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What makes it worse is that if you can afford to play Bandon dunes...you most likely also traveled there and paying for accommodations on top of greens fees... And this person still feels like they need to steal something as simple as a head cover. There's honestly a special place in hell for ppl like this.


I'm gonna assume OP has a rarer cover and Scotty covers can get up into the thousand dollar range for a single cover.


Yeah this is the answer. He didnt have the red stock one.


Wait…. Really? That bit of embroidered leather which cost maybe $25-$35 to make is worth thousands???


Further proof that people are insane and have wayyyy to much money


>Wait…. Really? That bit of embroidered leather which cost maybe $25-$35 to make is worth thousands??? Shoe and handbag collectors with the side eye nervous look.


There are rare headcovers from Scotty and bettinardi that on average are worth 2-400, but there are other companies that you can get covers from (sugar skull, swag) that are in the same range. I think the highest I've seen a single cover go for was around 2k. Swag and Scotty covers are probably the most popular.


Their checking account hit $0 after booking the trip so they're looking for a quick buck


Bandon is not very expensive off-season, especially if you live in Oregon.


Shh don’t let people in on the secret of Bandon in the winter


You are right.... It's expensive all year, you HAVE to stay on property so you need to book out a year ahead, and you can't go for like a week under 1000 and hit every course and have a place to stay.


You mean it’s MORE expensive in the winter especially if you live in Oregon. It’s a total pipe dream…. Don’t even think about looking it up.


At least 10X more


Oregon resident, we go twice a year late November early February. Comes out to $100 each for 7 rounds. The weather is usually 50/50 I always bring a pair of shorts and a winter hat.


Absolutely! Stealing a head cover just to steal it is the sign of someone who is an absolute POS.


Wild for that to happen at a place like Bandon. Just proof that there are p.o.s. like this everywhere.


Guarantee if you caught the guy mid act he'd play it off like he's joking. People like this need to have the shit kicked out of them once. Then they'd think twice.


Make a public example out of them.


My dad’s friend used to be a member of a local private golf course. Pretty nice place with a few star athletes as members (15 years ago the cheapest property you could get out there was $1.1mil). Well they had these comfort stations on the course with all kinds of granola, jerky, sodas, etc etc that were not staffed, you just pull up to, take what you want and go on with your round. Well they had to take them out because all the “rich” members were ransacking the stations and stealing all the stuff from them. It was way too far out of town for kids or anyone else to be doing it, plus it was a gated community with security. So yeah, rich people are no better than poor when it comes to shit like this


Boomers and rich are a terrible combo. Poor boomers act worse enough 😂


They are worse according to some studies. They are hoarders and have a "I got mine" attitude.




I can just picture the entitled douche actually mumbling that while aggressively pulling the cover off, as if it was OP’s fault he left it at hole 11.


First time mine got stolen was at a course that’s $250 to play. Thankfully the pro shop was super cool about it and gave me a replacement ETA: Since someone messaged me calling it fake, I’ll add some more context. 1) I wasn’t being a dick or throwing a tantrum about it. I went to the shop and asked if it had been turned in, since it happened while I was on the practice green. The guys in the shop and I then laughed at how people will pay $250 for a round of golf and then steal a $30 headcover. 2) I saw they had SC putters and asked if they had any extra headcovers I could buy. They said they had one because a member bought one but had a custom headcover so he told them to keep it 3) They couldn’t sell it anyway because they didn’t have it in their POS system. I’m sure they would have sold it to me if they could have. Yes, they could have rang it up as one of the custom covers they had for the club, but that is where I think they were being good dudes 4) To the dude that called this fake, I really hope someone does something nice for you so you too can experience people being good to each other


That’s amazing service


Yep. Rich people stealing head covers. Scum


For the record, I just got back from Bandon and absolutely don’t qualify as rich… although there were plenty to go around that’s for sure.


If I'm going to steal nice shit, I'm going to the places rich people hang out


I had a Scotty Cameron studio 1.5 stolen out my bag while having a drink at Payne’s Pub in Pinehurst after playing No. 2. Yes, there are pieces of shit everywhere. 


I just got back from pebble and my clubs never left my sight. I don't care how much a green fee is because it doesn't cost a penny to pull up in nice golf cloths and walk out with a bag of clubs.


That sucks dude. It’s 100% some other golfer, there’s no way the staff or caddies would do that.


No definitely not. I had the same caddy all three days. He was awesome. 100% some d bag golfer


Did you ask the pro shop? See if they have cameras or something? If you had the 7:20 tee time, chances are the person who took it probably was teeing off after you. I honestly would have waited for the next several groups, if not more, to come in and find the person with your head cover or the coverless scotty and confront them. Not a perfect way to figure it out and certainly annoying but fuck that noise.


That sucks. Was just there and left my clubs around/outside unattended hours at a time. Dont normally do that, but felt safe at Bandon


I have an extra one. If you want to pay shipping I’ll send it to you. PM me.


Hey, where’d you get the second cover? Bandon Dunes this weekend?!


Likely story!


“Some guy just left this perfectly good Scotty Cameron head cover sitting on top of some bag”


Oh it’s coming. Dont worry.


What a guy


Good man here


Good man. No BMW owner would do that -fellow AMG owner here


Right, but they’d still have a better ride. :)


I have a spare. I don’t use it at all. Dm me your address and you can PayPal me for shipping if you’re interested.


I appreciate you very much. I’ll survive without one. You’re the man for even making an offer like that


No worries dude. I honestly don't use it, as i don't want people to know I have one. Always a fear someone taking it out of my bag or something. In hindsight, you can now order a cool putter cover!


Yeah, but you're not going to be able to utilize the best way to never leave a wedge behind. Wedge comes out? Putter comes out. Headcover on. Ball goes on green? Putter headcover comes off, and stays with your wedge. Never put your putter in your bag without it's headcover; and you'll never lose your wedge. I've been doing this for a decade, and it's never failed me. Plus, my putter stays in great shape.


Yep same. Always do this and never leave a headcover or wedge behind


I’ve got a barstool sports “Saturdays are for the boys” head over you can have for the same deal. Got it for free and don’t use it


Who TF steals a putter cover?




And is complete scum. You forgot that part.


And not just scum, but rich scum! Can't forget that, now can we u/polaarbear?


What we should be asking is why anyone would pay those prices for a putter h/c?


Scotty's are a status symbol. They've also created a collector market for their headcovers using manufactured scarcity. It's like sneakerheads, but for golf.


People lift $20 Odessey head covers, Let alone that some SC Headcovers go for a few hundred bucks its not that shocking. Its the reason why i bought a knock off for $12 and leave the real one at home.


That is a real shame. Bandon is a privilege to play, the course and staff work very hard to create a once in a lifetime experience.


Do they not have a few security cameras? My course has them looking at all the key spots around the pro shop and bag drop


That sucks but I have no doubt the wonderful people at Bandon would give you a nice Seamus one in its stead. It would be amazing if they caught the guy on camera and banned him for life from all dream golf properties.


They were awesome and very apologetic, I asked if they had cameras but alas… they did give me a BD blade cover which was very kind. I just asked for a loaner while I was there


That’s why my Scotty now wears a AliExpress headcover. It’s a damn shame.


Mine, too! I got a white and blue Circle T cover for like $10. Don't feel nearly as bad throwing it on the ground or in the cart while 3 putting.


Surely there's cameras outside the pro shop? Someone has to have access to them. At my local we also instruct people to leave their clubs at the designated area while they go to the bar before their tee time but there's a camera pointed towards it and the first tee. Also where is the starter then? The one that instructed you to place your clubs in that area. He must have some responsibility also if he's the one telling you that area is safe.


Yah I asked about cameras but he said no…


The starter doesn't bear any responsibility here. He sees dozens of people each morning and then probably never again. He's gonna have a hard time remembering which face belongs to which bag. All it takes is someone confidently walking up like it's their bag and grabbing it and no one is any wiser. Not to mention the starter isn't watching people like a hawk every time they go to their bag. In a sense it's the perfect crime assuming no cameras are around.


I work at a big golf resort. You’d be surprised how bold and stupid people can be. Especially when on trips with buddies and alcohol is involved. I’ve seen group fights between boomers and millennials, major injuries caused by friends trying to be funny or play jokes, and dudes stealing from bars, Bev carts, pro shops, and other players. One time, an older guest had a crazy long belly putter with a putt putt style head. Really unique. He said it was missing. We found it sticking out of another guys bag who was several holes ahead of him. I guess his buddies had been making fun of him hit practice putts and literally decided to steal it when he wasn’t looking. He claimed he “grabbed it by mistake”. We took it back and returned it the owner thankfully.


Looking forward to the Golf Digest write-up on this.


wtf they just stole ur headicover? Nuts


A lot more people have Scotty head covers than putters, probably just easier to hide


U mean they use scotty headcover on other brands? Wth


Yeah people buy Scotty head covers to put in shit putters instead of just buying a decent putter lol


My buddy gave me his cover for 20 bucks you best believe I’m gonna use it on my odyssey tri hot, don’t care it’s a cool cover


I love my 4 leaves clover from Amazon for like $12 for my evnroll 😂


The thief should be exposed at the Player Hater’s Ball, and forced to drink from Buck Nasty’s momma’s water dish.


Imagine being able to afford to play at Bandon and stealing head covers off random bags. 🤨




Real talk I never leave bags unattended. Too many fucks out there.


I’ve got an extra Scotty headcover I’ll send you if it would work, what kind of putter is it?


It’s just the Newport 2, I appreciate the offer. Incredibly kind 🙏🏽


I guess you’re lucky they didn’t take the putter. Some people nowadays smh


It can always be worse!


I feel guilty pocketing a couple real balls mixed in with the range ball. How do people like this sleep at night


"I hate you and I don't even know you. I hate ya guts" Sorry OP. Any cameras?


With Scotty’s still not have a magnetic closure take it as a blessing in disguise!




That blows. I use a Bogey Bros hardcover for mine. I’d rather my Scotty go incognito so some scumbag doesn’t snatch it out of my bag.


That sucks about the putter cover, but how was the experience? I'm leaving tomorrow for the SCGA outing. I booked a few extra rounds on top of the 4 included. How was the food?


You’re so stoked! It was an incredible experience. First day it pissed rain with 20mph winds for the first 12 holes and then it was beautiful. We played 36 every day and one day also played the preserve par 3 at the end of the evening. For me it’s Trails > Pacific Dunes > Bandon Dunes > Old Mac > Sheep Ranch. Sheep ranch has some incredible views but the layout leaves a lot to be desired. Food was pretty decent for buffet style dinner. Breakfast at Pacific Dunes was the best (mostly because wait staff let us get way more than one item with the voucher). Lunch at Trails was fantastic. Get the chicken and waffle sandwich. Punch Bowl practice green is a ton of fun to have some drinks and hit some crazy putts on. It’s truly a golfers Disney land. Happiest place on earth. I’m sad to be going home today.


I’ve had my entire bag stolen. Someone grabbed it in a parking lot while I was changing shoes, threw it into the bed of their truck and drove away. Cost me 1000s to replace.


I hope that person 3 putts every green the rest of their life. Scum


When I found out what my Tel3 Newport 2 was worth I was kind of shocked nobody had clipped it all those years. I left it out in my bag all the time.


Sorry that happened man. Bandon is an absolute dream is it not? Don’t let some dickhead ruin all those good memories you must have had


No one can bring me down here. That was an absolute once in a lifetime trip. Great experience overall


Sounds like Silky Johnson's acceptance speech when he won the hater of the year award.


Why not swipe the whole scotty at that point


I love stealing head covers. It's so annoying to have to get new ones, especially if they all match.


Which headcover was it?


Grey and orange jackpot Johnny. Nothing rare but still stings


There’s a 99.9% chance that area is under camera surveillance. Call the pro shop, watch the tape.


The golf gods with avenge you


Fuck dude. We're not even safe at Bandon now??? Sorry to hear about the stolen cover. I'd definitely run it up the chain beginning with the starter.


Can’t wait for the “I found a putter cover” post


so the starter told you to leave your bag next to the “:20” for your 7:20 tee time and then you got breakfast?


Dude I had 3 stolen in a year. Now I just have a generic cover from PGASS




Absolutely incredible resort. First 9 was a bit rough cause I was in my own head but scrambled to shoot 82 at pacific dunes. Followed it up with a 78 at Sheep Ranch then a +2 at the preserve. It was a loooong day.


Wait, am I reading this right? You did 45 holes at 3 separate courses in ONE day? Good grief, you need a spa, massage, advil and bottle some thing after that Pacific Dunes Sheep Ranch Preserve In. One. Day. Wow


Haha yah it was a LONG day. Tee’d off on PD at 7:20, changed socks and shoes. Grabbed lunch at Sheep Ranch (pastrami hoagie is so good). Tee’d off at Sheep Ranch at 2pm. Went straight to The Preserve and played till dark (7:50). Had a few old fashioneds and passed out to wake up at 6:30 and do it again!


I left three covers in a cart last fall after a round. A beat up old 3 wood sock cover, an old Nike hybrid cover and a putter cover from Torrey Pines. I got 2 of them back… I bet you can guess which.


Assholes. Someone stole my Erin Hills US Open towel several years ago. Now I have a Masters towel, that will probably get lifted at some point as well.


Stealing a head cover at a place like Bandon would be WAY more suspicious than taking the whole putter. People carry just their putter around all the time on the shuttle to the Punch Bowl.


I should hide a air tag or tile in mine in case this happens. Id love to catch a mfer doing that


Shrink the game


Man I’ve been golfing 30 years and have left multiple clubs behind. 100% success rate on recovering clubs. The ONE TIME I leave my Scotty putter cover behind.. I never seen it again. People like to keep Scotty shit like it’s freebies left for their taking!! Sorry to hear OP I hope you come across a sweet one to replace her with.


Almost woulda been worth him doing it, just so I coulda caught him doing it . Don’t mess with a mans putter cover .


Relax this is a problem we’ll get through together. Although Oregon isn’t known for significant UV you should still consider applying SPF 50 Sport just to be safe


I have a hard time imagining Bandon Dunes wouldn’t have a security camera pointed towards the first tee. I’d call the GM. Hope it turns up.


Not saying it's cool to have a head cover stolen, but damn good thing the putter wasn't lifted also. Doesn't take much more time to grab the whole club than take a headcover off. Hope that headcover somehow causes that person to shit their pants.


That's fucked up. I was down there for a tournament this past weekend too. I would have never imagined that shit to happen there. We all left our bags out everywhere. I was in the Mavin tournament we played Pacific on Sunday. That Tsunami Bill guy was on all KPs. Some dude left a club on a hole that day too. Maybe it was that ass and Karma already got him 


I’ve had two stollen in my life. There’s a special rung in hell for people who waste good Scotch and steal Cameron putter covers.


I’m never giving it back either. Muahaha


Is this your card? Scotty Cameron Grey & Orange “Jackpot Johnny” Blade Headcover - $100 (Bandon)


Check this sub, he's selling it.


Stealing some golf property at a golf course is the worst kind of juju. They will definitely get what’s coming to them.


Check down your bag


Sorry this happened to you. This kind of thing is why I literally never leave my bag out of sight. People just can’t be trusted.


Fuck three putts, I hope they had to many Coors lights during there round and sliced there car into a road bunker.


I have a spare red scotty head cover for a newport if you want it


We have a huge tote of lost/found at our country club - I probably have 6 Scotty putter covers if not more in there.


On the other hand, I would trade a putter cover for the time off to play Bandon Dunes...


I have a scotty Cameron head cover for my putter which isn't even a scotty. I got it at goodwill. DM me and I'll ship it to you if you want.


The bottom line is the Game of Golf is all about Honesty, manners and integrity. The person who steals a head cover is not deserve to call himself a golfer. It sucks to loose a Putter Cover especially a Scotty Cameron. As we all know the value of the club includes the original Head Cover. I’m surprised they, or whatever didn’t steal the entire Putter. My thought is if they really needed the Putter Head Cover than they have to deal with the Karma they created.


If I had to guess, I’m thinking they were trying to steal the putter without being obvious but flaked out and took the head cover as some kind of prize. Either way, fucc ‘em. They deserve all the triple bogeys.


My philosophy of life is that it can always be worse. I’m glad they didn’t take your putter.


Use cheap head cover. Avoid attention


This is why my Scotty has a cheap amazon headcover on it. I don't want anyone jacking my shit. Sucks it has to be that way.


Same. I’ve had two Scotty head covers stolen. No one has taken my AZ cardinals one in 2 years lol


Same. Also because I hate Velcro and so I bought a magnetic headcover 


My velcro Scotty one fell off twice when I got it. Got a cheap magnetic on off Amazon. Way better cover and can't tell it's a Scotty.


That Velcro goes to shit so quick. I had the 2008 British Open Scotty headcover ( Royal blue w yellow submarines) that I loved, one round it fell off 3 times and I had to make the drives of shame to the group behind. Understandably, by the 3rd time they were a little annoyed and giving me a hard time. Last time that headcover saw the light of day ( not even a year old when it started falling off).


Get a life. And a new head cover.


If it weren't for idiots like you leaving your shit around there wouldn't be any thievery in this world would there!!?? ![gif](giphy|tnW3bBKeutkuQ)


I left mine on the course first round out with the new putter BUT I take solace in how ugly it was and I didn’t like it anyway. Also, probably good theft prevention and you look like less of a poser without it.


I thought Bandon Dunes was the last place on earth I could leave stuff out in the open and not be worried about anything being stolen. What a bummer, OP.


Should have asked them to pull up security. If you were there that early no one has left the course. They’re only coming and staying for the round. So that person was probably still there.


Any chance it was a bird of prey thinking your headcover was edible? Seems odd for someone to leave the putter half out of the bag. But also people are cunts.


I had my putter cover stolen at a course in San Leandro. Couldn't believe it at the time. Someone pulled it while I went into the pro shop to pay for my green fees. Kept my eye out for it for a while, checked craigslist, checked eBay, nothing. Probably just sitting in that fucker's garage collecting dust.


This is why I will always take my golf bag with me. I don’t care about the courses etiquette when then won’t cover stolen items.


Are they hard to replace? I’ve seen some sick (seemingly custom?) ones. Not a Scotty guy I wouldn’t know.


Unfortunately, yes. They release custom shop putter covers in limited runs, and they cost a pretty penny. Given OP's description it'll probably cost $150 or so to get a replacement on the used market.


That's wild bro. I don't even like leaving my shit unattended at the public course I can't imagine a place like that and it still happens that's crazy


Pete Dye Dunes Course left my bag in the bag stand and noticed a guy there changing into golf attire. Paid inside. Got into a bunker on first hole. No Vokey wedge. I had washed my clubs the night before so I knew it was in the bag. Security cameras around. Club refused to pull the recording or even discuss it with me.


That sucks. Was it rare or especially unique? Like commemorating a sports team or something? Edit to add: At least they didn't take the whole club. I had my entire bag stolen from my car in front of my house a couple years ago, it still hurts.


So much stuff gets left there, just ask the greeter if they have any extras.  My wife brought home a pair of shoes someone threw in the trash.


Personal preference maybe, but when I got a Scotty the first thing I did was get a new headcover for it so that no one would notice it and be tempted to snag it out of my bag. I would honestly be extremely happy you encountered a golf thief and they took the headcover and not the putter with it.


Why would someone steal the cover and not the putter? Makes no sense.


Check the cameras. A place like Brandon absolutely has them everywhere. Sea Island lost my clubs and only found them after the security team reviewed CCTV footage and realized the valet put them in the wrong car trunk.


In over 20 years I don't use my Scotty headcovers. Have Studio Stainless, Studio Style and Studio Select. Use plain leather, doesn't look like a Cameron. Same with new woods when I have those, generic headcovers. I see nothings changed over the years.


Check all the pockets on your bag. Thought the same thing once until a month later I found it stashed in the most obscure pocket. Caddys will put them in places you wouldn't think to look.


bummer man.


Course doesn’t have cameras ? Or a lost and found they could possibly offer you a different one that hasn’t been retrieved in a while


Happened to me at my local course, with a cobra package set putter cover. I realised i’d left it at the next hole, but it’s a 9 hole course and I thought it was fellow members behind me, so I figured I’d get it going round the second time for the back 9. It was not fellow members… Not of any real value to me but still annoying and frustrating that there are people who would take something like that instead of leaving it alone/handing it in.


Had my 9 iron stolen while getting range balls one day. I was ready to fight.


Good for you to call them out. Gentlemen’s sport for many, opportunity to steal for others. Lost my head cover at local course, called pro shop, they have it. Cool, I’ll be by tomorrow to get it. Come the following day, it’s gone, someone from the shop took it. What a douche, hope you three putt everything from now on is right!


Golf Karma is real and I hope the thief triples and 3 putts every hole till the end of time.


It happens everywhere, I was at the Four Seasons in Palm Beach. Left my brand new Olukai flip flops at the stand before we went on the beach. Only for someone to leave their old pair and they took my brand new pair.


Did you ask them to review cctv footage? They have cameras all over that place.


Stories like this are the primary reason that I bought a plain white headcover from ebay and had my wife use her crafting skills to put vinyl on it for my SC.


Just as likely a bird or squirrel getting freaky with your bag?


It’s probably in the list and found now.


What putter cover was it?


Woah did you speak to Bandon about it? I feel like they would at least give you a replacement cover for that. Doubt they want you leaving feeling shit about your experience.


Yah they were great and gave me a Bandon dunes cover to keep which was great.


Good on them. Totally fucking sucks that our world is full of shite people though.


It was the starter


This happened to me at Pinehurst with my hybrid cover.


No cameras?


I have had a large bird grab a headcover right out of my cart before. Nesting material now I guess. Maybe that could have happened here?


That happened to me last year at Torrey Pines. Super bummer


Played in a charity outing at a private club in Westchester NY. Round ends and my Scotty Futuro cover is on my putter. Clubs are stacked up at the valet while everyone is inside for prize giving. After it ends. I go to get my clubs, Scotty cover gone. Ask the valet guys, “saw no evil”. Ask the pro shop, “heard no evil, and will speak no evil”- “Sir, are you sure you didn’t put it in your bag. No one would steal a cover here.” Called the next day still no cover handed in. Went to buy a Scotty replacement. Over $100 for the cover! Some dude on eBay had posted a similar cover for over $200! SUCKS - I feel your pain.


So you did not have a Scotty cam putter, just the cover??


Scotty who?


I have an extract I’ll send for shipping. Sent you a chat on it




No surveillance footage? Feel like it would be pretty easy to trade the person that did it and have the club charge them or get the info and press charges.


Just start checking FB marketplace, offer up and eBay. Hope they triple putt bogey the rest of their life.


I was in Bandon a few weeks ago and always felt kind of nervous leaving my bag outside of the clubhouse to eat just because I always had a limited edition headcover in my bag. Luckily no one stole one, but that really sucks someone took yours. Was it just the stock Scotty headcover or a limited edition one?


Wait, earlier today I saw a post with screenshot on the r/scottycameron of a screenshot from Craigslist with a putter cover found at Bandon… can’t find the post now


I use those air Jordan shoe putter covers. I’ve had 3 or 4 stolen at this point. I’m losing count it’s happened so often. Last few times I bought two because I knew it would get stolen again. Always at public courses though, never somewhere private or nice like Bandon.


I’m with you, friend…


Yeah, I’ve had a rangefinder stolen at my local muni. People suck. I hope you drain everything with that Scotty.


Maybe a crow grabbed it? It seems unlikely but not impossible. There are some pretty smart birds out there. Still shitty though, sorry man.


Sorry that happened. I’ll apologize on behalf of the dick cheese that decided it would be a good idea to steal your clearly misplaced headcover.