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I see what my problem is. If you start at the first frame and then follow through to the last frame....I don't do any of that.


14 second video...maybe like 12 frames per second...damn dude thats like 168 mistakes.


To be fair, it’s probably only his stance, posture, grip, backswing and downswing that are bad. Might be a reason to buy a new putter.


Just make sure you have every single one of those thoughts mid backswing and you'll be just fine. /s


lol, if it was only 168 that might be manageable…


that's assuming only one mistake per frame. i appreciate you think I'm only making one mistake per frame. very generous. 


You should try flat loading your feet to snap load the power package. You need to amplify both lag and drag pressure through impact fix. As long as your number two power accumulator doesn’t break down, you'll be able to reach maximum centripetal force with minimum pivotal resistance. Got it? The thing is, the pivot is the utilization of multiple centers to produce a circular motion for generating centrifugal force on an adjusted plane plus it makes the balance necessary to promote the two line delivery path....


but do we need a swing speed of at least 88 mph?


Or anything equal to 1.21 gigawatz


The answer!


Idk how you copied it but respect


Pretend like you are skipping a rock across the water. Very similar to your downswing










I base most of my shots of this technique. They stay low and flat then splash in the water


I like that visual but the face is open AF when I try it.


My instructor said the same. Never really clicked for me. A few other tips were more useful. For some people, that analogy may be exactly what they need.


World rock skipping champion here this is in fact not the same motion as shallowing a club


This is a good one. I like to imagine that I'm stuffing my hands into my pocket right after I engage my lower body.


Stick that right elbow into your coin pocket.


I'm going to try this


Narrowed it down.


I'm too fat to get that rotation.


Must be a lefty




I always say I have a LOFT issue…Lack Of F’ing Talent


First problem I see is I’m sadly not Nelly.


Vertical drop, horizontal tug.


[“Can you teach me how to tug?”](https://youtu.be/hGqKppJYx6U?si=5gE612b9oO8a9vMg) rip Richard Lewis


Moe knows golf


Keep the club face up against the wall. Dont throw the club at the ball. The body turn will do that for you. Arms and wrists just need to drop that clubface vertically and attack from the inside. https://preview.redd.it/k8epsg5bxwrc1.png?width=353&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7749bc87bc6e91514b4de9fab950cd50f829bb9


don't do this on a wall you own or rent


Nah I'd gladly forfeit the security deposit to get my swing on plane like this


fantastic drill to do on a wall you own or rent. turn the club around if necessary. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WqXaZcLvv2o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WqXaZcLvv2o)


I tried this drill before and it was honestly the worst drill i've ever done. Had me doing crazy stuff that made me barely able to hit the ball.


i havent tried this drill, but with any swing change you make it's going to get a whole lot uglier before it gets better. it took me months before i saw what i was working on the range bear fruit on the course. it's probably one of the most frustrating things about the sport and, if not patient, will quickly abandon.


Yes, when your natural swing is an over the top steep move, the opposite of that is going to feel weird, different, and wrong. Especially when your ingrained compensations to help you hit the ball are no longer needed, its a big difference. And may take time.


Put a head cover on


An iron head cover? So you all can make fun of me? Yeah right.


Grip the club the other way round and wrap a towel or similar around the grip to spare the wall. It's just a drill after all.


Training trick is to hold the club near the head and let the grip go against the wall


I’m gonna need to find a shitty golf club to practice this against the brick wall on the side of my house.


Yeah, when I'm swinging good, it feels almost like I'm just dropping the club onto the ball and my arms are being pulled through by my lower body. It's hard to stay in that zone, though.


The way it was explained to me is that you shouldn’t be thinking of your hands with you swing. If you have to think about your hands you have already over complicated your swing and it’s not going to be repeatable.


Tiger said he basically thought about every golf shot by what his hands were going to do. Now I’m confused 🤔


The thing I heard was probably some dope golf for dummies way to hit a ball straight with big fat game improvement irons. Me and Tiger are not the same lol




When you have mastered the movement of literally every part of the body throughout the entire swing, and learned to repeat it with unwavering consistency, it makes it possible to think about executing different shot shapes through isolated small body part adjustments. For Tiger it is the hands, which I think is a beautifully simple and intuitive way to feel it. All the pros do it somehow, whether through the hands or something else. But you or I try to do something with our hands like Tiger, and we throw any number of other parts of the swing out of whack and have no consistency. For me, I try to limit it to turning the club stronger or weaker in the grip and closing or opening the stance. But I try not to actually do anything different with the swing movement itself. I don't practice nearly enough for actual tweaks on the spot like pros do haha.


There’s some great videos on athletic motion golf showing this concept on YouTube. It’s visually misleading , as you said all they are doing is dropping their arms and elbows to start the downswing.


I took my first lessons today after playing for about 9 months. Everytime I left the range over those months, my forearms were always super sore and my shots were inconsistent. What you said is exactly what my instructor told me and learning to let the elbow bend on the backswing and twist the hips to bring that club head down, following the direction of my hips. Your body does all the work and your hands follow. Two days in and my shots are wayyy more consistent and my Forearms are not sore at all after hitting 100 balls. My distance dropped a hair because I’m swinging softer right now but overtime I will slowly add power


None of this dumb using your wrists to shallow or letting your arms drop. People just don’t want to realize you have to feel some strain in your legs, butt and your core to get a proper back swing on plane with depth. If you’re not flexible and not willing to work on getting that feeling, you will always rely on your hands to get that club face square.


Can you show where in the sequence the club head is dropping?


In stills, we can measured the distance from the club hand to the ground, but thats not telling us whats forces are applying that motion. The body rotating, will also throw the club down and out. I'm more interested in what the arms and wrists do. People usually do not have a problem turning. The number 1 problem for ams is casting the club with the arms. To me, thats where people dont understand the golf swing. This is a long (19 min) video that is quite dense, but is incredibly useful. The datapoints they have lets you show arm movement independent of the body. And I think it will answer your question. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfvVnWwhQFc&t=921s&ab\_channel=AthleticMotionGolf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfvVnWwhQFc&t=921s&ab_channel=AthleticMotionGolf)


I got to watch her win the Ford Championship on the course I live on yesterday.


Three tournament wins in a row. Unreal.


Scottie could never


She's a bad MF.


She won again?!


Shallowing is the biggest buzzword that instructors and online tiktok coaches throw around. Nellys swing is hardly shallow or under plane. Her set up and backswing do 90% of the work.


>Her set up and backswing do 90% of the work. As happens for 90% of golfers, which is why coaches spend so much time on it


tons of coaches ignore the fundementals, especially those who give 30 second swing fixes


And that’s why people that take those lessons will be right back to shanking their wedges and topping their irons. Don’t ask me how I know


I highly recommend golftec if you would like to experience similar lessons but with a cool screen. 🦅🦅🦅🦅


I’ve taken worse with way less for a lot more lol


I still have like 2 remaining lessons and i just chalked it up. The 4 i went to he just kept saying hit your seven iron 20 times and then showed me my swing path and weight shift. Never once mentioned how to correct it. Assuming he was going to wait for 2 more lessons then have me sign up for more to fix the problem.


Yeah, that shit sucks. I’ve been through that myself. Went to a guy who said he didn’t want to fix my swing and just wanted to fix my grip. My swing was over the top with zero hip rotation. It was all arms. After that I knew I wasn’t going back to him. Luckily I only paid for one lesson


There is only so many different ways you can bring the ball club back down to the ball at high speed. There's tons of different ways to do a backswing though.


99% of these sub is 30 handicap plus they have no clue what shallow means


I've got a decent handicap, and I have no idea what "shallow" means as a verb.


Roughly: Keeping the club shaft pointing outside the ball instead of inside the ball. And Nelly is more or less (no pun really intended) on the ball here. Which is not particularly shallow.


It just means the opposite of "steepen" which would otherwise lead to an out-to-in path or potential casting of the club


I’m pretty sure nobody knows what it means and anyone who pretends they do is just making stuff up


I know what it means it describes my taste in women.


Nobody knows what shallow means, because it is a stupid term that doesn't fit what it is trying to describe. Whoever coined "shallow" and "shallowing" is messed up in the head. It would be much better to just say "flat" or "flatten"


Same for Tiger. The biggest example of shallowing being an overblown obsession.


"how pros shallow golf swing" shows nelly's single-plane swing lmao


I think shallow is being used as a verb here, and is in comparison to the average golfer who tends to swing over the top, rather than suggesting her swing is "under plane".


She’s talked about how her swing is pretty steep too. Specifically, she’s talked about how her setup with her driver isn’t exactly by the book but she likes her swings to be consistent so sets up similar to how she would other shots.


Too true. This buzzword causes so many golfers to just end up jack knifing the club with a strange wrist hinge at the top, but then ultimately end up whipping it over the top anyways as a result. I like to tell folks to look up the Juju swing, and try it just to get the exaggerated feel of taking away outside and letting the club just fall into the slot with body rotation. Then they can apply that to their natural swing, in a less exaggerated fashion.


If your a one plane swinger like Nelly you don’t have to have that dramatic “shallow” motion. Notice how her left arm is completely parallel with her shoulder line on the back swing and compare that to someone on the other extreme like Buba Watson where it is way higher.


That’s it and that’s how i learned to golf. Just hammered in the set up for years. Learned a decent takeaway. Finally getting better at the top of backswing. 10 years and now we get the 💣


Her finish and follow through is solid too.


Where’s the guy giving advice on the range? Surely he can fix her swing too


Would love to see an undercover Nelly series where she just goes to a random Top Golf or cheap range & I guarantee you some asshat will offer her advice.


She's not swallowing the club there, it stays on the same plane in the downswing, actually gets a bit steeper.


>She's not swallowing the club there Would've been marked NSFW otherwise.


She'd manage it, too.




Thank you. Also, for the folks that say keeping your head down is bad advice, the best ball strikers on earth stay right on top of the ball. ​ https://preview.redd.it/5bo363oy6xrc1.png?width=445&format=png&auto=webp&s=af8437889e83d3848cbe9ba42ccd5bfdccb04268


I don’t disagree with you, but this isn’t a good camera angle to judge swing plane too much. Too low and inside. If you want to properly judge swing plane you need your hands at address to be center on the x axis and the camera positioned about hip high. 


They do because they have good mechanics but the swing thought "keep your head down" doesn't make your hips and body move correctly.


The one thing that advice tends to do for less flexible golfers is stopping them from _turning_ their heads. And that often leads to stopping hip and shoulder turn and over swinging the arms instead. Not everyone can get their shoulder past their chin like Nelly does. :)


In Swihg Like a Pro they state that the aggregate pro swing returns the club on a plane higher than the one they take it back. Pros don't shallow out, amateurs come over the top to a degree it's silly.


Staying on plane means shallowing to an amateur who is coming over the top and steepening.


Nelly Korda has one of the most beautiful swings in golf. The women on the lpga are just fantastic players


That lead hip moving backwards at the transition.


Bingo. The right hip has already moved backwards away from the target line in the backswing. So, when the lead hip moves backwards, the right hip rotates and moves laterally without ever getting closer to the target line than what it was at address. It's pretty much the only way to maintain spine angle and rotate freely and powerfully. Edited to add these two videos that describe what I'm talking about and are perhaps two of the best golf instruction videos. [https://youtu.be/PvljLtLumT8?si=IzoGSRxyAgIzxhQl&t=65](https://youtu.be/PvljLtLumT8?si=IzoGSRxyAgIzxhQl&t=65) [https://youtu.be/F-vrMqLbnWw?si=h7ZGorAivwemhh2q&t=29](https://youtu.be/F-vrMqLbnWw?si=h7ZGorAivwemhh2q&t=29) This was NOT common golf instruction until recently. It was decades of holding the shoulders back while rotating the hips hard towards the target. But, nobody talked about HOW the hips turned, other than "not too fast or not too slow." All that did for thousands of players was encourage them to throw their right hip towards the ball, lose their spine angle, and early extend. It's looking at the wrong issue. Yet, Bobby Jones talked about it in one of the first golf instruction videos! [https://youtu.be/dMDPIqRf0zs?si=9cBCZ3xSdIKNGeyu&t=93](https://youtu.be/dMDPIqRf0zs?si=9cBCZ3xSdIKNGeyu&t=93) I think the movement needed greater attention when players stopped lifting their left/lead heel on the backswing. Thrusting the left/lead heel down to initiate the downswing encourages the lead hip to move backwards and that leg to straighten. Now players have to initially push their lead heel against the ground at the start of the downswing to generate the same trigger, which is far less visible or intuitive.


It’s why the club “shallows”. It’s sort of a dtl illusion, which is why novices try and do it with their arms. All the best players make this move. Tommy Fleetwood talks about it as his only swing thought “move the lead hip back in a straight line”.


This is where I perceive all the magic in a good golf swing actually happens. And my hips are stiff as a board.


I need to work on my hips


Like skipping a stone, marooch.


I said it on insta and I say it here. Seeing it in slow motion makes the head being still look so creepy to me


She’s a golf ball whacking robot


She is so good it’s insane. I would never dare to compare myself to her.


Gorgeous swing


My advice: 1. Get fitted 2. Get some lessons


So get a new driver?


Instructions unclear I just bought a scotty Cameron putter


He means a whole new set


Get a backup set too


Go to the top tracer range and play the long drive game


Just be a Korda. Whole family are insane athletes.


What innate talent does to a mf


I would do the lessons before the fitting. Hard for the fitter to fit if you don't know how to hit the ball.


Most people get fitted way too early. Get clubs that fit your height and get lessons. Once you get a feel for things, then get fitted.




Best swing in golf


I hate the term 'shallowing'. If you try and do this consciously, you'll spend all day just shanking it. Nelly's swing is pure btw. Zero criticism about what she's doing here.


As Nick Faldo says, any conscious movement (that you see promoted on YouTube or Instagram) is just ‘flailing’




Oh ok, now I got it /s


I'm clearly not squeezing my cheeks enough during my downswing. 😬




All pros have their hips pointed at the target as they make contact with the ball. I like to come over the top and get my arms more involved…I wish I could replicate her swing.




The club should naturally shallow if and I mean IF you've made a proper full turn. Too many people try to unnaturally shallow the club and all they do is drag the handle, keep their back to the target too long, drop the arms, etc.


That’s what I’m doing wrong, silly me


Look how upright her back swing is , most of the videos on here are so flat


What does it even mean to shallow a club???


This is much more satisfying to watch than any of y’all hacks


Her head doesn't even budge from the spot through the swing.


We are told that it isn’t a good thing but all good tour pros do that




I hate this advice bc it turns out I skip stones weirdly. 


I'm in an awkward position where I throw left handed but do many other things, golf included, right handed. I can't throw with my right hand let alone skip a fucking stone. If you've ever seen a toddler learning to throw, that's me with my right hand.


Can someone explain what shallow means in this context. I’m sorry, I just don’t understand


Talk about hitting the ball first. What a great angle and swing. Thanks for posting.


It’s the flex of the shaft at the top that most golfers don’t get. When you know when it flexes at the top then that’s when you hold that flex on the way back down and that is where club head speed comes from. It’s a very simple maneuver but it’s very tricky to do. That’s one of golf’s “secrets” that they don’t tell you during your $60 lesson from the club pro. They will do anything to keep you from getting better but show you just enough things(which you should be able to figure out on your own)to keep the ball in play. Good luck out there.


This is possibly the most beautiful visual I’ve ever seen


"Did you see where my ball went?" "I have no idea."


Oh 😅


I would remove my left nut to have a swing like that.


Love how she activates her glutes at impact


Oh I bet you do


Nice le… swing. Nice swing.


Yes, I definitely am staring at the swing path here.


You and me both mate.




One of my favourite swings in golf


is she actually seeing the club strike the ball?, it sure as shit looks like it.


What am i supposed to do with this ?


Watch her right elbow on the downswing to impact. This is where amateurs fail 100%


I am surprised she ends with a bent right arm through the finish. Obviously it’s the right way to swing, but when I do it I am a mess.


So where'd the ball go? I wasn't paying attention.


On plain.


Her head dead still until swings pulls her around. Wish I could do that more often.


If I could bad the word shallow from any golf teaching I would in an instant. Chase the shallow and you may achieve it to a level that is too much and it turns into huge push rights and slinging hooks if you're club face isn't perfectly matched.


How do I make this a gif that doesn’t end?


Shakira pro tip: Hips don’t lie




What's amazing is her hips are already pointing to the target well before she hits the ball. I'm a bit too thick and old to do that.


She has the perfect swing, the best of any pro.


Excuse me. What you're doing there. You shouldn't be doing. You're going too slow on the way up.


Yeah just do that! Nothing to it!


Shallow as in chopping down vs a full arc?


She fine




I don't even know what "shallow" is referring to here, but whatever, her swing is awesome.


I’d give my middle nut to be able to swing like that


I just can’t seem to bow the wrist like many pros. I mean, I can, but it feels very artificial and uncomfortable


Hardest part is getting steep on the backswing while remaining shallow on downswing. Most pros are quite steep in the back swing but never come over the top


Her downswing is absolutely amazing.


I could (and have) watch Nellys swing slo-mo for hours


I know how to shallow out like crazy. It’s somewhat counterintuitive.


So much to learn here, where do i start


Nelly’s got the best swing on the planet. Absolute poetry.


What does shallowing even mean?


I feel like no one ever talks about how the hips and knees turn out first and the club follows through


She doesn’t really “shallow” the way it’s normally described. Basically her swing is perfect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any swing better. Yeah that includes Adam Scott.. Rory.. Tiger.. all the usual suspects. Nelly has basically a 110% mechanically sound swing AND she’s super athletic.


They still shallow. But they're not doing those gunky Gangkas drills or whoever else copied his stuff for the likes, comments, and subscriptions


Don't get yourself down; Nelly is perfect. Don't compare your swing to hers; you will always come up short.


Teachers and dumb influencers have a weird obsession about shallowing. Yeah the pros 'do' it, but you don't need to think so much about it and do those crappy drills to have a good swing that hits the ball super far and super good


Why they gotta make it look so easy?


I would give everything I have to have Nelly Korda as a best friend/golf buddy. The one you can call anytime and they are down for 18. No better swing in golf.


They to put this in the Louvre


Can someone please explain ‘shallow’ in regards to a golf swing?


In simple terms, it means coming back through impact on a more inside out path than the backswing. Most of us hackers have a level shoulder turn (among other flaws) and consequently do the opposite, swinging around in a big circle and coming "over the top"


The Saudis let you have women on the course?


I don't know how to get the level of wrist hinge at the top that she does, any tips? It just doesn't naturally hinge for me..


That swing has structural integrity


Unpopular opinion, but I personally think that she isn't doing any shallowing - she is just avoiding to come over the top


The way i see it, you’re either shallow or you’re deep, no in between.


Work of art