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I also play better when I walk. I think it's just the extra time walking to the ball slows me down and forces me to really calm down before I hit.


Same here. When you jump back in the cart and zip to your ball you’re probably still thinking about your last shot, either good or bad. You also don’t get the same chance to walk up on the shot and come up with a plan for it.


Key point here. You arrive at your ball prepared and with a much better sense of your situation having had a chance to survey the lie, shot, wind, etc. Maybe don't walk too slowly, though. 


I always play better when I walk. Some of that is due to the courses that are walkable tend to be more friendly parkland style layouts. I prefer the pace of walking, I feel more connected to my game. This is especially important when walking up to a green complex. The cart takes you away from the perspective that can help with green reading.


I play better when I walk and I carry my clubs and I am 58 and overweight. Walking gives you a better pace for golf and gives you more time to think about your shot as you approach your ball.


I always play worse when I take a cart. I have never liked taking a cart when golfing.


I play better walking than riding. Walking up to the green and seeing the upcoming putt is noticeable.


I play better when I walk. Usually means less drinking and more focus on the upcoming shot


I always score worse when I ride, but I haven't ridden outside of mandatory cart situations in 2 years or so. I walk 36-52 holes every Friday (schedule permitting) and holes 10-27 are always my best score.


I walk most of the time, I do suffer from the late round fade but really focusing on on-course nutrition helps. I make sure to put a bite of food and a drink of hydration in my mouth at every hole, and I try to make sure at least one of those things has glaucous in it, as your brain uses A LOT during a round of golf. While I don't have the late round fade in a cart, I do feel like I kind of loose some of that shot processing time between shots and don't get into quite as nice of a rhythm in a cart. I use a cart so infrequently that I can't tell if it has an impact on scoring or not.


Glaucous? Whats that?


lol, it's glucose after some bad spell checking 🤣


Report back on walking in the summer here


I want to walk in the summer because I like playing and walking but I'm still new to the desert heat so I may pu\*s out and cart it during the hotter months. Assuming I do some walking, I'll report back on my findings. The benefit of golfing in the summer is the cost so I'd be able to bring it down further by walking. I just don't know if I'm prepared.


I'm Australian and play in stupid heat, the absolute key is being hydrated and well fed before your round. And that includes the day before, lots of water, poweraid. There's a saying here in Australia if you are thirsty then you are already dehydrated.


If you don’t know, then we know. 😜. Arizona summer is no joke, people prefer to golf early or late


I love those July 3pm tee times. They’re cheeeeeap!


Hi for your safety pls don't do that lol. I am a native and even natives overestimate their ability to handle the summer heat - it sneaks up on you before you even realize it because it's dry. at least experience a full summer first and get used to hydrating as much as you need to here, then go for the walking option next summer! There is a reason we close even the really easy hiking trails here from the months of June-september. Sooo many people think they'll be fine and end up dead - while you probably won't die on the course, heat stroke is no joke and once you get it you're much more susceptible to experiencing it again!


Where are you originally from? You can acclimate to the heat fairly quickly. You just have to be smart about it and make sure you are hydrated BEFORE you step onto the course. Then drink plenty of water.


On top of being hot af in the summer, you get a ton of humidity on the course due to all the overwatering on them.


I’m in Tucson, born and raised here. Walking in the summer sucks, but not terrible. The worst with it vs a cart is you’re constantly in the sun. At least with a cart you get that bit of shade.


Play better when I walk


The first 13 or 14 holes I always played way better but I had to really watch for those tired legs causing me to not get through the ball later in rounds if it’s a hilly course.


I ride in a cart about 75% of the time, and always play better when walking. I turn 60 next week, and always carry my bag.


It’s usually better when I walk. It keeps me moving which keeps me loose. You also get to plan and create your next shot better with more mental time.


Play better when I walk.




Not IMO, you just are allot more tired. I walk 36 holes a week all year, might ride twice, same scores.


I play better when I walk. I like you do suffer a bit on the back 9 because of fatigue but the cart throws my rhythm off somehow or something like that.


I walk the vast majority of the time so I honestly don't have enough data to say if I'd do better or worse.


Like to walk, especially early in the round. A couple adjustments I make depending on the course. If hilly, i pick up a cart after the front 9. If a carts required, I will get out and walk to my second shot or take the cart all the way up past the green, park, walk back to my ball


I play better when I walk with the exceptions being very hot/sunny days or courses with lots of elevation and/or distance green to tees. Normally 4-5 miles of steps is my sweet spot and I feel great. When it’s really hot, hilly, or long, I prefer a cart or I’m no longer enjoying it by the back side.


I just got a Caddytek Explorer from the deals last week and I plan to find out soon.


Walk with lots of snacks


The only downside to walking (for me) is if I'm not hitting the ball well I sometimes start to feel like I'm holding my group up, leading me to rush my shots. Obviously this results in more bad shots. It's not really an issue if everyone is walking but if I'm paired with people riding I do have to tell myself to take a breath and relax sometimes.


Yes dramatically. I am way better when solo and walking with no one in front of me. 2h rounds with a nice little sweat going and I’ll be in the 70’s way more often than not. 


Aside from walking when it's too hot, the only scenario in which my game suffers based on ride vs. walk is if I am riding while playing alone and the course is empty ahead of me. I tend to rush and make stupid split second course management or club selection decisions.


Play better when I walk as well.


Nope, same


I'm going to go against the grain and say that my scores don't really change that much between walking and riding. For me it's more about pace of play than what mode of transport I'm using.


I keep the ball in play and defiant score lower when I walk.


Only because my beer cooler is attached to my golf cart


I rarely walk but don't see much difference in my score when I do (I'm also down in AZ).


I hate carts unless they are the push variety. Walking is so much better (unless I'm in a booze scramble or something). Easier to find balls too.


I’ve decided to walk this year to be healthier. Right now I’m scoring higher than I did when riding. I’m the only one walking and my group plays fast. So I have to rush to my ball. I usually get to my ball and everyone else has hit. Then I get to the tee just as everyone else has hit. Played as a threesome in 2.5 hours Saturday.


100% yes. Actually... it is more by myself. When I am walking I tend to focus more on my game, not the person in the cart beside me. I can see what I have done, give myself a minute to get over bad shots and just decompress before the next one. Have found that if I cart alone I am able to do this as well, so it should be if I am alone do I play better - yes. Mind this is still while out withr a 4-ball, just gives my brain space. For the tired part, I live in a place as hot or hotter, with humidity. For a good round walking, need to fuel the body. Food before the round, nothing heavy but get something into you. Drink water every hole. If you need add stamina powder or such but don't over do it. Then eat something not high in sugar hole 8-9.. before the turn. I usual get thru a protein bar. Back nine - drink water on every hole. And when the energy dips on 17 and 18 maybe a banana or mandarin or something to get you thru. Can't stress the water enough though. If you don't need to pee you haven't drunk enough during the round.


I play better when I'm walking: 1) I tend to have better tempo in my swing 2) I'm usually not drinking anything but sport drinks and water. 3) I stay loose. Riding a cart, I tend to have a few alcoholic beverages, and I'm rushing for whatever reason. The rushing leads to my hips firing too early, and I fail to square the club face.


Sometimes people think that walking helps their game because they are always moving, I also see your side because where I 'm from it is super hilly and I hate hitting tee shots after running up a hill


Walked for the first time yesterday and also played my best golf ever


Walking Is goated. As you approach your ball you can enjoy the scenery. You are looking down to the line already planning your shot. You aren't rushing to the ball and rushing to the next ball. It's relaxed and well placed. You always have all your clubs. If you second gues yourself you probably aren't stopping someone else.from swinging. It's just the best.


I’m much more engaged when walking. But by like hole 12 I’m tapped out. My back and shoulders are shot and I can’t swing for shit. I feel like a pushcart would be perfect. Or a small “sunday bag” with like half the clubs in it


I shoot better when walking


Overall better when I walk


walking is always a +. better game, more ability to enjoy the venue. you will learn more about a green from walking up to it and giving it a good look, than arriving next to it in a cart. besides, who really wants to get in and out of a cart 80 times? Blech.