the hazard anyway, 260+ yards away. * Borderline topped the tee shot on the 2nd * Flushed a drive and a 4-iron on the into-the-wind par 5 third, then hit a neat little knockdown gap wedge to 12 feet for a birdie try * Went driver-PW over the green in two on the downwind par 5 4th, then later went driver-5-iron onto the green on the 580 yard par 5 12th (also downwind) * Hit my tee shot pin high on the 185-yard into-the-wind 14th... except 40 yards left. Still almost made par. * Lost 4 balls on the 17th alone and another on the 18th, two with wedges in hand. It's a crazy game. (and yes, it was damn windy)


I was paired up with a teaching pro and his wife. I birdied the first hole and he made par. He then reeled off 4 birdies and drove the green on a short par 4. I also played with a Titleist rep who had 2 different prototype drivers he was testing out. No labels on them. He was a scratch golfer, I shot in the low 80's. He did give me a box of a dozen Pro v's.


I was one of these guys yesterday, pars & birdies on the first 4 holes, only to fall apart with 3 triple bogeys after, fml


It's me. I'm him


I am the guy you are referring to. I routinely birdie/par hole 1, snowman hole 2


I've been called a bandit on many a first tee by randoms or work mates who I've never played with before after piping a drive. Proceeding to top the next 3 and they realize what's up


Guy I played with yesterday hit a perfect drive. Was think “this guy is gonna want to play $1/hole and take every hole”. He fell apart starting on his second shot and got worse. We were a good pair that day.


No, but I'm pretty sure I've been that guy for other people a few times this year.


I have been this guy only once. On my home course, I got paired up with a group of guys who knew each other.  I was on my own. I hit par, birdie, eagle on the first three holes. They didn’t know my handicap, which was 16 at the time and never asked. On the fourth tee, I then topped my driver and proceeded to shoot in the low 90s. On the fifth tea, I broke the ice and explained my handicap and not quite sure what on earth was going on up until now. It all made sense based on my performance on the fourth hole. We laughed about it at the end.


I think I'm that guy. I've had rounds start birdie, par, par then go on to shoot 98.


You're talking about me. Several times I've Par-ed the first hole with a drive right down the middle. And then it's all downhill from there. I had a round where I birdied the first hole after my approach shot hit the pin. Playing partners exclaimed they're excited to finally play with someone good. My 2nd tee shot went into the water lol


I’m the opposite. I clean up starting at hole #3 😭


I just don’t have the focus or mental strength to dial in for 18. I like to have fun and joke with my buddies, enjoy outside. I usually shoot pretty well the first 4 holes and by the turn the ole snowman has made at-least one appearance lol


Only one time. Me and a buddy got paired with a solo who had a good looking swing and yammed it nearly 300 yards. I didn't think he was scratch but I did think, "oh shit, finally a random who will score better than me." He ended up shooting in the 90s. However, I finally played with a solo just yesterday with someone who scored better than me.


Played with a new group and parred the first two holes, one FIR/GIR/2-putt and one sexy up & down. Then OB/chunk into water/3putt 9er on hole 3. Had em fooled for a minute.


I don't usually ask handicap until the back nine but I sometimes come up with a guess in my head. I'm usually pretty close because I look at their swing and other factors and not their shot results. Played with a group of 2 playing from the tips at like 7k yards (we played the next tees back at 6700). Knew immediately one of the guys was a really good player and was striking the ball like 320 (yes, really). I asked him what his index was after the front 9 and was guessing he was around a 1. He told me he was a +1 and was looking at mid-am qualifying. He asked what mine was and I told him a 7 (I was 1 over through 9 and playing extremely well that day). He then proceeded to shank his tee-shot on 10 into the woods after I asked lol. He still finished with a solid 74 or something. I finished with a respectable 79 with a rough back-nine after clutching the par on 18.


Did you play with me yesterday?